AF :: Volume #14

#1318 Part 1: In the Blood

Abyss is bleeding. 深渊在流血。 That scarlet color winding above sharp Hell, each other is pestering with the dazzling thunder, just like a pair of abnormal big hand, is gripping tightly this wasteful and virulent weapon, punctures toward the world. 那猩红的色彩缠绕在锋锐的地狱之上,同耀眼的雷霆彼此纠缠着,宛如一双畸形的大手,紧握着这奢靡而恶毒的武器,向着人世刺出。 The countless frontier territory chains in this is under the weapon that Current Territories builds bursts together specially, probably the bubbles in water are the same, only when left behind the breakage priming. 数之不尽的边境锁链在这一道专门为现境所打造的武器之下破裂,像是水中的浮泡一样,只留下了破裂时的飞沫。 Just like having the glass of being able to see is the same in unceasing shatter, be only these crystal refraction general flowing light are splashing, the innumerable frames disintegrate under the di quality impact purely. 宛如有看不见的玻璃在不断的破碎一样,只有那些晶体折射一般的流光飞溅着,无数框架在纯粹旳质量冲击之下分崩离析。 May in Current Territories, the dazzling rainbow light change into the tide, surging, is embezzling entire Hell. 可在现境之中,耀眼的虹光就已经化为潮水,涌动着,将整个地狱所吞没。 Rainbow Bridge and Hell blood-color thunder light collides in one. 彩虹桥和地狱血色雷光碰撞在一处。 Raised made the entire deep area fall into the turbulent terrifying tide. 掀起了令整个深度区都陷入动荡的恐怖潮汐。 The dazzling fierce light glitters unceasingly. 耀眼的烈光不断闪烁。 Probably a sudden fireworks show is the same, blooms unceasingly the dazzling and intoxicating mighty waves. But truly in the frontline watches such scene, in innermost feelings actually no joyful and acclaimed can appear, only then constrained and suffocates. 像是一场突如其来的烟花秀一样,不断绽放出令人目眩神迷的波澜。可真正在最前方观赏这样的场景时,内心之中却毫无任何的喜悦和赞叹能够浮现,只有压抑和窒息。 The continuous turbulence transmits, during the facial expressions on all faces fell into were serious. 接连不断的动荡传来,所有人脸上的神情都陷入了严肃之中。 The war warning sounds in temporary frontier territory, busy bazaar in instantaneously becomes empty, the laughter with the noise, seems only the illusion is no longer same. 战争警报在临时边境之内拉响,繁忙的集市在瞬间就变得空空荡荡,笑声和喧嚣不再,仿佛只是幻觉一样。 Everyone returned to above own position, adept is fitting out own weapon, repeatedly, until mounting battlefield. 每个人都回到了自己的位置之上,娴熟的整备着自己的武器,一遍又一遍,直到登上战场。 Test of strength between Current Territories and Abyss is continuing as before. 现境深渊之间的角力依旧在继续着。 Under the enlargement of search lens, Huai Shi even can see slits that above that huge Hell cracks. The fierce poison, mighty current and dazzling thunder clouds winding above, above the land are emitting the lava, just like end general scene. 探镜的放大之下,槐诗甚至能够看到那庞大地狱之上所崩裂出的一道道缝隙。猛毒、洪流和耀眼的雷云缠绕在上面,大地之上喷吐着熔岩,宛如末日一般的景象。 Mountain range by unceasing levelling, but the new land parcel sticks out from the extrusion under strength of both sides, rupturing, been too deep to see the bottom gully and crevice unceasing cracking, closes. 山峦被不断的抹平,可新的地块又在双方的力量之下自挤压里隆起,爆裂,深不见底的沟壑和裂隙不断的崩裂,又弥合。 Even if seems like in the short distance so limitless , when enlarges to the macro perspective, can actually distinguish that scored surface indistinct outline. 即便是在近距离看上去如此的漫无边际,可当放大到宏观视角时,却能够分辨出那粗糙表面的隐约轮廓。 Is ordinary just like the tall and slender bridge. 宛如细长的桥梁一般。 The terrifying power of under the both sides exerting, the little warp, reversed, turned into the bread twist, radical collapse, but under that both sides tacit maintenance, forcefully is maintaining the original shape. 在两侧施加的恐怖力量之下,一点点的翘曲,扭转,变成了麻花,彻底的崩溃,但又在那双方默契的维护之下,强行的保持着原本的形状。 The destruction, remoulds, destroys again. 毁灭,重塑,再毁灭。 Until all change beyond all recognition. 直到一切都面目全非。 racing wells up the bloody water like the blood vessel that moves suddenly, the innumerable veins infiltrated entire Hell from inside to outside, making Hell as if activate. But as if eternal dark clouds winding above, along with extinguishing, without limits from lowers thunder, meteor, meteorite wait/etc disasters. 奔涌的血水如同勃动的血管,无数脉络自内而外的渗透了整个地狱,令地狱仿佛活化。而仿佛永恒的阴云缠绕在上面,随灭随声,无止境的自其中降下雷霆、流星、陨石等等灾害。 The Rancher blessings gave its indelible physique, the bloody water of perishing country's made Hell turn into the hunger and thirst monster, the storm of sea of thunder lowered the infinite disaster. But volcano from Current Territories, deep sea and even dense fog continuous from blowouts. 牧场主的赐福赋予了它难以磨灭的形体,亡国的血水令地狱变成了饥渴的怪物,雷霆之海的风暴降下无穷灾害。而来自现境的火山、深海乃至迷雾则源源不断的从其中井喷而出。 In the thin air is flooding sufficiently instantaneously the rotten fierce poison. 就连稀薄的空气中都充斥着足以令人瞬间腐烂的猛毒。 For war crucible of preparation all crude melting for a furnace, fermentation without limits destruction disaster. 为战争而准备的坩埚正将一切粗暴的融为了一炉,无止境的酝酿着毁灭的灾厄 The brutal battlefield is taking shape in clashing of both sides slowly, but the mighty waves that therefore initiates flood between Current Territories and Abyss, then formed was powerful enough to destroy all storms, was involved in the thing all steamroll is the dust. 残酷的战场正在双方的对撞中缓缓成型,而因此而引发的波澜充斥在现境深渊之间,便形成了足以摧毁一切的风暴,将一切卷入其中的东西尽数碾压为尘埃。 Really magnificent.” “真壮观啊。” Huai Shi is sighing lightly, puts out a hand, presses Sword of Virtue that the waist etiquette is using, has been ready. 槐诗轻叹着,伸手,按着腰间礼仪用的美德之剑,已经做好了准备。 But side, Kua Fu is actually pressing his shoulder: No rush.” 可旁边,夸父却按着他的肩膀:“别着急。” Great sage equal to heaven silent staring the battlefield, the golden eye pupil is producing an inverted image the destruction and flame. 齐天大圣沉默的凝视着战场,金色的眼瞳倒映着毁灭和火光。 He said: Then just started.” 他说:“这才刚开始呢。” When clashing between Abyss and Current Territories in the instance of short coming to the end, the countless stars then raises from Current Territories. That is the innumerable battleships from deep space Legion, the monsters of steel packed with the weapon of destruction, dives toward close Abyss. 深渊现境之间的对撞在短暂的告一段落的瞬间,数之不尽的星辰便从现境之中升起。那是来自深空军团的无数战舰,钢铁的怪物们满载着毁灭的武器,向着近在咫尺的深渊俯冲而出。 When the countless ray departs from the engine, then stayed behind in the darkness just like the Mercury general brilliant contrail. 当数之不尽的光芒从引擎中飞出时,便在黑暗里留下了宛如水银一般绚烂的尾迹。 But its corresponding, is the ominous flame that Abyss sprinkles. 而与之相对应的,是深渊所洒下的凶焰。 All over the body lives to open the great eyes of innumerable wing, are wearing the dazzling halo rotten great whale and just like the cuttlefish equally strange strange from the Land of Bliss projection front door to hover greatly. 遍体生张着无数羽翼的巨眼、头戴着耀眼光环的腐烂巨鲸、宛如乌贼一样诡异的巨怪们从至福乐土的投影大门之中翱翔而出。 These were raised leaving the pen the monsters is not mounted the glory of table by Rancher carefully, then took the lead to mount the battlefield. 这些被牧场主精心养育出栏的怪物们还没有得到登上餐桌的荣耀,便率先登上了战场。 They approve to sing the ode, they plunged the enemy, they brought the death. 它们赞唱着颂歌,它们扑向了敌人,它们带来了死亡。 Own opponent. 不论是自己的还是对手的。 The beam, shell and flame...... these in the darkness jump unceasingly, but the brilliance, illuminated each pair of eye pupil. 射线、炮弹、火焰……那些在黑暗里不断跃升而起的光彩,照亮了每一双眼瞳。 In conference room a silent deathly stillness. 会议室里一片沉默的死寂。 Less than one minute, 16 deep space Legion colony fleet buckles more than half, but over 30 fleets are leaving one's post toward Abyss set out. 不到一分钟的时间,十六支深空军团的集群舰队折损过半,而还有三十支以上的舰队正离岗向着深渊进发。 It looks like, the game coin in investment street machine is the same. 就像是,投入街机中的游戏币一样。 Another. 一枚,又一枚。 These in the darkness burns are supporting extension of war picture scroll in metal and soul that brutal battle is continuing as before, but in the darkness between depths, cannot hear the loud sound and wail. 那些在黑暗中燃烧的金属灵魂支撑着战争画卷的延续,残酷的厮杀依旧在继续,只不过深度之间的黑暗里,听不见巨响和哀鸣。 Arrived the present, everyone still has been silent. 一直到现在,所有人依旧沉默着。 Including Ache. 包括阿赫。 Sublimator is a tool, the expensive tool, the precious tool, should not the unproductive consumption in this place. 升华者是工具,昂贵的工具,珍贵的工具,不应该徒劳的消耗在这种地方。 Even again how not indignation and anger, can only look helplessly the innumerable lives burn down in the darkness completely, only have the glow that is fleeting continuously. 即便是再如何不忿和愤怒,都只能眼睁睁的看着无数生命在黑暗里焚烧殆尽,只剩下那一缕缕稍纵即逝的辉光。 But in shine of innumerable ray, Hell is still growing. 而就在无数光芒的映照中,地狱还在生长。 Is similar, taking root to germinate to be the same, the both sides extend the innumerable root hair. 就仿佛,生根发芽一样,两侧延伸出无数的根须。 From remoulding of both sides, change gradually, turned took root in great tree general the strange appearances above Abyss and innumerable frontier territory. 自双方的重塑之中,渐渐的变化,变成了扎根在深渊和无数边境之上的巨树一般的诡异模样。 How the umbilical cord, bridge, rope or the sharp blade...... are casual call well. 脐带、桥梁、绳索或者利刃……随便怎么称呼都好。 That is the battlefield 那是战场 Huai Shi narrows the eye, feels fishy smell wind that will soon head on. 槐诗眯起眼睛,感受到了即将扑面而来的腥风。 Was ready, everyone.” “做好准备了吗,各位。” That flash, Ache lifted the eye pupil: Is our wars, must start.” 那一瞬间,阿赫抬起了眼瞳:“属于我们的战争,就要开始了。” Unmanned response. 无人回应。 The light of twinkle illuminated the eye pupil of Sublimator, just like glowing ray. 闪烁的灯光照亮了升华者们的眼瞳,宛如焕发出光芒。 In this is silent, Kua Fu lifted the hand, extracted the sea calming god needle iron from the ear eye, but blows the one breath lightly, the zhang (3.33 m) permits tall dignified stick buzzes. 就在这寂静里,夸父抬起了手,从耳朵眼里抽出了定海神针铁,只是轻吹一口气,丈许高的威严之杖嗡嗡作响。 In him behind, all sharp blade called in hunger and thirst Zheng. 就在他身后,所有的利刃在饥渴铮鸣。 Complementing these are flooding the anger and murderous intention smile, is fierce. 映衬的那些满溢着怒火和杀机的笑容,如此狰狞。 Very good, goes.” “很好,去吧。” Ache smiles finally, toward will soon step battlefield Sublimator to say goodbye in a soft voice: Arrived the place that you should go, I visit you, the victory died.” 阿赫最后微笑,轻声向着即将踏上战场的升华者道别:“到你们应该去的地方去,我会看着你们,不论是胜利还是死亡。” The ray of Rainbow Bridge drops from the clouds, leading Legion long to return the camp. 彩虹桥的光芒从天而降,带领着军团长们归还营地。 Silent , is only left over Predator calmly is looking into by the battlefield that the blood-color and thunder twine, touches on the knee to accompany the lifetime sickle, in a soft voice is humming the ancient song. 寂静里,只剩下天敌静静的眺望着被血色和雷霆缠绕的战场,抚摸着膝盖上陪伴自己一生的弯刀,轻声的哼唱着古老的歌谣。 The group stars of these combustion raise toward Abyss, falls from the sky. 那些燃烧的群星向着深渊升起,又陨落。 Breakthrough blood fire, changes into the blood fire. 突破血火,又化为血火。 From hoarse grief singing sound. 自沙哑又悲悯的歌声里。 From the ancient silence, broke through the fetter of space low and deep, free ballooning. The gentle hug each anxious soul, was smoothing folding of their space between eyebrows. 自亘古的寂静里,低沉的突破了空间的束缚,自由翱翔。温柔的拥抱着每一个不安的灵魂,抚平了他们眉间的皱褶。 Told them, I and you in. 告诉他们,我与你同在。 The singing sound of Queen of night resounds from each soul, as if flies to the silent depths, hovers in the blood-color and brilliance, lowers toward soul of these pain pities with the mercy. 月神的歌声从每一个灵魂中响起,仿佛飞向在寂静的深度之间,翱翔在血色和光焰之中,向着那些痛苦的灵魂降下怜悯和慈悲。 Countless flash reverberation in darkness, just like elapsing the stars sparkle again. 无以计数的闪光回荡在黑暗里,宛如逝去的星辰再度闪耀。 Ache closed the eye. 阿赫闭上了眼睛。 My dear children, will soon go to the battlefield...... 我亲爱的孩子们啊,即将踏上战场…… Asked Taiyang (Sun) to shine their heroic bearing, asking the sky to accompany in their about, asking the blown sand to witness their glory, asking the land to place their soul. 太阳照耀他们的英姿,请天空陪伴在他们的左右,请飞沙见证他们的荣耀,请大地安放他们的灵魂 Perhaps they will not go. 或许他们将一去不还。 Perhaps, they will not go also...... 或许,他们将一去不还…… Airdrop release, the airdrop release, B1 please note “空投释放,空投释放,B1请注意” Several hundred as if steel an airborne warehouse crashes from the battleship of combustion, toward Hell that the blood-color covers. In the midair, the innumerable curses and blood-color intercept, they explode sad and shrill light with oneself mothership. 数百道仿佛钢铁之种的空降仓从燃烧的战舰之上坠落,向着血色笼罩的地狱。在半空中,无数诅咒和血色拦截里,它们随着自己的母舰爆裂成一道道凄厉的光。 The white bloom same parachute passed through the thunder, crashes in the place, eight full gold metallurgy machineries just like spider equally from crawls, going through is dense in the fierce poisonous hurricane. 点点白花一样的降落伞穿过了雷霆,坠落在地,八足的炼金机械宛如蜘蛛一样从其中爬出,穿行在氤氲着猛毒的飓风里。 Medical treatment and nursing soldier! Medical treatment and nursing soldier!” The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound resounds on the channel of bridge. “医护兵!医护兵!”凄厉的惨叫声在舰桥的频道上响起。 Turquoise number, we will soon crash, redundant, we will soon crash, please lead the way, please lead the way, wish.” “绿松石号,我方即将坠落,重复,我方即将坠落,请前行,请前行,祝好。” The flame in deep space explodes again. 深空中的火光再度爆裂。 Turquoise number receives, the ore colony attacks to start.” “绿松石号收到,矿石集群打击开始。” In flame that the combustion fills, the huge battleship has ground the wreckage of allied force, is greeting the infinite thunder fire attack, is very again near, above route that since he opens, more battleship vanguards set out. 燃烧弥漫的火焰里,庞大的战舰碾过了友军的残骸,迎接着无穷雷火的打击,再度挺近,自他所开辟的航路之上,更多的战舰前行进发。 In grief singing sound. They forward, 在悲悯的歌声里。他们向前, Is towing the ray of Rainbow Bridge, extends toward below Hell. 牵引着彩虹桥的光芒,向着下方的地狱延伸。 From blood river that in Hell these surge, the Legion partial waves, sounded the bugle from the breakage land, in the thunderous shake, the monsters are neighing forwarding. 地狱中那些涌动的血河里,一支又一支的军团分波而出,自破裂的大地上吹响了号角,雷鸣震荡里,怪物们嘶鸣着向前。 In the Hell wilderness, lonely forms from the rainbow light of landing go out, they wear the armor, wears the burden the respirator, the leather of most outer layer makes noise under swaying of wind. 地狱的荒野中,一个个孤独的身影从降落的虹光中走出,他们身披铁衣,戴着累赘的呼吸器,最外层的皮革在风的吹拂之下嗤嗤作响。 Is following the huge eight full combat tanks, they in infinite the enemy toward the blood river march forward. 跟随着庞大的八足战车,他们向着血河中无穷的敌人行进。 Just like gravel scrubbing of sharp blade in the cast iron Legion symbol, left behind being an eyesore scratches. 宛如利刃的砂砾刮擦在了铸铁军团的徽记上,留下了一道道碍眼的划痕。 From the silence, sound that has not roared, is only left over the silent collision. 自无声里,没有咆哮的声音,只剩下沉默的碰撞。 The shatter steel and lost the temperature the shatter wreckage to crash in the place, the blood-color permeated in the sandy soil, coated a final color. The successors are treading the red blanket, marches forward. 破碎的钢铁和失去温度的破碎残骸坠落在地,血色渗入了沙土中,涂抹出最后的一点色彩。后继者们踏着红毯,继续向前。 With the shake of land, the brand-new bombing position highlighted the brilliance of combustion, sprinkles to destroy, came from the monster above vault of heaven to eat the food completely. 随着大地的震荡,崭新的炮击阵地突出了燃烧的光焰,洒下毁灭,紧接着被来自天穹之上的怪物啃食殆尽。 More huge forms raise after the position. 更多巨大的身影从阵地之后升起。 American pedigree war biochemistry beast is waving the whisker, is dragging the huge extremely fat physique just like the jellyfish generally, hovers above Hell, array camouflage of cast iron Legion in own shadow. 美洲谱系的战争生化兽舞动着触须,宛如水母一般摇曳着庞大臃肿的身姿,翱翔在地狱之上,将铸铁军团的阵列遮蔽在自己的阴影之中。 Above vault of heaven that the blood dyes, has to look like the flame light that the stars explode to burst out unceasingly, extinguishes. The battleship of huge corpse and combustion such crashes like the meteor. 血染的天穹之上,不断有酷似星辰爆裂的焰光迸发,又熄灭。庞大的尸体和燃烧的战舰如陨星那样坠落。 But more flame are still turning toward the sky to raise. 而更多的火焰还在向着天空升起。 In singing sound. 在歌声里。 When the residual sound dissipation of singing sound, Ache opened the eye, turns around, moves toward layer on layer/heavily opening the front door, across the profound corridor, moved toward that to wait for oneself for a long time place. 当歌声的余音消散,阿赫睁开了眼睛,转身,走向一重重开启的大门,穿过幽深的走廊,走向了那个等待自己许久的地方。 In the final weakness and grief kept this piece to be silent. 将最后的软弱和悲悯留在了这一片寂静里。 In the control center, in the innumerable channels transmitted different sound: Reports, requests reinforcements and angrily roars, wail, or dies the same silence. 指挥中心里,无数频道里传来了不同的声音:汇报、求援、怒吼、哀鸣,亦或者死一样的寂静。 From that stretch of broad and huge battlefield above, the highlight that is representing the team is glittering, the movement, or extinguishes. 自那一片宽阔又庞大的战场之上,一个個代表着队伍的亮点闪烁着,移动,或者是熄灭。 „The sixth regiment takes place, redundant, the sixth regiment takes place.” “第六连队就位,重复,第六连队就位。” Fortification establishes.” “工事建立完毕。” Report, the fortification damages, the fortification damages! The beta level threat appears!” “报告,工事损坏,工事损坏!贝塔级威胁出现!” „The sixth regiment communication is silent.” “第六连队通讯静默。” „The third regiment substitution, the duty continues.” “第三连队替补,任务继续。” ...... …… Infiltration regiment loses the contact, Alfa class threatens “熔渗连队失去联系,阿尔法级威胁” Duty continues.” Ache sits on the middle chair, looked at a digit of death, not changes countenance: „After the Eastern agglutination regiment completes the support, substitutes.” “任务继续。”阿赫坐在中间的椅子上,看了一眼死亡的数字,毫无动容:“东方的烧结连队完成支援之后进行替补。” Agglutination regiment loses the response.” “烧结连队失去响应。” Ache said: Gives up preparing to plan B7, transfers the liquid phase regiment to support.” 阿赫说:“放弃预备计划B7,调动液相连队进行支援。” Liquid phase regiment receives.” “液相连队收到。” Liquid phase squad loses the contact.” “液相小队失去联系。” Gives up the duty, organizing the effective strength of approach area to withdraw, after two minutes , the entire region firepower covered.” Ache crossed out one line of names, looked at another side duty progress. “放弃任务,组织接敌区的有生力量后撤,两分钟后全区域火力覆盖。”阿赫划掉了一行名字,将视线投向了另一边的任务进度。 After two minutes, the raging fire of dropping from the clouds covered all. 两分钟后,从天而降的烈火覆盖了一切。 The battleship that brings the raging fire, falls from the sky with the huge great whale together above the plain of combustion. 连带着带来烈火的战舰,一同和庞大的巨鲸陨落在燃烧的平原之上。 The innumerable skeletons change into the flying ash. 无数尸骨化为飞灰。 In flame. 在火焰里。 At this moment, on the giant screen of control center, the bird's eye view image from Hell outlined the outline little, but in side, the jet black handwriting rapid rise, had by the new handwriting is covered. 此刻,指挥中心的巨大屏幕上,来自地狱的俯瞰图像一点点勾勒出轮廓,而就在旁边的,漆黑的字迹迅速的上升,有被新的字迹所覆盖。 That came from four big Legion battle loss bulletins. 那是来自四大军团的战损简报。 Did not have the name of dying in battle to appear above, establishment and code name that only then dozens and several hundred names gathered. Every one minute, has several teams to lose correspondingly, ruled out from the duty. 没有战死者的名字出现在上面,只有数十、数百个名字所汇聚成的编制和代号。每一分钟,都有好几支队伍失去相应,被从任务中划去。 The new team substitution on, then ruled out again. 新的队伍替补而上,然后再度被划去。 If redundant. 如是重复。 No hesitant and weak gap, callous repeated death fate, the successor is treading the body of forerunner to forward, or was pouring of shame during the failure, the skeleton not saved. 毫无任何犹豫和软弱的间隙,冷酷的重复着死亡的命运,后继者踏着先行者的尸体向前,或者是耻辱的倒在失败之中,尸骨无存。 Until the duty is accomplished after the duty complete failure, from the central system by thorough ruling out, belonged to the file of battle loss classification. 直到任务完成和任务彻底失败之后,从中央系统中被彻底的划去,归入战损分类的档案里。 These vanished the name looked like the skeleton that could not see to be the same, builds the named death wall. 那些消失了的名字就像是看不见的尸骨一样,堆砌成了名为死亡的墙。 Report, the blood river appears exceptionally responded!” “报告,血河出现异常反应!” In the dazzling red warning lamp, the search lens front ovserver stared in a big way the eye: „ Perishing country set out the unknown establishment, north the first defense line was attacked. 在耀眼的红色警报灯里,探镜前方的观测员瞪大了眼睛:“亡国出动了未知编制,第一防线北方遭受袭击。 The defense line was broken through! ” 防线被突破了!” Above huge screen, racing wells up of scarlet rivers above land, another several hundred meters creeping motion lifeform from crawls. 庞大的屏幕之上,猩红色的河流在大地之上奔涌,一只又一只数百米长的蠕动生物从其中爬出。 Probably the leech is the same, the porodine body is wriggling in the yellow sand forward, stays behind gully that pickling became. From the creeping motion , the vine crossed the tall wall and trench of temporary project, all quiet dissolutions all. 像是水蛭一样,胶状的身体在黄沙之中向前蠕动着,留下了一道道酸蚀而成的沟壑。自蠕动中,蔓过了临时工程的高墙和壕沟,将一切悄无声息的尽数溶解。 The impact proliferation of gold metallurgy blasting explosive, the flame covered their torn bodies, but the torn body is wriggling unceasingly, formed the new life again. Under the ignition of flame, the acid liquid splatters, solidifies quickly again, in the abnormal body after solidification then seems like some moth class wing to be the same, appears appalling huge color spots. 炼金炸药的冲击扩散,火焰覆盖了它们被撕裂的身躯,但被撕裂的身躯不断的蠕动着,再度形成了新的生命。在火焰的灼烧之下,酸液喷溅,很快再度凝固,凝固之后的畸形身躯上便像是某种蛾类的翅膀一样,浮现出一个个令人毛骨悚然的巨大色斑。 They are still forwarding, are fermenting some unknown change...... 它们还在向前,酝酿着某种未知的变化…… When eye the analysis report of bronze appears in front of Ache, the tranquil leader pressed down button, told to another waiting for a long time correspondent: Transfers Pompeii Legion, told Marrs, they had six minutes, perhaps was shorter.” 当来自青铜之眼的分析报告出现在阿赫面前的时候,平静的领军者按下了身旁的按钮,对另一头等待许久的通讯员吩咐:“调动庞贝军团,告诉马尔斯,他们有六分钟的时间,或许更短。” After a half minute, the land was covered under the shadow of rapid enlargement. 半分钟后,大地被笼罩在迅速放大的阴影之下。 16 huge outlines broke through the interception in depth, is ordinary just like the meteorite, drops from the clouds! 十六个庞大的轮廓突破了深度之中的拦截,宛如陨石一般,从天而降! That is just like volcano general Giant! 那是宛如火山一般的巨人 Several hundred meters high Titan whole body flows the lava, both feet is trampling the land, but forwards, then raised just like the disaster common foehn. 数百米高的泰坦浑身流淌着熔岩,双足践踏大地,只是向前,便掀起了宛如天灾一般的焚风。 Frontline, the right shoulder of big Giant, is a gorgeous temple. In temple most peak, the unemotional Roman war-god held up the lance in hand, is at toward the enemy. 最前方,高大巨人的右肩,是一座华美的神殿。在神殿最顶端,面无表情的罗马战神举起了手中的长矛,向着敌人所在。 Void in transmitted innumerable hoarse roaring. 虚空里传来了无数嘶哑的咆哮。 The arrays of ten thousand army appear from him behind , several meters odd/surplus Chang incantation mark iron arrow is the same like the rainstorm, tears the thunder clouds, dropped from the clouds, covered the surrounding area space within every inchs dozens kilometers. 万军的阵列从他身后浮现,紧接着,数米余长的咒纹铁矢如暴雨一样,撕裂雷云,从天而降,覆盖了方圆数十公里内的每一寸空间。 Land of the every inchs winding the flame above arrow arrow will cremate the fluid, together with the above worm and blood river same place. Convulsion of cub that the huge graafian follicle rapid breakages, inside was just born in flame, withered, is reduced to ashes. 缠绕在箭矢之上的火焰将每一寸的土地都烧化成了流体,连同着上面的蠕虫和血河一起。一个个庞大的卵泡迅速的破裂,里面刚刚诞生的幼体在火焰中痉挛着,干瘪,化为灰烬。 Duty is accomplished.” “任务完成。” Above the wilderness of burning down, Marrs is overlooking the present all indifferently, the lance holds up again. 焚烧的荒原之上,马尔斯冷漠的俯瞰着眼前的一切,长矛再度举起。 In him behind, Titan who these walk side-by-side is burning, tramples the land, from thundering turns toward the blood river that boils to set out, interrupts the medium that Hell interferes with all, evaporation. 在他身后,那些并肩而行的泰坦燃烧着,践踏大地,自轰鸣中向着沸腾的血河进发,将地狱干涉的媒介尽数截断,蒸发。 Until the thunderous sound resounds through from the distant place suddenly. 直到雷鸣声从远方骤然响彻。 Among skeletons in confusion, there is raising of storm no rule, howls, toward the distant place, curls up everywhere the dust and soil, formed the dragon volume of as if exceedingly high penetrating place. 狼藉的尸骸之间,有风暴毫无规律的掀起,呼啸,向着远方,卷起漫天的尘埃和泥土,形成了仿佛通天彻地的龙卷。 Under the tornado, a skinny and tall and slender form, goes out slowly. 就在龙卷风之下,一个枯瘦而细长的身影,缓缓走出。 Land in his under foot collapse, crack, but the skeleton that the breakage twists actually seems like the floating matter in water to be the same with the war fortification of distortion, raising slowly, drags in the hurricane, fluttering to distant place. 大地在他的脚下塌陷,龟裂,而破裂扭曲的尸骸和扭曲的战争工事却像是水中的漂浮物一样,缓缓的升起,摇曳在飓风中,‘飘荡’向远方。 Out-of-control surroundings unceasing occurrence of gravity phenomenon in future, the rise of no rule, destroys in great disorder all. 失控的重力现象在来者的周围不断的发生,毫无规律的起落,将一切都破坏成乱七八糟 Sea the vanguard of thunder had penetrated the Current Territories shatter defense line! 来自雷霆之海的先锋已然突入了现境的破碎防线! , Praised father “啊,啊,赞美大君” The face that the dwarf king Taiqi blood of title stone and iron dyes is staring at Marrs, one line of decayed tears fall from the corner of the eye slowly, but the smile of corners of the mouth actually just like convulsion general unceasing is shivering. 封号石与铁的侏儒王抬起血染的面孔凝视着马尔斯,一行腐臭的眼泪从眼角缓缓滑落,可嘴角的笑容却宛如痉挛一般不断的颤抖着。 Has been hard to restrain own wild with joy. 已经难以克制自己的狂喜。 Comes quickly!” He is sobbing happily, please slaughter with me!” “快来!”他幸福的哽咽着,“请与我厮杀!” In that flash, above the battlefield, the scarlet alarm signals appear suddenly. 在那一瞬间,战场之上,一个又一个猩红的警报讯号骤然浮现。
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