AF :: Volume #17

#1646 Part 2: Testimony

The tiny mighty waves sprout gradually, reverberate in nihility that in this pure substances form, to finally, changed into remoulded all hysterical/frenzy tides. 渺小的波澜渐渐萌发,回荡在这一片纯粹物质所形成的虚无之中,到最后,化为了重塑一切的狂乱潮汐。 The fission, started. 分裂,开始了。 Again then, accumulates collapsing of limit, as well as collapsed to the eruption of limit! 再然后,是积累到了极限的坍缩,以及坍缩到极限的爆发! The infinite material from the dead center ejection, the proliferation, during the crashing collision, a wisp of elementium glow appears from the nihility. 无穷的物质自正中心抛射而出,扩散,激烈的碰撞之中,一缕源质的辉光从虚无之中显现。 Like initial criterion such, making the brand-new world be able to open. 如同最初的准绳那样,令崭新的世界得以开辟。 Heavy all extend downward, reappear, the reorganization, then in the chaos nihility, appears is not able to see end land. 沉重的一切向下延伸,再现,重组,便在混沌的虚无之中,显现为了看不到尽头的大地。 The light and lively all rises, fill the air, the proliferation, covers above the land, surrounds all, then changed into the initial vault of heaven. 轻灵的一切上升,弥漫,扩散,笼罩在大地之上,环绕一切,便化为了最初的天穹。 But in the world, the infinite material and elementium is flowing rapidly, is ordinary just like the tide, covers all phenomena on earth, lowered the initial change. 而在天地之间,无穷的物质和源质奔流着,宛若潮汐一般,笼罩万象,降下了最初的变化。 Made the land crack, welcomes the turmoil, the vault of heaven trembles, gathers the dark cloud. 令大地崩裂,迎来动乱,天穹震颤,汇聚乌云。 In the flame and lava, mountain ranges rise straight from the ground from the extrusion of material during. But, the initial rainwater from arched in the air lowers, sprinkles to flooding the flame desolated world, surges recklessly, flows rapidly, sets aside the boundary of rivers and streams and sea. 火焰和熔岩之中,一座座山峦自物质的挤压之中拔地而起。而紧接着,最初的雨水从穹空中降下,洒向充斥着火焰的荒芜世界,肆意涌动,奔流,划分出江河与海洋的界限。 In the dim world, the ray raises toward the vault of heaven, the gathering, lightened the initial stars. The darkness flows to the land, forms the eternal foundation. 在昏暗的世界里,光芒向着天穹升起,汇聚,点亮了最初的星辰。黑暗向大地之下流淌,形成永恒的根基。 From ray and dark each other circulation during, the miracle or disaster, blend all, does not see. sublimation and solidification elementium fuses together gradually, evolves for the brand-new shape. 自光芒和黑暗的彼此流转之中,不论是奇迹还是灾厄,都尽数交融,再也不见。升华和凝固的源质渐渐融为一体,演化为崭新的形态。 Until finally, continued several tens of thousands of years of rainstorm and welcomes the end turbulently, old all cannot see the trace again, the new world welcomed the first daybreak. 直到最后,延续了数万年的暴雨和动荡迎来上了终结,旧的所有再看不到痕迹,新的世界迎来了第一个黎明。 Taiyang (Sun) first raising. 太阳第一次升起。 Above the brand-new land, the first grass seed silent germination, disclosed that wipes fresh green. But in the remote sea, the ancient sound of the tide resounds. 崭新的大地之上,第一颗草籽无声的萌发,透露出一抹新绿。而遥远的海洋之中,古老的潮声响起。 The life appears from the brand-new world in again, grows again. 生命自崭新的世界之中再度显现,再度生长。 From initial light green, to covering green of the whole world, until finally, above the most ancient great tree, the first bird launched the pair of wings. 从最初的一叶嫩绿,到覆盖整个世界的苍翠,直到最后,在最古老的巨树之上,第一只飞鸟展开了双翼。 Has the courage. 鼓起勇气。 Flew to the remote land end. 飞向了遥远的大地尽头。 Goes far away. 就此远去。 The first note resounds from the silent world, again is second, all lives arrogantly and between the vault of heaven breed, by self- has the whereabouts world happy song, played the brand-new music movement prologue. 第一个音符自寂静的世界中响起,再然后是第二个,一切的生灵自大地和天穹之间孕育,以自我之存在去向世界欢歌,奏响了崭新乐章的序幕。 But in this foreword chapter of end, in the gentle residual sound, shone again from the remote past rainbow light, illuminated the Huai Shi eye child. 而就在这序章的尽头,轻柔的余音里,来自遥远过去的虹光再度亮起,照亮了槐诗的眼童。 The new time, starts. 新的时代,就此开始。 This then creates the century! 这便是创世纪! Until now, Huai Shi feels suddenly, oneself have placed oneself the future. 直到现在,槐诗才恍然感受到,自己已经置身未来。 But when he glances back, looked to that remote old times light, then saw trace that oneself left...... once, future. 可当他蓦然回首,望向那遥远的旧时光,便看到了自己所留下的痕迹……曾经的自己,还有未来的自己。 Extended from the past to the future, extended from the future to the past, took Huai Shi as the frame of reference, implemented the so long time, the accurate docking was completed. 从过去延伸向未来,又从未来延伸向了过去,以槐诗自身为参照物,贯彻了如此漫长的时光,精准的对接完成。 Formed spanned 450,000 years of grand bridge. 形成了跨越四十五万年的宏伟桥梁。 It looks like the final punctuation to be the same, for the past story, drew to a close period. 就像是最后的标点一般,为过去的故事,划下了句号。 Old all eventually finished. 旧的一切终于结束了。 But do new all start to start to write from where? 可新的一切又从何处开始落笔呢? Always felt, lacked anything.” “总感觉,缺了点什么啊。” From this brand-new world, Huai Shi curious raising the head, is looking into that strange and familiar vault of heaven, so lofty, during white clouds stretch/leisurely curls, is reverberating the cry of bird. 自这崭新的世界里,槐诗好奇的抬起头,眺望着那陌生又熟悉的苍穹,如此高远,白云舒卷之中,回荡着飞鸟的鸣叫声。 In the sound of the tide, the sea water inundated the sand beach, has covered his instep, slowly retreat. 在潮声里,海水漫上了沙滩,盖过了他的脚背,又缓缓退去。 He strolls in this brand-new world, is stroking the vegetation and rock, is feeling and once the entirely different color and melody. 他漫步在这崭新的天地之间,抚摸着草木和岩石,感受着与曾经截然不同的色彩和曲调。 Therefore, confusedness gradually, does not know that actually should go to where, from resounds until the gentle laughter behind. 于是,渐渐的迷茫,不知道究竟应该去往何方,直到轻柔的笑声从身后响起。 Just like unexpected pleasant surprise. 宛若猝不及防的惊喜。 When Huai Shi has turned head, then saw her smile, bathes in the sea breeze. 槐诗回过头的时候,便看到了她的笑容,沐浴在海风里。 Is so happy and self-satisfied. 如此的愉快和得意。 Then, is looking at him, after coughed seriously two, deeply inspires- in Book of Fate brand-new one page, writes the familiar introduction again: 就这样,望着他,郑重的咳嗽了两声之后,深吸了一口气-在命运之书的崭新一页中,再度写下熟悉的开篇: Name?” “姓名?” Made him, at present one black. 令他,眼前一黑。 Your earnest?” “你认真的吗?” Asked, casual anything was good, only this opening, traded one...... 求求了,随便什么都行,唯独这个开头,还是换一个吧…… May look handwriting that on Book of Fate appears, he then cannot bear again, the chuckle makes noise. 可看着命运之书上浮现的字迹,他便再忍不住,轻笑出声。 It is not rigid. 再不执着。 Actually, what opening is casual to be good. 其实,随便什么样的开头都好。 This same name, age and sex have not related, regardless of what prologue does not matter. 这同姓名、年龄和性别都没有关系,不论什么样的序幕都无所谓。 Regarding oneself, the outset of story, certainly in her smile. 对于自己而言,故事的起始,一定都在她的笑容里。 We walk.” “我们走吧。” Huai Shi held her hand, was not confused, moved toward the front in big strides. 槐诗牵起了她的手,再不迷茫,大踏步的走向了前方。 Then, two lines of footprints on beach go far away gradually. 就这样,海滩上的两行脚印渐渐远去。 From the sound of the tide, Book of Fate turned over a new page, the old story will cross, in the brand-new page, the story about Huai Shi is still continuing. 自潮声里,命运之书掀开了新的一页,将旧的故事翻过,崭新的书页上,关于槐诗的故事还在继续。 Past had finished, future has not started. 过去的已经结束,未来的还没开始。 But now. 但还有现在。 Under clear vault of heaven. 澄澈的天穹之下。 The land song sang, sea happy song. 大地颂唱,海洋欢歌。
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