AF :: Volume #14

#1319 Part 2: Hellfire

The jet black barrel, aimed at distant noise mouse person Legion also to have the bombing position of just reappearing embryonic form distantly, the flame flashes. 漆黑的炮身,遥遥对准了远方喧嚣的鼠人军团还有刚刚浮现雏形的炮击阵地,火光一闪。 Fires the scarlet cursing alloy to drop from the clouds. 烧成赤红的咒诅合金从天而降。 From day, but the flame embezzled all. 紧接着,从天而起的火焰吞没了一切。 The blood plasma and stump residual limb that only then evaporate broke the human bone to fly the sky, spanned the long distance, with the scarlet color, covered the destruction that oneself left behind. 只有蒸发的血浆和残肢断骸飞上了天空,跨越了漫长的距离,用猩红的色彩,盖上了自己所留下的破坏。 Squish, falls. 吧唧一声,滑落。 This is the destruction that the opponents use cause full power, but incessantly so. 这就是对手们倾尽全力所造成的破坏,但又不止如此。 Because of them with own life, turned on the disaster switch. 因为他们用自己的生命,打开了灾厄的开关。 That flash that restores to march forward in the Taiyang (Sun) ship again, above the warship of strenuous vibration, forts raise from the darkness slowly, the jet black barrel revolution, lifts. 太阳船再度恢复行进的那一瞬间,剧烈震动的战船之上,一座座炮台缓缓从黑暗中升起,漆黑的炮膛运转,抬起。 The innumerable turrets like the forest, aimed in all directions. 无数炮塔如林,对准了四面八方。 Then, just like sun such, spreads ten thousand dazzling iron light. 然后,宛如日轮那样,扩散出万道耀眼的铁光。 The destruction like the rain, drops from the clouds! 毁灭如雨,从天而降! When the flame and metal plow sweeps obsolete from the land, flapped in the blood-color ground to be selected profound gullies, the innumerable skeletons are moistening this stretch of dry land, making one anticipate that this piece sacrificed whether to let start out brilliant sea of flowers next year. 当火焰和金属的犁从大地之上扫过时,漫卷着血色的地面上就被掘出了一道道深邃的沟壑,无数尸骸滋润着这一片干涸的大地,令人期待这一片牺牲能否让来年开出绚烂的花海。 But all these, Raymond does not care. 但这一切,雷蒙德根本不在乎。 The wild with rage truck operator controls the Taiyang (Sun) ship to sweep above the land back and forth, is holding the vast Hell smoke and fire celebration, and offers the board wild horse play live demonstration that does not limit the quantity toward each participant! 狂怒的卡车司机驾驭着太阳船在大地之上来回扫荡,举行着浩大的地狱烟火庆典,并且向着每一位参与者献上不限量的板野马戏现场表演! Dies stubbornly stubbornly! Dies to the master!!!” “死死死死死!给爷死!!!” Today, I the side that wants you dead am miserable, is certainly miserable, extremely tragic!!!” “今天,我就要你们死的极惨,绝惨,惨绝人寰!!!” During Raymond's call, flame light bloom ahead of time above the blood-color land like flowered such. 在雷蒙德的呐喊之中,一道道焰光如花那样提前在血色的大地之上绽放开来。 The destruction spreads. 毁灭扩散。 But most central of bridge, silent Huai Shi lifted the eye suddenly. 而舰桥的最中央,沉默的槐诗忽然抬起了眼睛。 The palm lifts slightly. 手掌微微抬起。 In a flash, the deathly stillness, all fires stop suddenly, everyone reviews looked that was long to Legion. 一瞬间,死寂,所有的炮火都戛然而止,所有人都回眸看向了军团长。 But Huai Shi has not spoken, is only silent, listens attentively. 槐诗没有说话,只是沉默着,倾听。 Acceleration, walks, immediately!” “加速,走,立刻!” He said. 他说。 Falls along with his words, in instantaneous, the Taiyang (Sun) ship raises new round surging, in caterpillar band crazy revolving, the warship advances, is devastating the shatter skeleton, is speeding away forwarding. 伴随着他的话语落下,在瞬间,太阳船掀起新一轮的激荡,履带疯狂的旋转中,战船推进,蹂躏着破碎的尸骨,疾驰着向前。 But at this time, was slaughtered with the low and deep echo that the loud sound covers even more clear. 而就在这个时候,原本被厮杀和巨响所掩盖的低沉回音越发的清晰。 Under land. 就在大地之下。 During the report of observation system, the new shake appears from the most deep place of land one after another, rapid rise, nearby this...... 在观测系统的汇报之中,一轮又一轮新的震荡从大地的最深处浮现,迅速的上升,就在这附近…… Probably opening of forward furiously mighty current in the pressure of land, bores hole in the crevice, then, upward, after tearing the final hindrance,...... scarlet color blowout. 好像洪流在大地的压力中奋力的向前开辟,钻开石缝,然后,向上,撕裂了最后的阻碍之后……猩红的色彩井喷。 Toward sky. 向着天空。 After Taiyang (Sun) ship of speeding away, the most deep place of land crevice, the viscous blood boils is rising the sky, the waterfall that probably goes against the flow is the same, wriggling, is firing into the highest place of cloud layer. 疾驰的太阳船之后,大地裂隙的最深处,粘稠的血液沸腾着升上天空,像是逆行的瀑布一样,蠕动着,冲向云层的最高处。 The rapid qualitative change, the congealment, splits up the innumerable twigs. 紧接着,迅速的质变,凝结,分化出无数枝杈。 Arrived finally, changed into one brace day of an abnormal great tree that sets up the place, under the lay-up of innumerable trunk and branches, formed had a large-scale soccer field that thick fearful trunk. 到最后,化为了一颗撑天立地的畸形巨树,在无数枝干的绞合之下,形成了足足有一个大型足球场那么粗的可怕主干。 Great tree crooked standing and waiting for a long time, blew up giant lumps. 巨树歪歪扭扭的伫立的,紧接着鼓起了一颗颗巨大的枝瘤。 In the shatter great lump, launched brilliant riotous flowers, sprinkles luminous spot in broken bits...... 破碎的巨瘤里,展开了一朵朵绚烂缤纷的花朵,洒下细碎的光点…… Incessantly is here, entire Hell, above all battlefields, over a hundred strange great trees emerge as the times require, tow the blood river to proliferate toward the surroundings. 不止是这里,整个地狱,所有的战场之上,上百颗诡异的巨树破土而出,牵引着血河向着周围扩散。 The under halo of great tree covers, innumerable dying large group unexpectedly inconceivable change brilliance, when the fruit on branch crashes, then the monsters of some distortions from crawls, launches the pair of wings, flew the sky! 巨树的光晕笼罩之下,无数垂死的大群竟然不可思议的换发光彩,而当枝条上的果实坠落时,便有一个个畸变的怪物从其中爬出,展开双翼,飞上了天空! The scarlet halo covers above large group, in addition holds their vitality, making them even more demented! 猩红的光晕笼罩在大群之上,加持着他们的生命力,令他们越发的癫狂! The terrifying threat magnitude appears in the observation system. 恐怖的威胁量级在观测系统中出现。 In the most peak of crown, in that hugest flower bud, has the terrifying ray to fly suddenly together, is scratching the Taiyang (Sun) ship, penetrates in the soil. 在树冠的最顶端,那最为庞大的花苞之中,骤然有一道恐怖的光芒飞过,擦着太阳船,贯入泥土中。 Knocked out several -km opening! 凿出了长达数十公里的裂口! Has no need for the instruction of Huai Shi, the Taiyang (Sun) ship is urgent, the disorder marches forward the circumvention. 用不着槐诗的吩咐,太阳船紧急机动,无规律行进规避。 Main artillery thermal energy storage!” “主炮蓄能!” Huai Shi is knocking the arm rest, said in a soft voice: Such big goal, does not come an artillery, what a pity!” 槐诗敲着扶手,轻声说:“这么大的目标,不来一炮,可惜了!” Has waited for your words!” “早就等你这句话了!” Raymond laughs, the fallen steel structure covers to be one of them him, sank to the core of Taiyang (Sun) ship, hugs the infinite electric light, in the double pupil jumps shoots dazzlingly luminous. 雷蒙德大笑,落下的钢铁结构将他覆盖在其中,沉入了太阳船的核心里,拥抱无穷的电光,双眸中迸射耀眼光亮。 Taiyang (Sun) ship main artillery the tears of Yixisi, the thermal energy storage starts! 太阳船主炮・伊西丝之泪,蓄能开始! First-level and second-level, third-level...... 一级、二级、三级…… Instantaneously, arrived in most peak under conventional condition, five levels. 瞬间,抵达了常规状态下的最巅峰,五级。 The elementium qualitative change is completed. 源质质变完成。 Shell filling. 炮弹装填。 ...... 紧接着…… Launch.” “发射。” Huai Shi waves , the entire Taiyang (Sun) ship toward the rear area, delimited several hundred meters instantaneously. 槐诗挥手,紧接着,整个太阳船向着后方,瞬间划出了数百米。 The tan light class/flow had the corrupt aura of Nile to erupt from the main artillery instantaneously, rushed to the sky, after spanning 26 kilometers remote distance, penetrated in the trunk and branches of blood tree. 黄褐色的光流带着尼罗河的腐败气息从主炮之中瞬间爆发,冲上了天空,跨越了二十六公里的遥远距离之后,贯入了血树的枝干内。 In the grating pitiful yell sound penetrating world, such infiltration person, made not to know the mouth and nose blowout blood of many monsters. 刺耳的惨叫声响彻天地间,如此的渗人,令不知道多少怪物的口鼻喷出鲜血。 calories and strong winds that after waving dissipate, the frigid penetration opening, has appeared in the midpoint of blood tree! 当舞动的热量和狂风消散之后,惨烈的贯穿裂口,已经出现在血树的正中央! Almost the entire great tree will nearly break around the middle. 几乎险些将整个巨树拦腰打断。 No, what should care is why...... is broken!? 不,应该在意的是……为什么没有被打断!? Even if the convention strives, under the bombardment of Yixisi main artillery, even if will be in the frontal battlefield of perishing country's will most have the threat annihilates the great resembles still to evaporate instantaneously! 就算是常规出力,在伊西丝主炮的轰击之下,哪怕是亡国的正面战场上最具备威胁的歼灭巨像也会瞬间蒸发! But now, in the great tree wound of heavy losses, the bloody water spout, the innumerable pulp common whiskers are extending, starts rapid patching unexpectedly, the self-recovery. 可现在,重创的巨树伤口中,血水喷涌,无数肉质一般的触须延伸着,竟然开始迅速的修补,自愈。 The infinite bloodshed, is its vitality is then at! 无穷血海,便是它生命力所在! Even so, has a limit...... 但即便如此,已然有所极限…… Surpasses the actuation, uses the three phase system to energize-” Huai Shi narrows the eye, the facial expression is indifferent: Maximum power, we deliver it to evaporate.” “超过驱动,使用三相系统供能-”槐诗眯起眼睛,神情冷漠:“最大功率,我们送它蒸发。” In that flash, in the communication frequency above bridge, sends out together the grating static suddenly. 在那一瞬间,舰桥之上的通讯频道里,忽然发出一道刺耳的杂音。 During the innumerable disturbances, low and deep sound resounds. 紧接着,在无数干扰之中,一个低沉的声音响起。 original sin Legion report condition.” “原罪军团汇报状态。” Huai Shi subconscious setting out with deep veneration. 槐诗下意识的肃然起身。 Predator Ache! 天敌・阿赫! *** ***
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