AT :: Volume #12

#1198: Three kills

In martial artist in city wall, is also hiding some expert similarly, even many some compared with Long Qin stronger martial artist. 城墙上的武者之中,同样也隐藏着一些强者,其中甚至不乏一些比龙禽更强的武者 Compares angry Long Qin, these expert want to be calmer. 相比愤怒的龙禽,这些强者要冷静许多。 When Luo Zheng strikes to kill Long Qin for the first time, obtains 14 ten thousand Dream Illusion Points time , some expert cannot repress impulsive, wants to go out of town to challenge Luo Zheng. 罗征第一次击杀龙禽,获得十四万梦幻点的时候,也有一些强者按捺不住冲动,想要出城挑战罗征 They also evaluate the Luo Zheng's strength in the heart unceasingly, even several demon race martial artist consulted secretly must together take action. 他们也在心中不断地评估罗征的实力,甚至有几位魔族武者暗自协商要不要一起出手 However Luo Zheng always gives them an immeasurably deep feeling, finally cancelled this thought. 不过罗征始终给他们一种深不可测的感觉,最终还是打消了这个念头。 Now sees Long Qin by Luo Zheng second exterminate, in their hearts also raises a lucky thought that previously take action, they actually have not been saw fortunately Luo Zheng is intends so...... 现在看到龙禽罗征第二次灭杀,他们心中也升起一丝侥幸的念头,还好此前并未出手,他们却是看出罗征是有意如此…… Can play with Long Qin in applauses, this Luo Zheng hidden the strength under water surface, perhaps certainly not merely so. 能够将龙禽玩弄在鼓掌之间,这罗征隐藏在水面之下的实力,恐怕绝不仅仅如此。 Luo Zheng as before static float in in the air, on the face is hanging the vague smile as before, this smile in many martial artist eyes, appears the even more profound mishap. 罗征依旧静静的漂浮在空中,脸上依旧挂着若有若无的笑容,这笑容在许多武者眼中,也显得越发高深不测。 Soon, in the city the form dashes about wildly to come together again, was struck to kill twice Long Qin by Luo Zheng! 不久之后,城中一道身影再度狂奔而来,正是被罗征击杀两次的龙禽 Trips in a place twice, this is the mistake that is unable to forgive, this moment Long Qin mood bad arrived extreme, almost arrived not steerable situation! 在一个地方绊倒两次,这是一个无法饶恕的错误,此刻龙禽的心情已恶劣到了极点,几乎到了不可控制的地步! This is also disparity between upper realm martial artist and lower realm martial artist. 这也是上界武者下界武者之间的差距。 lower realm martial artist resources yuan qi of heaven and earth is not even able to compare with upper realm martial artist, but they to work loose from Great Thousand World, flies upwards upper realm, the effort that pays be much more than upper realm martial artist, the time of consumption also much are innumerable time! 下界武者的资源甚至天地元气都无法与上界武者相比拟,但他们为了从大千世界挣脱出来,飞升上界,所付出的努力要比上界武者多得多,耗费的时间也多无数倍! For example lower realm Divine Sea Realm martial artist, can be possible be called great energy, in side Great Thousand World is top existence, their cultivation to years of Divine Sea Realm consumption also compared with on time many innumerable times of upper realm martial artist consumption. 例如下界神海境武者,可以堪称“大能”,在一方大千世界中已是顶尖的存在,他们修炼神海境耗费的岁月也远比上界武者耗费的时间多上无数倍。 However demon race Heaven's Chosen like Long Qin, on Grand Era's Struggle, cultivation speed quick innumerable times, their Heart of Martial Dao do not have the test of experience years, the danger that even encounters is few, the strength no doubt wants to be stronger than Ascender, but state of mind difference far away. 但是像龙禽这样的魔族天骄,又恰逢大世之争,修炼的速度快了无数倍,他们的武道之心没有经历岁月的考验,甚至遭遇的危险都很少,实力固然远比飞升者要强许多,但心境则差的老远了。 This failure, places on Long Qin, he actually could not accept absolutely, present Long Qin just like an angry beast of prey, loses the Dream Illusion Points number is not unimportant, he must do vented, must that human race martial artist tearing, be able to release the anger of heart! 这种失败,放在龙禽身上,他却是万万接受不了,现在的龙禽宛若一头愤怒的猛兽,是否损失梦幻点数已经不重要了,他要做的就是发泄,要将那人族武者撕裂,才能够一泄心头之怒! Go away!” “滚开!” Under shouting of Long Qin, martial artist that above the city wall assembled made way in abundance a gap, was looks at Long Qin to rise with a spring, climbs up the city wall, immediately relied on this strength to run out of the city wall again! 龙禽的嘶吼之下,城墙之上围聚的武者们纷纷让开了一个缺口,便是看着龙禽一跃而起,攀上城墙,随即借助着这股力量再度冲出了城墙! He completes this series of movements in the situations, has not actually locked including own goal...... 他完成这一连串动作的情况下,却是连自己的目标都没锁定…… Sees this, hidden some expert in crowd is also secret sighing, if this Long Qin can suppress own anger, facing Luo Zheng, in addition the opportunity of victory, his Heart of Martial Dao is chaotic now, this to/clashes only to deliver the Dream Illusion Points number to that human race boy! 看到这一幕,隐藏在人群中的一些强者也是暗暗的叹了一口气,这龙禽若是能够压制自己的愤怒,面对罗征尚且还有一丝胜利的机会,如今他的武道之心已乱,这番冲出去只能是给那人族小子送梦幻点数! Really...... 果然…… After Long Qin runs out of the city wall, he discovered suddenly, Luo Zheng did vanish unexpectedly? 龙禽冲出城墙之后,他才骤然发现,罗征竟然消失了? Under this anger, he only wants first to go out of town, then strikes to kill Luo Zheng, actually quite the same as the position that does not notice Luo Zheng to be at! 这愤怒之下,他只想先出城,然后将罗征击杀,却浑然没有注意到罗征所在的方位! Flash when Long Qin fluttering from the sky is in a daze, a light sound conveys immediately, that Luo Zheng! 就当龙禽飘荡在空中发愣的一瞬间,一个淡淡的声音随即传来,那正是罗征 Luo Zheng at this moment floats above the Long Qin top of the head, the vision is indifferent, on Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword in hand glitters wisp of blue Wang Wang cold glow...... 此刻的罗征漂浮在龙禽的头顶之上,目光淡然,手中的雷风幽神剑上闪烁出一缕蓝汪汪的寒芒…… You said that you are the wolf, this view I quite approve,” on the Luo Zheng's face ripples a smile, during the speeches, Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword had raised high high, „, but, you at best are also only quite emaciated wolf that's all!” “你说你是狼,这个说法我比较赞同,”罗征的脸上荡漾出一丝笑容,说话之间,雷风幽神剑已经高高扬了起来,“不过,你充其量也只是一条比较羸弱的狼罢了!” Is saying, the Luo Zheng's long sword has wielded ruthlessly cuts under! 正说着,罗征的长剑已经狠狠地挥斩而下! However that sword blade arrives at the Long Qin nape neck place time was actually one, actually pats with side of sword slightly in the Long Qin latter neck place! 不过那剑刃来到龙禽的后颈脖处的时候却是微微一偏,却是用剑的一面拍在了龙禽的后脖子处! bang! 啪! The clear sound transmission comes together, along with Long Qin one stuffy, this Long Qin then falls rapidly toward, must smash into the ground shortly. 一道清脆的声音传递而来,伴随着龙禽的一声闷哼,这龙禽便是朝着下方急速坠去,眼看就要砸入地面。 But at this moment, Luo Zheng flies high to tread one step, the figure vanishes suddenly, at the same time, spanned space first one step to appear in Long Qin the side, raised the head Long Qin that looked is falling to come, the long sword lifts again slightly, as for you said that I was the sheep, these words I am unable to approve of!” 但就在此刻,罗征凌空踏出一步,身形骤然消失,在同一时间,跨越空间却抢先一步出现在了龙禽的这方,抬头望着直坠而来的龙禽,长剑再度微微抬起,“至于你说我是羊,这句话我就无法赞同了!” bang! 啪! After saying, a Luo Zheng sword lays out again, is the resembles plays the cricket to be the same, brandishes the side of this long sword to Long Qin! 说完之后,罗征再度一剑拍出,便是像打板球一般,将这长剑的侧面抡向龙禽 With this clear loud sound, Long Qin in in the air tumbles, while flies to shoot to go toward the sky...... 伴随着这清脆的巨响,龙禽在空中一边翻滚,又一边朝着上空飞射而去…… Was whipped two by Luo Zheng continuously, Long Qin also feared confused, although clear hears the arrived Luo Zheng's sound, the opportunity that but he actually opens the mouth at this moment continually has not had! 连续被罗征拍打了两记,龙禽也是被怕的七荤八素,虽然清晰的听到了罗征的声音,但此刻他却连开口的机会都不曾有! Long Qin after the above whips, but, the Luo Zheng's figure flashes again, is actually takes one step, the figure appears in the Long Qin sky again, on the face brims with the smile is being continues saying: I am not a sheep, possibly is not considered as that the wolf...... I am, eats the wolf the lion!” 龙禽朝着上方拍打而出后,罗征的身形再度一闪,却是迈出一步,身形再度出现在龙禽的上空,脸上洋溢着笑容便是继续说道:“我并不是羊,可能也不算是狼……我是,吃狼的狮子!” After saying, ray greatly rises in Luo Zheng both eyes, this Luo Zheng has nothing to keep the hand again, in the long sword erupts an imposing manner decidedly, Luo Zheng also changes into the brutal deicide! 说完之后,罗征双目中的光芒大盛,这一次罗征再没有任何留手,长剑之中爆发出一股决然的气势,罗征本身也化为无情的杀神! In the sword light contains terrifying sword intent together, directly soars Long Qin to go! 一道剑光之中蕴藏着恐怖的剑意,直奔龙禽而去! Long Qin at this moment, is ordinary just like the Luo Zheng's toys, was patted to pat willfully by Luo Zheng, where also has the leeway of resistance? 此刻的龙禽,宛若罗征的玩物一般,被罗征任意拍上拍下,哪里还有反抗的余地? Under this sword, Luo Zheng then cuts to kill Long Qin third time! 这一剑之下,罗征便是第三度斩杀龙禽 This matter, sounded also enough rarely seen! 这种事情,听起来也足够奇葩了! After all Dream Battlefield martial artist backs on lord city, not can be victorious to run into lord city to be enough, where will have the fool to clash to make others kill again and again? 毕竟梦幻战场武者都背靠主城,打不过逃入主城就足够了,哪有傻子会一而再,再而三的冲出去让别人杀? But Luo Zheng actually makes arrived! 可是罗征却做到了 Strikes to kill for the first time three times Long Qin, Luo Zheng obtains 14 ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, obtained seven ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers for the second time, but cuts in half for the third time again, is more than 30,000 Dream Illusion Points numbers...... adds on the previous Dream Illusion Points number, the Dream Illusion Points number in Luo Zheng hand has achieved 310,000. 龙禽击杀三次,罗征第一次获得十四万梦幻点数,第二次则获得了七万梦幻点数,而第三次则再度减半,便是三万多梦幻点数……加上此前的梦幻点数,罗征手中的梦幻点数已经达到三十一万之多。 Afterward Luo Zheng then inquired own ranking again! 随后罗征便是再度查询了自己的排名! After this Long Qin Dream Illusion Points number absorbs, Luo Zheng's ranking is the rapid rise! 将这龙禽梦幻点数吸收之后,罗征的排名便是迅速上升! Previously the Luo Zheng only seven ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, were this 410,000, but in entire Dream Battlefield , then arranged in 19 million! 此前罗征仅有七万梦幻点数,位列这一界中的四十一万名,而在整个梦幻战场中则排列在一千九百万名! But this time Luo Zheng, ranking in this has been about 80,000, ranking of entire Dream Battlefield the first time is 3.9 million...... this is also Luo Zheng strided in 15 million! 但这时候的罗征,在这一界中的排名已出于八万名左右,整个梦幻战场的排名则是三百九十万名……这也是罗征第一次跨入千五百万名! In the outside world, the concern over pyramid also limits in first 5 million...... 外界之中,对金字塔的关注也限制在前五百万…… Can in hundred thousand Great Realm, include first 5 million to call it outstandingly, after all this is 1 trillion numbers first 5 million. 能够在十万大界之中,列入前五百万可以称之为优秀,毕竟这可是一兆之数的前五百万。 Naturally, described Luo Zheng with outstanding, obvious some were inappropriate, he arranged in this position, but was collects the Dream Illusion Points speed slowly some that's all...... 当然,用优秀来形容罗征,明显有些不合适,他排列在这个名次,不过是收集梦幻点的速度慢了一些罢了…… At this moment, Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace all martial artist assemble nearby pyramid, the vision is gazing at that a pyramid comprised of the innumerable names, is looking at the name in this pyramid. 此时此刻,云渺天宫所有的武者都围聚在金字塔跟前,目光注视着那由无数名字组成的一座金字塔,望着这金字塔上的名字上上下下。 First, is All Gods Thoughtless Xuanyuan Chenfeng!” “第一名,还是诸神无念轩辕晨风!” This Xuanyuan Chenfeng is All Gods Thoughtless dao child! It is said that he depended upon the Heavenly Venerate Primeval Sin big method in the past, swallowed a Heavenly Way fragment, endured dao accumulation to bite the pain of heart, this person is first, indeed not in vain!” “这轩辕晨风乃是诸神无念道子!据说他当年依靠原罪天尊的大手段,吞下了一枚天道碎片,熬过了道蕴噬心之苦,此人名列第一,的确不枉!” Yeah, the martial artist performance of our Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace does not seem outstanding! Until now, enters first 10,000 does not have one! That Ai Anxin also placed 110,000 unexpectedly...... has not thought that performance of Xue Muyang, was better than her, entered first 80,000 unexpectedly!” “哎,咱们云渺天宫武者表现似乎都不突出啊!到现在为止,进入前一万名的都没有一个!那艾安心竟然还排在十一万名……没想到薛木阳的表现,比她还好一些,居然进入了前八万名了!” What to be anxious, this just started, hasn't Luo Zheng appeared?” “急什么,这才刚刚开始,罗征不是也没出现吗?” Let alone Luo Zheng, the boy had not seen the shadow!” “别说罗征了,那小子还没见到影子呢!” Found Luo Zheng! 3.93 million! He had broken in first 5 million!” In Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace martial artist shouts loudly. “找到罗征了!三百九十三万名!他已经冲入了前五百万名!”云渺天宫之中一位武者大声喊道。 Silent Yun Luo, has heard that martial artist sound brightly, the eye suddenly one. 一直沉默不语的云落,听到那武者的声音,眼睛骤然一亮。 Since Dream Battlefield opening, Luo Zheng completely vanished, Yun Luo even once suspected whether Luo Zheng has not entered Dream Battlefield! Now heard the Luo Zheng's name for the first time, Yun Luo actually feels relieved. 自从梦幻战场开启之后,罗征就完全消失了,云落甚至一度怀疑罗征是否没有进入梦幻战场!现在第一次听到罗征的名字,云落却是放心了。 She trusts Luo Zheng, this fellow does not participate either, so long as he entered Dream Battlefield, will win a good result inevitably! 她信任罗征,这家伙要么不参与进来,但只要他进入了梦幻战场,势必会争得一个不错的成绩! 300 nine hundred thousand...... does this fellow do?” Some people are actually discontented mumbled, no matter how, this boy's performance fully does not conform to him in the elegant demeanor in Fueling Flame Inheritance showing! “才三百九十万名……这家伙到底是干什么?”有人却是不满的嘟哝了一句,不管如何,这小子的表现完全不符合他在薪火传承中展现出的风采! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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