AF :: Volume #14

#1314 Part 1: Bigger stick

When covered the Taiyang (Sun) ship in armor started the engine, then had the strong winds to blow from the dark workshop end, curled up the dust and iron filings, the sound of the tide reverberation in the air, just like played from soul. 当笼罩在装甲之中的太阳船发动了引擎,便有狂风从黑暗的车间尽头吹来,卷起尘埃和铁屑,潮声回荡在空气中,宛如从灵魂之中奏响。 Just like mountain range such. 宛如山峦那样。 The caterpillar band rotates, forwards loudly...... 履带轮转,轰然向前…… How feels?” “感觉如何?” The positively charged electron woman shot the cigarette ash, is looking at carefully own masterpiece: „ Hull Chief Head 342 point meter/rice, 52 meters in width and 41 meters in height, besides nautilus taking off and landing, the upper deck also to hold the extra two air formations to carry out the task sufficiently. However this your oneself match, the campus did not have this reserve. 阳子女士弹了弹烟灰,端详着自己的杰作:“船身总长三百四十二点米、宽52米、高41米,除了鹦鹉螺起降之外,上层甲板还足以以容纳额外两支飞行编队执行任务。不过这个你就自己去配吧,校区没这个储备了。 Besides main artillery Yixisi, the extra 14 anti-aircraft guns and 26 dual-purpose guns, can assemble over 200 fixed guns in necessary again additionally. 除了主炮伊西丝之外,还有额外十四座高射炮和二十六座高平两用炮,在必要的时候可以再额外装配二百座以上的固定机枪。 What the air defense system uses is Zeus module of Rome, provided 12 nine multiple missile launchers...... Gregory that old thing to erect enough 60 gold metallurgy matrices above over the two days, the second phase is still continuing, enough met your need. 防空系统采用的是罗马的宙斯模块,配备十二座九联装导弹发射架……格里高利那个老东西这两天在上面架设了足足六十座炼金矩阵,第二期工程还在继续,足够满足你的需求。 The power system uses three separation formula, besides Taiyang (Sun) ship's heart core, after former deployed the gold metallurgy engine, the electric power unit and Casting Furnace respectively. The convention strives enough you to open this gadget to go to Hell car race, highest output we have not measured, so long as in any case has not opened the dragon bone|keel folded, you may making of vigor. ” 动力系统采用三部分离式,除了太阳船本身的心脏核心之外,分别在前中后部署了炼金引擎、电力机组和铸造熔炉。常规出力足够你开着这玩意儿去地狱里和人飙车,最高出力我们没测过,反正只要没有把龙骨开折了,你们就可劲儿的造吧。” Numerous after general spoke a parameter, she discarded the cigarette, both hands inserted in the pants pocket, satisfied light sighed: „ Simply speaking, this is a perfect going by land fort, is war of built firepower monster various. 林林总总的大概的讲了一下参数之后,她丢掉烟卷,双手插进了裤兜里,惬意的轻叹:“简单来说,这就是一座完美的陆行要塞,为诸界之战所打造的火力怪物。 This may really be, many years, had not done such big gadget...... ” 这可真是,多少年了,没搞过这么大的玩意儿啦……” Huai Shi has not spoken. 槐诗没有说话。 Silent is listening. 沉默的听着。 Static is looking up to from oneself but loudly Taiyang (Sun) ship, above hull that pure white Utopia symbol. 静静的仰望着从自己面前轰然而过的太阳船,还有船身之上那个纯白色的理想国徽记。 This is also only starts, positively charged electron woman.” “这还只是开始呢,阳子女士。” He smiles in a soft voice: I guaranteed.” 他轻声笑起来:“我保证。” Don't with old lady pictures of cakes that has the hypertension medical history, Huai Shi.” The positively charged electron shakes the head: Has a look at your ships, the following matter gave you.” “别跟一个有高血压病史的老太婆画饼啦,槐诗。”阳子摇头:“去看看你们的船吧,接下来的事情就交给你们了。” Not same place?” Huai Shi asked. “不一起么?”槐诗问。 Does not use.” “不用了。” The positively charged electron shakes the head, stands in same place, static looks the Taiyang (Sun) ship that as if sets sail to go far away, smiled suddenly: Actually stands here, angle of view also good.” 阳子摇头,站在原地,静静的看着仿佛启航远去的太阳船,忽然笑了起来:“其实站在这里,视角也挺好的嘛。” How before to have discovered?” “以前怎么没发现呢?” She looked at one finally, the chuckle of feeling relaxed, patted the shoulder of Huai Shi, turns around to depart. 她最后看了一眼,释然的轻笑着,拍了拍槐诗的肩膀,转身离去。 Huai Shi gazes after her to go far away, until vanishing in the range of line of sight. 槐诗目送着她远去,直到消失在视线的范围里。 Walks, small 19.” “走吧,小十九。” Huai Shi said: Has a look, our ships.” 槐诗说:“去看看,我们的船。” Lin Zhongxiaowu has not spoken. 林中小屋没有说话。 Follows in his behind, static looks that form enters in light. 跟在他的身后,静静的看着那个身影走进门外的光里。 Under sunlight, the silence snake person Legion array has arranged the good long team, they throw over from the white hempen garments that in Hell brings, the waist are wearing the short sword. 在门外的阳光之下,肃静的蛇人军团阵列已经排好长队,它们披着自地狱中带来的白色麻衣,腰间佩戴着短刀。 Side, that only just like being similar to the giant lizard common mount conducts the back to be hanging their lance and saber, the ice-cold vertical pupil is staring at present the future residence. 身旁,那一只只宛如如同巨蜥一般的坐骑背上悬挂着他们的长矛和佩剑,冰冷的竖瞳正凝视着眼前未来的住所。 Even landslide general march, has not made these belts the monsters of blood of corruption vacillate. 即便是山崩一般的行进,也未曾令那些带着腐败之血的怪物们有所动摇。 But after the front door of another opening, on the conveyer belt and suspension fork, has sent in the Taiyang (Sun) ship for the power armor that the giant lizard and non- dead built. 而就在另一头开启的大门后,传送带和悬架上,一具具为巨蜥和不死者们打造的动力装甲已经送入了太阳船内。 A lot of commodities under the assistance of tower crane, from the upper deck of opening send in the goods warehouse. 大量的物资在塔吊的协助之下,从开启的上层甲板里送入货仓。 But above the vault of heaven, the huge iron crow that these hovered gathers the shadow of blotting out the sky, the sunlight of camouflage, only left behind dazzling rays to fall from the slits of iron wing. 而就在天穹之上,那些翱翔的庞大铁鸦汇聚成了铺天盖地的阴影,遮蔽的阳光,只留下一线线耀眼的光芒从铁翼的缝隙间落下。 Occasionally when dives lowers, the pair of wings of contraction packages the fierce body, in the instance of landing, the crow person who will then change into three meters surplus, throws over cape that the iron feather is interweaving becomes, the hand and foot is slender, action silent. 偶尔俯冲降下时,收缩的双翼包裹住狰狞的身躯,在落地的瞬间,便会化为三米余高的鸦人,披着铁羽交织而成的斗篷,手足纤细,举动无声。 Just like the mask of bird beak on, the eyelens are jet black. 宛如鸟喙的面具上,目镜漆黑。 Occasionally goes through in shadow that when the sunlight could not find, the body will become will be indistinct and illusory, just like bubble. 偶尔穿行在阳光找不到的阴影里的时候,身体就会变得飘渺又虚幻,宛如泡影。 Distinguishes between the calm of snake people, the iron crows seemingly exceptionally, stretches out the sharp long claw to row the outer covering and painting on Taiyang (Sun) ship excitedly once for a while, then draws on Raymond wild with rage scolding. 区别于蛇人们的沉稳,铁鸦们看上去兴奋异常,时不时伸出锋锐的长爪想要划拉一下太阳船上的外壳和喷漆,然后招来雷蒙德狂怒的呵斥。 When competes for the deck telescope with the companion, will also push and shove fights, just like attended any lively dance party to be the same. 在和同伴争夺甲板望远镜的时候,甚至还会推搡打起架来,宛如去参加什么热闹的舞会一般。 But along with filling the air the cold air/Qi, the cold frost that spreads in the land, frost Giant then carry the battle axe, walked from secret instrument bravely. 而伴随着弥漫的冷气,在大地上扩散的寒霜中,霜巨人们便扛着战斧,从秘仪中昂首阔步的走了出来。 In the huge body of five meters surplus proliferates the frost armor of muscle and inborn supplementary that the dragon is tying. 五米余高的庞大身躯上遍布着虬结的肌肉和天生附带的冰霜护甲。 Exudes the azure pale skin slightly just like the corpse, but proliferates on the face of beard, a pair of eye pupil is scarlet, as if is always burning the flame is the same. 略微泛起青色的苍白皮肤宛如死尸,但遍布胡须的面孔上,一双眼瞳却是猩红的,仿佛无时不刻都在燃烧着的火焰一样。 Complies with your order, your excellency.” “遵从您的命令,阁下。” Is frost Giant of head knees down toward Huai Shi, victory and liquor, are your.” 为首的霜巨人向着槐诗单膝跪地,“胜利与酒,都是您的。” I will also grant you, looks like such that my teacher makes.” “我也会赐予你,就像是我的老师所做的那样。” Huai Shi puts out a hand, is pressing his shoulder: Does not need to look on as an outsider, Sigurd nobilities, I have prepared the residence and good wine for you, drinks to heart's content heartily.” 槐诗伸手,按着他的肩膀:“不必见外,西格德王侯,我已经为你们准备好了住所和美酒,尽情畅饮吧。” Your gracious gift, your excellency.” “您的恩赐,阁下。” Sigurd grins, because of not turning toward the present young people submits to feel any shame, huge strength that because instead in opposite party soul that surges but excited wants to tremble. 西格德咧嘴,未曾因向着眼前的年轻人屈服而感受到任何的羞辱,反而因为对方灵魂之中那涌动的庞大力量而兴奋的想要发抖。 Quick, frost Giant then go on board under the leadership of Lin Zhongxiaowu, where then entrained the person to ask around the abattoir. 很快,霜巨人们便在林中小屋的带领之下登船,然后拽着人到处打听角斗场在哪里了。 Huai Shi gazes after them to go far away, then, hears the breathing that heard behind. 槐诗目送着他们远去,然后,听见了身后传来的呼吸声。 Chuckle. 轻笑。 When he turn head, sees the smile of Luo Xian. 当他回头时,就看到罗娴的笑脸。 Brings own traveler's backpack as before, as if own the whole world stopper in such. 依旧带着自己的旅行背包,仿佛将属于自己的整个世界都塞在里面那样。 When Huai Shi turn head looks, then nondescript bends the waist to salute slightly. 槐诗回头看过来时,便不伦不类的微微弯腰行礼。 Salutes to you, Legion is long your excellency.” She asked seriously: You also need a sympathizing retinue, since?” “向您致敬,军团长阁下。”她郑重发问:“请问您还需要一位体贴的扈从吗?” Salutes to you, Princess.” “向您致敬,公主殿下。” Huai Shi bends the waist to salute similarly, after two people smile, Huai Shi then asked: „Did all things arrange?” 槐诗同样弯腰行礼,两人相视一笑之后,槐诗便问道:“所有的事情都安排好了?” „, It is not the cancellation reservation of hotel is a little mainly troublesome, father there arrives also very well speaks, but said that next time will meet to kill your anything......” “唔,主要是旅馆的取消预订有点麻烦,父亲那里到还挺好说话,只是说下次见面打死你什么的……” Un?!” Huai Shi delay. “嗯?!”槐诗呆滞。 Cracks a joke.” The Luo Xian smile is even more happy, added: Father only said hits half dead to come.” “开玩笑的。”罗娴笑容越发愉快,紧接着补充道:“父亲只说了‘打个半死’来着。” In any case almost......” “反正都差不多……” Huai Shi is enduring impulsion that covers the face, deep sigh: On ship lives will perhaps not facilitate, what other demands but also there are? I can look for the small reason solution.” 槐诗忍着捂脸的冲动,长叹:“船上生活恐怕不会便利,还有什么其他的需求么?我可以找小缘解决。” Other does not matter, but can arrange a good room to be good to me.” “其他的都无所谓,不过能给我安排一个好房间就好了。” She looks at Huai Shi, blinks: From you about.” 她看着槐诗,眨了眨眼睛:“距离你近一点的。” „...... The condition is limited, I, as far as possible.” “……条件有限,我,尽量。” Huai Shi difficult is maintaining the tranquil expression, the heartbeat such as beats a drum. 槐诗艰难的保持着平静的表情,心跳如擂鼓。 That asked you.” “那就拜托你啦。” Luo Xian lifted up the backpack again, moves toward on the ship. 罗娴再度扛起了背包,走向船上。 But in Huai Shi behind, several giant trucks, the load the huge instrument, the coordinate tower crane has been conducting the final installment and debugging loudly. 而就在槐诗身后,几辆巨大的卡车轰然而过,负载着庞大的仪器,配合塔吊进行着最后的安装和调试。 A piece busy, Huai Shi is a little instead at a loss. 一片繁忙中,槐诗反而有点无所适从。 Time then saw not far away looked enough own is lively is smiling happy Russell. 只是,回头的时候便看到了不远处看够了自己的热闹正笑得开心的罗素 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Huai Shi walks up: Probably smiled steals the fox of chicken to be the same.” 槐诗走上前去:“笑得好像偷了鸡的狐狸一样。” Shouldn't be happy?” “难道不应该开心么?” Russell asked back: Regarding the teacher, what in the world also has to compare favorably with see that own student can assume sole responsibility for an important task the gratified matter?” 罗素反问:“对于老师而言,世界上还有什么能比得上看到自己的学生能够独当一面更加欣慰的事情么?” „......” “……” Huai Shi silent half of the day, awkward reminder: You are not suitable the path of sentimental play, can we trade a repertoire?” 槐诗沉默了半天,尴尬的提醒:“你不适合走感情戏的路子,咱们能换个套路么?” My this is wholehearted, Huai Shi.” “我这可是真心实意啊,槐诗。” Russell shot a look at his one eyes, not to worry or care about at all smiling of: „ The growth of student, as the teacher biggest pride, the sorrow that is not also able to evade. 罗素瞥了他一眼,满不在意的笑了笑:“学生的成长,是作为老师最大的骄傲,同时也是无法逃避的悲哀。 Always had that day of finishing an apprenticeship, not? ” 总有出师的那一天,不是么?” I as the matter that the teacher can handle, has completed, Huai Shi.” “我作为老师能做的事情,已经做完了,槐诗。” He patted the shoulder of Huai Shi, suddenly said: How in the future to walk, looked at yourself.” 他拍了拍槐诗的肩膀,忽然说:“往后怎么走,就看你自己了。” Huai Shi shows the whites of the eyes: Looked at you saying that delimited the water to catch a fish by hand is so refinedly fresh, did not know also thinks that you must hang tomorrow.” 槐诗翻了个白眼:“瞧你说的,就连划水摸鱼都这么清新脱俗,不知道的还以为你明天就要挂了。” Is insufficient.” Russell shakes the head, said seriously: At least must arrive at the four days from now.” “不至于。”罗素摇头,严肃的说:“起码要到大后天的。” Haha, the cold joke is good.” “哈哈,冷笑话不错。” Huai Shi shows the whites of the eyes, could not do retired earlier. Do not turn into the stumbling obstacle to be an eyesore everywhere hatefully. I am very magnanimous, earlier transfers power, I can also keep the retirement room to you in Ivory Tower.” 槐诗翻了个白眼,“干不动了就早点退休吧。别变成绊脚石到处碍眼讨嫌。我这个人很大度的,早点交权,我还可以给你在象牙之塔留个养老房。” Russell lifts the hand, referred to the face of Huai Shi, silent laughs, „the progress in other aspects, although is not clear, but the appearance of despotism domineering time actually a little great person.” 罗素抬起手,指了指槐诗的面孔,无声大笑,“其他方面的长进虽然不清楚,不过专权跋扈的时候倒是挺有点大人物的样子了啊。” This is not you teaches well, Teacher?” Huai Shi rebutted with sarcasm. “这不是你教得好么,老师?”槐诗反唇相讥。 That refuels.” “那就加油吧。” Russell nods, „ when my old thing also turns into your eye-sore and stumbling obstacle time, is your time to start. 罗素点头,“等什么时候我这个老东西也变成你的眼中钉和绊脚石的时候,属于你的时代才能开始呢。 As for the present, obedient is on the tool person the battlefield, contributes labor and materials for the great undertaking of teacher. ” 至于现在,乖乖的去做工具人上战场,为老师的大业添砖加瓦吧。” Huai Shi waves, turning around to walk, after may walk two, suddenly thinks, right, Dragon Calling Flute used to me.” 槐诗挥了挥手,转身要走,可走了两步之后,忽然想起来,“对了,唤龙笛给我用一下。” You go on the line directly, does not need to ask me.” “你直接去就行,不必问我。” Russell as if understood anything, the faint smile, I believe that so long as the expense do not walk the government accounts, Mr. Isaac will not have the opinion.” 罗素仿佛明白了什么,似笑非笑,“我相信,只要费用别走公账,艾萨克先生就不会有意见。” What hides the truth from this old tortoise. 什么都瞒不过这个老王八。 Huai Shi curls the lip. 槐诗撇了撇嘴。 Turns around to depart. 转身离去。 Before going to Dragon Calling Flute, he detoured, went to a casting center. 只是去唤龙笛之前,他又绕路,去了一趟铸造中心。 Has realized in the high automation casting center under the tears of blood of lots of apprentice busy, working overtime was producing the second phase of supply armored components as before, as well as magnanimous order from each one pedigree. 已经在大量学徒的血泪之下实现了高度自动化的铸造中心里依旧一片繁忙,加班加点的生产着第二期供应的装甲零件,以及来自个个谱系的海量订单。 The terrifying high temperature from just established in new Casting Furnace that becomes to ascend. 恐怖的高温从刚刚建立而成的新型铸造熔炉中升腾而起。 But forging innumerable relic and armed flame, but is the afterheat that in furnace heart divulges. Its genuine main body under the land, extends following the innumerable pipelines, the entanglement, is ordinary just like the complicate tree root. 而锻造出无数遗物和武装的火焰,不过是炉心之中所泄露出的余热。它真正的主体就在大地之下,顺着无数管道延伸,纠缠,宛如盘根错节的树根一般。 Finally, gathers in the huge space. 最后,汇聚在庞大的空间之中。 In the huge light beam, just like having Giant rolls up the deep sleep to be the same, the huge outline often appears the fierceness of steel, if distinguishes carefully, then can from detected that the iron crystal multiplies the slow growth that gradually extends. 庞大的光柱里,宛如有巨人蜷缩着沉睡一般,庞大的轮廓不时浮现出钢铁的狰狞,倘若仔细分辨的话,便能够从其中察觉到铁晶逐步增殖延伸的缓慢生长。 And even, that just like the iron book that the heart called generally. 乃至,那一本宛如心脏一般鸣动的铁书。 How feels?” “感觉如何?” Huai Shi put out a hand, knocked the surface of light beam, sent regards toward. 槐诗伸手,敲了敲光柱的表面,向着里面问候。 Crisp, the water temperature is just comfortable, is well-performing, without issue.” Beelzebub's depressed sound transmits from inside: „The reorganization of body core skeleton had shortened two cycles......” “爽诶,水温正舒服啊,状态良好,没有问题。”别西卜沉闷的声音从里面传来:“机体核心骨架的重组已经缩短了两个周期了……” That is good, relieved growth.” “那就好,安心发育。” Huai Shi smiled: „After don't waits for you to grow, the wars of various ended, that was awkward.” 槐诗笑了:“只是别等你发育完了之后,诸界之战就结束了,那就尴尬了。” „, Which is so quick?” “切,哪儿那么快?” The response that Beelzebub drips greatly, comes across anything to remember that in any case selects Gou dwell carefully, when the brothers I good to support you, when the time comes makes you open Osiris again!” 别西卜大喇喇的回应,“反正遇到什么事情记得小心点苟住啊,等兄弟我好了就去支援你,到时候再让你开奥西里斯!” Good.” “好啊。” Huai Shi nods. 槐诗颔首。 Then, looks the iron thick liquid that surges goes against the attraction to raise, on the social climbing that huge skeleton, embezzles all again is one of them. 就这样,看着涌动的铁浆逆着引力升起,再度攀附上那一具庞大的骨架,将一切吞没在其中。 Is listening attentively to Giant in the low and deep breath that in the embryo transmits. 倾听着巨人在胚胎中传来的低沉呼吸。 For a long time, closed the lamp for him. 许久,为他关上了灯。 Front door silent locking up. 大门无声的锁闭。 But before the departure time cuts off for one hour, Huai Shi arrived under the white high tower finally, is in the Dragon Calling Flute secret instrument huge space. 而就在出发时间截止一个小时之前,槐诗终于来到了白色高塔之下,属于唤龙笛秘仪的庞大空间之中。 In the gatekeepers lowered the head the guardian who read a newspaper to lift the eye to shoot a look at his one eyes, after nodding, then opened the front door, lowered the head to continue to read the newspaper. 门房里低头看报的守卫者抬起眼睛瞥了他一眼,点了点头之后,便开启了大门,低头继续看报纸。 Whatever Huai Shi comes and goes out this stretch of forbidden area that freely is the principal. 任由槐诗自由出入这一片属于属于校长的禁区。 The space that the innumerable steel structure form does not have the slight change as before, when lights shine, the innumerable Abyss cries under the enlargement of search lens, appear at present. 无数钢铁构架形成的空间依旧没有丝毫的改变,而当一盏盏灯光亮起时,无数深渊的鸣动就在探镜的放大之下,浮现在眼前。 But this time, Huai Shi not mixed sound stays from that innumerable difference and is too long. 只不过这一次,槐诗并没有从那无数的分歧和杂响之中停留太久。 Pulled out Book of Fate neatly, inserted in the most middle scoop channel. 干脆利落的掏出了命运之书,插入了最中间的凹槽里。 After the page the countless coordinates flashes through, the unprecedented mighty waves since Dragon Calling Flute burst out, flies toward inexhaustible Abyss. 当书页上无以计数的坐标闪过之后,前所未有的波澜自从唤龙笛之中迸发而出,向着无穷尽的深渊之中飞去。 After passing over gently and swiftly the strange stars of storm and innumerable weeping blood of surging projected, went down to the dark most deep place. 掠过了涌动的风暴和无数泣血的诡异星辰投影之后,深入了黑暗的最深处。 In coming from the elementium resonance, got a lonely response. 在来自源质的共鸣之中,得到了一个冷清的回应。 Signal connection. 讯号接通。 But at this moment, in the darkness, is still dead silent. 但此刻,黑暗里,依旧寂然无声。 Only then appears just like the illusory image general fuzzy outline faintly, resembling is the doubts is ordinary, has not spoken, but is waiting for the Huai Shi words. 只有宛如幻影一般的模糊轮廓隐隐浮现,似是疑惑一般,并没有说话,只是等待着槐诗的话语。 Until Huai Shi puts out a hand, launched own Casting Furnace. 直到槐诗伸手,展开了自己的铸造熔炉 What is war of time various making? Has had free time? Can come to hit the workshop lord together?” “诸界之战时候在做什么?有没有空?可以来一起打工坊主吗?” The Huai Shi sincere invitation said. 槐诗诚挚的邀请道。 In that flash, the remote illusory image shakes slightly, as if turn head. 在那一瞬间,遥远的幻影微微一震,仿佛回头。 The thundering loud sound bursts out suddenly. 轰鸣巨响骤然迸发。 In remote Abyss, as if there is blazing rainbow light to burst out, is surging raising toward Current Territories, but has not had the slight strength lowers across three big blockades and frontier territory lines of defense. 在遥远的深渊里,仿佛有炽热的虹光迸发,向着现境激荡着升起,但却未曾有丝毫的力量穿过三大封锁和边境防御阵线降下。 But when that bunch of weak rays descend when the hand of Huai Shi, his Casting Furnace is unexpectedly uncontrolled, revolves. 可当那一束微弱的光芒降落在槐诗的手中时,他的铸造熔炉竟然不受控制的,自行运转起来。 Is extracting his elementium, transforms as the steel, extracts the essence, gives the qualitative change, remoulds the shape, gives soul. 抽取着他的源质,转化为钢铁,萃取出精华,予以质变,重塑形状,赋予灵魂 Arrived finally, the face of Ruler appears from the furnace. 到最后,统治者的面孔从熔炉之中浮现。 Visits him. 看着他。 Good.” Day Caster replied. “好。”铸日者回答。 Huai Shi delay. 槐诗呆滞。 Vacant looks that actually the condition did not discuss arrives at Ruler in Ivory Tower directly, had not expected that the opposite party is so unexpectedly agile. 茫然的看着竟然连条件都不谈就直接降临在象牙之塔中的统治者,未曾预料到对方竟然如此利索。 It is not able to understand, why...... 也无法理解,为什么…… Only has a head? 只有一个头? Right, at this moment in Huai Shi at present, head that only then metal builds. 没错,此刻就在槐诗的眼前,只有一颗金属打造的头颅。 The silver hair, fair face and even nimble and resourceful eye pupil snow, all so lifelike, as winking of double pupil moves, the faint nimble and resourceful ray then appears from the eye pupil, since is bright. 如雪的银发、白皙的面孔乃至灵动的眼瞳,一切都是如此的栩栩如生,随着双眸的眨动,隐隐的灵动光芒便从眼瞳之中浮现,亮起。 Was own this...... the head of Day Caster making? 自己这是……把铸日者的脑袋给造出来了? At this moment, her line of sight has swept from the surroundings, quick, then penetrated the innumerable stop and wall barrier probably, sneaked a peek at distant casting center the fire of furnace. 此刻,她的视线从周围扫过,很快,便好像透过了无数阻拦和壁障,窥见了远方铸造中心的熔炉之火。 Therefore, in facial expression with deep veneration then appears gratified. 于是,肃然的神情中便浮现出一丝欣慰。 Huai Shi, you do very well.” 槐诗,你做得很好。” Does not have any comparing favorably with makes the Caster technique spread again above this world, can let the Day Caster gratified matter. 再没有什么比得上让铸造者的技艺流传在这一片世界之上,能够更让铸日者欣慰的事情了。 Even if belonged to their world dead. 即便属于他们的世界已经死去。 But king of Men casting the blessings, is caring for the successors as before. 但铸造之王们的赐福,依旧眷顾着后继者们。 „, cough cough, thanks the praise.” Huai Shi does not know how to respond. “呃,咳咳,谢谢夸奖。”槐诗不知道怎么回应。 My main body is busy at other all things, temporarily leaves inconveniently.” “我的本体正忙其他的一切事情,暂时不便抽身。” The head replied: „ Current Territories matter, I had heard. Even without the approval of talented person conference, in the past azure boundary, you still became the king of casting sufficiently, Huai Shi. 头颅回答道:“现境的事情,我已经听说。即便没有贤人会议的认可,在昔日的青境,你也足以成为铸造之王了,槐诗 If you need to help, part of consciousness structures are auxiliary, should be enough. ” 如果你需要帮助的话,一部分意识构造辅助,应该已经足够。” Huai Shi is looking at carefully her strange appearance, cannot bear some bare: Your this, I...... am not good to arrange.” 槐诗端详着她诡异的样子,忍不住有些头秃:“那您这样,我也……不好安排啊。” Might as well, looks for a jar, along with the casual attire places your warship is.” “无妨,找个罐子,随便装起来放在你那一艘战船就是。” Day Caster looked at all around, finally the line of sight fell above the arm of Huai Shi, in Casting Furnace quick then departed more than ten structure strange iron sheets, when each other joining together, then covered above her head, formed a square strange black box. 铸日者看了看四周,最后视线落在了槐诗的手臂之上,铸造熔炉中很快便飞出了十几块构造古怪的铁片,当彼此拼合的时候,便笼罩在了她的头颅之上,形成了一个四四方方的古怪黑箱。 Actually the interior is any strange structure, the trace, slit and even the weight is changing incessantly always. 不止内部究竟是什么诡异的构造,纹路、缝隙乃至重量都在无时不刻的变化着。 Exists in this, made day of error one call. 只是存在于此,就令天阙一阵鸣动。 The quiet parrot conch sends out the silent length to recite. 沉寂的鹦鹉螺号发出无声的长吟。 When falls starts the instance, in the consciousness of Huai Shi appeared the countless record, Chaos star chain, Three-phase transformation, Good fortune super craftsmanship The unique skill of waiting for the king of casting, really has the new comprehension to well up. 当落入手中的瞬间,槐诗的意识中就浮现出了数之不尽的记录,【混沌星链】、【三相转换】、【造化天工】等等铸造之王的绝技,竟然有新的领悟涌上心头。 But are more, is almost in instantaneously the Huai Shi brain brace exploded various design drawings, the design drawings and blueprint, countless structure, manufacture and re-equipping way as well as application method. 而更多的,则是几乎在瞬间将槐诗脑子撑爆了的各种设计图、设计图和设计图,无以计数的构造、制作和改装方式以及应用方法。 The ultra giant mechanical living body constructs I, II and III structures, tower of vein constitution and construction ways of collection source relaying again application brief analysis, air zone management system and even 16 relaying and innumerable terminal five side, even, files and even the final design construction including the Land of Dusk several hundred drafts...... 超巨型机械生体构造I、II、III型构造,五方之塔脉络构成、集源中继再应用浅析、空域管理系统乃至十六种中继和无数末端的构建方式,甚至包括黄昏之乡的数百个草案、备案乃至最终的设计构建…… So that's how it is, is this, should be like this right! 原来如此,就是这样,应该这样才对! Inspiration, continuous reappearing! 灵感,源源不断的浮现! Has flash that he felt that oneself almost understood all. 有那么一瞬间,他感觉自己几乎理解了一切。
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