AT :: Volume #12

#1187: Eight Crooked Flying Smoke

Compares other demon race people, these three demon race martial artist must be slightly diminutive. 相比其他的魔族人,这三位魔族武者的个头要略微矮小。 Their armor are very special, although for the first time one is the black, but actually reflects the different colors under shining of sunlight...... 他们身上的铠甲十分特殊,乍一眼虽然是黑色,但在阳光的照耀之下却反射出不同的色彩…… This armor is builds with accumulated light/only iron, after its stimulation, can act according to the surrounding environment to change the color unceasingly, coordinates to restrain the aura divine mark, can go into hiding completely martial artist, even close is unable to discover their sounds. 这铠甲乃是用“蕴光铁”打造,将其激发之后能够根据周围的环境不断地改变颜色,配合收敛气息的神纹,能够将武者完全隐匿起来,甚至近在咫尺也无法发现他们的动静。 This method, regarding general Divine Sea Realm martial artist, in addition is useful, to Luo Zheng, the significance is not big. 这种手段,对于一般的神海境武者尚且有用,对罗征来说,意义却并不大。 Luo Zheng present sensation, already compared with general martial artist powerful many, therefore these three people of careful concealment, he detects three people of existences even with ease. 罗征如今的感知,已经远比一般的武者强悍的多,所以即便这三人小心隐匿,他还是轻松察觉到三人的存在。 Previously this demon race three people saw Luo Zheng to show the extraordinary strength in city gate, but looks at Luo Zheng all alone to the opens the mouth, in the heart also had the thought of chasing down this person! 此前这魔族三人在城门口看到罗征展现出非凡的实力,但看着罗征孤身一人离开口,心中也有了追杀此人的念头! Their strengths are not weak, three people under also once cut to kill Divine Extremity Realm expert jointly, their is quiet following. 他们三人的实力也不弱,三人联手之下也曾斩杀过神极境强者,他们三人这便是悄无声息的尾随而来。 On the Luo Zheng's face reveals a lazy color, immersed several years he, although has prepared completely safe, but he looked like one just the pupation, but the butterfly was common, the mind also had a change quietly, he also needs to fight now to himself conducts mind baptism. 罗征的脸上流露出一丝慵懒之色,沉浸了数年的他虽然已经做好了万全准备,但他就像是一只刚刚化蛹而出的蝴蝶一般,心灵也悄然发生了一丝变化,他现在也需要战斗对自己进行一场心灵洗礼 He is overlooking below three people of said lightly, „, since is interested, that on together......” 他俯视着下方的三人淡淡的说道,“既然有兴趣,那就一起上吧……” This demon race three people looked at each other one, on the face appeared the color of sneering, three people then in the laughter, that huge form vanished in the Luo Zheng's line of sight quietly. 魔族三人彼此之间对视了一眼,脸上浮现出冷笑之色,三人便是在笑声之中,那庞大的身影悄然消失在罗征的视线之中。 This hiding away method, is very indeed effective. 这种隐遁的方法,的确十分有效。 Because they not only restrain the sound, hidden completely own figure at least in visual! 因为他们不仅仅是收敛声息,至少在视觉方面是将自己的身形完全隐藏起来! Looks three people that vanishes rapidly, Luo Zheng actually shows a faint smile. 看着迅速消失的三人,罗征却是微微一笑。 Idles is also idling, he is waiting for grass long sheep Fei now, during this will be wild relaxes, since these fellows are willing to appear before oneself, Luo Zheng will not mind take action. 闲着也是闲着,他现在等待着草长羊肥,才会在这狂野之中散心,既然这些家伙肯出现在自己面前,罗征也不介意出手 That so-called Second Apprentice Brother recommendation three cultivation technique, during these five years, Luo Zheng also many browse. 那所谓的“二师兄”推荐的三本功法,在这五年之中,罗征也多有涉猎。 However five years, Luo Zheng has not trod Immortal Mansion one step, is actually no one can compare notes with, Xun is the body of sword spirit, itself is not quite suitable, but Mu Mingxue differs with own strength too in a big way, although Mu Mingxue also had the considerable progress in the five years, but unqualified compares notes with Luo Zheng as before. 不过五年的时间,罗征并未踏出过仙府一步,却是没人能与自己切磋,乃是剑灵之体,本身就不太适合,而慕茗雪与自己的实力相差太大,尽管这五年来慕茗雪也有了长足的进步,但依旧不够资格与罗征切磋。 After these three people hide away, then displays to collect the technique of breath, directly soars to come toward Luo Zheng from several directions, from the line of sight, their forms has completely vanished, even does not exist the shadow. 这三人隐遁之后,便施展敛息之术,从几个方向朝着罗征直奔而来,从视线上来看,他们的身影已经完全消失,甚至连影子都不存在。 Luo Zheng actually in this moment, closed the eye gently, the sensation then spreads to go from his mind together! 罗征却在这一刻,轻轻地闭上了眼睛,一道感知便从他的脑海之中扩散而去! His surrounding environment under the description of sensation, then takes shape in his mind...... 他周围的环境在感知的描绘之下,便在他脑海之中成型…… Has three blanks, but these three blanks toward Luo Zheng speedy approach. 在这其中,却有三道空白处,而这三道空白则朝着罗征迅速接近。 Speed is not slow, what a pity......” “速度还不慢,可惜……” In Luo Zheng's Internal Body World, the seedling of that world tree rocks gently, later has Primordial Chaos Qi together to rise following the seedling quietly, sucks in his within the body quickly. 罗征的体内世界中,那一株世界树的幼苗轻轻晃动,随后就有一道混沌之气顺着树苗悄然上升,很快抽入他体内。 Meanwhile, above Luo Zheng's both hands presented silently light smog! 与此同时,罗征的双手之上就出现了一默默淡淡的烟雾! Eight Crooked Flying Smoke!” 八曲飞烟!” Although Luo Zheng does not treat sees that Second Apprentice Brother, but this Second Apprentice Brother vision indeed is very original! 虽然罗征并不太待见那个二师兄,但这二师兄的眼光的确是十分独到! Three cultivation technique that he chooses in Library Pavilion and conspicuous, but under the Luo Zheng browsing, actually discovery these three cultivation technique each suit itself very...... 他挑选出来的三门功法藏书阁中并显眼,但罗征浏览之下,却发现这三本功法每一本都十分适合自己…… Thinks carefully, although the Second Apprentice Brother person a little issue, having this vision is not strange, after all exceeded the Heavenly Way character, in his eyes Luo Zheng possibly looks like transparent person general existence, but can completely understanding inside and outside. 仔细想想,二师兄的人虽然有点问题,拥有这种眼光也不算奇怪,毕竟是超越了天道的人物,在他眼中罗征可能就像是透明人一般的存在,不过一眼就能里里外外的看透。 This «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» is very original movement technique! 这《八曲飞烟》乃是一种十分独到的身法 In the entire world most escaping techniques, are use various Source Law processing...... 寰宇之中绝大多数遁术,都是利用各种本源法则加工而成…… For example the wind escapes, naturally uses Wind Element Law, but the earth escapes, then uses Earth Element Law, but various cultivation technique that various use Law Strength processing become, although the respective emphasis point is different, but actually reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches in the eyes of expert. 例如风遁,自然是利用风系法则,而土遁,则是利用土系法则,而利用各种法则之力加工而成的各类功法,虽然各自的侧重点不同,但在行家的眼中却是殊路同归。 However this «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» actually different, in fact this cultivation technique is somewhat similar to lower realm compares low level cultivation technique. 不过这《八曲飞烟》却不同,实际上这功法有些类似于下界一些比较低阶功法 The smog in Luo Zheng both hands then by his visualization, does not contain Law Strength! 罗征双手之中的烟雾便是由他观想而成,其中并不蕴藏法则之力 According to the truth, is high rank cultivation technique, often contains stronger Law Strength, in Supreme Divine Martial Arts that” in this round of entire world called, was Heavenly Venerable used own to cultivation technique that karmic law comprehended! 按照道理,越是高阶的功法,往往就蕴藏越强的法则之力,在这一轮寰宇之中所称的“无上神武”,也是天尊利用自己的至因果律所领悟出的功法 «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» is reverse its say/way! 八曲飞烟》则是反行其道! In this ancient book first page, is drawing up together the design. 在这部典籍的第一页,其中绘制着一道图案。 That is spheres that has eight holes, but thread in this design passes through these eight holes...... 那是一个拥有八个孔洞的圆球,而在这图案之中则有一条细线贯穿这八个孔洞…… Arrived the present, Luo Zheng had not looked to understand that this is what thing, but cultivation this Eight Crooked Flying Smoke first step is visualization this design! 一直到现在,罗征都没看明白这到底是什么玩意,但修炼八曲飞烟第一步就是观想这一副图案! But under this visualization, Luo Zheng also more looks is more mysterious! 可是这观想之下,罗征也是越看越玄妙! The route that eight hole distributed positions, that thread passes through, is reminding Luo Zheng anything indistinctly, this design as if wants the language also to rest, even made the Luo Zheng's heart have an unusual feeling! 那八个孔洞分布的方位,那一条细线所贯穿的路线,隐隐约约提醒着罗征什么,这一副图案仿佛欲语还休,甚至让罗征的心产生了一种异样的感觉! This feeling, Luo Zheng these years only has produced one time! 这种感觉,罗征这些年来只产生过一次! Then when Divine Country Continent, Luo Zheng first Transcending Tribulation. 便是在神国大陆之上,罗征第一次渡劫之时。 In Luo Zheng Transcending Tribulation at the last minute, presented sufficiently destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth black glow, this black glow pulls thread in in the air to circle together unceasingly, interweaves, lowers toward Luo Zheng slowly! 罗征渡劫最后一刻,出现了一道足以毁天灭地黑芒,这一道黑芒拉扯着一条细线在空中不断地盘旋,交织,缓缓朝着罗征降下! It seems like thread that black glow pulls to be chaotic, seems like from the sky goes through at will, the path that but it operates as if agrees without consultation some extremely terrifying rule! 看起来那黑芒拉扯出的细线杂乱无章,似乎是随意在空中穿行,但它运行的轨迹似乎暗合某种极为恐怖的规律! This rule, Luo Zheng, although feels faintly, but Luo Zheng could not say a reason why, even described that could not achieve! 这种规律,罗征虽然隐隐感觉出来,可罗征却说不出一个所以然,甚至连形容都做不到! Line that in the design «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke» above records, no doubt was inferior thread that black glow pulls is complex, but is similar to the Luo Zheng's feeling...... 八曲飞烟》上面记录的这图案上的线条,固然不如那黑芒拉扯的细线复杂,不过给罗征的感觉却是相似的…… Therefore this movement technique martial skill no doubt is not Supreme Divine Martial Arts, has not contained Source Law, cultivation that downward but Luo Zheng is duty-bound not to turn back! 所以这本身法武技固然不算无上神武,其中也没有蕴藏本源法则,但罗征还是义无反顾的往下修炼 Whiz!” “嗖!” As that the mist and dust spreads on Luo Zheng's under. 随着那浅浅的烟尘在罗征的身上蔓延而下。 Meanwhile...... 与此同时…… The black profound iron extravagant blade, then cut the space together, quiet appearance behind Luo Zheng's! 一道黑色的玄铁阔刀,便是划破了空间,悄无声息的出现在罗征的背后! In this flash that the extravagant blade attacks, from another two directions, presents two weapons respectively...... 在这把阔刀出击的一瞬间,从另外两个方向,也分别出现两把武器…… Kills!” “杀!” King cuts!” “帝王斩!” Facing sudden killing, the Luo Zheng's complexion slightly has not changed, he in in the air gently in a flash, that Visualization Chart in the Luo Zheng heart, whole person radical relaxation, he does not have slightly killing intent thoroughly cooked , no idea of counter-attack, as if resigns oneself to extinction, as if ignores general, starts to coordinate this set of movement technique together with the state of mind. 面对突如其来的袭杀,罗征的脸色丝毫未变,他在空中轻轻一晃,那一副观想图已经烂熟在罗征心中,整个人彻底的放松,他已没有了丝毫杀意,也没有任何反击的想法,仿佛束手待毙,又仿佛熟视无睹一般,连同心境也开始配合这套身法 These three people use the swift and fierce method, naturally has fluctuations! 这三人施展凌厉手段,自然就产生一道道波动! Specially that holds martial artist of extravagant blade, this blade cuts to kill, contains the sound of howling, as if even the space must be cut broken general! 特别那持阔刀的武者,这一刀斩杀过来,蕴藏呼啸之声,仿佛连空间都要被斩碎一般! However Luo Zheng at this moment looks like the light smoke to be together ordinary, wanders about on this day between...... 但是此刻的罗征就像是一道青烟一般,徜徉在这天地之间…… The blade breaks open the space, goes straight to the Luo Zheng's back, the speed of this blade is if quickly lightning, the average person then distinguishes to fear that as far as the eye can see cannot see clearly the blade shadow. 刀破开空间,直抵罗征的后背,这一刀的速度可谓是快若闪电,一般人便是极目分辨怕是也看不清其中的刀影。 But when that knife is away from the Luo Zheng's body, approximately when three cuns (2.5 cm) distance, his body then moves along with the blade! 但当那刀身距离罗征的身体,大约还有三寸距离之际,他的身体便是随刀而动! That is not Luo Zheng is moving, but was this blade Luo Zheng pushing! 那不是罗征在动,而是这刀将罗征“推”了出去! Does not cut, that holds the blade martial artist not slightly hesitant, in the hand the extravagant blade wields again, second cuts! 一斩不中,那持刀武者没有丝毫犹豫,手中阔刀再次挥出,第二斩! Luo Zheng is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance with him as before, has not cut as before! 罗征依旧与他保持着三寸距离,依旧未曾斩中! Third cuts! 第三斩! Three cuns (2.5 cm)! 还是三寸! Sees this, grasped demon race martial artist of extravagant blade is also somewhat dull. 看到这一幕,手持阔刀的魔族武者也是有些呆了。 Although the offensive in hand has not slowed down, but in the heart is also panic-stricken. 手中的攻势虽然未曾放缓,但心中也是惊骇起来。 This is what movement technique...... 这是什么身法…… He has not seen so strange movement technique! 他从来没有见过如此诡异的身法 The body of this fellow does not have the weight to be common probably, so long as own extravagant blade cuts, then shoves open certain distance him, cuts again, pushes again! 这家伙的身体好像没有重量一般,只要自己的阔刀斩出,便是将他推开一定的距离,再斩,再推! Then, he is unable to cut to kill Luo Zheng! 如此一来,他根本无法将罗征斩杀! Between he and Luo Zheng consistently is maintaining three cuns (2.5 cm) distance, these three cuns (2.5 cm)...... are together the natural moats, is unable to overstep! 他与罗征之间始终保持着三寸距离,这三寸……就是一道天堑,无法逾越! The kings cut, is swift and fierce blade technique, was thinks initially demon race Great Emperor swiftest and fiercest seven blades, contains together limit sabre intent, sealed into the emperor seven blades. 帝王斩,也是一门凌厉的刀法,乃是当初以为魔族大帝最为凌厉的七刀,其中蕴藏着一道极限刀意,封入帝王七刀中。 However these seven kings cut, in situation that in Luo Zheng has not resisted slightly, is even the Luo Zheng sleeves has not actually touched. 然而这七道帝王斩,在罗征丝毫没有抵抗的情况下,却是连罗征衣袖都未曾触碰。
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