AT :: Volume #12

#1184: In city

When Luo Zheng opens eyes suddenly, the whole world, has the tremendous changes in this flash. 罗征豁然睁眼,整个世界,在这一瞬间发生天翻地覆的变化。 His projection, had entered another world, an ultra giant interpreting a dream space...... 他的投影,已经进入了另外一个世界,一个超巨型的圆梦空间…… Like the tremendous interpreting a dream space, is equivalent to 50 Great Realm categories! 像这样巨大的圆梦空间,足足相当于五十个大界的范畴! In fact, this interpreting a dream space then divides 50, is 50 Great Realm, martial artist of this trillion number is scatters is one of them. 实际上,这圆梦空间便是划分成五十份,也就是五十个大界,这兆数的武者便是散落在其中。 Luo Zheng assigned in a Great Realm some big city, but at this moment, in the big city has been filled with each race martial artist, all was Divine Sea Realm! 罗征则分配在了其中一个大界的某座大城之中,而此时此刻,大城之中已经挤满了各个种族的武者,皆为神海境 After setting out, Luo Zheng sized up surrounding scenery. 起身之后,罗征打量了一圈周围的景色。 This Dream Battlefield builds is quite real, even can say, Great Realm that this side space had , when is only common, Dream Battlefield is at the close condition , after there is opening, has martial artist to enter. 梦幻战场打造的极为真实,甚至可以说,这一方空间原本就是真实存在的大界,只是寻常之时,梦幻战场都处于封闭的状态,也有开启之后,才有武者能够进入其中。 The present city, seems like not the human race city. 眼前的这座城池,看上去并非人类的城池。 Above all constructions, presents the black red two colors, in the crack of construction the red light are also pasting faintly unceasingly, in stone material that as if these constructions use, but also is wrapping the first layer mobile magma...... 所有的建筑之上,都呈现黑红两色,建筑的裂缝之中隐隐还有一道道红光在不断流转,仿佛这些建筑所用的石材之中,还包裹着一层流动的岩浆…… demon race's city?” The Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly. 魔族的城池?”罗征的目光微微一闪。 Trillion number martial artist in hundred thousand Great Realm, assigns in this Dream Space, defers to certain rule assignment...... 十万大界中的兆数武者,分配在这梦幻空间之中,也是按照一定规律分配的…… During Luo Zheng situated in Northern Heaven Territory, his azimuth range demon race is quite near, fears has no intention to be assigned in range that in demon race was. 罗征处于北天域中,他的方位距离魔族比较近,怕是无意之中被分配在了魔族所在的范围内。 Looking into the distance, surrounding martial artist most likely is tall and strong like hill demon race martial artist, few human race martial artist, as well as other races. 放眼望去,周围的武者十之八九都是魁梧的如同一座座小山般的魔族武者,只有少量的人族武者,以及其他种族。 These demon race martial artist and under Luo Zheng's vision connection, reveals the bad vision. 这些魔族武者罗征的目光交汇之下,也是流露出不善的目光。 Regarding these vision, Luo Zheng has not cared. 对于这些目光,罗征没有丝毫在意。 Which region assigns, is unimportant. 分配在哪个区域,并不重要。 What the contention of Dream Battlefield faces is entire entire world young generation of expert, in other words everyone, must face the trillion number opponent! 梦幻战场的角逐面向的是整个寰宇年轻一辈的强者,也就是说每一个人,都要面对兆数对手! Trillion, 10,000 trillion , facing 100 million hundred million Divine Sea Realm martial artist time, the opposite party is human race, or is demon race, either is other races is unimportant, more importantly can climb up this Dream Battlefield Peak. 兆者,亿亿也,面对一亿亿神海境武者的时候,对方是人类,或者是魔族,又或者是其他种族已经不重要了,重要的是自己能够攀上这梦幻战场巅峰 Luo Zheng so thinks, other human race martial artist actually not necessarily so, assign human race martial artist in this city, then looks distressed, depressed. 罗征会如此想,其他的人类武者却未必如此,分配在此城中的人类武者,一个个便是愁眉苦脸,郁闷至极。 Their some people are away from the demon race's domain is quite near, for example Yin Gathering Realm human race Holy Land, may be assigned that side human race, possibly assigns demon race...... 他们有些人是距离魔族的地盘比较近,例如阴罗界人族圣地,可能会被分配在人族那边,也可能分配在魔族这边…… But also some are in human race Great Realm martial artist, during had no intention to assign here, this assignment had certain randomness, this is quite unlucky. 但也有一些处于人族大界武者,被无意之中分配在这里,原本这种分配就具备一定的随机性,这就是比较倒霉。 Actually faced with consanguineous martial artist, also has the competition, since here calls it the battlefield, then everyone will be own opponent, the race will be unimportant in Dream Battlefield. 其实面临同族武者,同样也存在着竞争,既然这里称之为战场,那么每一个人都将是自己的对手,种族在梦幻战场中并不重要。 This Dream Battlefield just opened, all races are also very curious facing this brand-new world, is observing this world unceasingly...... 梦幻战场刚刚开启,所有的种族面对这个崭新的世界也十分好奇,都在不断的观察着这个世界…… Soon , the cold sound then made a sound together. 不久之后,一道冷冽的声音便是响了起来。 In all big cities, the banned fly, bans the fight, if will offend rule to be direct death...... the distance opening city gate time, two double-hour!” This sound is the voice of that mysterious young girl, after Dream Battlefield opening, she as if changed a person to be common, during the expressions became extremely indifferent, is telling the rule in Dream Battlefield in a soft voice, has not contained an emotion. “所有大城之中,禁飞,禁战斗,若触犯规则者将会直接‘死亡’……距离开启城门时间,还有两个时辰!”这声音便是那神秘少女的声音,当梦幻战场开启之后,她似乎变了一个人一般,言辞之间变得极度冷漠,轻声诉说着梦幻战场中的规则,不曾蕴藏一丝情感。 The rule in this Dream Battlefield is very important, Luo Zheng dedicated this rule word for word in mind. 梦幻战场中的规则十分重要,罗征专注的将这规则逐字逐句记在脑海之中。 When the voice of that mysterious young girl just fell, hears the extensive sound also to transmit together...... 等到那神秘少女的声音刚刚落下,就听到一道粗放的声音随之传来…… All human race martial artist, roll to the father!” “所有人族武者,都给老子滚过来!” In Luo Zheng front not far away, over a hundred gathered like hill general demon race martial artist at one, then surrounded other race martial artist on the scene! 罗征前方不远处,上百位如同小山一般的魔族武者聚集在了一起,便是将在场的其他种族武者围拢起来! Area this besides Luo Zheng, on ten human race martial artist assembles in the same place, hears that extensive roar, on the face of human race martial artist reveals a trembling color together...... 这一带除了罗征之外,还有上十位人族武者围聚在一起,听到那一道粗放的吼声,人族武者们的脸上都流露出一丝战战兢兢之色…… In the city, forbids to fight, properly speaking these demon race martial artist do not dare to begin in the city! 城中,禁止战斗,按理来说这些魔族武者也不敢在城中动手! But these human race martial artist, considered, amenable that very suddenly displays, according to the instruction of that demon race martial artist under walked. 但这些人族武者们,思虑了一阵之后,竟然表现的十分顺从,按照那魔族武者的吩咐之下走了过去。 On the Luo Zheng's face reveals an indifferent color, ignores to that demon race martial artist words. 罗征的脸上流露出一丝淡然之色,对那魔族武者的话置若罔闻。 Why don't you pass?” At this moment, side Luo Zheng's has sound together to transmit, this similarly is also human race martial artist, he throws over a gray cape, in the hand takes a tall and slender tobacco pipe, ba is spitting the smoke rings, look is very calm. “你为何不过去?”就在这时,罗征的身边却有一道声音传来,这同样也是一位人族武者,他披着一件灰色的斗篷,手中拿着一根细长的烟斗,吧唧吧唧的吐着烟圈,神色十分淡定。 Why can pass? In the city forbids to fight, this group of demon race people always not necessarily can eat me,” the Luo Zheng smile said. “为何要过去?城中禁止打斗,这帮魔族人总不见得能把我吃了,”罗征微笑道。 Hey, should not stop in?” Pulls out the human race martial artist of tobacco pipe saying: That is demon race martial artist of head, should the background be good, is disobedient his words, may be very troublesome.” “嘿,应该不止于吧?”抽着烟斗的这位人族武者说道:“那为首的魔族武者,应该背景不俗,忤逆他的话,或许会很麻烦。” Luo Zheng shrugs the shoulder, perhaps you are troublesome......” 罗征耸了耸肩肩膀,“或许你才是麻烦……” After saying, two people reveal the smile, smiled is very bright. 说完之后,两人都流露出微笑,笑的很灿烂。 Dream Battlefield condensed young genius in entire entire world, but generally speaking is actually the good and evil intermingled. 梦幻战场凝聚了整个寰宇中的年轻俊杰,不过总体来说却是良莠不齐。 Strength weak martial artist in is a clumps of green grass, can only be gnawed by sheep, but strength strong martial artist is the sheep! 实力弱的武者在其中便是一丛丛青草,只能被羊儿啃噬,而实力强的武者就是羊! But strength top martial artist, in this Dream Battlefield is the wolf, they are in this together food chain top existence. 但实力顶尖的武者,在这梦幻战场中则是狼,他们是这一道食物链中顶尖的存在。 Luo Zheng each other also understood the meaning of opposite party with that cape martial artist, they are the wolves, but even among wolves, but also has the strong and weak, wolf king! 罗征与那斗篷武者彼此也读懂了对方的意思,他们都是狼,但即便是狼之间,还存在强弱,还有狼王! They must decide the victory and defeat! 他们相互之间也要分出胜负! You two! Also gives me to come! Deaf?” These demon race martial artist side these human race martial artist will catch up after one, one of them then walks toward Luo Zheng and cape martial artist. “你们两个!也给我过来!耳朵聋了么?”这些魔族武者将旁边的那些人族武者赶在了一起后,其中一人便是朝着罗征和斗篷武者走过来。 Luo Zheng and that cape martial artist depend near the wall, two people are mix, if has not heard general, they even are disinclined and between these demon race martial artist rubbish, because in Luo Zheng and that cape martial artist eye, this group of demon race martial artist, the sheep is not even at present, they are only the green grass. 罗征和那斗篷武者都靠在墙边,两人都是混若未闻一般,他们甚至都懒得跟这些魔族武者之间废话,因为在罗征和那斗篷武者眼中,眼前这帮魔族武者,连羊都算不上,他们只是青草。 Two people depend here, but the static waiting city gate opens that's all...... 两人靠在这里,只是静静的等待城门开启而已…… These demon race martial artist see two people so attitude, is the starting to walk stride, encircles two people. 这些魔族武者见到两人如此态度,一个个便是迈开大步,将两人团团围住。 „The human race boy, knows that whose domain here is? If not obedient obedient......” 人族小子,知道这里是谁的地盘吗?若不乖乖听话……” And a demon race martial artist voice has not spoken, under the Luo Zheng's vision glances gently, in the eye glitters together the cold light, along with, even if spat one lightly rolling character! 其中一位魔族武者话音还没有说话,罗征的目光轻轻一瞥之下,眼中闪烁出一道寒光,随即便是淡淡的吐了一个“滚”字! By the Luo Zheng present strength, the graces have an invisible dignity, that demon race martial artist this stared at one by Luo Zheng, is almost being able not help draws back two steps toward behind, seemed pushed a palm to be the same by Luo Zheng, when he recovers actually reddens all over the face, but looks to the Luo Zheng's vision has color of the fear. 罗征现在的实力,举手投足都有着一种无形的威严,那魔族武者罗征这番盯了一眼,几乎是情不自禁的朝着后面退开两步,仿佛被罗征推了一掌一般,等到他回过神来却是满脸通红,但望向罗征的目光中已带着一丝畏惧之色。 Cape martial artist deeply attracted a tobacco pipe, emits gently the smoke rings, the eyelid peak is drawing together, does not seem to seen this. 斗篷武者则深深地吸了一口烟斗,轻轻喷吐出一道烟圈,眼皮耸拉着,仿佛没有看到这一幕。 At this moment, there is a sound together to insert, „are you doing?” 就在此刻,又有一道声音插了进来,“你们在干什么?” What speech is crowd rear one demon race martial artist that wears the silver armor, his silver armor as if is also the rare thing, looked that the quality can also include the second grade divine item category, because this armor as against has, can with compare from First Grade Divine Tool actually. 说话的是人群后方一位身披银色铠甲的魔族武者,他这一身银色铠甲似乎也是稀世之物,看成色也能列入二品神器的范畴,而因为这铠甲作为防具,倒是能够与从一品神器相比拟。 Young Lord Hao! Here has two human race martial artist not to plan to obey your order!” demon race martial artist said. 豪少主!这里有两位人族武者不打算顺从您的命令!”一位魔族武者说道。 This Young Lord Hao infiltrates from the crowd, three zhang (3.33 m) high figure occupies a commanding position lightly is looking at Luo Zheng and cape martial artist, immediately said coldly: Gives your two people an opportunity, obeys in me, goes to that side to line up!” 豪少主从人群中钻了进来,三丈高的身形居高临下淡淡的望着罗征和斗篷武者,随即冷声说道:“给你们两人一次机会,顺从于我,去那边排队!” Luo Zheng and that cape martial artist look at each other one quietly. 罗征和那斗篷武者悄然对视一眼。 This Young Lord Hao can reluctantly be a bellwether...... 豪少主可以勉强算是一头羊了…… Luo Zheng smiles lightly, obeys in you? What advantage has?” 罗征淡淡一笑,“顺从于你?有什么好处么?” „After killing you twice, I will let off you!” The Young Lord Hao cold sound returns said, as if will kill Luo Zheng twice, regarding is a gracious gift. “杀你两次后,我会放过你!”豪少主冷声回道,似乎将杀罗征两次,视之为一场恩赐。 After martial artist death in Dream Battlefield, will not die truly, will also not withdraw from Dream Battlefield, but will return to the city resurrecting, looks like in Young Lord Hao, strikes to kill these stupid human race twice, naturally was a gracious gift, if he wanted, can unlimited times strike to kill them! 梦幻战场之中的武者死亡后,并不会真正的死亡,同时也不会退出梦幻战场,而是会回到城中“复活”,在豪少主看来,击杀这些愚蠢的人类两次,自然是一场恩赐了,若他愿意,可以无限次将他们击杀!
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