AT :: Volume #12

#1180: Star Jade Solid Iron

This Sword Embryo is forges the formation together Star Jade Solid Iron, when the Lian Shenzi vision falls on above, as if by this Star Jade Solid Iron sticking to general, is unable to move out of the way again slightly. 这一道剑胚乃是一块锻造成型的星璇精铁,当炼神子的目光落在上面,就仿佛被这星璇精铁给粘住一般,再也无法挪开丝毫。 Sword Embryo is the thick embryo, during the endless years, absorbed the flame in chamber, is in itself also sending out seven color rays! 剑胚属于粗胚,在无尽的岁月之中,吸收了炉膛中的火焰,本身也散发着七彩光芒! refining item process together is very complex. 炼器一道的过程十分复杂。 The working procedure that forging of sword subdivides are also quite many, moreover rank of refining item thing is higher, the process of refinement is also more troublesome! 一把剑的锻造细分起来的工序也相当多,而且所炼器物的品阶越高,炼制的过程也就越麻烦! But the most important process, smelts! 而其中最重要的一道工序,就是熔炼! Has the unthinkable material in this world, for example this Star Jade Solid Iron, is then from named dark star stars, this type of dark star is very small, itself will not shine, even seeks for the dark star is very difficult. 在这世界上存在许多匪夷所思的材料,例如这“星璇精铁”,便是取自于一种叫做“暗星”的星辰,这种暗星的个头很小,本身并不会发光,甚至连寻找暗星都十分困难。 But above material from this dark star, actually heavy extraordinary. 可是自这一颗暗星之上的物质,却重的出奇。 Often material of fingertip size, its weight endures to compare the weight of hundred thousand place mountain range! 往往指尖大小的一块物质,其重量就堪比十万座山脉的重量! So grim material, is almost indestructible exists...... 如此凝重的一块物质,几乎是坚不可摧的存在…… If obtains Star Jade Solid Iron together, then even preserves is very difficult, after all was too heavy...... 若是得到一块星璇精铁,便是连保存都十分困难,毕竟太重了…… Once had peerless expert from that bare dark star above, has taken down together Star Jade Solid Iron, but has not actually preserved the Star Jade Solid Iron means that this Star Jade Solid Iron dropped on the ground, was the direct penetration ground, formed an eyelet on the ground, but the depth of this eyelet actually did not know the how much! 曾经有绝世强者自那光秃秃的暗星之上,取下过一块星璇精铁,但却没有储藏星璇精铁的办法,这一块星璇精铁跌落在地上,便是直接穿透地面,在地上形成一个小孔,而这小孔的深度却不知几何! How to preserve Star Jade Solid Iron indeed is being greatly troublesome, some people once tried to post in Sumeru Space this Star Jade Solid Iron, but the terrifying weight makes Sumeru Space collapse instantaneously. 如何储藏着星璇精铁的确是一个大麻烦,有人曾试图将这星璇精铁置入须弥空间之中,但恐怖的重量瞬间就让须弥空间崩溃。 However the means are the person want to come out, martial artist is situated in always difficult problems that world overcomes! 不过办法是人想出来的,武者立于世间克服的总是一个又一个的难题! Some people on use one intensity slightly weak material, made a bracket, Star Jade Solid Iron then put in the peak of this bracket, then under of this bracket built a great shape chassis with three hundred thousand root logs, above this rectangular chassis congealed 8 million divine mark...... 有人就利用一种强度稍弱的材料,制造了一道托架,星璇精铁便置于这托架的顶端,然后这托架的下方则用三十万根巨木打造出一个巨形底盘,这矩形底盘之上凝结了八百万道神纹…… That Star Jade Solid Iron weight was supported by the bracket together, but this bracket transmits above the weight this giant chassis, then simultaneously activates 8 million divine mark, these divine mark are used to reduce from the above pressure! 那一块星璇精铁的重量被托架托住,而这托架则将重量传递到这巨大的底盘之上,然后同时激活八百万道神纹,这些神纹都是用于减轻来自于上部的压力! Even so, when that together Star Jade Solid Iron just just now above bracket, because the entire chassis eats heavily, toward underground got sucked into the number hundred zhang (333 m), forms an endocrater! 即便是如此,当那一块星璇精铁刚刚方才托架之上的时候,整个底盘还是因为吃重,往地下深陷了数百丈,形成一个巨坑! Until activates 8 million divine mark completely, after forming the strength of powerful breaking surface, the ground stopped the lower limit, the side supports this Star Jade Solid Iron...... 直到将八百万道神纹全部激活,形成强大的上浮之力后,地面才停止了下限,方将这一块星璇精铁托住…… However 8 million divine mark, are consuming True Essence Jade every time, retains this Star Jade Solid Iron in Great Realm, each sunlight True Essence Jade must consume ten thousand, one year gets down is also huge expenses! 但是八百万道神纹,每时每刻都在消耗着真元玉,将这一块星璇精铁保留在大界之中,每一日光真元玉就要消耗万枚,一年下来也是一笔巨大的开销! Present Star Jade Solid Iron, actually lies down on this in this refining furnance center at will...... 眼前的这一枚星璇精铁,却就这样随意躺在这炼器炉中央…… In which weight, exerts inevitably on this refining furnance, but this refining furnance weight exerts in this Refining Workplace ground, this should undertake what kind of weight! 其中的重量,必然施加在这炼器炉上,而这炼器炉的重量则施加在这炼器坊的地面上,这该承担着何等重量! Lian Shenzi walked several around this refining furnance, said this Star Jade Solid Iron origin! 炼神子绕着这炼器炉走了几圈,却是将这星璇精铁的来历说了一遍! Then was Luo Zheng, Mu Mingxue was also startled including Xun, only then the A'fu complexion was indifferent, this matter, A'fu saw many, could not be regarded extraordinarily. 便是罗征,慕茗雪包括也吃惊了,只有阿福的脸色淡然,这种事情,阿福见得太多了,也算不得多出奇。 However Luo Zheng after all is the present Immortal Mansion master, he is not naturally good so to speak. 不过罗征毕竟是现在仙府的主人,他自然不好这般说话。 No wonder......” in the Luo Zheng heart is also suddenly. “难怪……”罗征心中也是恍然。 This Star Jade Solid Iron places here, is similar to one thing to be often ordinary, this explained that the entire Immortal Mansion structure is also as firm as the Luo Zheng not unimaginable degree, no wonder one crowd of Heavenly Venerable shelled for quite a while outside, big Immortal Mansion is actually entirely still! 星璇精铁放在这里,就如同一件常物一般,这说明整个仙府的结构也是坚固到罗征无法想象的程度,难怪一群天尊在外面轰击了半天,偌大的一座仙府却是纹丝不动! After Lian Shenzi said that on the face is actually the expression that reveals to look distressed, I thought that this Sword Embryo places here also to be innumerable the year, this thing weight, is not so able to process by my ability, let alone forged, I am unable to move slightly......” 炼神子说完之后,脸上却是流露出愁眉苦脸的表情,“我看这一把剑胚放在这里也无数年,这东西如此重量,以我的能力根本无法加工,别说锻造了,我根本无法挪动丝毫……” Is only scrap Star Jade Solid Iron, that weight the terrifying to not the unimaginable degree, this Sword Embryo is four feet, so the weight...... unlikely side Great Realm is burdensome at present! 仅仅只是一小块星璇精铁,那重量就已经恐怖到无法想象的程度了,眼下这一把剑胚长达四尺,如此重量……恐怕一方大界都难以承担! Hears the Lian Shenzi words deeply, Luo Zheng is also so, simultaneously said with a smile slightly: Even can process, perhaps I am unable to hold up this sword......” 听到炼神子的话,罗征也深以为然,同时微微笑道:“就算是能加工,我恐怕也无法举起这把剑……” A'fu hears two people words, is straight from moves toward a Refining Workplace corner/horn, took out pale azure smith's tongs. 阿福听到两人的话,便是径自走向炼器坊的一角,从中取出了一把淡青色卡钳 This is very common smith's tongs, since appears in Refining Workplace, is not doomed ordinary...... 这是一把十分常见的卡钳,不过既然出现在炼器坊中,注定不普通…… In the flaming flame like this chamber, smith's tongs that the common metal builds touches it slightly, perhaps direct, but A'fu posts in this pale azure smith's tongs the chamber, with smith's tongs firmly grips this Sword Embryo, shows a faint smile, you can try.” 像这炉膛中的熊熊火焰,寻常金属打造的卡钳稍微触之,恐怕就直接化掉了,但是阿福将这淡青色卡钳置入炉膛之中,用卡钳牢牢的夹住这剑胚,微微一笑,“你们可以来试试。” Lian Shenzi sees that then stretches out the sharp claw, he for the set of body that oneself build, exists for refining item, these claw happen to can hold smith's tongs end, immediately Lian Shenzi then wants to make an effort to lift with this smith's tongs...... 炼神子见状,便是伸出自己尖利的爪子,他为自己打造的这一套身体,就是为了炼器而存在的,这几道爪子正好能将卡钳的尾端抓住,随即炼神子便想要用这卡钳用力抬起…… The result is obvious, this Sword Embryo is entirely still radically! 结果显而易见,这剑胚根本就纹丝不动! It as if looks like embed on this refining furnance general, is unable to move, even if a hair distance! 它仿佛就像是镶嵌在这炼器炉上一般,无法挪动哪怕是一根头发丝的距离! embed, naturally is the false appearance, can only say that this Sword Embryo was really heavy, heavy situation that is unable to weigh...... 镶嵌,自然是假象,只能说这一块剑胚实在是太重了,重的了无法衡量的地步…… If must calculate the weight probably, according to Lian Shenzi said, Star Jade Solid Iron of fingertip size, has the weight of hundred thousand mountain, then this Sword Embryo fears at present has surely, is as for the weights of tens of millions mountains! 如果非要大概推算一下重量,按照炼神子所说,指尖大小的一块星璇精铁,就拥有十万座大山的重量,那么眼前这剑胚怕是拥有千万,乃至于数千万座大山的重量! If who can take this Sword Embryo, feared that has to hold up a side Great Thousand World strength! 倘若谁能够将这剑胚拿起来,怕是拥有举起一方“大千世界”的力气! Lian Shenzi removed both hands, made way in one side. 炼神子撤开了双手,让开在了一边。 Luo Zheng received this smith's tongs from the Lian Shenzi hand immediately, looks at this four-foot Sword Embryo, Luo Zheng is also clamping that smith's tongs above this Sword Embryo, immediately his vision concentrates slightly, within the body all dragon scales totals activate, emerges toward his both arms in! 罗征随即从炼神子手中接过这一把卡钳,望着这一把长达四尺的剑胚,罗征也将那卡钳夹在这剑胚之上,随即他的目光微微一凝,体内所有的龙鳞全数激活,朝着他的双臂之中涌现而来! In this moment, Luo Zheng erupts all strengths, the muscle gasification of whole body seems to be ordinary, inflates, the skeleton also transmits the slight sound faintly...... 在这一刻,罗征将自身所有的力量都爆发,浑身的肌肉仿佛充气一般,膨胀起来,骨骼也隐隐传来轻微的声响…… Without moving,” Mu Mingxue of not far away, is fixing the eyes on this Sword Embryo, shaking the head of gently, the Luo Zheng's strength is big, impossible side Great Thousand World lifting, how can he move this Sword Embryo? “还是没动,”不远处的慕茗雪,紧盯着这剑胚,轻轻的摇了摇头,罗征的力量再大,也不可能将一方大千世界给举起来,他又如何能挪动这把剑胚 Finally Luo Zheng also can only loosen the hand, on the face reveals the helpless smile, gave back to A'fu this smith's tongs. 最终罗征也只能松开手,脸上流露出无奈的笑容,将这卡钳还给了阿福 A'fu turns over to the home position the smith's tongs thing, but returns to refining furnance again time, in the hand were many another smith's tongs...... 阿福卡钳物归原位,但再回到炼器炉这边的时候,手中却多了另外一把卡钳…… That is all over the body pitch-black smith's tongs, as if also has traces in the smith's tongs surface. 那是一把通体乌黑的卡钳,在卡钳的表面似乎还有一道道纹路。 This is smith's tongs, builds with the wood/blockhead?” On the Luo Zheng face reveals the curious color. “这卡钳,乃是用木头打造?”罗征脸上流露出好奇之色。 Is known by everybody numerously, the hot wood repels one another, even smith's tongs of metal forging, will perhaps melt in these seven color flame instantaneously, this with smith's tongs that the wood/blockhead builds, to have on the fever instantaneously? 众多周知,火木相克,即便是金属锻造的卡钳,在这七彩火焰之中恐怕都会瞬间融化,这用木头打造的一把卡钳,岂不是瞬间就烧没了? Master, you can first try,” A'fu said with a smile. “主人,你可以先试试,”阿福笑道。 Luo Zheng nods, puts out a hand to receive smith's tongs this, the complexion impressively changes, „? This smith's tongs...... not slightly weight!” 罗征点点头,伸手将这把卡钳接过来,脸色赫然就是一变,“咦?这卡钳……没有丝毫重量!” This world all things have the weight...... 这世间万事万物都有重量…… Even the air, still has the weight, cloud that on that day fluttered spatially, if congeals in together, will turn into the water, but the weight of water is also equal to the cloud the weight, paper, insignificant thing, although is very light, but also has certain weight as before! 即便是空气,同样也存在着重量,那天空飘荡的云彩,若是凝结在一起,会化成水,而水的重量也等于云彩的重量,纸张,鸿毛,虽然都很轻,但依旧也存在一定的重量! But the smith's tongs in Luo Zheng hand, on light was somewhat excessive, Luo Zheng grasps in any case in the hand, is not light feeling, but is he cannot detect this smith's tongs weight. 罗征手中的这卡钳,就轻的有些过分了,反正罗征抓在手中,不是“轻飘飘”的感觉,而是他根本就察觉不到这卡钳的重量。 A'fu continues to say with a smile: Master, can try smith's tongs with this!” 阿福继续笑道:“主人,可以用这把卡钳一试!” Luo Zheng looks at this smith's tongs, in the heart is also extremely curious, but A'fu such being the case said that after he also sized up several, puts in this smith's tongs the chamber, gripped that together Sword Embryo again! 罗征看着这把卡钳,心中也是万分好奇,但阿福既然如此说了,他也只是打量了几眼后,就将这卡钳伸进炉膛之中,再度夹住了那一道剑胚 When smith's tongs just gripped Sword Embryo, an unusual feeling then transmits in Luo Zheng's both hands...... 卡钳刚刚夹住剑胚之际,一种奇特的感觉便传递在罗征的双手…… As if in this flash, Sword Embryo also lost the weight similarly! Under he controls smith's tongs to lift gently, this Sword Embryo is light , if no thing was lifted by Luo Zheng, simultaneously drawing from chamber! 似乎在这一瞬间,剑胚本身同样也失去了重量!他操控着卡钳轻轻一抬之下,这剑胚轻若无物的被罗征举了起来,同时将之从炉膛之中拉了出来! Above Sword Embryo, but also is glittering seven color flames, this Sword Embryo is only a thick embryo, the surface is bumpy, undistinguished appearance, no matter what who will not suspect, after this processes the sword, certainly will become peerless divine weapon! 剑胚之上,还闪烁着七彩火光,这剑胚只是一把粗胚,表面坑坑洼洼,其貌不扬,但任谁不会怀疑,当这把剑加工之后,一定会成为一把绝世神兵 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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