AT :: Volume #13

#1230: Lan Ran

Present group of demon race martial artist are also gets angry. 眼前的这帮魔族武者也算是红了眼。 These ten demon race martial artist, after entering Dream Battlefield then brings together, has plundered three cities. 这十来位魔族武者,从进入梦幻战场后便是抱成一团,已经掠夺了三座城池。 And two, can include the first five hundred thousand names in Dream Battlefield, can include 10,000 in this side Great Realm! 其中有两人,在梦幻战场中都能列入前五十万名,在这一方大界中能列入一万名! Accidentally, they intrude in this Gate of Dead Wood! 偶然之下,他们才闯入这枯木之门中! Has not actually thought, encounters the so stern resistance...... 却没有想到,遭遇如此严峻的抵抗…… Wasted several time of double-hour, cannot rush to this fallen leaf actually, but also buckle two brothers, really damn! 浪费了几个时辰的时间,硬是没能闯过这一片落叶,还折损了两个兄弟,真是见鬼了! After that demon race martial artist roared, in his hands then presented a great shield, I to front, you followed, the brothers were OK in one vigorous effort, I thought that this group of women could not support!” 那位魔族武者咆哮之后,在他的手中便出现了一张巨盾,“我冲在前面,你们一路跟上,兄弟们一鼓作气就可以了,我看这帮娘们也撑不住了!” Spelled!” “拼了!” motherfucker, is really the waste time, does not know that this ghost wood/blockhead the above, has what treasure......” 妈的,真是浪费时间,不知道这鬼木头的上方,到底有什么宝贝……” Other demon race martial artist also responded, under could not repress, they also gathered the potential respectively in one vigorous effort, the preparation took the opposite party. 其他的魔族武者也响应起来,按耐不住之下,他们也各自蓄势,准备一鼓作气的将对方拿下。 The Liu Yu side, a stature tall and slender Monster Night Race female stands erect in the frontline! 流羽的身边,一位身材高挑妖夜族女子矗立在最前方! This female has a day before blue long hair, dyes general above just like the color of blue sky...... 这女子有着一头天蓝色的长发,宛若蓝天的颜色染在上面一般…… This moment Lan Ran on hand, is surrounding innumerable say/way leaf blades in broken bits, as if with the bracelet that the leaf blade series becomes. 此刻蓝染的手边,环绕着无数道细碎的叶片,仿佛是用叶片串联而成的手链。 Liu Yu...... the estimate could not withstand,” on the face of Lan Ran reveals helplessness. 流羽……估计是顶不住了,”蓝染的脸上流露出无奈之色 Doesn't matter, we have the opportunity of again coming,” Liu Yu light saying with a smile. “没关系,我们还有重来的机会,”流羽淡淡的笑道。 Lan Ran looking pensive, as under she points at rocks gently, in this fallen leaf all leaf edges, caught a golden gloss, becomes even more sharply exceptionally, I like your optimistic mentality, if you can gain the freedom, even in upper realm Monster Night Race, you can still blossom in radiant splendor inevitably!” 蓝染若有所思,随着她手指轻轻晃动之下,这落叶阵上所有的树叶边缘,都染上了一丝金色的光泽,变得越发犀利异常,“我喜欢你这乐观的心态,若你能获得自由,即便是上界妖夜族中,你也必然能大放异彩!” Liu Yu smiles slightly, this sigh, Lan Ran has sent out many times...... 流羽微微笑了笑,这种感叹,蓝染已经发出许多次了…… Her supposition does not exist, restraint of Monster Night Race in martial artist to the clan is not fierce, but king's order is the iron rule. 她的这种假设并不存在,妖夜族对族中武者的约束并不厉害,但王的命令就是铁律。 Who lets her such unimportant person, offended King of Penalty? 谁让她这样一个小人物,得罪了刑罚之王 This dirty fellows must come......” “这帮脏兮兮的家伙们要来了……” That on......” “那就上吧……” On the female faces of two Monster Night Race, reveals one decidedly. 两位妖夜族的女子脸上,流露出一丝决然。 With the person battle, is the endless enjoyment, Liu Yu did not care about the Dream Illusion Points number, she only hopes that wants slowly in the time in this Dream Space staying, is slow...... 与人争斗,原本就是其乐无穷,流羽不在乎梦幻点数,她只希望在这梦幻空间中所呆的时间要慢一点,再慢一点…… Shortly is demon race martial artist of head, carries the great shield to be just about to clash at the same time. 眼看着为首的魔族武者,扛着一面巨盾正要冲过来。 In their behind, actually broadcasts together the sound, has not come evidently late!” 在他们的身后,却传来一道声音,“看样子没来晚!” These demon race martial artist stare slightly, at once has turned head, the vision fell on Luo Zheng, all gawked slightly. 那些魔族武者微微一愣,旋即扭过头来,目光落在了罗征身上,皆是微微一愣。 human race martial artist? 人族武者 Will here emit human race martial artist to come out? 这里怎么会冒出一个人族武者出来? After Luo Zheng spoke those words, on the face is then hanging expression with a smile, walks gradually toward here, as if ignores to these demon race martial artist at present. 罗征说完那句话后,脸上便挂着笑吟吟的表情,朝着这边缓步走来,似乎对眼前这些魔族武者熟视无睹。 Bai Wei! She brought the reinforcements, was that human race martial artist what's the matter?” 白薇!她带来援兵了,可是那人族武者是怎么回事?” Not only this group of demon race people are somewhat in a daze, Lan Ran as well as Lan Ran behind several Monster Night Race people also somewhat wonder. 不仅仅这帮魔族人有些发愣,就连蓝染以及蓝染身后的几位妖夜族人也有些纳闷。 Has had the agreement in lord city, this Gate of Dead Wood does not bring foreign race to enter, what is Bai Wei thinking? Looked that this human race martial artist should be she brings...... 主城之中就有过约定,这枯木之门不带外族进入,白薇在想什么?看这人族武者应该是她带来的…… As for Liu Yu, after seeing Luo Zheng, the breath is suddenly is very rapid, that glitters the light brilliance thin sword in in the air to shiver slightly, in the eye reveals the inconceivable color, solidly locks the Luo Zheng's form in own pupil. 至于流羽,在看到罗征之后,呼吸便是骤然无比急促起来,那柄闪烁着淡淡光辉的细剑在空中微微颤抖着,眼中还是流露出不可思议之色,将罗征的身影牢牢锁定在自己的瞳孔之中。 In the jail, encounters the penalty the time, Liu Yu often hears the Luo Zheng's sound to reverberate in the entire world unceasingly. 在监牢之中,遭遇刑罚的时候,流羽就常常听到罗征的声音在寰宇之中不断地回荡。 This human race youngster, the time of flying upwards and are similar, but in this in several years, had then tossed about the so big sound, Liu Yu is also sad. 这个人族少年,飞升的时间和自己差不多,但就在这短短几年的时间,便已经折腾出如此大的动静,流羽也是心生感叹。 Initially she saw the Luo Zheng's time, this fellow was one small Battler...... 当初她见到罗征的时候,这家伙还是一个小小的“战者”呢…… Actually in Liu Yu heart also small expectations. 其实流羽心中也有一个小小的期望。 She hopes that Luo Zheng rises...... 她希望罗征崛起…… Hopes Xun rises...... 希望崛起…… Only by doing this, oneself had rescued that day. 也只有如此,自己才有被解救的那一天。 Over time, Liu Yu also wants to understand, she already by the person of forgetting. 只是随着时间的流逝,流羽也想明白了,她已经是被遗忘之人。 The entire world is so big. 寰宇这么大。 Even in which Great Realm, huge being hard imagination. 甚至其中的一个大界,都庞大的难以想象。 Even if Luo Zheng really one day to rise, even helped Xun step onto the throne, even pushed down the throne Yao, what's the big deal? 即便是罗征真的有一天崛起了,甚至帮助走上了王位,甚至将推下王位,那又如何? The Luo Zheng's vision will notice in Great Realm, in a prison in some corner? 罗征的目光会注意到一个大界中,某个角落里的一座监狱里中? This obviously is the impossible matter. 这显然是不可能的事情。 After this thought is born, Liu Yu also despaired. 这个念头诞生之后,流羽也绝望了。 She knows that Luo Zheng is willing to help itself, the issue is unable to leave the prison, how also to make Luo Zheng know? 她知道罗征愿意帮助自己,问题是自己无法离开监狱,又如何让罗征知晓? This Dream Battlefield opens, all Divine Sea Realm martial artist stood in this giant battlefield. 梦幻战场开启,所有的神海境武者都站在了这个巨大的战场。 But Liu Yu has not thought that oneself have the opportunity to encounter Luo Zheng. 流羽也未曾想过,自己有机会遭遇罗征 Dream Battlefield is divided into 50 Great Realm, she and Luo Zheng with have 1/50 in a Great Realm probability. 梦幻战场分为五十个大界,她与罗征同在一个大界的概率也只有50分之一。 But in Great Realm has innumerable lord city, entire Dream Battlefield has trillion number martial artist to enter, chance encounter Luo Zheng's this probability almost can neglect the situation of not counting. 而一个大界中更是有无数个主城,整个梦幻战场更是拥有兆数武者进入其中,巧遇罗征的这个概率几乎可以忽略到不计的地步。 But is such a small to ignoring the probability, appeared, she and Luo Zheng's meets is the miracle! 但就是这样一个微小到忽略不计的概率,却出现了,她与罗征的相遇原本就是奇迹! Under she is choked up with emotions, suddenly unexpectedly excited could not speak! 她心潮澎湃之下,一时间竟然激动的说不出话来! „One side human race martial artist, rolls, here not your position!” demon race martial artist scolded. 人族武者,滚一边去,这里没有你的位置!”一位魔族武者呵斥道。 Luo Zheng loses headway as before gradually, on the face is hanging the light happy expression as before...... 罗征依旧缓步慢行,脸上依旧挂着淡淡的笑意…… If these demon race martial artist carefully watch, can see that the Luo Zheng's vision has not actually fallen on them, but crossed them and Liu Yu directly looks in the eyes. 如果这些魔族武者仔细观看,可以看到罗征的目光其实并没有落在他们身上,而是直接越过了他们与流羽四目相对。 How Luo Zheng does not know the Liu Yu recent situation. 罗征并不知道流羽的近况如何。 In the Luo Zheng eye, Liu Yu is own old friend, at least she on oneself wanderer Sea God Continent road, gave herself very big help. 罗征眼中,流羽算是自己的老朋友,至少她在自己闯荡海神大陆的路上,给了自己很大的帮助。 Killed him,” that grasped demon race martial artist of great shield to issue the order decisively, he was felt that on this human race martial artist revealed evil, this strange feeling made him faintly anxious. “杀了他,”那手持巨盾的魔族武者果断发布了命令,他便是感觉到这人族武者身上流露出一丝邪性,这种诡异的感觉让他隐隐不安。 Is of head demon race martial artist that grasps the wolf's tooth stick, was first charged into Luo Zheng! 为首的一位手持狼牙棒的魔族武者,便是第一个冲向了罗征 That thick wolf's tooth stick, is glittering the jet black metallic luster, above sharp wolf's tooth are sharp exceptionally! 那粗大的狼牙棒,闪烁着漆黑的金属光泽,上面一根根锐利的狼牙更是犀利异常! This demon race martial artist both hands hold the wolf's tooth stick, astral essence in within the body looks like the blasting explosive to explode generally, is very terrifying in the impulse that the flash has, he as if brandishes is not a wolf's tooth stick, but is a mountain! 魔族武者双手捧着狼牙棒,体内的罡元就像是炸药一般爆开,在一瞬间产生的冲击力十分恐怖,他仿佛挥舞的不是一支狼牙棒,而是一座大山! Doesn't hide?” “不躲?” Fallen leaf one side, on the Lan Ran face reveals to wipe the surprised color, she actually could not understand this human race martial artist origin completely. 落叶阵的一侧,蓝染脸上流露出一抹惊奇之色,她却是完全看不懂这人族武者的来历了。 Luo Zheng puts out a hand, changes into a palm blade, chops toward slanting above! 罗征伸手,化为一记掌刀,朝着斜上方劈过去! The speed of this palm blade is not fast, even can be called very slowly, the strength of but containing, any living being on the scene is unable to imagine! 这一记掌刀的速度不快,甚至称得上十分缓慢,但蕴藏的力量,在场的任何生灵都无法想象! Bumps!” “碰!” The depressed sound transmission comes, the collision of Luo Zheng's palm blade and wolf's tooth stick is not astonishing. 沉闷的声音传递而来,罗征的掌刀与狼牙棒的碰撞并不惊人。 However, many martial artist in this moment, pupil then simultaneously in eye socket enlarge, was almost the same time inhaled cold air...... 然而,诸多武者在这一刻,眼眶中的瞳孔便齐齐放大,几乎是同一时间吸了一口凉气…… That thick wolf's tooth stick, relaxed break under Luo Zheng this palm blade. 那粗大的狼牙棒,就在罗征这掌刀之下轻松断裂。 Not only so, on half of that wolf's tooth stick after the break, then departs toward the rear area, in in the air actually changes into the innumerable black disruption, scatters, had black drizzle above this tree trunk! 不仅仅如此,那狼牙棒的上半截在断裂之后,便朝着后方飞出,在空中的时候却化为无数黑色的碎裂,散落开来,在这树干之上下起了一阵黑色的细雨! Meanwhile, that demon race martial artist grasps to hold the both hands fingers/tiger mouth of wolf's tooth stick to split suddenly, blows out the bunch of brown blood. 与此同时,那魔族武者握持狼牙棒的双手虎口骤然裂开,爆出一团团褐色血液。 First is the fingers/tiger mouth, is the entire palm, is the both arms, even is not the shoulders crushes on later...... 先是虎口,再是整个手掌,然后是双臂,不就之后甚至是双肩都粉碎开来…… But creates all these, merely is only an ordinary palm blade. 而造成这一切的,仅仅只是一记平平凡凡的掌刀。 Luo Zheng behind Bai Wei, in the vision is similar two Mercury to raise slowly! The strength of this fellow, as before beyond her estimation! 罗征身后的白薇,目光之中仿佛有两道辰星冉冉升起!这家伙的实力,依旧在她的估测之外! As for Lan Ran, she is well-born, the vision nature is uncommon, sees this secretly, her breath similarly also becomes rapid, simultaneously feels a greatest threat! 至于蓝染,她出身高贵,眼界自然不凡,看到这一幕后,她的呼吸同样也变得急促起来,同时感受到一丝莫大的威胁! She with these demon race martial artist, perhaps strength of the spelling, but Lan Ran after weighing the Luo Zheng's strength, in the heart actually obtained a very helpless answer, the opponent of her not this person. 她与这些魔族武者,或许还有一拼之力,但蓝染在衡量了罗征的实力之后,心中却得出了一个非常无奈的答案,她绝非此人的对手。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =========================== = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ===========================
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