AT :: Volume #13

#1201: Golden big buddha

These four arhat image of Buddha hold the long stick, or point, either thorn, either chops to hit, either sweeps, perfect that among the images of Buddha coordinates! 这四座罗汉佛像手执长棍,或点,或刺,或劈打,或扫,佛像之间配合的完美无瑕! Their speeds are not fast, the power and influence is also far astonishingly, but Luo Zheng sweeps, actually almost could not find the flaw, stick shades almost block Luo Zheng all outlets! 他们的速度并不算快,威势也谈不上惊人,但罗征一眼扫过去,却几乎找不到破绽,一道道棍影几乎将罗征所有的出路都封死! Good exquisite stick law!” “好精妙的棍法!” However does not have the flaw, cannot break these four arhat images of Buddha on behalf of Luo Zheng the stick law. 不过没有破绽,不代表罗征破不掉这四座罗汉佛像的棍法。 He actually takes one step at will, the figure on strange disappearance in same place, appears in a back of arhat image of Buddha! 他却是随意迈出一步,身形就诡异的消失在原地,出现在其中一座罗汉佛像的背后! hū hū hū!” 呼呼呼!” Even the Luo Zheng penetration space, still three stick shades follow! 即便罗征穿透空间,也有三道棍影尾随而来! Facing these three stick shades, Luo Zheng look is tranquil, right hand such as lightning general seal on the front Narro image of Buddha! 面对这三道棍影,罗征神色平静,右手如闪电一般印在面前那罗汉佛像身上! „......” “哐……” With the sound of rubble breaking, Narro image of Buddha disrupts loudly. 伴随着一阵瓦砾破碎之声,那罗汉佛像轰然碎裂。 In the instance of arhat image of Buddha disruption, the Luo Zheng's body looks like a fish that leaps the water surface is common, treads the sword step to avoid three stick shades, immediately penetrates the space again, appears in another arhat image of Buddha again behind. 在罗汉佛像碎裂的瞬间,罗征的身体就像是一条跃出水面的鱼一般,踏着剑步避开三道棍影,随即再度穿透空间,再度出现在另外一座罗汉佛像身后。 Hand palm imprint leaves, follows a set pattern. 掌印出,如法炮制。 kuāng dāng......” 哐当……” Stick law fine strange of these four images of Buddha, flawlessness of coordination. 这四座佛像的棍法精奇,配合的天衣无缝。 But eventually also four stone image of Buddha that's all, by Luo Zheng fleshly body firm degree, whatever these stick shades sweep on oneself, is not necessarily able to cause the big damage. 但终究也不过四座石头佛像而已,以罗征肉身之坚固程度任由这些棍影扫在自己身上,也未必能造成多大的伤害。 Dang! “哐当! Dang! “哐当! The needless a while time, four arhat images of Buddha completely all destroy under the Luo Zheng's hand palm. 不消一会儿工夫,四座罗汉佛像尽皆毁在罗征的手掌之下。 After Luo Zheng wrecks these images of Buddha, his vision then fell above the front door of this inner courtyard, in the flash of crushing, the front door of that inner courtyard was actually calm from opening. 罗征将这些佛像击毁后,他目光便是落在了这内院的大门之上,在击碎的一瞬间,那内院的大门却是无风自开。 In this inner courtyard, inner courtyard?” “这内院之中,还有内院?” On the Luo Zheng face reveals the color of doubts, before entering this ancient temple, he has also observed, this ancient temple is not big, but in this courtyard the inner courtyard, obviously is surpassing the size of Luo Zheng estimation. 罗征脸上流露出疑惑之色,进这古庙之前他也观测过,这座古庙并不大,但这内院套着内院,显然超出罗征估测的大小。 The doubts turn over to the doubts, Luo Zheng not to have too many hesitations actually, then enters into this inner courtyard again! 疑惑归疑惑,罗征倒是没有太多的犹豫,便是再度迈入这内院之中! After entering this second inner courtyard, under the Luo Zheng vision sweeps slightly, discovered four images of Buddha again. 进这第二个内院后,罗征目光微微一扫之下,再度发现了四座佛像。 Is four arhat images of Buddha......” “还是四座罗汉佛像……” These four arhats and previous four are to actually be slightly different! 这四座罗汉与此前四座却是略有不同! The four arhat images of Buddha in first institute, are Doorman Arhat, both eyes are then serious, vigilance staring, blazing the demon bravely the stance. 第一院中的四座罗汉佛像,便为看门罗汉,双目严肃,警觉凝视,一副勇炽邪魔的姿态。 But the arhat image of Buddha of this second institute, the appearance is actually the palace of the immortals clarifies, raises hand to joyfully celebrate respectively, an ecstatic appearance, Luo Zheng this looked at the past, even was infected by the imposing manners of these four images of Buddha, the whole person was relaxed. 而这第二院的罗汉佛像,模样却是玉宇澄清,各自扬手欢庆,一副心花怒放的样子,罗征这一眼望过去,甚至都被这四座佛像的气势所感染,整个人都轻松了许多。 Happy Arhat......” 欢喜罗汉……” The type of arhat is numerous, although Luo Zheng has not had been to Myriad Buddha Sanctuary, but actually knows in the Buddhism ancient book, this arhat is divided into the eighteen lohans. 罗汉的种类众多,虽然罗征未曾到过万佛圣域,但在佛教典籍之中却知,这罗汉共分为十八罗汉。 Like present Happy Arhat, called Ka Ka generation of error Venerable...... 像眼前的这欢喜罗汉,又称迦诺迦代蹉尊者…… If that is right, does this inner courtyard have 18? 若是如此,这内院岂不是有十八个之多? Thinks of here, that four Happy Arhat superficial cracks split open, these four Happy Arhat then leap the Lotus Flower foundation, the long sleeve is floating, smiling of picking flowers, directly soars Luo Zheng wear a look of! 想到这里,那四座欢喜罗汉的表面一道道裂纹绽开,这四座欢喜罗汉便跃下莲华底座,长袖飘飘,面带拈花之笑,直奔罗征来! Whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖……” What four Happy Arhat cause is Finger Technique, the Dow Jones Index light is together swift and fierce, as if can pierce the myriad things to be the same, points to the Luo Zheng strategic point! 四座欢喜罗汉使的是指法,一道道指光凌厉,仿佛能洞穿万物一般,直指罗征要害! Thinks that under possibly also 16 inner courtyard, Luo Zheng has nothing again hesitant, he is not willing many the time waste here, to resist by powerful incomparable fleshly body simply hardly. 想到下面可能还有十六个内院,罗征再没有任何犹豫,他不愿意过多将时间浪费在这里,干脆凭借强悍无匹的肉身硬抗。 However even if resists hardly, Luo Zheng still before these finger/refers of light will arrive in fleshly body, the fluctuation step, will avoid own acupuncture point strategic point. 不过即便是硬抗,罗征也会在那些指光抵达自己肉身之前,变幻步伐,避开自己的穴道要害。 break for me!” 给我碎!” Waits for these four Happy Arhat , the Luo Zheng's double palm fires. 等这四座欢喜罗汉靠近之后,罗征的双掌齐发。 With palm wind that howling to go, sounds of the rubble disruption transmit, four Happy Arhat images of Buddha will also disrupt shortly. 伴随着呼啸而去的掌风,一声声瓦砾碎裂之声传递而出,四座欢喜罗汉的佛像也顷刻碎裂。 Pats after these four Happy Arhat is broken, Luo Zheng is continues to step to forward, when the before gate of his arrived second inner courtyard, that front door happen to opens. 将这四座欢喜罗汉拍碎之后,罗征则是继续移步向前,当他到了第二座内院的门前,那大门正好打开。 Escapes into , sees is really the third inner courtyard that comes, but in this third inner courtyard, as before is four images of Buddha! 遁入其中,入目而来的果然是第三个内院,而这第三个内院中,依旧是四座佛像! Deer Sitting Arhat!” 坐鹿罗汉!” Above that lotus flower foundation, then four lifelike stone deer kneel above, but above stone deer is four self-possessed, aloof from worldly affairs from enjoying the arhat image of Buddha, then gives people as far as eyes can reach an extremely noble meaning. 莲花底座之上,便有四座栩栩如生的石鹿跪在其上,而石鹿之上则是四位泰然自若,清高自赏的罗汉佛像,一眼望去便给人一种极为高贵之意。 Soon, these four Deer Sitting Arhat are riding stone deer, similarly also directly soars Luo Zheng...... 不久,这四位坐鹿罗汉骑着石鹿,同样也直奔罗征而来…… The fourth inner courtyard, Raised Bowl Arhat...... 第四个内院,举钵罗汉…… The fifth inner courtyard, Raised Pagoda Arhat...... 第五个内院,托塔罗汉…… The sixth inner courtyard, Meditating Arhat...... 第六个内院,静坐罗汉…… These arhat respective cultivation technique and attack of way is not same, for example that Meditating Arhat will not attack. 这些罗汉各自的功法与进攻方式都不相同,例如那静坐罗汉根本不会进攻。 They sit in meditation in same place, has not attacked Luo Zheng. 只是他们静坐于原地,也不曾攻击罗征 But Luo Zheng does not crush these four arhats, is actually not able to enter the next inner courtyard, can only directly soar the inner courtyard four corners, pats broken its one by one. 罗征不将这四座罗汉击碎,却是无法进入下一个内院,只能直奔内院四个角落,将其一一拍碎。 But this Meditating Arhat sits in meditation same place, actually mysterious Buddha's radiance, the cover near the main body, the strength of this defense is also astonishing powerful, this broken is extremely for is not easy its racket, is the Luo Zheng strength is greatly infinite, traded other martial artist to enter this place, feared that must consume more strengths. 但这静坐罗汉静坐原地,却是有一道道玄奥佛光,罩临本体,这防御之力也是惊人的强悍,这番将其拍碎也是殊为不易,也是罗征力大无穷,换了其他武者进入此地,怕是要耗费更多的力气了。 The seventh inner courtyard, Overseas Arhat...... 第七个内院,过江罗汉…… The eighth inner courtyard, Elephant Riding Arhat...... 第八个内院,骑象罗汉…… ...... …… ...... …… Like the Luo Zheng suspicion like that the present inner courtyard indeed has 18. 就像罗征猜想的那般,眼前的内院的确有十八个之多。 From Doorman Arhat of first inner courtyard, more arrives at behind, the strength of arhat is stronger, the way of attack is also all kinds, Luo Zheng cannot bear the sigh Buddhism be vast, Myriad Buddha Sanctuary this Buddhism Holy Land, can haunch a human race big influence no wonder alone! 从第一个内院的看门罗汉开始,越是到后面,罗汉的实力就越强,进攻的方式也是五花八门,罗征也忍不住感叹佛门浩大,也难怪万佛圣域这一佛门圣地,能够独自撑起一个人族大势力! The 17 th inner courtyard, Taming Tiger Arhat! Also called Mill Venerable! 第十七个内院,伏虎罗汉!又称米勒尊者 arrived here, even Luo Zheng still feels the arrived pressure faintly! 到了这里,即便是罗征也隐隐感受到了压力! Although this Taming Tiger Arhat as before is the statue, the power and influence that but these four statues transmit , compared with the previous arhat has been no comparison between them. 虽然这伏虎罗汉依旧是石像,但这四座雕像传递出来的威势,与此前的罗汉相比已不可同日而语。 These four arhats tread one step every time, then hears the sound of tiger's roar, the speed or the strength, have endured to compare the Divine Sea Realm Peak martial artist strength! 这四座罗汉每踏出一步,便传来虎啸之声,无论是速度还是力量,已经堪比神海境巅峰武者的实力! Roar......” “吼……” Facing four Taming Tiger Arhat, Luo Zheng's look is solemn and respectful, Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword already vividly in hand! 面对四座伏虎罗汉,罗征的神色肃穆,雷风幽神剑已跃然在手! He has the feeling of crisis faintly, these images of Buddha are build for the wonder stone, itself frail incomparable, but style exquisite actually by far outside these Divine Sea Realm martial artist. 他已经隐隐有了危机的感觉,这些佛像乃为奇石打造,本身脆弱无比,但招式之精妙却远胜外面那些神海境武者 This moment Luo Zheng truly feels, oneself falls into this Taming Tiger Arhat to surround, feared that is very difficult to struggle. 此刻罗征确实感觉到,自己陷入这伏虎罗汉包围,怕是很难挣扎。 Although previously that 16 inner courtyard, Luo Zheng through is smooth, but front smooth does not represent can smooth, the example that the shooting falls short is everywhere, Luo Zheng certainly not because of previous smooth, but at crucial moment relaxes vigilantly. 尽管此前那十六个内院,罗征通过的还算顺利,但前面顺利不代表就能顺利到底,临门一脚功亏一篑的例子比比皆是,罗征绝不会因为此前的顺利,而在关键的时候放松警惕。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖……” Lasing of dozens Nether God Shadow from this Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword. 数十道幽神影自这雷风幽神剑中激射而出。 But that four Taming Tiger Arhat palm method is swift and fierce, and speed is also extremely quick, although this Nether God Shadow quantity are many, but has not approached these four arhat statues, then whipping to be defeated and dispersed by mysterious palm imprint. 但那四位伏虎罗汉的掌法凌厉老辣,且速度也是极快,这幽神影的数量虽然多,但还未靠近这四座罗汉雕像,便被一道道玄奥的掌印给拍打溃散。 Again come!” “再来!” The Luo Zheng's vision glitters to wipe none! 罗征的目光闪烁出一抹精光! Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword then stimulated to movement the arrived pinnacle by Luo Zheng, besides Nether God Shadow, wind edges just like lotus flower that are in full bloom violently, flower petal that wind blade then flutters with the wind, but this flower petal has the strength of extremely powerful destruction! 雷风幽神剑便是被罗征催动到了极致,除了幽神影之外,一道道风刃宛若一朵朵猛烈盛开的莲花,那风刃便是随风飘去的花瓣,不过这“花瓣”却带着极为强大的破坏之力! Besides the wind blade, thunder and lightning jump to shoot, this strength of late in Fengren thunder and lightning, but after actually, sends first, bang to these four Taming Tiger Arhat! 除了风刃之外,还有一道道雷电迸射而出,这雷电之力晚于风刃,但却后发先至,轰向这四位伏虎罗汉 crackling! Brushes......” 噼啪!刷刷……” In this inner courtyard, various energies dissipate unceasingly, but situated in midpoint Luo Zheng, as if the center of typhoon is ordinary, look is tranquil, even sleeves not rolling up and pushing along slightest! 这内院之中,各种能量不断逸散而出,而处于正中央的罗征,却仿佛台风的中心一般,神色平静,甚至连衣袖也不曾卷动分毫! That four Taming Tiger Arhat, then display the arrived pinnacle the double palm law, the double palm of each Taming Tiger Arhat is brandishing suddenly, palm imprint wields together, then faintly fierce tiger phantom kicks out, but one instantaneously is 3-4 hundred palm imprint, these four Taming Tiger Arhat wield the palm simultaneously, as if thousand fierce tiger roared regarding Luo Zheng unceasingly! 那四位伏虎罗汉,便是将双手掌法发挥到了极致,每一座伏虎罗汉的双掌都在猛然挥舞,一道掌印挥出,便隐隐有一只猛虎虚影扑出,而一个瞬间都是三四百道掌印,这四座伏虎罗汉同时挥掌,仿佛千只猛虎围绕着罗征不断咆哮! Also is these fierce tiger phantom, power and influence little counter-balance that the Luo Zheng long sword stimulates to movement, both sides refuse to budge unexpectedly! 也是这一道道猛虎虚影,将罗征长剑催动的威势一点点的抵消掉,双方竟然就僵持不下! Then is immediately, the deep place of this ancient temple, a height ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden color big buddha opened both eyes suddenly! 便是当下,这古庙的深处,一座身高万丈的金色大佛骤然睁开了双目! This golden big buddha holds the sword, holds lotus flower single-handedly, the complexion does not get angry from the prestige, this feels the Luo Zheng's sword potential, in the vision actually as before indifferent...... 这金色大佛一手执剑,一手执莲花,面色不怒自威,这番感受到罗征的剑势,目光之中却依旧淡然…… This Era, presented a little fellow who unexpectedly cultivates Severing Emotion Divine Dao...... this Severing Emotion Divine Dao had banned over a hundred Era, why this Era, unexpectedly one after another 23 appearances?” “这一衍纪,竟然又出现了一位修斩情神道的小家伙……这斩情神道已经禁了上百个衍纪了,为何这一衍纪,竟然会接连二三的出现?” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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