AT :: Volume #12

#1185: Fattening up

Regarding this proposition. 对于这种提议。 Luo Zheng also smiles, that cape martial artist said to Luo Zheng: Manages them to do, the dog mouth of this group of waste cannot put out the ivory!” 罗征也只是笑了笑,那斗篷武者则对罗征说道:“理他们干什么,这帮废物的狗嘴里吐不出象牙!” My mistake,” Luo Zheng also no longer spoke. “我的错,”罗征也不再说话了。 Sees these two human race martial artist so attitudes, on that Young Lord Hao face reveals color of being inwardly angry faintly, after thinking deeply about one next, is walks the first two steps, collects to say with a smile that giant head ferociously: You...... did not regret!” 看到这两位人族武者如此态度,那豪少主脸上隐隐流露出一丝愠怒之色,思索了一下后,便是走前两步,将那巨大的头颅凑过来狞笑道:“你们……不后悔!” Cape martial artist actually raises hand before the nose suddenly: To be honest, a little regret!” 斗篷武者却忽然在鼻子前扬了扬手:“说实话,有点后悔了!” Young Lord Hao stares slightly, hears cape martial artist to continue saying: Because your mouth was too smelly......” 豪少主微微一愣,就听到斗篷武者继续说道:“因为你的嘴太臭了……” This demon race's young lord finally thorough enraged, standing erect the body is being roars: You, follow after these two people, so long as they go out of town kill without the amnesty!” 魔族的少主终于被彻底的激怒了,直立着身体便是咆哮道:“你们,跟在这两人身后,只要他们出城就杀无赦!” Yes, young lord!” “是,少主!” Presents all demon race martial artist, after hearing the order of young lord, then defended side Luo Zheng and cape martial artist. 在场所有的魔族武者,听到少主的命令之后便守在了罗征和斗篷武者身边。 Time of double-hour, quick in the past. 一个时辰的时间,很快过去。 At this moment, in Dream Battlefield the surroundings of all cities, that azure light screen vanishes together at the same time...... 这一刻,梦幻战场之中所有城池的周围,那一道青色的光幕在同一时间消失…… Many martial artist have welled up to go out of town impatiently outside, is endless battle! 不少武者已经迫不及待的涌出城外,接下来就是无尽的厮杀! Time does arrived, go out of town?” Cape martial artist to Luo Zheng said lightly. “时间到了,出城吧?”斗篷武者罗征淡淡的说道 The Luo Zheng slight nod, two people also set out immediately, walks toward the city outside following the street in big city. 罗征微微点头,随即两人同时起身,顺着大城的街道朝着城外走去。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖嗖……” Luo Zheng leads the way at the same time, is actually notices in the sky flying shuttle of light red flowing light from the city to return. 罗征一边前行,却是注意到天空之中一道道淡红色的流光从城外飞梭而回。 These martial artist, then outside city by exterminate martial artist. 这些武者,便是在城外被灭杀武者 According to the Dream Battlefield rule, died after the city, fleshly body dissipates, will change into a stream of light return city, will soon after reactivate again...... 按照梦幻战场的规则,在城外死亡之后,肉身消散,就会化为一道流光回归城中,不久之后会再度复活…… Regarding young generation of martial artist, here is not only contention strong and weak Holy Land, is an excellent informed and experienced place! 对于年轻一辈的武者来说,这里不仅仅是一个角逐强弱的圣地,也是一处绝佳的历练场所! When Luo Zheng and cape martial artist sets out to move toward outside the city, actually two teams of demon race martial artist follow, they were tagged along after by the order of that Young Lord Hao, must inevitably after two people go out of town strikes to kill them. 罗征和斗篷武者起身走向城外之时,身后却有两队魔族武者跟随,他们受那豪少主的命令一路尾随,势必要在两人出城之后就将他们击杀。 But they are not clear, front these two human race martial artist, are what kind of characters! 可是他们并不清楚,前面这两个人族武者,到底是何等人物! I do not want to fight with you temporarily,” that cape martial artist parallel left side of Luo Zheng's, the city gate is close at hand, he said. “我暂时不想跟你交手,”那斗篷武者并行在罗征的左侧,城门近在眼前,他却如此说道。 Doesn't matter, I can wait,” the Luo Zheng light response said. “没关系,我可以等,”罗征淡淡的回应道。 That is good,” cape martial artist actually smiles very happy. “那就好,”斗篷武者却笑的十分开心。 Other martial artist runs out of the city gate generally, either plunges own goal, either leaves the big city rapidly, in brief is extremely vigilant, will not stop over in the city gate front absolutely. 其他的武者一般都是冲出城门,要么扑向自己的目标,要么迅速离开大城,总之都是万分警惕,绝对不会在城门前方逗留。 However after two people tread the city gate, is actually maintaining the slow step crawl as before! 但是两人踏出城门之后,却依旧保持着缓慢的步调徐徐前进! Two people actions, actually following their demon race martial artist made muddled, these demon race martial artist think, Luo Zheng and this cape youngster will be running away suddenly, they were also guarding against this move, but these two as if behind on this ten demon race martial artist will treat as the air general...... 两人的这番举动,却是将跟随他们的魔族武者们弄糊涂了,这些魔族武者原本以为,罗征和这斗篷少年会在一时间逃走,他们原本还提防着这一招,但这两人仿佛将后面这上十位魔族武者当做空气一般…… Does this have the energy? Stupid? 这是有底气?还是愚蠢? „The order of Young Lord Hao, killed them, goes out of town one time, kills one time, seizes completely up the light of their dream till!” 豪少主的命令,杀了他们,出城一次,就杀一次,将他们身上的梦幻之光完全夺光为止!” Is demon race of head said, his voice falls, all demon race martial artist then rush toward two people. 为首的一位魔族说道,他话音一落,所有的魔族武者便是朝着两人冲上去。 At this time, Luo Zheng also turned around with that cape martial artist at the same time, on two people faces revealed the smile of being similar, that was the wolf sees the smile of sheep...... 就在这时候,罗征与那斗篷武者也在同一时间转身,两人的脸上都流露出相仿的笑容,那是狼看见羊的笑容…… Luo Zheng has not used the sword. 罗征并未用剑。 He condenses a wind blade with Primordial Chaos Qi, revolves in his fingertip slowly! 他只是用混沌之气凝聚出一丝风刃,在他的指尖缓缓旋转! Together is pale azure on this, the common wind blade, regarding these Divine Sea Realm martial artist, looking like the blade of death was common! 就这样一道淡青色,毫不起眼的风刃,对于这些神海境武者来说,就像是死亡之刃一般! pū pū pū ......” 噗噗噗噗……” Present demon race martial artist to Luo Zheng, is not a sheep, can only be the grass, they are unable to see clearly the Luo Zheng's form, the life by Luo Zheng like cutting grass general, by rapid harvesting! 眼前的魔族武者罗征来说,并不是羊,只能是草,他们无法看清罗征的身影,性命就被罗征如同割草一般,被迅速的收割! But that cape martial artist after the brain that tobacco pipe, he also has not used oneself weapon, is only a pair of palm transforms merely, melts the innumerable hand imprints, whips gently in the heads of these demon race martial artist, or the chest front, transmits time of skeleton disruption, these demon race martial artist look like watermelons to be the same, by smashing that his hand imprint pats...... 而那斗篷武者将那烟斗别在了脑后,他同样未曾动用自己的武器,仅仅只是一双手掌幻化而出,化出无数手印,轻轻拍打在这些魔族武者的头颅,或者胸前,紧接着传来一阵骨骼碎裂的时间,这些魔族武者就像是一个个西瓜一般,被他的手印拍的粉碎…… After these demon race martial artist died, fleshly body will dissipate, later emits many yellow luminous spot as well as a red luminous spot! 当这些魔族武者死亡之后,肉身就会消散,随后从中冒出许许多多的黄色光点以及一道红色光点! A red luminous spot is wrapping the martial artist soul, flies to shoot to return to the city slowly, when resurrects. 一道红色光点则包裹着武者的灵魂,缓缓飞射回城中等到复活。 Under these yellow luminous spots scatter, then cape martial artist gathers to go toward Luo Zheng and on, this yellow luminous spot, is the Dream Battlefield Dream Illusion Points number! 那些黄色的光点飘散之下,便朝着罗征和斗篷武者身上聚集而去,这黄色光点,也就是梦幻战场梦幻点数! Entire Dream Battlefield Stage 1, then ranks by the Dream Illusion Points number! 整个梦幻战场的第一阶段,便是以梦幻点数进行排名! When Dream Battlefield be at original state, the Dream Illusion Points number that everyone has is equal, is 100 points! 梦幻战场处于初始状态的时候,每个人拥有的梦幻点数是相等的,也就是一百点! After the death, the Dream Illusion Points number can dissipation half, the reduction be 50 points...... 死亡之后,梦幻点数会消散一半,减少为五十点…… Died again, the Dream Illusion Points number reduction is 25 points, this cuts in half in turn, until does not remain! 再次死亡,梦幻点数减少为二十五点,就这样依次减半,直到一点不剩! That cape martial artist cut to kill five demon race people, these five demon race people were also first going out of town, within the body contain 100 Dream Illusion Points, everyone contributed half Dream Illusion Points, he then absorbed 250 Dream Illusion Points. 那斗篷武者斩杀了五位魔族人,这五位魔族人也是第一次出城,体内都蕴藏着一百点梦幻点,每人贡献出一半梦幻点,他便是吸收了两百五十点梦幻点 But Luo Zheng cut to kill six people, naturally absorbed 300 points, in addition his 100 points, then have four hundred Dream Illusion Points. 罗征斩杀了六人,自然是吸收了三百点,加上他自身的一百点,便是拥有四百梦幻点 Meanwhile, in the Luo Zheng's mind also had a thought that that thought then tells Luo Zheng, his present ranking...... 与此同时,罗征的脑海之中也出现了一个念头,那个念头便是告诉罗征,他现在的排名…… Total ranking is 8.8 billion......, but in this side Great Thousand World, ranking is 1.9 billion......” sees this ranking, on the Luo Zheng face also reveals the light smile, this ranking was also too low, without thinking of this Dream Battlefield just opened, in which martial artist so goes all out! “总排名为八十八亿……而在这一方大千世界中,排名为十九亿名……”看到这个排名,罗征脸上也流露出淡淡的微笑,这排名也太低了,没想到这梦幻战场刚刚开启,其中的武者就如此拼命! As for that cape martial artist, on the face also reveals the helpless smile, he put to death five demon race martial artist, ranking will be only lower than Luo Zheng. 至于那斗篷武者,脸上也是流露出无奈的笑容,他诛杀了五名魔族武者,排名只会比罗征更低。 However two people have not cared to this ranking...... 不过两人对这个排名都没有太在意…… Dream Battlefield just opened that's all...... 梦幻战场只是刚刚开启而已…… The Dream Illusion Points quantity that these grass in contains were too small, their goals are the sheep. 这些“草儿”之中蕴藏的梦幻点数量太少了,他们的目标是羊。 The sheep grazes to be fat, then the wolf eats the sheep, can fat quicker...... 羊吃草才能肥,那么狼吃羊,才能肥的更快…… At the same time, in the entire entire world expert of all races, are paying attention to ranking in pyramid! 同一时间,整个寰宇之中所有种族的强者,都在关注着金字塔上的排名! Although Dream Battlefield opened merely did not arrive at the time it takes to burn a stick of incense. 虽然梦幻战场仅仅开启了不到一炷香的时间 Most names, lie down in pyramid as before most bottom, but the names of some people had cropped up slowly, their names are also climbing in pyramid rapidly. 绝大多数名字,依旧躺在金字塔的最底部,而有些人的名字已经慢慢地冒头了,他们的名字也在金字塔上飞速爬升着。 Luo Zheng cuts after that cape martial artist killed these demon race martial artist, then defends in this city gate. 罗征与那斗篷武者斩杀了这几位魔族武者之后,便是守在了这城门口。 Overwhelming majority martial artist centralized in city, wants as soon as possible collection Dream Illusion Points, defends in the city gate murder, naturally accumulates the Dream Illusion Points quickest method. 绝大部分武者都集中在城中,想要尽快的收集梦幻点,守在城门口杀人,自然是累积梦幻点最快的手段。 However, method that just now two people show extremely in aggressive. 然而,方才两人展现出来的手段太过于凶悍。 The city gate, massive demon race martial artist prepared to go out of town, or the consideration must go out of town...... 原本城门内部,还有大量的魔族武者准备出城,或者考虑要不要出城…… Finally sees city gate so bloody one! 结果就看到城门口如此血腥的一幕! demon race martial artist that one group bragged rich/forgive Yong was shocked arrived immediately, went out of town by their strengths like this, butchered object? 一帮自诩饶勇的魔族武者顿时被震慑到了,以他们的实力这样出城,岂不是被宰割的对象? Therefore stopped up completely in the city, is not willing to come out! 于是全部都堵在了城中,不肯出来! As a result of the front demon race martial artist road, causing following demon race martial artist unable to go out of town, rear demon race martial artist does not know that front has anything, then starts to shout curses! 由于前面的魔族武者堵路,导致后面的魔族武者无法出城,后方的魔族武者不知道前面发生什么,便开始叫骂起来! But how regardless of following martial artist shouted curses, front martial artist is not willing to go out of town, finally, a large number of martial artist also can only choose other city gates...... 但无论后面的武者如何叫骂,前面的武者也不肯出城,最终,数量众多的武者也只能选择其他的城门…… Sees this, Luo Zheng also knows, own wishful thinking feared failed, others are not a fool, oneself such naked standing in city gate, they stupidly will not flush, no matter what slaughter, although this Dream Battlefield will not die truly, the life is not valuable, but will always lose Dream Illusion Points. 看到这一幕,罗征也知道,自己的如意算盘怕是落空了,人家又不是傻子,自己这样赤裸裸的站在城门口,他们不会傻乎乎的冲上来任自己宰杀,虽然这梦幻战场不会真正死亡,性命不值钱,但总是会损失梦幻点 After two people helpless cross-eyed , can only leave city gate, direction that but two people leave respective different. 两人无奈的对视一眼后,也只能离开了城门口,不过两人离开的方向各自不同。 They also know, will have a war eventually, but this fought obviously is not the present at this time, at least after needs to wait for opposite party enough many Dream Illusion Points, this will fight will be worth take action! 他们两人也知道,彼此之间终究会有一战,但这一战显然不是现在这个时候,至少要等对方累计足够多的梦幻点后,这一战才会值得出手 After leaving the city gate, Luo Zheng designated a route goes forward at a moderate pace speed as before, how he is actually thinking accumulates Dream Illusion Points quickly. 离开了城门之后,罗征选定了一条路线依旧以不紧不慢的速度前进,他却是在思索如何更快积累梦幻点 Stands cuts grass in city gate, obviously is not realistic, kills one person to only have 50 that's all, moreover had been conquered by killing martial artist time, strikes to kill again, Dream Illusion Points will reduce again, struck to kill for the second time only has 25 points, this absolutely was not the means...... 站在城门口割草,显然不现实,杀死一人只有五十点而已,而且被血洗过一次的武者,再度击杀,梦幻点会再度减少,第二次击杀就只剩下二十五点了,这绝对不是办法…… Thinks of here, the Luo Zheng vision falls above the mountain top of not far away, slightly after the thinking, he is the leap above that mountain top. 想到这里,罗征目光落在不远处的一座山头之上,微微思索之后,他便是飞跃在那山头之上。 Oneself were too probably anxious, sheep Er has not fattened up, the wolf has not fattened up...... can wait again! After fattening up, said.” “自己好像太急了,羊儿还没有养肥,狼也没有养肥……可以再等等!养肥后再说。”
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