AT :: Volume #12

#1193: Wolves of return

Young Lord Hao brown muscle on the both arms sticks out high, the meridians on arm wind like small snakes on! 豪少主的双臂上的褐色肌肉高高隆起,胳膊上的经脉如同一条条小蛇蜿蜒在上! In his red both eyes, the azure glow is getting stronger and stronger, the blood of bronze had stimulated to movement the arrived pinnacle! 他那通红的双目之中,青芒越来越浓烈,青铜之血已经被催动到了极致! This strength puts in this humble one, throws off the hills sufficiently, shatter land. 这力量放在下界之中,足以掀翻群山,破碎大地。 But the so vigorous strength is actually not able two axes, to pull out from Luo Zheng's both hands! 但如此雄浑的力量却无法将两把斧头,从罗征的双手之中抽出来! Also almost...... the strength of this human race boy, should already the arrived spent force!” “还差一点……这人族小子的力量,应该已经到了强弩之末!” Even so, Young Lord Hao has not chosen to give up! 即使如此,豪少主也没有选择放弃! Cuts to me!” “给我斩下去!” Under Young Lord Hao roared, actually gave up the plan that the blood axe pulled out, but was the reversed direction makes an effort, was extrudes toward the middle the blood axe again! 豪少主一声咆哮之下,却是放弃将血斧拔出来的打算,而是反方向用力,便是再度将血斧朝着中间挤压! But the blood axe is entirely still as before, this blood axe as if completely embed on Luo Zheng's hand, had looked like with Luo Zheng continually a body, which direction effort blood axe regardless of he from had not responded. 可血斧依旧纹丝不动,这血斧似乎已经完全镶嵌在了罗征的手上,就像是与罗征连成了一体,无论他从哪个方向用力血斧都没有丝毫反应。 Hey......” “嘿……” Luo Zheng shows a faint smile, pressed firmly between the fingers both hands of this pair of blood axe then to make an effort suddenly. 罗征微微一笑,原本捏住这一对血斧的双手便是骤然用力。 crackling......” 噼啪……” Several cracks then start rapid extending in Luo Zheng's, before long covered entirely the entire axe surface. 数道裂纹便在罗征的之间开始迅速的延伸,不一会儿就布满了整个斧面。 „......” “啪……” Soon, this blood axe changed into the innumerable fragments under glare of the public eye! 不久之后,这血斧就在众目睽睽之下化为了无数碎片! Grasps two bare shafts as for Young Lord Hao, stands in same place being in a daze, these two axes turned into two in a flash short club, indeed made him somewhat not accept. 至于豪少主手持两根光秃秃的斧柄,站在原地愣愣的发着呆,这两把斧头转瞬之间就变成了两根“短棍”,的确让他有些接受不了。 He loves dearly this blood axe actually not. 他倒不是心疼这血斧。 These two blood axes no doubt are supreme treasure in family, but here after all is Dream Battlefield, martial artist wears the weapon to enter, martial artist are the projection, the weapon similarly is also projection that's all, after the damage, are unable to use in Dream Battlefield, but beside Dream Battlefield and no loss. Also because of so, this Dream Battlefield, divine item in major races, supreme divine item also enters the political arena, these were belonged to Realm Lord, Great Realm Lord Heavenly Venerable supreme divine item are also led into Dream Battlefield by Divine Sea Realm martial artist even! 这两把血斧固然是家族中的至宝,但这里毕竟是梦幻战场,武者佩戴武器进入其中,武者自身乃是投影,武器同样也是投影而已,损坏之后自己无法在梦幻战场中使用,但在梦幻战场之外并无什么损失。也是因为如此,此次梦幻战场中,各大种族中的神器,至尊神器也纷纷粉墨登场,那些原本是属于界主,大界主甚至于天尊至尊神器也被神海境武者带入了梦幻战场 What this Young Lord Hao could not accept was the Luo Zheng's strength, the intensity of his both hands! 豪少主接受不了的是罗征的力量,还有他双手的强度! Can from the fellow of First Grade Divine Tool direct crumb...... 能够将从一品神器直接捏碎的家伙…… This looks like a lightning to be the same, explodes at his head inside crazy bang randomly, he realized that oneself met a monster. 这一幕就像是一道闪电一般,在他脑袋里面狂轰乱炸,他意识到自己遇见了一个怪物了。 Finished!” “结束了!” Luo Zheng does not want to waste the too much time Young Lord Hao here, this returns to lord city, his goal is to harvest the wool, but Young Lord Hao obviously is the first goal of Luo Zheng choice. 罗征并不想在豪少主这里浪费太多时间,这番回到主城,他的目的就是收割羊毛的,而豪少主显然是罗征选择的第一个目标。 This Young Lord Hao strength looks like in Luo Zheng, is that Heavenspan Mouse was even well below. 豪少主的实力在罗征看来,便是连那通天鼠都远远不如。 Although the Young Lord Hao strength in demon race martial artist was also uncommon, but with has not defeated with realm martial artist contention strength Luo Zheng, let alone with realm, existence that even Divine Extremity Realm expert cannot contend with it in a strength way! 虽然豪少主的力量在魔族武者中也算是不凡了,可是与同境界武者角逐力量罗征就未曾败过,别说同境界了,即便是神极境强者在力量一途也没有能与之抗衡的存在! !” “噗!” As the clear sound resounds together, a Luo Zheng's finger/refers has selected on the Young Lord Hao forehead, immediately his gigantic head then changes into together the blood fog, that headless fleshly body goes toward the rear area but actually. 随着一道清脆的声音响起,罗征的一指已经点在了豪少主的额头上,随即他这硕大的脑袋便化为一道血雾,那一具无头的肉身朝着后方倒去。 Bang......” “轰隆……” The tall and strong body pounded after the ground, then started to dissipate slowly, in red luminous spot straight from back reflection arrived lord city. 魁梧的身体砸在了地上后,便开始缓缓地消散,一道红色的光点径自回射到了主城之中。 Meanwhile, massive Dream Illusion Points numbers dissipate from Young Lord Hao within the body, these yellow luminous spots inject Luo Zheng within the body rapidly, the Luo Zheng's Dream Illusion Points number are also increasing rapidly! 与此同时,大量的梦幻点数从豪少主的体内逸散出来,这些黄色的光点迅速射入罗征体内,罗征的梦幻点数也在飞速增加着! Many demon race martial artist above city wall, on the face also reveal the color of envying. 城墙之上的诸多魔族武者,脸上也流露出羡慕之色。 This Young Lord Hao previously accumulated the 70000-80000 Dream Illusion Points number, now Luo Zheng strikes to kill one time this Young Lord Hao, then can obtain Young Lord Hao half of Dream Illusion Points numbers, this reward is nothing less than rich. 豪少主此前可是积累了七八万梦幻点数,现在罗征将这豪少主击杀一次,便能获得豪少主一半的梦幻点数,这一份奖励不可谓不丰富。 Previously the Young Lord Hao laborious accumulation, then had half is Luo Zheng makes the bridal clothes. 此前豪少主辛辛苦苦的积累,便是有一半为罗征做嫁衣了。 A total of 37,400 points...... add on the Dream Illusion Points number that I previously accumulated, now has surpassed 40,000, in this side Great Realm, ranking is...... 520,000, ranking in Dream Battlefield is 24 million......” “总共三万七千四百点……加上我此前积累的梦幻点数,现在已经超过了四万,在这一方大界之中,排名是……五十二万名,在梦幻战场的排名是两千四百万名……” This position, regarding many martial artist is very best existence. 这个名次,对于许多武者来说已经是很拔尖的存在了。 After all what this involves is the competition of trillion number martial artist, has the massive talent in front of Luo Zheng's! 毕竟这涉及到的是兆数武者的竞争,在罗征的前面存在着海量的天才! But Luo Zheng also reveals the color of forced smile, his backwardness is not a tiny bit, may have 20 million Divine Sea Realm martial artist in his front. 罗征也流露出苦笑之色,他这落后的可不是一星半点,在他的前面可还有两千万名神海境武者 After the inquiry, the Luo Zheng's vision looked at demon race martial artist in city wall lightly. 查询之后,罗征的目光淡淡的望了一眼城墙上的魔族武者 Previously Young Lord Hao activated in the situation of blood of bronze, these demon race martial artist do not dare to go out of town, facing Luo Zheng, where their also dares to go out of lord city at this moment? 此前豪少主激活了青铜之血的情况下,这些魔族武者都不敢出城,此时此刻面对罗征,他们哪里还敢走出主城 However the grove was big, what bird has! 不过林子大了,什么鸟都有! Some martial artist not for position, does not come for the Dream Illusion Points number, they enter the Dream Battlefield goal are to challenge, experiences in time and time again Life and Death, tries to break through own shackles. 有些武者不是为了名次,也不是为了梦幻点数而来,他们进入梦幻战场的目的就是为了挑战,在一次次生死之中体验,试图冲破自己的桎梏。 Whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖……” When the Luo Zheng preparation leaves, ran out of 3-4 position demon race martial artist from that city wall suddenly, these demon race martial artist are directly soars Luo Zheng! 就当罗征准备离开的时候,从那城墙之上骤然冲出了三四魔族武者,这些魔族武者便是直奔罗征而来! The Luo Zheng's vision sized up these demon race martial artist lightly, Divine Sea Realm early stage cultivation base . Moreover the talent is ordinary, is not enough to be the Luo Zheng's opponent completely, but since the opposite party is willing to deliver the Dream Illusion Points number, Luo Zheng where will reject? 罗征的目光淡淡的打量了这几位魔族武者,神海境初期修为,而且天赋普通,完全不足以作罗征的对手,但既然对方愿意送上梦幻点数,罗征哪里会拒绝? These martial artist want to challenge Luo Zheng, the goal is to also clearly recognize oneself and disparity between expert. 这些武者想要挑战罗征,目的也是认清楚自己与强者之间的差距。 What a pity they no doubt are Divine Sea Realm martial artist, but among the disparity with Luo Zheng is too big...... even Divine Extremity Realm expert, if the talent is ordinary, Luo Zheng can still conveniently exterminate, let alone these talent general Divine Sea Realm martial artist? 可惜他们固然是神海境武者,但与罗征之间的差距还是太大……即便是神极境强者,若是天赋一般,罗征也能随手灭杀,何况这些天赋一般的神海境武者 How they have almost not seen clearly Luo Zheng take action, was returned to lord city by Luo Zheng. 他们几乎没有看清楚罗征如何出手,就被罗征送回了主城 After Luo Zheng these people strikes to kill, the look somewhat is actually in a daze...... 罗征将这几人击杀之后,眼神却有些发愣…… Although he knows that these Divine Sea Realm martial artist Dream Illusion Points numbers are not many, but has not thought that so will be few, four Divine Sea Realm martial artist, only have two Dream Illusion Points! 虽然他知道这些神海境武者梦幻点数不多,但也没想到会这么少,四位神海境武者,只有两个梦幻点 The two, a person contributed Dream Illusion Points, but in the remaining two human bodies is completely spatial, simply does not have existence of Dream Illusion Points! 其中两人,一人贡献了一个梦幻点,而剩下的两人体内完全是空的,根本没有梦幻点的存在! Luo Zheng left lord city from the beginning, naturally does not know crazy of this group of martial artist, after they resurrect, went out of town to find the person to slaughter immediately, died later returns to lord city, resurrected again, slaughtered again, resurrected again, did not have the rest! 罗征一开始就离开了主城,自然不知道这帮武者的疯狂,他们复活之后就立即出城找人厮杀,死亡之后回归主城,再复活,再厮杀,再复活,根本就不带休息! This is one group of cultivation dao heart lunatic, they do not care about the Dream Illusion Points number, but opens while Dream Battlefield, to oneself the most perfect experience, faced expert the more better! 这是一帮修炼道心的疯子,他们根本就不在乎梦幻点数,只是趁着梦幻战场开启,给自己一场最完美的历练,面对的强者越多越好! After Luo Zheng just these four martial artist attended, actually three people directly soar Luo Zheng. 罗征刚刚将这四位武者料理之后,却又有三人直奔罗征而来。 Then even Luo Zheng also had little interest, although Luo Zheng is unable to judge that the opposite party had many Dream Illusion Points numbers, the imposing manner of but by these martial artist sending out, can roughly calculate that the strength of opposite party, strength weak martial artist, was not doomed too many Dream Illusion Points numbers! 这下连罗征也没有太大兴趣了,虽说罗征无法判断对方拥有多少梦幻点数,不过凭借这些武者散发出来的气势,能大致推算出对方的实力,实力弱的武者,注定没有太多的梦幻点数! Therefore Luo Zheng one step spans the space, glitters under following this lord city unceasingly, then rapid dissipation in people at present. 于是罗征一步跨越空间,顺着这主城不断地闪烁之下,便迅速的消散在众人眼前。 When Luo Zheng walks, many martial artist that above the city wall surrounds make the sigh slightly, immediately the city outside enlivens again...... 等到罗征一走,城墙之上围观的诸多武者们只是稍做感叹,随即城外便再度活跃起来…… This lord city is not small, after Luo Zheng ran out of a distance, encountered one again sheep, this demon race martial artist strength is almost the same as that Young Lord Hao, similarly also unceasing harvesting ordinary martial artist Dream Illusion Points number outside city wall. 这一座主城也不算小,罗征冲出了一段距离之后,再度遭遇了一只“羊”,这位魔族武者的实力与那豪少主相差无几,同样也在城墙之外不断的收割普通武者梦幻点数。 But finally the luck was not good, encountered Luo Zheng...... 但最终运气不好,遭遇了罗征…… After a fierce fight, this demon race martial artist then changes into a red luminous spot, flew into lord city. 一番激烈的战斗之后,这魔族武者便化为一道红色光点,飞入了主城之中。 Just returned to shortly after lord city, bumped arrived two sheep, the luck was actually good, after these absorbed time was close to three ten thousand Dream Illusion Points, Dream Illusion Points of Luo Zheng within the body has then accumulated arrived about 70,000, ranking promoted again rapidly, ranking in this side Great Realm already arrived 410,000, but the total ranking in Dream Battlefield was 19 million! 刚刚回主城不久,就碰到了两只“羊”,运气倒是不错,这一次吸收了接近三万梦幻点后,罗征体内的梦幻点便已经积累到了七万左右,排名再度飞速提升,这一方大界中的排名已经到了四十一万名,而梦幻战场中的总排名则是一千九百万名! But this ranking, in the outside world sits in pyramid to be hard to be detected innumerably as before...... 但这个排名,在外界无数坐金字塔中依旧难以被人察觉…… Previously these martial artist, under laborious battle, cut to kill a talent to obtain 50 Dream Illusion Points, now Luo Zheng cuts to kill one person is tens of thousands points, martial artist like Young Lord Hao, indeed is busy at work for Luo Zheng such martial artist! 此前这些武者们,辛辛苦苦的厮杀之下,斩杀一人才能得到五十个梦幻点,现在罗征斩杀一人便是几万点,像豪少主这样的武者,的的确确就是为罗征这样的武者忙活着! However this return martial artist, and incessantly Luo Zheng person of that's all. 不过这番回归的武者,并不止罗征一人而已 The grass cover sheep eats, the sheep was eaten by the wolf...... 草被羊吃,羊被狼吃…… The wolf like Luo Zheng, has started to return one after another, they return to the lord city first matter, cleans up the fat sheep outside city. 罗征这样的狼,已经开始陆续回归了,他们回归主城的第一件事情,就是清理城外的肥羊。 However between the wolf and wolf, slaughter obviously unavoidable, soon after Luo Zheng meets the arrived first wolf. 但是狼与狼之间,显然也无法避免厮杀,不久之后罗征就遇到了第一只狼。
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