AF :: Volume #14

#1314 Part 2: Bigger stick

But when he loosens the instance of hand, in the brain besides the impression of foundation, probably becomes empty, lost any important thing to be the same probably. 可当他松开手的瞬间,脑子里除了基础的印象之外,好像又变得空空荡荡,就好像失去了什么至关重要的东西一样。 The accumulation and all creations from Day Caster of all Caster all previous generations, have gathered in the black box in his hands! 所有铸造者们历代的积累和来自铸日者的所有创造,都已经汇聚在他手中的黑箱里! He had accepted the final inheritance. 他已经领受了最终的传承。 But this is anything...... 可这算什么…… Huai Shi vacant is carrying the box case, is unreadable. 槐诗茫然的端着匣子,难以理解。 Looks at you not too intelligent appearance, therefore I do lend you brain? 看你不太聪明的样子,所以我把脑子借给你? But in any event, after all is a good deed and that's the end. 但不论如何,总归是件好事就是了。 The short several seconds, in his brain had presented several editions of different day error transformation approach and transformation plan of parrot conch, various types of weapons provide the mentality. 只是短短的几秒钟,他脑中就已经出现了好几版不同的天阙蜕变思路和鹦鹉螺号的改造方案,各种武器配备思路。 Especially inside also installed Day Caster, later has the issue to facilitate consults momentarily. 尤其里面还装了一个铸日者,以后有问题方便随时请教。 This wave, the remedial class arrives at the ear directly. 这一波,辅导班都直接开到耳朵边上。 He shakes the head to smile, raises the box, walks toward the assembly place. 他摇头笑了笑,提起箱子,向着集合地点走去。 Even if is also left over for a half hour from the departure time, but Huai Shi as before is last person who boards the Taiyang (Sun) ship, attracted the attention of many all the way actually. 即便距离出发时间还剩下半个小时,但槐诗依旧是最后一个登上太阳船的人,一路上倒是吸引了不少人的视线。 Including idling is all right takes a stroll everywhere Raymond of ventilation. 包括闲着没事儿到处溜达透气的雷蒙德。 What is this?” He looks at the box in Huai Shi hand, appears curiously. “这是什么?”他看着槐诗手中的箱子,浮现好奇。 „, You did not treat as the secret weapon to be good.” “唔,你就当做秘密武器好了。” Huai Shi smiles, not to plan excessively to explain that hold half Ruler matter in any case along, knows that the person the fewer the better. 槐诗神秘一笑,并不打算过多解释反正自己随身揣着半个统治者的事情,知道人越少越好。 Raymond routine owed, opened own analysis artificial eye. 只是雷蒙德习惯性的欠了一把,打开了自己的分析义眼。 Then, at present one black, called out pitifully. Fired the burned black analysis chip to find out from the skull, falls on the ground, but also in made noise. 然后,就眼前一黑,惨叫一声。紧接着烧成焦黑的分析芯片从颅骨上探出,掉在了地上,还在嗤嗤作响。 In that flash, he is away from that light box, as if sneaked a peek the wheel of combustion the essential infinite pain that the magnanimous Abyss essence constitutes and gathers desperately! 在那一瞬间,他隔着那一层薄薄的箱子,仿佛窥见了其中海量深渊真髓所构成的本质无穷苦痛和绝望所汇聚成的燃烧之轮! Once erupts...... 一旦爆发开来的话…… Your mother! 你妈的! Raymond calls out in alarm makes noise: Does not want what ghost thing to bring toward my vehicle on!” 雷蒙德惊叫出声:“不要什么鬼东西都往我车上带啊!” Felt relieved, will not have the issue.” Huai Shi patted his shoulder, as before as before, without the meaning that the least bit must restrain. “放心放心,不会有问题的。”槐诗拍了拍他的肩膀,依旧如故,没有半点要收敛的意思。 Yourself were the biggest problem good!” “你自己就是最大的问题了好么!” Pretended not to hear driver's complaint, the Huai Shi footsteps to speed up behind, entered in elevator that went nonstop to the bridge. 装作没有听见身后司机的抱怨,槐诗的脚步加快,走进了直通舰桥的电梯之内。 After short rise, when the elevator door opens, sees a busy scene, was responsible for operating the scholars of instrument and auxiliary driving Sublimator had arrived in own position. 短暂的上升之后,电梯门开启时,就看到一片繁忙的景象,负责操作仪器的学者们和辅助驾驶的升华者们都已经来到了自己的位置上。 Anxious is carrying out final self-checking and investigation work. 紧张的进行着最后的自检和排查工作。 But the waiting has turned head in elevator front Luo Xian. 而等待在电梯前面的罗娴回过头。 Shows a faint smile to him. 冲着他微微一笑。 Prepared?” “准备好了么?” Also almost, but should...... the difference be not quite many?” “还差一点,但应该……差不太多了吧?” Huai Shi is raising the box, arrived above own position. 槐诗提着箱子,来到了属于自己的位置之上。 Quick, a jet black cat never knows that where corner runs, is jumping cleverly, dropped in the bosom of Huai Shi. 很快,一只漆黑的猫从不知道什么地方的角落里跑出来,灵巧的跳跃着,落进了槐诗的怀中。 After stepped on two adeptly next, the plate draws out the body, fell face down. 娴熟的踩了两下之后,盘起身子,趴下了。 Curious takes the nose to arch the white mouse gefilte fish that in the pocket cropped up, the exploratory nature licked two, licked two...... to hold down to hold the bosom big mouth finally simply licked. 好奇的拿着鼻子拱了拱口袋里冒出头的小白鼠鱼丸,试探性舔了两口,又舔了两下……最后干脆按住抱进怀里大口的舔了起来。 But in the light of innumerable instrument twinkle, report sound resounds. 而就在无数仪器闪烁的灯光中,报告的声音响起。 „The Rainbow Bridge scheduled path has opened.” “彩虹桥预定通路已经开启。” System self-check ended, all normal.” “系统自检结束,一切正常。” Central engine preheating finished.” “中央引擎预热完毕。” „The general jurisdiction of governance bureau has opened.” “统辖局的通行权限已经开放。” After the report systematic, all lines of sight turn around, look to sitting in midpoint Huai Shi, Huai Shi gawked, turn head looked that to behind the giant operation seat already Raymond who connects the innumerable copper-cored cables. 在井然有序的报告之后,所有的视线都转过来,看向坐在正中央的槐诗,槐诗愣了一下,回头看向身后巨大的操纵席上已经接入无数线缆的雷蒙德。 Raymond shows the whites of the eyes: You are Legion are long, you biggest, looks at me to do? Orders cannot?” 雷蒙德翻了个白眼:“你是军团长,你最大,看我干什么?下命令不会啊?” Huai Shi smiled. 槐诗笑了起来。 That walks, everyone.” “那就走吧,各位。” He by the chair, was hugging the mouse and cat, looked for a comfortable posture, looks to the huge screen. 他靠在了椅子上,抱着老鼠和猫,找了个舒服的姿势,看向了眼前庞大的屏幕。 Probably can see beyond the remote depth to summon own storm and war such. 就好像看得到遥远深度之外呼唤着自己的风暴和战争那样。 Being able not help is smiling. 情不自禁的微笑着。 Us.” “我们出发。” Bang! 轰! Dazzling dazzling, embezzles all. Provides the quickest revelation forecast to renew for you, a Chapter 1313 bigger stick read free. 耀眼的眩光,吞没一切。为你提供最快的天启预报更新,第1313章更大的棒免费阅读。
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