AT :: Volume #12

#1190: Thunder Tribulation Killing

Most outer layer dozens Nether God Shadow, but in the inner layer the sword light such as the wheel protects the whole body. 最外层有数十道幽神影,而内层之中剑光如轮护住周身。 Luo Zheng this round of attack, it may be said that is airtight. 罗征这一轮攻击,可谓是密不透风。 But so, cannot block these three Heavenspan Mouse offensive even as before...... 可即便是如此,依旧没能挡住这三只通天鼠的攻势…… The speed that these three Heavenspan Mouse erupt, surpassed the Luo Zheng's estimate as before! 这三只通天鼠爆发出来的速度,依旧超出了罗征的估计! That three small golden mouse shades, have then drilled dense and numerous Nether God Shadow by the speed that is unable to observe, but the Luo Zheng's sword light moves around him like the wheel disk equally, in this sword light is only the misconception of under the long sword high-speed maneuver having, in fact had the slit of speed. 那三道小小的金色鼠影,便是以无法观测的速度钻过密密麻麻的幽神影,而罗征的剑光虽然如轮盘一样围绕着他旋转,在这剑光只是长剑高速回旋之下产生的错觉,实际上还有存在先后快慢的缝隙。 Petite of this Heavenspan Mouse, has then drilled this slit with ease, draws close to Luo Zheng rapidly! 通天鼠的个头娇小,便是轻松钻过这缝隙,迅速贴近罗征 pū pū pū!” 噗噗噗!” Is three blood splashes blows out as before! 依旧是三道血花爆出! And a wound, collar bone place above the Luo Zheng chest, is Luo Zheng when the crucial moment, body after rear area slightly supine, perhaps otherwise his throat will be cut by biting directly. 其中一道伤口,更是在罗征胸口上方锁骨处,也是罗征在千钧一发之际,身体朝后方微微后仰,否则他的喉咙恐怕会被直接咬断。 The wound that this Heavenspan Mouse attack creates although is not big, but that pair of mouse tooth almost destroys the hardest defenses, nowadays the general injury is almost impossible to cause the damage to Luo Zheng's fleshly body, but facing the attack of this mouse tooth, is actually not able to resist slightly! 通天鼠攻击造成的伤口虽然不大,可是那一对鼠牙几乎是无坚不摧,现如今一般的伤害对罗征的肉身几乎无法造成伤害,但面对这鼠牙的进攻,却无法抵御丝毫! zhī zhī zhī squeak......” 吱吱吱吱……” In an instant, three Heavenspan Mouse appeared in not far away, they maintained certain distance with Luo Zheng as before, is communicating unceasingly, but in the black eyeball of that soybean size, actually revealed to ridicule the color. 转眼之间,三只通天鼠又出现在了不远处,它们依旧与罗征保持一定的距离,相互之间不断地沟通着,不过那黄豆大小的黑色眼珠中,却流露出一丝讥讽之色。 Divine Beast, has basically opened Spiritual Wisdom, Heavenspan Mouse has naturally been no exception...... 神兽,基本都已经开启了灵智,通天鼠自然也不例外…… Sees this, Luo Zheng's look is actually more and more tranquil. 看到这一幕,罗征的神色却是越来越平静。 This Heavenspan Mouse ranks first in Divine Beast , is worthy of the reputation, this race possibly is next to super Divine Beast. 通天鼠神兽之中排名第一,也算是名副其实,这个种族可能仅次于超级神兽 It is said Heavenspan Mouse multiplication ability also far strong in general Divine Beast, now Luo Zheng faces three Heavenspan Mouse merely, the pressure is actually very big, but if hundreds and thousands of Heavenspan Mouse...... feared him to make a getaway now. 据说通天鼠繁衍能力也远强于一般的神兽,现在罗征仅仅面对三只通天鼠,压力倒不是特别大,可若是成百上千只通天鼠……恐怕他现在就要逃之夭夭了。 At the speed, Luo Zheng takes these Heavenspan Mouse not to have the means perhaps purely, he is unable to catch these Heavenspan Mouse forms, how to strike to kill them? 单纯以速度而言,罗征恐怕拿这些通天鼠毫无办法,他根本无从捕捉这些通天鼠的身影,如何将它们击杀? Is good is also very strange because of this Heavenspan Mouse habit, Luo Zheng is motionless, they are also motionless, so long as Luo Zheng moves, they in the shortest time, will launch the most precise attack. 好在这通天鼠的习性也十分古怪,罗征不动,它们也不动,但只要罗征一动,它们就会在最短的时间内,发动最为精确的攻击。 Stood calmly thought deeply about a meeting in same place Luo Zheng, soon, on his face then revealed the light happy expression! 站在原地的罗征静静地思索了一会,不久之后,他脸上便流露出淡淡的笑意! As the sea of primordial chaos surface presents the little mighty waves, that white smog appears again in the Luo Zheng's whole body...... 随着混沌之海的表面出现一点点波澜,那白色的烟雾再度浮现在罗征的周身…… Eight Crooked Flying Smoke!” 八曲飞烟!” Although this together movement technique is somewhat bewildered, but under many situations also has the unexpected effect! 这一道身法虽然有些莫名其妙,但许多情况之下也拥有出其不意的效果! After Luo Zheng revolves this movement technique, his whole person as if like willow catkin, the light smoke flutters together...... 罗征运转这身法之后,他整个人仿佛就像一片柳絮,一道青烟飘动起来…… Just displayed this movement technique instance in Luo Zheng, three Heavenspan Mouse rise with a spring again! 罗征刚刚施展这身法的瞬间,三只通天鼠再度一跃而起! Whiz whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖嗖!” hears its sound, does not only see its shadow! 只闻其声,不见其影! Luo Zheng no doubt is unable to lock these three Heavenspan Mouse forms, but revolves Eight Crooked Flying Smoke he actually to be able by any fluctuation to be affected, moves with the wind, but this «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» also moves is not only the wind...... even the small fluctuation of energy can still shove open Luo Zheng! 罗征固然无法锁定这三只通天鼠的身影,可是运转起八曲飞烟的他却能被任何波动所影响,正所谓随风而动,而这《八曲飞烟》随之而动的不仅仅是风……即便是再小的能量波动也能将罗征推开! The first mouse shadow plunges Luo Zheng's instantaneous, then pushes to go to toward the rear area Luo Zheng! 第一道鼠影扑向罗征的瞬间,便是将罗征朝后方推送而去! The second mouse shadow throws again from another direction, the Luo Zheng's body then transferred the direction, from the sky flutters as before...... 第二道鼠影从另一个方向再度扑来,罗征的身躯便调转了方向,依旧在空中飘动…… Third...... 第三道…… Regardless how these three mouse shades throw strike, Luo Zheng can always maintain three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with them! Luo Zheng's both eyes, gaze at to exude the variegated luster mouse tooth lightly at present, on the face are actually reappearing the color of weakening. 无论这三道鼠影如何扑击,罗征总能与它们之间保持着三寸的距离!罗征的双目,淡淡的注视着眼前泛着斑斓色泽的鼠牙,脸上却浮现出淡漠之色。 This Heavenspan Mouse throws the speed quick astonishment that strikes, Luo Zheng retrocedes the speed of unceasingly dodging, similarly also quick astonishment. 通天鼠扑击的速度快的惊人,罗征不断后退闪避的速度,同样也快的惊人。 If some people see this, absolutely is the startled dumbfoundedness! 如果有人看到这一幕,绝对是惊的目瞪口呆! Because they can only see four twinkling staggered shadows, even is unable to distinguish the shadows of these four rapidly twinkles is anything! 因为他们只能看到四道瞬息交错的影子,甚至无法分辨这四道急速闪烁的影子是什么! Whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖……” Under dodging of this time and time again, Luo Zheng also Primordial Chaos Qi in within the body one continuously pulls out! 在这一次次的闪避之下,罗征也将体内的混沌之气一缕缕的抽出去! Primordial Chaos Qi that pulls out, Luo Zheng half are used to supplement Eight Crooked Flying Smoke consumption, but the other half are actually the quiet submerging ground. 抽出来的混沌之气,罗征一半用来补充“八曲飞烟”的消耗,而另外一半却是悄无声息的没入地面。 These submerge Primordial Chaos Qi of ground, then connected quietly in one, formed a light ring. 那些没入地面的混沌之气,便是悄然连接在了一起,形成了一道淡淡的圆环。 This ring then covers in which the range of surrounding area hundred zhang (333 m), simultaneously above the ring, starts to congeal little mysterious Law Strength, in is actually not pure Thunder Element Law that in this Law Strength contains, faint trace dao accumulation trace coiling around in, pesters just like tiny True Dragon together...... 这圆环便是将方圆百丈的范围笼罩其中,同时在圆环之上,开始凝结出一点点玄奥的法则之力,在这法则之力之中蕴藏的却并非单纯的雷系法则,其中更有一丝丝道蕴的纹路盘绕其中,宛若一条条细小的真龙纠缠在一起…… Since this has been Luo Zheng this several years, cultivation second cultivation technique, Thunder Tribulation Killing! 这就是罗征这数年以来,修炼的第二门功法,雷劫杀 Second Apprentice Brother is Luo Zheng recommendation second cultivation technique, is might enormous cultivation technique. 二师兄罗征推荐的第二门功法,同时也是一门威力极大的功法 Compares «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke», this «Thunder Tribulation Killing» seemingly wants normally some, so-called normal is only relative Luo Zheng! 相比《八曲飞烟》而言,这《雷劫杀》看上去要“正常”一些,不过所谓的“正常”只是相对罗征而言! His not clear this «Thunder Tribulation Killing» belongs to cultivation technique of what level, whether is Supreme Divine Martial Arts, but since Luo Zheng cultivation he discovered that this Thunder Tribulation Killing consumes Primordial Chaos Qi extremely. 他不清楚这《雷劫杀》到底属于什么层次的功法,是否算是一门无上神武,但自罗征修炼以来他就发现这雷劫杀极端耗费混沌之气 By general Divine Sea Realm cultivation base martial artist, even if exhausts side Divine Sea, perhaps is unable displays this «Thunder Tribulation Killing», because this cultivation technique current consumption is too fierce! 以一般神海境修为武者来说,即便是耗尽一方神海,恐怕也无法将这《雷劫杀》施展出来,因为这功法真元消耗的实在太厉害! Even if Luo Zheng, arranges this Thunder Tribulation Killing, still consumed considerable amount of Primordial Chaos Qi! 即使是罗征,将这雷劫杀布置出来,也消耗了相当数量的混沌之气 When Immortal Mansion cultivation, Luo Zheng had also once experienced here Thunder Tribulation Killing might several times, but Luo Zheng will utilize in the actual combat now for the first time that's all...... 仙府修炼之际,罗征也曾数度见识过这里雷劫杀的威力,只是现在罗征第一次将之运用在实战中而已…… Three Heavenspan Mouse are still killing Luo Zheng rapidly! 三只通天鼠还在飞速扑杀罗征 The speed, is they biggest advantage and taking advantage, at this moment they also display the arrived pinnacle their speed, own bloodlines stimulates the arrived maximum limit, the whole body hair to send out the pure golden brilliance! 速度,乃是它们最大的优势和依仗,此刻它们也将自身的速度发挥到了极致,将自己的血脉激发到了最大限度,浑身毛发散发着纯金色的光辉! What may make them unable to think through, regardless of they raise the speed to what situation, at present this human race actually throughout maintains with their similar speeds! 可让它们想不通的是,无论它们将速度提升到何种地步,眼前这人类却始终保持与它们同样的速度! They are quick, Luo Zheng is quick, they are slow, Luo Zheng is also slow, this human race does not seem able to touch forever, as if the illusion is together ordinary! 它们快,罗征快,它们慢,罗征也慢,这人类似乎永远都无法触碰到,仿佛一道幻觉一般! In Luo Zheng the flash that Thunder Tribulation Killing activates, transmits from their bloodlines deep places wipes to palpitate, an intense sense of crisis transmission. 就在罗征雷劫杀激活的一瞬间,从它们的血脉深处传来一抹悸动,一种强烈的危机感传递而来。 In this flash, three Heavenspan Mouse as if reached an agreement generally, flies to shoot to go in three directions! 就在这一瞬间,三只通天鼠仿佛商量好了一般,朝着三个方向飞射而去! Lost thrust force Luo Zheng, then again static, in in the air is fluttering, looks that three mouse shadow that scatters in all directions to escape, his corners of the mouth are actually reveal to wipe the smile. 失去了“推力”的罗征,便再度静止下来,在空中上上下下的飘动着,看着那三道四散而逃的鼠影,他的嘴角却是流露出一抹微笑。 Could not escape......” “逃不掉了……” After below ring forms, in this hundred zhang (333 m) surrounding area has changed into the tribulation near it place. 下方的圆环形成之后,这百丈方圆之中已经化为劫临之地。 In all living being, will withstand Thunder Tribulation baptism, except for Luo Zheng! 在其中所有的生灵,都将承受雷劫洗礼,除了罗征 Regardless how these three Heavenspan Mouse run away, they are unable to drill this tribulation near it place, in that soybean big eyeball full is the terrified color, simultaneously zhī zhī the cry becomes incisively is also urgent! 无论这三只通天鼠如何逃窜,它们都无法钻出这劫临之地,那黄豆大的眼珠之中满是惶恐之色,同时“吱吱”的叫声也变得尖锐急迫起来! A huge world pressure, very towering appearance in sky, mysterious dao accumulation Law when the arrangement of in the air entire simultaneously, only then Transcending Tribulation will present this grade of phenomenon, but Luo Zheng was forcibly brings in this Thunder Tribulation. 一股巨大的天地威压,非常突兀的出现在上空,玄奥的道蕴法则在空中整整齐齐的排列,也只有渡劫之时才会出现这等异象,可罗征便是硬生生将这雷劫引来了。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In the sky, thick circled together like the dragon lightning, then the overhead arrives toward under! 天空之中,一道粗大如龙般的闪电盘旋了一圈,便当头朝着下方降临! This together by Thunder Tribulation that Luo Zheng brings, starts to conduct baptism to this surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) range. 这一道被罗征引来的雷劫,开始对这方圆十丈范围进行洗礼 Even at this moment, three Heavenspan Mouse have not chosen to give up, they display the arrived limit their speed, even can drill in the slit of lightning furcation...... 即便是此刻,三只通天鼠也没有选择放弃,它们将自身的速度发挥到了极限,甚至能够在闪电分叉的缝隙之中钻来钻去…… This Thunder Tribulation Killing might is too but big, it almost this hundred zhang (333 m) range complete coverage, be at condition of saturation attack, as the lightning are getting more and more, greatly, has less had the loophole and slit, these three Heavenspan Mouse evade not to be possible to evade! 可是这雷劫杀的威力太大,它几乎将这百丈范围完全覆盖,处于饱和攻击的状态,随着闪电越来越多,越来越大,已根本不存在漏洞和缝隙,这三只通天鼠避无可避! After dozens time of breath, the sky returned to gradually normal. 数十个呼吸的时间之后,天空渐渐地恢复了正常。 Three Heavenspan Mouse reverse on the ground, the burnt piece, soon, their corpse dissipate all over the body gradually, at the same time, each Heavenspan Mouse produced over a thousand Dream Illusion Points, flies to shoot to go toward Luo Zheng. 三只通天鼠翻倒在地上,通体焦糊一片,不久之后,它们的尸身渐渐地消散,与此同时,每一只通天鼠都产生了上千梦幻点,朝着罗征飞射而去。 Unexpectedly has three thousand Dream Illusion Points?” On the Luo Zheng's face reveals a smile. “居然有三千梦幻点?”罗征的脸上流露出一丝微笑。 His goal is that cavern, but has not thought that the reward of this Heavenspan Mouse is good, but three thousand Dream Illusion Points relative other martial artist, is also nothing! 他的目标原本是那个洞穴,但没想到这通天鼠的奖励还算不错,不过三千梦幻点相对其他武者而言,也算不了什么! exterminate 60 martial artist, can obtain three thousand Dream Illusion Points, perhaps in this Dream Battlefield, some radical martial artist has cut to kill tens of thousands of opponents...... 灭杀六十位武者,就能获得三千梦幻点了,在这梦幻战场之中,一些激进的武者恐怕已经斩杀了成千上万的对手了……
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