AF :: Volume #17

#1644 Part 3: Father and to

In father's eye pupil, has not had the exciting glow surges, the combustion, is shining upon the present powerful enemy. Cannot bear again, laughs to make noise! I thought finally, Huai Shi.” 就在大君的眼瞳之中,未曾有过的兴奋辉光涌动,燃烧,映照着眼前的强敌。再忍不住,大笑出声!“我终于想起来了,槐诗。” Since this does not accommodate in the test of strength that flinches and evades, the father told him: I have seen you! I should, see you to be right!” That, once you!” 自这不容退缩和逃避的角力之中,大君告诉他:“我见过你!我应该,早就见过你才对!”“那个,曾经的你!” During understanding thoroughly the eye pupils of all fate shines, appears, is actually not his front Huai Shi, but is more remote, form that moves fast. 在洞彻一切命运的眼瞳映照之中,所显现的,却并非是他面前的槐诗,而是更加遥远,更加飘忽的身影。 And, compared with must at this moment a purer darkness and nihility! „- That, you who you denied!” 以及,比此刻还要更加纯粹的黑暗和虚无!“—那个被你所否定的,你!” Bang! 轰! From the loud sound, Huai Shi stands one's ground steadfastly, may in the depths, be located in his behind Hell actually wail, changed into the smashing. Again, father's smile is loudly stave. 自巨响之中,槐诗岿然不动,可在深度之间,一座座位于他身后的地狱却哀鸣着,化为了粉碎。再紧接着,大君的笑容轰然破碎。 Under heading of Huai Shi... Abyss, flying upside down! 槐诗的头槌之下...・・・深渊至强,倒飞而出! Excuse me, how don't I remember?” “不好意思,我怎么不记得?” In deep void, Huai Shi holds up the head, is shooting a look at his appearance. One wisp of blood-color fell from the volumes slowly, has delimited the face, fell into his hand. 深度的虚空之中,槐诗昂起头,瞥着他的模样。只有一缕血色缓缓从额间滑落,划过了面孔,落入了他的手中。 So bright. 如此鲜艳。 Made his smile even more happy. 令他的笑容越发的愉快。 Originally father's blood, is red?” “原来大君的血,也是红的吗?” Yes, such as you are common.” “是啊,如你一般。” In the Hell wreckage of fluttering, the father goes out from the fissure in slowly, does not conceal opening before the volume, but puts out a hand, wipes one wisp, puts in the import to taste carefully. 在飘飞的地狱残骸之中,大君自裂痕中缓缓走出,并不掩饰自己额前的裂口,只是伸出手,擦去一缕,放进口中仔细品尝。 Told him: Also just like you, there is the flavor of destruction and nihility.” Normal.” 告诉他:“也同你一样,有毁灭和虚无的味道。”“正常。” Huai Shi nod feeling: In my blood the in great disorder thing is a much less, presenting anything is not strange. When you found my artistic cell time, the hemp requests to tell me one.” 槐诗点头感慨:“我血里乱七八糟的东西有点多,出现什么都不奇怪。等你找到我的艺术细胞的时候,麻烦请告诉我一声。” Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the form of Abyss hot sun but air-splitting, arrived at father's front, Current Territories called to gather in the hand again, changed into the axe blade, cut to fall toward father's head. 瞬息间,深渊烈日的身影破空而至,来到了大君的面前,现境之鸣动再度汇聚于手中,化为斧刃,向着大君的头颅斩落。 The string sound sets out from the axe blade above, is so touching. 弦音自斧刃之上进发,如此凄婉。 Axe blade that before cutting to fall, in father's hand, has the sharp blade of moving fast to appear suddenly, that is compared with angry must a fiercer outline! Was similar, spanned the time, with the self- will, got hold of once weapon again. 就在斩落的斧刃之前,大君的手中,却有飘忽的利刃骤然显现,那是比愤怒还要更加狰狞的轮廓!就仿佛,跨越了时光,以自我之意志,再度握紧了曾经的兵器。 Made that already with the axe blade that the powerful enemy unravelled together, reappeared from the hand in! Collision! 令那早已经随着强敌一同灰飞烟灭的斧刃,自手中重现!碰撞! Before the father treads, dashed the Huai Shi stance, in another hand, the white bones carves the great sword that becomes to sway, is similar to Huai Shi to be the same, neat, no slight defect beheads! 大君踏前,撞破了槐诗的架势,在另一只手中,白骨所雕琢而成的巨剑挥洒,正如同槐诗一般,干脆利落、毫无任何瑕疵的・・・・・・斩首! Blade, sword, axe, hammer and lance also or iron fist 刀、剑、斧、锤、长矛亦或者铁拳・・・・・・ All change from father's will, but each type, perfect to dominating above the imagination of every thing, actually makes clear to true reaching the pinnacle is being what kind of appearance! 一切自大君的意志之下变化,可每一种,都完美到凌驾于凡物的想象之上,昭示着真正的登峰造极究竟是何等的模样! Even if, does not have long known many years, has not had the enemy to need him to use the technique that this dead to whet becomes, when appears at this moment again, has not had any slight defect as before. 即便是,早已经不知道多少年,未曾有敌人需要他去动用这一份以死亡而磨砺而成的技艺,但此刻再度显现时,却依旧未曾有过任何的瑕疵。 Instead with is stronger! 反而・・・・・・遇强更强! Thorough, dominates above Huai Shi! 彻底的,凌驾于槐诗之上! „The art that you track down, here, Huai Shi, did you see?” “你所追寻的艺术,就在这里,槐诗,你看到了吗?” After beheaded sword blade, the hammer of destruction appeared in father's hand again, pounds to fall, initiated loud sound that cut off all resonances. If so-called beautiful is born from the life, then, the destruction and death, were this artistic true turning over to place! 斩首的剑刃之后,毁灭之锤在大君的手中再度显现,砸落,引发了断绝一切共鸣的巨响。倘若所谓的美是从生命中诞生,那么,毁灭和死亡,才是这一份艺术真正的归处! Is ordinary like present Huai Shi. 正如同眼前的槐诗一般。 Like the negative essence is been same by him! Extremely in despising, extremely in arrogance. 正如同被他所否定的本质一样!太过于轻蔑了,也太过于狂妄。 Dares to retain in own front unexpectedly dares unexpectedly now, but also fetters that single layer shackles above own soul! Bang! 竟然胆敢在自己的面前有所保留・・・・・・竟然胆敢到现在,还将那一重枷锁束缚在自己的灵魂之上!轰! The heavy sword chops to cut, passes through the shoulder, nearly diagonal cut two sections Huai Shi, but, the chelated was actually blocked by his body, the flatter room pounded down, struck off father's right hand thoroughly! 重剑劈斩,贯穿肩膀,近乎将槐诗斜向斩成了两截,可紧接着,却又被他的身躯所钳合封锁,阿房砸下,将大君的右手彻底击断! But there is no small wound of difference simply not to make two people have slight caring with scrubbing, instead made their each other smile, was even more wild. 可这同刮擦没有任何区别的小伤却根本没有令两人有丝毫的在意,反而令他们彼此的笑容,越发狂暴。 Holds nothing back to serve with the destruction and devastation mutually. 毫不保留的互相施以破坏和蹂躏。 Is massacring like the monster that two are unable to kill, holds nothing back, not to care about all., Has then made most Abyss immerse in the confusion merely. 如同两个无法杀死的怪物在残杀,毫不保留,再不顾及所有。仅仅只是如此,便已经令大半个深渊都沉浸在混乱之中。 Even if dwarf king Men the disqualification has also surrounded this fight again, can only retrocede unceasingly, retrocedes again, is relying on the blessing survival of father bed of state. 哪怕是侏儒王们也已经再无资格来围观这一场战斗,只能不断的后退,再后退,凭借着大君御座的庇佑幸存。 But quick, Huai Shi has departed again. The chest front was passed through thoroughly. 可很快,槐诗已经再度飞出。胸前被彻底贯穿。 In his top of the head, the sun bursts, the black flame like blood such, gushes out, Hell that all touches, burns all completely! The flame of burning down is put out under trampling of father. 在他头顶,日轮破裂,黑焰如血那样,喷薄而出,将一切所触碰到的地狱,尽数焚尽!焚烧的火焰又在大君的践踏之下熄灭。 Why to deceive oneself and others?” “何必自欺欺人?” Abyss to forwards slowly, overlooks: „, Is your answers that you denied- this destruction, was you creates, but result, such that just like you hoped for 深渊至强缓缓向前,俯瞰:“被你所否定的,就是你们的答案—这一份毁灭,便是你们所创造而出的结果,正如你们所期盼的那样・・・・・・” This is, answer that past President earnestly sought. 这便是,昔日的会长所渴求的答案。 Witnesses infinite redemption that Current Territories is creating, witnesses twisting that the world is weaving becomes similarly and degenerates more advances to the future, more is unable to evade. 见证着现境所创造的无穷救赎,又同样见证着人世所编织而成的歪曲和堕落・・・・・・越是迈向未来,就越是无法逃避过去。 Existence of so-called Astronomy Association, whether is right? Complies with crash of Abyss circulation is the answer? 所谓的天文会的存在,是否正当?难道顺应深渊循环的坠落才是答案? All significance gatherings in the world, finally what appears is what? When all destructions overlap, what finally is the outcome of achievement? 世上的一切意义汇聚,最终所显现的是什么?当所有的毁灭重叠,最终成就的究竟又是什么? The hope when the world creates and desperate, sublimation and solidification, miracle and disaster were placed when both sides of balance, finally guides, whether is Kingdom of Heaven? 当人世所创造的希望和绝望、升华和凝固、奇迹和灾厄被摆在天平的两端时,最后所导向的,是否是天国 Can complete all these is a Savior. 能够完成这一切的才是救世主。 From that hope, in view of the settlement and trial of Current Territories during, the Abyss hot sun is born thoroughly! This is the result that Current Territories is doomed. 正是自那一份渴望里,针对现境的清算和审判之中,深渊烈日才彻底诞生!这便是现境所注定的结果。 Huai Shi, yourself are the only evident proof and result, never needs any new world and Kingdom of Heaven, the result of starting, was conclusion again!” 槐诗,你自己便是唯一的明证和结果,从来不需要什么新世界和天国,重新开始的结局,就是再度的结束!” The father drew out the sword blade between bottom of one's heart, grasps broken: thou and others struggles the rise from the mire, dies in unproductive searching, finally, you understand finally- the circulation end, perishes!” 大君拔出了肺腑之间的剑刃,握碎:“汝等自泥潭中挣扎起落,在徒劳的寻觅里凋亡,最终,你们终将会明白—循环的尽头,是灭亡!” „.” “哦。” Huai Shi is aloof, is only the tranquil uphold hand, Elements of Ruin urges to send again, from the tyrannical counter-attack during, asked again: What's the big deal?” 槐诗无动于衷,只是平静的抬起手,毁灭要素再度催发,自暴虐的反击之中,再度发问:“那又怎么样呢?” He said: I do not matter.” 他说:“我无所谓啊。” Such contemptuous and desolate facial expression, making father's movement slightly not be possible to be thought stagnated. What thing, from the instance of birth, is doomed to destroy. 那样轻蔑又冷淡的神情,令大君的动作微不可觉的一滞。不论是什么东西,从诞生的瞬间,就注定毁灭。 This point, Huai Shi is well aware from the beginning. 这一点,从一开始槐诗就心知肚明。 Perhaps the Current Territories answer is this, the birth of Abyss hot sun, perhaps is the natural result. In father opinion, must so. 或许现境的答案就是这样,深渊烈日的诞生,或许才是理所当然的结果。在大君看来,一切就应当如此。 The dwarves initiate the challenge to fate, unceasing struggle, unceasing victory, to anticipate that final fate appears, after to anticipate to subvert all, oneself will turn into that the answer of subverting fate. 侏儒们向命运发起挑战,不断的斗争,不断的胜利,以期待最终的命运显现,以期待颠覆所有之后,将自己变成那个颠覆命运的答案。 For this reason, will not allow this regarding the denial of answer. But what answer finally regardless, Huai Shi actually does not care. He pursues, is never such thing! 正因如此,才不会容许这一份对于答案的否定。可最终不论什么样的答案,槐诗其实都不在乎。他所追逐的,从不是这样的东西! Is more important than the result, why is living! Bang! 比结局更重要的,是为什么而活着!轰! Burns in wreckage completely innumerably, the jet black hot sun lowers again, spurts the thin ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) brilliance, the storm of proliferation blows completely all. But in the austere cold sun, the Huai Shi form appears again. 无数焚尽的残骸之中,漆黑的烈日再度降下,喷薄万丈光焰,扩散的风暴吹尽所有。而就在肃冷的日轮之中,槐诗的身影再度显现。 I did not think that a matter has the result is not good, but I do not live for the result, was born like the life to not die to be the same.” “我并不觉得一件事情有结局不好,但我不为结果而活,如同生命诞生不是为了死亡一样。” Huai Shi is looking at the father, told him: If you felt, this destruction and nihility must be the answer of Current Territories, then now, please let me show to you- with process and value that this answer matches!” 槐诗望着大君,告诉他:“倘若你觉得,这一份毁灭和虚无应当是现境之答案的话,那么现在,就请让我向你展现—同这一份答案所相匹配的过程与价值吧!” The storm was torn in father's front. The sword of day error breaks around the middle. 风暴在大君的面前被撕裂。天阙之剑拦腰而断。 In the iron light of being defeated and dispersed, the father lifted the head, then, saw finally both hands that Huai Shi launches, and even, above the palm, the wedge of god that appears gradually! 溃散的铁光之中,大君抬起了头,然后,终于看到了・・・・・・槐诗所展开的双手,乃至,在掌心之上,那一柄渐渐显现的神之楔! So familiar. 如此熟悉。 Redemption that past Taiyi and today's Taiyi both pursue, soul, elementium, and even all flowed in the casting all, finally, changed into a dignified bright red bow! 昔日的太一和今日的太一两者所追逐的救赎,灵魂,源质,乃至一切・・・・・・尽数流入了铸造之中,最终,化为了一柄庄严的朱红之弓! The myriad things happy song as if resounds near the ear again. 万物的欢歌仿佛在耳边再度响起。 Sky, land, sea and mountain range, Current Territories, Hell, Abyss, and even all. 天空、大地、海洋、山峦,现境,地狱,深渊,乃至一切。 All cries, all rhythms, the revolution of all phenomena on earth, the gathering in this bow, changed into the previous wisp slenderly to the string that nearly is unable to detect all. 所有的鸣动,一切的节律,万象的运转,尽数汇聚于此弓之中,化为了上一缕纤细到近乎无从察觉的弦。 In this unprecedented silence, the bowstring opens in the hand of Huai Shi slowly. From the string and bow above, there is the darkness and a ray overflows. 这前所未有的寂静里,弓弦在槐诗的手中缓缓开启。自弦与弓之上,有黑暗和光芒流溢而出。 The Savior and extinguish world the strength each other to pester, the Taiyi of hot sun and the Current Territories Abyss essence overlaps again. From the ascension of Elements of Ruin during, destroys strengths to appear all sufficiently thoroughly the 12 times. 救世主和灭世者的力量彼此纠缠,深渊之烈日和现境太一的本质再度重叠。自毁灭要素的升腾之中,足以将一切彻底毁灭十二次的力量显现其中。 Therefore, the whole world is dim, all colors vanish without the trace all. 于是,举世黯淡,一切的色彩都尽数消失无踪。 Under preserves, pure white that then only then above that arrow arrow appears gradually! 所存留下的,便只有那箭矢之上渐渐所显现的纯白! But when instance that it appears, then flooded all probably, making all infinite be covered by this piece white/in vain, had no place to go again. The so pure color, shines in father's eye pupil. 可当它所显现的瞬间,便好像充斥了一切,令一切都被这一片无穷之白所笼罩,再无处可逃。如此纯粹的色彩,映照在大君的眼瞳之中。 Following, is the unprecedented crisis and hope, is vigilant and earnestly seeks, therefore is not then able to restrain again, that happy big laughter! 随之而来的,便是前所未有的危机和期盼,警惕与渴求・・・・・・・于是便再无法克制,那愉快的大笑声! So. 如此的久违了。 Archenemies, you finally from my present reappearance! That then comes, the person of Current Territories.” 大敌啊,你终于从我的眼前再现!“那便来吧,现境之人。” The father laughs. 大君大笑。 During the circulation of infinite Abyss essence, he lifts the hand, shackles disaster, remoulds the destruction, is similar to infinite Hell to grasp in the hand such. 无穷深渊真髓的流转之中,他抬起手,桎梏灾厄,重塑毁灭,正如同将无穷的地狱都握在了手中那样。 This flickers, the ray that in big Abyss, has no again, all thunder collect from here, appear the pure quality and point! Uphold. 这一瞬,偌大深渊之中,再无任何的光芒,一切的雷霆自此处收束,显现出纯粹的质量和锋芒!抬起。 Aimed at the front hot sun. 对准了前方的烈日。 One strikes by this, where verifies to! 以此一击,印证至强何在! Retention that then, has no again, is filling with the anticipation, is filling with the hope, passes through all pure white light to launch attack to that goes, to greet that established answer again! 就这样,再无任何的保留,满怀着期待,满怀着渴望,向那贯穿所有的纯白之光发起进攻・・・・・・去再一次的,去迎接那个既定的答案! Huai Shi, loosened the bowstring. 槐诗,松开了弓弦。 In the deathly stillness world, there is low and deep sound to resound. This was the cry of destruction. 死寂的世界中,有低沉的声音响起。这便是毁灭的鸣动了。 Has flash that all phenomena on earth radical stagnation. All like freeze. 有那么一刹那,万象彻底的停滞。一切如同冻结。 From all sensations , the scene that happened presented the so bright fault/chasm, on moment all have not started obviously probably, may work as opens the eye again, all had finished. 自一切的感知之中,所发生的景象都出现了如此鲜明的断层,明明上一刻一切好像都未曾开始,可当再一次睁开眼睛的时候,一切都已经结束。 Any sensation, was unable to observe that to dominate the changes again above all soul limits. Can feel, then only then trembles with frightened. 任何的感知,都已经无法再观测到那凌驾于一切灵魂极限之上的变化。所能够感受到的,便只有颤栗和恐惧。 In complementary waves of self diffusion, all Hell silent changed into the dust, the big deep pool dark space, turned into the history, does not exist. In the shatter wreckage, the throne still stands tall and erect. 自扩散的余波之中,一切地狱都无声的化为了尘埃,偌大的渊暗区,都变成了历史,不复存在。破碎的残骸之中,王座依然高耸。 Annihilates all complementary waves to sweep across, the impact, may in this, the storm officiate is supporting own body as before stubbornly, raised the head, stares in a big way the eye pupil. 湮灭所有的余波席卷,冲击,可在这之中,风暴主祭依旧死死的支撑着自己的身体,抬起头,瞪大了眼瞳。 Whatever the double pupil burnings out in the afterglow. 任凭双眸在残光之中烧尽。 Unbearably anxious, looked to the final result. Then, then forgot breath 急不可耐的,看向了最终的结果。然后,便忘记了呼吸・・・・・・ In the innumerable Hell dust, jet black sun, silent cracks together the gap. Jet black color like blood such, from raises, silent proliferation 就在无数地狱的尘埃之间,漆黑的日轮,无声的崩裂出一道缺口。漆黑的色彩如同血那样,从其中升起,无声的扩散・・・・・・ Has shatter sound to resound. From Huai Shi soul in 有破碎的声音响起。自槐诗灵魂之中・・・・・・ His lowering the head of slowly, looks to own chest front, wisp of thunder light who that passes through the body, is ordinary just like the sword blade, sewed him above the hot sun. Scarlet blood from wound during, silent outflow. 他缓缓的低下头,看向自己的胸前,那贯穿身躯的一缕雷光,宛若剑刃一般,将他钉在了烈日之上。猩红的血自创口之中,无声的流出。 Gradually dry. 渐渐干涸。 Really pitifully.” “真可惜啊。” The father sighed lightly. 大君轻叹。 The highest place of palace outside the capital, the king of withering took back the line of sight slowly, but puts out a hand, carried wine glass. But in wine glass actually empty. 离宫的最高处,枯萎之王缓缓的收回了视线,只是伸手,端起了身旁的酒杯。可酒杯中却空荡荡的。 Again not trickle-down. 再无涓滴。 The past liquor, has drunk up. 往日的酒,已经喝完了。 The lonely emperor gawked, silent sighed, threw the wine glass in hand to Abyss outside pavilion, did not yearn. Even if later, the whole world good wine puts at own at present. 孤独的皇帝愣了一下,无声一叹,将手中的酒杯抛向了楼阁之外的深渊里,再不留恋。哪怕以后,整个世界美酒都摆在自己的眼前。 Whom but can also ask to drink again? He took back the line of sight, turns around to depart. 可自己还能再去找谁喝酒呢?他收回了视线,转身离去。 That flash, cracking sound, resounds from father's body finally bursts just like the glacier, the mountain range collapses such, the extended destruction, is unable to cut off again. 那一刹那,崩裂的声音,终于从大君的躯壳之中响起・・・・・・宛若冰川破裂,山峦坍塌那样,延绵的毁灭,再无法断绝。 In the Huai Shi front. 就在槐诗的面前。 When final thunder light dissipates, once Abyss to the strength of again not going forward. 当最后的雷光消散,曾经的深渊至强再没有前进的力气。 Once dominated the body above material, returned to the material again, but control all strengths, are nothing left. In shatter soul, innumerable disaster such as blood general outflow, raises. 曾经凌驾于物质之上的身躯,再度回归了物质,而掌控所有的力量,却已经荡然无存。在破碎的灵魂之中,无数灾厄如血一般的流出,升起。 Belonged to the jet black hot sun. 归入了漆黑的烈日之中。 Only is left over that break the pale arrow, passes through above the body. 只剩下那一支断裂的苍白之箭,贯穿在身体之上。 Then, above the victory and defeat balance, threw down the important weights. But the father has not actually paid attention. 就这样,在胜负的天平之上,投下了至关重要的砝码。可大君却未曾留意。 Dedicated staring, is looking at the Huai Shi chest front opening, thunder light of that wisp of gradually dissipation, cannot pass through the hot sun thoroughly fissure 只是专注的凝视,望着槐诗胸前的裂口,还有那一缕渐渐消散的雷光,以及,未能彻底贯穿烈日的裂痕・・・・・ „Is this only the poor feeling?” He self-ridiculed that sighed is suddenly enlighted. “这就是只差一点的感觉吗?”他自嘲一叹恍然大悟。 Pitifully the opponent are so obviously many time, actually not such has been a pity oneself. Had regretted obviously the enemy are so many time, but most regrettable, unexpectedly for oneself. 明明可惜过对手那么多次,却从未曾这么的可惜过自己。明明遗憾过敌人那么多次,可最遗憾的,竟然是为自己。 So laughable. Also, is how carefree. The victory is so obviously sweet. 如此可笑。可是,又何其畅快。明明胜利如此甘甜。 But the failure actually can also the wonderful letting person have not given full expression. Victory and defeat already minute/share, father.” 但失败却也能美妙的让人意犹未尽。“胜负已分,大君。” At that moment during irretrievable cracking and disintegration, he heard Huai Shi sound finally, but actually cannot bear want to laugh. 那一刻自不可挽回的崩裂和解体之中,他终于听见了槐诗声音,可却又忍不住想要发笑。 Now, you were a father, Huai Shi.” “现在,你是大君了,槐诗。” Was replaced such like the false result by the real result. New oversteps the old skeleton, therefore. 如同虚假的结果被真实的结果所代替了那样。新的至强踏过旧的尸骨,因此而成。 In Abyss the hot sun from suffering defeat of thunder raises slowly, shines all. It seems like my answer, can only come here.” 自雷霆的败北之中深渊的烈日冉冉升起,普照所有。“看来我的答案,就只能到这里了。” Once raised the head, looks exceeds own opponent, filled with blessing with hoping: From now on, is decided all by you.” Lasting of sea of thunder, the Hell result, living of Abyss extinguishes, what answer also or must make soul pursue, but now, does you to do. 曾经的至强抬起头,看着更胜过自己的对手,满怀着祝福与期盼:“从今往后,由你来决定一切。”不论是雷霆之海的存续,地狱的结果,深渊的生灭,亦或者是应当让灵魂去追逐什么样的答案・・・・・・但现在,去做你应当做的吧。 Father. 大君。 He is smiling, lowering the head of slowly. Accepts the result. 他微笑着,缓缓的低下了头。领受结局。 Therefore, in the sun, there is a point of sword blade to reappear, raising slowly. And died such like the destruction. 于是,日轮之中,有剑刃的锋芒再现,缓缓的升起。恰如毁灭与死亡那样。 Parted forever, Giant.” Unmanned response. “永别了,巨人。”无人回应。 The alone arc light flashes to pass, cut off before the innumerable time continues until now time, from this moment, was once glory Xun and magnificence, put the period. 只有孤寂的弧光一闪而逝,斩断了自无数时光之前延续至今的时代,自这一刻,为曾经的荣勋和辉煌,划下句点。 This is the Giant result. 这便是巨人的结局。 When the jet black sun covers above the bed of state of king of Hell again, in innumerable Hell wreckage, only then a form walks slowly toward the end point. 当漆黑的日轮再度笼罩地狱之王的御座之上时,无数地狱的残骸之中,只有一个身影向着终点缓缓走来。 Above dignified white clothing, already by blood-color incarnadine. So dazzling. 庄严的白衣之上,已经被一片血色所染红。如此刺眼。 This was past thunder final carry-over. 这便是昔日雷霆最后的遗留。 Before the throne, Huai Shi turns head, looks to all Ruler, finally asked toward them: Now, but also do some people want to challenge me?” In the deathly stillness, does not have anybody to dare to send out sound again, no one dared to look straight ahead that eye. 就在王座之前,槐诗回头,看向所有的统治者,最后向着他们发问:“现在,还有人想要挑战我么?”死寂之中,再无任何人胆敢发出声音,也没有任何人胆敢去直视那一双眼睛了。 Therefore, Huai Shi took back the line of sight. 于是,槐诗收回了视线。 Then, sat above own bed of state, told them: That, you can bow politely.” 就这样,坐在了属于自己的御座之上,告诉他们:“那么,你们可以叩拜了。” Silent , the rickets storm officiated to lower the head, accepted commanding of this father, prostrated oneself before the throne, offered loyally. Second and third 沉默之中,佝偻的风暴主祭低下了头,领受了这一份大君的谕令,拜倒在王座之前,献上忠诚。紧接着,第二个、第三个・・・・・・ No one dares to hesitate again. 再无一人胆敢迟疑。 Then, submits to toward the new father, gives loyalty, then, offers all. Since under the Abyss hot sun shines, has an audience to! 就这样,向着新的大君臣服,效忠,然后,献上所有。自深渊的烈日映照之下,朝见至强! () () …… ……
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