AT :: Volume #12

#1199: Deduction

Because many people are also whispering secretly. 许多人因为也在暗自嘀咕着。 Good and evil Luo Zheng is stems from Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace...... 好歹这罗征算是出自于云渺天宫…… If other martial artist also on that's all, enter first 5 million martial artist, in the entire world is also very outstanding existence. 如果说其他武者也就罢了,进入前五百万名的武者,在寰宇中也算是十分优秀的存在。 But Luo Zheng previously created so many scary records, until now, Luo Zheng in that sword that in Sword Trial Hall leaves behind, but also wrests away firmly in the first place position, almost bright blind all martial artist that enters Sword Trial Hall! 可是罗征此前创造了那么多骇人的记录,到现在为止,罗征试剑堂中留下的那一剑,还牢牢地霸占在榜首的位置,几乎亮瞎所有进入试剑堂武者 Such a fellow , the arrangement in 300 nine hundred thousand positions, indeed disappoints them somewhat unexpectedly. 就这样一个家伙,居然还排列在三百九十万位,的确让他们有些失望。 Good that this position, might as well does not see. 这个名次,还不如不看见的好。 Dream Space exists in the entire world massively, almost every Holy Land has, because Luo Zheng buries alive the Heavenly Venerable event, in addition once for a while uses a Thunderous Roar Command lecture of story the matter therefore reputation heyday, naturally must have the busybody seek for the Luo Zheng's name. 梦幻空间在寰宇之中大量存在,几乎每一座圣地都拥有,而罗征因为坑杀天尊的事件,加上时不时用咆哮令讲故事的事情所以声名极盛,自然少不了好事者寻找罗征的名字。 After Luo Zheng entered first 5 million, there is many unrelated person to discover his existence. 罗征进入了前五百万名之后,也有许多不相干的人发现他的存在。 „, Luo Zheng this boy is also mediocre, Dream Battlefield opens is so long, only placed 3 million unexpectedly......” “切,罗征这小子也不过如此,梦幻战场开启这么久,竟然也只排在三百万名……” I have said that this Luo Zheng walks dog deng transporting, results in arrived that strange Immortal Mansion, strength is not worth mentioning! How in Heaven's Chosen with hundred thousand Great Realm to compete?” “我早就说过了,这罗征不过是走狗屎运,得到了那座诡异的仙府,本身的实力不值一提!如何跟十万大界中的天骄们竞争?” Strength was inferior that the person do not enter in Dream Battlefield disgraceful!” “实力不如人就不要进梦幻战场中丢人现眼!” Heard that Luo Zheng is stranded in Immortal Mansion now, burying alive four Heavenly Venerable...... was equal to that is the capital crime, perhaps, he also wants to seek the breakthrough!” “听说罗征现在是被困在了仙府之中,坑杀四位天尊……等于已经是死罪了,或许,他也想寻求突破!” „......” “……” living being in entire world are innumerable, found the Luo Zheng's person number from 5 million names, although are not many, but the absolute quantity is many, quick, matter about Luo Zheng ranking in the entire world also in fast spreads...... 寰宇之中的生灵无数,从五百万名字中找到罗征的人数量虽然不多,但绝对数量还是不少的,很快,关于罗征排名的事情在寰宇之中也在飞快的流传起来…… Generally speaking, what most noted was top 100 martial artist, Luo Zheng is also an exceptional case. 一般来说,最受瞩目的乃是排名前100的武者,罗征也算是一个特例了。 Luo Zheng floats as before beside that lord city. 罗征依旧漂浮在那主城之外。 Strikes after Long Qin kills, martial artist in lord city gives to shock. 龙禽击杀之后,将主城中的武者们都给震慑住了。 The Long Qin strength is obvious to all, here most martial artist have not received a Long Qin move of strength, but at present this human race martial artist seems a monster, for three relaxed exterminate Long Qin. 龙禽的实力有目共睹,这里绝大多数武者都没有接下龙禽一招的实力,而眼前这个人类武者仿佛就是一个怪物,一连三次轻松灭杀龙禽 After Luo Zheng shows the immeasurably deep strength, these expert Dream Illusion Points numbers in city, is accumulates laboriously, who is willing easily offering? 罗征展现出深不可测的实力之后,城中的这些强者身上的梦幻点数,也是辛辛苦苦积累起来的,谁又愿意轻易将之奉上? Absolutely does not have martial artist to challenge Luo Zheng actually not, but challenges Luo Zheng's these demon race martial artist, fellow who does not care about the Dream Illusion Points number, the strength is mean, take action cutting will kill does not have the significance...... 倒不是完全没有武者挑战罗征,可是挑战罗征的那些魔族武者,都是不在乎梦幻点数的家伙,实力低微,出手将之斩杀也毫无意义…… But, Luo Zheng revolves this lord city to saunter again! 无奈之下,罗征再度围绕着这主城转悠起来! However Luo Zheng and Long Qin this fight influence was too big, he flies around the city wall, inside martial artist follows the Luo Zheng rotation above the city wall. 然而罗征龙禽这场战斗影响太大了,他一路绕着城墙飞,里面的武者则在城墙之上跟随罗征转动。 Their good deed, watches the fight between expert to be of great help to oneself actually not, they are not willing to miss this opportunity. 倒不是他们好事,观看强者之间的战斗对自己大有裨益,他们也不愿意错过这个机会。 As the matter stands, Luo Zheng passes through one every time, above the city wall follows dense piece of demon race martial artist immediately. 这样一来,罗征每走过一处,城墙之上立即跟上黑压压的一片魔族武者 So striking, also whose silly staying outside city? 如此醒目之下,又有谁会傻傻的呆在城外? Some martial artist fought martial artist that outside the city slaughters, discovered that above city wall vast sound, was seeing that a Luo Zheng alone person directly soars, sees the so big stance, their where will also slaughter? Also retracts to lord city in immediately. 有些武者原本在城外战斗厮杀的武者,发现城墙之上浩大的动静,在看到罗征孤零零的一人直奔过来,看到如此大的架势,他们哪里还会厮杀?一个个也是立即缩回到主城之中。 This, is makes Luo Zheng unable to bear smile bitterly. 这一幕,便是让罗征也忍不住苦笑起来。 The Dream Battlefield rule then, complained that is also useless, custom that let alone Luo Zheng has not complained. 只是梦幻战场的规则便是如此,抱怨也没有用,何况罗征也没有抱怨的习惯。 Luo Zheng after this lord city transferred two, again does not have to harvest Dream Illusion Points, finally also can only choose to give up. 罗征绕着这主城足足转了两圈之后,却是再无收获一个梦幻点,最终也只能选择放弃了。 No matter how, these returns to lord city he to take arrived 300,000 Dream Illusion Points time! 不管如何,这一次回到主城他已经拿到了三十万个梦幻点 This time Luo Zheng actually remembered that cavern, that caverns that paid three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points to enter...... 这时候的罗征却是想起了那个洞穴,那个缴纳三十万梦幻点才能进入的洞穴…… After all stays in this lord city is also little significance, even if saunters several, encounters martial artist that several do not enlarge ones vision, acquired Dream Illusion Points will not be many, might as well first explores that cavern. 毕竟呆在这座主城也没有太大的意义,就算多转悠几圈,遭遇几位不开眼的武者,获得的梦幻点也不会太多,还不如先将那洞穴探索一番。 The rule design of this Dream Battlefield is unreasonable, perhaps, is related with these things of open country. 梦幻战场的规则设计不合理,或许,与野外的那些东西有关。 After all entire Dream Battlefield to contend most expert in Divine Sea Realm, perhaps if everyone cat in lord city, fierce expert is also at a loss. 毕竟整个梦幻战场是为了角逐出神海境中的最强者,倘若大家都猫在主城之中,再厉害的强者恐怕也束手无策。 Thinks of here, Luo Zheng has nothing again hesitant, after the vision swept many martial artist in city wall lightly, then flies to escape to go toward the open country again...... 想到这里,罗征再没有任何犹豫,目光淡淡的扫了一眼城墙上的诸多武者之后,便朝着野外再度飞遁而去…… Above the city wall, six demon race martial artist stand erect in an corner/horn, their vision stare at the direction that Luo Zheng is leaving. 城墙之上,六位魔族武者矗立在一角,他们的目光都盯着罗征离开的方向。 „This human race martial artist person left, can with coming up?” “这人族武者一人离开了,要不要跟上去?” Our six people collaborate, should be able to strike to kill him, his Dream Illusion Points may many......” “我们六人联手,应该能将他击杀,他身上的梦幻点可不少……” Is an opportunity.” “是一个机会。” These six demon race martial artist, the origin of everyone is uncommon, perhaps missed a little compared with it Long Qin, but also differed not far. 这六位魔族武者,每个人的来历都是不凡,或许比之龙禽差了那么一点,但是也相差不远。 In a situation of person, no one dares to say oneself have confidence to defeat Luo Zheng, the Dream Illusion Points number that but Luo Zheng has indeed is very attractive, bleeds off in their hearts many is also unwilling Luo Zheng like this, therefore these six talents plan to collaborate. 一个人的情况下,没人敢说自己有把握打败罗征,但罗征拥有的梦幻点数的确诱人无比,就这样将罗征放走他们心中也多有不甘,所以这六人才打算联手。 Now saw that Luo Zheng leaves alone, their thoughts also warm feelings get up, must pursue Luo Zheng, regarding these six people are a difficult choice. 现在看到罗征独自离开,他们的心思也热络起来,要不要追击罗征,对于这六人来说是一个艰难的抉择。 Saw that Luo Zheng's form disappearance slowly, demon race martial artist shakes the head, forget about it, the true strength of this fellow, should not show half to come!” 眼看着罗征的身影缓缓的消失,其中一位魔族武者还是摇了摇头,“还是算了,这家伙的真正的实力,应该没有展现出一半来!” The strength that shows merely, has made one abstain, no one knows that the Luo Zheng limit the method and trump card are anything, therefore Luo Zheng's Dream Illusion Points number, although are many, but these six people cautious, chose gave up...... 仅仅只是展现出来的实力,就已经让人十分忌讳了,谁也不知道罗征极限的手段和杀手锏是什么,所以罗征的梦幻点数虽然多,但这六人出于稳妥起见,还是选择了放弃…… Before Luo Zheng leaves, slowed down own speed intentionally. 罗征离开之前,故意放慢了自己的速度。 He knows that in some martial artist hearts greedy, may chase down itself jointly, but he and others is these fellows. 他知道有些武者心中贪婪,或许会联手追杀自己,而他等的就是这些家伙。 However this time, Luo Zheng somewhat is disappointed, is actually a person not with...... 然而这一次,罗征却有些失望,身后却是一个人都没跟出来…… Was too greedy.” “还是太贪心了一些。” He struck to kill Long Qin for successive three times, indeed was some. 他连续三次击杀龙禽,的确是有些过了。 However changes mind thinks, even if he strikes to kill one time Long Qin, the effect could not miss many, it is estimated that he could not catch several fat sheep. 不过转念一想,即便他将龙禽击杀一次,效果也差不了多少,估计他还是抓不到几只肥羊。 Since no one chases down himself, Luo Zheng is also the speed that speeds up itself to lead the way, directly soars to go toward that wilderness. 既然没人追杀自己,罗征也是加快自己前行的速度,朝着那一片旷野直奔而去。 After half double-hour, Luo Zheng had leapt several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) from, finally seeks for that cavern! Stood sized up one in the wilderness, a Luo Zheng's brow slightly wrinkle, around this cavern presented three Heavenspan Mouse unexpectedly. 半个时辰之后,罗征已经飞跃了数万里距离,终于寻找到那个洞穴!站在旷野上打量了一眼,罗征的眉头微微一皱,这洞穴周围竟然又出现了三只通天鼠 After this Heavenspan Mouse strikes kills, after as if once in a while, similarly can also again rebirth. 通天鼠击杀之后,似乎每隔一段时间后,同样也会再度“重生”。 „The reward of exterminate this Heavenspan Mouse are also many, one is thousand Dream Illusion Points, after each rebirth, striking will kill, can repeat to obtain three thousand Dream Illusion Points......, if the strength is good, can strike to kill Heavenspan Mouse here repeatedly,” in the Luo Zheng heart ponders. 灭杀通天鼠的奖励也不少,一只就是一千梦幻点,每一次重生后将之击杀,都能重复获得三千梦幻点……若是实力不错,可以在这里反复击杀通天鼠,”罗征心中沉思。 Although this seems quite safe, but this Heavenspan Mouse regarding many Divine Sea Realm martial artist, is quite difficult existence, is naturally far less than to strike to kill the aspect that martial artist comes in the city. 这个仿佛虽然比较稳妥,但这通天鼠对于诸多神海境武者来说,也是相当棘手的存在,自然远不如在城中击杀武者来的方面。 To Luo Zheng, this method of accumulating Dream Illusion Points also was too rather stupid a point . Moreover the speed of accumulating will not be fast. 罗征来说,这种积累梦幻点的方法未免也太笨了一点,而且积累的速度也不会太快。 First entered in this cavern to say again, since this Dream Battlefield arranged these things, had the thing of key inevitably!” “先进入这洞穴之中再说吧,既然这梦幻战场安排这些东西,其中必然有关键之物!” Thinks of here, Luo Zheng again not slightly hesitant, under the figure flashes, directly soars that three Heavenspan Mouse to go...... 想到这里,罗征再没有丝毫犹豫,身形一闪之下,直奔那三只通天鼠而去…… Had the previous experience, dealt with this Heavenspan Mouse becomes especially simple. 有了此前的经验,应付这通天鼠就变得格外简单了。 Using Eight Crooked Flying Smoke and Thunder Tribulation Killing, tempts to be one of them these three Heavenspan Mouse, then brings in Heavenly Tribulation forcibly to be broken its bang again. 利用八曲飞烟雷劫杀,将这三只通天鼠引诱在其中,便再度引来天劫硬生生将其轰碎。 As three thousand Dream Illusion Points escape into Luo Zheng's within the body, this Luo Zheng directly soars that cavern to go. 随着三千梦幻点遁入罗征的体内,这一次罗征直奔那洞穴而去。 When Luo Zheng just approached this cavern, that optical activity then blocked the Luo Zheng's way together, a thought then appeared in the Luo Zheng's mind. 罗征刚刚靠近这洞穴的时候,那一道旋光便是拦住了罗征的去路,一个念头便出现在了罗征的脑海之中。 Enters the evil wind tunnel, needs three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points......” “入邪风洞,需要三十万梦幻点……” Hears those words the instance, Luo Zheng is light nod , the vision is then staring at that shiny black cavern, immediately he then said: Ok!” 听到那句话的瞬间,罗征便是淡淡的点了点头,目光盯着那黑黝黝的洞穴,随即他便是说道:“可以!” Whiz-” “嗖-” Immediately in this cavern has together the strange attraction, Luo Zheng within the body that grains of yellow dream luminous spots, then pulled out outside the body by this attraction, submerged in that together optical activity! 随即这洞穴之中产生一道诡异的吸引力,罗征体内那一粒粒黄色的梦幻光点,便被这吸引力拉出了体外,紧接着就没入了那一道旋光之中! In a flash, Luo Zheng lost three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points...... 一瞬间,罗征就损失了三十万梦幻点…… Dream Illusion Points that this wrestles laboriously, was deducted instantaneously, Luo Zheng also somewhat loved dearly. 这辛辛苦苦搏来的梦幻点,瞬间被扣掉,罗征也是有些心疼了。
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