AT :: Volume #12

#1192: Strength

Luo Zheng has not restrained own aura. 罗征并未收敛自己的气息。 This Young Lord Hao whole person is at the stimulated condition, actually body successor neglecting. 只是这豪少主整个人都处于亢奋状态,却将身后来人给忽略了。 When to Luo Zheng away Young Lord Hao when three remote, this Young Lord Hao then turns around suddenly, under the control of blood of bronze, the instinct of body has substituted his thought! 待到罗征豪少主只有三步之遥时,这豪少主便是骤然转身,在青铜之血的支配之下,身体的本能已经替代了他的思维! He has not even seen clearly Luo Zheng, under the conditioned reflex, the Young Lord Hao subconsciousness opened up the offensive to Luo Zheng. 他甚至还没有看清楚罗征,在条件反射之下,豪少主下意识对罗征展开了攻势。 That pair of gigantic blood axe blood glittering, spreads the strong courage vigor, under two big axes cut the vertical stroke to divide horizontally, some as if people selected the red lacquer with the writing brush, outlined the pictures of dark ink serious wounds before his body! 那一对硕大的血斧血光闪烁,蔓延出浓烈的血气,两柄大斧横斩竖劈之下,仿佛有人用墨笔点了朱漆,在他身前勾勒出一道道浓墨重彩的画儿! hū hū hū shouted......” 呼呼呼呼……” Each axe brandishes, is coercing the powerful imposing manner! 每一斧挥舞出来,都裹挟着强大的气势! Under the stimulation of movement of blood of bronze, the Young Lord Hao offensive does not have the style, does not need to utilize the style! 在青铜之血的催动之下,豪少主的攻势并没有招式可言,也不需要运用招式! So under brute force cutting, is similar to the landslide cracks in the earth, all will be cut to extinguish in the range of covering all, has not had scruples, has not considered! 这般蛮力切割之下,就如同山崩地裂,在笼罩的范围之内一切都会被尽数斩灭,没有顾忌,也没有考量! Generally facing the offensive, most martial artist will so choose to advance the retreat, looks for the opportunity again. 一般面对如此攻势,绝大多数武者都会选择先行后退,再度寻找机会。 With demon race martial artist, especially activated demon race martial artist of blood of bronze to face to shake, absolutely was the unwise choice! 魔族武者,特别是激活了青铜之血的魔族武者正面对撼,绝对是不明智的选择! However Luo Zheng has not actually retroceded. 然而罗征却并未后退。 Speed that regardless of that blood axe brandishes quick, the Luo Zheng's form consistently is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with that blood axe. 无论那血斧抡起来的速度有多快,罗征的身影始终与那血斧保持着三寸距离。 He looks like the butterfly in violent storm, that strong winds can destroy the house, the trees, but this small butterfly follows the strong winds to dance in the breeze throughout, will never crash! 他就像是暴风骤雨中的蝴蝶,那狂风能够摧毁房屋,树木,但这一只小小的蝴蝶始终顺着狂风飘舞,永不坠落! This, lets hide many martial artist in lord city to be dumbfounded immediately! 这一幕,顿时让躲藏在主城中的诸多武者们目瞪口呆! lord city to Luo Zheng, in addition also the distance, looks like from their angles, the Luo Zheng whole person looks like pastes to attach above that blood axe. 主城罗征尚且还有一段距离,从他们的角度看来,罗征整个人就像是黏贴在那血斧之上。 From this then formed an misconception, as if this Young Lord Hao does not want to take the axe to divide to cut Luo Zheng, but wants to fling vigorously general from that axe blade Luo Zheng, how regardless of he flings, cannot throw off...... 由此便是形成了一种错觉,仿佛这豪少主并不是想要拿斧头劈斩罗征,而是极力想要将罗征从那斧刃之上甩下来一般,可是无论他如何去甩,都甩不掉…… This fellow, what made, how does he achieve?” “这家伙,到底做了什么,他到底是怎么做到的?” I guess that he should be cultivation very strange cultivation technique, oneself will mount above the blood axe!” “我猜他应该是修炼了一种很诡异的功法,将自己黏在血斧之上!” „It is not right, if mounts above, Young Lord Hao only needed to pound toward the ground was OK, didn't this boy die?” “不对啊,若是黏在上面,豪少主只需要往地上砸就可以了,这小子不是死翘翘了?” In city wall many demon race martial artist dull looks at this, discussion cannot help but said. 城墙上诸多魔族武者呆呆的看着这一幕,不由自主的议论道。 However their finishing speaking, Young Lord Hao really did that this misconception not other martial artist are in sole possession, in the Young Lord Hao heart also had this strange feeling, this boy as if on post above own axe blade. 然而他们的话音刚落,豪少主果然就这么做了,这种错觉并不是其他武者独有的,豪少主心中也产生了这种诡异的感觉,这小子似乎就贴在了自己的斧刃之上。 Therefore he raises this pair of blood axe high, then wants numerous pounds toward under! 于是他高高扬起这一对血斧,便要重重的朝着下方砸下去! However under this pounds, Luo Zheng's body from ground when also three cuns (2.5 cm) distances, his whole person from the axe the crevice between blade and ground pushed strangely. 然而这一砸之下,罗征的身体距离地面尚且还有三寸距离之时,他整个人就从斧刃与地面之间的空隙之中诡异的挤了出来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Two blood axe embed in the ground, broke out a giant crack this ground immediately! 两柄血斧镶嵌在了地面,顿时将这地面劈开一道巨大的裂缝! This crack spreads toward the front, extends on the ten miles of road regulation, may be called a small-scale canyon! 这一道裂缝一路朝着前方蔓延,一路延伸出上十里路程,堪称一条小型峡谷! This......” “这……” This human race martial artist really strange, probably is one slides does not keep the loach of hand!” “这人族武者真的诡异,好像就是一条滑不留手的泥鳅!” martial artist in city wall, dumbfounded again! 城墙上的武者们,再次呆住了! At this moment, the Luo Zheng's figure stands floating in end of blood axe, his both feet is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with this blood axes as before. 此时此刻,罗征的身形则飘然站立在血斧的尾端,他双脚依旧与这血斧之间保持着三寸距离。 Even under the stimulation of blood of bronze, Young Lord Hao still suspended the attack, cannot bear take a look at present this person! 即使是在青铜之血的刺激之下,豪少主也暂停了攻击,忍不住打量眼前此人! Is you!” “是你!” arrived at this moment, Young Lord Hao recognized Luo Zheng. 到了此刻,豪少主算是认出了罗征 Before Dream Battlefield opening, in that two human race martial artist! 正是梦幻战场开启之前,那两位人族武者中的一位! At that time Young Lord Hao was mistaken, has not thought that these two human race martial artist strengths were so uncommon, shortly exterminate 11 demon race martial artist. 当时豪少主算是看走了眼,没想到这两位人族武者实力如此不凡,顷刻之间灭杀了十一位魔族武者 However even, Young Lord Hao has not so cared these two. 不过即便是如此,豪少主也没有将这两人放在心上。 It looks like in Young Lord Hao, true expert will choose to stop up the way of city gate basically, brushes takes the Dream Illusion Points number, these two human race martial artist choices leave, it is estimated that is also self-confident that's all. 豪少主看来,真正的强者基本都会选择堵城门的方式,刷取梦幻点数,这两名人族武者选择离开,估计也是自信罢了 He actually does not know, stops up the city gate way efficiency is quite relatively speaking bad, who will be willing to go out of town to bring death? 他却不知道,堵城门的方式相对而言效率会比较差,又有谁会甘愿出城送死? In the Luo Zheng's eye, Young Lord Hao this kind with stops up gate to obtain the Dream Illusion Points number martial artist, but is grazing sheep, now he returned, definitely will choose to slaughter this sheep...... 罗征的眼中,豪少主这一类用“堵门”获得梦幻点数的武者,不过就是吃草的羊儿,现在他回归了,必然会选择宰杀这只羊…… Is I,” on the Luo Zheng face exudes the light smile to say. “是我,”罗征脸上泛着淡淡的微笑说道。 Haha, comes well, I thought that you can hide what situation!” Young Lord Hao laughs wildly one, although he abstained that Luo Zheng this strange movement technique, he actually will not but produce under the function of blood of bronze any dreads, that pair of blood axe then staggers, later is up and down, about converging attack. 哈哈,来得好,我看你能躲到什么地步!”豪少主狂笑一声,他虽然忌讳罗征这诡异的身法,但在青铜之血的作用下他却不会产生任何畏惧,那一对血斧便是错开,随后就一上一下,左右夹击而来。 If were cut by these two blood axes, Luo Zheng will be cut three sections directly! 倘若被这两把血斧斩中,罗征会被直接斩成三截! This time, Luo Zheng has not chosen to dodge! 这一次,罗征并没有选择闪避! After white smoke fog has lifted falls, Luo Zheng then launched both hands, the vision actually stares at that Young Lord Hao, on the face is reappearing as before the light happy expression. 将身上的白色烟雾散掉之后,罗征便是展开了双手,目光却盯着那豪少主,脸上依旧浮现着淡淡的笑意。 Brushes!” “刷刷!” Luo Zheng's both hands such as the spirit snake has the hole to be common, held the axe edges of two blood axes in this flash. 罗征的双手如灵蛇出洞一般,在这一瞬间就抓住了两把血斧的斧刃。 This Young Lord Hao twice cuts to strike, sufficiently quarrying a mountain crack place! 豪少主的两次斩击,足以开山裂地! Almost all martial artist believe, Luo Zheng will display that again strangely dodges to extreme movement technique. 几乎所有武者都认为,罗征会再度施展那诡异到极点的身法进行闪避。 Not only but Luo Zheng this time has not dodged, but puts out a hand directly, by bare-handed held the demon race martial artist axe blade! Ten fingers of Luo Zheng both hands, deeply embed in the surface of blood axe, this from First Grade Divine Tool, was pointing by him unexpectedly directly digs out ten deeply scoop channels. 可是罗征这一次不仅没有闪避,而是直接伸手,以徒手抓住了魔族武者的斧刃!罗征双手的十指,在深深地镶嵌在血斧的表面,这一件从一品神器,竟然直接被他手指挖出十道深深地凹槽。 One side of lord city this, is suddenly peaceful. 主城的这一侧,忽然之间安静下来。 These demon race martial artist natural dispositions are cruel, because also the build is huge, therefore the demon race martial artist inhabit region is very noisy place, slightly an opens the mouth, the sound is the heavenshaking sound, can make they so peaceful matter not many! 这些魔族武者的生性暴戾,也因为体型巨大,所以魔族武者的聚居地都是十分嘈杂的地方,稍微一开口,声音便是震天响,能让他们如此安静的事情并不多! At present presents a matter that is contrary to the common sense. 眼前出现了一个有违常理的事情。 This human race martial artist, by bare-handed caught the Young Lord Hao double axe unexpectedly! 人族武者,竟然以徒手接住了豪少主的双斧! The race emphasis point in entire world has the difference respectively, can say that each race displays the arrived pinnacle own special skill. 寰宇之中的种族侧重点各有不同,可以说每个种族都将自己的特长发挥到了极致。 human race suits cultivates true virtue, demon race suits Body Refinement, but Monster Night Race is inborn, which type chooses well...... 人族适合修真,魔族适合炼体,而妖夜族天生强大,选择哪一种都不错…… demon race martial artist 99% will choose Body Refinement, but this Young Lord Hao is the outstanding person in demon race body refiner, but how this human race boy sees seems like cultivation true essence martial artist. 魔族武者90%九都会选择炼体,而这豪少主则是魔族炼体者中的佼佼者,但这人族小子怎么看都像是修炼真元武者 Has not felt in any true essence fluctuation from him, such bare-handed caught the Young Lord Hao two blood axes unexpectedly! 从他身上没有感受到任何真元波动情况下,竟然就这样徒手接住了豪少主的两把血斧! In these demon race person eyes, simply yes damn! 在这些魔族人眼中,简直是见鬼了! In domain that oneself excel by person easy frustration, this setback is quite uncomfortable, is also big to the attack of person. 在自己擅长的领域被人轻而易举的挫败,这种挫折是相当难受的,给人的打击也非常大。 What awfully is, Luo Zheng's ten fingers unexpectedly directly this from First Grade Divine Tool grasping scoop channel! 更要命的是,罗征的十指竟然直接将这一件从一品神器给抓出来凹槽! This is from First Grade Divine Tool......, but huge of this blood axe, heavy/thick, compared with the sword, the spear/gun, the blade and other weapon of the intensities wants to be higher, under the axe with rank, the material that the hammer class weapon consumes wants on many several times, oneself are also much firm. 这可是从一品神器……而这血斧的个头庞大,厚重,远比剑,枪,刀等武器的强度要高许多,同品阶之下斧,锤类武器消耗的材料要多上几倍,自身也坚固不少。 The fact on the swayed at present, many demon race martial artist subconscious shaking the head, as if wants not to believe that but the eye will actually not deceive itself. 事实就摆在眼前,诸多魔族武者下意识的摇头,似乎想要不相信,可是眼睛却不会欺骗自己。 How he achieves......” “他怎么做到的……” Does not have true essence to fluctuate, this human race boy as if not cultivation true essence system!” “并没有真元波动,这人族小子似乎并未修炼真元体系!” „It is not right, he is not body refiner, I have not felt the astral essence eruption!” “不对,他也不是炼体者,我没有感受到罡元爆发!” Many demon race martial artist are staring at Luo Zheng, after silent a meeting, discussion that starts to talk at once, the sound is very loud...... 诸多魔族武者盯着罗征,沉默了一会后开始七嘴八舌的议论起来,声音还特别大…… Also during this discussion, they drew a more fearful conclusion. 也就在这议论之中,他们得出了一个更加可怕的结论。 Luo Zheng has not just now depended upon true essence or astral essence, he uses oneself fleshly body, own strength, blocked these two blood axes! 罗征方才并未依靠真元或者罡元,他就是利用自己的肉身,自己的力量,挡住了这两把血斧! Where drill is the anomaly......” demon race martial artist emits such a few words suddenly. “到底是哪里钻出来的怪胎啊……”一位魔族武者忽然冒出这样一句话。 Compares the outsider, in the Young Lord Hao heart the panic-stricken degree perhaps is their innumerable times...... 相比局外人,豪少主心中惊骇程度恐怕是他们的无数倍…… The blood of his deeply conceals bronze, is demon race gold family's legitimate lineage descendant, although cannot compare these Realm Lord, Heavenly Venerable descendant, but he becomes the tenth grade Holy Land core disciple sufficiently! Talent, the bloodlines are superior take superior existence. 他深藏青铜之血,乃是魔族黄金家族的正统传人,虽然比不上那些界主,天尊传人,但他足以成为十品圣地的核心弟子!无论是天赋,还是血脉都是优中取优的存在。 After the blood of this bronze erupts, can make his strength rise dramatically three times, coordinating his cultivation practicing blood astral essence to erupt, even Divine Extremity Realm expert cannot shoulder the prestige of his axe! 这青铜之血爆发之后,能够让他力量暴增三倍有余,配合他修炼的练血罡元爆发起来,就算是神极境强者也扛不住他一斧之威! But this seems like not the majestic tall and strong human race boy at present, such bare-handed own axe pressing firmly between the fingers? 可是眼前这看起来并不雄壮魁梧的人族小子,就这样徒手将自己的斧头给捏住了? He looks on the Luo Zheng face the light happy expression, a deeply humiliation ascends from the bottom of the heart, what awfully is, he does not seem able to pull out this pair of blood axe! 他看着罗征脸上淡淡的笑意,一股深深地屈辱从心底升腾而起,要命的是,他似乎无法将这一对血斧拔出来! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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