AF :: Volume #17

#1640: Even to Abyss

When the dim light of night is gradually deep, the noise city is silent, is only left over the low and deep noise that the server operated, the ventilator revolves rapidly, the flying snow and neon of out of the window support. 当夜色渐渐深沉,喧嚣的城市再度寂静,只剩下了服务器运行的低沉噪音,风扇飞转,窗外的飞雪和霓虹相拥。 Under the dim light, monitors screen extinguishments. The black tea that goes to coldly left behind a dim red circle above the white enamel teacup. 黯淡的灯光下,监控屏幕一个一个的熄灭。冷去的红茶在白瓷茶杯之上留下了一个黯淡的红圈。 Ai Qing wakes up from shallow resting, opens the eye. Heard to stop at sound of footsteps. 艾晴从浅睡之中醒来,睁开眼睛。听见了停在门外的脚步声。 The gentle knock resounds. 轻柔的敲门声响起。 What should say at this time? Come in? 可这时候应该说什么呢?请进? Go away? 还是,滚开? She somewhat is suddenly vacant, but is quick, then from work place senior's the guidance of personally setting an example, found the best coping style. 她忽然有些茫然,可很快,便从职场前辈的身体力行的教导之中,找到了最好的应对方式。 Does not have necessary to waste the mental effort to ponder any appropriate expression. So long as responded well with the straightforwardest way. 必要浪费心力去思考什么得体的措辞。只要用最直白的方式去回应就好。 The pistol palate, touches off the trigger. 手枪上膛,扣动扳机。 The door, the son of a bitch after gate is making into the pulp together! 将门,连带着门后的狗东西一起打成稀巴烂! When the residual sound of sound of gunfire dissipates gradually, the wooden stubble of scattering in all directions fell on the ground, destroyed door lock wail the break, the worn out door is opening slowly. 当枪声的余音渐渐消散,四散的木茬落在了地上,被打坏的门锁哀鸣着断裂,有气无力的门扉缓缓开启。 Behind the reveal goes out proliferates the bullet hole form. 露出门后面遍布弹孔的身影。 The uphold hand of Huai Shi delay, digs out the bullet from the face, loses on the ground, then withheld one from the forehead. 槐诗呆滞的抬起手,从脸上把子弹抠出来,丢在地上,然后又从脑门上扣出了一枚。 Nine rounds of serial number incantation balls, a round of forehead, a round of Delta region, a round of throat, three rounds of chests, two rounds are the both legs and genitals...... extremely make him not dare to act in the warm regards. Some are not familiar with. 九发编号咒弹,一发眉心,一发三角区,一发喉咙,三发胸膛,还有两发是双腿和下阴......太过于热情的问候让他不敢动作。有些不习惯。 From silent and awkward staring, he is pinching the bullet, exploratory asking: " Ate? Do I buy a night? " 自沉默又尴尬的凝视中,他捏着子弹,试探性的问:「吃了吗?我去买点宵夜?」 " Many thanks, the dog grain is very full, no need. " 「多谢,狗粮已经很饱了,不必。」 The Ai Qing tranquil reply, then changed a new magazine, aimed at the face of Huai Shi. 艾晴平静的回答,然后换了一个新的弹匣,对准了槐诗的面孔。 " Waits for, waits! " 「等一下,等一下!」 Huai Shi subconscious both hands hold up: " At least gives the opportunity of sentence to be good before shooting dead? " 槐诗下意识的双手举起:「起码在枪毙之前给个判刑的机会好不好?」 " What's wrong? If you do not like, can trade other. " Ai Qing opened the control page of cell phone, " for example ..... Rainbow Bridge? " 「怎么?如果你不喜欢的话,可以换其他的。」艾晴打开了手机的操控页面,「比方说.....彩虹桥?」 " Let alone such dreadful matter? " 「别说这么可怕的事情好吗?」 Huai Shi is going against like the sword blade generally ice-cold vision, the dog dog calamity calamity stepped into the room, glances right and left, wants to look the chair, is very regrettable, does not have the chair to leave him. 槐诗逆着如同剑锋一般冰冷的目光,狗狗祟祟的踏进了房间,左顾右盼,想要找把椅子,很遗憾,并没有椅子留给他。 Stands dry/does is not being good, lying down is probably inappropriate, but is the squatting ground does not make sense? 干站着也不好,躺下好像也不合适,可蹲地上是不是也不太像话? Or grips a horse stance? " How this was, Huai Shi? " 要不还是扎个马步吧?「这是怎么了,槐诗?」 Ai Qing is puzzled: " Hits after with great difficulty small accumulated enough equipment strangely, finally comes the switch bottom BOSS, shouldn't be high-spirited? 艾晴不解:「好不容易打小怪攒够了装备之后,终于来开关底的BOSS了,不是应该意气风发么? Why so to shrink? " 何必如此畏畏缩缩?」 Huai Shi shakes the head: " I never have to think. " Therefore, Ai Qing vision even more ice-cold. 槐诗摇头:「我从来没有那么想过。」于是,艾晴的目光越发冰冷。 " Also never has broadly and level, is right? " She said: " From the beginning. " 「也从来没有坦荡过,对不对?」她说:「从一开始。」 Huai Shi, had nothing to say in reply. 槐诗,无言以对。 Perhaps, several years ago, from them, when Xinhai said goodbye, has not treated honestly. 或许,在几年前,从他们在新海再见的时候,就未曾坦诚相待。 Under time, standpoint and secret wait/etc masks, is ordinary like the hedgehog, diligently attempts to coexist, probes with saving, may arrive finally, actually cannot stand shoulder to shoulder in the same place. 在时光、立场和秘密等等面具之下,如同刺猬一般,努力的去尝试共处,去试探着同存,可到最后,却未曾能够并肩站立在一起。 Arrived the present, they have returned again from the beginning. She waited for was so long. 一直到现在,他们再一次回到了一开始的。她等待了这么久。 Finally can take off all masks. 终于可以摘下了所有的面具。 When may each other relative, has not actually spanned finally that step strength. " I said that cheated you. " 可彼此相对时,却已经没有跨越最后那一步的力气。「我说谎骗了你。」 Huai Shi lowers the head: " Sorry. " " When? With whom? " 槐诗低头:「对不起。」「什么时候?和谁?」 Ai Qing asked straightforwardly, looks at him: " The wars of various? Before coming to London ? ....... In Kingdom of Heaven? " 艾晴直白发问,看着他:「诸界之战的时候?来伦敦之前?还是.......在天国里?」 Huai Shi had nothing to say in reply. 槐诗无言以对。 Ai Qing cannot bear laugh to make noise again. " Saves the plan of the world? " 艾晴再忍不住嗤笑出声。「拯救世界的计划?」 Her corners of the mouth bring back: " I hear some people to save the world for the first time, Huai Shi. By selling into servitude? How many you really should sell, said, counted on I do consider your business? 她的嘴角勾起:「我第一次听到有人这么拯救世界呢,槐诗。靠卖身么?那你真应该多卖几家,还是说,指望我来照顾你的生意? I remember that you also told me to say must seek for the riddle and...... 我记得你还告诉我说要去寻找谜团和自己呢...... She enhanced sound, interrogated: " Actually are you look for yourself to seek for your lower part? " 她提高了声音,质问:「你究竟是去寻找自己还是寻找自己的下半身啊?」 " Probably is...... " 「大概是......」 Huai Shi thought for quite a while, inevitab reply: " Sought together? " 槐诗想了半天,无可奈何的回答:「一起寻了?」 " ....... " 「.......「 Has flash that she seems like wants the bombing button of Rainbow Bridge very much according, soon cannot restrain the anger. 有那么一瞬间,她看上去很想要把彩虹桥的轰炸按钮给按下去,快要克制不住怒火。 But eventually, the finger has not fallen. Only is left over the sigh that self-ridicules. 可终究,手指未曾落下。只剩下自嘲的叹息。 " forget about it, the fellow like you, starts to make do by the present, is not as I expected, to a certain extent, can be maintains one's moral integrity. 算了,像你这样的家伙,到现在才开始乱搞,已经出乎我的预料了,某种程度上来说,也算得上守身如玉吧。 But why can you appear in my front? " 可你为什么要出现在我的面前呢?」 Her eye pupil lets fall, does not want to look again: " You obtain the thing that you want, Huai Shi, I should congratulate you, but why do you pay attention to a caustic and mean female lunatic again? 她的眼瞳垂落,不想再看:「你已经得到你想要的东西了,槐诗,我该恭喜你,可你何必再理会一个尖酸刻薄的女疯子? Lets off her, she is pitiful enough. 放过她吧,她已经足够可怜了。 Said, you counted on her because cares a little, is grateful to you? " 还是说,难道你指望她就因为这么一点眷顾,便对你感激涕零?」 " Because without your words is not good. " Huai Shi straightforward reply, " , because belongs to you, if I responded to you by such reason, whether you believe me, Ai Qing? " 「因为没有你的话就不行。」槐诗直白的回答,「因为非你不可,倘若我以这样的理由回应你,你是否会相信我呢,艾晴?」 In the silence, Ai Qing lifted the eye finally, looks at him. 在沉默里,艾晴终于抬起了眼睛,看着他。 It is not able again to subdue|grams refrigeration intent and despising. 再无法克制冷意和鄙夷。 It looks like looks at one group of not inflammable trash. On the back of the hand, the blue vein appears. 就像是看着一团不可燃的垃圾。手背上面,青筋浮现。 Then makes an effort. 那么用力。 " Huai Shi, I do not know how you are with your other " good friends said. " 槐诗,我不知道你是怎么跟你其他的「好朋友们说的。」 Ai Qing asked: " But, counted on that a woman serves you like the slave equally base and low, making her compete for your gracious gift and pitying with others, was whether cruel? " 艾晴发问:「可是,指望一个女人如同奴隶一样卑微的侍奉你,让她同其他人争夺你的恩赐和怜悯,是否过于残忍了呢?」 " I do not have that extremely arrogant idea. " 「我从没有那么狂妄的想法。」 Huai Shi shakes the head, " will not make such matter happen. " 槐诗摇头,「也绝不会让那样的事情发生。」 Once loses the equal the love only to turn into the shackles and prisoner's cage, because of another person, but the base and low sentiment is always only the bubble ..... so-called greatly with the harem of dormancy and equality, gives everyone to bring the painful from the beginning unceasingly the fabrication. 一旦失去平等的爱就只会变成枷锁和囚笼,因另一个人而卑微的感情从来都只是泡影.....所谓的大被同眠和平等的后宫,从一开始就只是不断给所有人带来痛苦的虚妄。 A happiness of person, establishes above everyone's pain. He has never hoped such future ..... 将一个人的幸福,建立在所有人的痛苦之上。他从未盼望过那样的未来..... " Therefore? " 「所以呢?」 Ai Qing smiled, " you must say words saying one to me again, Huai Shi? Whether needs me to exhibit to believe appearance that does not doubt? " 艾晴笑起来了,「你要将对所有人说过的话对我再说一遍吗,槐诗?是否需要我摆出坚信不疑的模样?」 " I only want to make you give me an opportunity, that is all. " He requested earnestly in a low voice. Has flash that Huai Shi wants forward one step. 「我只想让你给我一个机会,仅此而已。」他低声恳请。有那么一瞬间,槐诗想要向前一步。 To put out a hand to touch her face. But she is actually looking at herself. 想要伸手出触碰她的面孔。可她却在看着自己。 Staring, like then cutting not visible Abyss to be the same. 只是凝视,便如同在彼此之间划开了一道看不见的深渊一样。 Obviously close, making Huai Shi touch unreachable. " Did not have the opportunity, Huai Shi. " 明明近在咫尺,令槐诗触不可及。「没有机会了,槐诗。」 The Ai Qing exhausted reclamation line of sight, waves to hint him to leave: " Courage other, I have not had that luxurious thing. 艾晴疲惫的收回视线,挥手示意他离开:「不论是勇气还是其他,我都没有过那么奢侈的东西。 You found fault the place, found fault the person. " From the beginning was wrong. 你找错了地方,也找错了人。」从一开始就错了。 He is. 不论是他还是自己。 These years, they each other are camouflaging oneself appearance, plays the game with the opposite party. 这些年,他们彼此伪装着自己的模样,同对方做游戏。 But perhaps that year in Xinhai, own then should not disturb his life, in this case, he can be so joyful as before, perhaps oneself can also be more relaxed. 可或许那一年在新海的时候,自己的便不应该去干扰他的生活,这样的话,他依旧可以那么快乐,自己或许也能够轻松一些。 At least, does not need to lose anything ..... " you to walk again, Huai Shi. " 至少,不必再失去什么.....「你该走了,槐诗。」 She closes the eye, pressed down the warning button: " Before the security guard catches up, be please more dignified leaves. " 她闭上眼睛,按下了警报的按钮:「在警卫赶过来之前,请体面一些离开吧。」 But Huai Shi stands in as in same place, has not moved. 槐诗依旧站在原地,没有动。 Silent, puts out a hand, the signal and warning that will unable to see got hold. Crumb. 只是沉默着,伸出了手,将看不见的讯号和警报握紧了。捏碎。 Isolated the inside and outside, shielded all disturbances and hindrance. 隔绝了内外,屏蔽了所有的干扰和阻碍。 Then, in the silence, the silent wail that above that self arrow arrow transmits .... Becoming even more clear. 然后,在寂静里,那一份自箭矢之上传来的无声哀鸣....才变得越发清晰。 Brings makes the pain that the heart cracks sufficiently. Has been unable to withstand the load. 带来足以令心脏崩裂的痛楚。早已经不堪重负。 " Right 「对 Does not get up, this, I am unable to promise you only. " 不起,唯独这个,我无法答应你。」 Huai Shi is staring at her indifferent eye pupil, this, spanned the final distance, told her: " I have wanted the happy life, hopes you to be able with me in the same place. 槐诗凝视着她冷漠的眼瞳,就这样,跨越了最后的距离,告诉她:「我想要过幸福的生活,更希望你能够同我在一起。 Because only by doing so, meaningful that I pursue. 因为只有这样,我所追逐的才有意义。 Therefore, if you did not agree, then I will not give up, if you want to abandon me to go, I will shut in the basement you, fetters the chains, detains the prisoner's cage, is unable to leave till your me again mutually each other. " 所以,如果你不同意,那么我就不会放弃,如果你想要弃我而去,我就会将你关进地下室,束缚锁链,圈禁囚笼,直到你我再互相无法离开彼此为止。」 " But before then, I will decide all powers give you, together with the happy same place that I pursue- " 「可在这之前,我将决定一切的权力交给你,连同我所追逐的幸福一起--」 In the five fingers of expansion, is the iron light of several wisps of spreads appears, each other interweaves, the entanglement, the growth, from elementium Wo Guan, existence of so-called soul, appear here. 在展开的五指间,所显现的便是几缕蔓延的铁光,彼此交织,纠缠,增长,自源质的沃灌之中,所谓灵魂的存在,于此显现。 Then is the divine nature of flowing rapidly, and even, the authority of Taiyi! 紧接着,便是奔流之神性,乃至,太一之威权! The heaviness of real Current Territories, was ordinary just like the bubble, changed into the royal crown general appearance. 货真价实的现境之重,宛若泡影一般,化为了冠冕一般的模样。 Fell on her head. 落在了她的头上。 Gentle and serious, actually did not allow that she rejects. 轻柔又郑重,却不容许她拒绝。 Again then, what appears in her eyes is innumerable phenomenon, the sky and land, and even all...... entire Current Territories and present man, map in the eye of Ai Qing. 再然后,所浮现在她眼中的是无数事象,天空、大地,乃至一切的所有......整个现境和眼前的男人,都映入艾晴的眼中。 Then, soul and even in the future, the junction holds in her. 就这样,将灵魂乃至未来,交托于她。 " Now, Current Territories, the Kingdom of Heaven plan, is I, led all powers in your hands, Ai Qing. " 「现在,不论是现境,天国计划,还是我,主导一切的权力都在你的手中了,艾晴。」 Huai Shi puts out a hand, before she stroked the volume sends broken, looks at her eye: " If you think that I am wrong, then, you then can terminate all these. 槐诗伸出手,为她捋开了额前的碎发,看着她的眼睛:「如果你认为我是错的,那么,你便可以终止这一切。 The whole world, only has you to make me suspect itself- " 整个世界,唯有你会让我怀疑自己-」 Huai Shi said: " This is the shackles that I am unable to get rid, it grasps in your hands. " 槐诗说:「这才是我无法摆脱的枷锁,它就握在你的手中。」 Bang! 轰! In that flash, drowns oneself Murray, the azure rainbow light in that pair of eye pupil is surging. 在那一瞬间,自沉默里,那一双眼瞳之中的青色虹光激荡着。 Saw, this whole world junction holds the strength in Huai Shi hand by so rash treatment, making her unable to restrain the anger again! 眼看着,这一份整个世界交托在槐诗手中的力量被如此轻率的对待,令她再无法克制怒火! The invisible strength appears baseless, his shackles, immobilizes the nape of the neck. " Actually are you doing, Huai Shi? " 无形的力量凭空浮现,将他桎梏在内,钳制脖颈。「你究竟在干什么,槐诗?」 Ai Qing is pulling his collar, interrogated: " Actually did you...... this world, regard what?! " 艾晴扯着他的衣领,质问:「你究竟把......这个世界,当成什么了?!」 " Probably to lead to the future footboard? " 「大概是通向未来的踏板吧?」 Huai Shi raised the head, looks at her: " I have exceed its thing. " " Sufficed, Huai Shi! " 槐诗抬起头,看着她:「我已经有更胜过它的东西了。」「够了,槐诗!」 Ai Qing interrupted his words, is unable to control the intonation: " Does your actually wish make me be willing to give up to what degree distressedly? " 艾晴打断了他的话,无法控制语调:「你究竟想要让我狼狈到什么程度才肯罢休?」 " Calculates that I asked you. " 「算我求你。」 She does not want to listen again: " Do not say again. " 她已经不想再听了:「别再说了。」 " I confessed to you for once concealment and deceit, Ai Qing, this was my mistake. But I had not regretted meets you, will not acknowledge that it is the mistake. " 「我为曾经的隐瞒和欺骗向你忏悔,艾晴,这是我的错。可我从未曾后悔过遇见你,也不会承认它是错误。」 Since suffocates and chokes to cough, Huai Shi is panting for breath, told her: " Among us the relations, are not established after putting on the mask, but early before that ..... 自窒息和呛咳之中,槐诗喘息着,告诉她:「我们之间的关系,并非建立在戴上面具之后,而是早在那之前..... From you wants, when since front of teacher holds my hand, has started. " 从你愿意在老师的面前牵起我的手的时候,就已经开始了。」 Silent, her facial expression stiff flickered. 寂静中,她的神情僵硬了一瞬。 The eye pupil that pair is embellishing the azure rainbow light contracts slightly. It looks like stunned. 那一双点缀着青色虹光的眼瞳微微收缩。就像是愕然。 " I want to be the friend with you. " 「我想要和你做朋友。」 Huai Shi said in a soft voice: " From seeing your first start, is this. " 槐诗轻声说:「从看到你的第一眼开始,就是这样。」 So many years passed by, he no longer is the past ignorant child, she is also not in the zither | Jean room that feel alienated desolate child, but from beginning to end, such look has not had any change. 这么多年过去了,他已经不再是昔日无知的孩童,她也再不是琴房里那个疏离冷淡的孩子,可自始至终,那样的眼神都未曾有过任何的变化。 Quiet and peaceful. 静谧又安宁。 Is staring at present regarding the complex and difficult music movement, time and time again attempts, even if many failure and exhausted is not afraid. 凝视着眼前对于自己过于复杂和艰难的乐章,一次又一次的去尝试,哪怕是再多的失败和疲惫也不害怕。 When the smooth melody resounds from the string, on the face of strong self-stabilization, then could not bear bring back a self-satisfied curve. 直到流畅的旋律自弦上响起时,强自镇定的脸上,便忍不住勾起了一丝得意的弧度。 Then, starts the next chapter . 然后,开始下一章.. Then firm and rigid appearance. 那么坚定又执着的神采。 It seems the pain in the whole world not to hit 就好像整个世界的痛苦也打不 Arrived her. 到她。 When Huai Shi recovers, then has sat in her side, is staring at her appearance. 槐诗回过神来的时候,便已经坐在她的身边,凝望着她的模样。 Since birth, his first reappearing, wants to pursue anything's idea. Because of her form ..... 有生以来,他第一次浮现,想要去追逐什么的想法。是因为她的身影..... " This is not wrong, Ai Qing, to me, this is only to lead to the correct answer. 「这并不是错误,艾晴,对我而言,这就是唯一通向正确的答案。 If my you, I will not have allowed in the future. If you are not willing with me together, all that then I make then do not have the significance. " 如果我的未来没有你的话,我就不会容许。如果你不愿意同我一起,那么我所做的一切便毫无意义。」 " Therefore? Should I comply? " 「所以呢?我就应该答应吗?」 Ai Qing is unable to endure again, interrogated hoarsely: " In you, I am that type, so long as opened mouth to say two of pleasant to hear, fool who what was a willing worker? " 艾晴再无法忍受,沙哑质问:「难道在你心里,我就是那种只要张张嘴说两句好听的话,就什么都肯做的傻子?」 " No, you should be clear that this point is right. " 「不,你应该清楚这一点才对。」 Huai Shi looks at her: " So long as you spoke, making me make anything, so long as you set requirement, I will comply with, so long as you summoned, I will catch up. 槐诗看着她:「只要你说话,让我做什么都可以,只要你提出要求,我就会遵从,只要你呼唤,我就会赶来。 So long as you want, I will accompany forever in your side...... " " therefore, please believe my one time, this time. " 只要你愿意,我就会永远陪在你的身边......」「所以,请你相信我一次,就这一次。」 Huai Shi puts out a hand toward her, is waiting for her response: " I will show that you have the opportunity, I have. " 槐诗向着她伸出手,等待着她的回应:「我会证明你还有机会,我也还有。」 But his palm was clapped. Ai Qing retroceded one step. Rigid shaking the head. 可他的手掌被拍开了。艾晴后退了一步。执着的摇头。 Probably wants to run away same ....., but has actually been possible to escape roadless. 就好像想要逃走一样.....但却已经无路可逃。 When looks at him, is unable to conceal the sadness and exhausted in eye pupil again. 只是,在看着他的时候,便再无法掩饰眼瞳之中的悲伤和疲惫。 It is not able to tolerate, is self- base and low ; Unforgivable, is the betrayal of trust ; Cannot permit absolutely, is own all supports with others unexpectedly .... 无法容忍的,是自我的卑微;不可原谅的,是信任的背叛;绝对不能允许的,是自己的所有竟然同其他人相拥.... That should be own thing. 那应该是自己的东西。 Only is itself to be right! 只属于自己才对! Even if others are touch not! 别人哪怕是触碰也不可以! " You no longer are me, Huai Shi ..... should I burst into tears? " 「你已经不再属于我了,槐诗.....我应该流泪吗?」 Ai Qing difficult is maintaining tranquilly, tries to show the smile, at least, wish diligently seems like again relaxed a little, " should I continue indifferently? Said angrily rebukes to you, gives scolding? 艾晴艰难的维持着平静,试图露出笑容,至少,努力的想要看上去再轻松那么一点,「我应该继续冷漠吗?还是说向你怒斥,痛骂? Actually do you want me to be what to do good? " 你究竟想要我怎么办才好呢?」 Huai Shi puts out a hand again, wants to touch her cheeks, regardless of were patted many times by her, has not given up. Even if grasped the strength of the world, is unable to prevent, is unable to make him give up. 槐诗再度伸出手,想要触碰她的脸颊,不论被她拍开多少次,都未曾罢休。即便是掌握了全世界的力量,也无从阻挡,也无法让他放弃。 Until true touching to her. 直到真正的触碰到她。 Feels, that wisp lonely icy cold .... 才感觉到,那一缕孤独的冰凉.... " My wish makes you continue to be itself, even if is more indifferent are not related. " 「我想要让你继续做自己,哪怕是再冷漠一些也没关系。」 Huai Shi said: " Regardless of you thought that what person you are, I still am your part. I always am you, is similar to me not to allow others to touch you tiny bit ....... " 槐诗说:「不论你觉得自己是什么样的人,我都依然是你的一部分。我从来都属于你,正如同我不会允许其他人触碰你一丝一毫.......」 He deeply inspires, has the courage, brought came too long outpouring late: " I love, is complete you. " 他深吸了一口气,鼓起勇气,带来了迟来太久的倾诉:「我所爱的,就是全部的你。」 From this is silent, Ai Qing looks at her, from the change of azure rainbow light during, is hard to distinguish her sad happy, indifferent also or vacillation. 自这寂静里,艾晴怔怔的看着她,自青色虹光的变化之中,难以分辨她的悲喜,冷漠亦或是动摇。 Probably wanted to say anything to be the same, finally, has not actually opened the mouth. 就好像想要说什么一样,却最终,未曾开口。 Has flash that her look becomes so gentle, but is also quick, all gentle was hidden in the mist in the vacillation. 只是有那么一瞬间,她的眼神变得如此柔和,可又很快,一切的柔和于动摇便隐没到雾气中去了。 By the inverted image of her eye pupil, Huai Shi saw itself finally. So clear. 透过她眼瞳的倒影,槐诗终于看到了自己。如此清晰。 Five fingers that as well as...... she launches. Uphold. 以及......她展开的五指。抬起。 Holds nothing back, not to hesitate, wields!! 毫不保留,毫无犹豫的,挥出!啪! Huai Shi at present one black, head deflection cannot help but, only feels in the skull to buzz, has a dizzy spell. 槐诗眼前一黑,脑袋不由自主的偏转,只感觉到脑壳里嗡嗡作响,头晕目眩。 Even if has not transferred the Taiyi authority, with mood at this moment, then has only swayed to make the strength that Huai Shi soon spins same place. 哪怕未曾调动太一的威权,仅凭着此刻的心情,便已经挥洒出令槐诗快要原地打转的力量。 He swayed, another, almost soon cannot come to a stop. 他摇晃了一下,又一下,几乎快要站不稳。 " Truly is likes all your coming ..... " him to request earnestly distressedly: " Can not include this? " 「确实是爱你的全部来着.....」他狼狈恳请:「可以不包括这个吗?」 " Not. " 「不可以。」 Ai Qing is indifferent, then the second slap in the face. Third, fourth, fifth .... Till she does not have the strength again. 艾晴冷漠,然后第二个耳光。第三个,第四个,第五个....直到她再没有力气为止。 Putting out a hand that till Huai Shi has no alternative, hugs her. 直到槐诗无可奈何的伸出手,拥抱她为止。 Can feel her stiff body, is so thin and slender, in sending silk, is dense the citrus fruits flavor, swoonsome. Also at this moment, Huai Shi the clear feeling, is her aura only. 能够感受到她僵硬的身体,如此消瘦和纤细,在发丝之间,氤氲着柑橘的味道,令人着迷。也唯独在此刻,槐诗才清晰的感受到,属于她的气息。 In own bosom. 就在自己的怀里。 Probably wants to struggle, is actually not able to get rid of this already the long-premeditated shackles. Therefore, is gradually soft, inevitab giving up. 像是想要挣扎,却无从摆脱这一份早已经蓄谋已久的桎梏。于是,渐渐柔软,无可奈何的放弃。 She closed the eye. 她闭上了眼睛。 Gave up denouncing severely and taunting, regarding this fellow, did not have the significance in any case. 放弃了痛斥和嘲讽,反正对于这个家伙来说,都毫无意义。 So many years passed by, have obviously differently so many. But the impudent and shameless appearance, was only the same as the past. 这么多年过去了,明明已经有了那么多不同。可唯独厚颜无耻的样子,却还是跟过去一样。 Divided the concern and vision of mother, openly rushed in own life, 分走了母亲的关爱和目光,又堂而皇之的闯进自己的生活里, Regardless how oneself repel and conflicts, pesters in own side. 不论自己如何的排斥和抵触,都纠缠在自己身边。 Spoke one's mind, talks endlessly, the smile, or cried aloud. On the crowded street, is pulling her skirt, timid following on the heels, is afraid to lose, is actually not willing to depart in any event. 自说自话,喋喋不休,微笑,或者啼哭。在人来人往的街道上,牵着她的裙角,怯生生的跟在后面,害怕走丢,却不论如何都不肯离去。 If did not respond, then has opened the eye, looks at her. 倘若不回应,便会一直睁大眼睛,看着她。 Till she puts out a hand on own initiative .... 直到她主动伸出手为止.... Perhaps, starting from that time, oneself then violated to compensate the lifetime mistake sufficiently. 或许,从那时候开始,自己便犯下了足以赔上一生的错误。 Therefore, is this? She self-ridiculed that smiles. 所以,是这样吗?她自嘲一笑。 From the beginning, oneself eaten stubbornly .... 从一开始,自己就被吃的死死的啊.... " This is the first time that I tried to forgive a person, Huai Shi. " Her hoarse asking: " Will you disappoint me? " 「这是我第一次试图去原谅一个人,槐诗。」她沙哑的问:「你会让我失望吗?」 " This is last time, I guaranteed. " 「这是最后一次,我保证。」 Huai Shi is hugging her, is afraid her to turn around to depart probably to be the same, then makes an effort. Therefore, she has no alternative sighed. 槐诗拥抱着她,就好像害怕她转身离去一样,那么用力。于是,她无可奈何的一叹。 Fingertip fumble. 指尖摸索。 The first time, gripped his hand on own initiative .... 第一次,主动去握住了他的手.... Feels the temperature of fingertip, actually cannot bear want to ridicule itself. In was extremely stupid, Ai Qing. 感受到指尖的温度,却又忍不住想要嘲笑自己。太过于愚蠢了,艾晴 Believes that such fellow, arrives to step onto the cliff to be the same simply probably crazily on own initiative. Therefore, even if you must jump to Abyss have not related .... 相信这样的家伙,简直像是疯狂到去主动走上悬崖一样。所以,哪怕你要跳向深渊也没关系.... She closed the eye. 她闭上了眼睛。 At least I accompany you together. 至少还有我陪你一起。 () () …… ……
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