AT :: Volume #13

#1206: white collect

Outside cave entrance, then has 7-8 position demon race martial artist and that three Heavenspan Mouse dogfights! 洞口之外,便是有七八魔族武者正在与那三只通天鼠缠斗! Previously before Luo Zheng entered the cavern, struck to kill three Heavenspan Mouse, but on later, did not present three again...... 此前罗征进入洞穴前,将三只通天鼠击杀,但不就之后,却又再度出现三只…… Luo Zheng can discover that here the cavern, other martial artist can also discover similarly! 罗征能够发现此处的洞穴,其他武者同样也能发现! Approximately was first martial artist discovered the cavern, but is actually not able to resist with all one's strength here Heavenspan Mouse, then returned to lord city to call the companion! 大约是第一位武者发现了洞穴,但却无法力敌此处的通天鼠,便返回主城呼叫同伴而来! Now living martial artist also has the 7-8 position, but saw that this Dream Illusion Points number condenses everywhere one after another, floats in in the air, but martial artist corpse that died has gradually vanished. 现在活着的武者还有七八位,但看到这满地梦幻点数凝聚成一团一团,漂浮在空中,而死去的武者尸身已逐渐消失。 Luo Zheng counts the light group that Dream Illusion Points condensed at will, has about the previous ten groups of appearances, has previous ten martial artist to be struck to kill by Heavenspan Mouse, returns to lord city to resurrect. 罗征随意数了数那梦幻点凝聚的光团,大约有上十团的样子,想必已经有上十位武者通天鼠击杀,送回主城复活去了。 martial artist strikes to kill martial artist, can absorb the Dream Illusion Points number of opposite party for oneself uses! 武者击杀武者,能够将对方的梦幻点数吸纳为己用! However these Heavenspan Mouse, actually cannot absorb the Dream Illusion Points number, but after martial artist dies, will dissipate half of Dream Illusion Points numbers, therefore the present Dream Illusion Points number has just like become the thing of without owner! 但是这些通天鼠,却并不能吸纳梦幻点数,但武者死后就会逸散出一半的梦幻点数,所以眼前的梦幻点数俨然已经成了无主之物! Regarding Luo Zheng, this simply is the Dream Illusion Points number that gives in vain, where also has the truth of letting off? 对于罗征来说,这简直就是白送的梦幻点数,哪里又有放过的道理? Sees only his figure to flash, then flutters toward Regiment 1 dream luminous spot, under his body touches gently, these yellow luminous spots escape in abundance into his within the body, was absorbed by him with ease. 只见他身形一闪,便朝着第一团梦幻光点飘过去,他身体轻轻触碰之下,那些黄色的光点纷纷遁入他的体内,轻轻松松被他所吸纳。 Bold!” “大胆!” Courts death!” “找死!” Dares to absorb our Eighteen Evil Shadow Children Dream Illusion Points number, we must chase down you to arrive at the ends of the earth!” “敢吸纳我们邪影十八子梦幻点数,我们必追杀你到天涯海角!” 7-8 position demon race martial artist was still dealing with that three Heavenspan Mouse vigorously, sees the Luo Zheng's action, the violent anger gets up immediately, the sound of roaring resounds through this wilderness! 七八魔族武者原本还在极力应付着那三只通天鼠,看到罗征的举动,一个个顿时暴怒起来,咆哮之声响彻这一片旷野! These three Heavenspan Mouse move with that strange incomparable speed as before, once for a while uses that sharp front tooth, bites one on these demon race martial artist ruthlessly, this gets down, even the armor of divine item rank can still pass through, even demon race martial artist hard skin and strong flesh, but on them is still shouldering the wounds of deep obvious bones at this moment! 这三只通天鼠依旧用那诡异无比的速度移动,时不时就用那尖利的门牙,在这些魔族武者身上狠狠地咬上一口,这一口下去,即便是神器级别的铠甲也能贯穿,即便魔族武者皮糙肉厚,但此刻他们身上也背负着一道道深可见骨的伤口! This Eighteen Evil Shadow Children knows here cavern to bury the heavy treasure, is only three Heavenspan Mouse strengths is too strong, can only jointly. 邪影十八子知道此处洞穴之中埋藏重宝,只是三只通天鼠实力太强,只能联手而来。 Under engages in fierce battle, actually sacrificed the previous ten people of lives! 鏖战之下,却是牺牲了上十人的性命! Was good will not absorb the dream luminous spot because of these Heavenspan Mouse, dying martial artist is forced to return to lord city, after they resurrected, caught up again, own Dream Illusion Points number will attract to be OK. 好在这些通天鼠并不会吸纳梦幻光点,死掉的武者被强制送回主城之中,等到他们复活之后再度赶来,将属于自己的梦幻点数吸回去就可以了。 Their Eighteen Evil Shadow Children is intimate, this point can trust actually, therefore also no one seeks after the ground the dream luminous spot! 他们邪影十八子亲密无间,这一点倒是能信得过,所以也没有谁去贪图地上的梦幻光点! When who knows engages in fierce battle, in this cavern unexpectedly emits martial artist, seized the chance to absorb their dying brothers' Dream Illusion Points number unexpectedly, how can they endure? 谁知道正在鏖战之际,这洞穴之中竟然冒出一位武者,竟然趁机吸收他们死去兄弟的梦幻点数,他们如何能忍? Eighteen Evil Shadow Children?” 邪影十八子?” Hears their sounds of angrily rebuking, the Luo Zheng corners of the mouth curls upwards slightly, regarding their warnings, Luo Zheng has not actually placed in the eye slightly , to continue to overrun toward that bunch of dream luminous spots, will scatter in the light group rapid absorption of ground. 听到他们的怒斥之声,罗征嘴角微微一翘,对于他们的警告,罗征却是丝毫没有放在眼中,继续朝着那一团团梦幻光点冲过去,将散落在地上的光团迅速的吸收。 3000 points...... 三千点…… 8000 points...... 八千点…… 4000 points...... 四千点…… This scatters in the dream luminous spot of ground, although the quantity are not many, but each group of good and evil also several thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers. 这散落在地上的梦幻光点,数量虽然不多,不过每一团好歹也有数千梦幻点数。 Luo Zheng this absorbs, the Dream Illusion Points number in within the body rapidly is also growing! 罗征这番吸纳起来,体内的梦幻点数也在飞速增长着! When absorbs after these ten groups of dream luminous spots, in him has five ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, in addition previously other ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, the Luo Zheng's Dream Illusion Points number in restored the arrived 60,000 levels instantaneously. 等到将这十来团梦幻光点吸收后,他以内已经有了五万梦幻点数,加上此前剩余的一万梦幻点数,罗征的梦幻点数在瞬间又恢复到了六万的水平。 „!” “啊!” Transmits along with a pitiful yell, a demon race martial artist again horizontal corpse at the scene! That demon race martial artist actually by the head that Heavenspan Mouse passes through! 伴随着一声惨叫传来,一位魔族武者再度横尸当场!那魔族武者却是被通天鼠贯穿的脑袋! That red luminous spot is wrapping this demon race martial artist soul, flies to shoot to go in the lord city direction, one group of Dream Illusion Points numbers exploded, is fluttering above his corpse. 那红色的光点包裹着这魔族武者的灵魂,朝着主城方向飞射而去,又有一团梦幻点数爆了出来,在他的尸身之上飘动着。 Remaining six demon race martial artist see that also stares slightly, seems like the conditioned reflex to look generally to Luo Zheng, this Luo Zheng do not swallow this Dream Illusion Points number! This went too far! 剩下的六位魔族武者见状也是微微一愣,似乎是条件反射一般望向罗征,这罗征不会还要吞掉这梦幻点数吧!这太过分了! Their this thoughts just raised, the Luo Zheng's form then disappears same place, the suddenly time, he presents by demon race martial artist corpse that just now died, all annexes this Dream Illusion Points number...... 他们这个念头刚刚升起,罗征的身影便是原地消失,眨眼的时间,他就出现在方才死去的魔族武者尸身旁边,将这梦幻点数悉数吞并…… These six demon race martial artist see this, has been filled with righteous indignation, both eyes pupils, wished one could to feed Luo Zheng livingly! 这六位魔族武者看到这一幕,已是气愤填膺,一个个双目瞳孔,恨不得活生生啖了罗征 First killed this fellow!” “先杀了这家伙!” His exterminate, solves this Heavenspan Mouse again......” “将他灭杀,再解决这通天鼠……” Was too hateful!” “太可恶了!” These six demon race martial artist no longer pay attention to three Heavenspan Mouse unexpectedly, said that anything must first kill Luo Zheng! 这六位魔族武者竟然不再理会三只通天鼠,说什么就要先杀罗征 What coincidence is, two in three Heavenspan Mouse, plunge Luo Zheng unexpectedly at the same time. 巧合的是,三只通天鼠中的两只,居然也在同一时间扑向罗征 Facing this, Luo Zheng's look is indifferent, in his heart, this Dream Battlefield does not exist hatefully and excessively. 面对这一幕,罗征的神色淡然,在他心中,这梦幻战场不存在可恶和过分。 Everyone to rank in striving for success that's all, this is a great waves wash out the sand, the weak one is eliminated Dream Battlefield, expert will stand in this stage most! This is the significance that Dream Battlefield has. 大家都是为了排名在拼搏而已,这是一场大浪淘沙,弱者被淘汰出梦幻战场,强者就会站在这舞台的最中间!这是梦幻战场存在的意义。 Facing several demon race besieging of martial artist as well as Heavenspan Mouse, around the Luo Zheng's body appear white fog! 面对几位魔族武者以及通天鼠的围攻,罗征的身体周围浮现出一道道白雾! Eight Crooked Flying Smoke!” 八曲飞烟!” As before is Eight Crooked Flying Smoke! 依旧是八曲飞烟 This movement technique displays, regardless of the offensive of opposite party is how fierce, is unable to touch the Luo Zheng's sleeves. 身法施展起来,无论对方的攻势如何凶猛,都无法触碰到罗征的衣袖。 movement technique of this fellow, is quite strange!” Has demon race martial artist to exclaim. “这家伙的身法,好诡异!”有魔族武者吼道。 Several of us surround him......” “我们几个将他围住……” You circle to behind of this fellow......” “你绕到这家伙的后面……” However, stranger, appears in these demon race martial artist at present. 然而,更加诡异的一幕,出现在这几位魔族武者眼前。 The Heavenspan Mouse speed is extremely quick, perhaps Luo Zheng speed was well below, but when that Heavenspan Mouse plunges Luo Zheng's instantaneous, this Eight Crooked Flying Smoke then changes into wisp of light smoke to be the same Luo Zheng, has the fluctuation slightly, then can promote Luo Zheng! Distance of Luo Zheng among with this Heavenspan Mouse is away from three cuns (2.5 cm) throughout! 通天鼠的速度原本是极快,罗征本身的速度或许远远不如,但当那通天鼠扑向罗征的瞬间,这八曲飞烟便是将罗征化为一缕青烟一般,稍有波动,便能将罗征推出!罗征与这通天鼠之间的距离始终隔着三寸! Therefore in this group of demon race martial artist eyes, the Luo Zheng's speed also speeds up suddenly, speed and Heavenspan Mouse almost Dang! 于是在这帮魔族武者眼中,罗征的速度也是骤然加快,速度与通天鼠几乎相当! Because this speed is too fast, they almost cannot catch the Luo Zheng's form, how can also sphere Luo Zheng? 由于这速度太快,他们几乎捕捉不到罗征的身影,又如何能将罗征围住? While displaying Eight Crooked Flying Smoke, Luo Zheng does not forget to infiltrate Primordial Chaos Qi underground, forms a mysterious white light halo! 在施展八曲飞烟的同时,罗征也不忘记将混沌之气打入地下,形成一圈玄奥的白色光圈! Used «Thunder Tribulation Killing» copes with Heavenspan Mouse, Luo Zheng has twice experiences, this time followed a set pattern as before, after all three Heavenspan Mouse also had 3000 Dream Illusion Points numbers, what was only different, this Luo Zheng actually gives circle these demon race martial artist at present. 利用《雷劫杀》对付通天鼠,罗征已经有了两次经验,这次依旧是如法炮制,毕竟三只通天鼠也拥有三千点梦幻点数,唯一不同的是,这一次罗征却是将眼前这几位魔族武者给“圈”了进来。 Soon, in the sky transmits together the fearsome imposing manner suddenly, arrives along with Heavenly Thunder of hysterical/frenzy, all in this white light halo accepted Heavenly Tribulation baptism...... 不久之后,天空之中骤然传来一道可怖的气势,伴随着一阵狂乱的天雷降临,这白色光圈中的一切都接受了天劫洗礼…… With unwilling shouting, that six demon race martial artist then changes into six red luminous spots, directly soars lord city to go, but at present these three Heavenspan Mouse also explode, changes into the innumerable tiny dream luminous spots. 伴随着一阵不甘心的嘶吼,那六位魔族武者便是化为六道红色光点,直奔主城而去,而眼前这三只通天鼠也同时爆开,化为无数细小的梦幻光点。 These dream luminous spots in in the air float a while, then flies to escape toward Luo Zheng's fleshly body in! 这些梦幻光点在空中悬浮了一会儿,便朝着罗征的肉身之中飞遁而来! Six demon race martial artist can insist finally, the strength compared with was previously struck the demon race martial artist strength that kills to be stronger, the Dream Illusion Points number naturally also is more, the average a person also has 10,000 dream luminous spots. 六位魔族武者能够坚持到最后,实力比此前被击杀的魔族武者实力要强,梦幻点数自然也要多一些,平均下来一人也拥有一万梦幻光点。 In addition three Heavenspan Mouse Dream Illusion Points numbers, the Luo Zheng's Dream Illusion Points number has restored arrived at this moment 130,000! 加上三只通天鼠梦幻点数,罗征的梦幻点数此刻已经恢复到了十三万了! Luck is good,” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, the body floats gently, the vision looks into the distance. “运气还算不错,”罗征微微一笑,身体轻轻漂浮起来,目光眺望远方。 In this side Great Realm has innumerable lord city, but in Dream Battlefield is also divided into five ten Great Realm, now had this Teleportation Command, he has not actually returned to previously that lord city necessity, the present is the time of Luo Zheng frenzied plundering Dream Illusion Points number! 这一方大界中就存在无数主城,而梦幻战场中还分为五十大界,现在自己拥有了这“挪移令”,他却是没有回到此前那个主城的必要了,现在是罗征疯狂掠夺梦幻点数的时刻! Whether however this Teleportation Command looks like effectiveness that like that infers, in addition also needs to confirm. 不过这挪移令是否像自己推断的那般有效,尚且还需要验证。 Thinks of here, Luo Zheng then took Teleportation Command that white jade built, immediately extracted Primordial Chaos Qi in sea of primordial chaos, poured into this Teleportation Command! 想到这里,罗征便是将那一枚白玉打造的挪移令取了出来,随即将混沌之海中的混沌之气抽出一丝,注入这挪移令中! That Teleportation Command activated instantly, the release the white light, that white light extinguished together later. 挪移令在被激活的刹那,释放出一道浅浅的白光,随后那白光就熄灭了。 Sees this, a Luo Zheng's brow slightly wrinkle. 看到这一幕,罗征的眉头微微一皱。 This Teleportation Command...... useless?” “这挪移令……没用?” He is thinking, after next breath, Teleportation Command in hand then starts the strenuous vibration! 他正这么想着,下一个呼吸之后,手中的挪移令便开始剧烈震动起来! The strength of intense Space Law transmits to come from this Teleportation Command, that dazzling white ray then wraps instantaneously Luo Zheng, as if a small Sun raises in this wilderness! 强烈的空间法则之力从这挪移令中传递而来,那炽白色的光芒便是将罗征瞬间包裹起来,仿佛一个小小的太阳在这旷野之中升起! Long time later...... 良久之后…… This dazzling white light group dissipates, but the Luo Zheng's form also disappears on the spot. 这炽白色的光团消散,而罗征的身影也消失在原地。
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