AT :: Volume #12

#1183: Gathering

The young generation of talents in entire entire world, are ready to fight, are greeting opening of Dream Battlefield. 整个寰宇中的年轻一辈的天才们,都在摩拳擦掌,迎接着梦幻战场的开启。 Major Heavenly Venerable, Realm Lord descendant made the completely safe preparation! 各大天尊,界主传人都做了万全的准备! supreme divine item that some hidden worlds also changes hands quietly, perhaps these Divine Sea Realm martial artist are unable to display the supreme divine item complete strength, but has the enormous help to their strength rise! 一些隐世不出的至尊神器也悄然易手,或许这些神海境武者无法发挥出至尊神器的全部实力,但对他们本身实力提升却有着极大的帮助! All Gods Thoughtless, Myriad Buddha Sanctuary, Human Path Alliance, Celestial Clan, Monster Night Race, demon race, Giant Race, Shaye Clan...... 诸神无念,万佛圣域,人道联盟,天位一族,妖夜族,魔族,巨人族,沙耶族…… Divine Sea Realm martial artist in upper realm ten thousand clan, will step into Dream Battlefield in five days. 上界万族中的神海境武者,都将在五天内踏入梦幻战场 And, including falls into the hopeless situation Divine Sea Realm martial artist...... 其中,也包括一些身陷绝境的神海境武者…… To them, is changes the destiny an opportunity. 对于他们来说,也是改变自己命运的一次机会。 For example Divine Sea Realm martial artist, was stranded in some Great Realm ominously, over a hundred years also inescapable, is maintaining own life reluctantly. 例如一位神海境武者,被困在某个大界凶地之中,上百年也无法逃脱,勉强维系着自己的性命。 But under the light spot under Heavenly Way projection, he can actually enter in the light spot temporarily, avoids the present bad risk! 但在天道投射下的光斑之下,他却能暂时进入光斑之中,避开眼前的凶险! So-called Dream Battlefield, just like the principle of Dream Space, the main body has not actually entered Dream Battlefield, but an own projection enters. 所谓梦幻战场,与梦幻空间的原理一样,本体其实并未进入梦幻战场,只是自身的一道投影进入其中。 However under covering of this ray of light glow, is equal to being protected by Heavenly Way, therefore any Divine Sea Realm martial artist does not need to worry that main body safety, that simple light spot, means in together entire world most karmic law, even Heavenly Venerable is still hard to break open. 不过在这一道光芒的笼罩之下,等于是被天道所保护,所以任何神海境武者不用担忧本体的安危,那一道简简单单的光斑,意味着寰宇中最的因果律,即便是天尊也难以破开。 Monster Night Race, some core Great Realm, in tenth grade Holy Land prison...... 妖夜族,某个核心大界,十品圣地的监狱之中…… Monster Night Race female bound both hands, by above a giant copper column! 一位妖夜族女子被绑缚的双手,靠在一根巨大的铜柱之上! In the above of this prison, black raindrop, once for a while drops. 在这监狱的上方,一道道黑色的雨滴,时不时的滴落下来。 These raindrop contain the extremely strong corrosiveness, drops will form a big hole above the floor, but drops above the human body, then can have the intense stimulation, corrodes the flesh of human body! 这些雨滴蕴藏着极强的腐蚀性,滴落在地板之上就会形成一个大坑,而滴落在人体之上,则能产生强烈的刺激,腐蚀人体的血肉! This is a Monster Night Race extreme pain penalty, was bound martial artist on copper column, above the body is often tattered and torn, but the ache is even hard to endure, is unable to choose the death, the copper column is held the strength of life by the Monster Night Race King of Life in addition personally, after a day of penalty ended, that copper column will stimulate the strength of strong life, making this Monster Night Race female recover completely. 这是妖夜族一种极端痛苦的刑罚,被绑缚在铜柱上的武者,身体之上往往千疮百孔,但即使疼痛难忍,也无法选择死亡,身后的铜柱乃是被妖夜族生命之王亲自加持过生命之力,当一天的刑罚结束之后,那根铜柱就会激发出浓烈的生命之力,让这妖夜族女子完全复原。 That Monster Night Race female this day after day, year after year, is withstanding so the penalty, fleshly body, the soul is withstanding the suffering that is inconceivable...... 妖夜族女子就这样日复一日,年复一年,承受着如此刑罚,无论是肉身,还是灵魂都承受着难以想象的煎熬…… This female, is Liu Yu. 这位女子,正是流羽 Initially before flying upwards, Liu Yu is also several degrees hesitation. 当初飞升之前,流羽也是几度犹豫。 Although she situated in side lower realm, but actually knows by her position and strength, mixes during the King struggles is no different invites trouble. 虽然她位于一方下界,但却知以她的地位和实力,掺和在王者斗争之中无异于自找苦吃。 Xun arrives suddenly, the development she is unable to choose. 只是骤然降临,事情的发展她无法选择。 After the Great Realm channel was repaired, after Liu Yu hesitant over and over, chose flying upwards. 随着大界通道被修复之后,流羽犹豫再三之后还是选择了飞升。 But Yao, has not actually forgotten this unimportant person...... ,却并未忘记她这个小人物…… Finally it can be imagined, she has been closed in this prison, is withstanding the brutal penalty and inhuman suffering! 结果可想而知,她一直被关在这监狱之中,承受着残酷的刑罚和非人的折磨! For these years the time, she can also hear Luo Zheng that to resound through the voice of entire world, in the heart shocks beside, is secretly gratified. 这几年时间,她也能听到罗征那响彻寰宇的声音,心中震撼之外,也是暗自欣慰。 This little fellow, displays all sorts of uncommonly on Sea God Continent, this flies upwards upper realm several years time, he has been able to dominate the entire world. 这个小家伙,在海神大陆上就表现出种种不凡,这飞升上界不过数年的时间,他已能叱咤寰宇。 If Luo Zheng knows own situation, in addition in the future she can have one to be delivered from oppression. 罗征知晓自己的处境,日后她尚且能有一丝希望重见天日。 But in Liu Yu deep place prison, impossible own information transmit, how does Luo Zheng pay attention in her head? 流羽深处这监狱之中,也不可能将自己的消息传递而出,罗征又如何关注在她头上来? The life, feared that was hopeless. 此生,怕是无望了。 If knows today early, she rather discards oneself cultivation base, peaceful life in Heavenly Feather Holy Land, compared with flying upwards upper realm is much better. 若早知今日,她宁肯废掉自己的修为,在天羽圣地中安安乐乐的生活,也比飞升上界要好得多。 Liu Yu passed in the despair finally. 流羽终于都在绝望之中度过。 But on this day, she hears arrived that sound, the voice of that mysterious young girl. 但在这一天,她听到了那个声音,那位神秘少女的声音。 This mysterious young girl as if is also the Lord thing in upper realm, because Liu Yu can also feel to leave, some Heavenly Venerable abstained to this mysterious young girl. 这神秘少女似乎也是上界之中的大人物,因为流羽也能感觉出,一些天尊都对这神秘少女十分忌讳。 However this mysterious young girl has been actually entangling Luo Zheng, making Luo Zheng say that the story listened to her. 不过这神秘少女却是一直缠着罗征,让罗征说故事给她听。 These stories, actually also interesting, when oneself were suffered deeply, all day long no one can communicate with oneself, can sometimes hear a Luo Zheng lecture of story, became a small sustenance in her spirit. 那些故事,倒是也有趣,自己深受折磨之际,终日都无人能跟自己交流,有时候能听到罗征讲个故事,也成了她精神中的一个小小的寄托。 Dream Battlefield opened, what is this?” Liu Yu lowers the head to ponder, her talent probably wants to be stronger than Mu Mingxue, but after flying upwards, was fettered in the prison, the experience was actually far less than Mu Mingxue. 梦幻战场开启了,这是什么意思?”流羽低头沉思着,她的天赋或许比慕茗雪要强许多,但飞升之后就被束缚在监狱之中,见识却是远不如慕茗雪了。 However soon , a ray of light spot appeared in the Liu Yu dead ahead. 然而不久之后,一道光斑出现在了流羽的正前方。 What light spot is this?” On the face of Liu Yu appears wipes the color of doubts. “这是什么光斑?”流羽的脸上出现一抹疑惑之色。 After that mysterious young girl spoke the words, Liu Yu is suddenly enlighted...... 等到那神秘少女将话说完之后,流羽才恍然大悟…… This light spot, is the Dream Battlefield entrance...... 这光斑,就是梦幻战场的入口…… All Divine Sea Realm martial artist, all may enter Dream Battlefield! 所有神海境武者,皆可进入梦幻战场 Then, can oneself also enter? In Liu Yu originally lax pupil, condenses ray of light glow! 那么,自己也可以进入其中?流羽原本涣散的瞳孔之中,又凝聚出一道光芒! This is an opportunity, is Heavenly Way grants her opportunity! 这是一次机会,乃是天道赐予她的一次机会! With the Liu Yu will, she not possibly helplessly looks that the opportunity sneaks off from own hand! 流羽的毅力,她没可能眼睁睁的看着机会从自己手中溜走! Read hence, Liu Yu was furiously is moving toward that light spot! 一念至此,流羽便是奋力的朝着那光斑挪动着! That light spot is away from Liu Yu, only then one step remote that's all, but her both hands were bound above the copper column, the range of activity is very limited. She then does utmost the both legs gathers, toward that light spot moving bit by bit. 那光斑距离流羽只有一步之遥而已,但是她双手被绑缚在铜柱之上,活动的范围十分有限。她便是竭尽全力将双腿并拢,朝着那光斑一点一点的挪动。 Soon , the tip of the toe of Liu Yu has touched the arrived light spot the edge. 不久之后,流羽的脚尖已经触及到了光斑的边缘。 Also almost.” Liu Yu clenches teeth. “还差一点。”流羽咬了咬牙。 The whole person then exhausts the full power , to continue to struggle toward the front! 整个人便是用尽全力,朝着前方继续挣扎! At this time, drop of black raindrop fell above her snow white thigh. 就在这时候,一滴黑色的雨点落在她雪白的大腿上方。 This-” “兹-” As white smog ascends, that drop of black raindrop boils, is corroding the Liu Yu flesh unceasingly, soon after formed a small pit in the thigh of Liu Yu. 随着一道白色的烟雾升腾起来,那一滴黑色的雨点就自行沸腾起来,不断腐蚀着流羽的血肉,不久之后就在流羽的腿部形成了一个小坑。 Facing this pain, Liu Yu actually including snort/hum not snort/hum one, this 5-6 year the penalty has made Liu Yu troublesome, once again her less than half body was perished, finally is depending upon the back copper column, lets own body restoration slowly! 面对这种痛苦,流羽却连哼都未曾哼一声,这五六年来的刑罚已经让流羽变得麻烦,又一次她的小半个身子都被腐蚀掉了,最终还是依靠着背后的铜柱,让自己的身体慢慢的复原! In finally!” “就在最后一点!” The leeway that Liu Yu has not retroceded now, this opportunity she must hold in any event! 流羽现在也没有后退的余地,这个机会她无论如何都要抓住! Straight that her whole person stretches, the both legs also elongate the arrived limit as far as possible...... 她整个人都绷的笔直,双腿也尽量伸长到了极限…… Finally, she stepped on oneself both feet the light halo! 终于,她将自己的双脚踩进了光圈之中! The this humble one flash, the Liu Yu whole person was pulled by a strength, fixed above the light spot firmly, later own consciousness was elusive, she started to immerse in a darkness. 在下一瞬间,流羽整个人就被一股力量拉扯过去,牢牢地固定在了光斑之上,随后自己的意识空灵起来,她开始沉浸在一片黑暗中。 Five days of time, is Heavenly Way gives upper realm many martial artist preparation periods. 五天时间,是天道上界诸多武者的一个准备期。 These five days later, martial artist that all enters ahead of time is in the darkness, is unable to move, is unable to regard the thing, is unable to withdraw from the light spot...... 在这五天之后,所有提前进入的武者都处于黑暗之中,无法移动,无法视物,也无法退出光斑…… Also in these five days of time, in the entire entire world all Dream Space, presented the difference! 也是在这五天时间中,整个寰宇之中所有的梦幻空间,都出现了异样! Dream Space is not rarely seen in the entire world, major sect, various great holy land, in the race construct oneself Dream Space, supplies martial artist cultivation, comparing notes! 梦幻空间在寰宇之中并不鲜见,各大宗门,各大圣地,种族之中都建有自己的梦幻空间,供给武者修炼,切磋之用! But after Dream Battlefield opens, all Dream Space were deadlocked completely, is unable to enter. 但在梦幻战场开启之后,所有的梦幻空间被完全锁死,无法进入其中。 Meanwhile, a pyramid starts to appear in each Dream Space above...... 与此同时,一座金字塔开始出现在各个梦幻空间的上方…… That is one by the name, formed giant pyramid! 那是一个由名字,形成的巨型金字塔! In this pyramid, then collected in entire entire world hundred thousand Great Realm all Divine Sea Realm martial artist names, but the quantity of name in rapid increase...... 这一座金字塔上,便是汇集了整个寰宇十万大界中所有神海境武者的名字,而名字的数量正在飞速增加中…… In the entire world, Heavenly Venerable has 128, the Realm Lord expert 200,000 people, Divine Transformation Realm expert can by hundred million counting, Divine Extremity Realm have 100 billion! 寰宇之中,天尊有一百二十八位,界主强者则有二十万人,神变境强者就能以亿计数,神极境则有千亿之多! But Divine Sea Realm martial artist, the quantity then by 10,000 trillion counts, takes the trillion as the unit! 神海境武者,数量便以亿亿来计数,也就是以兆为单位! living being in hundred thousand Great Realm, curious under are also nosing unceasingly, 十万大界中的生灵们,好奇之下也是不断地查探着, Now Dream Battlefield has not opened officially, the name in pyramid did not divide ranked, now all names gather in the low end of pyramid, wanted sought for a martial artist name, was no different looks for a needle in a haystack...... 现在梦幻战场尚未正式开启,金字塔上的名字也不分先后排名,现在所有的名字都汇聚在金字塔的低端,想要在其中寻找一位武者的名字,无异于大海捞针…… However the major races, major Heavenly Venerable, various Great Realm Lord have thrown the line of sight in that pyramid in oneself clan, hopes that can see the own race name of talents, presents the peak in pyramid! 不过各大种族,各大天尊,各大界主已经将视线投在了自己族中的那金字塔上,希望能够看到自己种族中的天才们的名字,出现在金字塔的顶端! Five days of time, in pyramid the quantity of personal name, in rapid increasing, has Divine Sea Realm martial artist to join Dream Battlefield as before unceasingly. 五天时间,金字塔中人名的数量,依旧在迅速的攀升,不断有神海境武者加入梦幻战场 Luo Zheng sits in meditation on the ground, is maintaining mental tranquility from eyes closed. 罗征静坐在地上,正自闭目养神。 60 double-hour, for five days and five nights after...... 六十个时辰,五天五夜过后…… As near the ear the chilly sound conveys together, he opened both eyes suddenly. 随着耳边一道清冷的声音传来,他豁然睁开了双目。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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