AT :: Volume #12

#1196: 140,000

When this Long Qin follows a set pattern, launches the pair of wings to fly to shoot toward oneself again to go. 就当这龙禽如法炮制,再度展开双翼朝着自己飞射而去。 So divulges own strength recklessly, treats as the target to practice acquiring a skill Luo Zheng generally, slightly has the pleasure to Long Qin! 如此肆意的宣泄自己的力量,将罗征当做靶子一般练手,对龙禽来说也算是小有乐趣! But this time, Luo Zheng has not actually tried to dodge the attack of Long Qin, but is the choice resists in the upfront, his left hand turns over slightly, the right hand sets upright in one side! 但这一次,罗征却没有试图闪避龙禽的攻击,而是选择在正面对抗,他左手微微翻转,右手则竖在一侧! Seizes adeptly...... 擒拿手…… Many martial artist see this, the complexion is also strange. 诸多武者看到这一幕,脸色也是再度古怪起来。 demon race martial artist are Body Refinement, this seizes adeptly is most primary martial learn/study, can converge in basic fist technique! 魔族武者多是炼体,这擒拿手乃是最为初级的武学,可以归为基本拳法之中! Counted on that the dependence seizes adeptly, gives adeptly Long Qin? 指望依靠擒拿手,将龙禽给拿手? They thought more and more Luo Zheng brain had the issue...... 他们越来越觉得罗征脑子有问题了…… Long Qin is also coldly smiled, the pair of wings launches slightly, from the sky the soaring stance is more elegant, the speed speeds up to the extreme , is the front surface goes toward the Luo Zheng clash! 龙禽也是冷冷一笑,身后的双翼微微展开,在空中飞翔姿态更加飘逸,速度加快到极点之下,便是迎面朝着罗征猛撞而去! The strength that although Luo Zheng shows collapses at the first blow, but the vigilance in Long Qin heart has not actually reduced. 虽然罗征展现出来的实力不堪一击,可是龙禽心中的警惕却没有丝毫降低。 He does not believe that Luo Zheng only has such strength! 他根本不相信罗征仅有如此实力! But no matter this fellow plays what pattern, Long Qin thinks during oneself control, plays the pattern under the absolute strength is meaningless. 但不管这家伙玩什么花样,龙禽都自认为在自己掌控之中,在绝对的实力之下玩花样是毫无意义的。 Finished!” “结束了!” When charges into Luo Zheng, the purple flame in his hand just like a flower of barbaric growth general blooms rapidly! 冲向罗征之际,他手中的紫焰宛若一朵野蛮生长的花儿一般迅速绽放! But at this time, the Luo Zheng's right hand actually looked like a lightning to find out, under single-handed pinched gently, actually pinched out that purple flame directly. 但就在这时候,罗征的右手却像一道闪电探出,单手轻轻一捏之下,却是将那一朵紫焰直接掐灭。 The left hand looks like a snake, twisted the arm of Long Qin, as under the Luo Zheng's arm made an effort, that immeasurably deep strength emerged quietly! 紧接着左手就像是一条蛇般,拧住了龙禽的手臂,随着罗征的胳膊用力之下,那深不可测的力量悄然涌现! kā cā!” 咔擦!” Together clearly may hear crashes to transmit. 一道清晰可闻的碎裂声传来。 The arm of this Long Qin was twisted and broken by Luo Zheng's directly single-handed! 龙禽的手臂直接被罗征的单手拧断! On the face of Long Qin glitters to wipe the inconceivable color, in another hand presents one group of flame again, wants to pound down toward the Luo Zheng overhead again! 龙禽的脸上闪烁出一抹不可思议之色,另外一只手中再度出现一团火焰,想要再度朝着罗征当头砸下! But Luo Zheng concocts in accordance with the law, his right hand pinches out that flame again quickly, grabbed the Long Qin remaining that hands! 罗征依法炮制,他的右手再度以迅雷不及掩耳之势将那火焰掐灭,同时也抓住了龙禽剩下的那只手! Under this grasps, Long Qin felt oneself were gripped by pliers, possibility that has almost not moved. 这一抓之下,龙禽就感觉自己被一把钳子夹住,几乎没有动弹的可能性。 But sees this from the city wall, surrounded many martial artist were also more puzzled. 而从城墙之上看到这一幕,围观的诸多武者们也是更加困惑了。 arrived Divine Sea Realm this level, both sides compete either is the technique law of true essence comprehension, either is the resistance of martial skill. 到了神海境这个层次,双方比拼的要么是真元领悟的术法,要么就是武技的对抗。 This Luo Zheng displayed to seize suddenly adeptly somewhat was unthinkable, why this can Long Qin also accompany Luo Zheng to play? Two people pester like this in together, is this must compete the strength? 罗征骤然施展出擒拿手原本就有些匪夷所思了,为何这龙禽也要陪罗征玩?两人这样纠缠在一起,这是要比拼力量? They actually do not know, in the Long Qin heart also complained of hardship secretly, although Long Qin guessed correctly Luo Zheng to have own trump card inevitably, but Long Qin has not thought, Luo Zheng's trump card unexpectedly was the fleshly body strength? 他们却不知道,龙禽心中也是暗暗叫苦,虽然龙禽猜出罗征必然有自己的杀手锏,但龙禽未曾想到,罗征的杀手锏竟然是自己肉身的力量? Such terrifying strength where this fellow comes! 这家伙哪里来的这么恐怖的力量! The Long Qin build in demon race is quite pocket-sized existence, but compared with Luo Zheng tall and strong one time, be captured by Luo Zheng like this lives, indeed is a very strange matter. 龙禽的体型在魔族之中算是比较袖珍的存在,但还是要比罗征魁梧一倍有余,就这样被罗征“擒拿”住,的确是一件非常诡异的事情。 But Luo Zheng has not given the time that he thinks deeply about. 罗征并没有给他思索的时间。 This Long Qin is also Body and Essence Dual Cultivation, besides cultivation Fire Element Law, the Body Refinement technique is also very powerful! 龙禽也算是法体双修,除了修炼火系法则之外,炼体术也十分强悍! Opportunity that but Luo Zheng simply has not displayed to him! 罗征根本没有给他施展的机会! In addition Long Qin also in doubts, the plan of plan counter-attack time, was bigger than ten times of strengths then to transmit to come from the Luo Zheng's hand arm previously! 龙禽尚且还在疑惑之间,筹谋反击之策的时候,一股比此前大了十倍的力量便从罗征的手臂之中传递而来! The strength that the so boundless strength, Long Qin simply has not resisted, or he resists radically without enough time. 如此磅礴的力量,龙禽根本没有抵抗的力量,或者说他根本来不及抵抗。 Quick he felt that the rending pain transmits together, his is huger than a time of body Luo Zheng, by Luo Zheng forcibly tears into shreds...... 很快他就感觉到一道撕心裂肺的痛楚传来,他这比罗征庞大一倍的身体,就被罗征硬生生的撕碎…… As a red luminous spot flies to shoot in lord city rapidly, that dense and numerous Dream Illusion Points then fleshly body that vanished from Long Qin braved, these yellow luminous spots were hit rapidly toward Luo Zheng within the body! 随着一道红色的光点急速飞射到主城中,那密密麻麻的梦幻点便从龙禽消失的肉身中冒了出来,这些黄色的光点便是急速朝着罗征体内打去! 10,000...... 一万…… 50,000...... 五万…… hundred thousand...... 十万…… 140,000! 十四万! Luo Zheng thought this Long Qin within the body, only then two hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points, he strikes to kill one time this person, should be able to obtain hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points. 原本罗征以为这龙禽体内只有二十万梦幻点,他将此人击杀一次,应该能获得十万梦幻点 Has not thought that this fellow accumulated quick three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points unexpectedly. 没想到这家伙竟然积累了快三十万梦幻点 Luo Zheng within the body accumulated seven ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, after absorbing this 140,000, Dream Illusion Points then whirlwind in within the body shoots arrived suddenly 210,000! 罗征体内原本积累了七万梦幻点数,吸纳了这十四万之后,体内的梦幻点便是骤然飚射到了二十一万! In many martial artist as for city wall, have not actually envied Luo Zheng, on most martial artist faces also reveals the color of doubts. 至于城墙上的诸多武者,却没有羡慕罗征,绝大多数武者脸上还流露出疑惑之色。 That just now has, they even have no way to appraise, because they simply have not understood. 方才发生的一幕,他们甚至都没法评价,因为他们根本没看懂。 This Luo Zheng has previously been hit does not hit back, to be how bewildered two people dogfight in one, then Long Qin suddenly by Luo Zheng tearing into shreds? 罗征此前一直被打不还手,怎么莫名其妙两人就缠斗在了一起,然后龙禽忽然就被罗征给撕碎了? This fight, has violated the general knowledge. 这种战斗,已经违反了常识了。 Some little time after letting, demon race martial artist said: „The good injustice of Long Qin losses...... simply unable to show his strength!” 好一会让后,才有一位魔族武者说道:“龙禽的好冤……根本没能展现他的实力!” It is estimated that Long Qin is unwilling!” “估计龙禽非常不甘心!” Should be...... his true strength simply has not displayed!” “应该是……他真正的实力根本没有施展出来!” „After he resurrects, certainly must look for this human race martial artist.” “他复活后肯定要找这人族武者。” Hears this saying, on the Luo Zheng face reveals the happy expression that is not easy to detect again. 听到这话,罗征脸上再度流露出一丝不易察觉的笑意。 He wants is this effect. 他要的就是这个效果。 This Long Qin Dream Illusion Points number such, but strikes to kill one time, rather too waste. 龙禽身上的梦幻点数如此之多,只是击杀一次,未免太浪费。 Luo Zheng previously showed weakness, does not want to lull Long Qin, in order to turns defeat into victory unexpectedly, the Long Qin strength is no doubt good, but Luo Zheng in addition has not placed in the eye. 罗征此前示弱,并非是想要麻痹龙禽,以求出其不意反败为胜,龙禽的实力固然不错,但罗征尚且没有放在眼中。 Perhaps in this Dream Battlefield, has Luo Zheng to be hard to defeat, martial artist that even can defeat Luo Zheng! 在这梦幻战场中,或许存在罗征难以战胜,甚至能将罗征击败的武者 After all the entire world is too big, Luo Zheng no doubt already very outstanding, but in the entire world the strengths of these super talents are also highly regarded, like initial Ai Anxin, Luo Zheng in Fueling Flame Inheritance could suppress all her -around, in the strength absolutely was slightly better, but wanted to defeat Ai Anxin is not an easy matter, let alone in the entire world still had many Heaven's Chosen, they were more powerful than Ai Anxin, have richer background and legacy. 毕竟寰宇太大,罗征固然已经十分优秀,但寰宇之中那些超级天才们的实力也不可小觑,就像当初的艾安心,在薪火传承之中罗征或许能全方位压制她,在实力上绝对是略胜一筹,但想要击败艾安心也不是一件容易的事情,何况寰宇之中还存在许许多多的天骄,他们比艾安心更强大,拥有更加丰厚的底蕴传承 At present fight outside this lord city, but is early period of a Dream Battlefield upholstery. 眼前这座主城外的战斗,不过是梦幻战场前期的一次铺垫。 Luo Zheng did not count on that absorbs the experience from these fights, making oneself grow, his only goal is the Dream Illusion Points number. 罗征并不指望从这些战斗中吸取经验,让自己成长,他唯一的目的就是梦幻点数。 Previously Luo Zheng showed weakness, making this Long Qin punch a happiness back and forth, at this moment actually by extremely ordinary seized adeptly, coordinating own strength to strike to kill it. 先前罗征示弱,让这龙禽来来回回揍了个痛快,此刻却是以极为普通的擒拿手,配合自己的力量将其击杀。 This Long Qin is not convinced inevitably, by his background, has many trump card unable to display inevitably, in the heart various inevitably types are unwilling, after this he returns to lord city to resurrect, perhaps meets first challenges himself again. 龙禽必然十分不服气,以他的底蕴,必然还拥有诸多杀手锏未能施展出来,心中必然各种不甘心,这番他回到主城复活之后恐怕会第一时间再度挑战自己。 This gave Luo Zheng to strike to kill the Long Qin opportunity for the second time. 这就给了罗征第二次击杀龙禽的机会。 Although struck to kill one time, has resulted in arrived Long Qin half of Dream Illusion Points numbers, but if this person also had 14 ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, struck to kill again one time, Luo Zheng can attain seven ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers again! 虽然击杀了一次,已经得到了龙禽一半的梦幻点数,但若此人还拥有十四万梦幻点数,再击杀一次的话,罗征能再拿到七万梦幻点数! Hey...... you, can enter a city to hide? If that Long Qin resurrected, he can definitely look for you!” “喂……你,要不要进城躲躲?那龙禽若是复活了,他肯定会来找你!” What speech is human race martial artist, most people felt bewilderment that Luo Zheng wins, in the heart is also guesses relies on, Luo Zheng should win by luck that's all. 说话的是一位人族武者,大多数人都觉得罗征赢的莫名其妙,心中也是猜测凭借,罗征应该是侥幸获胜罢了 This human race martial artist stemming from the good intention, is actually worried about Luo Zheng, just obtained such a big Dream Illusion Points number, if took by that Long Qin both capital and interest, that was owes in a big way. 人族武者出于好意,却是担心罗征,刚刚得到那么一大笔梦幻点数,要是被那龙禽连本带利拿回去,那可是亏大了。 Hears the reminder of this good intentions, Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, nods toward that human race martial artist, he has not actually moved the step, stands outside the city as before lightly, vision indifferent is looking at the lord city direction, static waiting. 听到这善意的提醒,罗征只是微微一笑,朝那人族武者点点头,他却并没有挪动步子,依旧淡淡站在城外,目光淡然的望着主城方向,静静的等待着。 In lord city, a red luminous spot slowly fluttering in. 主城之中,一道红色的光点缓缓地飘荡其中。 When that red luminous spot flutters unceasingly, starts to increase slowly, gradually changes into the fist size from the luminous spot of fingertip size, then under the rapid expansion, formed one zhang (3.33 m) light group, is only flooding intense Law of Life in this group! 那红色的光点不断飘动之际,开始慢慢地变大,从指尖大小的光点逐渐化为拳头大小,然后迅速的扩大之下,形成了一个一丈大小的光团,在这光团之中充斥着强烈的生命法则 Resurrecting of Dream Battlefield, with some Dream Space also differences. 梦幻战场的复活,与梦幻空间还有一些差别的。 After Dream Space died, will be kicked beyond the space, martial artist enters again, is another projection. 梦幻空间中死亡后,就会被踢出空间之外,武者再度进入其中,便是另外一道投影。 But above Dream Battlefield, after martial artist death, is actually depends upon the Heavenly Way strength completely martial artist resurrecting, therefore some martial artist discovered after this group is only flooding intense Law of Life, does not go out of town simply outside, the light group that seeks for these resurrecting specially, comprehends Law of Life...... 梦幻战场之上,武者死亡之后,其实是依靠天道的力量将武者完完整整的“复活”,所以一些武者发现这光团中充斥着强烈的生命法则后,干脆不出城外,就专门寻找这些复活的光团,参悟其中的生命法则…… Outside this lord city some people died in any case unceasingly, some people resurrect unceasingly, in lord city is then flooding the red light group, regarding does not have the opportunity to comprehend higher Source Law martial artist, this is also a cultivation opportunity. 反正这主城外不断有人死亡,又不断有人复活,主城之中便充斥着一个又一个红色光团,对于许多没有机会参悟高等本源法则武者来说,这也是一个修炼的机会。 Soon, in this light/only group congeals slowly a silhouette! 不久之后,这光团之中缓缓凝结出一道人影 After that a silhouette condenses the formation completely, the body then shakes suddenly, drills up the group, stared one to gather round itself to comprehend Law of Life the group of martial artist wickedly, immediately dashed to go toward the city outside! 那一道人影完全凝聚成型后,身体便是猛然一震,钻出光团,恶狠狠的瞪了一眼围着自己参悟生命法则的这帮武者,随即朝着城外飞奔而去!
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