AF :: Volume #14

#1320 Part 1: Support

original sin Legion good shape, does not have the personnel losses, is scatheless.” “原罪军团状况良好,无减员,无损伤。” Huai Shi asked: „Does Your Highness Ache have what instruction?” 槐诗问:“阿赫殿下有何吩咐?” In these chaotic static, Ache's sound is still clear: „ Just mutation believes that you had also seen, the eye of bronze draws the preliminary conclusion, is unable completely to eradicate it by the pure destructive power, temporarily first do not manage it. 那些纷乱的杂音里,阿赫的声音依旧清晰:“刚刚的异变相信你也已经看到了,青铜之眼得出初步的结论,以纯粹的破坏力无法将它彻底铲除,暂时先不要管它了。 Before two minutes, transportation of one group of valuable cargos encounters the accident/surprise, I need your maneuvering force and harassment and interception of load breakthrough enemy side, delivers to the established place it, the time is short, the quicker the better. 两分钟前,有一组重要物资的运输遭到意外,我需要你们的机动力和载荷突破敌方的骚扰和拦截,将它送到既定的地方去,时间短暂,越快越好。 Has the issue, Huai Shi is Legion long? ” 有问题么,槐诗军团长?” Huai Shi straightforward nod: Thing where?” 槐诗直截了当的点头:“东西在哪里?” In front of you, prepares for accepting.” “你面前,做好接受准备。” Ache's tranquil saying goodbye: Wish smooth.” 阿赫平静的道别:“祝顺利。” The communication cuts off. 通讯断绝。 Then, in that flash, attacked the warning to resound through the entire bridge. 然后,在那一瞬间,冲击警报响彻了整个舰桥。 In the high energy of observation system warned, a giant di red point appeared above the screen. 在观测系统的高能示警中,一个巨大旳红点出现在了屏幕之上。 Highly 12000, highly 9000, highly 5000...... 高度12000,高度9000,高度5000…… In the altitude value of rapidly dropping, in the jet black thunder clouds, a red light enlarges rapidly, after passing through the interception of innumerable thunder, tattered and torn deep battleship broken clouds. 在迅速跌落的高度数值中,漆黑的雷云中,一点红光迅速放大,穿过了无数雷霆的拦截之后,千疮百孔的深度战舰破云而出。 Toward the land, crashes! 向着大地,坠落! Braves the billowing thick smoke the giant battleship to break from center, is revolving crazily, falls falls does not know many fragments, the fragment and instrument of these heavy dragon bone|keel and armor crash in the place, causes the continuous dramatic turmoil. 冒着滚滚浓烟的巨大战舰从正中断裂,疯狂的回旋着,摔落不知道多少碎片,那些沉重的龙骨和装甲的碎片和仪器坠落在地,引发接连不断的剧烈动荡。 In that short instance, the battleship of burning down passed over gently and swiftly from their top of the heads, borders on the communications system of collapse to send out the final authentication code toward under. 就在那短暂的瞬间,焚烧的战舰从他们的头顶掠过,濒临崩溃的通讯系统向着下方发出了最后的认证代码。 As two giant containers since the break of fixed steel cable, from in the air crash, under pulling of cushion parachute, pounded by the mire that in the blood silted up. 两个巨大的集装箱从随着固定钢缆的断裂,从空中坠落下,在缓冲降落伞的拉扯之下,砸进了被鲜血淤积出的泥潭里。 Tumbling. 翻滚。 But in the sky, the wreckage of that section of battleship is howling, brings the flame and thick smoke, the preserved engine blowout roaring flame, is adjusting the angle of crash. 而天空中,那一截战舰的残骸呼啸着,带着火光和浓烟,存留的引擎喷出烈焰,调整着坠落的角度。 Plunged strange great tree that is in the rebirth. 扑向了正在重生的诡异巨树。 Like sharp blade such. 如同利刃那样。 The final afterglow, flashes to pass, in the bellow, the flaming flame covered all. 最后的残光,一闪而逝,轰鸣声里,熊熊的火光笼罩了一切。 Illuminated the face of Huai Shi delay. 照亮了槐诗呆滞的面孔。 He turned very quiet. 他屏住了呼吸。 Quick, he then forced himself to take back the line of sight. 很快,他便强迫自己收回了视线。 We walk.” “我们走吧。” He said: Do not forget, the time is short.” 他说:“别忘记,时间短暂。” In shine of flame, the Taiyang (Sun) ship as if by the burning red, silent backing up, was also transferred the direction, to the container of crash, the rear goods warehouse strobe lowers. 火光的映照中,太阳船仿佛也被烧红了,沉默的倒退,调转方向,冲着坠落的集装箱,尾部的货仓闸门降下。 The bloody water in mire together, is shovelling directly the container , the crow groups tow the steel cable to fall, hauling, fixed, the high-pressure water jet artillery flushed away all dirts. 直接连带着泥潭中的血水一同,将集装箱铲起,紧接着,鸦群们牵引着钢缆落下,牵引,固定,高压水炮冲去了所有的泥污。 Under the numerous protections, the container is still complete, is capping the blockade and lead bar and the signature of transportation personnel governance bureau. 在重重保护之下,集装箱依旧完整,加盖着统辖局的封锁和铅条以及运输人员的签名。 Lin Zhongxiaowu walks up, left behind the Utopia symbol in the far end. 林中小屋走上前去,在最末端留下了理想国的徽记。 But the Taiyang (Sun) ship, has turned toward the blood-color of distant place to drive out of again. 太阳船,已经向着远方的血色再度驶出。 On the screen of control center, appears brand-new Record -tij 0045 transportation task, Kingdom of Heaven pedigree original sin Legion, the execution starts! 指挥中心的屏幕上,浮现出崭新的记录-TIJ0045号运输任务,天国谱系・原罪军团,执行开始! From bird's eye view of search lens, that point just like the signal of combustion, covers the bloodshed of entire wilderness to speed away to go toward the distant place! 探镜的俯瞰之下,那一点宛如燃烧的讯号,向着远方笼罩着整个荒原的血海疾驰而去! Passed through Hell and death. 穿越地狱和死亡。 The speed speeds up, speeds up again. 速度加快,再加快。 The duty, starts again. 任务,再度开始。 …… …… …… …… The flame burnt in the wind the scarlet, scarlet red wind blew the thick smoke. 火焰将风烧灼成了赤红,赤红色的风里吹来了浓烟。 Qiāng sound that coughs in channel continuously. 呛咳的声音在频道里接连不断。 Help, saves a life......” “救命,救命……” After temporary fortification, in waved flame, there is a staggering form to crawl, the body also brings the viscous combustion fat, the wail to wave. 临时的工事后,舞动的火焰里,有个踉跄的身影爬出来,身上还带着粘稠的燃烧油脂,哀鸣着舞动着。 To live, actually cannot seek livehood, wanted dead, strove for not being able. 想要活着,却求生不得,想要死去,却求死不能。 Only then wails. 只有哀嚎。 The captain of staggering holds the wall, lamely walks, pulls out the pistol, is away from the eyelens, saw the eye of that double-current tears. 踉跄的上尉扶着墙壁,一瘸一拐的走上去,掏出手枪,隔着目镜,看到了那一双流泪的眼睛。 Gawked, touched off the trigger. 愣了一下,扣动了扳机。 Also knocked on. 又叩动了一下。 The person's shadow in fire was motionless. 火里的人影不动了。 The captain has turned around, discarded the pistol, angrily roars: Two classes, four classes, fire fighting. Six classes, rescue instrument-” 上尉转过身,丢掉了手枪,怒吼:“二班,四班,救火。六班,抢救仪器-” He has turned head, looks at the combustion the scene of fire, the huge support that then collapses, the body swayed, is constraining the impulsion of wail, turn head, the defense toward surrounding walks. 他回过头,看着燃烧的火场,然后坍塌的庞大支架,身体摇晃了一下,压抑着哭嚎的冲动,回头,向着外围的防御走去。 Is depending upon canyon that wreckage and ground of whale class battleship crack, they constructed the defense line of protection work site, difficult struggled in the bloodshed, hoping completion of duty. 依靠着一座鲸级战舰的残骸和地上崩裂出的深谷,他们构建起了保护工地的防线,艰难的在血海中挣扎,以期任务的完成。 But now, when Legion of perishing country's after another side of canyon arouses the skeleton stone car(riage), all that they protect are going to ruin in the flame. 可现在,当亡国的军团在深谷的另一侧唤起骸骨投石车之后,他们所保护的一切都将要葬送在火焰里了。 Including them. 包括他们自己。 Makes way, you make way...... I to see him! Go away!” “让开,你们让开……我要见他!走开!” Is away from the stop of soldier, he saw the dirty man was crying out. 隔着士兵的阻拦,他看到了灰头土脸的男人正在呐喊。 Dr. Watanabe?” “渡边博士?” The captain saw that person burn, gawked: Medical treatment and nursing soldier, the medical treatment and nursing soldier, comes!” 上尉看到了那个人身上的烧伤,愣了一下:“医护兵,医护兵,过来!” He told to subordinate: Told front, third even/including substituted, the second company rested, others maintained the construction, did not permit to stop!” 他对身旁的下属吩咐:“告诉前面,三连替补,二连休息,其他人维持施工,不准停!” Did not have the time! Did not have the time, did you understand?” “没时间了!没时间了,你懂吗?” Watanabe shoves open the medical treatment and nursing soldier who the side was in the way , angrily roars: Even if the thing can deliver now, still without enough time!” 渡边推开了身旁碍事的医护兵,冲上来,怒吼:“即便是现在东西能送过来,也来不及了!” Under he is then pointing at that fire extinguisher and soil covers, braves the thick smoke the base depot, bringing the tears of blood unable to bear flow: Did not have, did not have...... me...... my student also......” 他回头指着那一座灭火器和泥土覆盖下,冒着浓烟的基站,带着血的眼泪就忍不住流下来:“都没了啊,都没了……我的……我的学生也……” Duty is still continuing, Doctor.” Captain silent several seconds, straightforward told him: I can understand your pain, but now, please return to your work.” “任务还在继续,博士。”上尉沉默了几秒钟,直白的告诉他:“我能理解你的痛苦,但现在,请回到你们的工作中去。” Has been defeated!” “已经失败了!” The scholars shout: Died so many people, preserved pile of scrap iron! His mother is the scrap iron! Did you see?” 学者嘶吼:“死了那么多人,保住了一堆废铁!都他妈是废铁!你看到了么?” He is pulling the collar of captain, wants to punch the person, but the captain has not actually moved, but silent looks at him, cannot bear sob until him again. 他扯着上尉的领子,想要揍人,可上尉却没有动,只是沉默的看着他,直到他再忍不住哽咽。 Walks, the dead face, walks, while also has the time, leave alone our group of burdens.” Watanabe sits on the ground, the entreaty: Asked you, did not want dead more people......” “走吧,死人脸,走吧,趁着还有时间,别管我们这帮累赘了。”渡边坐在地上,哀求:“求求你,不要在死更多的人了……” The duty has been defeated. 任务已经失败了。 Do not make everyone die in this trivial place. 不要让大家死在这种没有价值的地方。 Sorry.” “对不起。” The captain said in a soft voice, continues to walk forward, said to the subordinate: Leads him to get down.” 上尉轻声说,继续向前走,对下属说:“带他下去。” Walked two steps, he turns head, the subordinate who looks at the delay, tranquil repeated: I said, leading him to get down.” 走了两步,他回头,看着呆滞的下属,平静的重复了一遍:“我说,带他下去。” The subordinates got back one's composure finally, make an effort to nod, hoisted Watanabe, entrained in the tent of medical treatment and nursing soldier. 下属终于回神,用力点头,扯起了渡边,拽进了医护兵的帐篷里。 Hears to curse angrily with sound of wail indistinctly. 隐约听见怒骂和哭嚎的声音 Passes through crude region that the severely injured rested, the captain toward continuing, to be away from the trench and in great disorder the rock of bunker and collapsing, he saw was fired the black face by the thick smoke, is away from the gas mask, the eye pupil proliferates the blood threads. 穿过了重伤者们休息的简陋区域,上尉往继续走,隔着战壕和乱七八糟的掩体和坍塌的岩石,他看到了被浓烟烧成黑色的面孔,隔着防毒面具,眼瞳遍布血丝。 He wants to angrily rebuke these not to have the fellow of changing shifts subconsciously, making the people of third even/including roll, but after he looks at one, discovered, third even/including already here. 他下意识的想要去怒斥这些没有换班的家伙,让三连的人滚上来,可当他看完一圈之后,才发现,三连已经都在这里了。 Were too few. 只是太少了。 His lip moved, closed. 他的嘴唇动了一下,又合上了。 But when sees his military uniform, these guards raised the head in the front soldier, looks at him, the look hopes, waits for can have any good news. 而看到他的军装时,那些守卫在前面的士兵都抬起头来了,看着他,眼神期冀,等待着能有什么好消息。 The corner of the eye of captain is twitching. 上尉的眼角抽动着。 The first time, thank on the face this being in the way gas mask. 第一次,感谢脸上这一副碍事的防毒面具。 He silent moment, said in a soft voice: Everyone should not be worried, supports, support already on road.” 他沉默了片刻,轻声说:“大家别担心,支援,支援已经在路上了。” After short silence, the soldiers look at each other in blank dismay, seems unbelievable, but the shoulder is shivering, cannot bear bend the waist. 短暂的沉默之后,士兵们面面相觑,仿佛难以置信,只是肩膀颤抖着,忍不住弯下腰。 Does not know that who first begins, then has hoarse laughing sound to transmit from the channel. 紧接着,不知道谁先开了头,便有嘶哑的哄笑的声音从频道里传来。 Has seen through this inferior lie. 早就识破了这个蹩脚的谎言。 Excuse me, Senior official, expression that you just that cried quickly, was too happy, hahahaha, sorry, such solemn occasion, you continue.” “不好意思,长官,你刚刚那个快哭出来的表情,太乐了,哈哈哈哈,对不起,这么严肃的场合,您继续。” The adjutant is patting his shoulder, is suppressing smiling, but also wants to say anything, then saw a bullet hole that the under foot comes out. 副官拍着他的肩膀,憋着笑,还想说什么,然后看到脚下多出来的一个枪眼。 Your this group of dogs! Eastern! west!” “你们这帮狗!东!西!” Rolls to me to own post comes up! Who damn dares to smile one again, who damn dares to speak a few words, father sends you to cover Qi! “给我滚到自己的岗位上去!谁他妈的再敢笑一声,谁他妈的敢说一句话,老子送你们去盖旗! Now, damn immediately, immediately!!! ” 现在,他妈的立刻,马上!!!” The violent anger captain is brandishing the pistol, angry roaring, trample and hits, and commanded with the bad language, tramples in the trench the fellow who these are smiling, returned to own position. 暴怒的上尉挥舞着手枪,怒吼着,连踹带打的,用脏话和喝令,将那些嬉皮笑脸的家伙踹回了壕沟里,回到了自己的位置上。 The distant place, heard the nightmare same bugle horn sound again. 远方,再度传来了噩梦一样的号角声。 In and ankle area deep bloody water, these rotten ox head people are crying out, holds up the in great disorder shield and weapon, gathered the array, under threatening of military governor, was again heavy toward the defense line. 在及脚踝深的血水中,那些腐烂的牛头人呐喊着,举起乱七八糟的盾牌和武器,汇聚成了阵列,再度在督军的威吓之下,向着防线重来。 The bellow bursts out. 轰鸣声迸发。 Stone vehicle the fat and curse skeleton continuous dropping from the clouds on burning down. 投石车上的焚烧的油脂和诅咒尸骸接连不断的从天而降。 The attack, started again. 进攻,再度开始了。 But after the defense line, only has a deathly stillness. 可防线之后,只有一片死寂。 Senior official......” in channel, the adjutant fluttered saying that you really......” “长官……”频道里,副官颤声说,“你真的……” May shut up to father!” The captain angrily rebukes, blinking diligently, the sweat infiltrates such as in the corner of the eye, stabbing pain: „ Gives me to hit well, who dares to turn head, father's first kills him! “可给老子闭嘴吧!”上尉怒斥,努力的眨着眼睛,汗水渗如眼角里,刺痛:“都给我好好的打,谁敢回头,老子第一个弄死他! I do not want to sleep the bastard who does not wash foot dead with your groups together here- ” 我他妈的可不想跟你们这帮睡觉不洗脚的王八蛋一起死在这里-” May say is saying, his sound actually shivered, seems sobbing. 可说着说着,他的声音却颤抖了起来,仿佛在哽咽。 The adjutant sighed: Senior official......” 副官叹息:“长官……” I know, you are the real men, never has lowered the head to Hell and that group of monsters, you are great.” “我知道,你们都是真正的男人,从来没有对地狱和那帮怪物低过头,你们都是好样的。” The captain deep breath, was straightening up the body, is looking all around the present soldiers: You do is very good, I am honored to be able with everyone to work together as colleagues very much together.” 上尉深呼吸着,挺直了身体,环顾着眼前的士兵们:“你们做的很好,我很荣幸能够和各位一同共事。” Senior official......” “长官……” Now, with me-” “现在,跟着我-” The captain put out a hand, drew out the saber of waist, stood above the defense line, exerts roaring that went all-out: 上尉伸手,拔出了腰间的军刀,站上了防线之上,奋尽全力的咆哮: „- For Current Territories!” “-为了现境!” Senior official, you may damn, let alone!” “长官,您可他妈的别说了!” The adjutant rushes, grasps is preparing to brandish the captain of blade edge lead heroic sacrifice, interrupted his words, makes an effort to sway: Reinforcements! The reinforcements came!” 副官冲上去,一把抱住正准备挥舞着刀锋率先英勇捐躯的上尉,打断了他的话,用力摇晃:“援军!援军来了啊!” What?” “啥?” Captain delay, turn head. 上尉呆滞,回头。 Looks at the distant place. 看着远方。 Has the deathly stillness of flash that. 有那么一瞬间的死寂。 In vision that in the subordinates sympathize with, the serious captain who just completed true feelings confession a time restrains to wipe the impulsion of neck suicide diligently, and starts to pray that has such 12 stray bullets to go into own forehead quickly, making oneself in the unprecedented awkwardness extricate from this since birth...... 在下属们同情的目光中,刚刚完成一次真情告白的严肃上尉努力的克制着自己抹脖子自杀的冲动,并且开始祈祷有那么有那么一两颗流弹赶快扎进自己的脑门,让自己从这有生以来前所未有的尴尬中解脱…… And, will really really have the reinforcements! 以及,竟然真的会有援军吗! Now, in the end of land, in filled the air blood-color mighty current, the fierce mighty waves raise from the scarlet. 现在,在大地的尽头,弥漫的血色洪流中,剧烈的波澜自猩红中掀起。 Bang. 巨响。 Bang reverberation in the world. 巨响回荡在天地之间。 sound that the steel angrily roars bursts out with revolving of caterpillar band. 钢铁怒吼的声音随着履带的旋转而迸发。 Had what colossus to speed away in this piece of scarlet Hell, forwards, started the strong winds, is trampling the death, forwarded loudly. 有什么庞然大物在这一片猩红的地狱中疾驰,向前,掀起了狂风,践踏着死亡,轰然向前。 By hull that above the viscous blood-color covers, is covering the dazzling brilliance. 被粘稠血色所覆盖的船身之上,笼罩着耀眼的光焰。 Operates just like the hot sun in Hell such. 宛如烈日运行在地狱之中那样。 Has ground base and low all phenomena on earth. 碾过卑微的万象。 Countless monster in its front just like dust, even is not worth stopping to come to see one specially. When the corrupt chariot and skeleton loud sound from Abyss prevents in its front, was covered under the shadow of destruction. 无以计数的怪物在它的面前宛如尘埃,甚至不值得专门停下来看一眼。当来自深渊中的腐败战车和骸骨巨响阻挡在它的前方时,便被笼罩在毁灭的阴影之下。 The bloody water is ascending, flies upwards, from the hull front incident angle. 血水升腾着,飞扬而起,从船身前方的冲角两侧。 The huge sharp blade tears the battlefield, from rear area, straight forwarding, the place visited, was neat the steamroll to become the smashing all. 庞大的利刃将战场撕裂,自正后方,笔直的向前,所过之处,将一切都干脆利落碾压成了粉碎。 The skeleton of dispersing hovers in in the air, crashes, finally was involved in the huge caterpillar band. 飞散的尸骸翱翔在空中,又坠落,最后被卷入到庞大的履带里。 It is forwarding. 它在向前。 Like iron whale such, sends out long thundering, to the brutal Hell summon. 如同铁鲸那样,发出悠长的轰鸣,对着残酷的地狱呼唤。 What gadget is that......?” “那是……啥玩意儿?” The captain delay, only feels at present one black, if not the identification signal of allied force is so striking, he wants to pull the neck of adjutant to ask one simply: You determined that grows into this appearance the gadget is the reinforcements!” 上尉呆滞,只感觉眼前一黑,如果不是友军的识别信号如此醒目,他简直想要扯着副官的脖子问一句:“你确定长成这模样的玩意儿是援军!” The warship that but now, the blood dyes has turned toward their straight speeding along. 可现在,血染的战船已经向着他们笔直的飞驰而来。 Even these rotten ox head people responded without enough time, suddenly, was involved under the huge caterpillar band, clear sound of disruption was submerged in the loud sound of steel, is hard to distinguish. 甚至就连那些腐烂的牛头人都来不及反应,瞬息间,被卷入了庞大的履带之下,碎裂的清脆声音被淹没在钢铁的巨响里,难以分别。 But it, has not slowed the tempo. 而它,已然没有放慢速度。 Even, but also is speeding up. 甚至,还在加快。 As if not let off any fish slip through such, pursues survivor who front is dashing about wildly to weep and wail, to/clashes toward the defense line. 仿佛不放过任何一個漏网之鱼那样,追逐着前面狂奔哭喊的幸存者,向着防线冲过来。 Wanted and to hit!” “要、要撞过来了!” The adjutant is screaming, subconscious wanted to shrink in the trench, but, he then saw, then just like the battleship of mountain range the physics and inertia together, ground again under the caterpillar band. 副官尖叫着,下意识的想要缩进了壕沟里去,可紧接着,他便看到了,那宛如山峦的战舰将物理学和惯性一同,再度碾碎在履带下面。 Before defense line frontline barrier, stops suddenly. 自防线最前方的壁垒前,戛然而止。 Only the hurricane howls, has blown the faces of delay. 只有飓风呼啸,吹过了一张张呆滞的面孔。 Then, the huge warship, starts...... to back up. 然后,庞大的战船,开始……倒车。 The end to Hell Legion that scattering in all directions to flee, adept transformed an angle at will, the acceleration, until rides the military governor also steamroll that the great horse is escaping to become the smashing these. 尾部冲着四散奔逃的地狱军团,娴熟又随意的变换了一个角度,加速,直到将那些骑乘着巨马逃亡的督军也碾压成粉碎。 Proceeds again. 紧接着,再度往前。 Backs up again. 再倒车。 Forwards again...... 再向前…… Just like a notorious kowtowing car(riage), in defense line entrance, hunger and thirst is searching any living creature, then delivers to under them the caterpillar band. 如同一辆恶名昭彰的泥头车一样,就在防线的门口,饥渴的寻觅着任何一个活物,然后把它们送到履带下面去。 Grinding back and forth! 来回的碾! In the continuous loud sound and impact, the captain gave up the ponder. 在接连不断的巨响和冲击中,上尉放弃了思考。 Until some people summoned his name. 直到有人呼唤他的名字。 Captain Vasily?” “瓦西里上尉?” When the devastation comes to the end, the slightly supple young people upturn from the broad side, moves toward the defense line, holds up the badge in hand. 当蹂躏告一段落,有一个略显阴柔的年轻人从船舷上翻下来,走向防线,举起手中的徽章。 original sin Legion is ordered to come, Mr. Watanabe where? We have the commodity connection.” “原罪军团奉命而来,请问渡边先生在哪里?我们有物资交接。” He is directing the vehicles, is towing the huge container, delivers to the defense line the front: Hopes that we have not come late.” 他指挥着车辆,拖曳着庞大的集装箱,送到防线的前方:“希望我们没有来迟。” Naturally, naturally!” “当然,当然!” Captain Vasily almost crying tears of joy, thinks own fervent dying in battle speech, really cried. 瓦西里上尉几乎喜极而泣,想到自己慷慨激昂的战死演说,就真的哭出来了。 This disaster must live with might as well died the contradictory mood, is really makes him want to spit blood. 这种大难得生和还不如死了的矛盾心情,实在是让他想要吐血。 At this moment, looks after oneself wait for a long time core commodity fed in the defense line, he as before suspected oneself place in the illusion, after the present all wake up, bubble that can dissipate. 此刻,看着自己等待了许久的核心物资被送进防线之后,他依旧怀疑自己身处幻梦之中,眼前的一切只是醒来后就会消散的泡影。 May turn head, looks when position that the following fire intensity just extinguished, the smile of just reappearing on stiff on face. 可回过头,看着后面火势才刚刚熄灭的阵地时,刚刚浮现的笑容就僵硬在脸上。 Silent, he has turned head, looks to nearby Lin Zhongxiaowu, is distinguishing that somewhat young excessive smile, probably as if also the appearance of quite good speech, had the courage: 沉默里,他回过头,看向了旁边的林中小屋,分辨着那一张有些年轻过头的笑脸,好像似乎还比较好说话的样子,鼓起了勇气: Whether...... to can please be sorry.” “能否请……抱歉。” Also without saying, he himself gave up, from the heart was ashamed for oneself. 还没说完,他自己就放弃了,发自内心的为自己感到了羞耻。 Vasily retroceded one step, the salute said goodbye: Bon Voyage.” 瓦西里后退了一步,敬礼道别:“祝您一路顺风。” Lin Zhongxiaowu is silent, looks at present the shatter defense line, soldiers in an extremely difficult situation, the following collapsing more than half frames, as if understood anything. 林中小屋沉默,看着眼前破碎的防线,狼狈不堪的士兵们,还有后面坍塌过半的框架,仿佛明白了什么。 Please wait a bit, Captain.” “请稍等一下,上尉。” He stopped by calling that to turn around the man who wanted to depart. 他喊住了那个转身想要离去的男人。 Then, turn head looks to behind. 然后,回头看向身后。 As if heard anything to be the same, quick, understood clearly the nod. 仿佛听到了什么一样,很快,了然点头。 Captain Vasily, Kingdom of Heaven pedigree is willing to provide the support to you, but, the time is it is a pity that limited.” Lin Zhongxiaowu turn head said: We will stay here temporarily, arrives before the next duty.” “瓦西里上尉,天国谱系愿意对贵方提供支援,但遗憾的是,时间有限。”林中小屋回头说:“我们会暂时留在这里,直到下一个任务到来之前。” He puts out a hand, looks at the present man: Does not know whether you are willing to accept the help of this negligible?” 他伸出了手,看着眼前的男人:“不知您是否愿意接受这一份微末的帮助?” Vasily delay, is visiting him, looks hand that he extends, is shivering gripping. 瓦西里呆滞着,看着他,看着他伸出的手,颤抖着握住。 Then cannot bear again, weeps bitterly to make noise. 便再忍不住,痛哭出声。 Naturally, your excellency, naturally-” “当然,阁下,当然-” Quick, under the guidance of Vasily, in front of defense line everyone withdrew orderly, made way the path. Even does not have to waste the time these hindrance general barriers. 很快,在瓦西里的指挥之下,防线前面的所有人都有序撤出,让开了通路。紧接着,甚至没有去浪费时间将那些阻碍通行的障碍。 On the bow, a fort has transferred, fired an artillery neatly. 船头上,一座炮台转过,干脆利落的开了一炮。 Cleans up space that a piece can pass through...... 清理出了一片得以通行的空间…… Such simple?! 这么干脆的么?! Vasily stiffly in hot blast of heading on. 瓦西里僵硬在扑面而来的热风里。 „The following scene will be quite possibly exaggerating.” Side, Lin Zhongxiaowu friendly reminder: Please everyone do not respond extremely, keeps calm.” “接下来的场面可能会比较夸张。”旁边,林中小屋友善的提醒道:“还请大家不要反应过激,保持镇定。” Exaggerating? 夸张? Is your meaning this is not exaggerating? 你的意思是这还不算夸张? How that is praises- 那怎么样才算夸- Then, in him at present, the goods warehouse strobe of Taiyang (Sun) ship raises loudly. 然后,就在他眼前,太阳船的货仓闸门轰然升起。 In the darkness, a both scarlet eye shines, indifferent fierce, is overlooking outside all living creatures. The piercing coldness makes Vasily call out in alarm subconsciously makes noise, wants to draw a sword, but, Lin Zhongxiaowu held down his shoulder. 黑暗里,一双双猩红的眼睛亮起,冷漠狰狞的,俯瞰着外面的一切活物。刺骨的寒冷让瓦西里下意识的惊叫出声,想要拔刀,可紧接着,林中小屋就按住了他的肩膀。 Calm, Captain, calm- I have said that possibly a little will be exaggerating......” “冷静,上尉,冷静-我说过,可能会有点夸张……” With his words, the sound of footsteps that overlaps innumerably in the same place such as thunderous same resounds. 伴随着他的话语,无数重叠在一起的脚步声如雷鸣一样响起。 Scarlet eye pupils go out from the darkness, appear the steel generally swift and fierce outline, the top of the head orange yellow safety helmet, construction waistcoat, as well as in the hand is raising assorted toolbox...... 一道道猩红眼瞳从黑暗里走出,浮现出钢铁一般凌厉的轮廓,还有头顶橙黄色的安全帽,身上的施工马甲,以及手里提着的各色工具箱…… In them behind, mechanical shovel, hoist crane, tower crane components and fortification car(riage), one after another however leaves. 在他们身后,铲车、起重机、塔吊零件和工事车,鱼贯而出。
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