AT :: Volume #13

#1204: In the past was dignified

These four Taming Dragon Arhat golden light, originally already by star light, if annihilates. 这四尊降龙罗汉其中的金光,原本已被星光若湮灭。 But under the intervention of that great golden buddha, golden light greatly rises of this Taming Dragon Arhat within the body, torn to pieces statue actually rapid fuses in together, restores such as beginning! 可是在那尊金身巨佛的干预之下,这降龙罗汉体内的金光大盛,已经支离破碎的石像却是迅速的融合在一起,恢复如初! The star light of dissemination in this inner courtyard, is gradually gloomy. 弥散在这内院中的星光,渐渐暗淡下去。 The Luo Zheng's form appears gradually, when he looks to four perfect Taming Dragon Arhat, in the double pupil reveals together beside the accident/surprise, the complexion is also becomes solemn. 罗征的身影渐渐地显现,当他望向四尊完好无损的降龙罗汉之际,双瞳之中流露出一道意外之外,脸色也是变得冷峻起来。 Four Taming Dragon Arhat images of Buddha, unexpectedly powerful to this situation? 四尊降龙罗汉的佛像,竟然强大到这种地步? This Shining of the Stars is Luo Zheng utilizes for the first time, but a «Stellar Battle Body» explosive force strongest move, Luo Zheng does not doubt its strong destructive power. 群星之耀乃是罗征首次运用,但最为《星辰战体》中爆发力最强的一招,罗征丝毫不怀疑其强大的破坏力。 The might is not so able to tear into shreds these four Taming Dragon Arhat, obviously surpasses Luo Zheng's to be unexpected, even makes him feel arrived to be puzzled. 如此威力也无法将这四尊降龙罗汉撕碎,显然超出罗征的意料之外,甚至让他感到了困惑。 This eighteen lohans, inner courtyard rush, arhat strength in each inner courtyard slightly will be strong a point, but strength span between each arhats is not big. 这十八罗汉,一个个内院闯过来,每一个内院中的罗汉实力都会略强一分,但每一尊罗汉之间的实力跨度并不算大。 This Taming Dragon Arhat is the last inner courtyard, the strength is slightly stronger is also normal! 降龙罗汉乃是最后一个内院,实力略强一些也是正常! But the Luo Zheng method, is not so able these four arhat exterminate, this somewhat to be thorny unexpectedly. 罗征如此手段,竟然都无法将这四尊罗汉灭杀,这就有些棘手了。 He is not naturally able to see, this Taming Dragon Arhat restores such as beginning, is reason that because behind some people intervene...... 他自然无法看出,这降龙罗汉恢复如初,乃是因为后面有人干预的缘故…… That four Taming Dragon Arhat have not stood still, on dragon scales ray twinkle of True Dragon with shoulder, again from several directions toward Luo Zheng hold/container clip. 那四位降龙罗汉没有丝毫停歇,随着肩上真龙龙鳞光芒闪烁,再度从几个方向朝罗征包夹而来。 If traded other martial artist, perhaps will border on facing this situation desperately. 倘若换了其他武者,面对这种情况恐怕会濒临绝望了。 But regarding Luo Zheng, the present trouble, troubles that's all merely. 但对于罗征来说,眼前的麻烦,仅仅也只是麻烦而已 Facing four Taming Dragon Arhat that the package clamps, the Luo Zheng complexion mighty waves are outmoded, raises Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword again high, the long and narrow sword blade hangs in one side, wisp of light sword intent just like the temper of poisonous snake, is lingering the sword blade unceasingly turnover! 面对包夹过来的四尊降龙罗汉,罗征脸色波澜不兴,再次将雷风幽神剑高高扬起,狭长的剑身挂在一侧,一缕淡淡的剑意宛若毒蛇的性子,萦绕着剑身不断地吞吐! But Luo Zheng's vision, then becomes cold incomparable, as if he also becomes a wooden stone carving in this moment. 罗征的目光,则变得冷冽无比,仿佛他在这一刻亦成为了一座毫无表情的石雕。 In Luo Zheng the flash that Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword raises, the eyes of this ancient temple deep place that great Buddha actually glitter slightly...... 就在罗征雷风幽神剑扬起的一刹那,这古庙深处那尊巨佛的双眼却是微微闪烁起来…… Really, this child cultivated/repaired Severing Emotion Divine Dao......, although not complete, but by Divine Sea Realm cultivation base, comprehends so callous sword intent, makes the arrived pinnacle, if he makes up last to cut the meaning of sentiment, comprehension pinnacle sword intent, this sword, will certainly great accomplishment!” “果然,此子修了斩情神道……虽然并未圆满,但以神海境修为,领悟到如此冷酷之剑意,已是做到了极致了,若他补完最后一丝斩情之意,又领悟极致剑意,这一剑,必将大成!” After saying, this great golden buddha then in lotus flower the hand raises, this lotus flower then turning round keeping turning before him. 说罢之后,这金身巨佛便是将手中莲花扬起,这一株莲花便在他面前滴溜溜的转个不停。 Has a furcation above the trunk and branches of this lotus flower, but the peak of this furcation, is a seed case of lotus flower grows with that lotus flower and together. 在这一朵莲花的枝干之上有一个分叉,而这分叉的顶端,则是一个莲蓬与那莲花并蒂生长在一起。 great golden buddha has words at fingertips and writes with facility, is stretches out huge Buddha Palm to pick to that seed case of lotus flower, took out a golden lotus seed from that seed case of lotus flower. 金身巨佛信手拈来,便是伸出巨大的佛手摘向那莲蓬,从那莲蓬之中取出了一枚金色莲子。 Thus have I heard from the buddha, ten thousand laws all are the origins, in the past the heart was unavailable, now the heart is unavailable, the heart cannot result in the future......” “如是我闻,万法皆是缘起,过去心不可得,现在心不可得,未来心不可得……” When this great golden buddha read aloud, that golden color lotus seed as if melted together general, turned into drop of pure golden liquid, rolled in front of this great golden buddha unceasingly. 当这金身巨佛念诵起来,那一道金色莲子仿佛融化一般,变成一滴纯金色的液体,在这金身巨佛面前不断地滚动。 Under this drop of liquid gold rolls unceasingly, then starts to transform the infinite shape, the four limbs, the body, the head...... 这一滴金水不断滚动之下,便开始幻化无穷形状,四肢,身躯,头颅…… Finally, this golden lotus seed turned into villain, but the build of this villain actually looked like with Luo Zheng. 最终,这金色莲子就变成了一个小人儿,而这小人儿的体型却与罗征像极了。 great golden buddha is utilizes «Has not had Cause after» calculates the life of Luo Zheng! 金身巨佛便是运用《未曾有因缘经》推算罗征之命! So the law of calculation, is masterstroke/divine skill general big divine ability, in comparison, this round of Heavenly Way the calculations under of many Heavenly Venerable were also the pediatrics! 如此推算之法,也是神技一般的大神通,相比之下,这一轮天道之下的诸多天尊的推算也算是小儿科了! But this great golden buddha calculates half, in that giant double pupil is to actually reveal to wipe the unusual look, moreover is also suffering a vexed color however in this unusual look...... 但这金身巨佛推算到一半,那巨大的双瞳之中却是流露出一抹异色,而且在这异色之中还惨遭着一丝悻然之色…… Long time later, great golden buddha says, unexpectedly is Unfated, how to emit Unfated......” 良久之后,金身巨佛才开口说道,“竟然是无命者,怎么会冒出一位无命者……” This calculation, was halfway. 这推算,进行到一半已经进行不下去了。 That golden lotus seed changes into the Luo Zheng's contour, but that face, should be lifelike, with Luo Zheng long exactly the same, but the face of this moment this that golden villain as if covered the first layer mist to be common, is unable to congeal the shape! 那金色的莲子化为罗征的外形,但那一张脸,原本应该惟妙惟肖,与罗征长的一模一样,可是此刻这那金色小人的脸仿佛蒙上了一层雾气一般,无法凝结成形状! that's all, this Seat actually wants to have a look, when can you insist?” 罢了,本座却想要看看,你能坚持到几时?” great golden buddha was calculating, that side Luo Zheng actually already take action...... 金身巨佛这边正在推算,罗征那边却已经出手了…… Chess God Sword took out, that sword light then destroys the hardest defenses! 弈神一剑祭出,那剑光便是无坚不摧! The strength that the True Dragon stone carvings on four Taming Dragon Arhat dependence shoulders erupt is indeed considerable, but actually cannot block the attack of this sword light! 四尊降龙罗汉依靠肩上的真龙石雕爆发出来的力量的确可观,但却挡不住这剑光的侵袭! The sword of this no emotion cuts suddenly, that four directly soared the waist of Taming Dragon Arhat Luo Zheng goes, had/left thread! 这毫无情感的一剑猛然斩出,那四尊原本直奔罗征而去的降龙罗汉的腰间,就多出了一道细线 pū pū pū !” 噗噗噗噗!” Sounds of the four dull thumping sounds transmit. 紧接着才有四道闷响之声传递而来。 These four Taming Dragon Arhat were then cut two sections by Luo Zheng, the head and tail separation, falls falls on the ground. 这四尊降龙罗汉便被罗征斩成了两截,首尾分离,摔落在地上。 The wound place that but was cut by Luo Zheng, actually erupts to make a debut to say golden light immediately, under that golden light sparkle, among the bodies has together the strange strength, each other will bind again in one. 但那被罗征斩开的伤口处,却是立即爆发出道道金光,那金光闪耀之下,身躯之间产生一道奇异的力量,再度将彼此黏合在了一起。 This and other mysterious abilities, almost endured to compare the body of not extinguishing, how regardless of Luo Zheng cut to kill, these four Taming Dragon Arhat can always recover! 这等神奇的能力,几乎堪比不灭之体了,无论罗征如何斩杀,这四尊降龙罗汉总能复原! Facing this marvelous sight, the Luo Zheng vision is cold, the state of mind does not have slight touching. 面对这番奇景,罗征目光冷冽,心境却没有丝毫的触动。 This moment Luo Zheng's heart looks like the snow and ice to be generally cold, in does not have any train of thought that only then extremely calm killing heart, only wants to cut to kill these four Taming Dragon Arhat. 此刻罗征的心就像是冰雪一般冷冽,在没有任何思绪,只有万分冷静的杀心,只想将这四尊降龙罗汉斩杀。 pū pū pū ......” 噗噗噗噗……” Also is several dull thumping sound transmissions comes! 又是数道闷响传递而来! In addition these four Taming Dragon Arhat cannot crawl, the Luo Zheng's long sword cuts again. 这四尊降龙罗汉尚且没能爬起来,罗征的长剑再次斩出。 The sword light contains cold brutal sword intent, spreads together the covering of fan, cuts again above the body of this Taming Dragon Arhat...... 剑光蕴藏着冷冽残酷的剑意,扩散成一道扇面,再度斩在这降龙罗汉的身体之上…… Again come!” “再来!” Does not wait for these Taming Dragon Arhat to bind the restoration mutually, the Luo Zheng's sword has cut! 不等这些降龙罗汉相互黏合复原,罗征的剑已斩出! „A sword......” “一剑……” Two swords......” “两剑……” Three swords......” “三剑……” A Luo Zheng this sword sword cuts to kill, that fan-shaped sword light then time and time again spread. 罗征这一剑一剑斩杀出去,那一道道扇形剑光便一次次扩散。 From the beginning he slivered two sections these Taming Dragon Arhat, is four sections, eight sections...... were then slivered one pile of quarry stone finally. 一开始他是将这些降龙罗汉切成了两截,然后是四截,八截……最后便是被切成一堆乱石。 If there is a bystander again, could not have distinguished clearly this pile of quarry stone is anything, even that True Dragon stone carving, were also still cut the palm of the hand size by Luo Zheng the stone pieces. 若有外人再次,早已经分不清这一堆乱石原本是什么,即便是那真龙石雕,同样也被罗征斩成巴掌大小的碎石块。 However in these irregular quarry stone lateral sections, is sparkling as before point golden light, each stone is shivering unceasingly, the mutual attraction, then must paste to attach in the same place, restores previous Taming Dragon Arhat! 不过这些不规则的乱石横截面上,依旧闪耀着点点金光,每一块石头都在不断颤抖着,彼此之间相互吸引,便是要黏贴在一起,恢复成此前的降龙罗汉 But Luo Zheng actually does not give them the opportunity! 罗征却不给他们机会! The sword in hand has not had stands still slightly, has not kept the hand. 手中的剑未曾有丝毫停歇,也没有丝毫留手。 After cutting the sentiment, the Luo Zheng's mentality will have the radical change, either he is separated from this to cut the sentiment on own initiative the condition, wants these four Taming Dragon Arhat not to have the possibility of restoration again, otherwise Luo Zheng is impossible to call a halt. 斩情之后,罗征的心态就会发生剧烈的变化,要么他主动脱离这斩情的状态,要这四尊降龙罗汉再无复原的可能性,否则罗征是不可能停手的。 Kills in cutting of Luo Zheng this sword sword, golden light in these stone lateral sections were actually more and more gloomy. 罗征这一剑剑的斩杀下,那些石块横截面上的金光却是越来越暗淡了。 This golden light is overbearing exceptionally, can restore the Taming Dragon Arhat wound such as beginning! 金光霸道异常,能够将降龙罗汉的伤口恢复如初! golden light, was the Buddhist literature «Past Dignified» strength! 金光,便是佛经《过去庄严》中的力量! Buddhist Heart embraces, is difficult after Life and Death Tribulation, actually restores such as beginning...... 佛心抱持过去,经生死劫难,却恢复如初…… That golden light, then lets this Taming Dragon Arhat statue, restores to be cut to break to pieces the beforehand condition! 金光,便是让这降龙罗汉的石像,恢复到被斩碎之前的状态! However the statue eventually is the statue, this golden light eventually is not inexhaustible, is broken in Luo Zheng cutting repeatedly, moreover more cuts under a more broken situation, that golden light gradually is then gloomy! 不过石像终究是石像,这金光终究不是无穷无尽,在罗征一遍一遍的斩碎,而且越斩越碎的情况之下,那金光便是渐渐地暗淡下来! If also wants to restore, I then cut the powder you!” “若还想恢复,我便是将你们斩成粉末!” The Luo Zheng that untender sound sound, Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword in hand cut as before, cut these stones was in broken bits! 罗征那毫无感情的声音响了起来,手中的雷风幽神剑依旧斩出,将那些石块斩的更加细碎! Saw that the ray is getting more and more dim, Luo Zheng also understands, should soon finish. 眼看着光芒越来越黯淡,罗征也明白,应该快要结束了。 In his heart is thinking, but in this moment, golden light in that crushed stone section, in the flash is to actually rise suddenly, enhanced ten times compared with the previous golden light brightness! 他心中这么想着,但就在这一刻,那碎石截面中的金光,在一瞬间却是暴涨起来,比此前的金光亮度提高了十倍! Meanwhile, this stone in broken bits, the frequency of tremor speeds up, then wants crazy binding in the same place! 与此同时,这细碎的石块,颤动的频率加快,便是要疯狂的黏合在一起! Well!” “咦!” Luo Zheng also detected that arrived is not right! 罗征也察觉到了一丝不对劲! Does golden light that has gotten down obviously dimly, actually release hold light in the flash? 明明已经黯淡下去的金光,却在一瞬间释放出盛光? The sword in his hand has not stood still, but the vision actually looked to this ancient temple deep place, he actually detected improper, some as if people are just now intervening? 他手中的剑没有丝毫停歇,但目光却是望向了这古庙深处,他却是察觉了一丝不妥,方才似乎有人在干预? Also was this great golden buddha raised thoughts, his Buddhist Heart already to Mahayana, but saw Luo Zheng to display so cold sword move, and as if executed conveniently, in the heart then had the heart of consideration. 也是这金身巨佛升起了一丝心思,他的佛心已至大乘,但看到罗征施展出如此冷冽剑招,且似乎还是随手而施,心中便有了考量之心。 This Divine Sea Realm little fellow, can side Divine Sea size also 19 numbers, as if not want true essence displaying so martial skill? 神海境的小家伙,一方神海的大小也不过一九之数,仿佛能不要真元的施展如此武技 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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