AT :: Volume #12

#1189: Heavenspan Mouse

Red luminous spots, return to lord city unceasingly. 一道道红色的光点,不断地返回主城之中。 Some martial artist by exterminate, their Dream Illusion Points number squeezed out half unceasingly, after some time waiting then resurrects again. 不断有武者灭杀,自身的梦幻点数被榨取一半,经过一段时间的等待之后便再度复活。 This process, regarding martial artist is a golden cultivation opportunity! 这个过程,对于武者来说是一个绝佳的修炼机会! Not all martial artist, have is enters in Dream Space cultivation...... 并不是所有武者,都有就是进入梦幻空间之中修炼…… In fact in side Great Realm, only then in these tenth grade Holy Land the places of core cultivation, is constructing Dream Space. 实际上一方大界之中,也只有那些十品圣地的核心修炼之地中,才建造着梦幻空间 Often also only then the core talent in Holy Land, is qualified. 往往也只有圣地中的核心天才,才有资格进入其中。 But present Dream Battlefield, is to hundred thousand Great Realm, all Divine Sea Realm martial artist, how regardless of the family background, regardless of the talent how, all can enter freely slaughters freely. 可是现在的梦幻战场,乃是面向十万大界,所有的神海境武者,无论出身如何,无论天赋如何,皆能自由进入其中自由厮杀。 Some Divine Sea Realm martial artist are very clear, wants to capture a good position by own strength in Dream Battlefield simply is the wishful thinking. 有一些神海境武者十分清楚,凭借自己的实力想要在梦幻战场中夺得一个不错的名次简直是痴心妄想。 The talent in hundred thousand Great Realm, were too many...... 十万大界中的天才,太多了…… The later generation who some small Holy Land the people of legacy, certain City Lord vigorously to train, the Holy Land core talent, is as for Holy Land Holy Lord descendant...... 一些小圣地传承之人,某些城主倾力培养的后人,圣地核心天才,乃至于圣地圣主传人…… Only these martial artist calculate, is a very terrifying number, idle talk also many Realm Lord descendant, is as for the Heavenly Venerable descendant, has these to have martial artist of Grand Era's Struggle life standard, on this day within darling! 光这些武者算下来,就是一个十分恐怖的数字,遑论还有诸多界主传人,乃至于天尊的后代,更有那些拥有大世之争命格的武者,这天地间的宠儿! Has these top talents to press in front, wants in this Dream Battlefield conspicuous, is a how difficult matter? 有这些顶尖天才压在前面,想要在这梦幻战场中冒尖,是一件何其艰难的事情? After giving up attacking the position, some martial artist also look at pale the Dream Illusion Points number, slaughters outside the city unceasingly, informed and experienced, death, resurrecting, starting once again, during this time and time again Life and Death is informed and experienced understands faint trace dao heart! 放弃冲击名次之后,一些武者也将梦幻点数看淡,在城外不断地厮杀,历练,死亡,复活,周而复始,在这一次次生死历练之中悟出一丝丝道心 The Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace above, appears similarly a giant pyramid. 云渺天宫的上方,同样也浮现出一座巨大的金字塔。 Many martial artist will nose once for a while this pyramid, examines in pyramid ranking of trillion number martial artist! 许多武者都会时不时查探这座金字塔,查看金字塔上兆数武者的排名! „The Luo Zheng's name...... has not emerged,” an old man stands side Yun Luo respectfully, lower level pyramid name quantity are too many, is unable to search him! However that Ai Anxin name, had floated, in side Great Realm that in she is at ranks the 130000 th, ranks 400 six hundred thousand positions in entire Dream Battlefield!” 罗征的名字……未曾脱颖而出,”一位老者毕恭毕敬站在云落身旁,“金字塔下层的名字数量太多,无法寻觅到他!不过那艾安心的名字,已经浮了上来,在她所在的一方大界之中排名第130000位,在整个梦幻战场中排名四百六十万位!” By the sensation of Yun Luo and old man, can discover own goal from several million names with ease...... 云落和老者的感知,可以轻松从几百万个名字中找出自己的目标…… But after Luo Zheng goes out of town, he has almost not saved Dream Illusion Points, present ranking not only cannot rise, instead dropped, now Luo Zheng ranking already after several hundreds hundred million! 可是罗征出城之后,他几乎没怎么积攒梦幻点,现在的排名不仅没能上升,反而下降了,如今罗征排名已经在数百亿之后! Found Luo Zheng in this massive name, is not an easy matter. 在这海量的名字中找到罗征,绝不是一件容易的事情。 Felt strange, is the fellow doing?” On the Yun Luo's face reveals to wipe the color of doubts. “奇怪了,那家伙在干什么?”云落的脸上流露出一抹疑惑之色。 By the Luo Zheng's strength, did not say dominates Dream Battlefield, but he surfaces in a city is not a difficult matter, first 5 million to Luo Zheng should be the simple matters. 罗征的实力,不说称霸梦幻战场,但他在一城之中脱颖而出绝非难事,前五百万名对罗征来说应该是再简单不过的事。 Continues to observe, has my Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace martial artist then to report with me,” Yun Luo said lightly. “继续观察吧,有我云渺天宫武者便跟我汇报,”云落淡淡的说道 Vast Cloud Heavenly Palace no doubt is the core influence in Human Path Alliance, in which martial artist also is the elite...... 云渺天宫固然是人道联盟中的核心势力,其中的武者也皆为精英…… But the entire world is so big, in the unknown corner has the shocking talent, therefore Yun Luo does not dare saying that martial artist of 13 palaces can capture the first prize. 但寰宇这么大,许多不为人知的角落中都存在惊世之才,所以云落也不敢说,十三宫的武者能够夺得头筹。 Present stage Ai Anxin had entered one side Great Realm 130,000, by her talent and strength, believes that enters first 5000, the issue should not be big, proceeded only to look at her display and strength again. 现阶段艾安心就已经进入了一方大界的十三万位,以她的天赋和实力,相信进入前五千名,问题应该不大,再往前走就只能看她的发挥和实力了。 Dream Space, five ten Great Realm, innumerable lord city crazy slaughtering, but the names of these top talents, in hundred thousand Great Realm, in the innumerable living being vision the peak in pyramid dash all the way! 梦幻空间,五十大界,无数主城都在疯狂的杀戮,而那些顶尖天才们的名字,则在十万大界,无数生灵的目光之中一路上金字塔的顶端飞奔! After six double-hour, the night falls. 六个时辰之后,夜幕降临。 But Dream Battlefield does not divide the day and night, the fight is continuing as before...... 梦幻战场不分日夜,战斗依旧在持续着…… bang! 啪! A tortoise shell of wicked turtle by being split up that Luo Zheng fights with the fists, as the light glaucoma has delimited together, hides easily is then cut to kill by Luo Zheng in tortoise shell below fleshly body. 一只恶龟的龟壳被罗征一拳打的四分五裂,随着一道淡淡的青盲划过,藏匿在龟壳下方的肉身便被罗征轻易斩杀。 After corpse of this wicked turtle vanishes, then jumps to project ten Dream Illusion Points to directly soar Luo Zheng. 当这恶龟的尸身消失之后,其中便迸射出十个梦幻点直奔罗征而来。 Travels for pleasure in the wilderness, the Dream Illusion Points speed is quite slow, but Luo Zheng does not care. 在旷野之中游历,累计梦幻点的速度相当缓慢,不过罗征并不在意。 Actually many expert look like Luo Zheng so, lord city that leaves for the time being, is waiting for grass long sheep Fei, some martial artist even dug a big hole simply, in satisfactory sleeping. 其实许多强者都像罗征这般,暂且离开的主城,等待着草长羊肥,有些武者甚至干脆挖了一个大坑,在其中美美的睡上一觉。 But Luo Zheng explores in the wilderness taking this opportunity, he is not willing to waste the time in vain. 罗征则是借着这个机会在旷野之中探索,他不愿意白白浪费时间。 Strikes after this wicked turtle kills, Luo Zheng looked at a front rolling hillside, as if cannot look at the boundary general...... 将这恶龟击杀之后,罗征望了一眼前方连绵起伏的山坡,仿佛望不到边际一般…… This Dream Battlefield is so huge, is equivalent to 50 Great Realm area, although has innumerable lord city, the distance that but between this lord city and lord city are separated by not be perhaps near! 梦幻战场如此庞大,相当于五十个大界的面积,虽然其中存在着无数个主城,但这主城主城之间相隔的距离恐怕也不会太近! Almost, should go back,” Luo Zheng looked into one, shows a faint smile, later then prepares to return to lord city, now almost already arrived harvesting time. “差不多,该回去了,”罗征眺望了一眼,微微一笑,随后便准备返回主城,现在差不多已经到了收割的时候了。 However when Luo Zheng just turned head, suddenly left front the feeling transmits a light fluctuation of energy. 不过罗征刚刚扭头之际,忽然感觉左前方传来一阵淡淡的能量波动。 His vision flashes slightly, the form disappeared in same place, appeared under the left front mountain top. 他目光微微一闪,身影就消失在了原地,紧接着出现在了左前方的山头之下。 In these two mountain top below marsh lands, ray of light glow is actually revolving unceasingly, but this ray transmits from a cave entrance. 在这两个山头下方的洼地之中,却有一道光芒在不断地旋转着,而这光芒正是从一个洞口之中传递出来。 What is this?” Luo Zheng is startled slightly. “这是什么?”罗征微微一怔。 This Dream Battlefield as if not like the Luo Zheng imagination is so simple, perhaps, with the Dream Illusion Points method, does not stop in obtains from other martial artist. 这个梦幻战场似乎并不像罗征想象中的那么简单,或许,拿梦幻点的方法,并不止于从其他武者身上得到。 In the surroundings of this optical activity, three whole bodies cover entirely the mouse of golden hair, huge of these mice, just like a young pig size, but crawls to send out a dignified imposing manner merely here, this imposing manner is sends out from their blood! 在这旋光的周围,还有三只浑身布满金色毛发的老鼠,这些老鼠的个头庞大,宛若一头小猪大小,而仅仅只是匍匐在这里都散发出一种威严的气势,这种气势乃是从它们血液之中散发而出! Divine Beast, Heavenspan Mouse?” 神兽,通天鼠?” The Luo Zheng's brow wrinkled the wrinkle slightly. 罗征的眉头微微皱了皱。 Truly grown Divine Beast, is exceptionally powerful, at present these Heavenspan Mouse all are 11 levels of Divine Beast, endures compared with existence of Divine Sea Realm, because of the Divine Beast bloodlines, processing is somewhat troublesome. 真正成年的神兽,还是异常强大的,眼前这些通天鼠皆为十一级神兽,堪比神海境的存在,但因为神兽血脉,处理起来还是有些麻烦。 What in this cavern has? Unexpectedly three do Heavenspan Mouse guard? 这洞穴之中到底有什么?竟然有三只通天鼠来看守? Also because of so, the interest of Luo Zheng to that cavern was bigger! 也是因为如此,罗征对那个洞穴的兴趣更大了! Heavenspan Mouse in Divine Beast is also top existence, on the one hand is because their aggressivity are very powerful, their talents all centralized above that mouse tooth of pair of destroying the hardest defenses, another aspect, it is speed quickest Divine Beast. 通天鼠神兽之中也是顶尖的存在,一方面是因为它们的攻击性十分强大,它们的天赋全都集中在那一对无坚不摧的鼠牙之上,另外一个方面,它是速度最快的神兽 Three Heavenspan Mouse, are somewhat troublesome to Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng will actually not give up exploring this cavern. 三只通天鼠,对罗征来说有些麻烦,不过罗征却不会放弃探索这个洞穴。 After all in Dream Battlefield, is defeated the opportunity of also having comes again, let alone Luo Zheng not necessarily feared this Heavenspan Mouse...... 毕竟梦幻战场之中,失败了还有重来的机会,何况罗征未必就怕了这通天鼠…… He walked following this mountain top slowly. 他顺着这山头慢慢地走了下去。 That three crawled in same place Heavenspan Mouse, is vigilant lifted the head, six soybean big black eyes are fixing the eyes on Luo Zheng, simultaneously exudes the zhī zhī zhī cry, seems communicating anything. 那三只原本匍匐在一起的通天鼠,便是警觉的抬起了头,六双黄豆大的黑眼睛紧盯着罗征,同时发出吱吱吱的叫声,似乎在沟通着什么。 Luo Zheng's look is tranquil, but the discrete degree in heart is also getting higher and higher, this Heavenspan Mouse can stand in the Divine Beast peak is also the no small matter. 罗征的神色平静,但心中的谨慎程度也越来越高,这通天鼠能够站在神兽的顶端也是非同小可。 20 zhang (3.33 m)...... 二十丈…… 15 zhang (3.33 m)...... 十五丈…… Ten zhang (3.33 m)! 十丈! Whiz whiz whiz!” “嗖嗖嗖!” When the Luo Zheng's footsteps just stepped into ten zhang (3.33 m) range, these three Heavenspan Mouse vanish in the Luo Zheng's line of sight suddenly! 罗征的脚步刚刚踏入十丈的范围,这三只通天鼠就骤然消失在罗征的视线之中! Three fuzzy shadows, in his pupil, Luo Zheng then felt above gently in a flash own body, transmits one by the pain that the sharp thing scratches! 三道模糊的影子,在他的瞳孔中轻轻一晃之下,罗征便感觉自己的身体之上,传来一阵被锐利之物划伤的痛楚! Afterward these three Heavenspan Mouse appear in not far away again, they assume the triangle, encircled Luo Zheng, simultaneously reveals its pair of sharp front tooth toward Luo Zheng! Above that front tooth has the variegated color to be mobile, this pair of front tooth is the Heavenspan Mouse talent is, contains together karmic law, therefore makes their lethality go to a very terrifying situation. 随后这三只通天鼠再度出现在不远处,它们彼此之间呈三角形,将罗征围了起来,同时朝着罗征露出它那一对尖锐的门牙!那门牙之上有斑斓色彩流动,这一对门牙就是通天鼠的天赋所在,其中更是蕴藏着一道因果律,所以才让它们的杀伤力达到一个十分恐怖的地步。 pū pū pū!” 噗噗噗!” arrived at this time, above the Luo Zheng's body spouted three blood fog, respectively is the left shoulder, right chest and thigh. 到了这时候,罗征的身体之上才喷出三道血雾,分别是左肩,右胸和腿部。 This speed, indeed quick arrived unthinkable situation! 这速度,的确快到了匪夷所思的地步! Regarding wound, Luo Zheng does not care actually, these three small Heavenspan Mouse speeds have surpassed some limit, Luo Zheng stupidly will not have followed on the heels to pursue. 对于身上的伤口,罗征倒是不在意,这三只小小的通天鼠速度已经超越了某种极限,罗征也不会傻乎乎的跟在后面追赶。 Luo Zheng will target on that was glittering above the cavern of optical activity, later is lifts the foot to walk toward that cavern! 罗征还是将目标锁定在了那闪烁着旋光的洞穴之上,随后便是抬脚朝着那洞穴走去! When he just took an action, three Heavenspan Mouse vanish again same place! 当他刚刚有所行动,三只通天鼠再度原地消失! In the instance that they vanish, Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword in Luo Zheng hand draws out suddenly, Sword Shadow such as the wheel, oneself will protect to be one of them together, blooms simultaneously sharp from this sword dozens Nether God Shadow, takes Luo Zheng to proliferate to go toward the surroundings as the center of circle. 就在他们消失的瞬间,罗征手中的雷风幽神剑骤然拔出,一道剑影如轮,将自己护在其中,同时从这剑尖绽放出数十道幽神影,以罗征为圆心朝着周围扩散而去。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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