AF :: Volume #14

#1319 Part 1: Hellfire

Strikes the eye the institute, all that sees, then only have this dazzling bright red. 触目所及,所见的一切,便只剩下这耀眼的鲜红。 The innumerable heads are surging, the fierce face appears intermittently from the tide, runs out forward. 无数人头涌动着,狰狞的面孔自浪潮中隐现,向前冲出。 Relies on the iron shields of these corrosions or is being own body, the firepower strafes of these large group counter machine guns, after jumping in the fortress and trench, emphatically. 凭借着那些锈蚀的铁盾或者是自己的身体,那些大群逆着重机枪的火力扫射,扑进了堡垒和壕沟之后。 The tall and strong one-eyed is brandishing the battle axe greatly strangely, stop the power armor of being in the way is cutting at present together broken, the flame raises from the skeleton, the flame of hand grenade embezzled him, quick, combustion great strange then demented goes out from the flame, holds up the remnant corpse in hand, hunger and thirst di swallows the blood, shouts: 魁梧的独眼巨怪挥舞着战斧,将眼前的阻拦者连带着碍事的动力装甲一同斩碎,火光从尸骸中升起,手榴弹的火焰吞没了他,很快,燃烧的巨怪便癫狂从火焰中走出,举起手中的残尸,饥渴旳吞咽鲜血,嘶吼: Blood turns over to the perishing country, the soul to go to Abyss!!!” “血归亡国,魂赴深渊!!!” In him behind, countless large group excited is whooshing. 在他身后,无以计数的大群兴奋的嘶吼着。 May shout in the sound, resounded the echo of trembling. 可嘶吼声里,响起了颤栗的回音。 From the vault of heaven, thunders. 来自天穹之上,轰鸣。 The huge shadow covered their faces, made the uphold eye pupil of their delay, looked to the vault of heaven, only saw a sunspot of rapid enlargement, broke through the blockade of thunder fire and depth, revolving, is dropping from the clouds. 庞大的阴影笼罩了他们的面孔,令他们呆滞的抬起眼瞳,看向天穹,只看到一个迅速放大的黑点,突破了雷火和深度的封锁,旋转着,从天而降。 It seems like...... 就好像是…… An iron ball?! 一个铁球?! Bang! 轰! The jet black iron ball in loud sound air-splitting, shakes the land, bounces, the tumbling, the steamroll had/left a profound gully, when the armor of innumerable burning red fall off after the frame, all over the body is covering the giant turtle of azure scale slowly then from goes out. 漆黑的铁球在破空的巨响中,撼动大地,弹跳,翻滚,碾压出了一道深邃的沟壑,当无数烧红的装甲从框架上脱落之后,遍体覆盖着青色鳞片的巨龟便缓缓的从其中走出。 From the bloodshed, starts the ripples. 自血海之中,掀起涟漪。 Takes a step forward. 向前迈步。 Just like the great column common four feet, forwards, short more than ten meters dropping variance, when the great leg tramples, initiated is not inferior in the terrifying impact that just crashed unexpectedly. 宛如巨柱一般的四足,向前,短短十几米的落差,当巨腿践踏而下的时候,竟然引发了不逊色于刚刚坠落的恐怖冲击。 Crack , the hurricane spreads. 炸响之中,飓风扩散。 Raises the tide of skeleton and blood. 掀起尸骨和血的潮汐。 dragon Gui lifted the head, shouts like the thunder. 龙龟抬起了头颅,嘶吼声如雷。 Again, the rising spiritedly upper body, depresses toward the infinite enemy at present. 再度,奋起上身,向着眼前无穷的敌人压下。 Landslide. 山崩。 Each rise and trampling, left behind a giant gap and hollow in the bloodshed. 每一次起落和践踏,都在血海之中留下了一个巨大的缺口和凹陷。 But when lifts the lead leg again, tramples the time forward, the great column in storm stops suddenly unexpectedly- in a tiny shadow front. 可当再度抬起前腿,向前践踏时候,风暴之中的巨柱竟然戛然而止-就在一个渺小的影子前方。 Holds up the both arms just like the tall and strong ox head person who the iron stone casts, the mouth and nose seeps out the blood in the huge impact, grins fiendishly toward the dragon turtle: Isn't a broken turtle? Looked that I go against...... to return to it...... return......” 宛如铁石铸就的魁梧牛头人举起双臂,口鼻在剧烈的冲击中渗出鲜血,向着龙龟狞笑:“不就是一个破乌龟么?看我把它顶回……回……回……” That sound is shivering, is hard to continue. 声音颤抖着,难以继续。 Because of the head of dragon turtle, presented a person's shadow. 因为龙龟的头上,出现了一个人影。 Is going against the blood-color vault of heaven, cannot distinguish his appearance, can only see that pair is burning flowing fire gold/metal eye, overlooks indifferently. 逆着血色的天穹,分辨不出他的面目,只能看到那一双燃烧着的流火金眸,冷漠俯瞰。 The vision institute and place, all as if were frozen thoroughly. 目光所及之处,一切都仿佛被彻底冻结。 The big blood-color mighty current stagnated, was shocked by that ice-cold carefully examining vision together, is hard to send out own sound. 偌大的血色洪流陷入了停滞,被那一道冰冷的审视目光所震慑,难以发出自己的声音 Everyone then saw, he lifted the hand. 紧接着,所有人便看到,他抬起了手。 118,000 jin (0.5 kg) dignified column extends in his hands. 十万万八千斤的威严之柱在他的手中延伸。 Long long is long! 长长长长长! Then, pounds! 然后,砸! A point blooms from the stick compared with the blood dazzling red light sharp, then, started ripples of wisp of proliferation, changes to the earth-shaking tide! 一点比鲜血更加耀眼的红光从棍尖绽放,然后,掀起了一缕扩散的涟漪,化作惊天动地的潮汐! The land wail, is cracking, the scarlet strong winds shoot up to the sky, change into the storm. 大地哀鸣着,崩裂,猩红的狂风冲天而起,化为风暴。 But in the storm of combustion, heavenly punishment that’ raises slowly grins, blood qi and gunsmoke of carefree deep sorption war, being hard to restrain to be satisfied and cheerful. 而在燃烧的风暴之中,缓缓升起的‘天罚’咧嘴,畅快的深吸着战争的血气与硝烟,难以克制惬意和欢快。 Hello.” “你们好啊。” Great sage equal to heaven said: I came.” 齐天大圣说:“我来了。” Then, he came. 然后,他来了。 Rose the end of sky, tears the dark clouds, the opens the mouth, is gobbling up the infinite thunder and flame, then, drops from the clouds. 升上了天空的尽头,撕裂阴云,张口,吞吃着无穷的雷霆和火焰,然后,从天而降。 Neat dive! 只是,干脆利落的俯冲! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰!轰!轰!轰! In the desperate land split the canyon, the flame ascension in canyon, the blowout. 绝望的大地上裂开了深谷,深谷中的火焰升腾,井喷。 But several kilometers sea calming god needle iron sweeps away from resounding roaring, raises the wave in bloodshed, tentacle institute and all monsters, swept the smashing all! 而数千米长的定海神针铁自高亢的咆哮中横扫,掀起血海中的波浪,将触手所及的一切怪物,尽数扫成了粉碎! The hero of combustion, forwards. 燃烧的英雄,向前。 The long stick aimed at the front. 长棍指向了前方。 Follows I.” “跟着我。” His did not return said: Do not fall behind.” 他头也不回的说:“别掉队。” In him behind, over a thousand Luneberg Giant whole bodies cover in the dignified mail-armor and helmet, raises hand high hunting for dragon Juqiang, the iron light like the forest, is in a thundering rage. 在他身后,上千名龙伯巨人浑身笼罩在威严的甲胄中,高举手中的猎龙巨枪,铁光如林,咆哮如雷。 …… …… Hehe, ha, ha haha......” “嘿嘿,哈哈哈,哈哈哈……” Magnificent god ship under that the old person of limping leads the way alone above the land, under the white hair is sending out the odor of burn, faint trace black smoke from the skin of aged relaxation raises. 华丽的神船・维摩那之下,蹒跚的老人独自前行在大地之上,白发之下散发着烧焦的恶臭,一丝丝黑烟从老迈松弛的皮肤上升起。 It looks like the stupid old person who runs from the home for the elderly to be the same. 就像是从养老院里跑出来的痴呆老人一样。 Forwarding that he staggers, dull looks that these surge the blood tide and large group that come, in the eye pupil are shining the delighted light: Firewood, firewood, firewood and firewood...... good firewood, Mother, many firewood, can bring back to the home, brings back to the home......” 他踉跄的向前,呆呆的看着那些涌动而来的血潮和大群,眼瞳里亮着欢喜的光:“柴、柴、柴、柴……多好的柴,阿妈,好多的柴,都可以带回家,带回家……” He is laughing heartily, keeps the saliva, cheers, runs toward that filling the air blood-color, launches the both arms: „ Comes quickly, comes to here quickly. 他欢笑着,留着口水,欢呼雀跃的,向着那一片弥漫的血色奔跑,展开双臂:“快来,快到这里来。 I lead you to go back, we return together...... ” 我来带你们回去,我们一起回……” Family/Home. 家。 The monster common great horse from interlocks with him, in the instantaneous, immediately knight cut his head. Also remained the delighted head to fly the sky, fell into the blood-color. 怪物一般的巨马从同他交错而过,在瞬间,马上的骑士斩下了他的头颅。一颗还残留着欢喜的头颅飞上了天空,落入了血色之中。 His remnant body by the cavalries steamroll, finally, had been submerged in the hunger and thirst monsters thoroughly. Tears in fang big mouths, dismembers, gobbles up. 紧接着,他的残躯就被骑兵们碾压而过,最后,在饥渴的怪物们彻底淹没。在一张张獠牙大口中撕裂,分尸,吞吃。 Is savoring this fragrance. 品味着这一份香甜。 Until finally, in the mouth of great snake, that head as in delighted is laughing, whatever chews: thou and others, diffusion flame, haha, hahahaha, ha hahahaha......” 直到最后,在巨蛇的口中,那一颗头颅依旧在欢喜的大笑着,任由嘴嚼:“汝等,扩散火焰吧,哈哈,哈哈哈哈,哈哈哈哈哈……” sound vanishes to disappear. 声音消失不见了。 The blood tide as before, is only, for quite some time, a both scarlet eye pupil shines gradually, as if burns the flame to be the same, no, that is the flame. 血潮依旧,只是,不知从什么时候开始,一双双猩红的眼瞳渐渐亮起,仿佛燃烧着火焰一样,不,那就是火焰。 The flame surges in their double pupils, in blood, skeleton and soul, combustion slowly, as their movements infect, the proliferation, to finally, gushes out from the mouth and nose, shoots up to the sky! 火光涌动在它们的双眸之中,鲜血、骸骨和灵魂里,缓缓的燃烧,随着它们的动作而传染,扩散,一直到最后,从口鼻之中喷薄而出,冲天而起! Strikes the eye the institute and all blood-color, from waving change into the sea of fire! 触目所及的一切血色,自舞动中化为火海! They in...... the combustion, feel nothing, the wild with joy chaotic dance, plunged monster, the flame of twinkle star. 它们在……燃烧,浑然不觉的,狂喜乱舞的,扑向了身旁的怪物,星星点点的火光。 Flame, flame, with flame! 火焰,火焰,和火焰! In the flame of shooting up to the sky, the huge outline raises slowly. 在冲天而起的火焰里,庞大的轮廓缓缓升起。 As if illusory image. 仿佛幻影。 Launches four arms, holds triangle seal, to hold the rosary, to hold the treasured vase, to hold the immortal stick. 展开四臂,持三角印、持念珠、持宝瓶、持仙杖。 The happy dance, extolled the growth and demise of myriad things, the silent long song, laughed demented. 欢喜的舞蹈,赞颂万物的生长和灭亡,无声的长歌,癫狂大笑。 Burn, fever, fever! 烧吧,烧吧,烧吧! This cute fire...... 这可爱的火啊…… Above that the Sublimator helpless sigh of India, cuts down building that Sir...... to let Sir Azzini, slightly......” 维摩那之上,天竺的升华者无奈的叹息,“伐楼那大人……是不是让阿耆尼大人,稍微……” That old lunatic, do not manage him.” “那个老疯子,不要管他。” Cuts down the building reluctantly that is rubbing the forehead, even he is still hard to suppress Azzini even more grave crazy, but perhaps, is Azzini also well aware? 伐楼那无奈的揉着眉心,即便是他也难以压制阿耆尼越发深重的疯狂,但或许,阿耆尼对此也心知肚明吧? Perhaps, he has prepared sacrifice. 或许,他早已经做好牺牲的准备了。 For own death, creates more values. 为自己的死,创造更多的价值。 Thinks of here, cuts down building that unable to bear want to clench teeth, looks to behind time, the facial expression becomes even more with deep veneration: „Do you also do here? Sees a play!” 想到这里,伐楼那就忍不住想要咬牙,看向身后的时候,神情就变得越发肃然:“你们还愣在这里干什么?看戏吗!” Do not disappoint the difficult completely female sacrifice, proves own brave, everyone!” “不要辜负难尽母的牺牲,证明自身的勇武吧,各位!” In storm that starts gradually, cuts down building that to order finally: „ To wash off the shame, wants to bring back the dignity, that wants to take! 在渐渐掀起的风暴中,伐楼那最后下令:“想要洗刷耻辱,想要重新拿回尊严,那就要自己去拿! In the return, in you everyone must bring back to the firewood that ten leak! ” 在归来的时候,你们之中的每个人都要带回十漏的柴薪!” Yes!” “是!” Sends out black smoke Sublimator to angrily roar just like the ashes generally, roared. 宛如灰烬一般散发着黑烟的升华者们怒吼着,咆哮。 When looks to the battlefield of combustion, the eye pupil was full of frantic and hope. 望向燃烧的战场时,眼瞳就充满了狂热和期盼。 Firewood, enough firewood! 柴,足够的柴! Then by the thy and others the skeleton, changes into the firewood of fire of karma! 便以汝等的尸骨,化为业火之柴吧! Had finally on the 1st, India can the rebirth. 终有一日,天竺将会重生。 From flame in! 自火焰里! Important matter is not good, Trow cultivates Mr.!” “大事不好了,特洛修尔先生!” In armored giant beast that goes by land, observation turn head cried out, looks flame that the distant place is shooting up to the sky, cannot restrain, that side Eastern Xia and India are quite lively, are we...... also display?” 陆行的装甲巨兽里,瞭望手回头呐喊,望着远处冲天而起的火光,克制不住,“东夏和天竺那边好热闹啊,咱们是不是……也表现一下?” In the core of giant beast, Teterow cultivates the jaguar warrior group that looked at other to be ready to fight, Sublimator, could not bear show the whites of the eyes. 巨兽的核心中,特洛修尔看了一眼其他摩拳擦掌的美洲虎武士团,还有升华者们,就忍不住翻了个白眼。 Performance? 表现? Displays! 表现个屁! Two wants to join in the fun, really thinks that this is fighting in groups? 一個两个的就想要凑热闹,真以为这是在打群架么? Not made combat, repatriated Current Territories.” “无令参战者,遣返现境。” Trow cultivated/repaired cold sound saying: Then just started, you do not know that keeps a strength!” 特洛修尔冷声说:“这才刚刚开始呢,你们就不知道留点力气么!” Under the feather snake the shadow powerful represses, Legion as before is piece of depressed sound. Especially the bear gods of next door new Americas Regiment have started to kill greatly kill especially...... 在羽蛇之影的强力弹压之下,军团内部依旧是一片懊丧的声音。尤其是隔壁新美洲战团的熊神已经开始大杀特杀的时候…… No one wants the meritorious military service to fall on others' behind. 谁都不愿意战功落在别人的后面。 It is a pity that just like lizard generally slowly an armored giant beast as before tranquility forward in bloodshed, no response, whatever attacks in all directions. 遗憾的是,宛如蜥蜴一般在血海中缓缓向前的装甲巨兽依旧一片平静,毫无任何的反应,任由四面八方进攻。 Under the body, silver-gray mist proliferation slowly, surges a continuously. 只是,在身体之下,一缕缕银灰色的雾气缓缓的扩散,涌动而出。 The silk threads, drilled into the blood and skeleton, in mouth and nose of monster large group...... so tiny, but, these demented large group are walking, often seeps out the blood on the mouth and nose, more metal gravel one thing. 丝丝缕缕的,钻入了鲜血、尸骸,还有一个个怪物大群的口鼻之中……如此的渺小,只是,那些癫狂的大群走着走着,往往就口鼻中渗出鲜血,还有更多的金属砂砾一样的东西。 Arrived finally, the entire corpse inflates, loudly blasting open. 到最后,整个尸体膨胀起来,轰然炸裂。 In swelling abdominal cavity, rich silver mist blowout, proliferation! 肿胀的腹腔中,浓郁的银色雾气井喷而出,扩散! The mist, probably live, twines on the body of each living creature. 雾气,像是活的一样,缠绕在每一个活物的身上。 When thin mist gradually thick to visible, then sweeps beforehand being incapable with weakly, starts to select the person to bite, is searching any living creature, wriggles to throw. 当稀薄的雾气渐渐浓厚到肉眼可见的时候,便一扫之前的无力和软弱,开始择人而噬,寻觅着任何一个活物,蠕动着扑上。 Can see in the corrosion of mist, skin of only huge monster flakes rapidly, tearing, the flesh collapses, rapid contraction of skeleton under the gnawing food of mist, to finally, the whole person turned into a part of mist. 紧接着,就能够看到在雾气的侵蚀中,一只只庞大的怪物的皮肤迅速剥落,撕裂,血肉崩溃,骸骨在雾气的啃食之下迅速收缩,到最后,整个人都变成了雾气的一部分。 Was similar.” “差不多了。” In the core, the scholars before innumerable measuring appliance pushed the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, looked to Sueter Lorre: Bacteria colony system The hatching could be in two stages.” 核心里,无数仪表前的学者推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,看向了修特洛尔:“【菌群系统】的孵化已经可以进入二阶段了。” That was exhausted you, recursion your excellency.” Trow cultivates to nod the head. “那就劳烦您了,递归阁下。”特洛修尔颔首。 Is only the test, minor matter.” “只是测试而已,小事一桩。” The Creation Lord recursion smiles temperately, carries the coffee cup, knocked carriage return on a keyboard. 创造主递归温和一笑,端起咖啡杯,敲了一下键盘上的回车键。 Therefore, mist ebullition. 于是,雾气沸腾。 The magnanimous nano insect group boils is disturbing generally, is extracting elementium and material, is duplicating itself rapidly, started the new round of proliferation in bloodshed. 海量的纳米虫群沸腾一般的扰动着,抽取着源质和物质,迅速的复制着自身,开始了在血海之中的新一轮扩散。 Arrived finally, changed into the Mercury common sea tide. 到最后,化为了水银一般的海潮。 The place visited, all were gobbled up. 所过之处,一切都被吞吃一空。 But in infinite silver, outline reappearing slowly, as if strongly such. The skeleton of unmanned aerial vehicle completes, the rotor starts the strong winds, rises the sky. 而就在无穷的银色里,一个个轮廓缓缓的浮现,仿佛铁铸那样。无人机的骨架完成,旋翼掀起狂风,升上天空。 Has more insect groups to fly to the distant place. 带着更多的虫群飞向远方。 The proliferation, the proliferation, spreads again! 扩散,扩散,再扩散! But in each distant place, the light of chalice shoots up to the sky. The wished knights approve to sing the ode, lifts up high the lance, above the armored motor of angry roaring, advances toward the front blood tide. 而就在各个远方,圣杯之光冲天而起。受祝的骑士们赞唱颂歌,高举长矛,在怒吼的装甲摩托之上,向着前方的血潮推进。 The sages rose the sky, sprinkles the blessings, lowers the disciplinary punishment. 圣人们升上了天空,洒下赐福,降下惩戒。 Another head, blessings obelisk blooming fierce light from Nile, unceasing strafe. 另一头,一座座来自尼罗河的赐福方尖碑绽放烈光,不断的扫射而出。 Different from other Legion, quiet Egyptian people composed the square formation, just like reef such, stopped in the front of blood tide. 同其他的军团不同,沉默寡言的埃及人们组成了方阵,宛如礁石那样,阻拦在了血潮的前方。 To the impact of raging tide. 任由狂潮的冲击。 Indifferent is dealing with the front all, the blood-color mighty current opens in their front, was torn, is defeated and dispersed outflow that toward the both sides. May facing these close victories, indifferent Sublimator even turn head not look at one. 冷漠的应对着前方的一切,血色的洪流在他们的前方开辟,被撕裂,向着两侧溃散的流出。可面对那些近在咫尺的战果,冷漠的升华者们甚至没有回头看一眼。 Prevents in the front of raging tide. 只是阻挡在狂潮的前方。 Until the next order of Queen of night arrives. 直到月神的下一道命令到来。 Now, in bird's eye view of search lens, Legion from five big pedigree just like nail such, intercepted in the frontline of blood tide, stopped the impact of that first wave of mighty current, even, but also in prompting forward slowly. 如今,在探镜的俯瞰中,来自五大谱系军团宛如一道道钉子那样,拦截在了血潮的最前方,阻拦住了那第一波洪流的冲击,甚至,还在缓缓的向前推进。 Each clashing, made in the blood-color start the mighty waves time. 每一次的对撞,都令血色中掀起波澜。 The truncation got down the wildest tide. 截下了最狂暴的潮汐。 These torn array and large group from can only run away from the both sides, flee forward, thinks broke in the safe center, the crazy proliferation, wreaks havoc. 那些被撕裂的阵列和大群从只能从两侧逃窜,亡命向前,自以为冲入了安全的腹地,疯狂的扩散,肆虐。 Then, they then saw...... 然后,他们便看到了…… That drops from the clouds, fierce battleship! 那一座从天而降的,狰狞战舰! During the terrifying turbulence of 8 magnitude of earthquakes, the monster of steel crashed into the dust, made to stick out by land collapsing of devastation, in the smog ascension, appeared that wild outline. 在八级地震的恐怖动荡中,钢铁的怪物坠入了尘埃,令饱受蹂躏的大地坍塌又隆起,烟雾升腾中,浮现出那狂暴的轮廓。 In them behind, Legion from in the air lower. 在他们身后,一支又一支的军团从空中降下。 Pounds into Hell! 砸入地狱 When the huge caterpillar band starts to revolve again, when the steel battleship on land forwards rolling, in the hurricane of heading on has the aura of thick smoke and death. 当庞大的履带再一次开始运转,当陆地上的钢铁战舰滚滚向前,扑面而来的飓风里带着浓烟和死亡的气息。 Toward the bloodshed of fluctuation, forwards loudly. 向着波动的血海,轰然向前。 Detects the enemy side to respond.” “侦测到敌方反应。” On the bridge, the link Sublimator of observation system is lifting the eye, presents in the data the Huai Shi front, loudly return: 20,000, 30,000 and 70,000...... enemy quantity also in further increase!” 舰桥上,联通着观测系统的升华者抬起眼睛,将数据呈现在槐诗的面前,高声回报:“两万、三万、七万……敌方数量还在进一步的增加!” In the silent bridge, Raymond lifts the eye, looks to the Huai Shi silent back. 寂静的舰桥里,雷蒙德抬起眼睛,看向槐诗沉默的背影。 How to deal?” He asked. “如何应对?”他问。 „?” “啊?” Huai Shi puzzled turning head, does not seem to understand. 槐诗不解的回头,好像没听懂。 Needs to deal?” He asked. “需要应对么?”他问。 Under came into sight to hide, what also dealt with? 都到眼皮子底下了,还应对什么? ...... 况且…… necessary that this trash goods, simply have not paid attention to?” “这种垃圾货色,根本没有理会的必要吧?” Huai Shi optional waving, told him: Grinds.” 槐诗随意的挥手,告诉他:“碾过去。” Therefore, Raymond grins, is rubbing hands. 于是,雷蒙德咧嘴,搓着手。 The hope grins fiendishly. 期盼狞笑。 During is thundering, the speed of Taiyang (Sun) ship speeds up. 在轰鸣之中,太阳船的速度加快。 Even, protects the shield to vanish on the continuous wave light clear river of the netherworld does not see, the engine is spraying the flame, the acceleration. 甚至,就连波光粼粼的冥河护盾都消失不见,引擎喷射着火焰,加速。 Toward just gathered reluctantly the enemy of array. 向着刚刚勉强集合成阵列的敌人。 Attack! Attack!” “进攻!进攻!” The military governors are roaring, is brandishing the long whip, whips the slave: Does not permit to retrocede, attacks to me!” 督军咆哮着,挥舞着长鞭,鞭挞奴隶:“不准后退,给我进攻!” When looked when to giant warship that marches forward loudly, in the eye appears fiercely. 当看向轰然行进的巨大战船时,眼中就浮现狰狞。 The Current Territories person thought that has the fortress to protect itself? Such opponent has the experience of resistance, so long as crossed their artillery. The social climbing comes up, kills in their command headquarters, they do not attack from...... 现境人觉得有堡垒就可以保护自己么?这样的对手并不是没有对抗的经验,只要越过了他们的火炮。攀附上去,杀进他们的指挥所里,他们就不攻自…… Wait, why, haven't they opened fire? 等等,为什么,他们没有开炮? The military governors are vacant, stared in a big way the eye. 督军茫然的,瞪大了眼睛。 Should happy be right obviously, why does not know, indescribable anxious and frightened actually appears from the heart, he angrily roars: Attacks to me, attack!” 明明应该喜形于色才对,可不知为何,难以言喻的不安和惊悚却从心头浮现,他怒吼:“给我进攻,进攻!” Responded his, angry roaring that only then in the wind transmitted. 回应他的,只有风中传来的怒吼。 The cry of steel. 钢铁的鸣叫声。 Is hard to imagine the deafening loud sound, bursts out from the caterpillar band above, just like monster roared such. 难以想象震耳欲聋的巨响,自履带之上迸发,宛如怪兽的咆哮那样。 In the billowing thick smoke and loud sound, the Taiyang (Sun) ship forwards loudly. 在滚滚的浓烟和巨响之中,太阳船轰然向前。 Probably Giant in myth. 像是神话中的巨人 Cast the jet black form. 投下了漆黑的身影。 When that looks out into the distance probably also the appearance of matter appears likely at present, the terrifying darkness covers the eye pupil of that both delay. 当那远眺时好像还像回事儿的样子浮现在眼前的时候,恐怖的黑暗就将那一双双呆滞的眼瞳覆盖。 Attack...... attack...... attack......” “进攻……进攻……进攻……” Military governors as in numb is repeating, is brandishing the whip, but that sound has become emaciated and hoarse. 督军依旧在麻木的重复着,挥舞着鞭子,可那声音已经变得孱弱又嘶哑。 As if choked. 仿佛哽咽。 Soon, cries aloud. 快要,哭出声来。 But Giant is speechless, Giant is silent, Giant starting to walk footsteps. 巨人无言,巨人沉默着,巨人迈开脚步。 Callous, cruel, does not care at all, grinds from their bodies! 冷酷的,残忍的,又毫不在意的,从他们的身上碾过去! Bang! 轰! The skeleton was extruded the smashing in revolving of caterpillar band, the blood and muscle became the waiting rotten mud by the even steamroll, then, following the transmission of caterpillar band, cuns (2.5 cm) levelling above land. 骸骨在履带的旋转中被挤压成粉碎,血和肌肉被均匀的碾压成了等待腐烂的泥,然后,顺着履带的传输,一寸寸的抹平在大地之上。 Becoming large group of organization system to vanish without the trace instantaneously. 成建制的大群在瞬间消失无踪。 As if the magic is the same. 仿佛变魔术一样。 Only left behind a scarlet path above the land, is so smooth, like the mirror, is shining upon the thunder that the combustion vault of heaven and drops smoothly. 只留下了一道猩红的轨迹在大地之上,如此光滑,平滑如镜,映照着燃烧的天穹和落下的雷霆。 Open fire! Open fire! Also stupidly is gawking doing!” “开炮!开炮啊!还傻愣着干什么!” Beyond several li (0.5 km), the control of mouse person large group neighed, the eyeball by the terrifying outline burning red of that colossus, had been urged behind array crazily. 在数里之外,鼠人大群的主宰嘶鸣,眼珠子已经被那庞然大物的恐怖轮廓烧红,疯狂的催促着身后的阵列。 Does not know that many mouse people are revolving busily, transports the shell, sent in the rusty cannon, virulent elementium and curse from ferments. 不知道多少鼠人忙碌的运转着,运送炮弹,送入了锈迹斑斑的大炮中,恶毒的源质和诅咒从其中酝酿。 The copper congealed poisonously the entity, changed into the fierce light, flew the sky in the dance and secret instrument of sacrificial offering, started loud sound air-splitting. 铜毒凝结成了实体,化为烈光,在祭祀的舞蹈和秘仪中飞上天空,掀起破空的巨响。 The dark green light beam spanned the long distance, instantaneously, fell above the Taiyang (Sun) ship. 墨绿的光束跨越了漫长的距离,瞬间,落在了太阳船之上。 Bang! 轰! The operation of Taiyang (Sun) ship stops suddenly. 太阳船的运行戛然而止。 Stopped same place. 停在了原地。 Does not know that many mouse people are wild with joy cheering, was urging the artilleries fit out again, prepare to open fire, transport more cannon to come. 不知道多少鼠人狂喜着欢呼,催促着炮兵们再次整备,准备开炮,运送更多的大炮过来。 When Lord of the Great Swarm of wild with joy chaotic dance holds up the telescope, observes the victory time, smile, solidification on face. 当狂喜乱舞的大群之主举起望远镜,观察战果的时候,笑容,就凝固在了脸上。 Above huge warship, no gap and collapse. 庞大的战船之上,毫无任何的缺口和塌陷。 Perfect. 完好无损。 An artillery that places the great expectations, after the destruction of doing utmost,...... blew finally spent the painting on warship. 那寄予厚望的一炮,在竭尽全力的破坏之后,终于……刮花了战船上的喷漆。 By the Utopia symbol, kept a being an eyesore dirt. 理想国的徽记旁边,留了一块碍眼的污渍。 So striking. 如此醒目。 In bridge, Raymond's smile stiff on face. 舰桥里,雷蒙德的笑容僵硬在了脸上。 In the deathly stillness, the corner of the eye, starts crazy twitching. 死寂中,眼角,开始疯狂的抽搐。 His new car. 他的新车。 Wax that he just hit...... 他刚刚才打的蜡…… He gives the painting of entire ship overall spray coating personally...... 他亲自给全船整体喷涂的喷漆…… He opened was less than 15 minutes. 他才开了不到十五分钟。 This world, what ratio this but also there is sadly? 这个世界,还有什么比这更悲伤的吗? Your mother-” “你妈的-” The wild with rage truck operator roared: I must kill you!!!!” 狂怒的卡车司机咆哮:“我要杀了你!!!!” Therefore, the right side of Taiyang (Sun) ship, vice- artillery rotation. 于是,太阳船的右侧,副炮转动。
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