AF :: Volume #17

#1641: Final tomorrow

When the dim light of night and daybreak pass quietly, Taiyang (Sun) raises again. 当夜色和黎明悄然而逝,太阳再度升起。 The present world and city go out from the darkness again, are bathing Taiyang (Sun), from residual dream welcomed new day. 眼前的世界和城市再度从黑暗中走出,沐浴着太阳,自残留的梦里迎来了新的一天。 Last day. 最后一天。 In the Huai Shi short dream wakes up, stares at the sunlight that the photo is falling. 槐诗短暂的梦里醒来,凝视着照落的阳光。 After a short day of vacation, has not had during the estimate relaxed and feels relaxed, instead even more heavy, cannot bear spurn oneself, so ugly appearance. 短暂的一天假期过后,未曾有过预想之中的轻松和释然,反而越发的沉重,忍不住唾弃自己,如此丑陋的模样。 For own happiness, the faith and sentiment that does not hesitate to play with these unable to disappoint. 为了自己的幸福,不惜去玩弄那些无法辜负的信赖和感情。 Pours into the dependence to Luo Xian, makes the promise to Lily. 罗娴倾注依赖,对莉莉做出许诺。 Gives companion who Chu clear the feather needs, demonstrated honesty that Fu Yi most regards as important. And, puts out Ai Qing most unable to reject, came from own adjuration so uglily ..... 给予褚清羽所需要的陪伴,展示傅依所最看重的坦诚。以及,拿出艾晴最无法拒绝的,来自自己的恳请.....如此丑陋。 But present and once is which should spurn? 可如今的自己和曾经的自己又是哪个更应该唾弃呢? He has known what they want is anything, but pretends unable to see. Now makes, but sluggish too long response. 他一直都知道她们想要的是什么,只是装作看不见而已。如今所作出的,不过是已经迟滞了太久的回应。 But such small response, they then chose even if believed themselves. This is the mistake that he violates, is unpardonable. 可哪怕只是这样微小的回应,她们便选择了相信自己。这是他所犯下的错,无可宽恕。 If really has the trial of justice and morals, then should, when he welcomed the new world, cut eight him greatly, tore to shreds. 倘若真的有公义和道德的审判在,那么就应该在他迎来新世界的时候,把他大切八块,碎尸万段。 Because of this, he even more firm determination. Even destroys the world still to refuse to balk! 正因为如此,他才越发的坚定决心。就算是毁灭世界也在所不惜! At this moment, when everyone's vision gathers on own body again. 此刻,当所有人的目光再度汇聚在自己的身上。 Welcomed stagnant Current Territories to be covered by the silence, all values will welcome the final evaluation and judgement. 迎来停滞的现境被寂静所覆盖,一切的价值都将迎来最终的评定和裁决。 In the hand of Huai Shi .... 就在槐诗的手中.... " , Making us start. " 「那么,让我们开始吧。」 Huai Shi raised the head, to the whole world, announced finally, " creation to lead to our future results! " 槐诗抬起头,向整个世界,最后宣告,「创造通向吾等未来的结局!」 That flash, along with his words, the hot sun above vault of heaven revolves again, the sun expands, extends, sprinkles the infinite ray, scattered all darkness. 那一瞬间,伴随着他的话语,天穹之上的烈日再度运转,日轮扩张,延伸,洒下无穷光芒,驱散了所有的黑暗。 The authority of Taiyi revolves, thorough, entered in all cage own bosom. 太一之威权运转,彻底的,将一切都笼入了自己的怀抱里。 The revolution of all phenomena on earth, grasps in the hand! 将万象之运转,握在手中! " The day of end arrived, I will restart all, destroyed all. " 「终结之日到来,我将重启一切,毁灭所有。」 That tranquil words resound through from the vault of heaven above, the will from supreme pacificator, will bring near the ear of each soul, such as announced: 那平静的话语自天穹之上响彻,将来自至上仲裁者的意志,带到了每一个灵魂的耳边,如是宣告: " War, misery, Hell and Abyss- " 「不论是战争、苦难、地狱深渊-」 From the revolutions and maneuver of three column axle centers during, that came from Current Territories sound with deep veneration to proliferate loudly, resounds through entire Abyss: 自三柱轴心的运转和回旋之中,那来自现境的肃然之声轰然扩散,响彻整个深渊: " - In this, restoration world all phenomena on earth! " All phenomena on earth static. 「-于此,再造世间万象!」万象静止。 All in this flicker are frozen thoroughly. 一切都在这一瞬被彻底冻结。 When both hands of Huai Shi dominated the revolution of Current Territories thoroughly, blockades above hot sun open accordingly, the divine nature of flowing rapidly controls all, not far. 槐诗的双手彻底把持了现境的运转,烈日之上的一道道封锁应声而开,奔流的神性掌控所有,无远弗届。 First responded this summon, is the long-drawn-out long line that above the Eastern Xia land burst out recites. 最先响应这一份呼唤的,乃是东夏大地之上所迸发的悠长龙吟。 The vast light class/flow came, fell into the sun. Dragon vein gathering. 浩瀚光流呼啸而来,落入了日轮之中。龙脉汇聚。 Is the innumerable miracles that in the place and Pantheon wolf blood seal, and total is 161 Russian Union pedigree man-made holy spirit. 紧接着是狼血之地和万神殿中所封存的无数奇迹,以及总数为一百六十一位俄联谱系的人造圣灵. The wedge of god of journeys appears from the glow in together, the strength of the whole world, is turning toward one person to gather. 一道道神之楔自辉光之中显现,整个世界的力量,在向着一人汇聚。 All authorities, have handed over to hold in his hand! True achievement versatile Taiyi! 所有的威权,都已经交托在了他的手中!真正的成就全能之太一 But in the instance that Taiyi appears, above the land, all the people of stagnation welcomed dying that spans the destruction and rebirth. 而就在太一显现的瞬间,大地之上,所有停滞的人都迎来了跨越毁灭和重生的长眠。 Rays since they change into the dust in the body to emerge, in process that Ether transforms, is ordinary like the stars that going against the land is raising, the infinite stars sprinkle the glow, gathers above the vault of heaven. 只有一道道光芒从他们化为尘埃的身躯之中涌现,在以太转换的过程中,如同逆着大地升起的星辰一般,无穷的星辰洒下辉光,汇聚在天穹之上。 In enormous and powerful star sea, the sound of the tide is turbulent. 浩荡的星海之中,潮声汹涌。 The brilliant and dazzling radiant wave light appears baseless, under promotions of three big blockades, Silver Sea extricates from the shackles, forwards enormously and powerful, is surrounding Current Territories, in a flash, could not then have seen any outline, only then just like dream silver-white cuns (2.5 cm) of ray from Current Territories has swept. 绚烂而耀眼的璀璨波光凭空浮现,在三大封锁的推动之下,白银之海自桎梏之中解脱,浩荡向前,环绕着现境,转瞬间,便已经看不见任何的轮廓,只有宛如梦幻的银白色光芒从现境之上一寸寸的扫过。 Carried off all consciousness and soul. 带走了所有的意识和灵魂 The person or the wild animal, all living creatures are immersing in the sea of this pure soul, flew to Taiyang (Sun). 不论是人还是野兽,一切活物都在沉浸在这纯粹的灵魂之海中,飞向了太阳 Flew to the hot sun, Kingdom of Heaven that under that numerous shackles, launched slowly. Arrived less than ten minutes, the so magnificent scene then vanishes shortly does not see. 飞向了烈日之中,那重重桎梏下,缓缓展开的天国。短暂到不足十分钟,如此辉煌的光景便消失不见。 Only was left over the Kingdom of Heaven silent revolution, hangs in just like bubble generally quiet Current Territories above, lowering slowly, toward waiting for a long time London ..... 只剩下了天国无声的运转,高悬在宛如泡影一般静谧的现境之上,缓缓的降下,向着等待了许久的伦敦..... Huai Shi puts out a hand, from swaying of finger, land silent opening. By the entire London, as the base of Kingdom of Heaven. 槐诗伸出手,自手指的挥洒之中,大地无声开启。以整个伦敦,作为天国之基。 Their drops slowly, fell into the Current Territories center of the earth. 它们缓缓的下降,落入了现境的地心之中去。 Above the strength encirclement of Taiyi, packages layer on layer/heavily, during following time, after Current Territories completed the radical solidification, Kingdom of Heaven and also maintains London that is revolving at very least, will be placed in the safest place, avoids suffering any impact. 太一的力量环绕其上,重重包裹,再接下来的时光之中,当现境完成了彻底的凝固之后,天国和还维持着最低限度运转的伦敦,将被安置在最安全的地方,避免遭受任何的冲击。 But in the process, the members of Current Territories administration committee will maintain its completeness, and conducts the prison to look and control to the Taiyi achievement, will guarantee this strength correct application to the future path above. 而在过程之中,现境管理委员会的成员将维持它的完整,并对太一的作为进行监看和管控,确保这一份力量正确的应用在通向未来的道路之上。 But Huai Shi does not care about these things. 槐诗已经不去在意那些东西。 Now, no one can prevent itself again. 现在,再没有任何人能够阻挡自己了。 In Current Territories most center, Taiyi between three columns raised the head, is staring at oneself world and Abyss, static waiting. Until the soul of deep sleep in Taiyi authority, wakes up from the dream of long rebirth, is looking at him, exposes the smile. 现境的最中心,三柱之间的太一抬起头,凝视着自己的世界和深渊,静静的等待。直到沉睡在太一威权之中的灵魂,自漫长的重生之梦中醒来,望着他,展露笑颜。 " For a long time does not see, Huai Shi. " 「好久不见,槐诗。」 Tong Ji puts out a hand, is touching his face, is distinguishing his look, is filling with curiously: " Seemingly before was also different .... 彤姬伸出手,抚摸着他的面孔,分辨着他的眼神,满怀着好奇:「看上去好像和之前又不一样了啊.... Handled what matter at the back of me quietly? " " Yes, cannot tell your secret. " 难道是背着我悄悄做了什么事情吗?」「是啊,不能够告诉你的秘密。」 Huai Shi nods, confident reply: " I obtain me the complete future that wants to have. " 槐诗颔首,坦然的回答:「我已经得到了我所想要拥有的全部未来了。」 " ? " 「唔?」 Tong Ji Xiao got up: " Sounds seems like a good deed, but the inexplicable letting person is somewhat unhappy, amn't I your entirety? " 彤姬笑起来了:「听上去似乎是件好事,但莫名的让人有些不快啊,难道我不是你的全部么?」 " Naturally. " 「当然啊。」 Huai Shi bends the waist, partly kneels on the ground, gripped her to touch the palm of oneself cheeks, is looking at her eye, requested earnestly in a soft voice: " Please forgive me, Tong Ji. " 槐诗弯下腰来,半跪在地上,握住了她抚摸自己脸颊的手掌,望着她的眼睛,轻声恳请:「请你原谅我吧,彤姬。」 " This is very difficult. " 「这很难诶。」 Tong Ji thinks, the regret shakes the head: " Your gods are not generous, Huai Shi. Therefore, prepares for offers own lifetime as sacrificial offering? " 彤姬想了一下,遗憾摇头:「你的神明并不慷慨,槐诗。所以,做好献上自己的一生作为祭品的准备了吗?」 " Does not give to the gods, but gives to you. " 「不是献给神明,而是献给你。」 Huai Shi kisses her fingertip, smiles is telling her, " I will endure gladly. " This then agrees. 槐诗亲吻她的指尖,微笑着告诉她,「我将甘之如饴。」这便是约定。 Even if Current Territories sinks to Abyss and Abyss in the contract that in the flame destroys is unable to break. 纵然现境沉入深渊深渊又在火焰中毁灭也无从打破的契约。 " , The new world said goodbye. " 「那么,新世界再见吧。」 Huai Shi is hugging her, finally said goodbye: " Can you wait for me? " " Cannot. " 槐诗拥抱着她,最后道别:「你会等我吗?」「不会哦。」 Tong Ji shook the head, got hold of his palm: " I will accompany in your side, continuously. " 彤姬摇头,握紧了他的手掌:「我会陪在你的身边,一直。」 That flash, in her hands, the wedge of ancient god appears gradually. Named red bow the authority of Taiyi. 那一瞬间,在她的手中,古老的神之楔渐渐显现。名为彤弓的太一之威权。 Her soul same place ..... 连带着她的灵魂一起..... " , Saves the world, Huai Shi. " 「那么,去拯救世界吧,槐诗。」 She is hugging oneself Contractor, smiling, before the deep sleep, is saying goodbye once again finally: " In this case, the world will also save you. " 她拥抱着自己的契约者,微笑着,在又一次沉睡之前,最后道别:「这样的话,世界也会拯救你。」 In the imaginary light of raising, Tong Ji's form disappears does not see, as her soul the red bow together, fell into Huai Shi soul. 在升起的幻光之中,彤姬的身影消失不见,她的灵魂随着彤弓一同,落入了槐诗灵魂里。 Accompanies in the Contractor side. 陪伴在契约者的身边。 With him together, steps the final journey. 随着他一起,踏上最后的旅途。 At this moment, when Huai Shi lifts a pupil, when is looking into the big world, then can feel, this from the cry of myriad things, just like resounding happy song. 此刻,当槐诗抬起眼眸,眺望着偌大的世界时,便能够感受到,这一份源自万物的鸣动,宛若高亢的欢歌。 From the Taiyi will, infinite and sound overlaps, the countless string shake, changed into resounding music movement that resounds through Current Territories! 太一的意志之下,无穷的和声重叠,数之不尽的琴弦震荡,就化为了响彻现境的高亢乐章! - A song sighed the end of the world, arrival of destruction! End time, will soon arrive. —一颂叹人世之结末,毁灭之降临!终结的时候,即将到来。 Huai Shi lifts the hand, threw down the first stress. Elements of Ruin, the union starts! 槐诗抬起手,投下了第一个重音。毁灭要素,结合开始! Revelation number 天启号 The corner/horn sounds again, in thundering of bugle, disaster of infinite deep sleep sprouts from Current Territories most deep place, landslide, cracks in the earth, dark cloud, rainstorm, hurricane and tsunami ..... 角再度吹响,在号角的轰鸣之中,无穷沉睡的灾厄现境的最深处萌发,山崩、地裂、乌云、暴雨、飓风、海啸..... The forms of fuzzy distortion appear from the rainwater and thick smoke, all the curse from soul and called out in grief are given the essence, making the whole world transform for the turbulent ghost legendary creature. 一个个模糊扭曲的身影从雨水和浓烟之中浮现,一切来自灵魂的诅咒和悲鸣被赋予了实质,令整个世界幻化为了动荡的鬼蜮。 Appears in the hand of Huai Shi from the Abyss food chain of omnipotence. The infinite wicked evil from the series of food chain and, transforms again, the disaster eats, the land and hurricane each other gobble up, the lava and tsunami of volcano slaughter like the living creature generally, in the billowing thick smoke, the plague and insect plague appear, wreak havoc above the land. 紧接着,源自全能之神的深渊食物链在槐诗的手中显现。无穷恶孽自食物链的统和之下,再度转化,灾害相食,大地和飓风彼此吞吃,火山的熔岩和海啸如同活物一般厮杀,滚滚浓烟之中,瘟疫和虫灾显现,肆虐在大地之上。 The Survival Institute front door opens again. 存续院的大门再度开启。 In front of the laboratory, waiting for a long time chief 002 silent nodding the head, issued the final instruction. 实验室前面,等待许久的院长002无声的颔首,下达了最后的指令。 After numerous curtains, during that shackles block the fuzzy outline to cry with emotion, send out final neighing, offers the praise and gratitude toward Taiyi. 重重帷幕之后,那个桎梏封锁之中的模糊的轮廓感动落泪,发出最后的嘶鸣,向着太一献上赞颂和感激。 The chief 002 palms press down. 院长002的手掌按下。 Has flash that the whole world was neighed to cover by the sharp grating terrifying, that came from the final call of Beast of Eternal Life. Was full of the pain and gratitude. Is hugging the end. 有那么一瞬间,整个世界都被尖锐刺耳的恐怖嘶鸣所笼罩,那是来自永生之兽的最后呐喊。充满了痛苦和感激。拥抱着终结。 Again, cracking sound resounds, the front door...... in the darkness after gate from Survival Institute, imitates , if there is sea tide to flow rapidly, the sea tide of blood. 再紧接着,崩裂的声音响起,来自存续院的大门......门后的黑暗里,仿若有海潮奔流,血的海潮。 Shortly, seven oceans were been incarnadine by the blood-color, the internal organs of corrupt odor and creeping motion turn from the mighty waves well up. But above the land, in the mountain range of cracking, there is an infinite flesh derivation, transforms all. 顷刻之间,七大洋被血色染红,腐败的恶臭和蠕动的内脏从波澜之中翻涌。而大地之上,崩裂的山峦里,有无穷的血肉衍生而出,转化所有。 The infinite vitality turns into the curse that is unable to get rid, winding recklessly above Current Territories, is towing all, fell into the blood and bone interweaves in not dead Hell. 无穷的生命力变成了无法摆脱的诅咒,肆意的缠绕在现境之上,拖曳着一切,落入了血和骨所交织不死地狱之中。 Then, Elements of Ruin ten-day period, Release! 接下来,【毁灭要素・波旬】,释放! In the infinite good-for-nothing and monster, appear suddenly an only scarlet eye pupil, is flooding demented. 无穷行尸走肉和怪物之中,骤然浮现出一只只猩红的眼瞳,满溢着癫狂。 Life that not knows ignorantly by Abyss presents to change magically, grants soul and self-, may flood holds to read makes them that curse soul and innumerable is unable to achieve forever open the instance of eye, then falls into desperately. 无知无识的生命被深渊的馈赠所点化,赠与灵魂和自我,可充斥着诅咒的灵魂和无数永远无法达成的执念却令它们在睁开眼睛的瞬间,便陷入绝望。 When the so-called dream and hope turn into the bubble that is unable to realize, living, becomes most painful suffering. If wants to reduce all, then must draw in a more desperate situation other all ..... 当所谓的梦想和希望变成无法实现的泡影,活着,就成为了最痛苦的折磨。倘若想要减轻一切,那么就要将其他的一切都拖入更加绝望的境地里..... Again then, Elements of Ruin governance bureau! 再然后,【毁灭要素・统辖局】! The brutal iron rule that extirpates from Silver Sea integrated during all consciousness, changes into discipline that is unable to violate, is ordinary just like the pillar, passes through the world, haunched the structure of Abyss food chain. 白银之海中所摘出的残酷铁则融入了所有意识之中,化为了无法违背的戒律,宛如柱石一般,贯穿天地,撑起了深渊食物链的结构。 But in the gap of iron rule, the distortion loses the foreword the chaos to start the circulation that spreads ..... the brutal orders and collapses of reorganization loses control to compose to start, making the big world like the grinding pan revolve generally, constructs the brutal samsara that does not have any soul and life can escape from. 而在铁则的间隙之中,畸变失序的混沌开始扩散.....一次次重组的残酷秩序和一次次的崩溃失控所组成的循环就此开始,令偌大的世界如同磨盘一般回旋,构造出没有任何灵魂和生命能够逃脱的残酷轮回。 The dream of decomposition was released, is rooted during the consciousness of all distortion lives, initiating them to offer demise time and time again from out-of-control. 分解之梦被释放而出,根植在所有畸变生灵的意识之中,引发他们自失控中献上一次又一次的自我灭亡。 The cosmic light appears from the hot sun, sprinkles, is harvesting the wheat ear of death like the sickle generally. 宇宙光自烈日之中显现,洒下,如同镰刀一般收割着死亡之麦穗。 In the innumerable offering sacrifices of death and soul, the blockade of big secret instrument was corroded gradually thoroughly, the coral cloud silent inflation that the upstream of vault of heaven tows, the sea tide sound changed makes the enormous and powerful breath, in the innumerable strange celestial phenomena, Elements of Ruin old Gaia, completes the restoration! 在无数死亡和灵魂的献祭中,大秘仪的封锁渐渐被彻底侵蚀,天穹之上游曳的珊瑚云无声的膨胀,海潮声化作浩荡的呼吸,无数诡异的天象之中,毁灭要素旧盖亚,完成再造! Urges a round of infinite lifeform by Elements of Ruin the life and hunger and thirst, making entire Current Territories activate during the solidification that is unable to reverse ..... 毁灭要素去催发无穷生物的生命和饥渴,令整个现境在无法逆转的凝固之中活化..... When Huai Shi lifts the hand, when grasps to the day, drifts Canaan outside, then started movement again! 槐诗抬起手,抓向天外时,漂泊在外的迦南,便开始了再一次的运动! In being for a half year has during restorations, in history hugest frontier territory and day prison fortress completes the thorough fusion, big frontier territory had been flooded by the steel, but at this moment, the steel rapid burning under the terrifying acceleration is also red. 在长达半年有余的再造之中,有史以来最为庞大的边境和天狱堡垒完成彻底的融合,偌大的边境内部已经被钢铁所充斥,但此刻,钢铁也在恐怖的加速度之下迅速的灼红。 Stand tall and erect such as the building common Mercury vesicle to crack during the sharp shake, blazing amniotic fluid from flows out, the mechanical monster of premature delivery is wriggling own body, loudly neighs! 一座座高耸如楼宇一般的水银囊泡在剧烈的震荡之中崩裂,炽热的羊水从其中流出,早产的机械怪物蠕动着自身的躯体,纵声嘶鸣! What first disrupts is the vault of heaven, then is the land, in hurricane that spreads, the entire Canaan pounds in Current Territories, is unable to separate, brings 最先碎裂的是天穹,然后便是大地,扩散开来的飓风里,整个迦南都砸进现境之中,再无法分离,所带 What come has not had the destruction impact! 来的是从未曾有过的毁灭冲击! Even if in the center of the earth, is away from is blocked at all levels, can feel the shake of this command entire Current Territories radical distortion. 哪怕远在地心,隔着层层封锁,也能够感受到这令整个现境彻底变形的震荡。 Sprinkles, then with own disruption flies upwards, but metal seed...... 所洒下来的,便是随着自身的碎裂飞扬而出的金属种子...... Under the Huai Shi careful casting and revision, the circulation reconstructs the brand-new species the steel monsters to crawl slowly from the shatter capsule. 槐诗的精心铸造和修正之下,循环再造成崭新物种的钢铁怪物们从破碎的舱体之中缓缓爬出。 With Faith's wreckage same place, takes root above Current Territories since then... 随着阿波菲斯的残骸一起,从此扎根在现境之上... With being damaged of Current Territories, the invasion of alien species started! As if turns toward in the reaction still to throw down the catalyst to be the same. 伴随着现境的受创,外来物种的入侵开始了!就仿佛向着反应釜内投下催化剂一般。 Made entire Current Territories raise the great unrest the variable to implant sufficiently completes, in each other nibbling, forces urged to send out the Current Territories vitality, is forcing without limits its toward the Hell transformation .... 足以令整个现境掀起轩然大波的变数植入完成,在彼此的蚕食之中,一次次的强迫催发出现境的生命力,逼迫着它无止境的向着地狱转化.... But above land, times a blood bone high tower that collapses once again a reconstruction towers above the clouds, several may be on par with the gods. 而就在大地之上,一次次坍塌又一次次重建的血骨高塔耸立在云端之上,几可同神明比肩。 tall tower most peak, in the infinite greedy catalysis, does not have the box of tiring to open. 高塔的最顶端,无穷贪婪的催化里的,无厌之匣开启。 Under this generous gracious gift, in the chaos and strange ecology had the innumerable huge strange giant beasts and monsters started rounds of round of new transformations, each other nibbled and competes, but finally, ground the smashing in the Abyss food chain. 在这慷慨的恩赐下,混沌而诡异的生态中有无数庞大的诡异巨兽和怪物开始了一轮轮新的蜕变,彼此蚕食和争夺,可最终,又在深渊食物链里碾成了粉碎。 With the Elements of Ruin releases, is hard the heavy pressure that supports by Current Territories, exerting without limits above the Taiyi authority. 随着一个又一个的毁灭要素释放,难以支撑的重压透过现境,无止境的施加在了太一的威权之上。 It seems like, must grind him thoroughly! 就好像,要将他彻底碾碎! But when he issues the order again, the most deep place of land, Elements of Ruin Kingdom of Heaven, start! 可当他再度下达命令的时候,大地的最深处,毁灭要素天国,启动! Infinite phenomenon gushes out from the center of the earth, surges, the rise, integrated in Hell of this change without limits, unifies in one. 无穷事象自地心喷薄而出,涌动,上升,融入了这无止境变化的地狱里,结合在一处。 When Huai Shi lifts the hand again, then the feather pen then appears from his hand. 而当槐诗再度抬起手的时候,便有一只羽毛笔便从他的手中显现。 That is Survival Institute from Vyse Court's remains , the authority that extracts, at the beginning of the creation, in the strength that Kingdom of Heaven Clerk matches! 那是存续院自维斯考特的遗骸之中,所提取出的威权,在创造之初,就于天国书记官相匹配的力量! Elements of Ruin Golden Dawn regular script! 毁灭要素黄金黎明的正体! Like relational such between book and pen .... 正如同书和笔之间的关系那样.... If Kingdom of Heaven can record all, accepts the changes of all phenomenon all, then this authority from Golden Dawn, then recklessly absorbs distortion degree to revise the reality the tool! 倘若天国能够记录一切,将所有事象的变化尽数收容的话,那么这一份来自黄金黎明的威权,便是肆意的汲取着歪曲度去修改现实的工具! At this moment, from the feather pen, realistically and again is unreal nondistinctive, all during revision recklessly are disintegrating, reorganization again, belongs to under the control of Huai Shi. 此刻,自羽毛笔之下,现实和虚幻已经再无区别,一切都在肆意的修改之中分崩离析,又再一次的重组,归于槐诗的掌控之下。 Each, has the earth-shaking terrifying change to appear from the world instantly. 每一个刹那之中,都有天翻地覆的恐怖变化从世界之上显现。 In final final, after the Survival Institute front door, the chief 001 forms goes out slowly. 就在最后的最后,在存续院大门之后,院长001的身影缓缓走出。 Is embracing a worn-out typewriter, static looks at the changed beyond all recognition world. 怀抱着一台破旧的打字机,静静的看着已经面目全非的世界。 " From now on, gave you. " 「从今往后,交给你了。」 Hoarse sound from Survival Institute, resounds from his throat, but sends out sound, then has made the reality twist thoroughly, urges to send out the raging tide same distortion. 来自存续院的沙哑声音,从他的喉咙里响起,只是发出声音,便已经令现实彻底扭曲,催发出狂潮一样的畸变。 Then, Jane|treasure, but heavy it, that typewriter, the junction held in the hand of Huai Shi. 就这样,珍而重之的,将那一台打字机,交托到了槐诗的手中。 " For several hundred years, we seal to take care of this from twisting of Current Territories , to continue to today, the mission had ended. " 「数百年来,我们封存保管着这一份源自现境的歪曲,延续至今日,使命已经结束。」 Gradually the chief who changes into the flying ash lifts the hand, took off own mask, revealed the face that proliferates the fissure, toward him, finally, smiles exhaustedly: 渐渐的化为飞灰的院长抬起手,摘下了自己的面具,露出了遍布裂痕的面孔,向着他,最后,疲惫一笑: " Survival Institute, fulfills their mission. " " Un. " 存续院,不辱使命。」「嗯。」 Huai Shi closes the eye, is not cruel enough to look again. 槐诗闭上眼睛,不忍心再看。 In his hands, that ancient typewriter braves the thick smoke and spark, finally knocked the character of end, is similar to for the story writes down the ending to be the same, after writing the countless report, this is the final result. 在他的手里,那一台古老的打字机冒着浓烟和火花,最后敲下了终结的字符,正如同为故事写下结尾一般,撰写了无以计数的报告之后,这便是最后的结局。 Survival Institute, destruction 存续院,毁灭】 ! 啪! Since the disintegration of typewriter, loud sound of collapsing after the gate unceasing bursting out. 随着打字机的解体,坍塌的巨响自门后不断的迸发。 Had increased to distortion degree of limit, welcomed round to rise suddenly newly... for several hundred years, Current Territories transformed the distortion and twisting that created toward Hell unceasingly, gushed out. 原本已经攀升至极限的歪曲度,迎来了新一轮的暴涨...数百年来,现境向着地狱不断转化所造成的畸变和歪曲,喷薄而出。 This takes care of today's sin to be the same like the storm from the past 这一份从往日保管到今天的罪孽如同暴风雨一般 , Returned to this world, magnanimous disaster is surging, wreaks havoc the proliferation. ,回归了这个世界,海量的灾厄涌动着,肆虐扩散。 Again then, as crazy sudden rise of depth, the revolution of big secret instrument starts to lose control, along with corrosion and transformation, Elements of Ruin Zarathustra, radical birth! 再然后,随着深度的疯狂暴涨,大秘仪的运转开始失控,伴随着一次次的侵蚀和转化,毁灭要素查拉图斯特拉,彻底诞生! The countless sorrow cries and neighs the reverberation, as if the highest tide of destruction melody, the praise ends, makes the ray of hot sun, thorough changed into jet black! 无以计数的哀哭和嘶鸣回荡,仿佛毁灭旋律的最高潮,赞颂终结,令烈日的光芒,彻底的化为了漆黑! Elements of Ruin Survival Institute, Elements of Ruin Zarathustra, unifies! 毁灭要素存续院,毁灭要素查拉图斯特拉,结合完毕! But finally, during with Utopia and the returns of governance bureaus and Survival Institute three big props, Current Territories of distortion sang loudly revolves, crossed the final stair. 而最后,随着理想国、统辖局、存续院三大支柱的回归,畸变的现境自高歌之中回旋,跨越了最后的台阶。 Unprecedented Hell, in light of this birth! The named Elements of Ruin Astronomy Association! 前所未有的地狱,就此诞生!其名为【毁灭要素天文会】! Most deep place of London, on silence stele, fissure unceasing appearance. 伦敦的最深处,缄默者石碑上,裂痕不断的显现。 The instance when second Elements of Ruin from the bottom appears from the chaos, final Elements of Ruin is born with demise of Current Territories finally, controls all. 当倒数第二个毁灭要素自混沌之中显现的瞬间,最后的毁灭要素终于随着现境的灭亡而诞生,掌控所有。 In the day of enlightenment in this is doomed just like fate, the infinite desperate and pain gathering, all ends and perished to overlap...... the death and destruction from world, Elements of Ruin Savior Complete! 就在这宛若命运所注定的启示之日里,无穷的绝望和苦痛汇聚,一切的终结和灭亡重叠......自世界的死亡和毁灭里,【毁灭要素・救世主】完成! Therefore, the final Elements of Ruin fusion, ended. In the hand of Huai Shi. 于是,最后的毁灭要素融合,结束了。就在槐诗的手中。 On this day, Current Territories welcomed the end, during this final singing loudly and praise, unprecedented melts now the causes and innumerable legendary epic poems belongs to the nihility today. 在这一天,现境迎来了终结,在这最后的高歌和赞颂之中,旷古烁今伟业和无数传奇史诗在今日归于虚无。 Finally resounds, then just like ding common loud sound. Floods Abyss, spreads all. 最后所响起的,便是宛若钟声一般的巨响。充斥深渊,遍及所有。 Made all Ruler be afraid, absolutely terrified, was hard to restrain the fear and convulsion from soul most deep place. 令所有的统治者们不寒而栗,毛骨悚然,难以克制来自灵魂最深处的恐惧和痉挛。 When they have the courage, when lifts up the head to look into the distance, then can see...... above that jet black Current Territories, after the outer covering that cracks unceasingly tyrannical fierce light that spouts! 当他们鼓起勇气,昂头眺望时,便能够看到......那漆黑的现境之上,不断崩裂的外壳之后所喷出的暴虐烈光! Made Hell also burn down the ashes the tyrannical flame to gush out sufficiently, surrounds above the Current Territories outline, changed into the dignified royal crown. 足以令地狱也焚烧成灰烬的残虐之焰喷薄而出,环绕在现境的轮廓之上,化为了庄严的冠冕。 The true Abyss hot sun, is appearing at this moment. 真正的深渊烈日,在此刻显现。 By the dark shining darkness, to destroy to present the destruction. This is the king of final Hell! 以黑暗照耀黑暗,以毁灭馈赠毁灭。这便是最终的地狱之王! () () …… ……
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