AF :: Volume #14

#1317: This good deed?!

Who is an eldest child? 谁是老大? Although said a little too influence eyes, even if you think the pats the horse when the time comes, wants to do a friend to relate with the commander, you must first know that who the opposite party is? 虽然这么说有点太势力眼儿,但就算你到时候想拍马,想和统帅搞点朋友关系,你也得先知道对方是谁吧? However this point very well guesses actually. 不过这一点倒是挺好猜。 After all, the range is not big. 毕竟,范围不大。 Several present throughout, have ability, to have the qualifications to make Astronomy Association be able to feel relieved and make combat and be from the heart to approve, ability is powerful enough, the position enough venerates...... 数遍如今的全境,有能力、有资格且让天文会能够放心、让参战者发自内心去认可的,能力足够强大,地位足够尊崇的…… Although many, but is truly appropriate, the number is such several. 虽然不少,但真正合适的,数来数去就是那么几个。 It looks like in Huai Shi, this time leader, or that your majesty in Rome, either...... 槐诗看来,这一次的领军者,要么罗马的那位陛下,要么…… „Did soldier lord the body to be good over the two days?” “兵主这两天身体还好么?” Huai Shi is carrying teacup asking suddenly. 槐诗端着茶杯冷不丁的问。 Kua Fu gawked, strange looked at his one eyes: Don't think too much, old Chu was still recuperating over the two days- nine Lebanese Legion guard the dragon vein, only if Current Territories life or death time, will otherwise not appear in other places.” 夸父愣了一下,古怪的看了他一眼:“别想太多,老褚这两天还在休养着呢-九黎军团捍卫龙脉,除非现境存亡的时候,否则不会出现在其他地方。” That side Rome has the sound?” Huai Shi asked again. “罗马那边有动静么?”槐诗再问。 Above that your majesty previous and king of withering hits, was suppressed pokes a sword, Astronomy Association does not hope that an impulsion hits the sane commander to hold the post of the leader.” “那位陛下上次和枯萎之王打的上头,被狠戳了一剑,天文会也不会希望一个冲动打过理智的指挥官担任领军者的。” Therefore, Huai Shi understands clearly, that big probability was the joint command.” 于是,槐诗了然,“那大概率是联合指挥了。” Under governance bureau di coordinates, several pedigree high levels are the member, the assistances of lots of staff officer, eventually reach the agreement to make the decision. 在统辖局旳牵头之下,几个谱系的高层担任成员,还有大量参谋的辅助,最终达成共识做出决策。 This was the safest plan. 这是最稳妥的方案了。 At least not because individual subjective likes and dislikes or are the hatred present what careless mistake. 最起码不会因为个人的主观好恶或者是仇恨出现什么纰漏。 Hope so.” Kua Fu is scratching the head, using one's head diligently: Old man there mystical does not know that is making anything, I felt that these time a little weird...... forget about it, comes, drinks.” “希望如此吧。”夸父挠着头,努力的动着脑筋:“老头子那里神神秘秘的不知道在做什么,我感觉这一次有点邪门……算了,来来来,喝酒。” Drinks.” “喝酒喝酒。” After Huai Shi puts down a concern, carries the wine glass. 槐诗放下一桩心事之后端起酒杯。 Then, after two hours , during fell into compelled ignorant 然后,两个小时之后就陷入了懵逼之中 …… …… …… …… I represent Current Territories, welcome the arrival.” “我代表现境,欢迎各位的到来。” Frontline above the conference room big chair, the slightly old middle-aged woman long says toward Legion, several wisps of white hair from her volumes. 会议室最前方的大椅之上,略显苍老的中年女性向着军团长们开口说道,几缕白发从她的额间。 Slightly reveals the brown skin, bridge of the nose tall very/straight, has not allowed to conceal the wrinkle of corner of the eye by the makeup. Perhaps is the scar that on the nape of the neck and face two are unable to cancel affects, even smiles time still gives the person to bring the full constriction, making in the entire conference room fall into a silence. 略显棕色的皮肤,鼻梁高挺,并没有以妆容掩饰眼角的皱纹。或许是脖颈和面孔上两道无法抹去的疤痕所影响,即便是微笑的时候也给人带来满满的压迫感,让整个会议室里陷入一片寂静。 , flatter...... Your Highness Ache?” “阿、阿、阿……阿赫殿下?” Does not know that many people are dumbfounded. 不知道多少人目瞪口呆。 Huai Shi same place. 连带着槐诗一起。 In their at present, becomes the person of leader and commander-in-chief now, making everyone fall into during the shock , was the wild with joy and indescribable excitement cannot help but. 就在他们的眼前,如今出任领军者和最高指挥官的人,令所有人都陷入了震惊之中,紧接着,便是不由自主的狂喜和难以言喻的兴奋。 Queen of night Ache! 月神・阿赫! Sublimator from Egypt, entire Current Territories most ancient Predator! 来自埃及的升华者,整个现境最古老的天敌 Even looks just when the maturity, but in fact her age has over 220 years old. Several entire world, she is only one Sublimator that has attended the wars of three various, moreover this will be the fourth time! 即便是看上去正值壮年,但实际上她的年龄已经有二百二十余岁了。数遍全世界,她是唯一一个参加过三次诸界之战的升华者,而且这将是第四次! Early 50 years ago, the former generation pharaoh king succeeds to the throne, she had then entered living in seclusion, lives in seclusion, did not ask the human affairs, but no one can deny her merit and strength. 早五十年前,上代法老王继位的时候,她便已经进入了隐居,深居简出,不问世事,但无人能够否定她的功绩和力量。 Even if the time. 哪怕是时光。 Utopia period that even if the groups of heroes pour forth again, Ache exists is still in the innumerable stars most dazzling that several. Roman emperor of being insufferably arrogant when goes abroad on a diplomatic mission Egypt, is grasping the etiquette and veneration to her existence. 就算是再群英辈出的理想国时期,阿赫存在也是无数星辰中最为耀眼的那几颗。不可一世的罗马皇帝在出使埃及的时候,也对她的存在秉持着礼仪和尊崇。 Does not know that many people listen to her story to grow up. 不知道有多少人听着她的故事长大。 When the 50 years ago nights and 70 years ago blood dyeing Utopia fall from the sky the Abyss siphons and 72 years ago Hell tides, and even 94 years ago the iron wall hundred days of wartime of third various persevere- it is said after the war ended, the skeleton of Hell lifeform piled up mountain in the literal sense, the after soil of entire battlefield dug ten meters downward, as before was shocking dark red. 五十年前的血染之夜、七十年前的理想国陨落时的深渊虹吸、七十二年前的地狱潮汐,乃至九十四年前第三次诸界之战时的铁城百日坚守-据说战争结束之后,地狱生物的尸骸堆积成了字面意义上的高山,整个战场的土壤向下挖十米之后,依旧是触目惊心的深红。 But guardian, only then Ache. 而守卫者,只有阿赫一人。 She by one's effort, was the surprise attack of Utopia created the unique opportunity. 她以一己之力,为理想国的突袭创造了绝无仅有的机会。 Without her words, the war of previous various must consume at least again for two years 没有她的话,上一次诸界之战起码要再耗费两年的时间 When the legend in legend arrived at their front, the instincts of all Sublimator only had one, sets out to salute. 当传奇中的传奇来到了他们面前时,所有的升华者的本能反应只剩下了一个,起身行礼。 After initial shock, Huai Shi then starts cannot help but curiously. 只是最初的震撼之后,槐诗便开始不由得好奇。 Is what reason let enter now locks up the condition Egypt to send out this position lofty Predator? Associates to that mysterious national capital that filled the dense fog, cannot help but makes one have the thinking. 是什么原因让如今进入锁闭状态的埃及都派出了这位地位崇高的天敌?联想到那個充满了迷雾的神秘国都,不由得让人心生思索。 Clearly, not only he alone is curious, but this solemn occasion, no one dares to ask. 很明显,不只是他一个人对此好奇,只不过这个严肃的场合,没有人敢发问罢了。 It seems like everyone also calculates the approval to my old thing, makes me not disappoint appointing of Current Territories actually.” “看来各位对我这个老东西还算认可,倒是让我没有辜负现境的委任。” Ache nods, the gentle look looked all around for a week, confirmed after each face, appears seriously: „ Unnecessary words, I was not many say. 阿赫点了点头,平和的眼神环顾了一周,确认了每一张面孔之后,浮现严肃:“多余的话,我不多说了。 The following war, must rely upon boost and courageously. ” 接下来的战争,就要仰仗各位的助力和奋勇了。” Fights side-by-side with you, below honor.” “与您并肩作战,将是在下的荣誉。” Marrs of Rome nods, caressed the chest to salute with the legend that the people of father's generation fought bravely toward this past. 罗马的马尔斯颔首,向着这位昔日同父辈们奋战的传奇抚胸行礼。 Incessantly is he, objection that everyone on the scene has no. It is expected that in discontent and contradiction do not exist, rather has such Predator to stand after behind, who wishes for earnestly. 不止是他,在场的所有人都没有任何的异议。预想之中的牢骚和抵触也根本不存在,倒不如说有这样一位天敌站在身后,谁都求之不得。 Existence of Predator regarding Current Territories, is strongest to the Hell strategy level weapon. 天敌的存在对于现境而言,便是最强的对地狱战略级武器。 In fact, all Predator in common, in some sense is at a blank slate condition. Even if has is not being inferior in the authority and strength of gods. 实际上,所有的天敌在寻常的时候,某种意义上都处于一个白板状态。哪怕是拥有着不逊色于神明的威权和力量。 Meanwhile, this is also Current Territories limit. 但同时,这也是现境所予以的限制。 Looking like treats the tool to be the same. 就像是对待工具一样。 Regarding this, everyone is well aware. 对此,所有人都心知肚明。 After inheriting in the past foundation, now the system of official Sublimator, designs to create from the beginning as the tool. The fault is the tool often is the consumables, but the advantage lies in...... still existing regarding the Current Territories system that Sublimator builds. 继承了往昔的基础之后,如今正式的升华者的体系,一开始就是作为工具而设计创造出来的。坏处是工具往往都是消耗品,而好处就在于……还存在围绕着升华者所打造的现境体系。 After seeming like the power failure , can only battle three minutes of anything to fight a decisive battle with the weapon is the same, Predator of conventional condition, is unable to compare their true upper limits by far. 就好像断电之后只能作战三分钟的什么决战用武器一样,常规状态的天敌,远远无法比拟他们真正的上限。 True wish makes them display the full power, the magnanimous corrected value supply is essential. Only if grasps beside Astronomy Association that entire Current Territories revolved, even if entire pedigree wants to supply to appeared beset with problems. 真正想要让他们发挥全力,海量的修正值供应必不可少。除非掌握了整个现境运转的天文会之外,即便是一整个谱系想要供应都会显得捉襟见肘。 Once Astronomy Association opened the permission and supply truly, whatever Predator spends freely own strength, perhaps around this difference does not compare blue Huai Shi and has blue Huai Shi also to be bigger. 一旦天文会真正开放了许可和供应,任由天敌去挥霍自己的力量,这前后的差别恐怕比没蓝的槐诗和有蓝的槐诗还要更大。 Huai Shi has started to expect. 槐诗已经开始期待。 The holding process of pre-war military situation conference is simple and smooth, arrives here is swore that guards Current Territories Sublimator, the coarse point everyone does not fear death, before coming, has prepared skeleton no saving, will be impossible to exist to dread or is other what hesitant psychology. 战前的军情会议的举行过程简单且流畅,来到这里的都是立誓守卫现境升华者,难听一点来说大家都是不怕死的,来之前就已经做好了尸骨无存的准备,不可能会存在畏惧或者是其他什么犹豫的心理。 Only they are afraid was the death has not created the value. 他们唯独害怕的都是死亡没有创造价值。 But Ache's arrival made them eliminate like this hesitant, no one can the glory that refused the same legend to fight side-by-side. 但阿赫的到来让他们打消了这样的犹豫,没有人能够拒绝同传奇并肩作战的荣耀。 Assignment and appointment process exceptionally simple, basically was Ache said that others listened, asked the person the time, the opposite party set out to nod assent. 分配和任命过程都异常的简单,基本都是阿赫说,别人听,问到人的时候,对方起身点头应允。 „, According to the beforehand plan, this everyone enters the war Legion to arrive as one, carries out the elite task, the main force will have Astronomy Association four big Legion to hold the post, remaining, and defends the strength as attacking a fortified position is......” “那么,按照之前的计划,这一次所有人作为一线参战军团而到来,执行精锐任务,主力将有天文会的四大军团担任,剩下的,作为攻坚和守备力量将是……” Ache conducted the appointment smoothly. 阿赫流畅的进行了任命。 Before then, will solicit the suggestions of opposite party, but without personal expression opposition. 在这之前,都会征求对方的意见,而没有个人表达反对。 Even will arrange two, disaffection that Huai Shi still has no, his all replies are obey arrangement. Before not having , when denounced severely the governance bureau arrogance and rudeness, even Ache was astonished slightly however: I also think that you hope oneself have the achievement.” 即便是将自己安排到了二线,槐诗也没有任何的不满,他所有的回答都是‘听从安排’。毫无之前痛斥统辖局时的傲慢和不逊,甚至就连阿赫都微微讶然:“我还以为你会希望自己更有作为。” Even from arrogant, still divides the time, your excellency.” “即便是自骄,也是分时候的,阁下。” Huai Shi tranquil reply: I can come here, had explained oneself value to Current Territories, I only hope this value to be able the proper utilization and display.” 槐诗平静的回答:“我能够来到这里,就已经说明了自身对现境的价值,我只希望这一份价值能够得到应有的运用和发挥。” I guaranteed, meeting.” “我保证,会的。” Ache nodded the head, ended the both sides brief dialogue. 阿赫颔首,结束了双方简短的对话。 Then after the appointment ended, the conference then ended. 接下来在任命结束之后,会议便结束了。 Astronomy Association issued the form of statistical report, besides the main force operational mission, in the obvious battlefield also has many other demands. But on the one hand this gave each Legion independently to report, under present strength abundant condition, gave everyone the quite abundant autonomy. 天文会下发了统计申报的表格,除了主力作战任务之外,明显战场上还有其他的诸多需求。但这一方面就交给各个军团自主进行申报了,在如今战力充裕的状况下,还是给了所有人相当充裕的自主空间。 Takes the form time, Huai Shi starts to glance right and left, in only just like the examination place has not reviewed the difference to live, gathers nearby Kua Fu there to peep: What you report is what? Attacking a fortified position?” 拿着表格的时候,槐诗开始左顾右盼,宛如考场里唯一一个没有复习过的差生,凑到旁边的夸父那里偷看:“你们申报的是什么?攻坚?” Otherwise?” Kua Fu is pinching the pencil, somewhat inferior fills, in the mouth also admonishes saying: Let me tell you, be not thinking this can seek the big limelight, best careless...... grass, is this that you fill in what?” “不然呢?”夸父捏着铅笔,有些蹩脚的进行填写,口中还规劝道:“我跟你说,别想着这一次自己能出多大的风头,最好苟……草,你填的这是什么?” His not careful squint saw the form in Huai Shi hand, dumbfounded, the pencil gave to pinch. 他不小心斜眼看到了槐诗手中的表格,目瞪口呆,铅笔都给捏断了。 Auxiliary.” “辅助啊。” In the Huai Shi natural demonstration begins the form, not so? Amn't I auxiliary?” 槐诗大方的展示着手里的表格,“不然呢?我难道不是辅助么?” You special......” “你特么……” A Kua Fu old blood suppresses in the throat unable to spit. He also worried Huai Shi is too headstrong, but has not actually thought, the opposite party these time also was too careless a point? 夸父一口老血憋喉咙里吐不出来。他原本还担心槐诗太莽,但却没想到,对方这一次也太苟了一点吧? Your fourth-order has apex fifth-order output Sublimator, can the head that cuts off do obeisance Sword of Calamity to tell me around London you are auxiliary? 你一个四阶就已经有了有顶尖五阶输出的升华者,砍下来的头能绕着伦敦拜一圈的灾厄之剑告诉我你是辅助? Do you crack a joke? 你开玩笑呢? But the opposite party probably...... perhaps...... as if...... as if...... truly is the auxiliary appearance. 可对方好像……也许……似乎……仿佛……确实是辅助的样子。 Heaven Seeking Path Grand Controller of Fate and Yun Zhongjun double material gold medal is auxiliary! 天问之路大司命和云中君双料金牌辅助! Has used reaching an agreement. 用过的都说好。 Except for liking in literal sense snatches head/number of people beside, simply without other shortcomings. 除了喜欢字面意义上的‘抢人头’之外,简直没有其他的缺点了。 But thing that then Huai Shi fills up, is to make Kua Fu broaden the outlook: The weapon equipment maintenance, the medical relief, the provisioning, the elementium supply and pollution eliminate and relieve the curse, the remote precision support and climate to interfere with, battlefield cleaning up...... 而接下来槐诗填下去的东西,更是让夸父大开眼界:武器装备维护、医疗救助、物资供应、源质供应、污染清除、解除诅咒、远程火力支援、气候干涉、战场清理…… Grass!” “草!” Shortly Nipton who arrives at the next door starts to peep, Kua Fu put out a hand to cover the form in Huai Shi suddenly, then caught his arm, has been moved to tears: 眼看到隔壁的尼普顿开始偷看,夸父忽然伸手盖住了槐诗手里的表格,然后拽住了他的胳膊,已经热泪盈眶: Good brothers, are you I separate many years of good brothers?” “好兄弟,你是我失散多年的好兄弟么?” Who you, the smelly younger brother, do not know you.” “你谁啊,臭弟弟,不认识你。” Huai Shi puts on a stern expression, shuts out: Everyone is only a colleague, do not want is too many.” 槐诗板起面孔,嫌弃起来:“大家只是同事而已,你不要想太多。” Fart! Our friendship who with whom , we have let me tell you risked one's life together, cooperates that to call a tacit understanding...... great sage equal to heaven you to know? The gold medal lord C, don't you form a team also to be able with me with whom? Hits to explode all good!” “放屁!咱俩的交情谁跟谁啊,我跟你说,咱们可是一起出生入死过的,合作起来那叫一个默契……齐天大圣你知道吧?金牌主C啊,你不跟我组队还能跟谁?打爆一切的好吧!” Kua Fu whole person has seemed like the sticky candy same post, refuses stubbornly to let go, wishes one could to tie up Huai Shi to run directly. 夸父整个人已经像是牛皮糖一样的贴上来,死不松手,恨不得直接绑起槐诗就跑。 Too GAY! 太GAY了! He is so cannot help but excited, who looked excitedly good? 不由得他这么激动,谁看了都激动好么? What the wars of various lack lord C? Comes here who isn't the strong man in strong man? But strong man not possible to wrap to hit all even? 诸界之战缺的是主C么?来这里的谁不是猛男中的猛男?可即便是猛男也不可能自己包打一切吧? Lacks is Huai Shi this type can anti- be able to control to increase the wound to return to the blood also to help you have the versatile assistance of attire! 缺的就是槐诗这种能抗能控能增伤能回血还能帮你出装的全能辅助! Kua Fu is clear to Huai Shi ability. The thing that in this form fills up same has not been the parallel import! 况且,夸父可是对槐诗能力门儿清的。这表格里填的东西没一样是水货! Before then, Kua Fu also thinks that according to the Huai Shi consistent urogenous these wants the solo flying time certainly, has not forgotten to think here. But sees that now Huai Shi picked up the auxiliary senior old profession unexpectedly. 在这之前,夸父还以为按照槐诗一贯的尿性这一次铁定要单飞,就楞没忘这边想过。可现在看到槐诗竟然干起了辅助的老本行。 This where is auxiliary? This was one gathered simply the firepower support, medical service and equipment maintenance as well as all assists the ability movement logistics replenishment base, who looked did not covet? 这哪里是辅助?这简直是一个集合了火力支援、医疗和装备维护以及一切辅助能力的移动的后勤供应基地,谁看了不眼热? First considers me, first considers me, Brothers.” “先考虑我,先考虑我啊,兄弟。” Kua Fu embraces Huai Shi to bite to death does not let go: You want anything to be good, opens a bill, much money Xuan Niao do not shake the head, the head/number of people our 73, you seven do not have the issue! 82! 82 also become......” 夸父揽着槐诗已经咬死不撒手了:“你要啥都行,开个账单,多少钱玄鸟都不摇头,人头咱们七三分,你七都没问题!八二!八二也成……” It is a pity that his movement already late. 遗憾的是,他的动作已经晚了。 Nipton has looked! 尼普顿已经看完了! The bonus has a little small opinion to Huai Shi at heart, but after this moment brain buzz one next, before responding, he already instinct held on the Huai Shi small hand, the blasting cried out: 饶是对槐诗心里有那么一点小意见,但此刻脑子里嗡了一下之后,反应过来之前,他就已经本能的拉住了槐诗的小手,震声呐喊: Our Rome gives double!!!” “我们罗马给双倍!!!” Is understanding the instance of Huai Shi gold content, starts to be relentless, undermines a wall ruthlessly. 在明白了槐诗含金量的瞬间,就开始毫不留情,狠挖墙脚。 Who as for with the Kua Fu's so many years the friendship...... Kua Fu in the single alliance is? Did not know! 至于和夸父在单身联盟里这么多年的情谊……夸父是谁?不认识! What a pity, his sound was too big. 可惜,他的声音太大了。 Everyone has turned head. 所有人都已经回过头来。 Then, when they use the dynamic vision of far supernormal person to see clearly that to flutter in the in the air form, in the eyeball shone the shiny green light! 然后,当他们用远超常人的动态视力看清那一张飘在空中的表格时,眼珠子里就亮起了锃亮的绿光! Just like wild wolf of being big and hungry. 宛如饥肠辘辘的野狼。 What? 什么? Sword of Calamity this does need to hit the assistance? 灾厄之剑这一把要打辅助了? I hold in the mouth, this good deed?! 我叼,还有这种好事?! Instantaneously, unexpected Huai Shi was then embezzled by the crowd. 只是瞬间,猝不及防的槐诗便被人群所吞没了。 The innumerable promise and condition forced in his ear, in those days in indifferent calm Legion long was pulling him at this moment, the enthusiasm invites. 数不清的许诺和条件塞进了他的耳朵里,往日里淡然镇定的军团长们此刻扯着他,热情邀约。 elementium crystallizes, dollar, even the spoils of war and even introduction beautiful girl far-fetched promise take. Behind slightly had even crossed Huai Shi, everyone is pushing and shoving beginning of under the long standing grudge. 源质结晶、美金,甚至战利品乃至介绍漂亮女孩儿这种不靠谱的许诺都已经拿出来。后面甚至已经略过了槐诗,大家在旧怨之下推搡着动起了手。 Although, is mainly punches Kua Fu who attempts to keep everything for oneself...... 虽然,主要是揍企图吃独食的夸父…… However even so, everyone obeys the custom, has not used elementium, but several people encircle to press the hammer Kua Fu. 不过即便是如此,大家还是蛮守规矩的,并没有动用源质,只是几个人围起来把夸父按着锤。 Keeps Huai Shi to carry the teacup outside, hypocritical shouting two: Stops quickly, do not fight for me, your hits the non- deceased person......” 留着槐诗在外面端着茶杯,假惺惺的喊上两声:“快住手,你们不要为我而打架,你们这样是打不死人的……” Short after chaotic has continued to two minutes, everyone after on black and blue Kua Fu divulged many years hatreds, well satisfied setting out, reorganized a neckband, lining up and Huai Shi handshake, later has opportunity everyone to cooperate much, we, the friend drop work. 短暂的纷乱一直持续到两分钟之后,大家在鼻青脸肿的夸父身上宣泄了多少年的仇恨之后,心满意足的起身,整理了一下领口,排队和槐诗握手,以后有机会大家多多合作,咱们,朋友滴干活。 Huai Shi is smiling nodding the head, responded to each to invite warmly. 槐诗微笑着颔首,热情的回应着每一份邀约。 But when he launched the hand to say anything promoted a step friendship, at present suddenly one black. 可就在他展开手说点什么更增进一步情谊的时候,眼前忽然一黑。 In the premonition spinal cord jumps out. 久违的预感脊髓之中窜出。 Death! 死亡! The death must arrive. 死亡要到来了。 Not oneself, the premonition of his instinct: Is closely related with, frigid, callous, the magnanimous death, must happen- 并不是自己,他本能的预感到:和自己密切相关的,惨烈的、冷酷的、海量死亡,就要发生了- The early warning of fate is the same just like an entire Moon investment sea , the mighty waves that raises, making the Huai Shi small junk be hard to practice moderation like this. 命运的预警宛如一整颗月球投入海中一样,所掀起的波澜,令槐诗这样的小舢板难以自持。 In the distant place, resounds thundering that the depth is unable to submerge! 紧接着,就在远方,响起了深度都无法淹没的轰鸣! The dramatic turbulence swept across frontier territory of entire forefront, just like earthquake. 剧烈的动荡席卷了整个最前线的边境,宛如地震。 Looks Ache who with a smile this small interlude sets out suddenly, turn head, the wall dissociated loudly, changed into the projection of distant storm. 原本笑着看着这小小插曲的阿赫猛然起身,回头,身后的墙壁轰然离解,化为了远方风暴的投影。 In nearly eternal darkness, the pale storm had welcomed finally end. 近乎永恒黑暗中,苍白的风暴已经迎来了终末。 The extremely heavy thunder light lowers from Abyss. 万钧的雷光从深渊中降下。 As if cuts to pieces to be the same the outer covering of corrupt fruit, making dragon scroll dissipate suddenly, the exerting a baneful influence flood of containing, just like falling into the scarlet ink in water is the same, the extension of silk threads...... 仿佛将腐败果实的外壳切碎一样,令龙卷骤然消散,其中蕴藏的流毒满溢而出,宛如落入水中的猩红色墨汁一样,丝丝缕缕的伸展…… Between Hell and Abyss, huge Hell that in the homemade century creates exposes fiercely! 就在地狱深渊之间,自创世纪中所缔造出的庞大地狱展露狰狞! Just like unprecedented huge sharp blade such. 宛如前所未有的庞大利刃那样。 Toward the entire frontier territory line of defense, pounds to fall! 向着整个边境防御阵线,砸落! The response, covers in three big blockades of entire Current Territories to ascend, but dazzling glow. 回应的,是笼罩着整个现境的三大封锁中升腾而起的耀眼辉光。 After the long long and long waiting, this both sides hope for a long time frigid bloody battle, in this flash, no indication towering! 在漫长漫长又漫长的等待之后,这一场双方盼望许久的惨烈血战,在这一瞬间,毫无征兆的突兀而来! ****** ******
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