AF :: Volume #14

#1316: Did I come late?

The lying trough, wait/etc, what happened? 卧槽,等等,发生甚么事情了? Not only Kua Fu, Yan Qingge is also falling into together compelled the condition ignorant. 不只是夸父,连带着燕青戈也一块陷入了懵逼状态。 In the open area of not far away, Roman pedigree sea king Nipton is digging own musculus biceps brachii diligently, is supporting the trident, heroic is having a good laugh, is showing off own great achievements and strength toward the beautiful woman of meeting by chance. 就在不远处的空地上,罗马谱系的海王尼普顿阁下正努力的撅出自己的肱二头肌,撑着三叉戟,豪迈的仰天大笑着,向着偶遇的美人炫耀着自己的伟大功绩和力量。 It is a pity that the opposite party does not seem interested...... 遗憾的是,对方似乎并不感兴趣…… The slight nod, seems listening attentively general, but the class/flow can still look even in superficial manipulation Kua Fu's such death straight male. 只是微微点头,仿佛在倾听一般,但流于表面的应付即便是夸父这样的死直男也能看得出来。 This damn to spectrum. 这他妈的就离了谱了。 As the Eastern Xia pedigree backbone member, even again how the self-closing, still somewhat and orchard gym has had many social dealings. Since the soldier Eldest Young Master is transferred to Jinling, almost treated as in the orchard gym Eastern Xia the fixed-point training unit. Although does not know how that cousin was brazen-faced and shameless and living in seclusion condition Luo Lao completed the bundle, but everyone has not become the bystander the father and daughter. 作为东夏谱系的中坚成员,即便是再怎么自闭,也都多多少少和果园健身房打过不少交道。自从褚大少调任金陵之后,几乎就把果园健身房当做东夏内部定点培训单位了。虽然不知道那位大表哥是怎么死皮赖脸和隐居状态的罗老完成了捆绑,但大家也都没把他们父女俩当过外人。 At holidays or is passed by carries two jin (0.5 kg) hairtail to drop around is also frequently. 逢年过节或者是路过的时候拎上两斤带鱼去串串门也是经常。 For this reason, when heard Huai Shi evil evil behind-the-scenes manipulator will reach Luo Xian to feel inconceivable, buddy your courage really big, but also really brave. 正因如此,在听说了槐诗将‘罪恶的黑手’伸向罗娴的时候才会感觉不可思议,哥们你胆子是真的大,但也是真的勇啊。 However, even is not clear inside story, but everyone is still glad to see that among two people the sentiment can have a result. 不过,即便不清楚其中内情,但大家也是乐于见到两人之间的感情能有个结果的。 Now sees her to appear here, after two people slightly one, but actually also responded, what Yan Qingge true shock after was...... the person pestered was so long, hasn't Luo Xian unexpectedly hit to explode the head of opposite party? 如今看到她出现在这里,两人稍微一愣之后倒也反应过来,但燕青戈真正震惊的是……被人纠缠了这么久之后,罗娴竟然没有打爆对方的头? But Kua Fu's shocking reason was simpler Luo Xian here, fellow who Huai Shi that urges unlucky also! 而夸父震惊的原因则更加简单了罗娴都在这儿了,槐诗那倒霉催的家伙还会远么! Meets that goods not to have the matter each time certainly! 每次遇到那货就准没好事儿! Thinks of here, he takes a step to go forward without hesitation, inserts a bar horizontally: „Does Nipton, do?” 想到这里,他不假思索的迈步上前,横插一杠:“尼普顿,干嘛呢?” Nipton turns head, sees Kua Fu brightly, the eye immediately one: Hey, does not see for a long time, you......” 尼普顿回头,看到夸父,眼睛顿时一亮:“嘿呀,好久不见啊,你……” He has not said, was embraced the shoulder to turn by Kua Fu unexpectedly outward, walks, drinks, drank...... Xiaoxian we first to walk, you were busy, you were busy.” 他还没说完,竟然就被夸父揽着肩膀往外拐,“走走走,喝酒去,喝酒去……小娴我们先走了啊,你忙,你忙。” Ignores Nipton's resistance, entrains own youngest brother to directly soar the bar, Nipton has not been glad, struggles angrily: Hey, do not disturb me.” 不顾尼普顿的反抗,拽着自己的老兄弟直奔酒吧,偏偏尼普顿还不乐意,恼怒挣扎:“喂,不要打扰我啊。” I for hello/you good, Brother.” Kua Fu's sincere admonishment: Others had the boyfriend.” “我是为了你好啊,老兄。”夸父语重心长的规劝:“人家有男朋友了。” Everyone loves to be pretty!” “爱美之心人皆有之!” Nipton stares the big eye, suppressed a Eastern Xia language of clear pronunciation and mellow voice unexpectedly: Moreover, she has not worn wedding ring, how did I try hard?” 尼普顿瞪大眼睛,竟然憋出了一句字正腔圆的东夏语:“况且,她又没戴婚戒,我努力一下怎么了?” Kua Fu delay. 夸父呆滞。 It is not, Brother, your completely diligently wrong direction! 不是,老兄,你这完全努力错方向了啊! Others move toward the life diligently the turning point, did your walk toward the end point directly what's the matter? Moreover dislikes copies the alley slowly? 人家是努力走向人生的转折点,你这直接往终点就走了是怎么回事儿?而且还嫌慢抄小路的? You thought Luo four are to hit does not explode your big end? Does Huai Shi hit does not explode your capitellum? Does she hit does not explode your two heads? 你是觉得罗肆为打不爆你的大头呢?槐诗打不爆你的小头呢?还是她打不爆你的两个头? Your this appearance...... has not been distracted compared with me, where comes such exaggerating courage? 况且你这长相……比我还不走心,哪儿来这么夸张的勇气? forget about it, Big brother, forget about it.” 算了,大哥,算了。” Kua Fu looks that in this bachelor alliance treated the quick full 40 years of friends, clenches teeth, decides a blood: I treat, walking!” 夸父看着这个单身汉联盟里待了快满四十年的老兄,咬了咬牙,决定出个血:“我请客,走着!” Nipton curls the lip, turn head looks to departure Luo Xian, look some does not abandon as before. 尼普顿撇了撇嘴,回头看向离去的罗娴,眼神依旧有些不舍。 It is a pity that pretty woman has walked away. 遗憾的是,那位漂亮的女士已经走远了。 What may make him stare the big eye is, she actually chatted with another person. 可令他瞪大眼睛的是,她竟然和另一个人谈笑起来。 With a pretty boy! 和一个小白脸! Probably hears what joke to be the same, covers the mouth chuckle. 好像听到什么笑话一样,掩嘴轻笑。 Rather is that pretty boy unilateral flattering , the sentiment of flattering can be seen in speech and appearance, making one particularly...... envy. 倒不如说是那个小白脸单方面的讨好,谄媚之情溢于言表,令人分外……羡慕。 Also can like this! 还能这样的么! Nipton tears of blood, ya zi wants to crack filled with. 尼普顿满腔血泪,睚眦欲裂。 This I can also achieve! 这我也做得到啊! But the pretty boy, detected that their vision, walked unexpectedly on own initiative, after looking at two people, nodded the head toward Kua Fu: „, Uncle Wang is good, embarrassed two, hemp requesting makes.” 而那小白脸,察觉到他们的目光,竟然主动走过来了,看了一眼两人之后,向着夸父颔首:“呃,王叔好啊,不好意思两位,麻烦请让一让。” He referred to the symbol of neckband, put out a hand to refer to the surroundings: Here is our stations.” 他指了指领口的徽记,伸手指了指周围:“这里是我们的驻地。” Such the facial expression of smile made Nipton particularly angry, mother's pretty boy, after deceiving the woman, asked itself to show off unexpectedly? 那样微笑的神情令尼普顿分外恼怒,妈的小白脸,骗了女人之后,竟然还来找自己炫耀么? If I don't let?” His cold sound asked back. “如果我不让呢?”他冷声反问。 This......” “啊这……” Lin Zhongxiaowu is puzzled, does not understand why some people give suddenly demonstration of authority, but the admonishment said: Please let, our Legion soon moved into.” 林中小屋不解,不明白为啥忽然有人来给自己下马威,但还是规劝道:“还是请让一让吧,我们军团就快要入驻了。” That moves into, then big place insufficiently you do use?” “那就入驻啊,那么大地方不够你们用?” Nipton is angry, is pointing at periphery broad to the odd open area: „Is boy you teasing me? Kingdom of Heaven pedigree is also not Utopia, is short keeps up appearances nearby me!” 尼普顿大怒,指着周围宽阔到离谱的空地:“小子你是不是在逗我呢?天国谱系还不是理想国呢,少在我跟前摆谱!” „...... Lets, Brother.” “……还是让一下吧,老兄。” Kua Fu coughed two, wanted to speak, drew Nipton, by casting off of Nipton not indignation: King, your let alone words, I must have a look at Kingdom of Heaven pedigree to have the big manner today but actually, can occupy the big place!” 夸父咳嗽了两声,想要说话,拉了一下尼普顿,被尼普顿不忿的甩开:“王,你别说话,我今天倒要看看天国谱系有多大的派头,能占多大的地方!” Kua Fu cannot bear curl the lip. 夸父忍不住撇嘴。 Looked at Lin Zhongxiaowu to hang in that smile of corners of the mouth from beginning to end, knows that this goods are suppressing what badness, entrained Yan Qingge to move toward side. 看了一眼林中小屋自始至终挂在嘴角的那一丝微笑,就知道这货在憋着什么坏,拽着燕青戈往旁边挪了开来。 You do not make us not have the means to be stationed.” Lin Zhongxiaowu is helpless: This knocks to bump into by some chance......” “您不让我们也没办法驻扎啊。”林中小屋无奈:“这万一磕到碰到……” Frightens me?” “吓我啊?” Nipton dug out the ear eye, sneers: Come, who feared who is sun......” 尼普顿抠了抠耳朵眼,冷笑:“来啊,谁怕谁是sun……” Bang! 轰! Finishes barely the words, he sees the Lin Zhongxiaowu behind rainbow light eruption. 话音未落,他就看到林中小屋身后的虹光爆发。 The unprecedented thick light beam drops from the clouds, as if has blazing flash such that what ultra giant elementium bomb erupts, the exclusive path from Rainbow Bridge drops from the clouds. 前所未有的粗大光柱从天而降,仿佛有什么超巨型源质炸弹爆发的炽热闪光那样,来自彩虹桥的专属通路从天而降。 The continuous thundering loud sound erupts from the ear, almost the tearing eardrum, the hurricane of heading on just like bomb such, with expansion of that fierce shadow, departs toward the four directions. 接连不断的轰鸣巨响从耳边爆发,几乎撕裂耳膜,扑面而来的飓风宛如炸弹那样,随着那个狰狞黑影的展开,向着四方飞出。 Does not know the warnings in many stations to sound instantaneously, splendid light shoots up to the sky, bird's eye view of security, nearly thinks that is Abyss penetrates. 不知道多少驻地中的警报在瞬间拉响,一道道华光冲天而起,警戒的俯瞰,险些以为是深渊突入。 Nipton has disappeared without the trace. 尼普顿已经消失无踪。 First the raised air wave blows to fly, the calling out in alarm sound that only then elongates extends to the horizon. 第一时间就被掀起的气浪吹飞,只有拉长的惊叫声延伸到天边去。 In the most center of storm, changes into Lin Zhongxiaowu helpless letting go of shadow, casts the security vision that to explain toward periphery: Everyone has seen that I am asked him to let, is he does not let, cannot blame my!” 就在风暴的最中心,化为阴影的林中小屋无奈的摊手,向着周围投来的警戒目光解释:“大家都看到咯,我原本是请他让一下的,是他不让,不能怪我哈!” Your his mother “你他妈” The sound of the tide of angry roaring from frontier territory another resounds, Nipton changes into the deep green wave light, air-splitting however, is preparing to brandish the fist to come two hammers to this bastard, then saw, steel glow that he in the projection of nihility appears behind gradually. 怒吼的潮声从边境的另一头响起,尼普顿化为碧绿波光,破空而至,正准备抡起拳头给这王八蛋来两锤,便看到,他身后虚无的投影中渐渐浮现的钢铁辉光。 Just like running amuck in pale world monster such. 宛如横行在苍白世界中的怪物那样。 The magnanimous steel and heavy/thick armor haunched this just like the mountain range terrifying outline, turrets rise straight from the ground from the deck, are producing an inverted image the gloomy iron light. 海量的钢铁和厚重的装甲撑起了这宛如山峦的恐怖的轮廓,一道道炮塔自甲板上拔地而起,倒映着阴暗的铁光。 The jet black hull almost occupied the entire field of vision, the huge shadow made not to know that many people fell into suffocate. 漆黑的船身几乎占据了整个视界,庞大的阴影令不知道多少人陷入窒息。 But elementium that not minces fluctuates just like the hot sun general is surging, magnanimous elementium mighty current from rushes is welling up, glows the high fever, starts burnt/anxious hot the foehn again. 而毫不掩饰的源质波动宛如烈日一般的涌动着,海量的源质洪流自其中奔涌着,焕发高热,再度掀起焦热的焚风。 Iron crows excited stretches the pair of wings in the wind, the terrifying quantity gathers in one, changed into the shadow of blotting out the sky. 铁鸦们兴奋的在风中舒展双翼,恐怖的数量汇聚在一处,就化为了铺天盖地的阴影。 Above hull, huge Utopia symbol indifferent is overlooking the myriad things. 船身之上,庞大的理想国徽记冷漠的俯瞰着万物。 Photo of searchlights from the hull fall, slowly has swept from frontier territory, at once extinguishes in the darkness. 一道道探照灯从船身之上照落,缓缓的从边境之中扫过,旋即熄灭在黑暗里。 In the loud sound that ceases gradually is slowing the tempo along with several people of high caterpillar bands, stops in same place, then has the low and deep sound of footsteps from lowering the channel end resounds. 伴随着足足有数人高的履带在渐渐停息的巨响中放慢了速度,停在原地,便有低沉的脚步声从降下的通道尽头响起。 Forwards step by step. 一步步向前。 The leather boots are treading the iron ladder downward, exposed the frontline figure. 皮靴踏着铁梯向下,展露出了最前方的身形。 From the shadow, that face lifts slowly, shows the genial smile toward periphery: 自阴影中,那一张面孔缓缓抬起,向着周围露出和煦的微笑: Excuse me, did I come late?” “不好意思,我来晚了吗?” In the silence of flash, no one spoke. 一瞬间的寂静里,没有人说话。 In the sky, vision that these throw is stunned, is looking at carefully the colossus of Huai Shi under foot, quick, nodded the head toward him slightly, belonged to the camp, no longer haggled over. 就在天空之中,那些投来的目光似是愕然,端详着槐诗脚下的庞然大物,很快,向着他微微颔首,归入了营地之中,不再计较。 But the Huai Shi vision, falls on dirty Nipton finally, cannot help but stares. 槐诗的目光,终于落在灰头土脸的尼普顿身上,不由得一愣。 „, The friend...... weren't you? Dresses up unusually.” “唔,老兄……你这是怎么了?装扮好奇特啊。” On his shoulder, the black cat cat curious probe head, the orange yellow eye pupil is producing an inverted image Nipton's appearance, fills with the doubts: Meow?” 就在他的肩膀上,黑色的猫猫好奇探头,橙黄色的眼瞳倒映着尼普顿的样子,满怀疑惑:“喵?” Nipton's expression twitched, looks at present the specification odd Taiyang (Sun) ship, after staring nearby Lin Zhongxiaowu one ruthlessly, quick, shakes the head. 尼普顿的表情抽搐了一下,看着眼前规格离谱的太阳船,狠瞪了旁边的林中小屋一眼之后,很快,摇了摇头。 Not...... no......” “不……没什么……” Very pretending safe/without matter diligently happened. 很努力的装作无事发生。 But he really aerobic! 可是他真的好气啊! That greeting fellow really cares about himself probably very much, but also warm puts out a hand to introduce oneself: Fortunate meeting, Huai Shi.” 偏偏那个打招呼的家伙好像真的很关心自己,还热情的伸出手来自我介绍:“幸会,槐诗。” „...... Fortunate meeting.” “……幸会。” Nipton is maintaining diligently tranquilly, after the handshake, then turns around to leave in a hurry, only leaves behind Huai Shi to be bewildered: Why doesn't he seem like very happy appearance?” 尼普顿努力的维持着平静,握手之后便匆匆转身走人,只留下槐诗一脸茫然:“为什么他好像不是很高兴的样子?” Nearby Kua Fu shows the whites of the eyes, „, because he was not happy.” 旁边的夸父翻了个白眼,“因为他不高兴。” Huai Shi even more puzzled, „aren't why you probably very happy appearance?” 槐诗越发的不解,“那为什么你好像也不是很高兴的样子?” Unexpected was installed a face by the same fellow unexpectedly again, Kua Fu's supercilious look soon turned to the space: 猝不及防竟然再度被同一个家伙装了一脸,夸父的白眼快要翻到天上去了: Because I was not happy!” “因为我也不高兴!” Good good, disorderly and isn't happy? 好嘛好嘛,没头脑和不高兴是吧? I understand, I understand. 我懂,我懂。 Every month always has such 2-3 days. 每个月总有那么2-3天嘛。 Huai Shi understands clearly the nod, turn head told toward Lin Zhongxiaowu: „The time, everyone can first stroll, has the words of anything, you first helped me process.” 槐诗了然点头,回头向着林中小屋吩咐:“还有时间,大家可以先逛逛,有什么事情的话,你先帮我处理了。” After saying, Kua Fu who after holds itself to deliver, wants to travel: Runs anything to run, the treasure, happen to have the matter to consult you.” 说完之后,就一把抓住了自己送上门之后还想要跑路的夸父:“跑什么跑,宝,正好有事情想要咨询一下你呢。” Kua Fu is angry: You consult time his mother of person can trade a nickname!” 夸父大怒:“你咨询人的时候他娘的能换个昵称么!” Who we with whom, let us not haggle over so many.” “咱俩谁跟谁啊,别计较那么多。” Huai Shi entrains him to pull toward the Taiyang (Sun) ship on, warm smile: 槐诗拽着他就往太阳船上扯,热情微笑: Walks, enters the room with me!” “走,跟我进屋!” After half an hour, the household furniture in the deck got up. 半个钟头后,桌椅板凳就在甲板上支起来了。 Capacity that the stir-fried dish that the counterfeit cigarettes adulterated liquor fake friend, in the coordinate cafeteria carries suspends. 假烟假酒假朋友,配合食堂里端出来的炒菜摆的满满当当。 Huai Shi sits in the opposite, but also in warm is urging: Eats, how not to eat, doesn't suit your appetite?” 槐诗坐在对面,还在热情的劝着:“吃啊,怎么不吃,是不是不合你胃口?” „This this?” “就这就这就这?” Kua Fu sneers: Including 22 white does not have, your Kingdom of Heaven does pedigree entertain a guest this? Also wants to inquire the news on this from here, can't?” 夸父冷笑:“连二两白的都没有,你们天国谱系待客就这样?就这还想从我这里打听消息,不会吧不会吧?” „Do I find the person to come to you to sing to dance?” “那我找人来给你唱个歌跳个舞?” Huai Shi is meeting rudeness with a smile, is not indignant, suddenly looked to not far away: How do you look at her?” 槐诗陪着笑脸,毫不气愤,忽然看向了不远处:“你看她怎么样?” But the distant place, passed by blood floods had a feeling, indifferent looked, the look did not have the temperature, the palm turned into a blood-color iron hammer suddenly, as if prepared to hit to explode the dog head of anyone at any time. 而远处,路过的血水灾似有所感,冷漠的看过来,眼神毫无温度,手掌突然变成一柄血色铁锤,仿佛随时准备打爆什么人的狗头。 Quick, turned into scissors, makes noise. 很快,又变成了一把剪刀,咔嚓作响。 Lying trough, but can also distort! 卧槽,还会变形的么! Kua Fu was silly. 夸父傻了。 Your Kingdom of Heaven pedigree aesthetic was also too advanced a point? 你们天国谱系的审美也太超前了一点吧? „Do I do again personally to you?” Huai Shi asked again. “那我再亲自给你做一顿?”槐诗再问。 You do a bit less this set!” “你少来这一套!” Kua Fu is even more vigilant, he may have the matter in the afternoon, does not want to spit blood to flee thinly in the high-level meeting: Had the matter to hurry to say the matter!” 夸父越发警惕,他下午可还有事儿呢,可不想在高层会议上吐血窜稀:“有事儿赶紧说事儿!” You look at you, the beautiful woman dances you not to look, I prepare food you to have do not eat, is really difficult to do.” “你看你这人,美女跳舞你不看,我做饭你有不吃,真难搞。” Helpless Huai Shi shakes the head, hammers oneself one before Kua Fu blood pressure explosive table ruthlessly, quickly asked: Treasure, is actually the governance bureau what regulation?” 槐诗无奈摇头,趁着夸父血压爆表狠锤自己一顿之前,赶快问道:“宝啊,统辖局究竟是个什么章程?” Kua Fu is staring him, has started to regret that everyone exchanged the name. 夸父瞪着他,已经开始后悔大家互通姓名了。 „Don't you know? You are Astronomy Association direct descendant Legion, is always insufficient this not to know?” “你不知道?你可是天文会的嫡系军团,总不至于这都不知道吧?” Where can I know?” Huai Shi lets go, you know I am impossible to know good?” “我哪儿能知道?”槐诗摊手,“你知道了我也不可能知道的好么?” The previous advisory council he has not coordinated to lower the head to admit defeat in any case, has offended to suppress one fellows in decision room, even if really has what straight tip, perhaps is not one's turn itself. 反正上一次评议会他没有配合着低头服软,已经把决策室里的一帮家伙得罪狠了,就算真有什么内幕消息,恐怕也轮不到自己。 How can I be clear?” “那我怎么能清楚?” Kua Fu slanting his eyes: You asked me, might as well ask in your overhead floor worked friend.” 夸父斜了他一眼:“你问我,不如去问你那位架空楼层里工作的‘朋友’呢。” In the friend two characters, he aggravated the pronunciation especially, not minces matter own complaint. 朋友两个字上,他特地加重了读音,丝毫不掩饰自己的怨念。 Relations are good, among us makes a clear demarcation between public and private interests, because how possibly individual friendship does act unreasonably?” Huai Shi shakes the head, serious saying: Moreover, didn't she leak?” “关系再好,我们之间可是公私分明的,怎么可能因为个人的情谊就乱来呢呢?”槐诗摇头,严肃的说道:“况且,那她不就泄密了么?” Gathers is asking me, I said does not calculate leaked right! 哦,合着问我,我说了就不算泄密了对吧! In Kua Fu pinches to begin the chopsticks, suddenly wants to hit the person. 夸父捏着手里的筷子,忽然想要打人。 Only felt that this son of a bitch is really more and more dog. 只感觉这狗东西真的是越来越狗。 So to be how hateful! 怎么就这么讨嫌呢! He knows certainly that actually Huai Shi wants to ask anything. 他当然知道槐诗究竟想问什么。 In the final analysis, this conditions and all different beforehand defense fight time also on forget about it, everyone has completed the innumerable plans, the variable are many, coming that can also deal with according to the regulation. But this being doomed will produce the innumerable chaotic wars, there is no established regulation to say. 归根结底,这一次的状况和一切不同之前的防守战也就算了,大家早就做好了无数计划,变数再多,也都能按照章程应付的过来。可这种注定会引发无数混乱的战争,根本没有什么既定的章程可说。 Even if Yaeger really wants to withstand/top the reputation of Astronomy Association President candidate to come the royal cart to draft, facing the entire complex battlefield, cannot hold. 哪怕是叶戈尔真的想要顶着天文会会长候选人的名头来御驾亲征,面对整个纷繁复杂的战场,也微操不过来啊。 He is an out-and-out layman. 况且他还是个不折不扣的外行。 But in the battlefield, must some people dominate the power. 而战场上,总要有人把持大权。 Then, so many Legion gather in...... to hit together when the time comes, who listens whose? 那么,这么多军团汇聚在一起……到时候打起来,谁听谁的呢? *** Provides the quickest revelation forecast to renew for you, Chapter 1315 did I come late? Free reading. ***为你提供最快的天启预报更新,第1315章我来晚了吗?免费阅读。
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