AF :: Volume #17

#1646 Part 1: Testimony

Collapsing started.” “坍塌又开始了啊。” This just started.” “这才是刚开始呢。” Actually enough had the suffering...... when ended?” “已经够煎熬了……究竟什么时候结束?” That must look at his idea......” “那要看他的想法了……” In the ancient palace, these musical instruments fell completely the dust gradually. 古老的殿堂里,那些乐器渐渐落满了尘埃。 Before the window, the shadow above rocking chair stares at that to cover all hot suns gradually, is sighing lightly, for a long time, took back the line of sight: Now, must look at his idea.” 窗前,摇椅之上的黑影凝望着那渐渐笼罩一切的烈日,轻叹着,许久,收回了视线:“现在,一切都要看他的想法了。” Abyss burns from the flame, Hell tilts in shining of hot sun. 深渊自火焰中燃烧,地狱在烈日的普照中倾覆。 All results will arrive. 一切的结局都将到来。 The old person on rocking chair said: You also go, does not need to manage me.” 摇椅上的老人说:“你们也都去吧,不必管我。” But......” “可是……” Disaster Musician is somewhat disturbed. 身旁的灾厄乐师有些忐忑。 The old person smiled strangely: „ Does not need to be worried, so long as you, that Abyss hot sun your excellency will not make anything to you cleverly. 老人怪笑了起来:“不必担心,只要你们乖巧一点,那位深渊烈日阁下不会对你们做什么的。 You looked, slippery the Kitchen Demon association is not kneels is very smooth? 你看,厨魔协会不是滑跪的很流畅么? Gives him the music movement that the association collects completely, he will not create obstacles your...... ” 把协会收藏的乐章全部交给他,他不会刁难你们的……” Musicians hesitant, finally asked: „Doesn't Paganini, you go?” 乐师犹豫了一下,最后问:“帕格尼尼阁下,您不去么?” forget about it.” 算了吧。” The senior musician on deck chair smiled strangely, beckons with the hand: „ From living time starts, tosses about for a lifetime, waiting for death was clear, the tranquil point is best. 躺椅上的老乐师怪笑了起来,摆了摆手:“从活着的时候开始,一辈子就折腾来折腾去的,等死了才明白,宁静一点最好。 New world anything, on forget about it. ” 新世界什么的,就算了吧。” He closed the eye, my time had passed by, made me remain in the past, at least, was me in the past.” 他闭上了眼睛,“我的时代早就过去了,就让我留在过去吧,至少,过去还属于我。” Silent, the snoring sound resounds gradually. 寂静中,鼾声渐渐响起。 Finally accompanies in his Disaster Musician turns around to depart, gently closes for him. 最后陪伴在他身边的灾厄乐师转身离去,轻轻的为他关上了门。 In a piece is silent, dust silent is waving. 一片寂静里,尘埃无声的舞动着。 Falls the full string. 落满琴弦。 …… …… Not long in incomparably dark Abyss, was illuminated by a deeper darkness. 曾几何时无比黑暗的深渊里,被更深的黑暗所照亮了。 Cannot see huge Hell and terrifying war again, all quiet ablation in collapsing, in a deathly stillness, only had a point another point glimmer, gradually toward hot sun gathering. 再看不到庞大的地狱和恐怖的战争,一切都悄无声息的消融在坍塌里,一片死寂之中,只剩下了一点又一点的微光,渐渐的向着烈日汇聚。 Accepts the gracious gift, or, welcomed withering away during the trial. 领受恩赐,亦或者,在审判之中迎来消亡。 With collapsing of Hell, has not known one after another how long, the gate of Kingdom of Heaven was closed finally thoroughly. 伴随着一座又一座地狱的坍塌,不知道过了多久,天国之门终于彻底关闭。 When Huai Shi raises eyes looks to the four directions, in big Abyss, then was only left over a nihility. 槐诗举目望向四方时,偌大的深渊之中,便只剩下了一片虚无。 The infinite material completed the polymerization from Current Territories, made the volume expansion of this piece of Hell not only ten million times, changed into the unprecedented colossus. 无穷的物质自现境完成了聚合,令这一片地狱的体积膨胀了岂止千万倍,化为了前所未有的庞然大物。 Floods all. 充斥所有。 Infinite empty Abyss, is warping under the attraction, collapsing, the contraction, gathers beside Current Territories at this moment. 就连无穷的空洞深渊本身,都在着引力之下翘曲,坍塌,收缩,汇聚在此刻的现境之外。 Does not have the difference of depth again. 再无深度的区别。 All, all soul and materials, gather here all. 所有的所有,一切的灵魂和物质,尽数汇聚在此处。 This is all significances. 这便是一切的意义。 The time of end, will soon arrive. 终结的时刻,即将到来。 Final survey was completed.” “最后的测算完成了。” In London of Current Territories most deep place, Niffenheim brings the final output that the checking calculation organization obtained: „ Materials and elementium, has achieved the best category. 现境最深处的伦敦里,尼芬海姆带来了验算机构所得出的最后结果:“物质和源质的总量,已经达到了最佳范畴。 The Kingdom of Heaven plan has been able to complete the final preparatory stage, the impact that then, detonates will thoroughly destroy all, finally, according to the Kingdom of Heaven blueprint, establishes all again. 天国计划已经得以完成最后的准备阶段,接下来,所引爆的冲击将彻底摧毁一切,最终,根据天国的蓝图,重新再奠定所有。 The grand total consumes the time, 450,000 years, success ratio, 97%- ” 总计耗费时光,四十五万年,成功率,百分之九十七-” He stopped, after silent for a long time, added: If, the most important condition can be completed.” 他停顿了一下,沉默许久之后,才补充道:“倘若,最重要的条件能够完成的话。” Relax, can complete.” “放心,能够完成的。” Huai Shi is smiling the reply: Certainly.” 槐诗微笑着回答:“一定。” „......” “……” Old Creation Lord is silent, several times, start to speak but hesitate, finally, has no alternative, but looks at him: Really does not need......” 苍老的创造主沉默着,好几次,欲言又止,最终,却无可奈何,只是看着他:“真的不需要……” Does not need.” “不需要。” Huai Shi replied decisively: Many was more troublesome, more is more wrong, decides all angles of view, so long as had one enough.” 槐诗断然回答:“多了就更麻烦,越多越错,决定一切的视角只要有一个就够了。” Therefore, Niffenheim did not continue this topic again. 于是,尼芬海姆再没有继续这个话题。 Huai Shi does not care, but asked: „Have others, entered Kingdom of Heaven?” 槐诗并不在意,只是问:“其他所有人,都已经进入天国了吗?” Un, besides person who in the committee is responsible for the final wrap-up work, other completely compulsory entered Kingdom of Heaven.” “嗯,除了委员会里负责最后收尾工作的人之外,其他全部都强制性的进入天国了。” Niffenheim replied: „ Some time past, that...... as if discovered anything, but the investigation had been broken. 尼芬海姆回答道:“前些时候,那位……似乎发现了什么,不过调查已经被打断了。 According to your instruction, compulsory conducted the deep sleep. ” 按照你的吩咐,强制性的进行了沉睡。” „......” “……” Huai Shi also silent, worried flexure the chin, for a long time, self-ridiculed that smiles: „ Deceived her one time with great difficulty, this time she will definitely not forgive me again. 槐诗也沉默了起来,苦恼的挠了挠下巴,许久,自嘲一笑:“好不容易骗了她一次,这次她肯定不会再原谅我了。 Really, the dregs male words, really a character cannot believe. ” 果然,渣男的话,果然一个字都不能信啊。” What other things also has?” “还有什么其他的事情么?” Niffenheim looks at him, is not impatient, but is the unprecedented patient waiting: Makes anything is also good, or helps you pass on to what words not to relate. Although Survival Institute did not have, but our group of unemployed people good and evil also calculate some professional skills.” 尼芬海姆看着他,并非不耐烦,而是前所未有的耐心等待:“不论是做什么也好,或者帮你转告什么话也没关系。存续院虽然没了,但我们这帮失业人员好歹还算有些一技之长。” „To do, has done. Has not done, I planned that keeps to do.” “想做的,都已经做了。还没做的,我打算留下来自己做。” Huai Shi thinks, smiles free and easy: As for some words, I said personally is better, does not need to be exhausted you.” 槐诗想了一下,洒脱一笑:“至于有些话,我还是亲自去说更好,不必劳烦你们啦。” Niffenheim nods, did not say anything again. 尼芬海姆颔首,再没有说什么。 Then, the last time, to entire Current Territories and Rainbow Bridge, conducts the thorough inspection and maintenance, meticulous, eventually finished until his work. 就这样,最后一次,对整个现境和彩虹桥,进行彻底的检查和维护,一丝不苟,直到他的工作终于结束。 In front of the Kingdom of Heaven front door, Creation Lord turns head, finally looked to him: I should say that said goodbye?” 天国的大门前面,创造主回头,最后看向了他:“我该说再见么?” Naturally.” “当然啊。” Huai Shi replied cool: „It is not parts forever, but is the short dream......” 槐诗澹然回答:“又不是什么生离死别,只不过是短暂一梦而已……” He thinks, said goodbye finally: 他想了一下,最后道别: Everyone, will say goodbye tomorrow.” “大家,明天再见吧。” Niffenheim is silent, makes an effort to nod. 尼芬海姆沉默着,用力点头。 Vanishes in the ray. 消失在光芒里。 Will be full of the yesterday of pain and suffering had finished, cuts off once all today also soon to welcome the thorough destruction, Current Territories Taiyang (Sun) crashed into Abyss, Abyss Taiyang (Sun) will also annihilate in the long darkness. 充满苦痛和煎熬的昨日已经结束,断绝曾经所有的今日也即将迎来彻底的毁灭,现境太阳坠入了深渊,深渊太阳也将在漫长的黑暗里湮灭。 When new Taiyang (Sun) raises from the new world again, remote tomorrow will arrive finally. 当新的太阳从新的世界中再度升起时,遥远的明日终将到来。 But when now, Huai Shi stands when the silent world, looks all around all, cannot bear be filled with emotion. 可当现在,槐诗站在寂静的世界里时,环顾所有,忍不住感慨万千。 Is looking into this already all that fully suffered to suffer. From the transformation and solidification of Elements of Ruin during, had fallen into the eternal dreariness. 眺望着这早已经饱受折磨的一切。自毁灭要素的转化和凝固之中,已经落入了永恒的沉寂。 Again no vitality. 再无任何的生机。 Really peaceful.” “真安静啊。” He is sighing in a soft voice, strolls from the dry the mountain range of sea and collapsing, is reviewing changing beyond all recognition all, is looking at the ruins of these collapses and falls the full dust the city. 他轻声叹息着,从干涸的海洋和坍塌的山峦之中漫步,回顾着面目全非的一切,望着那些塌陷的废墟和落满尘埃的城市。 On desolated wilderness, crack slit. 荒芜的原野上,龟裂缝隙。 May reverberate as before the indistinct cry, just like joyous, just like sad , the extrication is probably ordinary, poured out from the final listener ear. 可依旧回荡着隐约的鸣动,宛若欢悦,宛若悲伤,又好像是解脱一般,自最后的倾听者耳边倾诉。 Finally, Huai Shi puts out a hand, preserves until now fresh flower one bunch, cautious, places among the dust. 最后,槐诗伸出手,将一束存留至今的鲜花,小心翼翼的,放在尘埃之间。 The clear dew drops from the flower petal, above, the dizzy dyes the tears spot arrogantly. 晶莹的露水从花瓣上滴落,自大地之上,晕染出点点泪斑。 Thank your for several hundred years contained and endures patiently, our past and present, therefore, in the future also this.” “感谢您这几百年来的包容和忍耐,我们的过去和现在,因此而成,未来也正是于此出发。” If yes, is looking at present all, Huai Shi is sighing lightly, finally said goodbye: Finally, making us meet again in the new world without Hell on the 1st.” 如是,望着眼前的所有,槐诗轻叹着,最后道别:“终有一日,让我们在没有地狱的新世界中再会吧。” Perhaps the pain will continue as before, the suffering is indispensable, struggles and slaughters as before inevitable. 或许苦痛依旧会延续,煎熬已经不可或缺,斗争和厮杀依旧无可避免。 May look back on once time, then can see the stair that treads step by step, was thrown behind in infinite difficult. 可回首曾经的时候,便能够看到一步步所踏上来的台阶,还有被抛在身后的无穷艰难。 Therefore, will then have the courage. 于是,便会有勇气。 Then can blow up the hope , to continue to set out toward the future. 便能够鼓起希望,向着未来继续进发。 So long as such power remains, then, will exist tomorrow, the future light will shine as before, regardless at present is how deep endless night. 只要这样的动力尚存,那么,明天就会存在,未来的光依旧会亮起,不论眼前是多么深的长夜。 Then, that indistinct cry, gradually dissipation. 就这样,那隐约的鸣动,渐渐消散。 From gentle singing, gradually end. 自轻柔的歌唱中,渐渐终结。 Only is left over one piece to be silent, Huai Shi looks back, looks to surrounds the rainbow light that Current Territories forms gradually, bridge that then raises from the combustion of infinite elementium during. 只剩下一片寂静里,槐诗回首,望向渐渐环绕现境而形成的虹光,那自无穷源质的燃烧之中升起的桥梁。 To the future path, opens with this. 通向未来的道路,与此打开。 Only misses final one...... 只差最后的一步…… Huai Shi, lifted the palm. 槐诗,抬起了手掌。 From resounding through all, vacillates in thundering of Vientiane, the final shackles, untied thoroughly. 自响彻所有,动摇万象的轰鸣中,最后的枷锁,被彻底解开。 When 24 Elements of Ruin with the self-destroying and radical intensification of sun, the inexhaustible glow just like the mighty current, cover all. 当二十四个毁灭要素随着日轮的自灭而彻底激化,无穷尽的辉光宛若洪流,笼罩一切。 Final Abyss and in final Hell, raise surge. 最后的深渊和最后的地狱中,掀起激荡。 Inexhaustible sound overlaps in the same place, tame is complying with the king's of Hell control, played to the tomorrow's music movement. 无穷尽的声音重叠在一起,驯服的遵从着地狱之王的掌控,奏响了去往明日的乐章。 Grand melody from destruction, vast racing line/traverse. 宏伟的旋律自毁灭中,浩瀚奔行。 The final performance and demise, start! 最后的演奏和灭亡,就此开始! What first cracks is the material, the material transformation for the energy, the energy from the most radical stimulation and burning down during, changed into flooded all light. 最先崩裂的是物质,物质转化为了能量,能量又自最彻底的激发和焚烧之中,化为了充斥一切的光。 What dissipates is soul, exhausts Abyss all elementium, transforms from the hot sun, dissolves all disaster, burning down recklessly, ascends from the fierce light, raised flooded all raging tides. 紧接着消散的是灵魂,穷尽深渊所有的源质,自烈日之中蜕变,溶解一切灾厄,肆意的焚烧,自烈光之中升腾而起,掀起了充斥一切的狂澜。 Final Hell in his present collapsing, the dissipation, final Abyss contracts in the hand of Huai Shi, collapsing. 最后的地狱在他的眼前坍缩,消散,最后的深渊槐诗的手中收缩,坍塌。 All sins and pain, desperate and wail, all ablation in this ray. 所有的罪孽和苦痛,绝望和哀鸣,尽数消融在这光芒里。 Only is left over the myriad things the cry to overlap, all significances gather from the melody, change into the singing sound of the world, the praise destruction, the praise end. 只剩下万物的鸣动重叠,所有的意义自旋律中汇聚,化为世界的歌声,赞颂毁灭,赞颂终结。 The future of praise tomorrow! 赞颂明日之未来! In the ray of heading on, the Hell wreckage evaporates rapidly, falls the full dust in the palace, lonely Disaster Musician woke up from the dream of long past. 在扑面而来的光芒里,地狱的残骸迅速蒸发,落满尘埃的宫殿之中,孤独的灾厄乐师从漫长的过去之梦中醒来了。 Is listening attentively to that unprecedented grand music movement, is filled with immerse, laughing, cannot be bearing dance with joy again, toward that performer, extends the final respect and gratitude. 倾听着那前所未有的宏伟乐章,满心沉醉,大笑着,再忍不住手舞足蹈,向着那演奏者,致以最后的敬意和感激。 Really beautiful......” “真美啊……” He closed the eye, smiling, is melting in the light. 他闭上了眼睛,微笑着,消融在光里。 Does not have to regret and regret again. 再无遗憾和惋惜。 The sea of once thunder, once perishing country palace outside the capital, once all, bathed, in this consoled in all rays and melodies, welcomed the end. 曾经的雷霆之海,曾经的亡国离宫,曾经的一切的一切,沐浴在这告慰一切的光芒和旋律之中,迎来终结。 Arrived finally, hot sun also silent disintegration in ray. 到最后,就连烈日本身也在光芒之中无声的崩解。 But during the annihilation of Taiyang (Sun), the last dazzling rainbow light/only raises from the hot sun, this, will fly to the future direction. 而就在太阳的湮灭之中,最后一道耀眼的虹光从烈日中升起,就这样,飞向了未来的方向。 Does not see collapsing sound. 再不见坍塌的声音 Is only left over, that long residual sound reverberates in the thorough nihility. 只剩下,那漫长的余音在彻底的虚无中回荡。 Huai Shi waves to say goodbye. 槐诗挥手道别。 Toward all. 向着一切。 …… …… Mr. Huai Shi, you as if neglected an issue.” 槐诗先生,你似乎忽略了一个问题。” The Current Territories secret inquired at the meeting, chief 001 saw through the Huai Shi only lie: Should say, you in an important issue, made concealment, right?” 现境的机密问询会上,院长001拆穿了槐诗唯一的谎言:“应该说,你在一个至关重要的问题,做出了隐瞒,对吗?” Yes, right.” “是的,没错。” Huai Shi nods, not conceals with hesitant. 槐诗颔首,毫无掩饰和犹豫。 Entire Kingdom of Heaven plan, most fatal shortcoming, hugest flaw. 整个天国计划,最为致命的缺点,最为庞大的缺陷。 That is not long to the desperate time. 那并非是漫长到令人绝望的时光。 But has itself. 而是存在本身。 Is called the thing of observer effect. 被称为观测者效应的东西。 When all fell into the nihility, old all was annihilated thoroughly, when new all have not started what...... doesn't this world with exist to distinguish? 当一切都陷入了虚无,旧的所有被彻底湮灭,新的一切还未曾开始时……这个世界又同不存在有什么区别呢? To undecided future Kingdom of Heaven, where will also fall to? 去往未定未来的天国,又将落向何方? Also who can guarantee, when was erased in the past, now after being ended, will have will exist in the future? 又有谁能保证,当过去被抹除,现在被终结之后,会有未来存在呢? Can continue in nothing, without all these proof of existence. 在没有什么东西能够延续了,没有这一切存在的证明。 Also no one can provide the testimony. 也无人能够提供见证。 Testimony. 见证。 This is this world's most luxurious thing. 这才是这个世界上最奢侈的东西。 Must some people witness the reality, must preserve the record, otherwise hundreds of thousands of years of time, will make Current Territories annihilate forever in the nihility. 必须有人见证现实,必须存留记录,不然数十万年的时光,会让现境永远湮灭在虚无之中。 But to avoid interference of unnecessary observation, must, and can only have an angle of view. 可为了避免多余观测的干涉,必须且只能有一个视角去进行。 Must some people remain, witnesses all these, stays in the old world, waits for the arrival of new world. 必须有人留下来,见证这一切,留在旧的世界里,等待新世界的到来。 Like defending grave is ordinary, the waiting of all alone. 如同守墓者一般,孤身一人的等待。 The chief 001 regrets shake the head: No one can insist for 500,000 years, Mr. Huai Shi.” 院长001遗憾摇头:“没有人能够坚持五十万年,槐诗先生。” No, has.” “不,有的。” Huai Shi is smiling, holds up Book of Fate in hand. 槐诗笑着,举起手中的命运之书 Appears that present not to happen, related future record. 显现那现在还没有发生过的,有关未来的记录。 Has had.” “已经有过了。” He guaranteed decisively, „, will also certainly have again!” 他断然的保证,“以后也必将再有!” So long as the named Huai Shi observer remains , will then have the proof of these 450,000 years of time! 只要名为槐诗的观测者还存在,那么,便会有这四十五万年时光的证明! Even if had had the future is unable to happen again, but Huai Shi remains, his existence, will then be this future guarantee! 哪怕是曾经所发生过的未来无法再发生,可槐诗依旧存在,他的存在,便是这一份未来的保证! This is Taiyi, final sacrifice. 这便是太一,最后的牺牲。 Current Territories Taiyang (Sun) shines upon Current Territories, the hot sun in Abyss shines upon Abyss. 现境太阳映照现境,深渊中的烈日映照深渊 Now, when Current Territories Taiyang (Sun) vanished, Abyss Taiyang (Sun) also welcomed extinguishes. 现在,当现境太阳消失了,深渊太阳也迎来熄灭。 Then, he gazes after the rainbow light to hover, goes far away. 就这样,他目送着虹光翱翔着,远去。 Old World Gravekeeper is smiling free and easy, stands and waits for a long time in void, is looking into that remote future, is witnessing all existences. 旧世界守墓人洒脱的微笑着,伫立在虚空之中,眺望着那过于遥远的未来,见证着一切的存在。 „, What then makes?” “那么,接下来做什么呢?” Huai Shi in a soft voice twittering: First sleeps first plays the zither | Jean?” 槐诗轻声呢喃:“先睡一觉还是先练琴呢?” I felt, you ponder over, how to comfort by you deceived the person is been quite good-” “我觉得,你还是琢磨一下,怎么安慰被你骗了的人比较好-” From the nihility, there is another sound to resound, takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 自虚无之中,有另一个声音响起,幸灾乐祸。 From his behind. 来自他的身后。 From Book of Fate...... 来自,命运之书中…… Lonely form that is throwing over the black clothes! 那个披着黑衣的孤独身影! When all welcomed the thorough nihility and destruction again, when returned to the original track again, once the erased record, then reappeared with this. 当一切再度迎来了彻底的虚无和毁灭,再度回到了原本的轨道时,曾经被抹除的记录,便与此重现。 Made Huai Shi same place. 槐诗愣在原地。 In this eternal silence, the king of final Hell toward oneself, fills with happily: „ The destroyed future, some people have witnessed, Huai Shi. 在这一片永恒的寂静之中,最后的地狱之王向着自己,满怀愉快:“被毁灭的未来,已经有人见证过了,槐诗 Did not need second to rebroadcast again- ” 不需要再第二遍重播了-” He put out a hand, held down the shoulder of Huai Shi, told him: 他伸出手,按住了槐诗的肩膀,告诉他: „- Prepared to be about to enter?” “-准备好快进了吗?” Hey, waits......” “喂,等……” Stunned of flash, Huai Shi spoke without enough time, then the quilt, has braced forth! 一瞬间的错愕,槐诗来不及说话,便已经被,向前推出! Countless cursory appears from his eye, ten times and hundred times and thousand times and ten thousand times and trillion times...... the time are accelerating. 数之不尽的浮光掠影自他的眼中显现,十倍、百倍、千倍、万倍、亿万倍……时间在加速。 After Abyss was annihilated thoroughly, all records, have recorded in Book of Fate. 深渊被彻底湮灭之后,一切的记录,早已经记录在了命运之书中。 Does not need to wait for this long destruction to end again. 无需再去等待这漫长的毁灭落幕。 In his soul, has left behind forever proof. 在他的灵魂里,早已经留下了永远的证明。 In this so long time, Huai Shi involuntary fluttering, witnesses the complementary waves of destruction to dissipate at the visible speed, the still, to finally, belongs to silent. 在这如此漫长的时光里,槐诗身不由己的飘荡,见证着毁灭的余波以肉眼可见的速度消散,平定,到最后,归于寂静。 Finally sees, is own smile. 最后所看到的,是自己的笑容。 So happy waving, said goodbye toward him of going far away, put out a hand, from the time, delimited a final mark. 如此愉快的挥手,向着远去的他道别,伸出手,从时光之中,划下了最后的一道标记。 When accelerates eventually to finish, Huai Shi actually cannot bear turn head, looks to the past, that continues during until now time, one after another profound trace. 可当加速终于结束时,槐诗却忍不住回过头,看向过去,那延续至今的时光之中,一道又一道深邃的痕迹。 The countless scratch be continuous becomes cannot see the beginning sea- 数之不尽的刻痕绵延成看不到起点的海洋- Is proving the destruction finally end and dissipation. 证明着毁灭的终末和消散。 Escorted to the 200,000 years later time him! 将他送往了二十万年之后的时代! Once the observation of Abyss hot sun, can only deliver to here him- breeding of new world has not started, but old all had finished all. 曾经深渊烈日的观测,只能将他送到这里-新世界的孕育还未曾开始,可旧的一切已经尽数结束。 The deviation of record and reality, will soon appear. 记录和现实的偏差,即将出现。 All that then has, are not then able to use the record testimony of Abyss hot sun again. 接下来所发生的一切,便再无法使用深渊烈日的记录见证。 He must go facing all these personally. 他必须亲自去面对这一切。 „...... Was short of half suddenly?” “……忽然之间就少了一半啊?” Homemade world long silent, Huai Shi sighed lightly, is looking into all separate materials from void , the scene that got together again slowly, smiled in a soft voice: 自创世的漫长寂静中,槐诗轻叹,眺望着一切离散的物质自虚空之中,再度缓慢聚合的场景,轻声一笑: Therefore, is the waiting, and intention hope?” “所以,接下来就是等待且心怀希望了么?” Good. 挺好的。 At least, he also has the time, thinks how to go facing own lie pierced fate...... may such fearful issue, only has 200,000 years, really enough? 最起码,他还有时间,去想一想,怎么去面对自己谎言被戳穿的下场……可这么可怕的问题,只有二十万年,真的够吗? Thinks, at present appears a piece of bloody blade light. 只是想想,眼前就浮现出一片血淋淋的刀光。 He has started to have a headache. 他已经开始头痛了。 But what is lucky, his at least also 200,000 years are ready. 但万幸的是,他至少还有二十万年去做好准备。 Therefore, the tomorrow's matter will say tomorrow again, the future matter thinks in the future again...... 所以,明天的事情明天再说,未来的事情未来再想…… Then, above the first material that in the new world appears gradually, he lies down, fills with the pray of trust: Gave you, future I! 就这样,在新世界渐渐显现的第一块物质之上,他就地一躺,满怀信任的祈祷:交给你了,未来的我! But he has not closed one's eyes, the eye boy's urine had come from the future ray to illuminate. 可他还没有闭眼,眼童便已经被来自未来的光芒照亮。 In the remote ray, some probably people put out a hand, got hold of his shoulder. sound is so familiar, brings familiar teasing and mischief: 遥远的光芒里,像是有人伸出了手,握紧了他的肩膀。声音如此熟悉,带着熟悉的戏谑和促狭: I think, do I, probably need a point...... the insignificant help?” “我想,我自己,可能需要一点……微不足道的帮助?” „Can't wait/etc ?!” “等等,不会吧?!” Huai Shi delay, subconscious wish resistance: Waits for, I have not been ready-” 槐诗呆滞着,下意识的想要抗拒:“等一下,我还没做好准备-” Do not think, really must be able to find out the means that I tested so many years as for the archaeology, but also makes up so many records and proof...... “别想了,真要能想出办法,我至于考古考了这么多年,还补这么多记录和证明出来么…… How first pondered over is not hacked to death by the chaotic blade says again! ” 先琢磨一下自己怎么不被乱刀砍死再说吧!” Bang! 砰! Thick Book of Fate, pounded suddenly on his face. 一本厚厚的命运之书,忽然就砸在了他的脸上。 Stopped up the remaining words. 堵住了剩下的话。 That palm that holds down his shoulder however caught courageous, the tautness, will draw him to the future time, will only leave behind the words that will take pleasure in others'misfortunes: 紧接着,那一只按住他肩膀的手掌勐然拽住了,拉紧,将他拉向未来的时光,只留下幸灾乐祸的话语: „-, Boarded without enough time quickly!” “-来不及了,快上车!” Therefore, in the panic-stricken scream, the time, accelerates again! 于是,在惊恐尖叫里,时光,再度加速! The past designated object, will pull to was summoning his future. 将过去的标志物,扯向了呼唤着他的未来。 From the change of infinite time during, he saw, just like the scene of mist common infinite material gathering, the material that first presented started the growth gradually, the inflation, flooded all. 自无穷时光的变化之中,他看到了,宛如雾气一般的无穷物质渐渐汇聚的景象,最先出现的物质开始了增长,膨胀,充斥所有。 Then, in the pure darkness, emerges the first wisp of ray , the thing of named flame ignites from the profoundest place. 然后,在纯粹的黑暗里,涌现出第一缕光芒,紧接着,名为火焰的东西从最深邃的地方燃起。
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