AT :: Volume #12

#1186: Has no interest

Thinks of here, Luo Zheng not in this place stay. 想到这里,罗征也不在此地停留。 Under his form flashes, is maintaining one zhang (3.33 m) altitude with the ground, grazes to go like a goshawk. 他身影一闪之下,与地面保持着一丈高度,如同一只苍鹰飞掠而去。 When Luo Zheng leaves after that cape martial artist completely, stored up that crowd of martial artist in city, looking like the tide is ordinary, pushed from the big city! 等到罗征与那斗篷武者完全离开之后,原本囤积在城中的那群武者,就像是潮水一般,从大城中挤了出来! The instance when they just went out of town, then disperses instantly, maintains the distance with others as far as possible. 而当他们刚刚出城的瞬间,便是一哄而散,尽量和其他人保持距离。 The Dream Battlefield rule is so! 梦幻战场的规则就是如此! Once leaves major lord city, the danger is everywhere. 一旦离开各大主城,危险就无处不在。 Oneself may be the hunter, may become other martial artist prey. 自己有可能是猎人,也有可能成为其他武者的猎物。 Ordinary demon race martial artist, gushes out the city gate with other martial artist at the same time, is leaving the city gate instance, this demon race martial artist corners of the mouth reveal a strange smile. 一位貌不惊人的魔族武者,与其他武者在同一时间涌出城门,在离开城门的瞬间,这魔族武者嘴角流露出一丝诡异的微笑。 Purple flame sovereign explodes!” “紫炎皇爆!” Together purple flame, suddenly from this demon race martial artist within the body conflagration! 一道紫色的火焰,骤然从这魔族武者的体内爆燃而出! Mysterious Fire Element Law forms one after another, just like the wave common flame tide, takes this demon race martial artist to proliferate as the center of circle. 玄奥的火系法则形成一圈一圈,宛若波浪一般的火焰潮汐,以这魔族武者为圆心扩散而出。 At this moment gushes out city gate martial artist to reach over a hundred together! 此刻一同涌出城门的武者多达上百位! When the purple flame sweeps across to come, all demon race martial artist displaying Body Protecting True Essence as if by prior agreement, or is astral essence, tries to resist this terrifying the purple flame. 当紫炎席卷而来,所有的魔族武者不约而同的施展护体真元,又或者是罡元,试图抵挡这恐怖的紫炎。 But this purple flame the might of might is overbearing, these Body Protecting True Essence under this purple flame, just like a slip of paper, shortly by the decrepitation, immediately these purple inflammations like having the life will be ordinary, drills into the crack to start to fire martial artist fleshly body! 但这紫炎的威力的威力霸道无匹,那些护体真元在这紫炎之下,宛若一张纸片,顷刻之间就被烧裂,随即这些紫炎如同有生命一般,钻入裂缝之中开始灼烧武者肉身 „!” “啊!” Good pain, this damn flame......” “好痛苦,这该死的火焰……” Careful......” “小心……” All martial artist in a suddenly time, the body leap the steaming fire, turns into Fire Man. 所有的武者在一个眨眼的功夫,身上都腾起腾腾大火,变成一个个火人 Some Fire Man use the escaping technique, flies to shoot to go toward in the air or the front, but the speed is faster, more full of flame combustion, in in the air flew to escape about half to be reduced to ashes merely, scattered in in the air...... 有些火人施展遁术,朝着空中或者前方飞射而去,但速度越快,火焰燃烧的越充分,在空中仅仅飞遁了一半左右就化为了灰烬,飘散在空中…… Some Fire Man display a piece by piece glittering and translucent carving ice shield, wants to separate from oneself this flame, but this flame might is biggest the far ultra imagination, the ice shield that congeals will melt shortly, was fired the ashes by this flame as before! 有些火人则施展一片片晶莹剔透的冰盾,想要将这火焰从自己身上隔开,但这火焰威力最大远超想象,凝结出来的冰盾顷刻融化,依旧被这火焰烧成灰烬! All burnt down martial artist, within the body jumps out together the red light, escapes in lord city. 所有被焚烧的武者,体内都窜出一道红光,遁回主城之中。 But the remaining dream luminous spots, were absorbed by that demon race martial artist one person. 而剩下的梦幻光点,则被那魔族武者一人吸收。 Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” That demon race martial artist stands before the city gate, on the face has the cold happy expression, looks at martial artist in city gate, in the hand one is also wiping the purple flame to beat slowly. 魔族武者站在城门前,脸上带着冷冽的笑意,望着城门中的武者,手中还有一抹紫炎缓缓地跳动着。 Just now this demon race martial artist flame proliferated a surrounding area thousand zhang (3.33 m) range, the purple flame of but toward the city gate proliferating, rushes to the flash in city on the cleanness of dissipation! 方才这魔族武者的火焰扩散了方圆千丈的范围,但朝着城门这边扩散的紫炎,涌向城中的一瞬间就消散的干干净净! Present stage, in interpreting a dream battlefield lord city, in addition is the absolute safety range, any attack will be dispelled in the lord city entrance. 现阶段,圆梦战场的主城之中尚且是绝对安全的范围,任何攻击都会在主城门口被消解。 Not is only this lord city, entire Dream Battlefield, lord city within 50 Great Realm scopes is so! 不仅仅是这一座主城,整个梦幻战场,五十个大界范围内的主城都是如此! That demon race martial artist in the short time, absorbed 5-6 thousand Dream Illusion Points, his ranking is also promoting rapidly! 魔族武者就在短短的时间内,吸收了五六千的梦幻点,他的排名也在迅速的提升着! Who you are!” In lord city, is person of cold sound asks. “你是谁!”主城之中,为首一人冷声问道。 Until now, many martial artist had not realized that present situation, after all in this lord city overwhelming majority are the demon race people, just now Luo Zheng and that cape martial artist also on that's all, after all its heart must be different, are outside the city gate this demon race martial artist actually same clan remnant. 到现在为止,还有许多武者没有意识到现在的处境,毕竟这座主城之中绝大部分都是魔族人,方才罗征和那斗篷武者也就罢了,毕竟非我族类,可是城门之外这魔族武者却同族相残。 That demon race martial artist light smiling of: Important?” 魔族武者淡淡的笑了笑:“重要吗?” Snort, we with are the demon race people, your method, has not so thought......” has the demon race person to get angry said. “哼,我们同为魔族人,你如此手段,不曾想过……”有魔族人怒道。 demon race martial artist actually interrupted his words, I do not want to listen to the idle talk, I only know, in this Dream Battlefield does not have the so-called race, the losers is eliminated, but you...... are I will step the stepping-stone that this reveres!” 魔族武者却是打断了他的话,“我不想听废话,我只知道,这梦幻战场之中不存在所谓的种族,失败者都将被淘汰,而你们……都将是我迈上这一世之尊的垫脚石!” Hears this demon race martial artist words, on many demon race faces reveals the color of anger, but in more demon race person heart is actually suddenly! 听到这魔族武者的话,不少魔族人脸上都流露出愤怒之色,但更多的魔族人心中却是恍然! Although many demon race martial artist were psychologically prepared sufficient, greets opening of Dream Battlefield, but is very obvious, their understanding are not very profound, this Dream Battlefield is the battlefield that superior slightly selects, this is must in trillion number martial artist, chooses battlefield of the peak martial artist. 虽然不少魔族武者都做好了充足的心理准备,迎接梦幻战场的开启,但很显然,他们的认识还不够深刻,这梦幻战场乃是一个优胜略汰的战场,这可是要在兆数武者之中,挑选出最为顶尖的武者之战场。 Here also embraced race type concept to be no different ridiculously childish! 在这里还抱持着种族这种“观念”无异于幼稚可笑了! demon race martial artist also walks unexpectedly toward the city gate, the purple flame in hand flaming is ascending, along with, even if enters in the hand this city gate, when his hand crosses boundary the instance, the purple flame was given to extinguish by the Dream Battlefield rule, later he then said again: My name, was Long Qin......” 魔族武者竟然还朝着城门走过去,手中的紫炎熊熊升腾着,随即便将手伸入这城门之内,当他的手越过“界限”的瞬间,紫炎就被梦幻战场的规则给熄灭,随后他便再度说道:“我的名字,叫龙禽……” After saying, he then turns around suddenly, he also knows that martial artist in city gate will not come out to bring death, keeping this place is also the waste time. 说完之后,他便是骤然转身,他也知道城门中的武者不会出来送死,留在此地也是浪费时间。 Long Qin!” 龙禽!” Originally is he......” “原来是他……” Demon Flame Realm Realm Lord ninth generation of descendant!” 魔炎界界主的第九代传人!” Assigns with him in lord city, is we have bad luck!” “跟他分配在一个主城之中,也算是我们倒霉!” Snort, what is hapless, hundred thousand Great Realm Divine Sea Realm martial artist came, which lord city few abnormal fellows? Actually does not know that this Long Qin and just now compared with that two human race martial artist, whose who is weak? Really hopes that they pinch!” “哼,什么倒霉不倒霉,十万大界神海境武者都进来了,哪个主城没有几个变态的家伙?却不知这龙禽与方才那两位人族武者相比,孰强孰弱?真希望他们掐起来!” When continuously this Long Qin form disappears after the field of vision, martial artist in city then gushes out again. 一直等到这龙禽的身影消失在视野中后,城中的武者便再度涌出。 Entire Dream Battlefield, in the initial stage, stops up city gate matter then repeatedly to happen...... 整个梦幻战场,在最初的阶段中,堵城门这种事情便是不断地发生着…… Meanwhile, many martial artist names, have emerged in that pyramid! 与此同时,不少武者的名字,都已经在那金字塔上脱颖而出! In hundred thousand Great Realm outside Dream Battlefield, has innumerable Dream Space, but above each Dream Space, the name in that pyramid continually is rising, drops! 梦幻战场之外的十万大界之中,存在着无数梦幻空间,而每一个梦幻空间之上,那金字塔上的名字都在不断地上升,下降! Each race, major influences, is paying close attention to ranking. 各个种族,各大势力,也都密切的关注着排名。 ...... …… Whiz!” “嗖!” Together wind blade from Luo Zheng's fingertip ejection. 一道风刃从罗征的指尖弹射而出。 In the front not far away, is crawling several dark green corner/horn deer, these dark green corner/horn deer look very docile, but actually is also a ten levels of ominous beast. 在前方不远处,匍匐着数只苍角鹿,这些苍角鹿看上去十分温顺,但其实也是一种十级凶兽。 That wind blade ejection goes suddenly, then passes through the chest of these dark green corner/horn deer, as an unwilling neighing sound transmits, these dark green corner/horn deer then cut off the vitality, the five concealed six government offices of their within the body had been twisted by the Luo Zheng's wind blade broken. 那风刃骤然弹射而去,便是将这几只苍角鹿的胸口贯穿,随着一声不甘的嘶叫声传来,这些苍角鹿便断绝了生机,它们体内的五藏六府已经被罗征的风刃所绞碎了。 The dark green corner/horn deer of dying dissipated gradually in the Luo Zheng's field of vision, at the same time, faint yellow Dream Illusion Points then flew to shoot toward Luo Zheng within the body. 死掉的苍角鹿渐渐消散在罗征的视野中,与此同时,一个个淡黄色的梦幻点便朝着罗征体内飞射而来。 Hunts and kills the ominous beast of open country, there is Dream Illusion Points, is this dark green corner/horn deer unexpectedly Dream Illusion Points?” “猎杀野外的凶兽,也有梦幻点,可是这一只苍角鹿竟然才一个梦幻点?” Facing this result, Luo Zheng shakes the head slightly, hunting and killing the ominous beast is also Dream Illusion Points one method, but this Dream Battlefield is actually an ultra giant arena, the original intention is to encourage martial artist slaughters mutually, expels the strongest winner from the cornu medium, the reward that therefore the ominous beast gives are relatively few. 面对这个结果,罗征微微摇了摇头,猎杀凶兽也是梦幻点的一种方法,不过这梦幻战场其实就是一个超巨型的擂台,本意就是鼓励武者们相互厮杀,从中角逐出最强的优胜者,所以凶兽给予的奖励相对偏少。 Actually does not know that hunts and kills a stronger ominous beast, can give the rewards of many Dream Illusion Points.” “却不知道猎杀更强的凶兽,能给予多少梦幻点的奖励。” Thinks of here, the Luo Zheng's form flashes again, plundered this hillside, neither fast nor slow toward the front runs away. 想到这里,罗征的身影再次一闪,掠上了这一片山坡,不疾不徐的朝着前方遁去。 This above, if encounters the ominous beast, Luo Zheng also at will take action exterminate. 这一路之上,若是遭遇凶兽,罗征也会随意出手将之灭杀 Likely the ominous beast of dark green corner/horn deer rank, given arrival, only then 1-2 Dream Illusion Points that's all, accumulation Dream Illusion Points is minimal, but Luo Zheng also and does not care. 像苍角鹿这一等级的凶兽,给予的降临只有1-2梦幻点而已,积累的梦幻点微乎其微,不过罗征也并不在意。 According to this Dream Battlefield rule judged, the accumulation of early stage is unimportant, after some strength slightly strong martial artist accumulated enough many Dream Illusion Points, Luo Zheng direct take action robs. 按照这梦幻战场的规则来判断,初期的积累并不重要,等到一些实力略强的武者们积累了足够多的梦幻点后,罗征直接出手抢夺就可以。 If Ok, Luo Zheng even can lie down here cultivation, is as for finding a place sleeps! 如果可以,罗征甚至可以就地躺在这里修炼,乃至于找个地方睡一觉! He was stranded in Immortal Mansion several years time, had the opportunity of great difficulty leaving Immortal Mansion, he actually wants to relax in this Dream Battlefield broad world...... 只是他被困在仙府中数年时间,好不容易有了一个离开仙府的机会,他却是想要在这梦幻战场广阔的世界中散散心…… In Luo Zheng grazes slowly, the vision flashes suddenly slightly, the corners of the mouth actually curled upwards slightly outstanding. 就在罗征缓缓飞掠之际,目光忽然微微一闪,嘴角却是微微翘了翘。 The body then stops suddenly in the midair, turns head to overlook to say toward under: „Do you, when plan to follow to arrive?” 身体便是骤停在半空中,扭头朝着下方俯视道:“你们,打算跟到什么时候?” His sound transmission, in this wilderness a silence, as if no other living being...... 他的声音传递而出,这旷野之中一片寂静,似乎并不存在其他生灵…… „After accumulates Dream Illusion Points, looks for me again, I have little interest in you, after” Luo Zheng said lightly, then careless continuation escapes toward the forward flight. “多积累一点梦幻点后,再来找我吧,我对你们没多大兴趣,”罗征淡淡的说完之后,便是漫不经心的继续朝前飞遁。 Tracks the Luo Zheng's altogether three people, they do not have the time to accumulate Dream Illusion Points inevitably, now strikes to kill their three people, 150 Dream Illusion Points that's all, Luo Zheng indeed has no interest. 跟踪罗征的一共有三人,他们必然也没有时间积累梦幻点,现在将他们三人击杀,也不过一百五十个梦幻点而已,罗征的确没有兴趣。 As the rough laughter transmits to come together, emerged out of thin air three tall and strong silhouette above the ground, impressively is three demon race martial artist. 随着一道粗犷笑声传递而来,在地面之上凭空出现了三道魁梧的人影,赫然是三位魔族武者 But we are interested to you! Haha!” “可是我们对你有兴趣!哈哈!” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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