AT :: Volume #12

#1179: Refining Workplace

Luo Zheng on True Extinction Road fast is dashing about wildly. 罗征真绝路上飞快的狂奔着。 This True Extinction Road the test of third latter half, was changed by Xian An secretly, Xian An oneself am the only test. 真绝路的第三段的后半段的考验,是被咸安偷偷更改了,咸安本人就是唯一的考验。 Now after Luo Zheng he is defeated, these Yin-Yang two air/Qi also no longer condense, did not have any resistance, remaining distance Luo Zheng naturally pass through with ease! 现在罗征将他打败后,那些阴阳二气也不再凝聚,也就没有了任何阻力,剩下的路程罗征自然是轻松穿越而过! Soon, Mu Mingxue, Lian Shenzi and the others the body advantages of terrain appeared nearby Luo Zheng's. 不久之后,慕茗雪炼神子等人的身形便是出现在了罗征的跟前。 Through True Extinction Road, under that boundless bad fog dissipation, in the sky a white light glitters, then arrives slowly, that is together the Immortal Mansion token...... 通过真绝路,那茫茫大雾消散之下,天空之中一点白光闪烁,便是缓缓降临下来,那正是一道仙府令牌…… Luo Zheng and the others vision centralized above that token, the vision is indifferent. 罗征等人的目光都集中在那令牌之上,目光淡然。 But Lian Shenzi screamed, token! This turns on the Refining Workplace token!” 炼神子则尖叫起来,“令牌!这就是打开炼器坊的令牌么!” This wanderer True Extinction Road, most cared result perhaps was Lian Shenzi is not...... 这次闯荡真绝路,最关心结果的恐怕就是炼神子莫属了…… A'fu said lightly: Besides Qian and Kun Tokens, other six made to have the possibility, Li character solves weapon, wanted to open Refining Workplace, what need was the Li character command, only had 1/6 possibilities.” 阿福淡淡的说道:“除了乾坤二令之外,其他六令皆有可能,离字兵刃,想要打开炼器坊,需要的是离字令,也只有六分之一的可能性。” 1/6!” Lian Shenzi screamed, this probability was not too big nor too small, immediately made him excited, the head that metal built is then rocking unceasingly. “六分之一!”炼神子尖叫道,这个概率不大不小,顿时让他激动起来,那金属打造的脑袋便是不断晃动着。 The Luo Zheng's corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly, to Luo Zheng, so long as the token does not repeat yes...... 罗征的嘴角微微一翘,对罗征来说,只要令牌不重复都是可以的…… With token lowering slowly, Luo Zheng put out a hand then grasping in the palm, turned over this token. 随着令牌缓缓的降下,罗征伸手便将之抓在了手心,将这枚令牌翻转过来。 Is anything, is what token!” Lian Shenzi is brandishing that pair of sharp claw, the appearance of dancing with joy, looks especially excited. “是什么,是什么令牌!”炼神子挥舞着那一对尖利的爪子,手舞足蹈的样子,看上去格外激动。 Luo Zheng hand gently, be with smile on the face aimed at Lian Shenzi the token, that token directly impressively seal cutting big 'fire' character. 罗征将手轻轻一番,面带微笑的将令牌对准了炼神子,那令牌的正面赫然篆刻着一个大大的“离”字 Hahaha......” Lian Shenzi laughs wildly suddenly, „is really the Li character command! My Lian Shenzi destiny is irresistible, how this heaven possibly does not chase my intention......” 哈哈哈哈……”炼神子忽然狂笑起来,“果然是离字令!我炼神子的气运势不可挡,这老天又怎么可能不逐我心意……” Mu Mingxue, Xun even includes A'fu unable to bear to Lian Shenzi flips the supercilious look...... 慕茗雪,甚至包括阿福都忍不住对炼神子翻了翻白眼…… This Immortal Mansion exceeded existence of Heavenly Way, dominates the thing above heaven, does not have the connection with the Lian Shenzi destiny! 仙府原本就是超越天道的存在,凌驾在老天之上的东西,和炼神子的气运毫无瓜葛! Even if must say the destiny, this is still the Luo Zheng's destiny. 就算要说气运,这也是罗征的气运。 After attaining this Li character made, the people are in the step returned Immortal Mansion institutes, in the path vanguard following pavilion, in the token with Luo Zheng activation hand, this Refining Workplace front door was then opened. 拿到这离字令后,众人便是移步回到了仙府的正院之中,顺着凉亭之中的道路前行,随着罗征激活手中的令牌,这炼器坊的大门便被打开了。 Luo Zheng takes the lead to stride to enter, but Lian Shenzi is unbearably anxious following behind Luo Zheng...... 罗征率先跨步进入其中,而炼神子则是急不可耐的跟在罗征后面…… After entering Refining Workplace, the Luo Zheng's vision surrounded, on the face also revealed the astonished color. 进入炼器坊后,罗征的目光环绕了一圈,脸上也流露出惊异之色。 This Refining Workplace surroundings, all kinds of materials place, packs, piles, numerous all sorts, to mention just a few. 炼器坊的周围,各种各样的材料摆放其中,一叠叠,一堆堆,林林种种,不一而足。 This material......” Luo Zheng sees not far away to pile up some lumbers, these lumbers were truncated make log stack after one inch here, what is unusual is the annual ring above log, seems like strange ghost heads. “这材料……”罗征看到不远处堆放着一些木材,这些木材被削制成一寸后的木块堆积在这里,奇特的是木块之上的年轮,看上去就像是一个个怪异的鬼首。 Luo Zheng is not skilled in refining item together, although he feels a special power and influence from this lumber, but he absolutely does not have a concept to this thing. 罗征并不精通炼器一道,虽然他从这木材之中感受到一种特别的威势,但他对这东西完全没有一个概念。 Not is only he, Mu Mingxue is not also clear, although Xun experience compared with Luo Zheng and Mu Mingxue on high many, but she does not know that this is anything...... 不仅仅是他,慕茗雪同样也不清楚,的见识虽然远比罗征慕茗雪高上不少,不过她也不知道这是什么…… He is wants to grasp one conveniently, never expected that he has not put out a hand, hears the Lian Shenzi sharp cry. 他便是想要随手抓起一枚,没想到他没有伸手,就传来炼神子尖锐的叫声。 Stop!” “住手!” Dang, dang......” “咣当,咣当……” After Lian Shenzi screamed, then rapid pushing to Luo Zheng side, later stretched out the claw, saying that the sound shivered: This is, this is...... Primordial Death Spirit Wood!” 炼神子尖叫之后,便是迅速的挤到罗征身边,随后才伸出爪子,声音颤抖的说道:“这是,这是……混元死灵木!” If the time goes back some time, Lian Shenzi cannot call the name of this wood/blockhead decisively...... 倘若时间回去一段时间,炼神子也断然叫不出这木头的名字…… These days, he then crams ferociously the refining item ancient book in Library Pavilion, then has the record about Primordial Death Spirit Wood! 这段时间,他便是恶补藏书阁中的炼器典籍,其中便有关于混元死灵木的记载! What Primordial Death Spirit Wood?” Luo Zheng asked. “什么混元死灵木?”罗征问道。 Lian Shenzi continues to say with the sound that shivers: „, This trees do not have the bark, does not have the leaf! Bare tree trunk!” 炼神子用那颤抖的声音继续说道:“,这树木没有树皮,也没有树叶!只有光秃秃的树干!” Without bark, without leaf, how growth Oh......” Mu Mingxue strange asking. “没有树皮,没有树叶,怎么生长……”慕茗雪奇怪的问道。 Hahaha...... I understood that from Library Pavilion this Primordial Death Spirit Wood, this radically is the thing of legend, has not thought that really exists!” Lian Shenzi exciting saying: This Primordial Death Spirit Wood grows, what dependence is buries the this humble one side the innumerable dead spirits! Although it does not have the leaf bark, but there is roots, can absorb the nutrient in corpse, the speed that this Primordial Death Spirit Wood grows is quite slow, perhaps like these Primordial Death Spirit Wood, from the seedling period, takes at least 300 million years at present! Moreover needs to absorb several trillions dead spirits to be able to make it survive, Oh...... really has this trees to exist!” 哈哈哈……我从藏书阁中了解到这混元死灵木,这根本就是传说之物,没想到真的存在!”炼神子兴奋的说道:“这混元死灵木生长,依靠的是埋葬在下方的无数亡灵!它虽然没有树叶树皮,但是有根茎,可以吸收尸身中的养分,这混元死灵木生长的速度极为缓慢,像眼前这些混元死灵木,从幼苗期算起,恐怕需要至少三亿年的时间!而且需要吸收数兆的亡灵才能让它存活,天哪……真的有这种树木存在!” The difficulty that this Primordial Death Spirit Wood cultivates is above the imagination...... 混元死灵木培育起来的难度超乎想象…… This plant is not only the slow-growing issue, it is actually very frail trees, can only depend upon to take the dead spirit to live, this must continuous corpse burying under tree! 这种植物不仅仅是生长缓慢的问题,它其实是一种非常脆弱的树木,只能依靠吸食亡灵为生,这样就必须源源不断的将尸体埋葬在树下! If several hundred years, in addition fortunately, some big races, great holy land can also in corpse burying of martial artist the clan under Primordial Death Spirit Wood, become its food. 若是数百年尚且还好,一些大种族,大圣地也能将族中武者尸身埋葬在混元死灵木下方,成为它的食粮。 However at present this Primordial Death Spirit Wood takes for several hundreds of millions years to train...... 但是眼前这混元死灵木可是需要数亿年来培养…… What concept are several hundreds of millions years? 数亿年是什么概念? Heavenly Venerable life also mediocre...... 天尊的寿元也不过如此…… Moreover these hundreds of millions years, cannot have any accident, so long as the accident, this Primordial Death Spirit Wood will a little wither, death. 而且这几亿年时间里,都不能有任何闪失,只要有一点闪失,这混元死灵木就会枯萎,死亡。 Cultivates the Primordial Death Spirit Wood difficulty to be inferred. 培育混元死灵木的难度可见一斑。 A while ago Lian Shenzi discovered in the refining item ancient book the record of Primordial Death Spirit Wood, in the heart also somewhat thought otherwise, this world was impossible to have this type of thing, even Heavenly Venerable was impossible to train, because hundreds of millions years of midway had the mistake slightly is to rejoice without reason! 前段时间炼神子炼器典籍之中发现了混元死灵木的记载,心中还有些不以为然,这世间根本就不可能存在这种东西,就算是天尊也不可能培养出来,因为几亿年时间中途稍有差池就是空欢喜一场! But now, this pile of Primordial Death Spirit Wood appeared in front of Lian Shenzi like this, when the excitement, Lian Shenzi cannot believe own eye simply! 但现在,这一堆混元死灵木就这样出现在了炼神子面前,在激动之余,炼神子简直都不敢相信自己的眼睛! Sees Luo Zheng and the others the aloof expression, Lian Shenzi unbearably anxious said the Primordial Death Spirit Wood origin...... 看到罗征等人无动于衷的表情,炼神子急不可耐的将混元死灵木的来历说了一遍…… However is this useful?” After Luo Zheng hear, curious is looking at this wood/blockhead, this Primordial Death Spirit Wood indeed has the thing of background greatly, several hundreds of millions years of careful protecting, this type of thing is impossible to appear in the entire world. “然而这有什么用呢?”罗征听完之后,好奇的望着这块木头,这混元死灵木的确是大有来头之物,数亿年时间的精心呵护,这种东西根本就不可能出现在寰宇之中。 Lian Shenzi smiles, happily saying that this Primordial Death Spirit Wood can burn the most perfect flame! Primordial True Fire! This is one of the most perfect flame!” 炼神子嘿嘿一笑,得意地说道,“这混元死灵木能够烧出最完美的火焰!混元真火!这可是最完美的火焰之一!” Most perfect flame?” The Luo Zheng's vision flashes slightly. “最完美的火焰?”罗征的目光微微一闪。 Now is Lian Shenzi shows off, regarding refining item various materials, various types experiences him to present other person of many many on the ratio, let alone he broadens the outlook in Library Pavilion, after absorbing so many refining item ancient books, can say that the Lian Shenzi experience was expanded ten times to continue! 现在就是炼神子卖弄的时候了,对于炼器的各种材料,各种见识他原本就比在场其他人多的多,何况他在藏书阁中大开眼界,吸收了那么多炼器典籍之后,可以说炼神子的见识被扩大了十倍不止! Right, one of the most perfect three flame, perfect mentioned here, was said that these three types of flame were most suitable refining item!” Lian Shenzi continues saying: Besides Primordial True Fire, another two Perfect Flame, one type is Yang Spring Refined Fire, another type is Divine Fire...... these two Perfect Flame, is not casual can obtain, this Yang Spring Refined Fire exists in Yangquan it is said that but another Divine Fire was born in Divine Fire Cauldron it is said!” “对,最完美的三种火焰之一,这里所说的完美,便是说这三种火焰是最适合炼器!”炼神子继续说道:“除了混元真火之外,还有另外两种完美火焰,一种乃是阳泉精火,另外一种则是神火……这两种完美火焰,不是随便就能得到的,这阳泉精火据说是在阳泉之中才存在,而另外一种神火据说是生于神火鼎中!” Luo Zheng so showed off no interest about Lian Shenzi. 原本罗征炼神子这般卖弄没什么兴趣。 But after Lian Shenzi mentioned Divine Fire Cauldron, the Luo Zheng's vision flashed suddenly. 但当炼神子提到神火鼎后,罗征的目光骤然一闪。 Is black flame in that Divine Fire Cauldron, Divine Fire? Is one of the three big Perfect Flame? 神火鼎中的黑色火焰,就是神火?乃是三大完美火焰之一? Lian Shenzi has not actually noticed the Luo Zheng difference the vision, he told oneself experience as before incessantly, although these experiences also study presently sell presently, how long he has not understood...... 炼神子却是没有注意到罗征异样的目光,他依旧滔滔不绝的讲述自己的见识,尽管这些见识也是现学现卖,他也没有了解多久…… However is saying like this, the Lian Shenzi vision actually fell on refining furnance of not far away! 不过就这样说着,炼神子的目光却是落在了不远处的一座炼器炉上! „......” “啪……” He then throws Primordial Death Spirit Wood in hand conveniently, later then dang, dang charged into that refining furnance! 他便是将手中的混元死灵木随手一扔,随后便“咣当,咣当”的冲向了那座炼器炉 This refining furnance places in a Refining Workplace corner/horn, the refining furnance modeling is very unique, gets down on thin thick, seems like a big wine pot to be the same, at least was short of mouth that's all. 炼器炉摆放在炼器坊的一角,炼器炉的造型十分独特,下细上粗,看上去就像是一个大大的酒壶一般,至少少了壶嘴而已 After Lian Shenzi plunges this refining furnance, then lifts refining furnance one side fire door, later from sprays together seven rainbow light, this refining furnance flaming is also burning unexpectedly, but in is also lying down together heat Sword Embryo! 炼神子扑向这炼器炉后,便是将炼器炉一侧的炉门掀开,随后就从其中喷射出一道七彩虹光,这炼器炉竟然还熊熊燃烧着,而在其中还躺着一道烧红的剑胚 This Sword Embryo, does not know that threw burnt many hundred million years in this refining furnance...... 剑胚,也不知道扔在这炼器炉中烧了多少亿年了……
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