AT :: Volume #12

#1181: Dream Battlefield opening

Above Lian Shenzi that metal head, glitters two unusual brilliance! 炼神子那金属脑袋之上,闪烁出两道奇特的光辉! Although the body of his puppet builds very crude, but can express own mood, these two ray of light splendors represent him to be very excited obviously! 尽管他这傀儡之躯打造的十分简陋,不过还是能够表达自己的情绪,这两道光辉显然代表他十分激动! This, why this is!” “这,这是为何!” That heavy being hard imagination Star Jade Solid Iron, moreover is such big one, was so clamped by Luo Zheng with ease! 那重的难以想象的星璇精铁,而且还是这么大一块,就被罗征如此轻松的夹了起来! Has exceeded beyond the Lian Shenzi imagination completely...... 完全已经超出了炼神子想象之外…… After Luo Zheng clamps this Sword Embryo was shaking one together, to Lian Shenzi says with a smile: Tries, you.” Then, Luo Zheng then gave Lian Shenzi smith's tongs in hand. 罗征夹着这一道剑胚晃了一圈后,对炼神子笑道:“试试,你也可以。”说罢,罗征便是将手中的卡钳递给了炼神子 After this Lian Shenzi smith's tongs receives, similarly also discovered that smith's tongs in hand is light , if no thing, „is really mysterious! This smith's tongs, is really mysterious!” 炼神子卡钳接过来后,同样也发现手中的卡钳轻若无物,“真是神奇!这把卡钳,真是神奇!” Although expectation of Lian Shenzi to this Refining Workplace is high, knows the thing in this Refining Workplace to be inevitably uncommon, but this type of thing obviously exceeded his imagination...... 虽说炼神子对这炼器坊的期望非常高,也知道这炼器坊中的东西必然不凡,可是这种东西显然还是超出了他的想象…… He sizes up this in hand smith's tongs, what unique element looked at for quite a while not to see, but why can the heavy not unimaginable thing, become weightless? 他上上下下打量手中的这把卡钳,看了半天也没有看出什么特殊之处,可为何就能将重的无法想象的东西,变得毫无重量? This smith's tongs, is builds with Infinite Growth Stone, theoretically this can hold up any heavy item smith's tongs,” A'fu said lightly. “这一把卡钳,乃是用增长无量石打造,理论上这把卡钳可以举起任何重物,”阿福淡淡的说道 Immeasurable destiny!” A'fu these words, are actually trade Lian Shenzi one to cry out strangely. “无量天命!”阿福的这句话,却是换来炼神子一声怪叫。 A'fu surprise stared at Lian Shenzi one, immediately asked: What immeasurable destiny?” 阿福诧异的盯了炼神子一眼,随即问道:“什么无量天命?” On destiny in a Era, Crown of Destiny of immeasurable Heavenly Venerable control, contains this together to be immeasurable the destiny!” Lian Shenzi then thought. “上一个衍纪中的一道天命,无量天尊掌控的天命之冠,就蕴藏这一道无量天命!”炼神子便是想了起来。 The so-called immeasurable destiny, actually is also together karmic law, that immeasurable Heavenly Venerable grasps this together karmic law, almost can lift anything, including the Sun and Moon stars. 所谓无量天命,其实也是一道因果律,那无量天尊掌握这样一道因果律,几乎能够将任何东西都举起来,包括日月星辰。 Oh,” A'fu responded to one lightly, immediately said to Luo Zheng: Master does not need to worry that this weight issue of sword, Infinite Growth Stone this material, should have in Refining Workplace, if builds the forming after this Star Jade Solid Iron, only needed to make the sword hilt that Infinite Growth Stone, the master naturally can handle skillfully the sword this......” ,”阿福淡淡的回应了一声,随即对罗征说道:“主人也无需担心这把剑的重量问题,增长无量石这种材料,在炼器坊中应该还有,若是将这星璇精铁打造成形后,只需要将那增长无量石制成剑柄,主人自然能够将这把剑运用自如了……” Luo Zheng nod slightly. 罗征微微的点点头。 Only from material, this sword perhaps already unable to destroy...... 单从材料上来看,这把剑恐怕已无法破坏…… However concrete might, but must look at Lian Shenzi...... 不过具体的威力,还要看炼神子…… Hehe, hehe......” “嘿嘿,嘿嘿……” Lian Shenzi has been wild with joy at this moment, he grasps this smith's tongs, is very adept manipulates this Sword Embryo! 炼神子此刻已经欣喜若狂了,他手持这卡钳,便是十分娴熟的摆弄这剑胚 Clang! 哐! When manipulated emerging, even throws toward the above gently, simultaneously loosened smith's tongs. 摆弄的兴起之际,甚至朝着上方轻轻一抛,同时松开了卡钳 „......” This has a scare Mu Mingxue! “啊……”这一幕将慕茗雪吓了一跳! Although this Sword Embryo only then four cuns (2.5 cm), but contains the weights of more than ten million mountains, if pounds anyone, perhaps was pounded the meat sauce instantaneously! This fellow...... 剑胚虽然只有四寸长,可是却蕴藏着上千万座大山的重量,倘若砸到谁,恐怕瞬间就被砸成肉酱了!这家伙…… The Lian Shenzi technique is actually very adept, is waiting that Sword Embryo that has tens of millions mountain weights from the sky tumbled, when has not fallen to the ground, he using smith's tongs another this Sword Embryo steady grips! His Lian Shenzi immersion way of refining, is calculates by for hundred million years, how to possibly let slip? 炼神子的手法却是十分娴熟,等着那一把拥有数千万座大山重量的剑胚在空中翻滚了一圈,还未落地之际,他才利用卡钳又一把将这剑胚稳稳的夹住!他炼神子沉浸炼器之道,乃是以亿年来计算,怎么可能会失手? However waits for Lian Shenzi to post in the chamber this Sword Embryo, asked: Had this pliers, I no doubt can refining item, but how this does Star Jade Solid Iron process?” 不过等炼神子将这剑胚置入炉膛之中,又问道:“有了这把钳子,我固然是能够炼器了,但这星璇精铁如何加工?” The common hammer, is unable to temper...... 一般的锤子,根本无法锤炼…… But Lian Shenzi also knows, since this Sword Embryo places here, in this Refining Workplace has the suitable tool inevitably. 炼神子也知道,既然这剑胚放在这里,这炼器坊中必然有适合的工具。 Comes with me.” A'fu smiles lightly, then brings Luo Zheng directly, Lian Shenzi and the others, enters in this Refining Workplace storehouse. “跟我来吧。”阿福淡淡一笑,便是直接带着罗征,炼神子等人,进入这炼器坊的库房之中。 In this storehouse besides all kinds of tools, innumerable rare rare material neat placing in the same place, is ordinary just like a treasure mountain, Lian Shenzi is also dazzled in this storehouse, immediately is dances with joy...... 在这库房中除了各式各样的工具之外,还有数不清的稀有罕见材料整齐的摆放在一起,宛若一座宝山一般,炼神子在这库房之中也是看花了眼,当即便是手舞足蹈起来…… This Refining Workplace regarding Lian Shenzi, is the best home to return, can enter here, regarding Luo Zheng, regarding Lian Shenzi is a lucky matter. 炼器坊对于炼神子来说,原本就是最好的归宿,能够进入这里,对于罗征来说,对于炼神子来说都是一件幸运的事情。 However Lian Shenzi grasps this Refining Workplace, in addition needs some time, forges that the Sword Embryo time, in addition without standing in line program, but, since he enters this Refining Workplace, then has not trod one step. 不过炼神子掌握这炼器坊,尚且需要一段时间,锻造那把剑胚的时间,尚且没有排上日程,但自他进入这炼器坊后,便未曾踏出过一步 As for Luo Zheng, then drilled into Library Pavilion again. 至于罗征,则再度钻入了藏书阁中。 The Yin-Yang two gasification bodies of Second Apprentice Brother, were cut after by oneself kills, once approached itself to recommend three martial learn/study. 二师兄的阴阳二气化身,被自己斩杀之后,曾向自己推荐了三本武学。 Respectively is «Myriad Laws Opposition Book», «Thunder Tribulation Killing» as well as «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke». 分别是《万法敌书》,《雷劫杀》以及《八曲飞烟》。 In Library Pavilion various martial skill, the quantity innumerable...... Second Apprentice Brother recommended these three martial skill very prudently, Luo Zheng will pay attention actually, whether cultivation, naturally must look at whether this martial skill could suit itself together. 藏书阁中各种武技,数量数不胜数……二师兄十分慎重的推荐了这三种武技,罗征倒是会留心一番,是否修炼,自然要看这一道武技能否适合自己了。 Beside Immortal Mansion, Realm Lord defends outside in any case. 反正仙府之外,还有界主守在外面。 After these Heavenly Venerable leave, in several large clans dispatched Realm Lord expert respectively, follower Immortal Mansion. 那些天尊离开之后,几个大族中分别派遣了界主强者,一路跟随者仙府 Naturally, these Realm Lord are maintaining the suitable distance, after all this death battle is unable to get rid of Heavenly Venerable, if several Realm Lord were involved, does not have the good end as before. 当然,这些界主还是保持着相当的距离,毕竟这绝命乱斗天尊都无法摆脱,若是数位界主被卷入其中,依旧没有好下场。 Now, Luo Zheng also rolls up Anxin / at ease cultivation in Immortal Mansion...... 如此之下,罗征也只是蜷缩在仙府之中安心修炼…… A month...... 一个月…… Two months...... 两个月…… Three months...... 三个月…… Immortal Mansion flutters in the limitless deep space as before...... 仙府依旧在无边无际的深空之中飘荡…… In the entire world is also peaceful. 寰宇之中也安静下来。 These days, many Heavenly Venerable cannot ambush. 这段时间,诸多天尊都潜伏不出。 They no doubt cannot obtain that together Crown of Destiny in Luo Zheng hand, but falls from the sky now four Heavenly Venerable, then four brand-new Crown of Destiny can again the present world. 他们固然没能得到罗征手中的那一道天命之冠,但现在陨落了四位天尊,那么四道崭新的天命之冠会再度现世。 Obtains together Crown of Destiny, was equal to that in the clan are many Heavenly Venerable, many races in entire world are preparing to compete for this Crown of Destiny...... 获得一道天命之冠,等于族中多出一位天尊,寰宇之中的诸多种族都在筹划争夺这天命之冠…… The sixth month later! 第六个月后! Heavenly Way vibrates...... 天道震动…… The first Crown of Destiny present world. 第一道天命之冠现世。 The seventh month, Heavenly Way vibrates again...... 第七个月,天道再次震动…… The second Crown of Destiny present world. 第二道天命之冠现世。 The eighth month, the ninth month, remaining two Crown of Destiny also in abundance present worlds. 第八个月,第九个月,剩下的两道天命之冠也纷纷现世。 Regarding these four Crown of Destiny, Monster Night Race, demon race, human race, many influences show the skills, conducted the intense contentions. 围绕着这四道天命之冠,妖夜族,魔族,人族,诸多势力都施展出浑身解数,进行了一场又一场激烈的角逐。 Competes for Crown of Destiny this grade of important matter, the participant can only be Heavenly Venerable and Realm Lord, under martial artist the influence on Realm Lord, is it can be said that minimal. 争夺天命之冠这等大事,参与者只能是天尊界主,对于界主之下的武者的影响,可以说是微乎其微。 Competitions of however first even/including four Crown of Destiny, although among many Heavenly Venerable hits take action greatly, but has not actually fallen from the sky Heavenly Venerable, even Realm Lord also fell from the sky six that's all! 不过一连四道天命之冠的争夺,尽管诸多天尊之间大打出手,但却没有陨落一位天尊,甚至连界主也只是陨落了六位而已 arrived Realm Lord this realm, controlled the method of Space Teleportation, wish makes the opposite party fall from the sky is actually a very difficult matter. 到了界主这个境界,掌控了空间挪移之法,想要让对方陨落其实是一件很困难的事情。 From this can also see death battle the abnormal place, appears merely one time, made four Heavenly Venerable fall from the sky...... 由此也可以看出“绝命乱斗”的变态之处,仅仅只是出现一次,就让四位天尊陨落了…… Four Crown of Destiny, headed by Heavenly Venerate Primeval Sin All Gods Thoughtless at one fell swoop arrived two! 四道天命之冠,以原罪天尊为首的“诸神无念”一举得到了两道! Another two, seize by Monster Night Race and demon race! 另外两道,则被妖夜族魔族所夺! However in previous four Heavenly Venerable, Breaking Shadow Heavenly Venerable belonged to Monster Night Race, this Yao recaptures together Crown of Destiny , can only be the fill previously the loss of Monster Night Race. 不过此前的四位天尊之中,碎影天尊原本就属于妖夜族,这一次夺回一道天命之冠,也只能算是填补此前妖夜族的损失。 As for demon race similarly is also so. 至于魔族同样也是如此。 But All Gods Thoughtless has not had Heavenly Venerable to fall from the sky in the previous time, this time obtained two Crown of Destiny, to All Gods Thoughtless is a big enhancement! 但“诸神无念”在上一次并未有天尊陨落,这次又获得了两道天命之冠,对“诸神无念”乃是一次大大的增强! All Gods Thoughtless is in the human race three big influences biggest one, is controlling four thousand Great Realm, but Heavenly Venerate Primeval Sin is also in the entire world only several Higher Position Heavenly Venerable, in the destiny contains extremely powerful karmic law, this All Gods Thoughtless seals two Heavenly Venerable, caused other races, includes Human Path Alliance and Myriad Buddha Sanctuary worried...... 原本诸神无念就是人族三大势力中最大的一个,足足掌控着四千大界,而原罪天尊也是寰宇中仅有的几位上位天尊,天命之中蕴藏着极为强大的因果律,这一次诸神无念又加封两位天尊,也引起了其他种族,其中也包括“人道联盟”和“万佛圣域”的担忧…… The situation, Luo Zheng does not know the circumstances of the matter, these days he is unable to leave, closes up cultivation simply. 外界的局势,罗征并不知情,这段时间他无法离开,干脆闭关修炼 The time flies...... 时间飞逝…… A year...... 一年…… Two years...... 两年…… Three years...... 三年…… Four years...... 四年…… In an instant, five years passed by. 转眼之间,五年过去了。 Regarding most martial artist, five years are in a flash within. 对于大多数武者来说,五年时间不过是弹指一挥间。 Like Mu Mingxue life, cannot become by far young, but regarding Luo Zheng, five years is equivalent to his life six points suddenly! 就像慕茗雪本身的寿元,也远远不能成为“年轻”了,但对于罗征来说,五年时间相当于他人生的六分之一时间! During these five years, Luo Zheng experienced three Great Heavenly Tribulation, own cultivation base also successfully steps into Divine Sea Realm middle stage. 在这五年之中,罗征经历了三次大天劫,自身的修为也成功踏入神海境中期 But that world tree seed, now already in sea of primordial chaos of Luo Zheng within the body, gradually growth forming, but also the sea of primordial chaos surface, emitted a section of tree trunk...... 而那一颗世界树种,如今已经在罗征体内的混沌之海中,渐渐地生长成形,还混沌之海的表面,冒出了一截树干…… Five years later some day, Heavenly Way vibrates again. 就在五年后的某一天,天道再次震动。 This time is not Crown of Destiny reveals itself, in Heavenly Way the carrying/sustaining 128 destiny in its, will not all be producing new Crown of Destiny. 这一次并不是天命之冠出世,天道之中承载着一百二十八道天命皆在其位,不会产生新的天命之冠 But this Heavenly Way vibrates, the entire entire world, hundred thousand Great Realm, all living being pay attention. 但此次天道震动,整个寰宇,十万大界,所有生灵都十分关注。 Because Dream Battlefield must open finally...... 因为梦幻战场终于要开启了……
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