AT :: Volume #12

#1178: Endless divine land

The Luo Zheng's goal is to adopt True Extinction Road third. 罗征的目标是通过真绝路第三段。 But this fellow is ambushes own fellow in third...... 而这家伙乃是在第三段中狙击自己的家伙…… Although Luo Zheng also believes, this fellow is own Second Apprentice Brother, but Luo Zheng has not kept the hand. 虽然罗征也相信,这家伙就是自己的二师兄,但罗征也没有丝毫留手。 The strength of this fellow was too strong, once gives him the opportunity, oneself likely defeat in his hand! 这家伙的实力太强了,一旦给他机会,自己很可能败在他手上! The leeway that at present Second Apprentice Brother should not revolt against, suited actually chats. 眼下“二师兄”应该是没有反抗的余地了,倒是适合谈谈。 Looks at the Luo Zheng happy expression face, Xian An flips the supercilious look, he is is very unhappy, how you can so treat the Senior Brother I!” 看着罗征略带笑意的脸,咸安翻了翻白眼,他却是十分不开心了,“你怎么能如此对待师兄我!” He was bullied the innumerable years by Eldest senior brother, now bumps into young apprentice brother, is thinking can turn over/stand up, finally meets is so treated, isn't Xian An depressed? 他被大师兄欺压了无数年了,现在碰到一个小师弟,原本想着自己能够翻身了,结果见面就被如此对待,咸安如何不郁闷? On the Luo Zheng face is hanging the light smile, „are you plan to discuss this?” At the same time saying, Luo Zheng will have been exuding cold light Thunder Storm Underworld Divine Sword to lift in the hand, as if wants the overhead to cut momentarily. 罗征脸上挂着淡淡的笑容,“你就是打算谈这个?”一边说着,罗征已经将泛着寒光的雷风幽神剑举在手中,似乎随时都要当头切下。 No, is not......” this Xian An really depression. “不,不是……”这咸安真叫一个郁闷。 Luo Zheng slow, asked: What actually wants to say?” 罗征缓了缓,才问道:“到底想说什么?” Oh, Senior Brother for hello/you good! Who lets you are my Junior Brother,” Xian An as before depressed saying, „, if Eldest senior brother knows this matter, must punish me!” “唉,师兄可是为了你好!谁让你是我师弟,”咸安依旧郁闷的说道,“若是大师兄知道此事,恐怕又要责罚我了!” Luo Zheng as before light is looking at Xian An, without speech. 罗征依旧淡淡的望着咸安,没有说话。 I thought you to enter Immortal Mansion, seemed only cultivation «Primordial Chaos Secret Art», other didn't cultivation technique all stem from Library Pavilion?” Xian An asked. “我看你进了仙府,似乎只是修炼了《混沌秘术》,其他的功法皆不是出自于藏书阁?”咸安问道。 Luo Zheng nods, how although his not clear Xian An sees, but Luo Zheng indeed has not chosen cultivation technique cultivation in Library Pavilion. 罗征点了点头,虽然他不清楚咸安是如何看出来的,但罗征的确没有选择藏书阁中的功法修炼 The Library Pavilion military study is comprehensive, even Supreme Divine Martial Arts is not rarely seen, Luo Zheng actually believes, suits own cultivation technique is best cultivation technique, he enters in Library Pavilion besides «Primordial Chaos Secret Art», sought Source Law to comprehend...... 藏书阁的武学包罗万象,甚至无上神武也并不鲜见,罗征却认为,适合自己的功法才是最好的功法,他进入藏书阁中除了《混沌秘术》之外,也只是寻了本源法则来参悟…… Yeah, is really the waste! This is defends a treasure mountain......” Xian An to curl the lip to say spatially. “哎,真是浪费啊!这是空守着一座宝山……”咸安撇撇嘴说道。 Your body, is vanishing, can say a bit faster?” The Luo Zheng reminder said. “你的身体,在消失,能快点说吗?”罗征提醒道。 The Yin-Yang two air/Qi transform the Xian An body, because was damaged seriously, the small half body above this chest, is changing into the Yin-Yang two air/Qi slowly, unceasingly dissipating...... 阴阳二气幻化成咸安的身躯,因为受到严重的损伤,这胸口之上的小半截躯体,正在缓缓的化为阴阳二气,不断消散着…… Xian An oneself did not care at all actually, but said: My this wisp of soul cannot figure out your life standard! But if the apprentice of master Heavenly Way is not even able to span, that was a joke! However the truth said......, if only depends upon your Severing Emotion Divine Dao, spans the Heavenly Way difficulty is big is unable to imagine! The master is not , the Senior Brother I directs your for the master!” 咸安本人倒是毫不在意,只是说道:“我这一缕分魂算不出你的命格!但师父的徒弟若是连天道都无法跨越,那就是一个笑话了!不过实话说……若是只依靠你这斩情神道,跨越天道的难度还是大的无法想象!师父不在,师兄我就代师父指点你一番!” Neck was also about to vanish,” the Luo Zheng unemotional reminder said. “脖子也快消失了,”罗征面无表情的提醒道。 Xian An this small half body dissipates was similar, is the neck is also even dissipating slowly, changes into the Yin-Yang two air/Qi. 咸安这小半截身子消散的差不多了,便是连脖子也在缓缓消散,化为阴阳二气。 I know!” Scream that Xian An does not know whether to laugh or cry: Does not need you to remind me!” “我知道!”咸安哭笑不得的尖叫道:“不用你提醒我!” You also rubbish so many?” Luo Zheng said. “那你还废话这么多?”罗征道。 „......” Xian An stares Luo Zheng ruthlessly, on the face is revealing the expression that clenches jaws, later said: Is before very long, I am listen to the master to raise, after coordinating «Primordial Chaos Secret Art», some cultivation technique can have qualitative to change, the master is not at now, I can recommend several cultivation technique for him to you actually, you from can enter Immortal Mansion to take as an elective, this basic cultivation technique respectively is «Myriad Laws Opposition Book», «Thunder Tribulation Killing» as well as «Eight Crooked Flying Smoke»......” “……”咸安狠狠地瞪着罗征,脸上流露出咬牙切齿的表情,随后才说道:“很久之前,我是听师父提起过,配合《混沌秘术》后,有些功法能够发生质的改变,师父现在不在,我倒是能够替他向你推荐几本功法,你自可以入仙府选修,这基本功法分别是《万法敌书》,《雷劫杀》以及《八曲飞烟》……” These three are, all Supreme Divine Martial Arts?” Luo Zheng asked. “这三门,皆为无上神武?”罗征问道。 On the Xian An face truly reveals disdaining some expressions, Supreme Divine Martial Arts? Also only then these fellows in entire world, dare to proclaim unsurpassedly two characters! Hehe...... this is not Supreme Divine Martial Arts, the Senior Brother I cannot reach an agreement, I only want to tell you, the Senior Brother was to also close right up against these three cultivation technique vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered entire world in the past, spanned Heavenly Way, you......, although difference, but where should not miss to goes!” 咸安脸上确实流露出一些不屑的表情,“无上神武?也只有寰宇里的这些家伙,敢自封‘无上’二字!嘿嘿……这算不上无上神武,师兄我说不好,我只想告诉你,师兄当年也是靠着这三门功法纵横寰宇,跨越天道,你呢……虽然差了点,但应该不会差到哪里去!” His words, the entire head also started to vanish at this point, changed into the Yin-Yang two air/Qi, complete dissipation! 他话说到这里,整个脑袋也开始消失了,化为阴阳二气,完全消散了! However after just dissipation, presented a ray of light point from that Yin-Yang two air/Qi, circled regarding Luo Zheng, has consciousness together to infiltrate the Luo Zheng's mind, refuels crawls upward, the Senior Brother I am waiting for you, when you climbed up, I can again well you! Hahaha......” 不过刚刚消散之后,从那阴阳二气中就出现了一道光点,围绕着罗征盘旋了一圈,才有一道意识打入罗征的脑海,“加油往上爬吧,师兄我等着你,等你爬上了,我再好好会会你!哈哈哈……” Afterward that luminous spot starts to increase rapidly, continuously rises, rises again, has broken in beside this Immortal Mansion crown that together pink color barrier, later completely vanished...... 随后那光点开始急速攀升,不断地升高,再升高,一直冲入这仙府顶部那一道粉色结界之外,随后就完全消失了…… ...... …… ...... …… Above Heavenly Way, in endless divine land. 天道之上,无尽神域之中。 In the rich being able to melt mist is wrapping a sparkling magnificent jade palace. 浓郁的化不开雾气之中包裹着一片闪闪发光的琼楼玉宇。 And a peak in Hainan building, actually Azure Ox kneels above, above the back of this Azure Ox sits a young young lad. 其中一座琼楼的顶端,却是有一只青牛跪在上面,这青牛的背脊之上坐着一位小小的童子。 The young lad hand holds a shepherd's flute, in the mouth, is playing horizontally in a soft voice...... 那童子手执一支牧笛,横在嘴边,正在轻声吹奏着…… Soon, rapid jump of distant place then a silhouette above this Hainan building, jumps while beckons toward that young lad! 不久之后,远处便有一道人影在这琼楼之上飞速跳跃,一边跳一边朝着那童子招手! Eldest senior brother! Eldest senior brother!” 大师兄大师兄!” That silhouette rises with a spring, then jumps onto above the Hainan building that the young lad was at! 人影一跃而起,便是跃上了童子所在的琼楼之上! Bang!” A loud sound transmits, was even the tile in Hainan roof also steps on broke to pieces several. “轰!”的一声巨响传来,便是连琼楼顶上的瓦片也踩碎了数块。 Moo-” “哞-” Approximately frightens that Azure Ox, this Azure Ox then exudes the discontented voice of protests. 大约是惊吓到那头青牛,这青牛便是发出不满的抗议之声。 The young lads also put down the shepherd's flute in hand, the vision bad is staring at this person, is actually said coldly: Junior Brother, anything is flustered!” 童子也放下手中的牧笛,眼光不善的盯着此人,却是冷声说道:“师弟,什么事情如此慌张!” Hehe, Eldest senior brother, I had young apprentice brother!” This person thrusts out the face to say with a smile. “嘿嘿,大师兄,我有小师弟了!”这人腆着脸笑道。 Hears this saying, on the face of young lad reveals the color of surprise, young apprentice brother? You were said that...... the master did look for arrived to suit the cultivation «Primordial Chaos Secret Art» person?” 听到这话,童子的脸上流露出诧异之色,“小师弟?你是说……师父找到了适合修炼混沌秘术》之人了?” Right! However...... that fellow Divine Sea Realm that's all, but also struggles under that round of Heavenly Way desperately!” “对!不过……那家伙不过才神海境而已,还在那一轮天道之下苦苦挣扎!” Spoke this person of Xian An! 说话这人正是咸安 However Xian An is his childhood name, his true name is Yu Shenfeng! Even in endless divine land, is still the illustrious character. 不过咸安乃是他的小名,他真正的名字叫做御神锋!即使在无尽神域之中,也是赫赫有名的人物。 Divine Sea Realm......” on the face of young lad reveals the color of thinking, then the shepherd's flute in the waist, do not put out a hand the finger, pinches gently! The mysterious halo, then spreads together from his palm! 神海境……”童子的脸上流露出思索之色,便是将牧笛别在了腰间,伸手了手指,轻轻一掐!一道玄奥的光晕,便是从他手掌之中扩散出来! Even Heavenly Venerable, is impossible to calculate in the entire world willfully somebody's destiny...... only if were stood by the person of calculation before the opposite party, can complete this to calculate together, initially calculated Crown of Destiny, is because the Crown of Destiny quantity is scarce, the variable are few, can figure out the concrete position! 即便是天尊,也不可能任意推算寰宇之中某人的命运……除非被推算之人站在对方面前,才能够完成这一道推算,当初推算天命之冠,也是因为天命之冠的数量稀少,变数较少,才能算出具体的方位! But this young lad, is actually trying to calculate the Luo Zheng's destiny. 而这童子,却在试图推算罗征的命运。 After that light halo raises, is rise slowly, the finger of young lad counts on the fingers unceasingly, but on the face actually reveals the color of doubts, he suddenly cannot calculate! 那淡淡的光晕升起之后,便是缓缓的上升,童子的手指不断地掐算,但脸上却流露出疑惑之色,他竟然推算不出! After the halo completely vanishes, the young lad waves again, is ray of light dizzy spreads , to continue to calculate! 等到光晕完全消失之后,童子再度挥手,又是一道光晕扩散出来,继续推算! Well......” “咦……” On the young lad face reveals the color of being astonished, „does this person, seem like Unfated? I cannot calculate his destiny unexpectedly!” 童子脸上流露出讶异之色,“此人,似乎是无命者?我竟推算不出他的命运!” Unfated?” The Xian An complexion also slightly changes. 无命者?”咸安脸色也是微微一变。 Under Heavenly Way, without the thing that I cannot figure out, except for Unfated...... present also only then explained that” young lad is staring at oneself finger, is frowning saying that immediately he actually coldly stared Xian An, said: You cultivate/repair deva-eye divine ability, a wisp of soul can also look to risk one's life the standard, since Immortal Mansion with arrived this young apprentice brother, why doesn't prospect?” 天道之下,没有我算不出的东西,除了无命者……现在也只有一个解释了,”童子盯着自己的手指,皱着眉头说道,随即他却又冷冷的瞪了一眼咸安,却是说道:“你修有天眼神通,一缕分魂也能看破命格,既然在仙府到了小师弟,为何不勘察一番?” This......” on the Xian An face reveals the innocent expression, Eldest senior brother I directed young apprentice brother to select cultivation technique!” “这……”咸安脸上流露出无辜表情,“大师兄我可是指点了小师弟甄选功法啊!” Useless fellow!” The young lads pat Azure Ox gently, that Azure Ox struggled several then to stand, I went to a forgetting kindnesses pavilion......” “没用的家伙!”童子轻轻一拍青牛,那青牛挣扎几下便是站了起来,“我去一趟忘情阁……” After saying, Azure Ox starts to walk four hooves, then mounts the clouds and rides the mist, flies high. 说完之后,青牛迈开四蹄,便是腾云驾雾,凌空而起。 At this time Xian An patted the head saying: Eldest senior brother, but also a little, what the fellow seems like Severing Emotion Divine Dao!” 这时候咸安才一拍脑袋说道:“大师兄,还有一点,那家伙似乎走的是斩情神道!” Severing Emotion Divine Dao?” The young lads turn head, on the face reveals the color of thinking, „isn't he Divine Sea Realm?” 斩情神道?”童子扭头过来,脸上流露出思索之色,“他不是才神海境么?” Xian An shrugs the shoulders, I am also strange, he actually became aware to pass much Severing Emotion Divine Dao, my spirit fragment congealed Divine Sea Realm cultivation base, by his sword intent exterminate!” 咸安耸耸肩膀,“我也是奇怪,他却是将斩情神道悟通了不少,我的分神凝成神海境修为,就被他的剑意灭杀!” „After is really useless......” said that Azure Ox carries the young lad rapidly to depart. “真是没用……”说完之后,青牛就载着童子迅速离去。 Looks back that Eldest senior brother is departing, Xian An is the whole face is depressed, sat in the Hainan roof section, on the face revealed the resentful color...... 望着大师兄离去的背影,咸安却是满脸郁闷,一屁股坐在了琼楼顶部,脸上流露出悻悻之色…… The innumerable years, he has been despised by Eldest senior brother, is be used. 无数年来,他一直被大师兄鄙视,已经算是习惯了。 However without a while, on his face reveals the light happy expression, looks at this young apprentice brother if in the future can span Heavenly Way, he can also draw a setting the base fellow. 不过没一会儿,他脸上就流露出淡淡的笑意,看这小师弟日后若能跨越天道,他也能拉一个垫底的家伙了。
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