AT :: Volume #12

#1182: Xi Youqin's battle path

Big world opening in entire world, strict sense, is the crisis arrives. 寰宇之中的大世开启,严格意义上来说,也是危机降临。 Before the crisis arrives, Heavenly Way has induced, then arrives at the big destiny on the emperor spoiled child in entire world! 在危机降临之前,天道已有所感应,便是将大气运降临于寰宇之中的天子骄子身上! This is the so-called Grand Era's Struggle life standard! 这就是所谓的大世之争命格! Has this life standard, is the darling of this time, their destiny different in average man! 拥有此命格者,就是这个时代的宠儿,他们的气运将会迥异于常人! But the Grand Era's Struggle life standard will not fall from the sky, after this round of big world opens, Grand Era's Struggle Participant will also collide mutually, each other contends this time true lead! 大世之争命格并非不会陨落,当这一轮大世开启之后,大世之争者相互之间也会互相碰撞,彼此角逐出这个时代真正的主角! Legend such character, will lead the race, is lower than in the entire world the forthcoming big crisis...... 传说这样的人物,将会带领种族,低于寰宇之中即将发生的大危机…… But opening of Dream Battlefield, is contends in this round of Era the strongest talent! 梦幻战场的开启,便是角逐出这一轮衍纪中最强的天才! These five years time, Luo Zheng besides cultivation, story using Thunderous Roar Command...... 这五年的时间,罗征除了修炼之外,也会利用咆哮令来讲故事…… However that mysterious young girl does not have the time daily, this mysterious young girl most of the time, seems used for the deep sleep and cultivation, every year, she will as if regain consciousness such 1-2 times. 不过那神秘少女也不是天天有时间,这神秘少女绝大部分时间,似乎都用来沉睡和修炼,每隔一年的时间,她似乎都会苏醒那么1-2。 In the earliest possible time of reviving, she is then compelling a Luo Zheng lecture of story. 在苏醒过来的第一时间,她便是逼着罗征讲故事。 In this period, Luo Zheng had also once asked about the matter about Luo Yan. 期间,罗征也曾询问过关于罗嫣的事情。 She told Luo Zheng, she will have sought for the matter of Luo Yan to entrust, but has not received the response the news. 她告诉罗征,她已经将寻找罗嫣之事委托出去了,但并没有收到回应的消息。 Luo Zheng is freely disappointed, but regarding speaking story request, he has not rejected. 罗征尽管失望,但对于讲故事这个请求,他还是没有拒绝。 Although Luo Zheng is unable to determine, is the world above Heavenly Way, to him extremely in illusory, the world above Heavenly Way, is that 128 Heavenly Venerable does not even have to know...... 虽然罗征无法确定,可是天道之上的世界,对于他来说还是太过于虚无缥缈,天道之上的世界,便是连那一百二十八位天尊都毫无所知…… Can help own, possibly also only then this mysterious young girl that's all! 能够帮自己的,可能也只有这神秘少女一人而已 After this Heavenly Way vibrates, the mysterious young girl also regains consciousness again, but this she urgently has not been seeking a Luo Zheng lecture of story time, but announced with the chilly incomparable sound. 当这一次天道震动之后,神秘少女也是再度苏醒,不过这一次她并没有急着求罗征讲故事,而是用清冷无比的声音宣布。 Dream Battlefield opens, this Dream Battlefield meets in the stored away entire entire world all Divine Sea Realm martial artist......” 梦幻战场开启,此次梦幻战场收纳整个寰宇中所有神海境武者……” The after voice of mysterious young girl falls, all the stars in various heavens under this round of Heavenly Way, starts at the visible speed, accelerates to revolve unceasingly! 神秘少女的话音落下之后,这一轮天道之下的诸天星辰,开始以肉眼可见的速度,不断地加速旋转! Luo Zheng opens the eye, sits well above the Immortal Mansion square...... 罗征睁开眼睛,端坐在仙府广场之上…… Dream Battlefield, you are a turning point, if Luo Zheng you attain the position in Dream Battlefield, outside is defending your Realm Lord, should to leave......” Xun also to look at all the stars in various heavens, said lightly. 梦幻战场,将你是的一个契机,倘若罗征你在梦幻战场中拿到好名次,外面守着你的那些界主们,应该要离开了……”同样也望着诸天星辰,淡淡的说道 I was the pit died Heavenly Venerable in their clan, do they also want to clench teeth to leave? Even Yao, will still drop?” Luo Zheng asked that in addition Luo Zheng at this moment had not realized that Dream Battlefield means anything. “我可是坑死了他们族中的天尊,他们也要咬牙离开?即便是,也会放手?”罗征问道,此刻的罗征尚且没有意识到梦幻战场意味着什么。 Xun smiles lightly, Yao no doubt is not willing really to drop, puts to death my goal to her is unmodifiable......, but, at least on the surface, she should choose the concessions!” 淡淡一笑,“固然不愿真的放手,诛杀我的目标对她来说是不可更改的……不过,至少在表面上,她应该会选择让步!” I understood,” Luo Zheng nods. “我明白了,”罗征点点头。 Soon , the all the stars in various heavens ray is more and more dazzling...... 不久之后,诸天星辰的光芒便是越来越耀眼…… Careful faculae, start to project unceasingly...... 一道道细细的光斑,开始不断地投射下来…… In hundred thousand Great Realm, the Divine Sea Realm martial artist total quantity adds, is astronomical figures! But at present each ray of light spot, is corresponding Divine Sea Realm martial artist! 十万大界中,神海境武者的总数量加起来,也是一个天文数字!而眼下每一道光斑,就对应着一位神海境武者 Buzz......” “嗡……” In front of Luo Zheng's, presented a circular light spot, Luo Zheng had not thought that takes one step to step into, along with even sat well. 罗征的面前,出现了一个圆形的光斑,罗征并未思索,迈出一步就踏入了其中,随即便是端坐下来。 Meanwhile, the Mu Mingxue front also presented a circular light spot, on her face reveals color of the anxiety, actually yes considered whether oneself must enter in this light spot. 与此同时,慕茗雪的面前也出现了一个圆形光斑,她脸上流露出一丝疑虑之色,却是考虑自己是否要进入这光斑之中。 Xun looked at Mu Mingxue lightly, although this female the talent is not strong, but the manner is actually very intelligent, is a Luo Zheng side Xun only one by one not repugnant female, she is speaks to indicate: Dream Battlefield, is actually huge Dream Space, will not be in danger, but regarding your Divine Sea Realm martial artist, actually a time is unmissable cultivation opportunity!” 淡淡的望了一眼慕茗雪,这女子虽然天赋不强,但为人却是十分聪慧,也是罗征身边一一个不讨厌的女子,她便是出言点拨道:“梦幻战场,其实就是一个巨大的梦幻空间,不会有生命危险,但对于你们神海境武者,却是一次不可错过的修炼机会!” Dream Space?” 梦幻空间?” Mu Mingxue has heard Dream Space, but she came the upper realm time is still short, has not actually entered in Dream Space, heard Xun to mention, she was somewhat puzzled. 慕茗雪听说过梦幻空间,只是她来上界的时间尚短,却是未曾进入过梦幻空间中,听到如此提及,她还是有些困惑。 However Xun is actually not willing to speak, whether is willing to enter Dream Battlefield, needs Mu Mingxue to consider. 不过却不肯多说话了,是否愿意进入梦幻战场,需要慕茗雪自己考量。 Mu Mingxue hesitant a while, since Xun said that this Dream Space is nonhazardous, saw that Luo Zheng has entered into, therefore oneself also chose entry. 慕茗雪犹豫了一会儿,既然说这梦幻空间并无危险,又看到罗征已迈入其中,于是自己也选择了进入。 The innumerable ray of light spots, appear side all Divine Sea Realm martial artist...... 无数道光斑,出现在所有神海境武者身边…… In Purple Extreme Realm...... 紫极界中…… This unusual small, does not subordinate in hundred thousand Great Realm. 这个奇特的小界,并不隶属于十万大界 Indefinite Pagoda peak! 无定塔的顶端! Xi Youqin sits well above a great sword. 溪幼琴端坐在一把巨剑之上。 In her front, is having the innumerable great swords to toss about is circling! 在她的面前,正有无数的巨剑翻来覆去的盘旋着! Score year ago, the Xi Youqin's face was short wiped the gentle aura, but were many three points of maturity. 相比数年之前,溪幼琴的脸少了一抹柔和气息,但却多了三分成熟。 That beautiful appearance under shining of sword light, appears the brilliance movingly...... 那绝美的容颜在剑光的照耀之下,显得光彩动人…… But her cultivation base, has jumped impressively Divine Sea Realm! 而她的修为,赫然已经跃升到神海境 Sees only her to lift under the hand slightly, counts a hundred thousand great sword to tumble at the same time, later then gathers unique Sword Formation, wrapped her in! 只见她微微一抬手之下,数十万道巨剑在同一时间翻滚,随后便汇聚成一座独特的剑阵,将她包裹在了其中! This set of Sword Formation, looks initially, in addition does not have really extraordinarily, but after Xi Youqin sets out, turns conveniently, whole set Sword Formation aura had the tremendous changes...... entire Sword Formation to disclose the intense murderous intention at this moment everywhere! 这一套剑阵,初看尚且无甚出奇,但当溪幼琴起身之后,随手一翻之下,整套剑阵的气息就发生了翻天覆地的变化……整个剑阵此刻处处透露着强烈的杀机! However when she is controlling Sword Formation, on the face actually reveals a desolate color, is so, her gentle feature obviously chilly. 不过她正在操控剑阵之际,脸上却是流露出一丝落寞之色,也是如此,她那温婉的眉目更显清冷。 Xi Youqin and Luo Zheng have seven years of respectively...... 溪幼琴罗征分别已有七年之久…… Seven years, she is missing Luo Zheng always, these seven years time, she is also waits for this Dream Battlefield to arrive. 七年的时间,她无时无刻不挂念着罗征,这七年的时间,她也是等待这梦幻战场降临。 The master told her, after Dream Battlefield arrived, Luo Zheng will also step into inevitably, at the appointed time, was they gathers. 师父告诉她,当梦幻战场降临之后,罗征势必也会踏入其中,届时,就是他们相聚的时候。 But does Dream Battlefield, when open? 可是梦幻战场,到底何时开启? Thinks of here, trains Sword Formation Xi Youqin then to reveal one to be popular the intent waning color, the slender delicate finger turns gently, makes a returning to normal posture, all great swords also turn over at the same time again, forms a side plane in the Indefinite Pagoda above, all great swords as if Xi Youqin regarding are the kings, submits to her. 想到这里,演练剑阵溪幼琴便流露出一丝兴意阑珊之色,修长细嫩的手指轻轻一翻,做出一个平复的姿势,所有的巨剑也在同一时间再度翻转,在无定塔的上方形成一方平面,所有的巨剑仿佛将溪幼琴视之为君王,臣服在她脚下。 But she actually held the knees to sit, once the mighty current of missing opened, was hard to contain, the Luo Zheng that clear and fuzzy shadow, then fluttered unceasingly in her eyes. 而她却抱着双膝坐了下来,思念的洪流一旦打开,就难以遏制,罗征那清晰而模糊的影子,便不断在她眼中飘动。 However at this time, the Old Lady Indefinite form appeared in Xi Youqin's behind. 不过就在这时候,无定老人的身影出现在了溪幼琴的身后。 Master......” Xi Youqin has not turned head, but she has felt the Old Lady Indefinite sound. “师父……”溪幼琴没有回头,但她已经感觉到无定老人的动静了。 Old Lady Indefinite whole face gentle trend Xi Youqin, then asked: Youqin, how?” 无定老人满脸慈祥的走向溪幼琴,便是问道:“幼琴,怎么了?” No, no......” these year of Xi Youqin strengthened oneself Heart of Martial Dao, rarely grumbled, even in heart depressed, still understood the camouflage. “没,没什么……”这些年溪幼琴坚定了自己的武道之心,也很少发牢骚了,即使心中郁闷,也懂得了伪装。 However Old Lady Indefinite actually shows a faint smile, thought Luo Zheng?” 不过无定老人却微微一笑,“是不是又想罗征了?” No,” Xi Youqin light replied. “没有,”溪幼琴淡淡的回答道。 „Has, the master is also a seasoned person, where can not understand your thoughts?” Old Lady Indefinite said with a smile. “有就是有,师父也是过来人,哪能不懂你的心思?”无定老人笑道。 Such a saying, Xi Youqin was sadder, nose acid, after pulling out two next, said: How wants...... that ghost fellow, not to know where!” 这样一说,溪幼琴就更加难过了,鼻子一酸,抽了两下后才说道:“想又如何……那个鬼家伙,不知道在哪里呢!” Old Lady Indefinite places on that withered hand the Xi Youqin shoulder, said with a smile as before: Luo Zheng, should enter Dream Battlefield now!” 无定老人将那干枯的手放在溪幼琴肩上,依旧笑道:“罗征,现在应该已经进入了梦幻战场!” Oh?” Xi Youqin stares slightly, raised the head, is looking at Old Lady Indefinite, Dream Battlefield, opening?” “唉?”溪幼琴微微一愣,抬起头来,望着无定老人,“梦幻战场,开启了?” Un!” “嗯!” Really opened!” Xi Youqin almost must jump. “真的开启了!”溪幼琴几乎要跳了起来。 On this day, Xi Youqin waited for a long time...... 这一天,溪幼琴可是等了好久了…… Old Lady Indefinite affirmative nod, said immediately: All Divine Sea Realm martial artist, may enter Dream Battlefield, you in Purple Extreme Realm, that light spot are unable to project, therefore after I bring you first leave Purple Extreme Realm, you from may enter Dream Battlefield!” 无定老人肯定的点了点头,随即说道:“所有神海境武者,都可进入梦幻战场,你在紫极界中,那光斑无法投射进来,所以我带你先离开紫极界后,你就自可进入梦幻战场了!” But Luo Zheng, entered Dream Battlefield?” Xi Youqin also some cannot determine. “可是罗征,也进入了梦幻战场?”溪幼琴还有些不敢确定。 Old Lady Indefinite said with a smile slightly: He whether now can enter Dream Battlefield, I am unable to determine, but I affirmed that he will certainly enter! However...... wants to see Luo Zheng, but must depend on your own strength!” 无定老人微微笑道:“他现在是否能进入梦幻战场,我无法确定,但我肯定他一定会进入!不过……想要见到罗征,还要靠你自己的实力!” Hears the Old Lady Indefinite words, on the Xi Youqin face actually reveals the extremely self-confident expression, „! Master, I understand! In Dream Battlefield, I can also whole-heartedly!” 听到无定老人的话,溪幼琴脸上却流露出极为自信的表情,“嗯!师父,我明白!在梦幻战场之中,我也会全力以赴!” Sees Xi Youqin this appearance, Old Lady Indefinite is satisfied nod, so, I also felt relieved, you are I most outstanding disciple, is most powerful Purple Extreme Yin Body, I hope that you can succeed, now, I lead you to leave Purple Extreme Realm......” 看到溪幼琴这个样子,无定老人便是满意的点点头,“如此,我也放心了,你是我最优秀的弟子,也是最强大的紫极阴体,我希望你能成功,现在,我带你离开紫极界吧……” Luo Zheng used so many Thunderous Roar Command in the entire world, frequently leaves Purple Extreme Realm Old Lady Indefinite, how not clear Luo Zheng's trend? 罗征在寰宇之中动用了这么多次咆哮令,经常离开紫极界无定老人,如何不清楚罗征的动向? She even also clear, Luo Zheng was sieged by Realm Lord of several races in turn at the Northern Heaven Territory matter...... 她甚至也清楚,罗征被几个种族的界主轮流围困在北天域的事情…… However for Xi Youqin, she actually concealed this news, if the Xi Youqin strength were enough, she naturally meets in Dream Battlefield and Luo Zheng. 不过为了溪幼琴,她却是将这个消息隐瞒下来了,若溪幼琴实力足够,她自然会在梦幻战场中与罗征相见。 The Xi Youqin starting to walk footsteps, the follower master is about to leave Purple Extreme Realm, she looked at this to fill the purple halo world, in the heart was also filled with emotion, she actually knows that oneself battle path must start, that was she battle path to lead to own Lord Husband! 溪幼琴迈开脚步,跟随者师父准备离开紫极界,她望了一眼这充满了紫色光晕的世界,心中也是感慨万千,她却知道自己的征途要开始了,那是她通向自己夫君的征途!
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