AT :: Volume #12

#1188: Strange movement technique

After opposite party seven cuts to kill to stop got down, the Luo Zheng's figure also stopped, he like drifting with the current general, floats in in the air motionless. 当对方七道斩杀停了下来后,罗征的身形也停了下来,他就像随波逐流一般,浮在空中一动不动。 cultivation this «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» time, he has known this movement technique uniqueness. 修炼这《八曲飞烟》的时候,他已经知道这身法的奇特之处。 In order to confirm the marvelousness of this movement technique, Mu Mingxue also once the hand held the long sword to try to break this movement technique! Regardless of but how Mu Mingxue attacks, has not injured to the Luo Zheng slightest! 为了验证这身法之奇妙,慕茗雪也曾手执长剑试图破掉这身法!可是无论慕茗雪如何进攻,也是未曾伤到罗征分毫! This world did not have the thing of absolute prohibition...... 这世间原本就没有绝对的禁止之物…… The trees of stay still, are actually also vibrating slightly, all the stars in various heavens also or quick or slow revolving, heard even hundred thousand Great Realm, actually still in slowly in own direction moves, even between some Great Realm and Great Realm, will have the collision! Naturally, this process is by 1 million years, even for thousands of years calculate! 静止不动的树木,其实也在微微抖动,诸天星辰也或快或慢的旋转,听说即便是十万大界,其实也在缓缓的按照自己的方向移动,甚至有些大界大界之间,甚至会产生碰撞!当然,这个过程乃是以百万年,甚至于千万年来计算! But this «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» can feel any fluctuation essentially, even slightest fluctuation...... 而这《八曲飞烟》本质上能感受到任何波动,即便是最细微的波动…… Only needs this to fluctuate little, can shove open the Luo Zheng's figure, why this is also that emperor seven cuts, a blade has not cut in Luo Zheng reason. 只需要这一点点波动,就能将罗征的身形推开,这也是为何那帝王七斩,一刀也未曾斩在罗征身上的缘故。 The Mu Mingxue strength eventually is too weak! 慕茗雪的实力终究还是太弱! At present these three demon race martial artist in the Luo Zheng eye, naturally are not powerful, but borrows them to inspect this Eight Crooked Flying Smoke also to suit but actually! 眼前这三位魔族武者罗征眼中,自然也算不上强大,不过借用他们检阅这八曲飞烟倒也适合! hū hū......” 呼呼……” After first holds the blade martial artist to stop the offensive, second person of long spear again toward Luo Zheng punctures! 当第一位持刀武者停下攻势后,第二人的长枪再度朝着罗征刺来! Being very suspicious spear/gun!” “杯弓蛇影枪!” That lance point just like a large snake, was revealing black tongue, directly soars the Luo Zheng's forehead to go. 那枪尖宛若一条长蛇,吐露着黑色的信子,直奔罗征的眉心而去。 Facing this spear/gun, Luo Zheng has not dodged as before...... 面对这一枪,罗征依旧不曾闪避…… His whole person stretches, appears the standing upside down shape lightly, both eyes is actually staring at the lance point of not far away! 他整个人舒展开来,呈倒立状,双目却是淡淡的盯着不远处的枪尖! These lance point that is exuding the black cold glow, throughout maintains outside the Luo Zheng forehead, is three cuns (2.5 cm)...... this distance, Luo Zheng can above that lance point the trace as before the purity that looks at! 这一把泛着黑色寒芒的枪尖,始终保持在罗征眉心之外,依旧是三寸……这个距离,罗征能够将那枪尖之上浅浅的纹路都看的一清二楚! So long as crosses three cuns (2.5 cm) again, long spear can prick the Luo Zheng forehead...... 只要再过三寸,长枪就能刺入罗征眉心…… But these three cuns (2.5 cm), forever are an unattainable distance! 可是这三寸,永远是一段可望不可即的距离! Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” This demon race martial artist complexion even more grim gets up, long spear in hand brandishes such as the shuttle to be the same, sounds air-splitting in in the air unceasingly crack, just like the sounds of a series of firecrackers! 魔族武者脸色越发凝重起来,手中的长枪挥舞如梭一般,一道道破空之声在空中不断炸响,宛若一连串鞭炮之声! But regardless of this long spear is how nimble and resourceful, to be how swift and fierce, is unable to stab eventually Luo Zheng...... 可无论这长枪如何灵动,如何凌厉,终究无法刺中罗征…… Sees this, three people of complexions are cloudy. 看到这一幕,三人的脸色都阴沉下来。 Although they cannot understand the strange movement technique that Luo Zheng displays, perhaps but the idiot can want to understand at this time, Luo Zheng has not regarded as the opponent them from the start. 虽然他们看不懂罗征施展的这诡异身法,但这时候就连白痴恐怕都能想明白,罗征压根就没有将他们视为对手。 Regarding demon race, was shamed in the fight is an unforgivable matter. 对于魔族来说,在战斗中被人羞辱乃是一件不可饶恕的事情。 „The second child, the third child, blocks his escape route!” Was demon race martial artist of head roared one, that black extravagant sword cut again from his hand. “老二,老三,堵住他的退路!”为首的魔族武者吼了一声,那黑色阔剑再度自他手中斩出。 It looks like in Luo Zheng, he displays «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» actually contains the rule that some type is moving with the wind, but this rule implied some unsurpassed method, can therefore make the distance that three cuns (2.5 cm) are unable to overstep, but in these three martial artist eyes, Luo Zheng then uses own speed, artificial maintains the distance, plays jokes upon their three people! 罗征看来,他施展《八曲飞烟》其实是蕴藏着某种随风而动的规则,而这规则暗含了某种无上法门,所以才能够制造出三寸无法逾越的距离,但在这三位武者眼中,罗征便是利用自己的速度,人为的保持距离,戏耍他们三人! Breaks Luo Zheng this strange movement technique, actually means that in three people wrap under the clip, Luo Zheng was does not have to hide. 破掉罗征这诡异的身法,却是有一个办法,在三人包夹之下,罗征便是无所遁形了。 But they actually underestimated «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» by far marvelous...... 但他们却远远低估了《八曲飞烟》之奇妙…… Their this to/clashes, indeed sealed up the Luo Zheng's way, a blade, a spear/gun, a sword, then from three different directions the Luo Zheng firmly card in center. 他们三人这番冲过来,的确是封住了罗征的去路,一刀,一枪,一剑,便是从三个不同的方向将罗征牢牢地卡在中央。 Which direction regardless of Luo Zheng from retrocedes, he will hit above another person of weapon. 无论罗征从哪个方向后退,他都会撞在另外一人的武器之上。 But under three people press hard on, strange appeared! 但就在三人紧逼之下,诡异的一幕出现了! His whole person distortion, looks like one to expand and contract the free cuttlefish to be the same unexpectedly, besieged in the slit that to push from three people of weapons! 他整个人竟然一阵扭曲,就像是一只伸缩自如的乌贼一般,从三人武器围攻的缝隙之中挤了出去! From beginning to end, he is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance as before...... 从头到尾,他依旧保持着三寸的距离…… This......” “这……” Sees this, three demon race martial artist were also shocked. 看到这一幕,三位魔族武者也是惊呆了。 They even suspected that Luo Zheng is human race...... 他们甚至都怀疑罗征是不是人类…… demon race or human race , some body techniques, can twist oneself fleshly body, martial artist Body Refinement, may just be possible to soften, when necessary, even tall and strong demon race martial artist can fold the inconceivable angle own body, this is not the difficult matter. 无论是魔族还是人族,也有一些体术,能够扭曲自己的肉身,武者炼体,可刚可柔,如果有必要,即便是魁梧的魔族武者都能将自己的身体折叠出不可思议的角度,这并不是什么难事。 But just now, distance less than half foot that's all between their weapons! 可是方才,他们三人的武器之间的距离不过半尺而已 The Luo Zheng's body then changed into a flat thing, sneaks off from a that less than half foot width, moreover in the process that he sneaks off in this is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance as before, the Luo Zheng's body is to then twist the arrived pinnacle, seemed ordinary with these mollusks...... 罗征的身体便是化为了一个扁平之物,从那不到半尺的宽度中溜走,而且他在这溜走的过程中依旧保持着三寸的距离,罗征的身躯便是扭曲到了极致,似乎跟那些软体动物一般了…… After Luo Zheng was separated from their attack range, the whole person returns to again normal, on the face is hanging the light smile as before, continues?” 罗征脱离了他们的攻击范围后,整个人再度恢复正常,脸上依旧挂着淡淡的笑容,“继续么?” And two demon race martial artist, on the face reveal the panic-stricken expression, in the heart has backed down faintly...... 其中两名魔族武者,脸上流露出惊骇的表情,心中已经隐隐打了退堂鼓了…… Their three brothers also took the Luo Zheng's life self-confidently, and Dream Illusion Points number of his within the body, but during this strange fight, self-confident also bit by bit obliterated, they realized that oneself found fault the object. 他们三兄弟原本还有一丝自信取走罗征的性命,以及他体内的梦幻点数,但就在这诡异的战斗之中,自信也被一点一点的磨灭了,他们意识到自己挑错了对象。 „The words that does not continue , did I come?” In the Luo Zheng's vision reveals cool color, at present three people strike to kill, the good and evil also has 150 ten Dream Illusion Points! “不继续的话,就还我来了?”罗征的目光之中流露出一丝冷色,眼前三人击杀,好歹也有一百五十梦幻点 Luo Zheng's finishes speaking, then hears bo, is actually together the sound of bowstring ejection! 罗征的话音刚落,便听到“啵”的一声,却是一道弓弦弹射的声音! Whiz-” “嗖-” Not far away remaining demon race martial artist then opened the bowstring, shot an arrow toward Luo Zheng! 不远处剩下的一名魔族武者便是拉开了弓弦,朝着罗征射了一箭! This......” “这……” In the Luo Zheng heart also realized that is not wonderful, he saw the lasing, but the arrow is directly soars itself! 罗征心中也意识到一丝不妙,紧接着他就看到激射而出的这一箭便是直奔自己而来! Eight Crooked Flying Smoke...... removes......” 八曲飞烟……撤……” Luo Zheng did not have to disseminate with enough time in the whole body, that light smog gives remove, this arrow on post above the Luo Zheng's chest...... 罗征还没来得及将散播在周身,那淡淡的烟雾给撤掉,这一箭就贴在罗征的胸口之上…… Just like the previous attack, the arrow of this arrow, always has three cuns (2.5 cm) distance from Luo Zheng! 与此前的攻击一样,这一箭的箭头,距离罗征始终有三寸的距离! Luo Zheng that light such as the body of light smoke, under is equal to being promoted by this arrow, shoots to go toward the rear area! 罗征那轻如青烟的身体,等于是被这一箭推动之下,朝着后方倒射而去! Is the speed of arrow how fast? Let alone this arrow is Divine Sea Realm martial artist projects. 箭的速度何其快?何况这一箭还是一位神海境武者射出。 Shortly, this arrow then pushed Luo Zheng to run out of the distance thousand zhang (3.33 m) away, until this arrow strength failure, the arrow point fell behind to fall downwards gradually, the Luo Zheng's figure was stopped. 顷刻之间,这一支箭便推着罗征冲出了千丈之外的距离,直到这一支箭力量渐渐衰竭,箭尖向下坠落后,罗征的身形才算是停了下来。 The one who makes Luo Zheng helpless is, even arrow point toward below time, his body is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with this arrow unexpectedly as before sharp, as if thinks, if collects to make this arrow hit general, falls until this arrow in the flash of ground, under the Luo Zheng's body twists again, pushed from this arrow the slit of point and ground forcefully. 更让罗征无奈的是,即便是箭尖朝下的时候,他的身躯竟然依旧与这箭尖保持着三寸距离,仿佛想要是凑上去让这箭命中一般,直到这一支箭坠在地上的一瞬间,罗征的身体再度扭曲之下,就从这箭尖与地面的缝隙之中强行挤了出来。 In this process, the Luo Zheng's body as before is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with the arrow point and ground...... 这个过程中,罗征的身体依旧与箭尖和地面保持着三寸距离…… So situation, even Luo Zheng oneself have not expected, he himself is also dumbfounded. 如此情况,即使是罗征本人也未曾预料到,他自己也是目瞪口呆。 This what Eight Crooked Flying Smoke, this is not mental illness movement technique......” Luo Zheng is also speechless, this movement technique displays, seems like cannot help but maintains three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with the opposite party, this bewildered movement technique also makes Luo Zheng quite speechless together, simultaneously suspected indistinctly, oneself was given the pit by that far-fetched Second Apprentice Brother? “这什么八曲飞烟,这不是神经病身法吗……”罗征也是一阵无语,这身法施展出来,似乎是不由自主的与对方保持三寸距离,这一道莫名其妙的身法也让罗征相当无语,同时隐隐约约怀疑,自己是不是被那个不靠谱的二师兄给坑了? When he remove the smog of whole body, slowly rises in in the air, that three demon race martial artist then make a getaway toward the reversed direction. 等到他撤掉周身的烟雾,慢慢升在空中,那三位魔族武者便是朝着反方向逃之夭夭。 Whiz-” “嗖-” These three people tag along after themselves covertly, now looked that does not have the means to escape with oneself, Luo Zheng naturally cannot let off them. 这三人偷偷摸摸尾随自己,现在看拿自己毫无办法就想逃跑,罗征自然不会放过他们。 Although he is separated by over a thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance with these three demon race martial artist, but pursues by the Luo Zheng's strength, strikes to kill its three people is not difficult! 虽然他与这三位魔族武者相隔上千丈距离,不过以罗征的实力追上去,将其三人击杀并不算困难! These three demon race martial artist were basic previously had fallen into the desperate condition, had planned that hands tied tied up, they and Luo Zheng's strength is not a level. 这三位魔族武者此前基本已经陷入了绝望的状态,已经打算束手就缚了,他们与罗征的实力并不是一个层面。 Good here is Dream Battlefield, after dying, they have the opportunity of rebirth as before, but Dream Illusion Points in within the body must lose half...... 好在这里是梦幻战场,死了之后他们依旧还有重生的机会,只是体内的梦幻点恐怕就要损失一半了…… Without thinking desperately , an arrow that one of them projects, shoves open that far distance Luo Zheng unexpectedly, these three person and Luo Zheng is the same, similarly is also dumbfounded, that demon race martial artist of archery wants to pledge at the scene, his has not seen such strange one for a lifetime. 没想到情急之下,其中一人射出的一箭,居然将罗征推开那么远的距离,这三人和罗征一样,同样也是目瞪口呆,射箭的那魔族武者当场就想发誓,他这一辈子都没见过这么古怪的一幕。 Since shoves open such far distance Luo Zheng, truth that has not run. 既然将罗征推开这么远的距离,就没有不跑的道理了。 Saw that evil star pursued unexpectedly crazily, three people also activated armor at the same time, slowly vanishes in the Luo Zheng's field of vision. 眼看着那个煞星居然疯狂的追了回来,三人也同一时间激活了身上的铠甲,慢慢消失在罗征的视野之中。 However this move, the significance to Luo Zheng is not big, three people cannot escape by the destiny that Luo Zheng strikes to kill eventually. 不过这一招,对罗征来说意义并不大,三人终究还是没能逃脱被罗征击杀的命运。 Soon, three red luminous spots are wrapping their soul, then flies to shoot to go toward lord city, they can only wait for itself to resurrect in lord city again. 不久之后,三道红色光点包裹着他们的灵魂,便是朝着主城飞射而去,他们只能在主城中等待自己再度复活。
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