AT :: Volume #12

#1200: Ancient temple

After the Dream Illusion Points number of Luo Zheng within the body deducts, his ranking also starts crazy falling. 罗征体内的梦幻点数扣除之后,他的排名也开始疯狂的掉落。 Name rise in pyramid, is very normal, ranking of trillion number martial artist, perhaps are many Dream Illusion Points, few Dream Illusion Points will differ tens of thousands of positions. 金字塔中的名字起起落落,原本也是很正常,兆数武者的排名,或许多一个梦幻点,少一个梦幻点都会相差成千上万个名次。 If general martial artist, ranking will plummet will perhaps not bring to the attention of people. 倘若是一般的武者,排名骤降恐怕不会引起人们的注意。 But ranking martial artist near the top, the rise, everyone also acts according to this ranking to infer the martial artist between the victory or defeat! 但排名靠前的武者,起起落落,大家也根据这排名推断武者们之间的胜败! For example Xuanyuan Chenfeng ranked the first, suddenly, the peak from pyramid downward was crazy, has fallen arrived more than 40,000 unexpectedly...... 例如原本排名第一的轩辕晨风,骤然之间,从金字塔的顶端往下狂掉,竟然一直掉到了四万多名…… martial artist in entire world, then speculated that this Xuanyuan Chenfeng should be struck to kill one time! 寰宇中的武者们,便是推测这轩辕晨风应该是被人击杀了一次! Strikes to kill to lose half of Dream Illusion Points numbers one time, this Xuanyuan Chenfeng actually can also maintain at 40,000, is conceivable Dream Illusion Points number many being hard imagination that he previously accumulated. 击杀一次损失一半的梦幻点数,这轩辕晨风却还能保持在四万名,可以想象他此前积累的梦幻点数多的难以想象。 But was Xuanyuan Chenfeng struck to kill by who? 轩辕晨风是被何人所击杀? Also who can strike to kill dao child in All Gods Thoughtless? 又有谁能击杀诸神无念中的道子 People actually know nothing...... 外界的人们却是一无所知…… Luo Zheng's ranking does not go near, but many martial artist are paying attention to him as before silently. 罗征的排名并不靠前,但依旧有不少武者默默的关注着他。 At present the Luo Zheng's name vanishes suddenly! Many paid attention to Luo Zheng's martial artist, has doubts, aren't this Luo Zheng 300 nine hundred thousand positions able to maintain continually? 眼下罗征的名字忽然消失了!许多原本关注罗征的武者,也是非常疑惑,这罗征连三百九十万的名次都无法保持? In the Yun Luo's eye also reveals a stunned color, was Luo Zheng also struck to kill? 云落的眼中也流露出一丝错愕之色,难道罗征也被人所击杀了? She following this position, starts to seek downward! 她顺着这个名次,一路向下开始寻找! Luo Zheng was struck to kill one time, Dream Illusion Points number loss half, she can infer Luo Zheng to fall probably in many! 罗征被击杀了一次,梦幻点数损失一半,她能够大概推断出罗征掉落在多少名! But she injects in the sensation that pyramid, seeks following this position downward, has sought arrived 12 million, cannot seek for the Luo Zheng's name as before! 但她将感知注入那金字塔中,一路顺着这个名次往下寻找,一直寻到了一千二百万名,依旧没能找寻到罗征的名字! She was more puzzled. 她便是更加困惑了。 Even if were struck to kill one time, is impossible to fall to about 10 million in a short time! Is it possible that in a short time, was Luo Zheng struck to kill twice? 就算被击杀一次,也不可能在短时间内掉到一千万名开外!莫非在短时间内,罗征被击杀了两次? Strikes to kill one time, resurrecting, in addition needs some time, Luo Zheng was struck to kill twice possibilities not big...... Yun Luo is also puzzling. 击杀一次,复活尚且需要一段时间,罗征被击杀两次的可能性并不大……云落也是百思不得其解。 Yun Luo does not have too many anxiety actually, this Luo Zheng is always so, in Fueling Flame Inheritance, Luo Zheng's ranking was also extremely near the bottom, swiftly hadn't soon after caught up? She is only pure being able to think through that's all! 云落倒是没有太多的焦虑,这罗征一向都是如此,之前在薪火传承之中,罗征的排名也是极为靠后,不久之后还不是迅速赶了上来?她只是纯粹的想不通而已 In Dream Battlefield...... 梦幻战场之中…… Present Luo Zheng only has more than 10,000 Dream Illusion Points numbers. 现在的罗征只剩下一万多梦幻点数。 Earns ten thousand Dream Illusion Points in this Dream Battlefield, the difficulty is not big. 在这梦幻战场中赚取一万梦幻点,难度并不大。 Luo Zheng also inquired own ranking specially, in this, him then fell directly in 40 million......, but ranking in entire Dream Battlefield, was about 2 billion! 罗征还特意查询了一下自己的排名,在这一界中,他便是直接掉在了四千万名了……而在整个梦幻战场中的排名,则是二十亿名开外! that's all,” Luo Zheng shakes the head. 罢了,”罗征摇摇头。 Three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers had been taken away in any case, hopes that explores this cavern to receive the return! 反正三十万梦幻点数已经被收走了,希望探索这洞穴能够收到回报! After these optical activities absorb the dream luminous spot, then gradually changes into six wing bugs, this bug is condenses by the yellow ray completely, static float side Luo Zheng. 当那些旋光将梦幻光点吸收之后,便渐渐的化为一只六翼小虫,这小虫完全是由黄色的光芒凝聚在而成,静静的漂浮在罗征身边。 After these six wing small light insects appear, exerted that resistance on Luo Zheng also to vanish quietly. 当这六翼小光虫出现之后,施加在罗征身上的那股阻力也悄然消失了。 After losing the resistance, the Luo Zheng then straight from starting to walk step, drills into this cavern...... 失去了阻力之后,罗征便径自迈开步伐,钻入这个洞穴之中…… The present cavern is not big, approximately also only then less than one zhang (3.33 m) width, this leads the way, is a long and narrow downhill. 眼前的这座洞穴并不大,大约也只有不到一丈的宽度,这一路前行,便是一个狭长的下坡路。 In this above, the distance every ten ten feets has a white optical activity. 在这一路之上,每隔十丈的距离都有一道白色的旋光。 When Luo Zheng sees the first optical activity, the Luo Zheng's heart sinks immediately, won't each elimination optical activity need three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points together? If that is right, perhaps killed him unable to collect so many Dream Illusion Points numbers. 罗征看到第一道旋光的时候,罗征的心顿时一沉,不会每清除一道旋光就需要三十万梦幻点吧?若是如此,杀了他恐怕都凑不出这么多梦幻点数。 Matter that Luo Zheng is worried about has not happened, whenever he close to these optical activities time, indeed also met with resistance of force majeure, but follows that only six wing slightly light/only insects side Luo Zheng, straight from flies to this white optical activity, directly this white optical activity absorbing, the resistance then vanished again. 罗征担心的事情并没有发生,每当他靠近那些旋光的时候,的确也遭遇了一道不可抗力的阻力,但一路伴随在罗征身边的那只六翼小光虫,径自飞向这白色旋光,直接就将这白色旋光给吸收了,阻力便是再度消失。 Needs this small insect, after can enter this cavern deep place......” Luo Zheng notices the abilities of these six wing small light insects, light hesitation said. “需要这小虫子,才能一路进入这洞穴深处……”罗征注意到这六翼小光虫的能力后,淡淡的沉吟道。 Optical activities by these six wing small light insect absorptions, Luo Zheng also in only a path along this cavern led the way unceasingly! 一道道的旋光被这六翼小光虫吸收,罗征也在沿着这洞穴中唯一的一条道路不断前行! Ten zhang (3.33 m)...... 十丈…… Hundred zhang (333 m)...... 百丈…… Soon, Luo Zheng then arrives at the side deep place of this cavern. 不久之后,罗征便是来到这洞穴的极深处。 But in the side deep place of this cavern, has an ancient temple...... 而就在这洞穴的极深处,却有一座古庙…… Although in place bottom deep place . Moreover the ancient temple looks extremely broken, but in has power and influence together to release faintly. 虽然在地底的深处,而且古庙看起来极为残破,但在其中却隐隐有一道威势释放出来。 How will this bottom have an ancient temple?” On the Luo Zheng's face reveals the color of doubts. “怎么这地底会有一座古庙?”罗征的脸上流露出疑惑之色。 According to Luo Zheng speculated, this Dream Battlefield should be Great Realm, belongs by close Great Realm. 按照罗征推测,这梦幻战场应该原本就是存在的大界,属于被封闭的大界 In ordinary, is formed Dream Battlefield that not to allow to enter by 50 Great Realm, only then after Dream Battlefield opens, martial artist can through the light spot that Heavenly Way projects enter, moreover only limits in Divine Sea Realm. 在平常的时候,由五十个大界形成的梦幻战场是不允许进入其中的,只有在梦幻战场开启之后,外界的武者才能通过天道投射下来的光斑进入其中,而且只限制在神海境 This did Dream Battlefield in previously, have the living being housing? 梦幻战场在此前,是否有生灵居住? Looks at three Heavenspan Mouse outside this cavern, in addition in the cavern these optical activities, and the six wing small light insects of side, such cavern obviously is the artificial arrangement, is actually who arranges? 看这洞穴之外的三只通天鼠,加上洞穴内那些旋光,以及身边的这支六翼小光虫,这样的洞穴明显是人为布置的,却是何人布置呢? Luo Zheng flies upwards upper realm, the time was still short, travelling is not rich. 罗征飞升上界,时间尚短,游历并不丰富。 He has known in the human race three big influences, only has the Buddhism in Myriad Buddha Sanctuary to be prosperous! 他已知道人族三大势力之中,也只有万佛圣域之中的佛教昌盛! It is said Myriad Buddha Sanctuary tenth grade Holy Land, not with Holy Land name, but with paradise or temple the name names directly...... 据说万佛圣域十品圣地,并非是用“圣地”命名,而是用“福地”或者“寺庙”的名字直接命名…… That does this ancient temple, have the connection with Myriad Buddha Sanctuary at present? 那眼前这古庙,和万佛圣域有关联? Without too many hesitations, Luo Zheng then entered in this ancient temple. 没有太多的犹豫,罗征便进入了这古庙之中。 When Luo Zheng just stepped into this ancient temple, then looks at a arrived image of Buddha! 就当罗征刚刚踏入这古庙,便是看到了一座佛像! That is a Maitreya Buddha of smiling face, what is unusual is this image of Buddha rides unexpectedly above a big tall horse, this Maitreya Buddha moon-face round belly, an eye which perspective, regardless of, seems to be staring at Luo Zheng. 那是一个笑脸的弥勒佛,奇特的是这佛像竟然骑在一匹高头大马之上,这弥勒佛圆脸圆肚子,一双眼睛无论从哪个角度来看,似乎都盯着罗征 Why does not know, although clear(ly) knows that this Maitreya Buddha is a dying thing, but Luo Zheng has the spied on feeling faintly. 不知为何,虽然明知道这弥勒佛乃是一个死物,但罗征却隐隐有被窥探的感觉。 This feeling is not very wonderful, after all the atmosphere of this place is really strange. 这种感觉十分不妙,毕竟此地的氛围实在是太诡异。 If changes a place, if not know has any heavy treasure, Luo Zheng may choose to leave this ancient temple, after all the atmosphere of this ancient temple is too strange, seems not a paradise, but is one ominously! 倘若换一个地方,若不知其中有什么重宝的话,罗征可能会选择离开这古庙,毕竟这古庙的氛围太诡异,似乎并非福地而是一处凶地! But now Luo Zheng is in Dream Battlefield after all, after the death, he most also resurrects in lord city, let alone just paid three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points road toll, Luo Zheng naturally does not hate easily to withdraw, he looks to deduct three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points, can bring anything to return to oneself. 但现在罗征毕竟处于梦幻战场,死亡之后他最多也只是在主城之中复活,何况刚刚缴纳了三十万梦幻点的“过路费”,罗征自然舍不得轻易退出,他就看扣掉三十万梦幻点,能够给自己带来什么回报。 Therefore the Luo Zheng starting to walk footsteps, bypassed the statue of this Maitreya Buddha directly, left the vestibule in this ancient temple, enters in this ancient temple true inner courtyard. 于是罗征径直迈开脚步,绕过了这弥勒佛的雕像,离开了这古庙的前庭,进入这古庙真正的内院之中。 However after letting Luo Zheng strided in the inner courtyard, this Maitreya Buddha that smiling expression starts to change, that eye is actually reverses, the mouth of smile also turns over similarly! 然而让罗征跨入了内院后,这弥勒佛那副笑眯眯的表情开始发生变化,那眼睛却是倒转过来,微笑的嘴巴同样也翻转过来! After the turn over, the Maitreya Buddha at this moment is the whole face sinister aspect. 翻转之后,此刻的弥勒佛已经是满脸凶相。 Has entered Luo Zheng of inner courtyard, is not naturally able to see this...... 已经进入内院的罗征,自然无法看到这一幕…… Bang!” “砰!” He just stepped into the inner courtyard, but also sizes up the environment of this inner courtyard without enough time, the folding doors were then closed loudly! 他刚刚踏入内院,还来不及打量这内院的环境,身后的两扇门便是轰然关闭了! Luo Zheng turned around to look at a that broken wooden door, has not chosen crushing...... 罗征转身看了一眼那残破的木门,并没有选择将之击碎…… If this ancient temple really can surround itself, this wooden door is broken, oneself are unable to crush it, but if Luo Zheng can crush with ease escapes, the trouble that then he will soon face is not worth mentioning. 倘若这古庙真能困住自己,这木门再残破,自己也无法将之击碎,而罗征若能轻松击碎逃脱的话,那么他即将面临的麻烦也不值一提。 Around this inner courtyard empty location, is actually standing erect four images of Buddha! 这内院空荡荡的场地四周,却是竖立着四座佛像! These four image of Buddha hold the long stick, wears the cassock, that four long stick is actually neat is pointing at the center of inner courtyard, is the position that Luo Zheng is. 这四座佛像手执长棍,身披袈裟,那四根长棍却是齐刷刷的指着内院的中央,也就是罗征所在的方位。 „Is this...... the arhat?” The Luo Zheng's vision stares at the statue to say. “这是……罗汉?”罗征的目光盯着雕像说道。 In Luo Zheng sizes up these four images of Buddha, near the ear transmits together crackling immediately the sound! 就在罗征打量这四座佛像之际,耳边随即就传来一道“噼啪”之声! Almost in suddenly time, Luo Zheng has discovered this crackling the origin of sound...... 几乎在一个眨眼的时间内,罗征就已经发现这“噼啪”声的来源…… Corner the surfaces of four images of Buddha start to chap cracks, this arhat image of Buddha starts the activity unexpectedly! 角落中的四座佛像的表面开始皲裂出一道道裂纹,这罗汉佛像竟然开始活动起来! Statue that before long the time, these four stones carve, then jumps down the lotus flower foundation, is brandishing the long stick, immediately directly soars Luo Zheng. 不一会儿功夫,这四位石头雕琢成的石像,便是跳下莲花底座,挥舞着长棍,随即直奔罗征而来。 Although is the body of stone, but looked the movement that they run is quite flexible, as if such as cultivator general...... 虽然是石头之躯,但看他们奔跑的动作却极为灵活,仿佛如真人一般……
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