AT :: Volume #13

#1202: The strength of True Dragon

During this big buddha, is actually lost in thought. 这一尊大佛,却是陷入了沉思之中。 Actually Luo Zheng at this moment, has not displayed Chess God Sword. 其实此刻的罗征,并未施展出弈神一剑 This Chess God Sword after these years disciplining, is the fining is purer, in the Luo Zheng innermost feelings, this cuts the sentiment even more is also clear! 弈神一剑经过这几年的磨练,也是更为精炼纯粹,在罗征内心之中,这斩情也越发清晰起来! But cuts off oneself all emotions completely, he is unable to achieve, therefore Chess God Sword, is unable to be perfect. 但完全斩断自身所有的情感,他还是无法做到,所以弈神一剑,也始终无法完美。 However after these years precipitation, even has not used this Chess God Sword, still contains one to cut the meaning of sentiment in this sword move, but that big buddha is actually catches arrived this to cut the meaning of sentiment, just now detected what Luo Zheng walks is Severing Emotion Divine Dao. 不过经过这几年的沉淀,即便是不曾动用这弈神一剑,在这剑招之中也蕴藏着一丝斩情之意,而那尊大佛却是捕捉到了这一丝斩情之意,方才察觉罗征走的是斩情神道 Primordial Chaos Qi of faint trace pulled out in the primordial chaos sea to extract by Luo Zheng! 一丝丝的混沌之气罗征混沌海中抽取出来! This Primordial Chaos Qi then changes into the thunder aura blade continuously, dissipates toward the surroundings everywhere, is also mixing with Nether God Shadow! 这一缕缕混沌之气便化为雷电风刃,朝着周围四处逸散,其中还夹杂着一道道幽神影 He after that four Taming Tiger Arhat confronted approximately a 4-5 breath, the fine glow in both eyes flashes, then directly soars Taming Tiger Arhat goes. 他与那四座伏虎罗汉对峙了大约四五个呼吸后,双目中的精芒一闪,便直奔其中一座伏虎罗汉而去。 Although these four Taming Tiger Arhat can blade Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword the lightning and wind in surrenders, but arrived their limits, these tiger's roar palm shades have also whipped take action violently, the style is no doubt exquisite, but the class/flow exposes weaknesses. 这四座伏虎罗汉虽然能将雷风幽神剑中的闪电与风刃降服,但也已经到了他们的极限,这一道道虎啸掌影猛烈拍打出手,招式固然精妙,但其中到底还是流露出破绽。 But Luo Zheng keen capture arrived this flaw, is bullies the body to be near! 罗征则敏锐的捕捉到了这一个破绽,便是欺身而近! But his twinkling to speed rapidness how? 他这番瞬息而至的速度何其之快? When this Taming Tiger Arhat detects Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng has pasted in his chest front, the palm had placed above this arhat chest! 当这伏虎罗汉发觉罗征之时,罗征已经贴在了他胸前,手掌已经放在了这罗汉胸口之上! Broken!” “碎!” Broken character puts out in a soft voice, along with kuāng dāng the sound, above that Taming Tiger Arhat tall and strong chest presented neat palm imprint, but palm imprint all around crack then spreads rapidly, covers entirely the body of entire arhat, later this statue then disintegrates loudly, changes into pile of rubbles. 一个“碎”字轻声吐出,伴随着“哐当”之声,那伏虎罗汉魁梧的胸膛之上就出现了一道整齐的掌印,而掌印四周的裂纹便是急速蔓延开来,布满整个罗汉的身体,随后这石像便是轰然瓦解,化为一堆瓦砾。 But because after this moment Luo Zheng is, sends first, under the remaining prestige escape of that wind blade, then the dissipation that these rubbles blew directly. 而此刻罗征因为是后发先至,那风刃的余威逸散之下,便是将这些瓦砾直接吹的消散了。 Crushes this statue, Luo Zheng has not stood still at present, under the figure circled gently, hung shoulders in nearby long sword suddenly, in in the air curled together the neat sword light, directly soared side another Taming Tiger Arhat to go! 击碎了眼前这座雕像,罗征没有丝毫停歇,身形轻轻一绕之下,垂在一旁的长剑骤然挑起,在空中卷出一道清爽的剑光,又直奔侧面的另外一座伏虎罗汉而去! Bang!” “砰!” The sword light submerges that crouching tiger statue instantaneously! 剑光瞬间淹没那座伏虎雕像! That crouching tiger statue is laying out tiger's roar palm shades toward Luo Zheng, but actually stops at this moment suddenly, when Luo Zheng directly soars the next crouching tiger statue goes, the body of this statue then had thin inaudible cracks, later is then split up, the margin that splits is very smooth...... 那伏虎雕像正朝着罗征拍出一道道虎啸掌影,不过此刻却是骤然停止,等到罗征直奔下一座伏虎雕像而去之时,这雕像的身上便出现了一道道细不可闻的裂缝,随后便是四分五裂,那裂开的切口却十分光滑…… „,......” “啪,啪……” The remaining two crouching tiger statues could not have formed the potential of besieging, has not threatened to Luo Zheng, does not use energy to Luo Zheng its crushing. 剩下的两座伏虎雕像已形不成围攻之势,对罗征已没有丝毫威胁,将其击碎对罗征来说并不费劲。 After falling these four statues broken, Luo Zheng has not stayed as before. 碎掉这四座雕像之后,罗征依旧不曾停留。 This is 17 inner courtyard...... 这已经是十七个内院了…… The wanderer comes, although is not the special hazard, but also quite time-consuming expends effort. 一路闯荡过来,虽然算不上特别危险,但也颇为耗时耗力。 But in the Luo Zheng heart actually anticipated, after the test of this cavern, has what kind of reward? Then, should be the last inner courtyard, is the 18 th inner courtyard...... 罗征心中却是更为期待了,通过这洞穴的考验之后,到底有何等奖励?接下来,应该是最后一个内院,也就是第十八个内院…… When Luo Zheng just stepped into the last inner courtyard, near the ear then transmits together the sound of dragon howling suddenly. 罗征刚刚踏入最后一个内院,耳边便是骤然传递出一道龙啸之声。 Taming Dragon Arhat!” 降龙罗汉!” The fine glow in Luo Zheng double pupil flashes slightly. 罗征双瞳中的精芒微微一闪。 On the four arhats in inner courtyard four corner, is then twining True Dragon! 内院四个角落之中的四位罗汉身上,便是缠绕着一条真龙 Some ancient people fall the dragon, by the greatly comfortable strength, surrenders under True Dragon in Fotian...... this Taming Dragon Arhat also to call Jiaye Venerable. 古有人降龙,以大自在之力,降服真龙于佛天之下……这降龙罗汉又称迦叶尊者 This time, the Luo Zheng choice has not been waiting for same place! 这一次,罗征并未选择在原地等待! His first even/including wanderer 17 inner courtyard, were exterminate the images of Buddha of 17 arhats, knew joint. 他一连闯荡十七个内院,便是灭杀了十七罗汉的佛像,也知其中的关节。 These arhat image of Buddha strengths are not powerful, after all these arhats are not the main body arrive, but above the image of Buddha dyed Buddhist Heart, condensed strength of that's all fragrance. 这些罗汉佛像本身实力并不强大,毕竟这些罗汉并非本体亲临,只是佛像之上染了一丝佛心,凝聚了一丝香味之力而已 The incense and candle, is Strength of Belief. 香火,即为信仰之力 In Myriad Buddha Sanctuary, the infinite follower consecrates, although the view is different, but essentially with the Monster Night Race three King probably also same! 万佛圣域之中,无穷信徒供奉,虽然说法不同,但本质上与妖夜族的三位王者大概也相同! However the disparity has...... 不过差距还是有的…… Monster Night Race is born in the entire world, to the utilization and development of Strength of Belief, limits on three King merely. 妖夜族诞生在寰宇之内,对信仰之力的运用与发展,也仅仅限制在三位王者身上。 But Myriad Buddha Sanctuary legacy, is less simple. 可是万佛圣域传承,则远远没有那么简单。 Various deity Buddha, this various character, then occluded one many the meaning of character, a day incessantly day, then this god Buddha compound, obviously also, not only has in this round of Heavenly Way, this Buddha, is True God compound existence! 正所谓诸天神佛,这一个“诸”字,便包藏了一个“多”字的意思,天不止一个天,那么这神佛并列,显然也并不仅存在这一轮天道之中,这佛,乃是与真神并列的存在! In other words, perhaps this Myriad Buddha Sanctuary legacy, exceeds existence of Heavenly Way. 也就是说,这万佛圣域传承,恐怕也是超越天道的存在。 If this eighteen lohans arrive at present, perhaps is optional a finger, can present Luo Zheng relaxed exterminate...... 倘若眼前这十八罗汉亲临,恐怕随意一根手指,就能将现在的罗征轻松灭杀…… Now these statues, the strength of relied on incense and candle, can display so the strength, has made Luo Zheng dread, most essential is four arhats collaborates, often meets strength several times to grow, almost does not have any flaw. 现在这些石像,凭借的一丝香火之力,能够发挥出如此实力,已经让罗征十分忌惮了,其中最为关键的就是四座罗汉联手,往往会实力数倍增长,几乎没有任何破绽。 This last inner courtyard four statues strengths, far strong in previously, for safety's sake, Luo Zheng after stepping into this inner courtyard, then directly soars a statue. 这最后一个内院四座雕像的实力,想必远强于此前,为了保险起见,罗征在踏入这内院之后,便直奔其中一座雕像。 Breaks a Taming Dragon Arhat statue, the following matter was good to deal with. 破掉一座降龙罗汉的雕像,接下来的事情就好应付多了。 That Taming Dragon Arhat surface of this corner is chapping unceasingly, under the body trembles, must move shortly. 这墙角的那座降龙罗汉表面正在不断地皲裂,身体震颤之下,眼看就要活动起来。 But Luo Zheng has drawn close to this Taming Dragon Arhat, a finger/refers then selects toward the head of this Taming Dragon Arhat, so long as under the fingertip touches, strength racing wells up, naturally can make the statue that this stone makes change into the powder. 罗征已然贴近这降龙罗汉,一指便是朝着这降龙罗汉的头部点出,只要指尖触碰之下,力量奔涌,自然能让这石头做的雕像化为粉末。 That giant stone mountain cannot block the strength that Luo Zheng moves mountains, under this finger/refers, can crush it, let alone at present these eight chi (0.33 m) statues? 那巨石大山也挡不住罗征排山倒海的力量,这一指之下,也能将之粉碎,何况眼前这八尺石像? Although this Taming Dragon Arhat main body has not moved, but occupies that True Dragon stone carving on him, actually winds to crawl from his right shoulder, finds out the corner of that True Dragon, hit toward Luo Zheng that finger! 降龙罗汉本体虽然未曾动弹,但盘踞在他身上的那条真龙石雕,却从他右肩之上蜿蜒爬行,探出那真龙的犄角,朝着罗征那点出的手指撞了出来! True Dragon , the stone does! 真龙,也不过石头做的! Luo Zheng not slightly hesitant, this finger/refers of he exerts its utmost, breaks a statue, can extinguish other three continually, in this cavern rewards, that is must the thing. 罗征没有丝毫犹豫,这一指他是势在必得,破掉一座雕像,便可连灭其他三座,这洞穴中奖励,那是自己必得之物。 Ten thousand have not thought that when Luo Zheng fingertip above this True Dragon corner, is actually feels one huge to transmit vigorously...... 万没有想到,当罗征指尖点在这真龙犄角之上,却是感受到一股庞然大力传递而来…… Bang!” “砰!” The fingertip and corner of finger bump into! 手指的指尖与犄角相撞! Corner smashing, but also Luo Zheng this finger stop! 犄角粉碎,但也将罗征这一指挡了回去! Meanwhile, Taming Dragon Arhat awakens, under the double palm numerous racket, hears together the sound of dragon roar completely mutually, as if True Dragon regains consciousness in his within the body. 与此同时,降龙罗汉完全“苏醒”,双掌相互重重一拍之下,传来一道龙吟之声,仿佛一条真龙在他体内苏醒。 At the same time, twines the real dragon carvings resembles on his shoulder, starts to glitter the little green brilliance ray! 同一时间,缠绕在他肩上的真龙雕像,开始闪烁出一点点碧莹莹的光芒! That is the light of dragon scales! 那是龙鳞之光! Roar-” “吼-” The double palm mutual racket the minute/share, actually prints toward the Luo Zheng's chest! 双掌相互一拍即分,却是朝着罗征的胸口印来! Under the Luo Zheng sneak attack, strikes unable to go well, quenches against, unexpectedly by this Taming Dragon Arhat racket in! 罗征偷袭之下,一击未能得手,淬不及防之下,竟然被这降龙罗汉拍中! Very powerful big strength!” “好强大的力量!” Under this pair of palm seal, Luo Zheng is feels a momentous strength transmission to come. 这双掌一印之下,罗征便是感受到一股排山倒海的力量传递而来。 His whole person then shoots to go toward the rear area, the both feet had/left together the scoop channel in the ground plow, whole person numerous collisions above the inner courtyard wall! 他整个人便是朝着后方倒射而去,双脚在地上犁出一道凹槽,整个人则重重的撞在了内院另外一边的墙壁之上! Bang!” “轰隆!” Luo Zheng coerces the so powerful strength to hit together, is the destructive power how astonishing? 罗征裹挟着一道如此强大的力量撞去,破坏力何其惊人? If puts in this humble one, a mountain was hit by him, not only the first mountain can collapse, the following a series of mountain can disrupt to tilt. 倘若放在下界之中,一座大山被他这么撞一下,不仅第一座大山会倒塌,就连后面一连串大山都会碎裂倾覆。 The wall of this inner courtyard seemingly declines decayed, as if strong winds curl, can demolish this ruined ancient temple, but this wall undertook Luo Zheng this to hit, was entirely still unexpectedly, the firm degree made in the person heart gasp in admiration...... 这内院的墙壁看起来腐朽破落,似乎一阵狂风卷来,都能将这破败的古庙摧垮,可这墙壁承担了罗征这一撞,竟然纹丝不动,坚固程度让人心中叹服…… However this after all is Dream Battlefield. 不过这毕竟是梦幻战场 These lord city city walls, also seem very ordinary, but is unable to make that city wall crush in powerful martial artist, both have, but is a truth, thing that Heavenly Way constructs , is so can it be that easy to be damaged? 外界那些主城的城墙,看起来也十分普通,但在强大的武者也无法让那城墙粉碎,想必两者有而是一个道理,天道构造出来的东西,又岂是那么容易被损毁? Luo Zheng also has no interest in ponder these, his present attention, actually falls on this Taming Dragon Arhat shoulder above True Dragon! 罗征也无心思考这些,他现在的注意力,却是落在这降龙罗汉肩上真龙之上! He strength is greatly infinite, relied on the True Dragon strength, making him not think that this Taming Dragon Arhat seems to be the same as oneself, can draw support from the shoulder that True Dragon strength. 他自身力大无穷,也是借助了真龙力量,让他万万没想到这降龙罗汉似乎与自己一样,能够借助肩上那条真龙的力量。 As if this Taming Dragon Arhat double palm lays out, that really dragon carvings likely dragon scales similarly is also shines, similarly also glitters the green brilliance gloss...... 仿佛这降龙罗汉双掌拍出,那真龙雕像身上的龙鳞同样也是一枚枚的亮起来,同样也闪烁出碧莹莹的光泽…… However this True Dragon, eventually is also only the stone carving, even scale of whole body shines, although strength terrifying, but has not been in the situation that Luo Zheng is unable to undertake! 不过这真龙,终究也只是石雕,即便是全身的鳞片亮起来,力量虽然恐怖,但也没有到罗征无法承担的地步! If a true dragon, after whole body scale was lightened, perhaps Luo Zheng had been cranked up the flying ash. 倘若是一条真正的龙,全身鳞片被点亮之后,恐怕罗征早已被拍成飞灰了。
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