AT :: Volume #13

#1203: Shining of the Stars

However even so, Luo Zheng does not dare to despise these four Taming Dragon Arhat. 不过即使如此,罗征也不敢小看这四座降龙罗汉 Just now under that dragon scales flashes the strength, perhaps also the arrived very terrifying situation, Divine Sea Realm martial artist by this palm racket, will have been split up generally! 方才那龙鳞一闪之下的力量,也已经到了十分恐怖的地步,一般神海境武者被这一掌拍中,恐怕也会四分五裂! By also rose heart of the trying to outdo others in the Luo Zheng heart above courtyard wall! 靠在院墙之上的罗征心中也升出了一丝好胜之心! Similarly is Might of Dragon Scales, he wants to have a look actually, whose strength is stronger! 同样都是龙鳞之力,他倒是想看看,到底是谁的力量更强! On this Taming Dragon Arhat shoulder True Dragon, perhaps is also the thing of there's a long story behind this, what a pity he places Dream Battlefield, although can use Might of Dragon Scales, but the Azure Dragon soul has not actually projected, he is unable to communicate with Azure Dragon, likewise, Luo Zheng can use sword spirit, but is actually not able to communicate with Xun, if summons sword spirit, not Xun soul. 降龙罗汉肩上真龙,恐怕也是大有来历之物,可惜他身处梦幻战场,虽然能够动用龙鳞之力,但青龙魂魄却未曾投射进来,他是无法与青龙沟通的,同理,罗征可以动用剑灵,但却无法与沟通,若召出剑灵,其中也并无的魂魄。 Thinks of here, Luo Zheng in without hesitant, recent Taming Dragon Arhat has directly soared itself to come, to see only this Taming Dragon Arhat both hands racket slightly, on the shoulder that True Dragon starts to glitter suddenly all over the body the green and lustrous ray, sees with own eyes Might of Dragon Scales to flood into this image of Buddha! 想到这里,罗征在没有丝毫犹豫,最近的一尊降龙罗汉已直奔自己而来,只见这降龙罗汉双手猛然一拍,肩上那条真龙通体都开始闪烁着绿莹莹的光芒,眼见龙鳞之力涌入这佛像之中! Luo Zheng both hands both hands one wrong, Might of Dragon Scales floods into his within the body similarly, has not withdrawn, is the double palm lays out. 罗征双手双手一错,龙鳞之力同样涌入他体内,没有丝毫退避,也是双掌拍出。 Roar!” “吼!” In comparison, the double palm of this Taming Dragon Arhat dispatches along with the sound of dragon roar, above the shoulder that True Dragon stone carving also raises head to roar, this power and influence actually won planned. 相比之下,这降龙罗汉的双掌递出伴随着龙吟之声,肩膀之上那真龙石雕也仰头咆哮,这威势却是更胜了一筹。 Suddenly time, four palm intersections! 一个眨眼的时间,四掌相交! Bang!” “轰隆!” With the loud sound, the Luo Zheng's body retreats toward the rear area together again! 伴随着一道巨响,罗征的身体再度朝着后方退去! Luo Zheng in process of flying upside down, is felt that the vitality tumbles, is very uncomfortable, this Taming Dragon Arhat strength indeed is unable to look down on! 罗征在倒飞的过程之中,也是感觉到气血翻滚,十分难受,这降龙罗汉的力量的确无法小瞧! However Luo Zheng was struck to fly, that Taming Dragon Arhat similarly is also so. 不过罗征被击飞,那降龙罗汉同样也是如此。 If the previous arhat image of Buddha, under Luo Zheng this pair of palm, feared that had been cranked up the powder. 倘若是此前的罗汉佛像,在罗征这双掌之下,怕已经被拍成了粉末。 But this Taming Dragon Arhat actually compared with previous these statue firm innumerable times, Luo Zheng to can also understand, after all this Taming Dragon Arhat main body must withstand that really dragon carvings alike Might of Dragon Scales, if this body does not build extremely firm, his strength has not whipped, perhaps oneself advanced the collapse to disintegrate. 但这降龙罗汉却远比此前的那些雕像坚固无数倍,罗征到也能够理解,毕竟这降龙罗汉本体就要承受那真龙雕像的龙鳞之力,倘若这身体不打造的万分坚固,他这力量还未曾拍打出来,恐怕自身就先行崩溃瓦解了。 Is ordinary like Luo Zheng previous fleshly body, undertaken Might of Dragon Scales has the upper limit, if introduces oneself Might of Dragon Scales forcefully, fleshly body will advance the disintegration. 就像罗征此前的肉身一般,承担的龙鳞之力是有上限的,若强行将龙鳞之力引入自身,肉身就会先行崩解。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Bang!” “轰隆!” Two loud sound reverberations in this inner courtyard. 两道巨响回荡在这内院之中。 Respectively is under Luo Zheng and that Taming Dragon Arhat flying upside down, hits sound that makes above the inner courtyard wall. 分别是罗征和那降龙罗汉倒飞之下,撞在内院墙壁之上发出的声音。 That Taming Dragon Arhat hits above the inner courtyard wall, under the huge impact, the body surface presented thick cracks, seems unable to undertake this impulse, wants the disintegration shortly! 那尊降龙罗汉撞在内院墙壁之上,在巨大的撞击力之下,体表还是出现了一道道粗大的裂纹,似乎无法承担这冲击力,眼看就要崩碎! But in that crack, actually dissipates golden Buddha's radiance, immediately saw the speed that these cracks to see was repaired unceasingly, shortly, the crack will gather, golden Buddha's radiance will naturally also vanish to disappear...... 但在那裂纹之中,却逸散出一道道金色佛光,随即就看到那些裂纹以看得见的速度被不断地修复,顷刻之间,裂纹并拢,金色佛光自然也消失不见了…… Under this Luo Zheng hit, is confused that hits, throat slightly one sweet, a blood cannot bear the spray coating. 这一次罗征撞击之下,也是撞的七荤八素,喉咙微微一甜,一口鲜血忍不住喷涂而出。 Also can recover?” “还能痊愈?” Saw the response of opposite Taming Dragon Arhat, the Luo Zheng's brow cannot bear wrinkle, he erased corners of the mouth blood one, did not have the opportunity to consider, because other three Taming Dragon Arhat whipped again toward Luo Zheng, but on them is occupying True Dragon respectively, this moment these True Dragon body surface all dragon scales are glittering the ray...... 看到对面的降龙罗汉的反应,罗征的眉头忍不住皱了起来,他将嘴角鲜血一口抹掉,却没有机会多考虑,因为其他三尊降龙罗汉再度朝着罗征拍打过来,而他们身上各自盘踞着一条真龙,此刻那些真龙体表所有的龙鳞都在闪烁着光芒…… Perhaps if really by these three Taming Dragon Arhat three palm rackets, did not die must receive the severe wound! 若真的被这三尊降龙罗汉的三掌拍中了,不死恐怕都要受到重伤! But just now under this hit, Luo Zheng in fact drew back in the inner courtyard corner, under Luo Zheng clenched teeth, the figure penetrated the space again, was interlocks with three Taming Dragon Arhat instantaneously, flashed in arrived another corner! 而方才这撞击之下,罗征实际上是退在了内院一角中,罗征咬牙之下,身形再度穿透空间,便是瞬间与三尊降龙罗汉交错而过,闪到了另外一个角落之中! Was a little troublesome,” the Luo Zheng brow wrinkled. “有点麻烦了,”罗征眉头皱了起来。 However the law of Luo Zheng dealing, the pure strength confrontation is unable to collapse actually not, he naturally can use other wrists/skills! 不过罗征倒不是没有应对之法,单纯的力量交锋无法破局,他自然可以动用其他的手腕! Thinks of here, Luo Zheng actually raised the head slightly...... 想到这里,罗征却是微微扬了扬头…… In this flash, above the starry sky of this round of entire world, has enough 300 stars to start the sparkle ray! 在这一瞬间,这一轮寰宇的星空之上,却有足足三百颗星辰开始闪耀光芒! These 300 stars distributed scopes respective different, Heaven Territory, Western Heaven Territory, Southern Heaven Territory, Northern Heaven Territory, the Eastern Heaven Territory stars have! 这三百颗星辰分布的范围各自不同,中天域,西天域,南天域,北天域,东天域的星辰都有! Under the Luo Zheng's summon, starts accumulated to have the strong star light, these star light are actually directly soar side Great Realm that Dream Battlefield to come, these 300 stars, was Luo Zheng for these years one of the diligent cultivation achievements. 罗征的召唤之下,都开始蕴出浓烈的星光,这些星光却是直奔梦幻战场所在的一方大界而来,这三百颗星辰,也是罗征这几年来勤奋修炼的成果之一。 Actually uses Chess God Sword, Luo Zheng also had confidence that deals with these four Taming Dragon Arhat. 其实动用弈神一剑,罗征也有把握应对这四尊降龙罗汉 But Luo Zheng uses «Stellar Battle Body» at this moment is also wants to confirm own guess...... 罗征此刻动用《星辰战体》也是想要验证自己的猜测…… When that star light starts to revolve Luo Zheng to start to condense, in the Luo Zheng heart has the answer. 当那星光开始围绕罗征开始凝聚起来,罗征心中已经有了答案。 Really is so, this Dream Battlefield is actually not true Dream Space, this is originally in super Great Realm that in this entire world has......, otherwise, I perhaps am very here difficult to communicate strength of stars!” “果然是如此,这梦幻战场其实并非真正的梦幻空间,这是原本就在这寰宇之中存在的超级大界……否则,我在这里恐怕很难沟通到星辰之力!” Many stars in this entire world, can actually shine in this place, Luo Zheng is also the arrived confirmation. 这寰宇上的诸多繁星,却是能够照耀于此地,罗征也算是得到了确认。 The Stellar Battle Body might becomes one of the Luo Zheng's trump card sufficiently, therefore time Luo Zheng has not given up communicating the stars in the six years, even spent lots of time, will assign in cultivation «Stellar Battle Body» above! If unable to use in Dream Battlefield, to Luo Zheng is also a big loss. 星辰战体的威力足以成为罗征的杀手锏之一,所以这六年时间罗征都未曾放弃沟通星辰,甚至消耗了大量的时间,将之分配在修炼星辰战体》之上!倘若在梦幻战场中无法使用,对罗征来说也是一大损失。 Is good because of Luo Zheng discovered that own worry is unnecessary, at least, he can at present the smooth congealment star light! 好在罗征发现自己的担忧是多余的,至少,眼下他能顺利凝结星光! After the Luo Zheng's body surface covers the first layer magnificent multi- color star light, he is the starting to walk figure, directly soars that Taming Dragon Arhat to go again. 罗征的体表镀上一层瑰丽多彩的星光之后,他便是迈开身形,再度直奔那降龙罗汉而去。 Just now was patted broken Taming Dragon Arhat to restore now by Luo Zheng, at this moment, these four Taming Dragon Arhat stations a row, uniform unites own double palm! 方才被罗征拍碎的降龙罗汉现在已经修复完毕,此时此刻,这四尊降龙罗汉站成一排,整齐划一的将自己的双掌合一! Roar roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼吼……” With the sounds of four dragon roar! 伴随着四道龙吟之声! Occupies four True Dragon on four Taming Dragon Arhat, at the same time roared! 盘踞在四尊降龙罗汉身上的四条真龙,同一时间咆哮起来! The green ray blooms, that ray almost makes people be hard to regard the thing! 绿色的光芒绽放出来,那光芒几乎让人难以视物! The strength in eight palms containing, how fearsome? 八只手掌之中蕴藏的力量,何其可怖? Luo Zheng is actually not willing to retrocede, or moved aside...... 罗征却不愿意后退,或者躲闪了…… Perhaps Luo Zheng also has the law of other dealing, but Luo Zheng also understands, shortly after Dream Battlefield opens, what he will face is Heaven's Chosen of entire entire world, he heavy has not looked down on to other Divine Sea Realm talents! For these years passed, perhaps was Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace Ai Anxin has the considerable progress, Luo Zheng also has not necessarily certainly been able to defeat in her, let alone Myriad Buddha Sanctuary Heaven's Chosen, All Gods Thoughtless Heaven's Chosen, Monster Night Race, demon race, in entire world millions of unusual races. 或许罗征还有其他应对之法,但罗征也明白,梦幻战场才开启不久,他将面对的是整个寰宇的天骄,他对其他的神海境天才重来未曾小瞧!这几年过去了,便是云渺天宫艾安心恐怕都已经有了长足的进步,罗征也未必就一定能战胜于她,何况还有万佛圣域的天骄,还有诸神无念的天骄,还有妖夜族,还有魔族,还有寰宇中千千万万的奇特种族。 Therefore Luo Zheng needs a self- inspection, inspects this several years the fruit of bitter cultivation. 所以罗征需要一场自我检阅,检阅这数年来苦修之果。 buzz buzz......” 嗡嗡嗡……” In Luo Zheng's hand starts to flash before star light. 罗征的手中开始闪现出一道道星光。 The shapes of these star light look like to scatter the cotton fiber in his hands, looks weightless, but contains the might that actually is not possible to look down on. 这些星光的形状就像是一条条飘散在他手中的棉絮,看上去毫无重量,但其中蕴藏的威力却不可小瞧。 300 star light mixed in one, scarlet orange olivine, white purple blue red, varicolored star light that variegated color formed each other blended, starts becomes extremely unstable! 三百道星光糅合在了一起,赤橙黄绿,白紫蓝红,那斑斓色彩形成的一道杂色星光彼此交融,开始变得极其不稳定! After this group of varicolored star light produce, Luo Zheng was first its racket, even if hesitated time of breath, perhaps Luo Zheng will be involved, by power and influence backlash that this star light erupted! 这一团杂色的星光产生之后,罗征便是第一时间将其拍了出去,哪怕迟疑一个呼吸的时间,罗征恐怕就会被卷入其中,被这星光爆发出来的威势反噬 Shining of the Stars!” 群星之耀!” Buzz-” “嗡-” The sharp whining noise erupts together from this varicolored star light! 一道尖锐的鸣声从这杂色星光之中爆发出来! At this moment, that cluster light happen to arrives in nearby that four Taming Dragon Arhat...... 此时此刻,那一团星光正好抵达那四尊降龙罗汉跟前…… Explodes!” “爆!” This cluster light, mixed the strengths of 300 stars, this erupts, the repel, blends, responded, the ray that erupts is the heyday! 这一团星光,糅合了三百颗星辰的力量,这番爆发出来,彼此之间排斥,交融,反应,爆发出来的光芒已是极盛! In the entire inner courtyard, by ray complete coverage of this Shining of the Stars, was not seen clearly situation! 整个内院之中,都被这群星之耀的光芒完全覆盖,看不清楚其中的情况! However this ancient temple deep place that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high golden color big buddha, actually opens both eyes, is looking keenly at this inner courtyard, look unhappy is not sad. 不过这古庙深处那座万丈高的金色大佛,却是睁开双目,紧盯着这内院,神色不喜不悲。 In both eyes of this golden big buddha, is saw that four Taming Dragon Arhat disrupt unceasingly, occupies also starts to disrupt in the four True Dragon stone carvings of arhat shoulder......, although their within the body have golden light to emerge, tries to repair itself, but that golden light just appeared, took advantage of an opening to enter by the star light, annihilation...... 这金色大佛的双目之中,便是看到四尊降龙罗汉不断地碎裂,盘踞在罗汉肩头的四条真龙石雕也开始碎裂……尽管他们的体内有一道道金光涌现,试图修复自身,但那金光刚刚出现,就被星光乘隙而入,将之湮灭…… Taming Dragon Arhat, may not by exterminate, probably help me test this little fellow, this Seat, which one step wants to have a look at him to walk arrived Severing Emotion Divine Dao......” 降龙罗汉,不可被灭杀,要帮我试探这小家伙,本座,想看看他将斩情神道到了一步……” After saying, this golden big buddha wields lotus flower in left hand, under that lotus flower flashes gently, Taming Dragon Arhat that should extinguish broken is actually restores such as beginning. 说完之后,这金色大佛挥动左手中的莲花,那莲花轻轻一闪之下,原本应该碎灭的降龙罗汉却是恢复如初。
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