AF :: Volume #17

#1642: To wrong

Once shone all rays to extinguish. 曾经照耀一切的光芒熄灭了。 For several hundred years, that made not to know that since many Ruler hated with the envy was jealous the brilliant color that continues, shameless extension, combustion of acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, arrogant to with entire Abyss for enemy is continuing self- time 数百年来,那一道令不知道多少统治者为之憎恶和羡妒的绚烂色彩延续至今,恬不知耻的延续,旁若无人的燃烧,傲慢到同整个深渊为敌的去延续着自我的时光・・・・・・ Now, it finally forever disappearance in darkness. 现在,它终于永远的消失在了黑暗里。 But no one can feel the slight happiness and excitement again. The courage of even not having ridiculed. 可再没有人能够感受到丝毫的愉快和兴奋。甚至没有嘲弄的勇气。 In this continues in until now darkness through ancient times, only then as if compared with Abyss must a more terrifying shadow, appear the trail! After shatter Current Territories, there is jet black Taiyang (Sun) to raise. 在这亘古延续至今的黑暗里,只有仿佛比深渊还要更加恐怖的阴影,显现踪迹!破碎的现境之后,有漆黑的太阳在升起。 The hot sun is ordinary just like the great whale, crashed toward Abyss, started the ripples of destruction, the place visited, all changed into the dust of not being worth mentioning all. 烈日宛若巨鲸一般,向着深渊坠落,掀起了毁灭的涟漪,所过之处,一切都尽数化为了不值一提的尘埃。 But the dust is unable to escape that to come from the disaster attraction even. 可即便是尘埃也无法逃过那源自灾厄的引力。 All materials or elementium, disaster or the miracle, in shining of hot sun by the radical ignition, were belonged to the sun, in that eternal dying out and nihility. 一切物质或者源质,灾厄或者奇迹,都在烈日的普照之中被彻底的点燃,归于日轮之中,那一片永恒的寂灭和虚无之中去了。 Abyss wail. 深渊哀鸣。 In innumerable Hell crack and in the loud sound of collapse. 就在无数地狱崩裂和塌陷的巨响之中。 When Current Territories welcomed the final transformation during the destruction and solidification, unstoppable attraction then from set out, is towing all, toward self- polymerization! 现境在毁灭和凝固之中迎来最终的蜕变时,无可阻挡的引力便从其中进发而出,牵引着一切,向着自我聚合! Bottom-up swallowing completely all 自上而下的吞尽所有・・・・・・ In that flash that It is born, depth 1, the thorough destruction, all Hell are nothing left. 在祂诞生的那一瞬间,深度一,彻底毁灭,一切地狱都荡然无存。 During burning down of wreaking havoc, in depth 2 all was also ignited all flame like the plague, destroys like the sea tide, once starts to proliferate, is then irresistible. 紧接着,在肆虐的焚烧之中,深度二中的一切也被尽数引燃・・・・・・火焰如瘟疫,毁灭如海潮,一旦开始扩散,便不可阻挡。 When depth 3 also quiet change nihilities, the fire of infinite darkness is common just like the rainstorm, sprinkles toward a deeper depth. 当深度三也悄无声息的化为虚无时,无穷黑暗之火宛若暴雨一般,向着更深的深度洒下。 Is winding around one after another beautiful halo the cremation of destruction for the stars, crashes toward Abyss, place visited, easy passes through all stops all, tearing, grinds the smashing. 一道又一道缭绕着绮丽光晕的毁灭之火化为了星辰,向着深渊坠落,所过之处,轻而易举的将一切阻拦尽数贯穿,撕裂,碾成粉碎。 Planted the desperate seed, brings the enlightenment of destruction. Now, the Current Territories Taiyang (Sun) photo approached Hell. 种下了绝望的种子,带来毁灭的启示。现在,现境太阳照向了地狱 Entire Abyss covered in shining of hot sun, bathed accepts to perish in the tyrannical light. 整个深渊都笼罩在了烈日的普照之中,沐浴在残虐之光里领受灭亡。 But along with the destructions of Hell, countless large group was burnt down completely, all dust and ashes that survives, actually gather toward center under the disaster attraction, make sun inflation again. 而伴随着一道道地狱的毁灭,无以计数的大群被焚烧殆尽,所残存的一切尘埃和灰烬,却在灾厄的引力之下向着正中汇聚,令日轮再度的膨胀。 Made that flood infinite disaster and destruction world grows again, formed gradually, even if were mother of stone also the huge quality body that was hard to compare! The circulation that is unable to prevent, starts. 令那充斥着无穷灾厄和毁灭的世界再度生长,渐渐的形成了哪怕是石之母也难以相较的庞大质量体!无从阻挡的循环,就此开始。 So simple. 如此的简单。 Is simple, even in Kingdom of Heaven, observes all committees to be unbelievable, questions, where illusion this came from? 简单到,即便是在天国之内,观测一切的委员会都难以置信,一次次的质疑,这是否又是来自什么地方的幻觉? The creation is so harsh, all do not allow the slight mistake. Maintained so difficultly, in the past and future so heavy, makes now also to become just like the purgatory general suffering. 创造如此苛刻,一切都不容许有丝毫的失误。维持如此艰难,过去和未来是如此的沉重,令现在也变得宛若炼狱一般煎熬。 But, the destruction is so only simple. Is similar breath is the same! 可唯独,毁灭却如此简单。就仿佛・・・・・・呼吸一样! Occurrence naturally, proliferation naturally, death naturally- 自然而然的发生,自然而然的扩散,自然而然的死亡— Painful and desperate and calls out in grief, all burn in this cruel ray, silence that the equal adscription hot sun, this piece eternal casts dark, is the final redemption! 痛苦、绝望和悲鸣,一切都在这残暴的光芒里燃烧,平等的归于烈日,这一片永恒黑暗所铸就的寂静,便是最后的救赎! Now, but looks, then can feel that callous mercy, but listens attentively, then can feel the innumerable pain soul devout song to sing. 现在,只是仰望,便能够感受到那一份冷酷的慈悲,只是倾听,便能够感受到无数苦痛灵魂的虔诚颂唱。 The praise hot sun, praised Taiyang (Sun). 赞美烈日,赞美太阳 The eternal destruction will soon arrive, does not need to fear, does not need to pace back and forth again. 永恒的毁灭即将到来,无需再恐惧,也无需再彷徨。 So long as requested earnestly the mercy to be good, so long as waited for the redemption to be good, so long as offered this and gratitude from self- acclaiming, that destroyed all Taiyang (Sun), will then lower the gracious gift, is caring for base and low distortion tiny soul! 只要恳请慈悲就好,只要等待救赎就好,只要献上这一份来自自我的赞叹和感激,那毁灭所有的太阳,便会降下恩赐,眷顾着卑微而扭曲的渺小灵魂 " Saint! Saint! Saint! " 「圣哉!圣哉!圣哉!」 Above withered wilderness, in narrow mountain seams, in odor sea and pickling pain rainstorm in infinite Hell, the forms of some rickets crawl in the place, does not attend to the storm and disaster that head on, prayed the demented praise devotionally, looking into the distance of overreaching oneself, 在干枯的荒原之上,在狭窄的山缝之间,在恶臭的海洋和酸蚀苦痛的暴雨之中・・・・・・无穷地狱里,有一个个佝偻的身影匍匐在地,不顾扑面而来的暴风和灾害,虔诚祝祷癫狂赞颂,不自量力的眺望, Even if the double pupil burnings out also refuses to balk! 哪怕双眸烧尽也在所不惜! From the impel of destruction and during truth, the tears of blood flow off from the cheeks slowly. Impatient, wants to hug the final gracious gift and demise. 自毁灭和真理的感召之中,血泪从脸颊之上缓缓流下。迫不及待的,想要拥抱最终的恩赐和灭亡。 Time of end, finally to 终结的时刻,终于到了・・・・・・ With the birth of dark hot sun, Abyss uppermost layer deep area, thorough destruction! 伴随着黑暗烈日的诞生,深渊最上层的深度区,彻底毁灭! 30 heavy depths are reduced to ashes under burning down of hot sun, then concentrated innumerable large group and Ruler area on the wane, but in the past, Abyss liveliest and noise domain also becomes so silent. 三十重深度在烈日的焚烧之下化为灰烬,紧接着便是富集了无数大群统治者的凋零区・・・・・・可昔日里,深渊最为热闹和喧嚣的领域也变得如此寂静。 Empty. 空空荡荡。 Almost all large group already depart in presenting and recruiting of Titan of bugle blood tax, large group and bosom that lucky Ruler only then survives, has no place to go again. 几乎所有的大群都已经在血税的奉纳和泰坦号角的征募之中离去,只有残存的大群和怀抱侥幸的统治者,再无处可逃。 The desperate pray, unproductive escape, or is resistance of overreaching oneself 绝望的祈祷,徒劳的逃亡,亦或者是不自量力的反抗・・・・・・ In the short 16 hours, over 40 depths, all Hell burninged out all. But gobbled up all Hell later hot suns, to has made the depth also twist huge sufficiently. 短短的十六个小时内,超过四十层深度,所有的地狱都被尽数烧尽。而吞吃了所有地狱之后的烈日,已经庞大到足以令深度也为之歪曲。 From the revolution of hot sun during, that invisible turbulent flow formed the terrifying vortex of unprecedented. Above the magnanimous Hell wreckage embellishment, is shining upon the sunlight, as if magnificent and expensive jewelry is common, sparkling. 自烈日的运转之中,那一道道无形的乱流就形成了前所未见的恐怖漩涡。海量的地狱残骸点缀其上,映照着日光,就仿佛华贵的珠宝一般,闪闪发光。 Then, burns completely all, is radiating the tyrannical glow. Hot sun just like strolling general. 就这样,焚尽所有,辐射着残虐的辉光。烈日宛若闲庭信步一般的。 Downward slowly. 缓缓的向下。 Sets out toward the deep pool dark space. 向着渊暗区进发。 Toward had waited for a long time enemy 向着早已经等待了许久的敌人・・・・・・ In domain that in that piece of innumerable Hell forms, dazzling electric light unceasing entering shoot. 在那一片无数地狱所形成的领域之内,有一道道耀眼的电光不断的进射而出。 Past was only left over the fragment general sea by Hell that Giant destroyed, in the sea, the infinite thunder lived to extinguish, forms the shackles common grand landscape, controlled all. 昔日被巨人们所毁灭的地狱只剩下了碎片一般的海洋,在海洋之中,无穷雷霆生灭,形成枷锁一般的宏伟景观,掌控所有。 The iron wall that change is unable to span, being in sharp opposition locked the jet black hot sun. Must Its shackles be one of them! 化为无从跨越的铁壁,针锋相对的锁定了漆黑的烈日。要将祂桎梏在其中! But in the deep place, is arrives scarlet that dazzlingly even thunder light is unable to camouflage. 而就在更深处,便是耀眼到即便是雷光也无从遮蔽的猩红。 Since eras, no one knows that actually the perishing country extracted many blood taxes from Abyss in may have, when this sprouts from the Abyss essence, leaves the strength of exposes by infinite life Wo Guan, can truly feel, the terrifying of perishing country's. 一个又一个纪元以来,没有人知道亡国究竟自深渊之中抽取了多少血税・・・・・可有当这一份自深渊真髓中所萌发,以无穷生命沃灌出的力量展露时,才能真正的感受到,亡国的恐怖。 When the ding of palace outside the capital was sounded, infinite bloody water like rivers common meandering dragonfly, coiling around between Hell and huge palace error then probably entire Abyss was also given the life to be the same. 当离宫的钟声被敲响,无穷血水如同河流一般蜿蜓而出,盘绕在一座座地狱和庞大宫阙之间・・・・・・便好像整个深渊也被赋予了生命一样。 In the agitation of ding, the infinite blood-color flows rapidly among the depths, covers all, making huge Abyss also regain consciousness. 在钟声的鼓动里,无穷血色自深度之间奔流,笼罩一切,令庞大的深渊也为之苏醒。 Countless Hell changed into his body, the infinite fresh bloody stool is his pulse, after perishing country high and low innumerable Ruler formed his limbs, most honored soul is in charge. 数之不尽的地狱化为了他的躯壳,无穷的鲜血便是他的脉搏,亡国上下的无数统治者形成了他的肢体之后,最为尊贵的灵魂入主其中。 The king of withering, waits for a long time! 枯萎之王,等候已久! Abyss hot sun and thunder father and perishing country bloodshed 深渊烈日、雷霆大君、亡国血海・・・・・・ With the collapses of innumerable Hell, when king of three Hell each other look at each other, big Abyss as if also becomes so narrow. Struggle in imminentness gradually. 伴随着无数地狱的崩溃,当三位地狱之王彼此相顾时,偌大的深渊仿佛也变得如此狭窄。斗争在渐渐的迫近。 From each other hope during. 自彼此的期盼之中.・・・・・ The highest place of deep pool dark space, the infinite electric light interweaves in the broad sea that become, standing tall and erect the place of Giant stands and waits for a long time in the highest place. " Is father still waiting and seeing? " 渊暗区的最高处,无穷电光所交织而成的恢弘海洋之间,高耸的巨人之座伫立在最高处。「大君还在观望吗?」 The storm officiates to use the walking stick, step by step treads the stair to walk up, spontaneously feeling: " Already two days very long has not seen you so exciting appearance. " 风暴主祭撑着拐杖,一步步的踏着台阶走上前来,油然感慨:「已经两日了啊・・・・・・已经很久没见过您如此兴奋的样子了。」 The father has not responded immediately, holds the chin as before, looks into the distance lost. 大君未曾立即回应,依旧托着下巴,出神眺望。 That as if must include entire Abyss in dignified sun, innumerable Hell burn down in the black flame, appearance destruction of disintegrating like tide. 那仿佛要将整个深渊都囊括在其中的庄严日轮,无数地狱在黑焰中焚烧,分崩离析的模样毁灭如潮水。 Perhaps, the so-called end, is appearance so. " Really beautiful. " 或许,所谓的终结,便是这般的模样。「真美啊。」 Father in a soft voice twittering: " wipe out the chaos, burning completely conflict is really, pleasant. Seemed all of myriad things all things to have the conclusion to be the same fine. " 大君轻声呢喃:「扫灭混沌,焚尽争端・・・・・实在是,赏心悦目。就好像万物万事的一切都要得出结论了一样。」 " Father also thinks that is the conclusion? " 「大君也认为那是结论吗?」 Officiated to look at a hot sun of stabbing pain eye pupil, puzzled: " Destroys 主祭看了一眼刺痛眼瞳的烈日,不解:「难道毁 Extinguishing is correct? " " Correct? Wrong? Always pointless thing. " 灭所有才是正确的?」「正确?错误?从来都是没有意义的东西。」 The father shakes the head slightly, lifts the finger, delimits toward the front, before the fingertip, the infinite Hell fragment and dust turn toward the both sides to open all. 大君微微摇头,抬起手指,向着前方划出,自指尖之前,无穷地狱的碎片和尘埃都尽数向着两侧开辟而出。 " You felt, correct and wrong difference where, moist wind? " Father optional asking of: " Between these two, has the absolute criterion? " 「你觉得,正确和错误的区别在哪里呢,潮风?」大君随意的问道:「这两者之间,是否存在着绝对的准绳呢?」 Officiates the thinking moment: " By below humble opinion, becoming to live to evade is the natural disposition of life, the same group coexists for the ethnic group expands the basis, divides to wrong criterion a word generally it, is so-called " morals? " 主祭思索片刻:「以在下浅见,趋生避死乃生灵之本性,同群共处为族群壮大之根本,划分对错的准绳・・・・・・一言概之,便是所谓的「道德吧?」 Because complied with the morals, therefore is correct. Because abandoned the morals, therefore is wrong. The so-called order, is therefore. 因为遵从了道德,所以正确。因为背弃了道德,所以错误。所谓的秩序,正是因此而成。 This is to and wrong boundary, criterion that does not go against possibly. 这才是对和错的界限,不容许违背的准则。 The father smiled: " Then once Current Territories or Abyss, the sea and the perishing country thunder, were all moral then same? " Officiates silent. 大君笑了起来:「那么不论是曾经的现境还是深渊,雷霆之海和亡国,所有的道德准则便一样么?」主祭沉默。 If the morals of Abyss are the law of the jungle, then the morals of Current Territories are the myriad things paragenesis, the morals of control perishing country's are the law that the king of withering sets, but the morals of sea of thunder are to the challenge of fate and archenemy 倘若深渊之道德是弱肉强食的话,那么现境之道德便是万物共生,主宰亡国的道德是枯萎之王所定下的律令,而雷霆之海的道德便是对命运和大敌的挑战・・・・・・ " Now, did you understand? " 「现在,你明白了吧?」 The father smiled: " Life, is follows the morals to exist forever, may regarding establish the person of moral control order truly, so-called to with wrong is hoping of oneself. " 大君笑了起来:「生灵,是遵循道德才能长存的,可对于真正奠定道德掌控秩序的人而言,所谓的对与错不过是一己之愿。」 Without such comprehension, is unable to break through the morals and to the wrong fetter, without renewing the determination of moral and order, is unable to become Giant. 倘若没有这样的领悟,就无从突破道德和对错的束缚,倘若没有重订道德和秩序的决心,就无从成为巨人 Giant is unreasonable, is unreasonable, Giant does not comply with others 's morals and order, because regarding the sea of thunder, Giant is to with the wrong criterion. 巨人是不讲道理的,也没有道理,巨人不遵从他人的道德和秩序,因为对于雷霆之海而言,巨人才是对与错的准绳。 It is not because good becomes Giant, is not because evil can beat the archenemy, because of being not sacred and powerful, is not because the evil has the strength. 不是因为善良才成为巨人,不是因为邪恶才能够击败大敌,不是因为神圣而强大,也不是因为罪恶才拥有力量。 This is wrong. Is just the opposite with the fact. 这才是错的。和事实恰恰相反。 Because of nicely is worth flaunting, because, is evilly meaningful. Sacred and evil is just the choice of Giant, with wrong has nothing to do only. 因为强,善良才值得标榜,因为强,邪恶才有意义。神圣和罪恶都只不过是巨人的选择,唯独和对错无关。 The so-called morals are this. 所谓的道德就是这样。 Then, so-called answer also same- 那么,所谓的答案也一样— " If he won, then destroys all recast Abyss is right. " 「倘若他赢了,那么毁灭一切重铸深渊就是对的。」 The father said slowly: " If I won, then this came from counter-attack of archenemy once again, verified to the strong together glory merit that is all. " 大君缓缓说道:「倘若我赢了的话,那么这不过是又一次源自大敌的反扑,印证至强的又一道荣勋仅此而已。」 Officiates silent for a long time, asks puzzled: " , Why did the father look was so long? " 主祭沉默许久,不解问道:「那么,大君为何又看了这么久呢?」 The father thinks, smiles in a soft voice. 大君想了一下,轻声笑起来。 " I am only somewhat impatient. " 「我只是有些迫不及待。」 Such smile, was so happy, filled the anticipation and delight, as if brimmed with is making the myriad things for the inspired appearance, the command officiated cannot help but out of sorts slightly. 那样的笑容,如此愉快,充满了期待和欢欣,仿佛洋溢着令万物都为之振奋的神采,令主祭不由得微微失神。 He once must see. 他曾经一度得见过。 In the thunder challenged on a Dajun's beforehand that day as Giant 就在雷霆作为巨人去挑战上一任大君之前的那一天・・・・・・ The past moist wind took judgment of struggle of Giant, stood in both, when he sneaked a peek at so the appearance from the pupil of thunder, then had not suspected to the victory and defeat again. 昔日的潮风作为巨人之争的裁断者,站在两者之间当他从雷霆的眸中窥见这般神采时,便对胜负再没有怀疑过。 " Abyss is really happy, moist wind. " 深渊真美好啊,潮风。」 The father sighed lightly, looks into the distance hot sun that is approaching gradually, " war after continually, can expect that unexpectedly such is only shining, waited for so many years, suddenly is not lonely. " 大君轻叹,眺望着渐渐逼近的烈日,「连番的大战之后,竟然还可以有所期待・・・・・被这样的光照耀着,等待了这么多年,忽然就不寂寞了。」 Silent, officiates to stare at such facial expression, cannot help but one's heart rushes toward one's destination. 沉默里,主祭凝望着那样的神情,不由得心驰神往。 But, he actually cannot bear regret: " Pitifully does not have liquor all was ruined up by ashes that fellow. " " It is not anxious. " The father said: " Waits again. " 可紧接着,他却又忍不住惋惜:「可惜没有酒・・・・・・全都被灰烬那个家伙糟践光了。」「不急。」大君说:「再等等。」 Officiates at a loss: " What? " 主祭茫然:「等什么?」 Quick, in Abyss in the blood-color of that infinite ascension, a wisp of flowing light just like the stars, the ascension, flies toward the bed of state of Giant, fell on father's front table. 很快,深渊中那片无穷升腾的血色里,一缕流光宛若星辰,升腾而起,向着巨人之御座飞来,落在了大君面前的桌子上。 In the nobility the good wine like Kohaku (amber), the delicate fragrance is moving. Is shining upon the eye pupil of Giant. 爵中美酒如琥珀,幽香动人。映照着巨人的眼瞳。 The highest place of palace outside the capital, the lonely forms carry the wine glass, nods hints. " Look, tide 离宫的最高处,有一个孤独的身影端起酒杯,颔首示意。「看啊,潮 Wind. " 风。」 The father laughs to make noise, fills with happily: " Lonely person, only then my? " 大君大笑出声,满怀愉快:「寂寞的人,难道只有我一个吗?」 () () …… ……
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