AT :: Volume #12

#1197: Kills the second time

Regarding Long Qin, this is a greatest shame! 对于龙禽来说,这是一个莫大的耻辱! He by human race martial artist, with so simple method exterminate, the anger in heart was hard to constrain unexpectedly. 他竟然被一位人族武者,用如此简单的方法灭杀,心中的怒火难以压抑。 Finally its reason, because Luo Zheng's strength extremely in powerful, by Long Qin present cultivation base , he in addition is unable to resist Luo Zheng this terrifying strength. 终其原因,还是因为罗征的力量太过于强悍,以龙禽现在的修为来看,他尚且无法抵挡罗征这股恐怖的力量。 However this will not lose to Luo Zheng on behalf of Long Qin! 不过这不代表龙禽会输给罗征 fleshly body is tyrannical, inborn divine strength, these two talents are not worth mentioning in the Long Qin eye! 肉身强横,天生神力,这两个天赋在龙禽眼中不值一提! His Long Qin also has the big method not to display, let alone he also comprehended the deep meaning in Fire Element Law, that is his own deep meaning! To a certain extent, can be karmic law that he himself comprehends...... 龙禽还有大手段未曾施展出来,何况他还领悟了火系法则中的奥义,那是属于他自己的奥义!从某种程度上来说,可以算是他自己领悟出来的因果律…… But so many methods, he cannot display, by that human race martial artist exterminate, he was given by Luo Zheng unexpectedly to put it bluntly Yin...... 但这么多手段,他未能施展,竟然就被那人族武者灭杀,说白了他就是被罗征给阴了…… Regarding Long Qin, how can he be resigned? 对于龙禽来说,他如何能甘心? Therefore after he just resurrected, outside flustered directly soaring city! 所以他刚刚复活之后,就急吼吼的直奔城外! Now in the Long Qin heart worries that human race martial artist hides into lord city. 现在龙禽心中就是担忧,那人族武者躲入主城之中。 However in addition Long Qin when the soul condition, he has thought that which place no matter this boy hides, he will clutch it! 不过龙禽尚且在灵魂状态的时候,他就已经想好了,不管这小子躲在哪个地方,他都会将之揪出来! Only if this human race martial artist gives up accumulating Dream Illusion Points, otherwise he will follow in this boy behind. 除非这人族武者放弃积累梦幻点,否则他会一路跟在这小子的身后。 But makes Long Qin rush to above the city wall, under that pair sweeps like the goshawk general sharp vision, actually stares slightly. 但让龙禽冲到城墙之上,那双如同苍鹰一般锐利的目光一扫之下,却是微微一愣。 Luo Zheng of not far away floats in in the air, as if after exterminate, his hasn't one step moved out of the way? 不远处的罗征漂浮在空中,似乎从灭杀自己后,他就一步未曾挪开过? This moment Luo Zheng also discovered Long Qin, the corners of the mouth crook wiped the curve, is revealing a light happy expression to Long Qin! 此刻罗征也发现了龙禽,嘴角弯曲处一抹弧度,对着龙禽流露出一丝淡淡的笑意! Sees the Luo Zheng's complexion, the angry flame is not only flooding his chest cavity, is pours into his mind! 看到罗征的脸色,愤怒的火焰不仅仅充斥着他的胸腔,更是灌入他的脑海之中! The Long Qin slight hesitation, has not risen with a spring from the city wall, at the same time, behind since that pair of purple flame pair of wings leaps suddenly, the length of that getting a light from another light wing extends the hundred zhang (333 m) distance, wraps to go toward Luo Zheng! 龙禽没有丝毫的犹豫,从城墙之上一跃而起,与此同时,那背后那一对紫焰双翼骤然腾起,那一对火翼的长度延伸百丈距离,朝着罗征包裹而去! Actually in the ordinary day, Long Qin is very vigilant martial artist! 其实在平日里,龙禽是一位非常机警的武者 In Devil Flame Realm, the competition also is also very fierce, Long Qin can become Devil Flame Realm Realm Lord descendant, depends upon is not just the talent! 魔焰界中,竞争同样也很激烈,龙禽能够成为魔焰界界主传人,所依靠的绝非仅仅是天赋! From the beginning Long Qin regards as sheep Luo Zheng, but now he actually by Luo Zheng this sheep eating...... 只是一开始龙禽就将罗征视为“羊”,但现在他却被罗征这只羊给吃了…… It can be said that Luo Zheng had enraged Long Qin successfully, making him lose the reason. 可以说罗征已经成功激怒了龙禽,让他失去了理智。 Under martial artist in violent anger, strength often, even can display to exceed own strength! 处于暴怒之下的武者,实力往往会更强一些,甚至能发挥出超越自己的实力! The attack of Long Qin, looks like the long-awaited violent storm, must send shortly excitedly. 龙禽的这番攻击,就像是酝酿已久的暴风骤雨,眼看就要勃然而发。 Long Qin really got angry......” 龙禽是真的怒了……” This human race martial artist also is really calm, does not know that is what family background!” “这人族武者还真是淡定,不知道是什么出身!” Is it possible that does this human race boy have other taking advantage? Doesn't fear Long Qin seriously?” “莫非,这人族小子还有其他的依仗?当真不怕龙禽?” Luo Zheng light looks at the Long Qin offensive, the figure has actually been moving, but most careful martial artist has not noticed even, under this ground had presented a light white halo. 罗征淡淡的望着龙禽的攻势,身形却是一动未动,不过即便是最为细心的武者也未曾注意到,这地面之下已经出现了一道淡淡的白色光环。 He planned the time, has started to extract Primordial Chaos Qi, and will transform as «Thunder Tribulation Killing» formation, buried under the ground quietly one foot place! 他算计了时间,早已开始抽取混沌之气,并将之转化为《雷劫杀》的法阵,悄然埋在了地面之下一尺处! Boy, I will make you understand, anything is called the counter purgatory fire!” “小子,我会让你明白,什么叫做逆炼狱火!” „!” “蓬!” After saying, the imposing manner of Long Qin whole person suddenly changes, presented a light red six glow stars trace from his forehead. 说完之后,龙禽整个人的气势骤然为之一变,自他的眉心处出现了一道淡淡的赤色六芒星的纹路。 When that red six glow stars rotate slowly, during a greatest power and influence seems to be also condensing...... 那赤色六芒星缓缓转动之际,一股莫大的威势似乎也在凝聚之中…… However, Long Qin this round of offensive has not fermented to come out, in the city many martial artist felt that arrived is not right, but this not right, then came from above the sky! 然而,龙禽这一轮攻势还未曾酝酿出来,城中诸多武者都感觉到了一丝不对劲,而这一丝不对劲则来自于天空之上! The powerful world pressure came from the sky transmission together! 一道强大的天地威压从上空传递而来! Meanwhile, in the sky presents dense and numerous dao accumulation Law to start to congeal! 与此同时,天空之中出现密密麻麻的道蕴法则开始凝结而出! This thing, is not strange to martial artist on the scene. 这东西,对在场的武者们并不陌生。 martial artist in entire Dream Battlefield is Divine Sea Realm cultivation base, they have at least also experienced several times Small Heavenly Tribulation, has experienced 1-2 Great Heavenly Tribulation! 整个梦幻战场中的武者都是神海境修为,他们至少也经历过数次小天劫,也经历过1-2大天劫 How to have Heavenly Tribulation to brave?” “怎么会有天劫冒出来?” In Dream Battlefield can Transcending Tribulation...... not?” 梦幻战场中可以渡劫吗……不可以吧?” If in Dream Battlefield can Transcending Tribulation, that not be too crisp? Risk that here has not fallen from the sky......” “倘若梦幻战场中可以渡劫,那不是太爽了?这里可没有陨落的风险……” Regarding Luo Zheng, in many Heaven's Chosen regarding entire world, the Transcending Tribulation difficulty is not possibly big, but regarding many ordinary Divine Sea Realm martial artist, the Transcending Tribulation very dangerous matter, does not pay attention to have the risk of falling from the sky slightly. 对于罗征,对于寰宇中的诸多天骄们来说,渡劫的难度可能没有那么大,但对于许多普通神海境武者来说,渡劫还是非常危险的事情,稍微不注意还是有陨落的风险。 They see this coming Thunder Tribulation, some first response people in Transcending Tribulation! 他们看到这即将来临的雷劫,第一反应就是有人在渡劫 The phenomenon that on this day spatial above presents, not only attracted these martial artist in city wall, even captured the martial artist attention in entire lord city! 这天空之上出现的异象,不仅仅吸引了城墙上的这些武者,甚至将整个主城中的武者目光都吸引过来了! All martial artist first are curious, how can some people here Transcending Tribulation? 所有的武者第一时间都在好奇,怎么就有人能在这里渡劫 As for Long Qin, has started to gather the potential when the anger, plans to launch the fiercest attack, kills this Luo Zheng cutting repeatedly here! So long as he dares to go out of town, Long Qin must cut to kill one time it, until does not keep the Dream Illusion Points number of this person robs! 至于龙禽,在愤怒之余已经开始蓄势,打算展开最为猛烈的攻击,将这罗征一遍遍的斩杀在这里!只要他敢出城,龙禽就要将其斩杀一次,直到将此人的梦幻点数一点不留的抢夺回来! However the anger turns over to the anger, even if Long Qin is burning with anger now, he pays attention to the phenomenon above arrived sky. 不过愤怒归愤怒,即便龙禽现在怒火中烧,他还是留意到了天空之上的异象。 Some person of Transcending Tribulation? 有人渡劫 He one under has not thought slightly, at present is first to process this Luo Zheng! 他微微一愣之下也没有多想,眼前就是要将这罗征先处理掉! The fire has myriad to change the potential, grasps principles by heart against the current, the prison fire self-immolation day, transfers the potential of universe, to practice...... 火有万千变势,以逆水之心悟道,狱火自焚天,转乾坤之势,以练…… This counter purgatory fire is Long Qin voluntarily the deep meaning that comprehends from Fire Element Law, in the entire entire world is also alone! 这逆炼狱火乃是龙禽自行从火系法则之中领悟的奥义,整个寰宇之中也只是独一份! The common flame can be divided into two, is the outer flame and inner flame. 一般的火焰可以分为两层,便是外焰和内焰。 But at this moment actually ascends together very special flame from Long Qin forehead, this flame from the outer layer to the inner layer, unexpectedly six color fluctuations, this flame is divided into sixth layer i.e . 但此刻自龙禽眉心处却升腾出一道十分特殊的火焰,这一朵火焰从外层到内层,竟然有六种颜色的变幻,也就是说这火焰分为六层 If sizes up carefully can also discover, this is also an extremely beautiful flame, but this magnificent flame also contains the extremely terrifying might! 若是仔细打量也能发现,这也是一种极美的火焰,但这一朵瑰丽的火焰同时也蕴藏着极为恐怖的威力! In the Long Qin these years experiences, the fire of counter building up displays, but has never had the defeat! 龙禽这些年的历练之中,将逆炼之火施展而出就从未吃过败仗! In addition but this flame also has completely ferments to come out, in the sky has heard a giant bellow. 可是这一朵火焰尚且还么有完全酝酿出来,天空之中已经传来一道巨大的轰鸣声。 Bang......” “轰隆……” A thunderclap in cloudless day, has appeared in the sky! 晴天中的一道霹雳,已经出现在了上空! Even this Heavenly Thunder appears, cannot stop the Long Qin offensive, he did not mean that this Heavenly Way chops together to own, can say that in the Long Qin eye at this moment only has Luo Zheng, as for this Heavenly Tribulation...... in any case is not his Transcending Tribulation, he was directly this together Heavenly Tribulation neglecting. 即便是这天雷出现,也没能阻挡龙禽的攻势,他并不意味这一道天道是劈向自己的,也可以说此刻的龙禽眼中就只有罗征,至于这天劫……反正又不是他渡劫,他便是直接将这一道天劫给忽略掉了。 But neglects the danger is to pay the price, after Long Qin gathers the potential is completed, then must at present this human race martial artist burn for the ashes, but at this time, the strength of that Thunder Tribulation like a white bolt of white silk, from in the air watered together directly, covered Long Qin. 可是忽略掉危险是要付出代价的,当龙禽蓄势完成之后,便要将眼前这人族武者焚为灰烬,而就在这时候,那一道雷劫之力如同一道白色的匹练,直接从空中浇灌下来,将龙禽笼罩在了其中。 Sees this martial artist, the eyelid cannot bear is beating crazily...... 看到这一幕的武者们,眼皮都忍不住疯狂跳动着…… This Heavenly Tribulation, aims at Long Qin unexpectedly......” “这天劫,居然是针对龙禽的……” Is it possible that is Heavenly Tribulation that human race martial artist brings in?” “莫非天劫是那人族武者引来的?” How possibly, you heard that who can inspire Heavenly Tribulation? It is not cultivation base breaks through the time, will cause the disciplinary punishment of Heavenly Way?” “怎么可能,你听说谁能够引动天劫了?不都是修为突破的时候,才会引起天道之惩戒么?” Heavenly Tribulation is Heavenly Way does not allow to be powerful in martial artist, arrived penalty, this Heavenly Way possibly so will be stupid, was directed with ease? 天劫乃是天道不容于武者强大,降临的惩罚,这天道怎么可能会那么蠢,被人轻松的引下来? martial artist on the scene, hear something never heard of before to this kind of cultivation technique, naturally some do not believe...... 在场的武者们,对这一类功法可是闻所未闻,自然有些不相信了…… But this matter such fortunately? 可是这事情偏偏就这么凑巧? Luo Zheng is happen to waiting here, Long Qin happen to flushed at this time, this did Heavenly Tribulation happen to arrive here? 罗征正好在这里等着,龙禽正好在这时候冲出来,这天劫正好就在这里降临? In the world where has so many matter fortunately! 天底下哪有那么多凑巧的事情! After this Thunder Tribulation completely vanishes, the Long Qin form also dissipated , a red luminous spot flew to shoot to return to the city again...... at the same time, the little yellow Dream Illusion Points number took in within the body by Luo Zheng again. 等到这道雷劫完全消失之后,龙禽的身影也消散在了其中,一道红色的光点再度飞射回城中……与此同时,一点点黄色的梦幻点数再度被罗征摄入体内。 Long Qin by Luo Zheng exterminate one time, Luo Zheng was previously obtained 14 ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, now under exterminate, Luo Zheng obtains seven ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers again once again. 龙禽此前被罗征灭杀一次,罗征获得了十四万梦幻点数,现在再度灭杀之下,罗征又一次获得了七万梦幻点数。 Was equal to that Luo Zheng in this one person, then obtained 21 ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers...... 等于罗征在此一人身上,便获得了二十一万梦幻点数了…… Does not know that this fellow can also come, three ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, is not a small number,” Luo Zheng truly so light is thinking. “不知道这家伙还会不会来,三万梦幻点数,也不是一个小数目,”罗征确实如此淡淡的想着。 As for surrounding many martial artist, look to reveal the human and animals harmless smile to Luo Zheng that in the heart is actually afraid, at this moment they are can determine, just now that Heavenly Tribulation is Luo Zheng draws out mostly, how this human race does martial artist achieve? 至于围观的诸多武者们,望向罗征那张流露出人畜无害的笑容,心中却是不寒而栗起来,此刻他们算是可以确定,方才那天劫多半就是罗征引出的,这人族武者到底是如何做到的?
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