AT :: Volume #12

#1195: Coming under attack

The smile on Luo Zheng face, in the Long Qin eye without doubt is very dazzling. 罗征脸上的笑容,在龙禽眼中无疑是十分刺眼。 human race in the entire world is very powerful race, demon race martial artist in this lord city took up the absolute mainstream! 人族在寰宇之中算是十分强大的种族,不过在这座主城之中魔族武者占据了绝对的主流! During other races have no intention to be assigned in this lord city, these people are cannon fodder that's all. 其他种族都是无意之中被分配在这座主城之中,这些人不过都是炮灰罢了 The present Long Qin stand here, in lord city tens of thousands of martial artist do not dare to tread one step...... present human race youth, is an idiot? 如今的龙禽站在这里,主城之中成千上万的武者根本不敢踏出一步……眼前的这人族青年,是个白痴么? The Luo Zheng's smile at this moment indeed seems somewhat dazzling. 罗征的笑容在此刻的确显得有些刺目。 Long Qin actually does not know, although he is one of this lord city spoliators, in the Luo Zheng's eye is actually a greatly fat sheep, Luo Zheng also for fear that Long Qin at this moment returns to lord city. 龙禽却不知道,他虽然是这主城中的掠夺者之一,在罗征的眼中却是一只大肥羊,此刻的罗征还生怕龙禽逃回主城之中。 Two hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, seek half also to have the hundred thousand point, but Luo Zheng altogether also has 70,000 many Dream Illusion Points numbers at present! 十万梦幻点数,谋取一半也有十万点,而罗征眼下总共也才拥有七万多的梦幻点数! human race does martial artist where this braves, directly soar Long Qin to go unexpectedly?” “这哪里冒出来的人族武者,竟然直奔龙禽而去?” Not awfully?” “不要命了么?” I know this fellow, previously he struck to kill Young Lord Hao in the southwest side! Also is a fierce role! Unarmed crumb Young Lord Hao double axe! That is First Grade Divine Tool!” “我认识这家伙,此前他在西南面击杀了豪少主!也是个厉害角色!赤手空拳捏碎了豪少主的双斧!那可是次一品神器!” First Grade Divine Tool, in the Luo Zheng eye is not anything. 一品神器,在罗征眼中不算什么。 But in many Divine Sea Realm martial artist eyes, is the treasure of only happening by happy circumstance. 但在诸多神海境武者眼中,乃是可遇而不可求的宝物。 „Is this fellow so overbearing?” “这家伙有这么霸道?” Hears this saying, in the demon race martial artist eye in city also looked at Luo Zheng one high. 听到这话,城中的魔族武者眼中也是高看了罗征一眼。 Even so, he is not the Long Qin opponent, they...... are not a level strength, Long Qin already comprehension own deep meaning in Fire Element Law, he provokes Long Qin unexpectedly on own initiative, perhaps was dislikes own Dream Illusion Points number is too many!” “即使如此,他也不是龙禽的对手,他们……不是一个层面的实力,龙禽已在火系法则之中领悟属于自己的奥义,他竟然主动招惹龙禽,恐怕是嫌自己的梦幻点数太多了!” During this discussions, in few human race martial artist eye also glitters to wipe the bright! 这番议论之间,少量的人族武者眼中也闪烁出一抹亮光! During these human race martial artist have no intention to be assigned in this lord city, can only take as bad luck, although in Dream Battlefield does not divide the race, only looks at the strong and weak, these demon race martial artist also slaughter mutually, but this few some human race martial artist, so long as leaves lord city, will not have the exception to be treated as the first goal. 这些人族武者无意之中被分配在这座主城之中,只能够自认倒霉了,虽然梦幻战场之中不分种族,只看强弱,这些魔族武者彼此之间也是互相厮杀,但这少部分人族武者只要离开主城,毫无例外都会被当做第一目标。 First the human race martial artist strength in this lord city indeed is weaker, and race is different, indeed is also attacked easily. 一来这主城中的人族武者实力的确弱一些,二来种族不同,的确也是更容易受到攻击。 Hears this human race youth actually to have such strength at present, they also thought that on the face is somewhat honored, is helps them exhale. 听到眼前这人族青年竟然拥有如此实力,他们也觉得脸上有些光彩,也算是帮助他们出了一口气。 But just now they saw the fight of this Long Qin, in the heart is actually Luo Zheng worries unavoidably, strength that after all Long Qin shows extremely in fearfulness, the strength of this human race youth perhaps is at present good, but wanted to resist Long Qin perhaps is too reluctant...... 可是方才他们看见了这龙禽的战斗,心中却难免为罗征担忧起来,毕竟龙禽展现的实力太过于可怕,眼前这人族青年的实力或许还算不错,但想要对抗龙禽恐怕还是太勉强了…… martial artist that above the city wall gathers are getting more and more. 城墙之上聚集的武者越来越多。 They also want to take a look, what this human race youth has to take advantage, dares to select Long Qin like this directly? 他们也想看看,这人族青年到底有什么依仗,就敢这样正面挑龙禽 Outside the city wall, two people vision lock on the opposite party, in two people of hearts some worried, is actually feared the opposite party timid war, ran into the city! 城墙之外,两人的目光都锁定在对方身上,两人心中都有担忧,却是怕对方怯战,逃进了城中! After as two people distances pull closer unceasingly, both sides discovered that worried is unnecessary! 但是随着两人的距离不断拉近后,双方才发现担忧是多余的! They look at the arrived intense self-confidence in eyes of both sides, this type self-confident deliberately does not install, during this type self-confident is time and time again fights constantly to accumulate, merges the self-confidence in bone. 他们都在双方的眼中看到了强烈的自信,这种自信不是刻意装出来的,这种自信是一次次战斗之中不断积累出来,溶入骨子里的自信。 I do not know where your self-confidence comes,” distance of both sides when ten zhang (3.33 m) time, the Long Qin light opens the mouth said, stares in the Luo Zheng's double pupil to reveal color of the light ridicule, fights with me, will make you understand that anything is called...... you to rejoice desperately here Dream Battlefield, you will not at least fall from the sky.” “我不知道你的自信是从哪里而来,”双方的距离只有十丈之余的时候,龙禽淡淡的开口说道,盯着罗征的双瞳之中流露出一丝淡淡的讥讽之色,“不过与我交手,会让你明白什么叫做绝望……你应该庆幸这里梦幻战场,至少你不会陨落。” The Luo Zheng vision is tranquil, said with a smile: You can, when I do not consider resources bite off more than can chew.” 罗征目光平静,含笑说道:“你可以当我自不量力。” The fine glow in Long Qin both eyes flashes before, the boundless imposing manner releases together suddenly, contains his say/way to the flame Law to become aware in this imposing manner, therefore even is only the manifestation imposing manner, actually an exceptionally scalding hot feeling, stands in Long Qin nearby is similar to places oneself in the hot sun furnace! 龙禽双目中的精芒闪现,一道磅礴的气势骤然释放出来,在这气势之中蕴藏他对火焰法则的道悟,所以即便只是外放的气势,却给人一种异常灼热的感觉,站在龙禽的跟前如同置身在烈日熔炉之中! Interesting human race martial artist......” “有趣的人类武者……” Finishes speaking, Long Qin puts out a hand to raise suddenly gently, one group of purple flame emerge out of thin air in his hands, as under he uses the hand to pinch gently, that group of flame are put out suddenly. 话音刚落,龙禽忽然伸手轻轻一扬,一团紫色的火焰凭空出现在他手中,随着他用手轻轻一捏之下,那一团火焰又骤然熄灭。 At the same time that this purple flame is put out, in the surrounding area hundred zhang (333 m) range around Luo Zheng, then has the bunch of purple flame is also born, on that Long Qin face light smiles, the instance that one step takes, above the back leaps the flaming flame suddenly, that flame is divided into two to change to together the purple flame pair of wings, spreads the wings to dash to toward Luo Zheng just like Great Peng! 在这紫色火焰熄灭的同一时间,在罗征周围方圆百丈范围中,便有一团团紫色火焰同时诞生,那龙禽脸上淡淡一笑,一步迈出的瞬间,后背之上骤然腾起熊熊火焰,那火焰分为两道化作一道紫焰双翼,宛若大鹏展翅朝着罗征直扑而来! Facing killing of Long Qin, the Luo Zheng's figure actually appears some in a panic, in people opinion, he as to avoid the Long Qin point, but the speed or the choice direction missed one section! 面对龙禽的扑杀,罗征的身形却显得有些仓皇,在众人看来,他似乎想要避开龙禽的锋芒,但无论是速度还是选择的方向都差了一截! A fist of that Long Qin pounds on Luo Zheng, immediately blows out one group of several feet purple flame! 龙禽的一拳砸在罗征身上,顿时爆出一团数丈大小的紫焰! In that purple flame, a form was shot to come out like sharp arrow generally, pounds layer on layer/heavily toward the ground under. 紧接着在那紫焰之中,一个身影就像利箭一般被弹出来,朝着地面之下重重砸去。 Bang!” “轰!” The loud sound transmits together, that form then smashed a big hole the ground together. 一道巨响传来,那一道身影便将地面砸出了一个大坑。 After that purple flame dissipates, the Long Qin form floats as in in the air, was pounded naturally was Luo Zheng...... 等到那紫焰消散之后,龙禽的身影依旧漂浮在空中,被砸下去的自然就是罗征了…… Hey, thinks that this human race martial artist also has many skills, even/including Baize was well below evidently!” “嘿,以为这人族武者还有两把刷子,看样子连白泽都远远不如!” „A fist defeated, this Long Qin has not displayed his deep meaning......” “一拳就败了,这龙禽还没有施展他的奥义……” Collapses at the first blow, is no interesting!” “不堪一击,没什么意思!” Long Qin has not pursued, wear a look of he ridiculed is overlooking below big hole, but in the heart also raised doubts. 龙禽并没有追击,他面带讥讽的俯视着下方的大坑,但心中也升起了一丝疑惑。 Generally speaking, the talent strong martial artist intuition is also often more sensitive, can from the self-confidence of opposite party, between the bearing and look judged that the strength of opposite party, this judgment is not very absolute, but can also break near perfect frequently. 一般来说,天赋较强的武者直觉往往也更为敏感,能够从对方的自信,气度和神色之间判断出对方的实力,这种判断并不是很绝对,但常常也能断个八九不离十。 Although on the Long Qin mouth looks down upon Luo Zheng, but this Luo Zheng that indifferent expression actually gives him a light pressure. 龙禽嘴上虽然瞧不起罗征,但这罗征那淡然的表情却给他一种淡淡的压力。 On his mouth ridiculed, despised this person of that's all strategically, but has not actually profaned above the tactic, take action, he actually has not just now kept the hand! 他嘴上讥讽,也只是从战略上轻视此人而已,但在战术之上却没有丝毫轻慢,方才出手,他其实没有丝毫留手! This move Fengxiang Yan Long seemingly light, but the might is actually uncommon...... 这一招“凤翔炎龙”看起来平平淡淡,但威力却是不凡…… Now looks like the effect indeed good, at least this Luo Zheng cannot dodge his move, but Long Qin felt faintly has some is not right. 现在看来效果的确不错,至少这罗征没能闪避他这一招,只是龙禽隐隐感觉到有一些不对劲。 Perhaps is only hyperaesthesia that's all...... 或许只是自己神经过敏罢了…… Long Qin is gazing below human race martial artist lightly, this moment Luo Zheng had crawled from that big hole, look stern is looking at itself, in both eyes seems the color of not being convinced. 龙禽淡淡的注视着下方的人族武者,此刻罗征已经从那大坑之中爬了出来,神色严峻的望着自己,双目之中似有不服气之色。 Hehe, do not look at me with that vision,” the Long Qin form rocks slightly, that two purple flame pair of wings launch behind him again, compared you previously also to accumulate many Dream Illusion Points numbers...... in my opinion, you were sheep that's all, but I was the wolf......” “嘿嘿,不要用那种目光望着我,”龙禽的身影微微晃动,那两道紫色的火焰双翼在他背后再度展开,“相比你此前也积累了不少梦幻点数……不过在我看来,你不过是一只羊而已,而我是狼……” At the same time saying, the figure is flashing again, the place that he passed over gently and swiftly also presented a flame way! 一边说着,身形再度一闪,他所掠过的地方也出现了一道火焰路径! Looks Long Qin that is close to rapidly, the Luo Zheng both eyes deep place actually glitters a cunning color...... 看着飞速接近的龙禽,罗征双目深处却闪烁出一丝狡黠之色…… Accumulates the Dream Illusion Points number, is not big to the Luo Zheng's difficulty, but this Dream Battlefield the comparison of rule establishment cheats, his these hits indeed to take away Long Qin half of Dream Illusion Points numbers , but if this Long Qin loses to itself, perhaps has hidden in the city! 积累梦幻点数,对罗征的难度并不大,只是这梦幻战场的规则设置的比较坑人,他这一场打下来的确可以拿走龙禽一半的梦幻点数,可若这龙禽败给自己后,恐怕会一直躲藏在城中! Long Qin Dream Illusion Points number may be many, Luo Zheng must give a Long Qin reason, a competitive reason. 龙禽身上的梦幻点数可不少,罗征要给龙禽一个理由,一个不服输的理由。 Bang!” “轰!” The Luo Zheng figure in a flash, as to do utmost to avoid killing of Long Qin again gently, but cannot avoid for the second time as before! 罗征身形再度轻轻一晃,似乎想要竭尽全力避开龙禽的扑杀,但第二次依旧没能避开! As one group of purple flame explode, the Luo Zheng's form then flies again horizontally, numerous hits above city wall...... 随着一团紫色火焰爆开,罗征的身影便是再度横飞出去,重重的撞击在城墙之上…… This city wall is establishes by the Dream Battlefield rule, naturally is indestructible existence, the so fierce hit, actually cannot crash the city wall, the Luo Zheng whole person is smooth and level above the city wall. 这城墙乃是由梦幻战场的规则所建立,自然是坚不可摧的存在,如此剧烈的撞击,却没能将城墙撞毁,罗征整个人便是平贴在城墙之上。 Even if the Luo Zheng's fleshly body firm degree endures compared with divine item, but fleshly body hits the city wall like this, under does not have any cushion, within the body is still a vitality tumbles, but to act in a play, Luo Zheng also has to endure! 即使罗征的肉身坚固程度堪比神器,但肉身就这样撞上城墙,没有任何缓冲之下,体内也是一阵气血翻滚,只是为了演戏,罗征也不得不忍了! Hasn't died? Has many skills actually......” “还没死?倒是有两把刷子……” Long Qin sighed slightly, he thinks Luo Zheng will kill directly above the city wall, fleshly body of this fellow should also be tyrannicalally the talent different reported that what a pity pure fleshly body tyrannical does not have any use, but is target that's all that he comes under attack. 龙禽微微感叹,他原本以为罗征会直接撞死在城墙之上,这家伙的肉身强横应该也是天赋异禀了,可惜单纯的肉身强横没有任何用处,不过是他挨打的一个靶子罢了 Has not thought, Long Qin charges into Luo Zheng again! 没有多想,龙禽再次冲向罗征 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang......” “轰……” Under first even/including hit several times, martial artist in city wall also exclaimed in surprise again and again. 一连数次撞击之下,城墙上的武者们也连连惊叹。 Luo Zheng this living target also was too rather miserable...... 罗征这活靶子未免也太惨了一些…… However charges into Luo Zheng's in Long Qin again instantaneous, the Luo Zheng's corners of the mouth actually reveal a wiping unobservable happy expression. 不过就在龙禽再度冲向罗征的瞬间,罗征的嘴角却流露出一抹难以察觉的笑意。 Similar......” “差不多了……” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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