AF :: Volume #14

#1318 Part 2: In the Blood

With the death record same place. 伴随着死亡记录一起。 Ruler iron stone. 统治者・铁石。 Ruler corpse forest Monarch. 统治者・尸林君。 Ruler hoar frost. 统治者・白霜。 Ruler mouse king. 统治者・鼠王。 ...... …… In the end of sandstorm and mighty current, strange forms go out from the darkness, expose fiercely. 在风沙和洪流的尽头,一个又一个诡异的身影从黑暗中走出,展露狰狞。 Report, detects the perishing country main force Legion quantity 40,000, 50,000 and 100,000......” “报告,侦测到亡国主力军团数量四万、五万、十万……” The hoarse report sound resounds from the command headquarters, sound that the observer shivers cannot even keep up with that digit to rise dramatically the degree of change, to finally, even had given up the insignificant behavior. 嘶哑的报告声从指挥所中响起,观察员颤抖的声音甚至跟不上那个数字飙升变化的程度,到最后,甚至已经放弃了无意义的行为。 Actually did that...... save how long military? 那究竟……是积攒了多久的兵力呢? At this moment, in Abyss, that beautiful sad and shrill giant star just like eye pupil of weeping blood. 此刻,就在深渊之中,那一颗妖艳凄厉的巨星宛如泣血的眼瞳。 The strobe when destroys was opened, then as if the infinite blood-color gathering is one bunch, is watering Hell, plants seed that dies and destroys. 当毁灭的闸门被打开,便仿佛又无穷的血色汇聚为一束,浇灌着地狱,种下凋亡和毁灭的种子。 As if plundered most Abyss, in the infinite blood tax collects and plunders and tame military, at this moment is appearing in the observation of search lens continuously. 仿佛搜刮了大半个深渊,无穷血税中所募集、掠夺和驯服的兵力,此刻正在源源不断的出现在探镜的观测中。 In literal sense, sea. 字面意义上的,海洋。 Scarlet sea. 猩红的海洋。 These large group plunged the battlefield competitively, the head/number of people of surging started the fuzzy mighty waves, but each other extruded and tramples does not know that stamped many allied forces in own under foot. 那些大群争先恐后的扑向了战场,涌动的人头掀起了模糊的波澜,只是彼此挤压和践踏就已经不知道将多少友军踩死在自己的脚下。 Even so, in the callous bugle horn sound, does not dare to have slight slowdown and stagnation as before, uses oneself all strengths, crawls to that stretch of battlefield. 即便是如此,在冷酷的号角声中,依旧不敢有丝毫的放缓和停滞,倾尽自己所有力气的,爬向那一片战场去。 Tries to please the king of Hell. 去取悦地狱之王。 Even if the curse and fierce poison of these fulls in Hell will take the lead to want oneself life, could not attend. 哪怕那些充盈在地狱中的诅咒和猛毒会率先要了自己的性命,也都顾不上了。 Right, is this, is livelier, is livelier! So the happy event, cannot lose the bearing and dignity of perishing country's!” “没错,就是这样,热闹一些,再热闹一些!如此乐事,切不可失了亡国的气度和体面!” The highest place of palace error, king of Paishou withering acclaimed: Friendship between Current Territories and Abyss can also be called is the blood is thicker than water, happen to makes the hosts be a drinking companion to taste.” 宫阙的最高处,枯萎之王拍手赞叹:“现境深渊之间的情谊也称得上是血浓于水,正好让东道主们佐酒品尝。” Under presents, in the shadow the monsters are laughing, is staring at battlefield at this moment. 在座下,阴影中怪物们大笑着,凝视着此刻的战场。 The hunger and thirst brilliance jumps from the jet black eye pupil. 饥渴的光焰从漆黑的眼瞳里跳跃。 Licks to lick the lackey. 舔舐爪牙。 When the blood-color mighty current flaps, following this bridge, surges the spread toward Current Territories, the entire sky and big place dyed scarlet. In the frontline, soldier vacant raising the head on armored vehicle, looks blood tide that piece approaches rapidly. 当血色的洪流漫卷,顺着这一道桥梁,向着现境涌动蔓延,整个天空和大地方都染成了猩红。在最前方,装甲车上的士兵茫然的抬头,看着那一片迅速逼近的血潮。 Lowers the head, is looking at the weapon in hand. 低头,看着手中的武器。 Last time, touched off the trigger. 最后一次,扣动了扳机。 Then was embezzled. 紧接着,便被吞没了。 Probably the dust in tsunami, vanishes without the trace. 像是海啸之中的尘埃,消失无踪。 „, Your Highness Ache.” “阿、阿赫殿下。” Observer delay looks at that terrifying the scale, almost forgot the breath. 观察员呆滞的看着那恐怖的规模,几乎忘记了呼吸。 In control center a deathly stillness. 指挥中心里一片死寂。 Everyone looks flurriedly to behind. 所有人都慌乱的看向身后。 Ache, cannot bear the sigh, is difficult to cover disconsolately. 就连阿赫,都忍不住叹息,难掩惆怅。 Not because of the terrifying number of enemy, but is the experience and courage of sad present young people is so unexpectedly deficient. Actually was to preside the bureau to idle too for a long time, was the environment of growth extremely in gentle? 不是因为敌人的恐怖数量,而是忧愁如今年轻人的经验和胆气竟然如此匮乏。究竟是统辖局懈怠太久了呢,还是生长的环境太过于平和? Because unexpectedly this disciple does have the motley crew of quantity to be scared? 竟然会因为这种徒有数量的乌合之众而恐慌? Really yes, too does not make sense! 实在是,太不像话! Told everyone, if then, some people dared to reveal this type to seem like the wild dog same pitiful appearance before me, towed, whip 30.” “告诉所有人,倘若接下来,有人胆敢在我面前露出这种像是野狗一样的可怜模样,拖出去,鞭三十。” Her disappointed to behind aide order, „ I, no matter Astronomy Association the order of custom and governance bureau, before frontline expedition die, I do not allow here person fear. 她失望的对身后的侍从命令,“我不管天文会的规矩和统辖局的命令,在最前方的征战者们死光之前,我不容许这里的人害怕。 Before I died, you cannot cry. 在我死掉之前,你们不可以哭。 Even not the mature child is not good, should be sensible, the war will not wait for you to grow up. ” 即便是不成熟的小孩子也不行,该懂事了,战争不会等你们长大。” In the deathly stillness, w. that low and deep sound reverberation near everyone's ear, the ice-cold moonlight sprinkles from void, is not gentle, only has one piece austere cold. 死寂之中,w.那低沉的声音回荡在所有人的耳边,冰冷的月光从虚空中洒下,毫无温柔,只有一片肃冷。 Killed all pacing back and forth and anxieties. 杀死了所有的彷徨和不安。 Brings security sense and calmness that is unable to explain. 带来了无法言喻的安全感和镇定。 Now, making the weapons go to the battlefield.” “现在,让武器们踏上战场吧。” Ache reviews, is staring at everyone: Okay looks to me, true soldier and formidable, how facing their enemies 阿赫回眸,凝视着所有人:“好好的给我看着,真正的战士和勇者,如何面对他们的敌人” In that flash, along with her words, the final shackles, cut off. 在那一瞬间,伴随着她的话语,最后的枷锁,被斩断。 The monsters that the tools that Astronomy Association places the great expectations, Current Territories raises, for the vicious dogs that the war teaches, heard the bugle horn sound of distant place! 天文会寄予厚望的工具们,现境所豢养的怪物们,为战争而训教出的猛犬们,听到了远方的号角声! Cast iron and deep space, original secretly and daybreak, Rome, Eastern Xia, India, Russian Union and Egypt...... 铸铁、深空、原暗、破晓,罗马、东夏、天竺、俄联、埃及…… Dazzling meteors are going against Abyss. 一道道耀眼的流星逆着深渊 Falls to Hell! 坠向地狱 Not flinched and dreads, plunged the death of grinning fiendishly. 毫无退缩和畏惧,扑向了狞笑的死亡。 Everyone, impact preparation!” “所有人,冲击预备!” Deafening airing sound and in fierce trembling, Huai Shi closed the eye, the sensation spreads toward the four directions. 震耳欲聋的气爆声和剧烈的震颤里,槐诗闭上了眼睛,感知向着四方扩散。 The huge warship just like the mountain range of dropping from the clouds, under the ejection of Rainbow Bridge, spans the depth, dashed dark cloud that is flooding the thunder, to countless whipping of electric light and flowing fire. 庞大的战船宛如从天而降的山峦,在彩虹桥的弹射之下,跨越深度,撞破了充斥着雷霆的乌云,任由数之不尽的电光和流火的鞭挞。 Broken clouds. 破云而出。 Will soon submerge all scarlet toward that piece, the Taiyang (Sun) ship, the landing! 向着那一片即将淹没一切的猩红,太阳船,降落! ****** ****** ( ttp : ) (ttp:) First decides a small target, for example 1 second remembers: 先定个小目标,比如一秒记住:
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