AF :: Volume #14

#1313: Big stick

When Taiyang (Sun) raises from the end of land again. 太阳再度从大地的尽头升起。 The bamboo tube knocking of startled deer resounds from the refined garden, reverberates in the silence. 惊鹿的竹筒敲击声从雅致的庭院中响起,回荡在寂静之中。 In Rokumeikan a deathly stillness...... 鹿鸣馆内一片死寂…… The envoy who in those days gathered together to quarrel continuous high-ranking court officials dumbfounded looks at the return at this moment, unbelievable, several lips opened and closed unable to send out sound. 往日汇聚一堂总要争吵不休的公卿们此刻目瞪口呆的看着归来的使者,难以置信,几番嘴唇开阖都发不出声音来。 Until the envoy is sighing, from king's of that Tanba the request repeated one again, the indoor resounded sound of piece of holding breath cold air/Qi. 直到使者叹息着,将来自那位丹波之王的要求再次重复了一遍之后,室内才响起了一片倒吸冷气的声音 And even, chokes to cough. 乃至,呛咳。 700,000 standard elementium crystallization?” Loosen forever supervised Duke took off the eyeglasses, the delay: This and this were also too odd a point.” “七十万份的标准源质结晶?”松永氏的督公摘下了眼镜,呆滞:“这、这也太离谱了一点。” „Is his original words?” “这是他的原话?” Some people do not believe, opens the mouth to turn toward the envoy to ask. 有人不相信,开口向着使者发问。 The facial expression of envoy stagnates, probably by stabbing strategic point such, but when others are preparing to open the mouth angrily rebukes to launch an attack, then showed the bitter and astringent smile: You determined you want to listen to that original words?” 使者的神情一滞,好像被刺中要害那样,而就在其他人正准备开口怒斥发难的时候,便露出了苦涩的笑容:“您确定您想听‘那位’的‘原话’?” Suddenly, indoor atmosphere stagnates again. 一时间,室内的氛围再度一滞。 No one spoke. 没人说话了。 Clearly, everyone was old, the heart is not quite good, possibly to frigid real a little meets unable to bear. 很明显,大家年纪已经大了,心脏不太好,可能对惨烈的真实有点接受不了。 That is adjusts the attorney...... 那可是调律师啊…… You can also count on that what word of praise he did speak to you? Your face is big, has the governance bureau is so big? Even presides the bureau, wasn't upset the table to point at the face to scold by him directly? 你还能指望他跟你说什么好话么?你面子再大,难道有统辖局那么大?就算是统辖局,不也被他直接掀桌子指着脸开骂么? Others maintain the Current Territories indispensable pillar/backbone and pillar of the state, how many minute/share of faces even if will curse at people will still save, which gadget you will calculate? 人家好歹还是维护现境不可或缺的支柱和栋梁呢,就算骂人也是会留几分面子的,你又算哪个玩意儿? After comprehending the pains of envoy, everyone coughed awkwardly two, pretends the safe/without matter to happen. 在领会了使者的苦心之后,大家尴尬的咳嗽了两声,装作无事发生过。 Treats as the king of that Tanba is very actually polite. 就当做那位丹波之王其实很礼貌吧。 Right, very polite initiates toward Rokumeikan asks for aid, very polite solicits money in the difficult period that original sin Legion starts, but very polite wanted 700,000 elementium crystallization...... 没错,很礼貌的向着鹿鸣馆发起请援,很礼貌的在原罪军团草创的艰难时期来化个缘,只是很礼貌的要了七十万份的源质结晶而已…… cough cough, politely was very right. 咳咳,很礼貌就对了。 The day must be able to pass by, do not haggle over so many. 日子总要过得去,别计较那么多。 But this also went too far!” “可这也太过分了!” Some people cannot bear want the hammer table: This is not the dollar, in this crucial point, elementium crystallizes, but precious strategic resources. Even if were pulls out to empty Rokumeikan, where can unable to find so many elementium to crystallize!” 有人忍不住想要锤桌子:“这又不是美金,这个节骨眼上,源质结晶可是珍贵的战略物资。哪怕是掏空了鹿鸣馆,又哪里能找得到这么多源质结晶来!” Clearly in lion big opens the mouth!” “分明是在狮子大张口!” Extorts, naked extorting!” “勒索,赤裸裸的勒索!” He thinks that who he is, the opens the mouth asked that we do want 700,000?” “他以为他是谁,张口就问我们要七十万?” Today shears 700,000, tomorrow will shear 500,000, will receive in exchange for an evening sleeping well...... for ever and ever, when must shear to be willing to give up!” “今日割七十万,明日割五十万,换取一夕安寝……天长地久,又要割到什么时候才肯罢休!” Here, but Yingzhou! Our solemn Yingzhou pedigree, must bow to an outcomer!” “这里可是瀛洲!我们堂堂瀛洲谱系,难道要向一个外来者低头么!” Suddenly, in Rokumeikan, an indignant complaint sound. 一时间,鹿鸣馆内,一片义愤填膺的控诉声。 Almost all people expressed firmly oneself not to the attitude that the might submits. 几乎所有人都坚决表示了自己不向强权屈服的态度。 It may be said that unity is strength, morale praise worthy. 可谓众志成城,士气可嘉。 Only pitifully, in finally, had the fellow who did not keep eyes open to ask one curiously: „, Who told him on behalf of Rokumeikan our decision?” 只可惜,在最后,有个不长眼的家伙好奇的问了一句:“那么,谁去代表鹿鸣馆去告诉他我们的决定呢?” Silent. 寂静。 Suddenly, in the silence, compared with must a moment ago a more radical silent arrival. 瞬息间,在沉默里,比刚才还要更加彻底的寂静到来。 sound that everyone even subconscious turning very quiet breath, for fear that oneself gasp for breath was treated as the vote that boldly thrusts forward, suddenly, in awkward looking at each other in blank dismay, everyone unexpectedly no one has been speaking. 所有人甚至下意识的屏住呼吸,生怕自己喘了口气儿的声音被当做挺身的表决,一时间,在着尴尬的面面相觑中,大家竟然谁都没有说话。 Even if so bad extorting. 哪怕是如此恶劣的勒索。 Opposite moving attorney takes the knife on the difference, puts in presenting on everyone's neck, asked that they did pull out this protection money...... 对面的调律师就差把刀子拿出来,搁在在座所有人的脖子上,问他们掏不掏这笔保护费了…… Your original sin Legion damn went too far. 你们原罪军团他妈的太过分了。 Garrisons in Tanba on forget about it, why even do the military expenses want our Yingzhou to pull out?! 在丹波驻军就算了,为什么连军费都要我们瀛洲来掏?! Does this matter have the natural justice? 这种事情还有天理么? Law of the land? 还有王法么? No matter governance bureau you......, the governance bureau cannot manage him, mother...... 统辖局难道你们就不管……哦,统辖局管不到他,妈的…… Thinks opposite party previous time in the Rokumeikan rampant domineering appearance, some people of been mad facial colors are pale: We do not give him also to be able we how!” 一想到对方上次在鹿鸣馆嚣张跋扈的样子,有人已经气的面色铁青:“难道我们不给他还能把我们怎么样么!” In the flash, everyone's eyes hid to jump, does not dare to say unexpectedly. 一瞬间里,所有人的眼皮子跳了一下,竟然没敢接话。 This matter...... cough cough, this matter also needs to need further consideration.” “此事……咳咳,此事还需要从长计议。” Also right, the so huge fund, how must deliberate carefully is good.” “也对,如此巨大的款项,怎么都要仔细研讨一下才行。” Requires some time?” “怎么也都需要一些时间吧?” Everyone carries the teacup, talking at once is expressing own opinion. 大家端着茶杯,七嘴八舌的表达着自己的意见。 Arrived finally, the week room/house Guo Imperial Palace Duke coughed two, „the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree recent crest of wave is just abundant, moreover this time must defend Current Territories...... not to give after all, is definitely inadequate. But how to give , how to deliver, can discuss. I believe that so long as we gave fully the face, that will not make was too embarrassed, is right?” 到最后,周房国的大内公咳嗽了两声,“天国谱系最近风头正盛,况且这次毕竟是要保卫现境……不给呢,肯定是不成的。但怎么给,什么时候给,如何进行交付,也都是可以商讨的嘛。我相信,只要我们给足了面子,那位怎么也不会闹的太难堪,对不对?” Simply put, towed. 言下之意,就是拖了。 Drags. 楞拖。 Your original sin Legion do not defend Current Territories? We approved that holds up both hands both feet to approve, but the war must start to hit, can't you decline to leave? 你们原罪军团不是要保卫现境么?我们赞成啊,举起双手双脚赞成,但战争都要开始打了,你们总不能赖着不走吧? When the time grew, matter, naturally also let it go. 等时间长了,事情,自然也就不了了之了。 In any case, delays some time, can the opposite party also snatch inadequately? 反正,拖延一段时间,对方难道还能来抢不成? An experienced speech, it is expected that in should be been in abundance right the response, but at this moment, the indoor is still dead silent, in the corner does not know that is who heard one to laugh. 一番老成持重的发言,预想之中应该得到纷纷响应才对,可此刻,室内依旧寂然无声,角落里不知道是谁传来了一声嗤笑。 Imperial Palace Duke also thinks, when Minister of the Left is inadequate?” “难道大内公也想当左大臣不成?” Suddenly, the atmosphere stagnates again. 一时间,气氛再度一滞。 The Imperial Palace expression is twitching, the complexion becomes flushed looks toward that side, who unexpectedly without seeing is speaking, after may be furious, at heart unexpectedly one tight. 大内表情抽搐着,面色涨红的向着那边看去,竟然没看到是谁在说话,可震怒过后,心里竟然一紧。 During the complexion change, actually no longer spoke. 面色变化之中,竟然不再说话了。 Adjusting the attorney is spoke the custom right, but his several apprentices may adjusting the attorney are more ominous. 调律师是讲规矩的没错,可他那几个徒弟可比调律师还要凶啊。 Especially that surnamed Lin, simply is not the person! 尤其那个姓林中的,简直不是人! Minister of the Left does not bless the dojo rebel who in several Yellow Springs Hirasaka ran, the dog that finally the whole family dies does not have remaining, even the egg in kitchen gave to swing dispersed yellow, can't be that bad! 左大臣不就是庇佑了几个黄泉比良坂里跑出来的道场叛徒么,结果一家人死的狗都没剩下,连厨房里的鸡蛋都给摇散了黄,何至于此啊! Minister of the Left died, don't you fear death? The south that outside under Rokumeikan that old wryneck subtree buries Duke is still visiting you...... 况且,左大臣都死了,你难道就不怕死么?鹿鸣馆外面的那颗老歪脖子树下面埋的南部公还在看着你呢…… Actually is like grieve for like, feels indignant but not daring to speak out, suddenly, the sad low and deep atmosphere floods at the session, but also some senior high-ranking court officials extremely have been insulted, lifted the sleeve to sob in a low voice. 究竟是兔死狐悲呢,还是敢怒不敢言呢,一时间,悲戚低沉的气氛充斥席间,还有的老公卿已经不堪受辱,抬起袖子低声哽咽了起来。 Losing dignity and having the country insulted, is loses dignity and has the country insulted simply!” “丧权辱国,简直是丧权辱国啊!” Simply is cultural decadence!” “简直是斯文扫地!” Celestial Emperor, the so serious matter...... takes the lord of Yingzhou, shouldn't stand to argue strongly based on reason?” Wipes the tears senior high-ranking court official to open the mouth to ask. 上皇呢,如此严重之事……难道作为瀛洲之主,不应该站出来据理力争么?”抹着眼泪的老公卿开口问道。 Suddenly, everyone is dumbfounded. 一时间,所有人哑口无言。 Celestial Emperor? 上皇呢? Celestial Emperor in sutras. 上皇在诵经。 Since previous Minister of the Left dies, that Celestial Emperor has given a pretext frightened, admitted welldoing to owe, closed door to study thoroughly the Buddhist doctrine in Famen Temple. 自从上一次左大臣死后,那位上皇就一直借口受惊,自言‘德行有亏’,在法门寺闭门研习佛法。 No matter all things, eight winds are motionless, has suspended. 万事不管,八风不动,早就已经摆了起来。 Explicit that the attitude expressed: You court death, do not implicate me, the blood splashes to my clothes on is very difficult to wash. 态度表示的很明确:你们自己找死,不要连累我,血溅到我衣服上很难洗的。 Mr. Renet? The governance bureau must look on the matters of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree line of so oppressor!” “勒内先生呢?统辖局难道就要坐视天国谱系行如此虎狼之事么!” Some people think finally, quickly invited Renet Buddha. 总算有人想起来,赶快去请勒内佛祖。 Renet? 那勒内呢? Very regrettable, Renet goes to work in London, since others previous times were adjusted London, governance bureau Yingzhou also enters the off-line condition simply. 很遗憾,勒内在伦敦上班,自从人家上次被调到伦敦之后,统辖局瀛洲这边干脆也进入离线状态。 Yingzhou and Silla, brushed off the country to merge into the matter of Asian Branch to be settled, in addition everyone could not take care of oneself, where bypassed your broken matter sometimes. 瀛洲、新罗、掸国并入亚洲分部的事情已经是板上钉钉了,大家尚且自顾不暇,哪里有时间管你的破事情。 Kingdom of Heaven pedigree is too near, Renet is too far, how? 天国谱系太近,勒内太远,奈之若何? In sorrowful atmosphere, some people could not bear finally, tittered, smiled one. 就在一片悲哀气氛之中,有人终于忍不住了,噗嗤,笑了一声。 When others glower, carries the fruit tray to look that lively Satomi clan Kohaku (amber) Duke wiped the mouth, pities to shake the head: Now appearance, reminds me of Eastern Xia past events actually......” this 就当其他人怒目而视的时候,端着果盘看完了热闹的里见氏琥珀公擦了擦嘴,怜悯摇头:“如今诸位的模样,倒是让我想起了一段东夏往事……”这 She stopped, the smile teased: full towards/dynasty the high-ranking court official, clear(ly) cried the night, can the night cried clearly, crying dead Dong Zhuo?” 她停顿了一下,笑容戏谑:“满朝公卿,明哭到夜,夜哭到明,难道能哭死董卓么?” The Chiba of Shimousa province Duke is angry immediately, „does the Satomi clan have what respected opinion? Makes everyone study you to be the same, acts in collusion with Eastern Xia?” 下总国的千叶公顿时大怒,“里见氏又有何高见?难道让大家都学你一般,同东夏沆瀣一气么?” You want to study actually, others either?” “你们倒是想学呢,人家要么?” Kohaku (amber) calm shot a look at his one eyes: Wants me to give you an application form?” 琥珀淡定的瞥了他一眼:“要不要我给你一张报名表?” Suddenly, the Chiba Duke complexion reddish black change, is really attractive. 一时间,千叶公的脸色红黑变化,煞是好看。 To be furious very much the appearance of rebuttal, but wants to draw the sleeve of opposite party to buckle 1 specially to make the eldest sister relate in detail...... 很想要震怒反驳的样子,但又特别想要拉着对方的袖子扣一让大姐细说…… „, Everyone struggles, nothing but thought in the face is unattractive. Like this, here I smallest, has what words not of pleasant to hear, I first said number that...... original sin Legion wants, I handed over.” “得,大家争来争去,无非是觉得面子上不好看么。这样吧,这里我最小,有什么不好听的话,我先说……原罪军团要的数,我交了。” Kohaku (amber) drank up the tea, after wiping the mouth, set out: Fellow uncle chatted another day again.” 琥珀把茶喝完,擦了擦嘴之后起身:“各位叔伯改日再聊啊。” Then, flung the sleeve, turns around to depart. 说罢,甩了甩袖子,转身离去。 Only was left over turning round revolutions of an empty bowl on the table quite a while, stopped finally. But everyone in silence, cannot help but looks to that bowl. 就只剩下一个空空荡荡的茶碗在桌子上滴溜溜转半天,终于停了下来。而大家在沉默中,也不由自主的看向那个茶碗。 As if can see that spends general. 就仿佛能够看出一朵花来一般。 Quick, then some people set out to say goodbye, the reason is all kinds, what home has the important matter to be hard to leave, what eldest son being seriously ill daughter gets married...... 紧接着,很快,便有人起身告辞,理由五花八门,什么国内有要事难以抽身,什么长子病重小女嫁人…… Short is less than five minutes, the conference room that the life such as boiled becomes falls the needle to hear again. 短短不到五分钟,原本人生如沸的会议室再度变得落针可闻。 Is only left over will manage the loosen of conference forever Duke dull looks at the present spatial table. 只剩下主持会议的松永公呆呆的看着眼前的空桌子。 Falls into the delay. 陷入呆滞。 Reaching an agreement everyone together was slippery the shovel, why you shovel are shovelling, turned kneels slippery? 说好了大家一起滑铲,为什么你们铲着铲着,就变成滑跪了? But how besides kneels slippery can? 可除了滑跪又能怎么样呢? After all adjusts the attorney, is not shabby. 毕竟是调律师嘛,不寒碜。 Wants money, does not want everyone's life...... 只是要点钱而已,又不是要大家的命…… Situation compared with person, probably, as if perhaps...... also only then so. 形势比人强,好像、似乎、也许……也只有如此了。 Why does not know, is making the instance of this decision, the loosen Duke will also follow to relax forever unexpectedly, felt that the world as if suddenly sees the light. 不知为何,在做出这一决定的瞬间,松永公竟然也跟着松了口气,感觉天地仿佛都豁然开朗。 Why does not know, is looking at the bright sky and Taiyang (Sun), actually could not bear raise a anger, threw down and broke the bowl in hand on the table. 只是不知为何,望着明朗的天空和太阳,却忍不住升起了一阵怒火,将手里的茶碗摔碎在桌子上。 Strong beam overbearing generation, can not be long-time!” “强梁骄横之辈,不得长久!” After cursed angrily, for a long time silence, he turned around to depart in a hurry. 一声怒骂之后,许久的寂静里,他转身匆匆离去。 Tanba is waiting. 丹波等着呢。 Did not go unable to catch up 再不去就赶不上了 After three hours, in the thundering transformation workshop, Huai Shi received the report of Yuan Yuan. 三个小时后,轰鸣的改造车间里,槐诗收到了原缘的汇报。 940,000 elementium crystallization have gone into storage, 2 o'clock can deliver to original dark Legion at the latest tonight. 九十四万份儿的源质结晶已经入库,最晚今夜二点钟就能送到原暗军团来。 Must say that the high-ranking court officials are also really rich. 要说公卿们也是实在有钱啊。 Looks that on poverty and blankness and gowns must have two patches to put on, in pocket how on so many pin money? 看着一个个一穷二白、袍子上都要打两个补丁穿,口袋里怎么就这么多私房钱呢? Un, I knew.” “嗯,我知道了。” After Huai Shi hear, nods: In this case, in the following day, should that group of masters be law-abiding a point?” 槐诗听完之后,点了点头:“这样的话,接下来的日子里,那群老爷们应该会安分一点了吧?” Must say money, Huai Shi to does not lack their. 要说钱,槐诗到不缺他们这一点。 Before routine walking, overcharges two clubs, making them no damn move any blind heart to own Tanba again. 只是习惯性的走之前敲上两棒子,让他们别他妈的对着自己的丹波再动什么瞎心。 Even if did not think that they can cause anything to trouble, but adds to stop up with the disgusting person they always has one. 即便是不觉得他们能弄出什么麻烦,但添堵和恶心人他们可是从来都有一手的。 After all is Rokumeikan. 毕竟是鹿鸣馆 In Huai Shi does not want to go out one to go home to discover that the entire Tanba becomes fishy. 槐诗可不想出门一趟回到家里发现整个丹波变得乌烟瘴气。 This is the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree model project, the Current Territories sign surface, later is to sign all subordinate institutions...... 这可是天国谱系的样板工程,现境牌面,以后是要对标所有下属机构的…… As for these 700,000 elementium crystallization. 至于这七十万份的源质结晶。 Is listening many, but really must use, having the possibility is insufficient. 听着多,但真要用,有可能还不够。 After sieving, is passable, sufficed the nautilus to fire two artillery actually, but the parrot conch lived by this gadget is also too shabby. 筛完了之后凑合凑合,倒是够鹦鹉螺开两炮了,但鹦鹉螺号靠这玩意儿过日子也太寒碜了。 Forwards to the vice-president.” “转给副校长吧。” Huai Shi said: „The school affairs place gap was quite recently big, many also calculates that can make up.” 槐诗说:“最近校务处缺口比较大,多少也算能补一补。” Yuan Yuan nods, writes down, finally before leaving, asking of some worries: That...... Celestial Emperor there what to do?” 原缘点头,记下来,最后临走之前又有些担心的问道:“那……上皇那里怎么办?” He?” “他?” Huai Shi cannot bear smile to make noise: He must thank us.” 槐诗忍不住笑出了声:“他还要谢谢我们呢。” In entire matter happiest perhaps was that Celestial Emperor of present, now erratically refers to being unable to close up leg that smiled in Famen Temple, clapped to acclaim tuning Uncle master to hit well! 整个事情里最乐的恐怕就是如今的那位上皇了,现在指不定在法门寺里笑的合不拢腿,拍手赞叹调律师叔叔打得好! Entire Rokumeikan has been difficult to change, the high-ranking court officials named present Duke, actually separated is not a day two days. 整个鹿鸣馆已经积重难返,公卿们名为奉公,实为割据也不是一天两天了。 That group of child insects were used to oneself little plot of land despotically, takes it for granted, but must have a person to remind them not to have Celestial Emperor, their anything is not. 那帮子虫豸在自己的一亩三分地儿里专横惯了,就觉得理所当然,但总要有个人来提醒一下他们没了上皇,他们什么都不是。 Words said that small 19.” “话说,小十九啊。” After Yuan Yuan departs, being in a daze Huai Shi shouted one suddenly. 原缘离去之后,发呆的槐诗忽然喊了一声。 Un?” Lin Zhongxiaowu of following standby goes forward puzzled, actually sees the teacher hesitant facial expression, seems making any difficult decision to be the same. “嗯?”后面待命的林中小屋不解上前,却看到老师犹豫的神情,仿佛在做什么艰难的决定一样。 For a long time, suddenly asking suddenly: „Do you want to be the general?” 许久,忽然冷不丁的问:“你想要当将军么?” „?” “啊?” Lin Zhongxiaowu delay. 林中小屋呆滞。 Subconscious wants to ask any general. 下意识的想问一句什么将军。 Can in Yingzhou, the second general be worth Huai Shi raising? 可在瀛洲,还有第二个将军值得槐诗一提么? But this...... the step a little steps was too big? 可这……步子是不是有点迈的太大了? The teacher you really did not fear pulls the egg? 老师您是真不怕扯到蛋么? All right, but also is far.” “没事儿,还远呢。” Saw that the Lin Zhongxiaowu appearance, Huai Shi indifferent waving, „ careful thinks . Not is quite truly appropriate. Yingzhou pedigree is so small, not being able to do well to you are shackles. 眼看着林中小屋的样子,槐诗无所谓的挥了挥手,“仔细一想,.确实不太妥当。况且瀛洲谱系这么小,搞不好对你来说还是个桎梏。 When I have not said. ” 当我没说吧。” He responded, this matter was a little truly troublesome. 他才反应过来,这事儿确实有点麻烦。 Was is rash. 是自己莽撞了。 After all that side Eastern Xia obviously is to hold younger sister Kohaku (amber) one, oneself must very small 19 words, the cousin be not necessarily able to agree when the time comes the condition might be awkward. 毕竟东夏那边明显是想要扶琥珀妹妹一把的,自己要挺小十九的话,大表哥未必会同意,到时候状况有可能会尴尬。 After accommodating, reconsiders. 还是容后再议吧。 As for Yingzhou pedigree agreed that...... they are side? 至于瀛洲谱系同不同意……他们算边个啊? Must try hard, small 19.” “要努力呀,小十九。” Thinks of here, Huai Shi patted the shoulder of Lin Zhongxiaowu finally, sincere. 想到这里,槐诗最后拍了拍林中小屋的肩膀,语重心长。 Otherwise your future unit of work, the teachers were not good to arrange. 要不然你将来的工作单位,老师都不好安排了。 Lin Zhongxiaowu:??? 林中小屋:??? But quick, he could not attend to pursues the teacher that advanced brain circuit again. 可很快,他就顾不上再去追逐自己老师那过于超前的脑回路了。 With front door of workshop loudly opening. 伴随着车间轰然开启的大门。 His line of sight, is attracted by the huge outline that appears from the darkness slowly. 他的视线,已经被从黑暗中缓缓浮现的庞大轮廓所吸引。 Under the armor, the Djinn of steel shook off the fetter of scaffold layer upon layer, all the stops of being worth mentioning after the dust is grinding together, slow forwarding. 层层装甲之下,钢铁的巨灵挣脱了脚手架的束缚,将一切不值一提的阻拦连同着尘埃一起碾碎之后,缓慢的向前。 Is the shadow that casts, covers Lin Zhongxiaowu is one of them. 仅仅是投下的阴影,就将林中小屋笼罩在其中。 Is same just like the hills that facing the duplicate pressure is coming. 宛如面对着覆压而来的群山一样。 In front of the so huge monster, cannot live any strength of resistance completely. 在如此庞大的怪物面前,完全生不起任何的反抗之力。 This is......” “这就是……” He loses one's voice the exclamation: 他失声惊叹: „...... Taiyang (Sun) ship?” “……太阳船?” . The cell phone version renews the quickest website: 。手机版更新最快网址:
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