AT :: Volume #12

#1191: Young Lord Hao

Luo Zheng is even disinclined to inquire own ranking. 罗征甚至都懒得查询自己的排名。 It is not he does not want to compete for a good position in this Dream Battlefield, in fact he chooses to step into, will not let go any reaching opportunity! 并不是他不想在这梦幻战场中争夺一个好名次,实际上他选择踏入其中,就不会放弃任何一个登顶的机会! Dream Battlefield was just opening, does not worry to Luo Zheng. 只是梦幻战场在刚刚开启,对罗征来说并不着急。 After absorbing these Dream Illusion Points, the Luo Zheng's vision then fell in this cavern, this cavern guarded with three Heavenspan Mouse unexpectedly, actually does not know what is hiding? 吸收了那些梦幻点后,罗征的目光便是落在了这洞穴之中,这洞穴竟然用三只通天鼠来看守,却不知其中隐藏着何物? As Luo Zheng walks toward that cave entrance, that optical activity actually moves together slowly, stopped up in the Luo Zheng front. 随着罗征朝那洞口走去,那一道旋光却是缓缓地挪动过来,堵在了罗征前方。 Therefore meanwhile, in the Luo Zheng's mind then presented a few words. 于是同时,罗征的脑海之中便出现了一句话。 Enters the evil wind tunnel, must give three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers! 入邪风洞,需缴三十万梦幻点数! Three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, on the Luo Zheng's face reveal the color of forced smile immediately. 十万梦幻点数,罗征的脸上顿时流露出苦笑之色。 He collects the arrived Dream Illusion Points number now, altogether is less than 4000 points, this disparity feared that is somewhat big. 他现在收集到了梦幻点数,总共不到四千点,这差距怕是有些大。 Consumed such big cultivation technique is not actually able to enter, in the Luo Zheng heart slightly somewhat was also depressed, but this place Luo Zheng actually remembered, not only three Divine Beast protections, but also needs to pay the cavern that three hundred thousand Dream Illusion Points can enter, what thing had? 耗费了这么大的功法却无法进入其中,罗征心中也微微有些郁闷,不过这个地点罗征却是记下来了,不仅有三只神兽守护,而且还需要缴纳三十万梦幻点才能进入的洞穴,其中到底有什么玩意? After thinking to be good, Luo Zheng in this place stay, his body advantage of terrain has not been to rewind to go, flies to shoot in in the air, then returns with extremely quick speed old route! 想好之后,罗征也没有在此地逗留,他的身形便是倒卷而去,飞射在空中,便是以极快的速度原路返回! -” “呼-” After the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, that lord city appears in the Luo Zheng's line of sight again. 一炷香的时间之后,那座主城再度出现在罗征的视线之中。 At this moment, demon race martial artist that wears the silver armor is twining baleful blood qi from top to bottom, in the hand a pair of spacious blood axe crazy swing! 此刻,一位身披银甲的魔族武者浑身上下缠绕着一道道血煞之气,手中一对宽大的血斧正在疯狂的挥舞! This demon race martial artist, was Luo Zheng previously Young Lord Hao that” encountered in the city! 魔族武者,便是罗征此前在城中遭遇的“豪少主”了! This Young Lord Hao birth was also uncommon, although he could not be regarded the tenth grade Holy Land core disciple, but itself stemmed from demon race's aristocratic family that endured compared with tenth grade Holy Land, this aristocratic family was also quite famous in demon race! 这位豪少主出生也是不凡,虽然他算不得十品圣地的核心弟子,但本身出自于魔族的一个堪比十品圣地豪门,这个豪门魔族之中也颇有名气! This Dream Battlefield opens, he then obtained the heavy treasure in family! 此次梦幻战场开启,他便是取得了家族中的重宝! Not only put on the Saint demon armor, but also took away this to from First Grade Divine Tool, demon blood battle axe! 不仅披上了圣魔铠,而且还拿走了这对从一品神器,魔血战斧! During the previous several double-hour, Young Lord Hao then organized demon race martial artist, catches the whole lot in a dragnet martial artist of other races, his own, slaughtered six hundred human race martial artist, martial artist of other 3-4 hundred races, in addition the quantity also had over a thousand! 在此前的几个时辰之中,豪少主便是组织了魔族武者,将其他种族的武者一网打尽,他自己一人,就屠杀了六百人族武者,还有三四百其他种族的武者,加起来数量也有上千名了! First round he earned more than 50,000 points of dream points, ranking on Dream Battlefield to/clashes the arrived front row all of a sudden! 第一轮他就赚取了五万多点梦幻积分,在梦幻战场上的排名一下子就冲到了前列! But after waiting for these martial artist to resurrect, he slaughtered the second round, martial artist that died for the second time, the Dream Illusion Points number in within the body will reduce about half again, this time he obtained more than 20,000 points, this, he altogether obtained more than 70,000 points twice! 而等这些武者们复活之后,他又屠杀了第二轮,第二次死亡的武者,体内的梦幻点数会再减少一半左右,这次他只是获得了两万多积分,这两次累计之下,他一共获得了七万多积分 Under greedy, Young Lord Hao wanted to slaughter the third round, but this method is not easy-to-use. 在贪婪之下,豪少主原本想要屠杀第三轮,不过这个方法却不好使了。 From the beginning although Dream Battlefield martial artist have understood rule, but has not personally experienced eventually, does not understand specially. 一开始梦幻战场武者们虽然了解过其中的规则,但终究没有亲身体验过,不是特别懂。 However everyone is not a fool, after being cut kills 1-2 times, the people are also understand, why can do as one pleases? 不过大家都不是傻子,被斩杀1-2后,众人也是明白过来了,为什么要任人摆布? The death also lost Dream Illusion Points that's all, let your exterminate for no reason? Let alone oneself have stayed in the city, then be at the absolute secure state, your Young Lord Hao takes my a little means? 死亡也不过损失梦幻点罢了,就让你平白无故的灭杀?何况自己一直呆在城中,便处于绝对的安全状态,你豪少主拿我有一点办法? Has this idea, but was not only cut these martial artist that kills, including helping this Young Lord Hao demon race compatriots also thought through! 有这个想法的,可不仅仅是被斩杀的那些武者,包括帮助这豪少主魔族同胞们也想通了! Everyone enters Dream Battlefield, or to compete for position, either for oneself informed and experienced, perhaps your Young Lord Hao has the rallying point outside very much, but also wants to direct the person not to have the gate here, although everyone with is the demon race compatriot, but stood in this Dream Battlefield, was the foe...... 大家进入梦幻战场,要么是为了争夺名次,要么是为了自身历练,你豪少主在外面或许很有号召力,但在这里还想使唤人就没门了,大家虽然同为魔族同胞,但站在了这梦幻战场中,彼此之间就是仇敌…… This Young Lord Hao also can only all alone, seek for own target now, in order to perhaps more Dream Illusion Points numbers. 豪少主如今也只能孤身一人,寻找自己的目标,以求或许更多的梦幻点数。 He was born the prestigious family, in the collection clan the great expectations of many elders, naturally wants to strive for a good result! 他出生名门,集族中诸多长辈的厚望,自然希望争取一个不错的成绩! However shortly after Young Lord Hao just went out of town, stared by several demon race martial artist. 不过豪少主这边刚刚出城不久,就被几位魔族武者盯上了。 From the beginning Young Lord Hao uses everyone not to understand the rule, gained so many Dream Illusion Points, some people are naturally jealous, strikes to kill one time this Young Lord Hao, can obtain the 3-4 ten thousand Dream Illusion Points numbers, this may be one step arrives! 一开始豪少主利用大家不了解规则,赚了那么多梦幻点,自然有人眼红,将这豪少主击杀一次,就能获得三四梦幻点数,这可就是一步到位了! But this Young Lord Hao strength is not indeed bad, his talent also included certain Holy Land core disciple levels sufficiently! 但这豪少主本身的实力的确不差,他的天赋也足以列入某些圣地的核心弟子层了! Let alone he has the heavy treasure, this fights with all might, not only had not been struck to kill, he himself instead struck to kill 5-6 position martial artist, instead earned many points. 何况他身怀重宝,这一路拼杀过来,不仅没被人击杀过,他自己反而击杀了五六武者了,反而赚取了不少积分 Roar...... looks at your group of waste, many I cut many!” This Young Lord Hao in also activated the strength of his bloodlines at this moment, the blood of bronze! “吼……看你们这帮废物,有多少我斩多少!”这豪少主在此刻也激活了他的血脉之力,青铜之血! The blood of this bronze is similar to the demon race's wild blood, can make martial artist forget the pain in a short time, the strength turns time, the whole person becomes more stimulated rich/forgive Yong! However the blood of bronze is bigger than the increase of wild blood, is smaller to own harm. 这青铜之血类似于魔族的狂暴之血,能够让武者短时间内忘记痛苦,力量翻倍,整个人变得更加亢奋饶勇!不过青铜之血比狂暴之血的增幅更大,对自身的损害更小。 Besieges his three demon race martial artist, since dares to look for Young Lord Hao, is in itself not the good stubble. 围攻他的三位魔族武者既然敢找上豪少主,本身也不是什么善茬。 From the beginning their three people can also suppress this Young Lord Hao, after as Young Lord Hao the blood of bronze was activated, actually fiercely competes and successfully competes, this then retreats in defeat again and again! 一开始他们三人还能将这豪少主压制住,但随着豪少主的青铜之血被激活后,却是越战越勇,这番便是节节败退! !” “噗!” Not careful, that blood axe divided demon race martial artist, this heavy axe divided, was from beginning to end, cracks directly that demon race martial artist two! 一个不小心之下,那一记血斧劈中了其中一位魔族武者,这一记重斧劈下来,便是从头到尾,直接将那魔族武者裂成了两块! After that demon race martial artist drops down, changed into a red luminous spot to escape in lord city to resurrect, was naturally also given the absorption as for these Dream Illusion Points numbers by this Young Lord Hao! 魔族武者倒下之后,化为一道红色光点遁回主城之中复活去了,至于那些梦幻点数自然也被这豪少主给吸收了! Was cut after by Young Lord Hao kills one person, the remaining two people are weak, one of them even turns around to run, wants to return to lord city! 豪少主斩杀一人后,剩下的两人更是不支,其中一人甚至转身就跑,想要逃回主城 But how can Young Lord Hao under blood of activation bronze make these two run? 可是青铜之血激活之下的豪少主又如何能让这两人跑了? Sees only him to roar, above the blood axe of both hands appears together the mysterious mark, immediately he then throws directly this blood axe toward the front! 只见他咆哮一声,双手的血斧之上浮现出一道玄奥的印记,随即他便朝着前方直接将这血斧投掷出去! hū hū hū......” 呼呼呼……” Rear area that two demon race martial artist hear broadcasts the sound of heavy item flight, but also without turns head to look with enough time, sees that blood axe one two, two four, from the sky present the innumerable blood axes immediately! 那两位魔族武者听到后方传来重物飞行的声音,还没来得及扭头回望,就看到那血斧一化二,二化四,顿时在空中出现无数把血斧! Cuts to break to pieces you!” “斩碎你们!” As under Young Lord Hao roared, these blood axes cut to kill to go toward these two demon race people at the same time. 随着豪少主一阵咆哮之下,那些血斧同一时间朝着这两位魔族人斩杀而去。 In the wink of an eye, some as if innumerable manpower hold the blood axe to cut down downward, that two demon race martial artist were deducted directly the fragment by these blood axes...... 瞬息之间,仿佛有无数人手持血斧往下劈杀,那两位魔族武者直接被这些血斧劈成了碎片…… hū hū hū......” 呼呼呼……” These blood axes merge unceasingly in together, change into the hands of two blood axe returned Young Lord Hao finally. 那些血斧又不断地合并在一起,最终化为两把血斧回到了豪少主的手中。 The blood axe in this Young Lord Hao hand can indeed regard as First Grade Divine Tool, many martial artist that above the city wall observes, the complexion is also a silence. 豪少主手中的血斧的确能视为一品神器,城墙之上观战的诸多武者们,脸色也是一阵默然。 That blood axe...... I think that is illusory image that transforms!” “那血斧……我以为是幻化出来的幻影呢!” Snort, this Young Lord Hao strength is actually ordinary, dependence is the family blood and that two divine item in bronze!” “哼,这豪少主实力其实一般,依靠的不过是自己家族中的青铜之血和那两件神器!” Has these two divine item in the hand, the offensive is unapproachable, moreover oneself invulnerability!” “有这两件神器在手,攻势无可匹敌,而且自己又刀枪不入!” The strength that because Young Lord Hao exposes, made martial artist in city not dare to go out of town again...... 因为豪少主展露出来的实力,却是再次让城中的武者们不敢出城了…… That Young Lord Hao grasps two blood axes, is rapping the armor of chest the obtuse surface of that axe, under the stimulation of blood of bronze, in many martial artist toward lord city roared: Idiots! Coming out makes father zhan kill a bit faster! You except for contributing own Dream Illusion Points, but also is useful?” 豪少主手持两把血斧,将那斧头的钝面敲击着自己胸口的铠甲,在青铜之血的刺激之下,朝着主城中的诸多武者们咆哮道:“蠢材们!快点出来让老子斩杀!你们除了贡献出自己的梦幻点,还有什么用?” Has saying that this Young Lord Hao in demon race is also quite intelligent one kind, just stepped into Dream Battlefield time, can lobby consanguineous martial artist to help itself accumulate Dream Illusion Points. 不得不说,在魔族之中这豪少主也算是比较聪明的一类,刚刚踏入梦幻战场的时候,就能游说同族武者帮助自己积累梦幻点 Now after Young Lord Hao accumulated enough many Dream Illusion Points, he actually so provokes, the goal that he provokes naturally is not restricted in foreign race martial artist, martial artist that in fact he faces now basically is the demon race person! 现在豪少主积累了足够多的梦幻点后,他却如此挑衅,他挑衅的目标自然不限于外族武者,实际上他现在面对的武者基本都是魔族人! Still! On you!” “犹匹!你上!” motherfucker, previously the father also helped him tie up so many human race martial artist, now actually makes a false countercharge!” 妈的,此前老子还帮他绑了那么多人族武者,现在却是反咬一口!” Yeah, here is Dream Battlefield, does not divide the race, from the beginning was we are stupid!” “哎,这里是梦幻战场,彼此之间不分种族,一开始是我们蠢了!” Pēng Pēng Pēng Pēng bang!” 砰砰砰砰砰!” The Young Lord Hao two blood axes are pounding oneself chest armor unceasingly, the sound is shocking, the both eyes pupil is dark red, during this is dark red actually to reveal azure, that is the effect of blood of bronze. 豪少主的两把血斧不断地砸着自己的胸甲,响声震天,双目的瞳孔殷红,在这殷红之中却流露出一丝青色,那就是青铜之血的效果。 In the Young Lord Hao stimulated provocation, the Luo Zheng's form quietly appears in his behind. 正在豪少主亢奋的挑衅之际,罗征的身影却是悄然出现在他的身后。
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