AF :: Volume #14

#1315: Fermentation

In dark Abyss, as if eternal silent. 黑暗的深渊之中,仿佛永恒寂静。 Even if distant that covered the storm of the whole world, takes a broad view at the entire huge world, is still a small spot. After that is the ray camouflage of Current Territories together, then leaves behind the shadow that waved unceasingly...... 即便是远方那笼罩了整个世界的风暴,放眼整个庞大的世界,也不过是一块小小的斑点而已。将那一道属于现境的光芒遮蔽之后,便留下了不断舞动的影子…… After the storm, among the blood-color of innumerable surging, palace error of perishing country's stands tall and erect. 就在风暴之后,无数涌动的血色之间,亡国的宫阙高耸。 Overlooks distantly. 遥遥俯瞰。 In the stern city, the magnificent palace is bathing strictly hierarchical the illumination of distant place, then reflected the dreamlike general magnificent glimmer. 在等级分明的森严城市之中,辉煌的宫殿沐浴着远方的光照,便折射出了如梦似幻一般的瑰丽微光。 The most peak in city, palace error highest place. 城市的最顶端,宫阙的最高处。 Above standing tall and erect pavilion, only then ascends the step but on sound of footsteps, white snake is summoned to come in a hurry, when he raised the head looks to the flat roof of this highest place, the movement then cannot help but slows down. 高耸的楼阁之上,只有拾阶而上的脚步声,白蛇奉召匆匆而来,可当他抬头看向这最高处的露台时,动作便不由自主的放缓了。 Silent, above the flat roof does not have others again, only then that familiar form sits on the ground, just like appreciating the scenery is ordinary, sloppy is drinking with flies. 寂静里,露台之上再无旁人,只有那个熟悉的身影坐在地上,宛如欣赏风光一般,散漫的自斟自饮着。 In the happy neutral tone hummed, nearby beverage bottle in disarray, has not known drank many. 在愉快的轻声哼唱中,旁边的酒瓶已经七倒八歪,不知喝了多少。 Such melody...... 那样的曲调…… The white snake gawked slightly, stands in the entrance, has not spoken again. 白蛇微微一愣,站在了入口处,没有再说话。 Extolled the eternal king, the praise utmost king, counted one by one his 16 great feats, his epoch-making pioneering work, his empire productivity, his beautiful woman was pretty, his eldest son followed the truth, his child thorough study mystery, his young child was the hero who saved ten thousand world...... 赞颂永恒之王,赞颂至大之王,历数他十六项伟大功勋,他划时代的创举,他的帝国多么丰饶,他身旁的美人多么娇俏,他的长子追随真理,他的此子研习奥秘,他的幼子是挽救万世的英豪…… Before the song and poem that these no one has known are actually how remote time, thing that leaves behind? 那些早已经无人知晓的歌谣和诗篇究竟是多么久远时光之前遗留下来的东西了呢? Even white snake still has been hard to record clear. 即便是白蛇也已经难以记清。 But hears such melody suddenly again, even he suddenly still cannot help but absent-minded, since next day will circle to plan and plan and arrangement in brain these also vanishes without the trace unexpectedly. 可骤然再度听闻这样的曲调,即便是他一时间也不由得失神,翌日以来盘旋在脑中的那些计划、谋算和安排竟然也消失无踪。 Static waiting. 只是静静的等待着。 Closes the eye. 闭上眼睛。 Until the king of withering put down the wine glass, is looking at the light of storm later Current Territories, smiles in a soft voice. 直到枯萎之王放下了酒杯,望着风暴之后的现境之光,轻声笑了笑。 Really beautiful.” “真美啊。” He patted position: Comes to here, white snake. Just suddenly thought, feeling such scenery, you should also come to look.” 他拍了拍身旁的位置:“到这里来,白蛇。刚刚忽然想起来,就感觉这样的风景,你也应该过来看一看。” white snake goes forward compliantly, respectful and prudent standing in behind, what you are looking, your majesty?” 白蛇遵命上前,恭谨的侍立在后面,“你在看什么,陛下?” Probably is...... Taiyang (Sun)?” “大概是……太阳?” king of Nie withering the chin, the ponder moment, „ this time, Current Territories Taiyang (Sun) unexpectedly is being round? Really rare, really in Abyss what strange matter will happen. 枯萎之王捏着下巴,沉思片刻,“这一次,现境太阳竟然是圆的么?真是稀罕啊,果然深渊里什么稀奇古怪的事情都会发生。 Was used to Taiyang (Sun) of octagon previous time with great difficulty and turns one group of land, this thinks that this was the limit, has not thought that this time Current Territories unexpectedly was so excessive. ” 上一次好不容易习惯了八角形的太阳和扭成一团的大地,本以为这就是极限了呢,没想到这一次的现境竟然这么过分。” The white snake nods the approval. 白蛇颔首赞同。 Indeed so. 诚然如此。 If even if the perishing country does not know generally experiences many time the colossi, has not imagined, day of Current Territories to will fetter the entire Current Territories pillar/backbone demented forcefully, according to the self- wish molds so the appearance again. 即便是如亡国一般不知经历多少时光的庞然大物,也未曾想象到,有一天现境会癫狂到将整个现境的支柱强行束缚,再根据自我的意愿去重新塑造成这般模样。 After old all will destroy, reconstructs all. 将旧的一切毁去之后,重新再造一切。 Uses the Hell strength, goes completely rebuilds own world thoroughly, even incessantly is one time. 使用地狱的力量,去完全的将自己的世界彻底再造,甚至不止是一次。 But meanwhile, with this strength, quarrels with the Abyss sword in turn? 可同时,又用这一力量,反过来同深渊刀剑相向? Even takes a broad view at entire Abyss, is hard to search the so demented conception? 即便是放眼整个深渊,都难以寻觅到如此癫狂的构想吧? Was extremely is really hateful.” “实在是太过于可恶了。” The king of withering does not conceal own unhappiness, is pinching the wine glass, the feeling of not indignation: Words if we had known, such interesting matter, how didn't I do 1-2 times in the past? Blames that several disobedient sons!” 枯萎之王毫不掩饰自己的不快,捏着酒杯,不忿的感慨:“早知道的话,这么有意思的事情,当年我怎么就不搞上1-2呢?都怪那几个逆子!” „......” “……” white Shewen said that vague and adept showing the whites of the eyes. 白蛇闻言,隐晦且娴熟的翻了个白眼。 Gathering you are not here refreshed, thought lost compared with the pleasure compared with the creativity ratio with Current Territories? Initially you were not the perverse actions do the seething discontent among the people, forced in the bedroom tomb...... 合着您在这里不爽快,是觉得跟现境比乐子比创意比输了是吧?况且,当初您不就是倒行逆施搞得天怒人怨,才被塞进寝陵里的么…… However, how even if to conflict to such fantasy again, this moment hears word, he cannot bear still follow to be eager to try unexpectedly...... really unable to distinguish clearly, actually this was infected by own emperor, once did these weak thoughts keep the present vestiges? 但是,即便是对这样的狂想再怎么抵触,此刻闻言,他竟然忍不住也跟着跃跃欲试起来……实在是分不清,这究竟是被自己的皇帝传染了呢,还是曾经那些幼稚念头留到现在的残余? Cannot do well has. 搞不好都有。 Shaking the head of white snake self-ridicules, is wanting to speak, actually hears sound of king of Hell. 白蛇自嘲的摇了摇头,正想要说话,却听见地狱之王的声音 But they do real good, not?” “可他们做的真好啊,不是吗?” Such whispered...... 那样的低语…… white snake the facial expression stagnates, starts to regret why oneself such rigidly adhering in the etiquette, has not sat with the emperor shoulder to shoulder, cannot see his expression. 白蛇的神情一滞,开始后悔,为何自己如此的拘泥于礼仪,未曾同皇帝并肩而坐,也看不到他的表情。 Is hard to distinguish, such words stemming from acclaiming or contemptuous, does not know that should echo silent. 难以分辨,这样的话语是出于赞叹还是轻蔑,更不知道应该去附和还是沉默。 All these will pass finally, your majesty.” “这一切终将都会过去的,陛下。” white snake said: Was same as the past.” 白蛇说:“和过去一样。” Naturally so, not?” “当然会如此,不是么?” The king of withering carries the wine glass again, drinks completely, the carefree length sighs: „ From the achievements perspective, has to acknowledge, the present world, can compare the generation that I found actually. 枯萎之王再度端起酒杯,饮尽,畅快的长叹了一口气:“从建树方面来说,不得不承认,如今的世界,倒是能够比拟我所开创的世代了。 Ha, even such ignorant blind group makes one sick, the appearance that the mutual tear and bite holds back is funny. May see they such complacent facial expression, so-called Astronomy Association and that once Utopia that extremely arrogant appearance...... I can be from the heart feels not quick. ” 哈,即便是那样愚昧的盲群令人作呕,互相撕咬扯后腿的样子多么滑稽。可眼看着他们那样得意洋洋的神情,所谓的天文会和那个曾经的理想国那么狂妄的模样……我就会发自内心的觉得不快。” „Is your majesty envying them?” white snake asked suddenly. “陛下是在羡慕他们么?”白蛇忽然问。 „, Perhaps.” “啊,或许呢。” Nod that the king of withering understands clearly, indifferent smiling of: „ Why doesn't envy? 枯萎之王了然的点头,无所谓的笑了笑:“为何不羡慕呢? Each time from in dying woke up, I felt own chest pained, then I understand, I have died one time, no longer was the eternal king. ” 每次从长眠中醒来时,我都感觉自己胸口隐隐作痛,然后我才会明白,我已经死过一次,不再是永恒之王了。” He puts out a hand, is away from the front piece, strokes place that the chest place is paining. 他伸手,隔着衣襟,抚摸着胸口处隐隐作痛的地方。 The fine lace that is forged by Gold carefully and sutured his body carefully, covered once wound by own eldest son the below fierce poison, by chest that the second son cuts open, by the heart that the powder passes through. 黄金锻造出的细线仔细又小心的缝合了他的身体,掩盖了曾经的创伤被自己的长子所下的猛毒,被次子所切开的胸膛,还有被末子所贯穿的心脏。 This is once all glory leaves behind the present all. 这就是曾经的所有荣耀遗留到现在的一切。 Even if the eternal king of being insufferably arrogant, controlled the overlord in the whole world, as own wish changes the world, will create the future King. 哪怕是不可一世的永恒之王,掌控了整个世界的霸主,随着自己的心愿去更替世界,缔造未来的王者。 Arrived finally, accompanies in the side , was only left over a scar. 到最后,陪伴在身边的,也只剩下了一道伤痕。 How even if once to believe the deep love that ten thousand world does not move, or thinks the hatred of eternal continuing...... 即便是曾经一度如何坚信万世不移的深爱,或是自以为会永恒延续的痛恨…… Taiyang (Sun) is really happy, white snake.” 太阳真美好,白蛇。” The king of withering in a soft voice twittering, is putting out a hand toward that round of glow, made one want to grasp in the hand.” 枯萎之王轻声的呢喃着,向着那一轮辉光伸出手,“令人想要握在手中。” The white snake nods, responded decisively: Your wish will achieve, your majesty.” 白蛇颔首,断然回应:“您的意愿将会达成,陛下。” Naturally can.” “当然会。” king of Xiao withering, we had enough time, not?” 枯萎之王笑了起来,“我们有足够的时光,不是么?” „It looks like when the Geng boundary such, looks like when the round boundary such......” “就像是在庚境时那样,就像是在圆境时那样……” He said, looks like such that once we made.” 他说,“就像是曾经我们所做的那样。” That round being an eyesore ray that stirs the person fond dream, thorough destruction! 将那一轮搅人美梦的碍眼光芒,彻底毁灭! In that flash, the five fingers of king of withering close up slowly. 在那一瞬间,枯萎之王的五指缓缓合拢。 Just like crumb anything. 宛如捏碎了什么东西。 Kills ray that all daring photos fell king territory, making Abyss welcome the darkness again. 杀死了所有胆敢照落王域的光芒,令深渊再度迎来黑暗。 Prepares, white snake.” The king of withering told. “去做准备吧,白蛇。”枯萎之王吩咐。 white snake respectful and prudent bending down: „Below with great courage, asking your majesty to give me......” 白蛇恭谨的俯身:“在下斗胆,请陛下授我……” The king of withering did not wield wielding patiently, these indifferent things, have written, getting down time looks for Gala to take well.” 枯萎之王不耐烦的挥了挥,“那些无所谓的东西,已经写好了,下去的时候找伽拉去拿就好。” So, superficial the power that the emperor will grasp gives. 如此,轻描淡写的将皇帝所握的大权授下。 Relax, necessary time, the nine chief ministers also turn over to you to control.” “放心,必要的时候,九卿也归你节制。” With the words of king of withering, jet black forms, appear from the flat roof later main hall, the monsters that the Abyss essence creates partly kneel on the ground, is waiting for emperor's order. 伴随着枯萎之王的话语,一个又一个漆黑的身影,从露台之后的厅堂内浮现,深渊真髓所缔造出的怪物们半跪在地上,等待着皇帝的命令。 Teaching assistant Sir/minister, growth Sir/minister, law Sir/minister and guidance Sir/minister,......” “教辅卿、生长卿、律令卿、宣导卿,还有……” The words of king of withering stagnate slightly, probably remembers some troublesome fellow to be the same, helpless finally a beach: forget about it, took lonely so many years elderly men. Where is in violation of the truth that the elder is leading a life of comfort alone?” 枯萎之王的话语微微停滞,好像想起某个麻烦的家伙一样,最终还是无奈一滩:“算了,把寂寞了那么多年的老人家也带上吧。哪里有背着长辈去独自享乐的道理呢?” Does not lose your majesty to hold inevitably!” “必然不负陛下所托!” white snake bows politely, responded with deep veneration. 白蛇叩拜,肃然回应。 The king of withering smiles, not seeming to hear to be the same, but drinks up the last glass of liquor. 枯萎之王笑了笑,好像没听见一样,只是将最后一杯酒喝完。 Sets out to depart. 起身离去。 Waiting for was so long, this world, should live it up lively “等待了这么久,这个世界,该热闹热闹了” The distant place, the storm of wreaking havoc is inflating. 远方,肆虐的风暴膨胀着。 Just like heart general agitation. 宛如心脏一般的鼓动。 In the sea that but the dazzling fierce light, actually becomes from that thunder and lightning gathering ascends. 可耀眼的烈光,却从那一片雷电汇聚而成的海洋里升腾而起。 As if sharp blade such. 仿佛利刃那样。 From top to bottom, final Nakiri crack. 自上而下的,将最后的余波切裂。 The deep bugle horn sound resounds from the distant place. 深沉的号角声从远方响起。 Summon war 呼唤战争 Waits for the examination and investigation of Astronomy Association is a troublesome matter, from the personnel number to carrying the constitution of equipment as well as large group, needs before the war starts submits completely. 等待天文会的审批和核查是一件麻烦的事情,从人员数量到携带装备以及大群的构成,都需要在战争开始之前全部递交。 Even if earlier time has submitted one time, but in entering stationed at the scene , still needs to coordinate to inspect as before. 即便是更早的时候已经提交过一次了,但在进入驻扎现场的时,也依旧需要配合检查。 Everyone is goes to war after all. 大家毕竟是来打仗的。 Is forearmed always right. 有备无患总没错。 On the one hand needs to isolate the influence of traitor, avoids anything harboring ulterior motives Ruler that to mix, when the time comes doing collaborates from outside with the inside two to blossom. But on the other hand is the logistics replenishment the registration and headquarters dispatch the demand in aspect. 一方面是需要隔绝二五仔的影响,避免有什么别有用心的统治者混入其中,到时候给搞个里应外合两开花。而另一方面则是后勤供应上的登记和指挥部调遣方面的需求。 How many people can't make war everyone to sit in the command post your group has not to know? 总不能一开战大家坐在指挥室里连你一个团有多少人都不知道吧? Appraisal and consideration that each enters the war Legion after the aspects and ensure did not let any strength waste or sacrificed in vain. 每一个参战军团都会经过方方面面的评估和考量,确保不让任何的力量浪费或者是白白牺牲。 Regarding these trivial things, Yan Qingge had not processed before, in a big way holds one to fold the document to rove is somewhat completely muddled. 对于这些琐碎的事情,之前燕青戈从来都没有处理过,抱着一大叠文件转来转去的时候就有些晕头转向。 Instead is head not easy-to-use Kua Fu is usually more familiar and easier, but two hours handled all troublesome things. 反而是平时脑瓜子不怎么好使的夸父更加轻车熟路,只是两个小时就搞定了所有的麻烦事情。 All windows basically have the Eastern Xia officer to wait to dock with the governance bureau in any case, they need authenticates in the document, then submitted the document that Xuan Niao signed enough. 反正所有的窗口基本上都有东夏的文员等着去同统辖局对接,他们所需要的只是在文件上进行认证,然后递交玄鸟签字的文件就够了。 Even so, the tedious letting head people are also bare. 即便是这样,也繁琐的让人头秃。 Walking the flow is such troublesome. 走流程就是这么麻烦。 But sometimes the flow does not walk is not good. 但有时候流程不走就是不行。 Custom is good.” “习惯就好咯。” Facing the question of Yan Qingge, Kua Fu's calm waving, takes final stationed in the permission, takes the lead to guide. 面对燕青戈的疑问,夸父淡定的挥手,拿着最后的驻扎许可,走在前面带路。 The ray flashes, two people between have disappeared from the inexhaustible checks. 只是光芒一闪,两人就已经从无穷尽的格子间之间消失。 Arrived in the world of blank. 来到了空白的天地之中。 The no color pale sky and spotless smooth bluish gray land, after looking like put on the mold, incautiously enter are played to manufacture the crude region that the group hid. 毫无色彩的苍白天空和一尘不染的平坦青灰色大地,就像是一不小心穿模之后走进了被游戏制作组隐藏起来的简陋区域。 In order to stations of all Legion, Astronomy Association opened piece of temporary frontier territory unexpectedly. 为了方便所有军团的驻扎,天文会竟然开启了一片临时边境 In this except for the domain that in beyond the space does not have a thing in the world, had the rainbow light from in the air to fall unceasingly, brought Legion that Sublimator from all over the world and entered the war. 在这个除了空间之外一无所有的领域内,不断有虹光从空中落下,带来了来自世界各处的升华者们和参战的军团 For the first time one passes shortly, in domain that was divided, had almost been stained. 乍一眼看过去,在被划分出来的领域里,几乎已经被沾满了。 Is makes the best use of the time to fit out or rest incessantly, everyone also frequent is taking a walk, communicates the news, or asks the acquaintance not seen for a long time to chat simply, asks eye-sore personal enemies to put the aggressive statement. 不止是抓紧时间整备或者休息,大家也都在频繁的走动着,沟通消息,或者干脆找好久不见的熟人聊聊天,找眼中钉仇人们放一放狠话。 Each big gold metallurgy workshop provides the temporary fitting out maintenance and medicament supply here, and even Sublimator develop the side occupation, the stir-fried dish of haircut and stir-fried dish of haircut, licks the licking slip of paper person of slip of paper person...... 还有各个大型炼金工房在这里提供临时的整备维护、药剂供应,乃至升华者们开展副业,理发的理发、炒菜的炒菜,舔纸片人的舔纸片人…… Suddenly, is unexpectedly ordinary just like bazaar, extremely busy. 一时间,竟然宛如集市一般,热闹非凡。 Aiya, was this time we comes late?” “哎呀,这次是我们来晚了么?” Kua Fu flexure scratched the head. 夸父挠了挠头。 Sweeps one in a hurry, had seen many familiar symbols unexpectedly. 匆匆扫一眼,竟然已经看到了不少熟悉的标志。 But detected that Kua Fu their arrival, many people also hits to call. But distinguishes between sweetie pie Kua Fu, without many people have what impression to Yan Qingge actually...... 而察觉到夸父他们的到来,不少人也都打起招呼来。只不过区别于香饽饽夸父,倒是没多少人对燕青戈有什么印象…… Even if mentioned that Eastern Xia secret weapon everyone will say right that anyone, Kua Fu but who in fact battles frequently instead is these years a Eastern Xia pedigree representative. 哪怕是提到东夏的秘密武器大家都会说啊对对对那个谁,但实际上频繁作战的夸父反而是这些年来东夏谱系的一线代表。 Everyone is the tool person, the tool person pities the tool person. In addition Kua Fu that frank to lacking mind character, makes the friend to go smoothly everywhere actually. 大家都是工具人,工具人惜工具人。再加上夸父那爽朗到缺心眼的性格,交起朋友来倒是无往不利。 Although hateful time similarly also similar...... 虽然讨嫌的时候同样也差不多…… Takes stationed in the notice, after being on good terms looks, finally found divided to their regions. 拿着驻扎通知,一通好找之后,总算是找到了了划分给他们的区域。 After disperses other miscellaneous personnel, Kua Fu then puts out the cell phone to telephone, just after dialing for two seconds, then has the loud sound to thunder to burst out, a spacious several hundred meters opening opens just like big mouth generally, a whole body twines is not knowing that many vines and trees, the giant turtle of moss all over the body has crawled from void. 在将其他闲杂人等驱散之后,夸父便拿出手机打了个电话,刚刚拨通两秒钟之后,便有巨响轰鸣迸发,一道宽大数百米的裂口宛如大嘴一般开启,紧接着一只浑身缠绕着不知多少藤蔓和树木,遍体苔藓的巨龟就已经从虚空之中爬出。 Just like great column general four are trampling the land fully, starts the storm, does not know that attracted many looks. 宛如巨柱一般的四足践踏着大地,掀起风暴,不知道吸引了多少眼神。 But in this entire giant stadium that big giant turtle lay in them after the ground, the vegetation that latter conducted the back then produced rapidly, the after fog of winding around diverged, an entire palace appeared from the turtle back. 而就在这一支足足有一整个巨型体育馆那么大巨龟趴在了他们的驻扎地上之后,后背上的草木便迅速生发,缭绕的云雾散去之后,一整个宫殿就从龟背上浮现。 Luneberg Giant that after guarding a gate steps on the stair is getting down, Kua Fu then turns toward in the palace to wait for a long time colleagues to wave: Ok, other troublesome matters I do not say. The unnecessary matter listens to the arrangement of small leaf, this matter also early, everyone moves in turn freely, guarantees for five minutes to hurry back on the line.” 当守门的龙伯巨人踩着台阶下来之后,夸父便向着宫殿中待了许久的同僚们挥了挥手:“行了,其他的麻烦事儿我不说了。多余的事情听小叶的安排,这回事情还早,大家分批自由活动,确保五分钟内能赶回来就行。” Suddenly, sound that cheers resounds from the palace. 一时间,欢呼的声音从宫殿里响起。 Following Kua Fu is a little good, although works always a little lacks the mind, but will actually take care of the person, can always take the lead in giving everyone to strive for various benefits. 跟着夸父还有一点好,虽然干活儿的时候总有点缺心眼,但却会照顾人,总能带头给大家争取到各种福利来。 Faced other to want while the final time in Sublimator that the barracks stroll, Ye Xueya to shake the head, pours has not said anything, but after exhorting two must pay attention to the letter/believes symbol, then continues to have the yawn to go to the room to sleep. 面对着其他想要趁着最后时间在驻扎地逛一逛的升华者,叶雪涯摇了摇头,倒也没说什么,只是嘱咐了两句要注意信符之后,便继续打着哈欠回房间睡觉了。 Kua Fu who takes the lead in window-shopping, has led Yan Qingge to start in each Legion stations to flee in all directions. 带头逛街的夸父,已经领着燕青戈开始在各个军团的驻地之间流窜了起来。 Probably conducts a tour to be the same, is pointing by the roadside camp, familiar: „ Do not only look here, like this temporary frontier territory definitely has many, Rome that light/only I know enters the war Legion to have five, here Pompeii and gothic two, the imperial guard does not know where was moved to go. 好像导游一样,指着路边两侧的营地,如数家珍:“别只看这边,这样的临时边境肯定有好多个,光我知道的罗马参战军团就有五支,这边才庞贝、哥特两支,禁卫军不知道被调去哪里了。 You look, forefront that took up almost half of spaces, was Astronomy Association four big Legion. 你看,最前面的那个,占了差不多一半空间的,就是天文会四大军团了。 And surpasses the larger part is cast iron Legion, but also brings armored combat Legion, was too fat, is the temperament is not good, the wool their two car(riage)s, they did not pass through the gate to me. Side is elite action original dark Legion, deep space Marine Corps of responsible ground operation, have done several with me...... the grass, even daybreak Legion came, you remember to that group of pale fellows. ” 其中超过一大半都是铸铁军团,还带着装甲作战军团,太肥了,就是脾气不好,毛了他们两辆车,他们就不给我进门了。旁边就是精锐行动的原暗军团,还有负责地面作战的深空陆战队,和我干过几架……草,连破晓军团都来了,你记得离那群脸色发白的家伙远一点。” Toward a front point, this half is to leave the divisions of our these pedigree again, you saw person who that belches smoke?” “往前面再一点,这一半就是留给我们这些谱系的划分,你看到那个冒烟儿的人了没有?” Kua Fu points at one to wrap the kerchief, the whole body is winding around the flame and thick smoke, said just like dry corpse general Sublimator: Fire of karma Legion of India, what lead is Azzini that old mental illness, we leave. That old thing wants to open the piece with me for a long time......” 夸父指着一个包着头巾,浑身缭绕着火焰和浓烟,宛如干尸一般的升华者说道:“天竺的业火军团,带头的是阿耆尼那个老神经病,我们离的远一点。那老东西想跟我开片好久了……” In side, Yan Qingge hears even more at a loss. 在旁边,燕青戈听得越发茫然。 Your this is briefs the situation to me, displays the personal enemy with me? 您这是给我介绍形势呢,还是跟我罗列仇人呢? Also, where in your each Legion assigns a custom of personal enemy to come? 还有,你这个每个军团里都分配一个仇人的习惯是从哪儿来的? Is where is not quite right? 是不是哪里不太对? Obviously is too did not understand to the hateful personality of oneself this youngest brother, Yan Qingge only felt own world outlook obtained new revolution. Saw that Kua Fu points at these Legion to illustrate to Yan Qingge when all the way full of enthusiasm oneself did one with their what people, offended someone. 明显是对自己这位老兄弟的讨嫌性格不太理解,燕青戈只感觉自己的世界观得到了新的刷新。就看到夸父一路上兴致勃勃的指着那些军团燕青戈解说自己何年何月和他们的什么人干了一架,得罪了谁谁谁。 The production of the heart suspected that you didn't have the bedding bag gunnysack to beat to death? 发自内心的产生怀疑你咋还没被套麻袋揍死呢? But during Kua Fu illustrated jubilantly, the words stagnated suddenly. 可就在夸父兴高采烈的解说之中,话语骤然一滞。 Original facial expression stiff, twitches, as if finally took the gunnysack wrap/sets to begin to hit a stick by the frigid reality to be the same. 原本的神情僵硬了一下,一阵抽搐,仿佛终于被惨烈的现实拿着麻袋套起头来打了一棍一样。 Waited for Yan Qingge to look at the past following his line of sight, only saw over the face must steadily the middle-aged person is supporting three halberd forks, self-satisfied loudly is saying anything. 燕青戈顺着他的视线看过去,只看到一个满面长须的中年人正撑着三戟叉,得意的大笑着说着什么。 His eye also stared in a big way. 他的眼睛也瞪大了。 It is not because that is turning toward the opposite sex to show off the man of muscles and great achievements. 不是因为那个正在向着异性炫耀肌肉和自己丰功伟绩的男人。 But is the object who he shows off...... 而是他炫耀的对象…… Xiaoxian?” “小娴?”
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