AT :: Volume #12

#1194: Long Qin

In entire Dream Battlefield, has sheep to be eaten unceasingly! 整个梦幻战场之中,不断地有“羊”被吃掉! Some conspicuous martial artist ranking, then started to drop rapidly...... 一些原本冒尖的武者排名,便开始急速下降…… But previously some ranking not high martial artist, the position started to rise rapidly! 而此前一些排名并不高的武者,名次就开始飞速的上升着! All races, are paying close attention to the pyramid on Dream Space, is paying attention to the trend of ranking...... 所有的种族,都密切的关注着梦幻空间上的金字塔,关注着排名的动向…… They no doubt are paying attention to major races the names of top talent, but in addition, many living being are paying attention to a name of person, that was Luo Zheng. 他们固然关注着各大种族的顶尖天才之名,但除此之外,许多生灵都在关注一个人的名字,那便是罗征了。 Now Luo Zheng the name that perhaps was familiar in the entire world, even the top talents of major races, the children of these Heavenly Venerable, Realm Lord descendant is unable to be a worthy opponent with Luo Zheng. 如今罗征在寰宇之中恐怕是最为耳熟能详的名字了,即便是各大种族的顶尖天才,那些天尊之子,界主传人也无法与罗征匹敌。 The reason is very simple , because of Thunderous Roar Command...... 原因很简单,还是因为咆哮令…… In the entire world indicating hundred million living being, no one can escape from the sound that Thunderous Roar Command has, that mysterious young girl also shouts Luo Zheng more than once this name. 寰宇中兆兆亿生灵,没有谁能够逃脱咆哮令产生的声音,那位神秘少女也不止一次呼喊“罗征”这个名字。 Before several years, Luo Zheng was sieged by dozens Heavenly Venerable, even buried alive several Heavenly Venerable things once is also noisy of biography, that was the entire entire world is noisy! 至于数年之前,罗征被几十位天尊围困,甚至坑杀几位天尊的事情一度也是传的沸沸扬扬,那可是整个寰宇沸沸扬扬! Can have martial artist of such popularity, through the ages perhaps also on Luo Zheng person of that's all, even Heavenly Venerable cannot achieve. 能够拥有如此知名度的武者,古往今来恐怕也就罗征一人而已,即便是天尊也做不到。 Person who seeks for Luo Zheng ranking, is not only Yun Luo and the others, Celestial Clan, even in the entire world many busybodies, continuously are also searching. 寻找罗征排名的人,不仅仅是云落等人,天位一族,甚至寰宇之中诸多好事者,也在不断地搜寻着。 After all the Luo Zheng's reputation was too previously abundant, even many Heavenly Venerable are curious, performance of this Luo Zheng in Dream Battlefield how? 毕竟此前罗征的声名太盛,甚至连不少天尊都好奇,这罗征梦幻战场的表现如何? However this seeks, is to make many people feel arrived disappointedly...... 不过这番寻找下来,却是让不少人都感到了失望…… In pyramid held 10,000 trillion names, the quantity many being hard imagination, these names of precipitation this humble one side is to stick one group is unable to distinguish. 金字塔上容纳了亿亿个名字,数量多的难以想象,沉淀在下方的那些名字更是黏成一团根本无法分辨。 Front several million, in addition fortunately, placed the Dream Illusion Points number of front name accumulation after all are many, comparison that the distance also draws! 前面几百万尚且还好,毕竟排在前面的名字累积的梦幻点数不少,彼此之间的距离也拉的比较开! Has the busybody to search the Luo Zheng's name, then peak from pyramid downward, but consumed many times, then inquired thousands of names unable to find Luo Zheng. 有好事者为了寻觅罗征的名字,便是从金字塔的顶端一路往下,但耗费了不少功夫,便是查询了千万个名字都没能找到罗征 Immortal Mansion that this Luo Zheng, the cow does not roar? How to have entered including 10 million famous metropolises?” “这罗征,不是有一座牛哄哄的仙府么?怎么连一千万名都没进入?” „Very simple, this fellow is dog deng transporting is good, results in arrived that indestructible Immortal Mansion that's all, it is estimated that own talent is ordinary, 10 million, hehe, this Luo Zheng Lian core Holy Land talent is inferior evidently......” “很简单,这家伙就是狗屎运好,得到了那一座坚不可摧的仙府而已,估计自身的天赋一般,一千万名,嘿嘿,看样子这罗征连某个核心圣地的天才都不如……” That is true, 10 million is a very low standard, in this entire world will soon after present a disaster evidently!” “的确如此,一千万是一个很低的标准,看样子不久之后这寰宇之中会出现一场灾难了!” Disaster? What disaster?” Some person of strange say/way. “灾难?什么灾难?”有人奇道。 You think, this Luo Zheng talent, was so stranded in Immortal Mansion, several tens of thousands years or count the hundred thousand year later he falls from the sky surely, that Immortal Mansion possibly becomes the thing of without owner! How could it not be such Immortal Mansion will cause in the entire world robbing of all Heavenly Venerable! Perhaps will no one give up?” “你想想,这罗征如此天赋,一路被困在仙府之中,数万年或者数十万年后他必定陨落,那座仙府可能就成为了无主之物!这样一座仙府岂不会引起寰宇中所有天尊的抢夺!恐怕谁也不会放弃吧?” This inference, has certain truth actually......” “这个推断,倒是有一定的道理……” In martial artist, rank these martial artist of pyramid peak besides the discussion, is discussing Luo Zheng again. 外界之中的武者们,除了讨论排名金字塔顶端的那些武者之外,再就是讨论着罗征了。 70,000 Dream Illusion Points, 19 million, Luo Zheng naturally does not satisfy this ranking. 七万的梦幻点,一千九百万名,罗征自然不满意这个排名。 This time returns to lord city, the Luo Zheng's bottom line is three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points, this Dream Illusion Points happen to can open that cavern in wilderness...... 此次回归主城,罗征的底线是三十万梦幻点,这个梦幻点正好能开启旷野中的那个洞穴…… As but Luo Zheng goes forward around the lord city city wall, the face color on forced smile was actually more and more rich, this Dream Battlefield rule established had the issue? 可是随着罗征绕着主城的城墙一路前进,脸上的苦笑之色却是越来越浓郁了,这梦幻战场的规则设定的有问题吧? It is not Luo Zheng does not want to slaughter to capture Dream Illusion Points , because he simply does not have this opportunity! 不是罗征不想与人厮杀夺取梦幻点,是因为他根本没有这个机会! The wolf of return were getting more and more, so returns to lord city martial artist to slaughter around lord city like Luo Zheng. 回归的狼越来越多了,像罗征如此回归主城武者都绕着主城大开杀戒。 This lord city area is also huge incomparable, but accumulates rich Dream Illusion Points martial artist also becomes more and more intelligent, the fellow like Luo Zheng cannot stir up, can they always be able to hide? 这一座主城的面积也是庞大无比,但积累丰厚梦幻点武者们也变得越来越聪明,像罗征这样的家伙惹不起,他们总能躲得起吧? Therefore many net worth is many martial artist squats simply in lord city, does not come out. 于是不少“身家颇丰”的武者干脆蹲在主城内,根本就不出来。 In lord city forbids to fight, Luo Zheng is always impossible to break in lord city to kill people! 主城之中禁止战斗,罗征总不可能冲入主城中杀人! These had martial artist of rich Dream Illusion Points number to escape into lord city not saying that this came also some dare-to-die corps to clash to challenge Luo Zheng. 那些拥有丰厚梦幻点数的武者们遁入主城不说,这一路过来还有一些“敢死队”冲出来挑战罗征 This fellows killed did not have the Dream Illusion Points number, were many various their also provocation, even pursued behind Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng also has to consume the thoughts to get rid of them! 这帮家伙杀了也没有梦幻点数,不少他们还各种挑衅,甚至一路追在罗征后面,罗征还不得不耗费心思摆脱他们! This Dream Battlefield issue of a little rule design......” “这梦幻战场的规则设计的有点问题……” Generally speaking, this regular issue is not big, any martial artist wants to emerge, must strike to kill other martial artist, this is dog eat dog, the small fish eats the shrimp, the shrimp eats the mud...... 总的来看,这规则问题不大,任何武者想要脱颖而出,就必须击杀其他的武者,这样便是大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾,虾吃泥巴…… But should not arrange a lord city such haven, like this is unfair to Luo Zheng. 可就不该安排主城这样一个避风港,这样对罗征太不公平了。 However Dream Battlefield just opened that's all, if all people start to contract in the city, is unable to weigh each other strength, this Dream Battlefield also lost the original original intention, soon after this rule should change. 不过梦幻战场不过才刚刚开启而已,如果所有的人都开始收缩在城中,也无法衡量出彼此的实力,这梦幻战场也失去了原本的初衷,不久之后这规则应该会改变。 In Luo Zheng heart ponders, while dashes about wildly to go around lord city. 罗征心中一边思考,一边绕着主城狂奔而去。 However just slightly crossed the city wall corner in him, the front surface saw that the purple flame winds around together, the fierce bang snaps then in the front transmission. 不过就在他刚刚略过城墙一角,迎面就看到一道紫色的火焰缭绕而起,剧烈的轰爆声便在前方传递而来。 hū hū hū......” 呼呼呼……” In wind pressure that then the fierce bombing has, actually contains azure wind edges! Can think that square bang explodes is what kind of fierce! 则剧烈的轰炸声产生的风压之中,竟然就蕴藏着一道道青色风刃!可以想见方才的轰爆是何等的剧烈! After these bands of light vanish slowly, presented a big hole under the front city wall, that is one width approximately thousand zhang (3.33 m), a depth of the number hundred zhang (333 m) the big hole...... 等到那些光带缓缓消失之后,在前方城墙之下出现了一个大坑,那是一个宽约千丈,深达数百丈的大坑…… Above the city wall, many demon race martial artist are also looking at that big hole that has a lingering fear, in also purple flame from that big hole ascends the continuously. 城墙之上,诸多魔族武者也是心有余悸的望着那个大坑,自那大坑之中还有一缕缕紫焰升腾而起。 This Long Qin worthily is Devil Flame Realm descendant, he as if already the flame of cultivation arrived pinnacle purple turning over to! Just might was really exaggerating!” “这龙禽不愧是魔焰界传人,他似乎已经将紫归之焰修炼到了极致!刚刚的威力实在是太夸张了!” Hehe, white Ze just returned is insufferably arrogant, in time of double-hour cut to kill seven people, accumulated about two hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers...... not to think that Long Qin struck to kill white Ze, only used three moves merely! Three moves!” 呵呵,白泽刚刚回归是多么不可一世,一个时辰的时间里斩杀了七人,积累了将近二十万梦幻点数……没想到龙禽击杀白泽,仅仅只用了三招!三招!” In our city strongest martial artist, it is estimated that belonged to Long Qin!” “我们这一城中最强的武者,估计非龙禽莫属了!” In the city wall many martial artist, stare at that big hole to whoop, these sounds naturally also transmitted in the Luo Zheng's ear. 城墙之中诸多武者,都盯着那个大坑议论纷纷,这些声音自然也传递在了罗征的耳中。 Long Qin......” 龙禽……” The name is unimportant, but Luo Zheng actually listens to a arrived very important information, this Long Qin seems quicker than one step Luo Zheng, had accumulated two hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points in the short time, this speed was indeed faster than Luo Zheng were many. 名字并不重要,但罗征却听到了一个很重要的信息,这龙禽似乎比罗征一步,在短短的时间内已经积累了二十万梦幻点,这个速度的确比罗征快了不少了。 In fact before Luo Zheng, many martial artist has returned to lord city, after obtaining some Dream Illusion Points numbers then rapid hid to enter in lord city, Luo Zheng came back, these sheep had been basically cleaned one! Therefore Luo Zheng this walks, encountered two merely sheep that's all. 实际上在罗征之前,已经有不少武者回归主城,在获得了一些梦幻点数后便迅速的藏匿进入了主城中,罗征回来的时候,那些羊儿基本都被清洗过一遍了!所以罗征这一路走过来,也仅仅只是遭遇了两只“羊”而已 Soon , a slightly thin form then raises from that big hole slowly! 不久之后,一个略显消瘦的身影便从那大坑之中缓缓升起! Long Qin in this person people mouth, in his under foot, that purple sex fiend flame changed into a great hand to lift this Long Qin together. 此人正是众人口中的龙禽了,在他的脚下,那一道紫色魔焰化为一只巨手将这龙禽举了起来。 Although Long Qin is also demon race martial artist, but his build was actually inferior that the demon race person is like that big, although compared with human race tall and strong many, however in the majestic demon race person was quite pocket-sized. 龙禽虽然也是魔族武者,但他的体型却不如魔族人那般高大,虽然比人类还是魁梧不少,但是在雄壮的魔族人中算是比较“袖珍”了。 After Long Qin emerges this cavern, the vision then took a fast look around, looks to withdraw many martial artist in city wall, on his face reveals the color of taunt! 龙禽浮出这个洞穴之后,目光便是扫视了一圈,看着龟缩在城墙中的诸多武者,他脸上就流露出嘲讽之色! This group of cowards, even if goes out of outside the city he to be disinclined to strike on own initiative to kill! 这帮孬种,即便是主动走出城外他都懒得击杀! However when the Long Qin vision passed over gently and swiftly following the city wall edge, after extending to the end of city wall, actually saw that the corner is floating a form. 不过当龙禽的目光顺着城墙边缘一路掠过,延伸到城墙的尽头之后,却看到拐角处漂浮着一个身影。 Wears Luo Zheng of azure clothes! 正是身穿一身青衣的罗征 On the face of this Long Qin reveals slightly the color of doubts immediately, why this human race hasn't martial artist hidden in into the city wall? 龙禽的脸上顿时流露出稍许疑惑之色,这人族武者为何没有躲入城墙之中? His Long Qin as Devil Flame Realm descendant, this lord city conquers at present is insignificant goal that's all, he must in this Dream Battlefield and true top expert collision! 龙禽身为魔焰界传人,将眼前这座主城征服不过是一个微不足道的目标而已,他要在这梦幻战场中与真正的顶尖强者碰撞! From beginning to end, Long Qin has not placed in this lord city the eye, has not placed in martial artist in this lord city the eye. 从头到尾,龙禽就未曾将这座主城放在眼中,未曾将这主城中的武者放在眼中。 Therefore saw that Luo Zheng has not avoided itself, he has doubts, this human race won't martial artist be scared by oneself? 所以看到罗征未曾躲避自己,他可是如此疑惑,这人族武者不会是被自己吓傻了吧? When Long Qin is having doubts, is actually saw that Luo Zheng flies unexpectedly slowly toward him, on the face also brings to wipe the genial smile...... 龙禽正在疑惑之际,却是看到罗征竟然朝他缓缓飞来,脸上还带着一抹和煦的笑容……
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