AT :: Volume #13

#1205: Teleportation Command

This great golden buddha can let off Luo Zheng. 金身巨佛原本可以就此放过罗征 He indeed depends upon oneself strength, has rushed to this eighteen lohans. 他的的确确依靠自己的实力,闯过了这十八罗汉。 In this moment this great golden buddha heart also had a curious meaning...... 只是此刻这金身巨佛心中也有了一丝好奇之意…… Divine Sea Realm martial artist in the dantian opened side Divine Sea, true essence liquefies, changes into the sea water preserve in Internal Body World. 神海境武者在丹田之中开辟了一方神海后,将真元液化,化为海水储藏在体内世界中。 true essence that like this holds, no doubt were more than previously innumerable times, but eventually limited. 这样容纳的真元,固然比此前多了无数倍,但终究是有限度的。 The Divine Sea Realm Divine Sea size, in Buddhism, is called 19 the number. 神海境神海大小,在佛教之中,便称为“一九”之数。 According to the inference of this great golden buddha, so displays Chess God Sword like Luo Zheng, numbers of the most two sword. 按照这金身巨佛的推断,像罗征这般施展弈神一剑,最多不过两剑之数。 A sword, screens out half the true essence sea in within the body sufficiently. 一剑,足以将体内的真元海抽走一半。 Two swords, the true essence sea will then be dried up...... 两剑,真元海便会干枯…… Even if this Luo Zheng talent different reported that side Divine Sea is broader than the average man, but cannot escape 19 numbers eventually, three swords are the limits. 就算这罗征天赋异禀,那一方神海比常人宽阔,但终究逃不过一九之数,三剑已是极限。 If Luo Zheng has the big irony of fate, opens second side Divine Sea, most are also many sword that's all...... 倘若罗征有大奇缘,开启第二方神海,最多也不过多出一剑罢了…… In this entire world, if there is Divine Sea Realm martial artist, can cut four swords Chess God Sword, is the Heaven's Chosen characters of major influences, top existence! 这寰宇之中,若有神海境武者,能将“弈神一剑”斩出四剑,已经是各大势力的天骄人物,顶尖的存在! But this Luo Zheng look tranquil cut 17 swords! 可是这罗征神色平静的斩出了十七剑! This great golden buddha could not think through completely, how does this fellow achieve? 金身巨佛则完全想不通了,这家伙是如何做到的? Only if on Luo Zheng has supreme treasure, may in instantaneous supplement within the body true essence, or the law of cultivation substituting stealthily, can from extract true essence somewhere continuously...... but by the great golden buddha discernment, how can unable to look through? 除非罗征身上有至宝,可在瞬间补充体内真元,又或者修炼移花接木之法,能从某处源源不断抽取真元……但以金身巨佛的法眼,如何能看不破? So under the doubts, great golden buddha is actually wants to compare the broken joint, supplements golden light that four Taming Dragon Arhat contain...... 如此疑惑之下,金身巨佛却是想要勘破其中的关节,才将那四尊降龙罗汉蕴藏的金光补充起来…… Before for several years, Luo Zheng on True Extinction Road, encounters Second Apprentice Brother the time, Second Apprentice Brother also has this doubts. 数年前罗征真绝路上,遭遇二师兄的时候,二师兄同样也有这种疑惑。 Said actually not this Second Apprentice Brother vision compared with this great golden buddha evil and cruel, was only Second Apprentice Brother once about Master often/common Ban, actually knew the master to receive the condition of third disciple. 倒不是说这二师兄的眼光就比这金身巨佛歹毒,只是二师兄曾经常伴师父左右,却知师父收第三徒的条件。 It is not difficult to guess, what the Chinese dress of Luo Zheng this side Divine Sea is abundant is Primordial Chaos Qi, therefore is sea of primordial chaos, is no comparison between them with the sea of true essence, can therefore look through. 不难猜测,罗征这一方神海之中装盛的乃是混沌之气,那乃是混沌之海,与真元之海不可同日而语,所以才能一眼看破。 This great golden buddha no doubt knows existence of Primordial Chaos Qi, but that Primordial Chaos Qi is known as all living things source, actually is also the poison of all living things, if not big divine ability touching must die. 金身巨佛固然知道混沌之气的存在,但那混沌之气号称众生本源,却也是众生之毒,若非大神通者触之必死。 How can imagine has under some people able to understand «Primordial Chaos Secret Art» on this day? 如何能想象出这天下有人能悟出一本《混沌秘术》? How can also imagine leaves, on this day under some can people exercise this «Primordial Chaos Secret Art»? 又如何能想象出,这天下如何有人能练就这一本《混沌秘术》? Looks that binds Taming Dragon Arhat that restores rapidly, on the Luo Zheng's face reveals helplessness again...... 看着那迅速黏合恢复的降龙罗汉,罗征的脸上再度流露出无奈之色…… The Primordial Chaos Qi spending rate is not fast, Luo Zheng can cut the fragment this Taming Dragon Arhat as before, is these things can throughout by that golden light restoration. 混沌之气的消耗速度并不快,罗征依旧能将这降龙罗汉斩成碎片,可是这些东西始终能被那金光复原。 This way, when is a head? 这样下去,何时是个头? Comes again last time! 再来最后一次! Luo Zheng is not the person who easy to give up, walks arrived this one step, easily gives up not conforming to his individuality! 罗征并不是容易放弃的人,走到了一步,轻易放弃不符合他的个性! At present these crushed stones bind unceasingly in the same place, change human form gradually, but the body surface also covered entirely the innumerable say/way cracks...... 眼前这些碎石不断黏合在一起,渐渐的化为人形,不过体表还布满了无数道裂纹…… Rides them not to form, sword intent on Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword starts to glitter again! 乘着他们并未成形,雷风幽神剑上的剑意再度开始闪烁! break for me!” 给我碎!” pū pū pū ......” 噗噗噗噗……” Is connected including the above ten swords to cut, these Taming Dragon Arhat change into the fragment again, the ray between this fragments starts again dimly. 一连上十剑斩出去,这些降龙罗汉再度化为碎片,这碎片之间的光芒再度开始黯淡。 Also come?” “还来么?” Luo Zheng complexion complex looks at this Taming Dragon Arhat, in the vision is revealing color of the grim, wants this golden light again by fading to transfer hold, he really did not have the means. 罗征脸色复杂的望着这降龙罗汉,目光之中流露出一丝凝重之色,要这金光再度由衰转盛,他就真的没办法了。 After a breath, golden light again greatly rises in that stone section...... 一个呼吸之后,那石块截面上的金光再度大盛…… This made Luo Zheng speechless. 这一幕让罗征无语了。 His vision is to actually cross the gate of inner courtyard, in the double pupil is afocal, this looked at the past, as if quite had the profound meaning! 他的目光却是越过内院的门,双瞳之中却并无焦点,这一眼望过去,似乎颇有深意! Also is the Luo Zheng's vision, making in that great golden buddha heart move slightly. 也是罗征的目光,让那金身巨佛心中微微一动。 This child keen, he has not seen me to exist, actually knows me to have...... this is last time, if the probe your limit, I will give up,” great golden buddha said lightly. “此子敏锐,他并未看见我存在,却知我存在……此乃最后一次,若试探不出你的极限,我会罢手,”金身巨佛淡淡的说道 What a pity this Luo Zheng actually does not coordinate! 可惜这一次罗征却不配合了! Eight Crooked Flying Smoke!” 八曲飞烟!” The Luo Zheng's body surface dissipates faint trace white fog! 罗征的体表逸散出一丝丝白雾! After he chooses no longer cuts to kill that Taming Dragon Arhat, these stones in broken bits rapidly paste to attach, the needless a while time, four Taming Dragon Arhat are restores such as beginning. 他选择不再斩杀那降龙罗汉后,那些细碎至极的石块相互之间迅速黏贴,不消一会儿时间,四尊降龙罗汉已是恢复如初。 But Luo Zheng displays this Eight Crooked Flying Smoke, then walks randomly in these Taming Dragon Arhat with ease, their strengths are fierce, is actually not able to draw close to a Luo Zheng whole body three cuns (2.5 cm) distance, how regardless of these four Taming Dragon Arhat conduct the perfect coordination, Luo Zheng looks like one to slide does not keep swimming fish of hand, is relaxed walks randomly. 罗征施展这八曲飞烟,便是轻松游走在这些降龙罗汉之间,他们的力量再猛,却是无法贴近罗征周身三寸距离,无论这四位降龙罗汉如何进行完美无瑕的配合,罗征就像是一条滑不留手的游鱼,轻松在其中游走。 The relentlessness in attack of that Taming Dragon Arhat, the fist strength is sincere, but this fist fist whips, along with the sound of dragon roar, Might of Dragon Scales, actually fell on the vacancy in abundance! 降龙罗汉的攻势凌厉,拳力厚重,可这一拳一拳拍打而出,伴随着龙吟之声,龙鳞之力,却纷纷落在了空处! Luo Zheng even more is then carefree and content, stretches own body with ease, as if flutters general in the water, by tumbling that in all directions these Taming Dragon Arhat push, but the body has not had any has touched, has not come under any attack. 罗征便是越发悠然自得起来,轻松的舒展自己的身体,仿佛在水中飘荡一般,被这些降龙罗汉们推的四处翻滚,但身体却不曾有过任何触碰,也没有受到任何打击。 But his vision, then falls above the front door of inner courtyard once for a while, occasionally on the face also reveals the color of ridicule. 而他的目光,则时不时落在内院的大门之上,偶尔脸上还流露出讥讽之色。 This, acts shamelessly with me......” “此子,跟我耍赖……” Luo Zheng this action, made great golden buddha be at a loss in turn. 罗征这番举动,反过来让金身巨佛束手无策了。 Finally under this big buddha shakes the head, puts out a hand to pinch gently, pinched out four Taming Dragon Arhat the strength of incense and candle, these four Taming Dragon Arhat in this flash, maintain the original stance, standing was in-situ motionless. 最终这大佛摇了摇头,伸手轻轻一掐之下,掐灭了四尊降龙罗汉的香火之力,这四尊降龙罗汉在这一瞬间,都保持原本的姿态,站在原地一动不动了。 „!” “吱呀!” The front door of 18 th inner courtyard, was Luo Zheng opens eventually. 第十八个内院的大门,终究还是为罗征打开了。 On the Luo Zheng face actually reveals a natural expression, raised legs to take a step, bypasses that this motionless Taming Dragon Arhat, straight from walked toward the inner courtyard front door! 罗征脸上却是流露出一副理所当然的表情,抬腿迈步,绕过了那这尊一动不动的降龙罗汉,径自朝着内院大门走去! When Luo Zheng uses «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke», in the heart has made the decision, then consumed secretly with this person. 罗征使用《八曲飞烟》的时候,心中已经做出了决定,便是与这幕后之人耗上了。 The never expected that effect indeed is good, the opposite party approximately does not think that is feeling embarrassed itself, this opening. 没想到效果的确不错,对方大约也不想在为难自己,将这门给打开了。 After these 18 inner courtyard, is the inner courtyard. 这十八个内院后,还是内院。 But in this inner courtyard does not have the arhat statue, among then saved an altar. 但这内院之中已没了罗汉雕像,在正中间便存了一张供桌。 Above the altar placed a white jade to build the token. 供桌之上摆放着一块白玉打造了令牌。 „Is this reward in this hole?” “这就是此洞中的奖励?” Under the Luo Zheng vision sweeps slightly, actually discovered on this white jade Ling writes transferring two characters! 罗征目光微微一扫之下,却发现了这块白玉玲上书写着“挪移”二字! Teleportation Command?” 挪移令?” That entire world method of Greater Tele­por­ta­tion, only has Realm Lord expert to comprehend. 那寰宇中的大挪移之法,也只有界主强者才能领悟。 cultivation base achieves in that share, after there are controlled a experience, can comprehend the method of Space Teleportation! 修为达到那个份上,有了掌控一界的经验后,才能领悟出空间挪移之法! This Space Teleportation also consumes true essence, even if Realm Lord expert, after transferring the 4-5 time must stand still to supplement true essence. 空间挪移同样也十分消耗真元,即便是界主强者,在挪移个四五次后也要停歇下来补充真元 Hurries along in hundred thousand Great Realm, besides depending upon some speed extraordinary Divine Beast, transferred perhaps not two choices, Luo Zheng was stranded Immortal Mansion time, these Heavenly Venerable were uses the law of transferring to catch up. 十万大界之中赶路,除了依靠一些速度非凡的神兽之外,挪移恐怕是不二的选择了,罗征被困仙府的时候,那些天尊们便是施展挪移之法赶来。 Has this Teleportation Command, then can conduct the universe to transfer, the motion own position of wide scope?” “有这挪移令,便能进行乾坤挪移,大范围的移动自己的方位?” The Luo Zheng heart Central Plain was having a big hope to this cavern, after all to enter this cavern, he consumed three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points, let alone also delayed a lot of time in this cavern! 罗征心中原本就对这洞穴抱持着不小的希望,毕竟为了进入这洞穴,他耗费了三十万梦幻点,何况在这洞穴中也耽搁了不少时间! When he sees this Teleportation Command, thought that this token value returns to three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points that oneself paid. 当他看到这挪移令之时,也觉得这一枚令牌值回了自己付出的三十万梦幻点 Trouble that now Luo Zheng faces, is these martial artist refuses to go out of town, or after this group of martial artist discover Luo Zheng, will hide in lord city, Luo Zheng is means does not have! 如今罗征面对的麻烦,便是那些武者们拒不出城,或者说这帮武者发现罗征后,就会躲在主城之中,罗征却是一点办法都没有! But Luo Zheng in Dream Battlefield, was divided into 50 Great Realm. 罗征所在了梦幻战场,也分为了五十个大界 Does not depend upon the channel, wants to stretch across Great Realm, to Luo Zheng is also the matter that very time-consuming expends effort! 不依靠通道,想要横跨一个大界,对罗征来说也是一件十分耗时耗力的事! Depends upon this Teleportation Command...... to make Luo Zheng shuttle back and forth in this Great Realm sufficiently back and forth! 依靠这一枚挪移令……足以让罗征在这大界之中来回穿梭! Thinks of here, the Luo Zheng's heart is fiery immediately! 想到这里,罗征的心顿时火热起来! After he puts out a hand to hold this token, toward the deep place of this ancient temple had the profound meaning greatly looked at one again. 他伸手抓住这枚令牌之后,再度往这古庙的深处大有深意的望了一眼。 In this inner courtyard, resembles to have the gentleman of some great energy, but anyone, is actually and Luo Zheng not too big connection. 这内院之中,似存在某位大能之士,但无论是谁,却是与罗征没有太大的关联。 Posts Sumeru Space Teleportation Command, Luo Zheng is turns head to walk! 挪移令置入须弥空间,罗征便是扭头就走! This treads the inner courtyard, actually did not use the process 18 overlapping inner courtyard, opening the door was the outer court! 这番踏出内院,却不用经过十八个层层叠叠的内院了,开门即为外院! When Luo Zheng leaves the flash of outer court, that only long-lost six wing small light insects appear side Luo Zheng again, that Maitreya Buddha also quietly from an ominous face, the transformation is a smiling face. 罗征离开外院的一刹那,那只消失已久的六翼小光虫再度出现在罗征身边,那尊弥勒佛也悄然从一副凶脸,转变为一副笑脸。 This follows the cavern to walk, these spins every ten ten feets recover appear, Luo Zheng does not leave, familiar and easy leaves this cavern. 这一路顺着洞穴走出去,每隔十丈的那些旋光复又出现,罗征再不离开,轻车熟路的离开这洞穴。 Just arrived at the cavern entrance in Luo Zheng, outside sound of the intermittent dominating on hearing, actually sees above the open area outside cavern, is flooding the bunch of dream luminous spots, under these yellow luminous spots, but also have several the martial artist horizontal corpse in this. 就在罗征刚刚走到洞穴入口处,就听到外面一阵阵叱咤之声,却看到洞穴之外的空地之上,充斥着一团团的梦幻光点,在这些黄色的光点下方,还有数位武者横尸于此。
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