AF :: Volume #14

#1312: Final time

Strange matter is happening. 奇怪的事情在发生。 Everyone feels, the recent time is becoming and past gradually is different. 每个人都感觉到,最近的时光在变得和往日渐渐不同。 Abnormal phenomenon that the security item that the mighty waves unceasing stock market, the streets and lanes more and more frequent police patrol, the broadcast and in the television program issues orders repeatedly, each region frequency sends...... 波澜不断的股市,街头巷尾越来越频繁的警察巡逻,广播和电视节目中三令五申的安全事项,还有各地频发的异常现象…… After last year rainstorm and drought continuously, the strange high temperature and hiemal climate appear one after another, but spreads among all sorts of strange hearsay in long-distance drivers is also getting more and more. 继去年连续不断的暴雨和干旱之后,古怪的高温和寒冷气候接连出现,而流传在长途司机之间的种种奇怪传闻也越来越多。 Most of them met the heavy rain and storm or are the strong winds and thick fog weather, opened following the road, actually the place met the new city on the map has not labelled. 其中大多数都是遇到了大雨、暴雪或者是狂风、浓雾天气,顺着公路开,却在地图上从没有标注过的地方遇到了新的城市。 Also some people pull out the cell phone to photograph full of enthusiasm, but finally, will soon have the person politeness of wear strange uniform/subdue or not that specially polite returns to the original place them. 还有人兴致勃勃的掏出手机想要拍照,不过最后,很快会有穿着奇怪制服的人礼貌或者不那么特别礼貌的将他们送回原本的地方。 The city that does not have, leaves for the hearsay and discussion that the motorcade and grotesque and gaudy mirage illusion of unknown region trigger continuously, spiritual energy recovery like this incredible topic spreads suddenly again. 不存在的城市、开往未知区域的车队和光怪陆离的蜃楼幻象所引发的传闻和探讨接连不断,一时间就连‘灵气复苏’这样的荒诞话题都再度流传开来。 Other more people possibly listen occasionally, but sighs with emotion two is really strange, but said , will then not care, even if comes across any strange matter occasionally, could not have had any curious exploration feeling by the exhausted mind that the busy and difficult grown life suffers. 其他更多的人可能只是偶尔听一听,但感慨两句真是离奇,但说完之后便不会在意,即便是偶尔遇到什么奇怪的事情,被繁忙且劳苦的成年生活所折磨的疲惫心灵也已经生不出什么好奇的探索感了。 Even if really saw the inconceivable scene, should still only talk about to others when drinking occasionally, then said two really oddly and so on, does not care. 即便是真的看到了不可思议的景象,也只会在偶尔酒后时对别人谈及,然后说两句真离谱啊之类的话,不去在意。 Until the one day of evening. 直到有一天的晚上。 In the noise metropolis, the crowded pedestrian street, carries the photographer of brand-new camera to look all around in the crowd, is searching in the nightlife these fashion pretty forms. 喧嚣的都市之中,人来人往的步行街,端着崭新照相机的摄影师正环顾在人群中,寻觅着夜生活中那些时尚靓丽的身影。 Male or female. 或男或女。 The person who often these and companion chatted will not refuse to come from the street racket of photographer, instead can coordinate stayed in happiest side the picture. 往往那些和同伴谈笑的人也不会拒绝来自摄影师的街拍,反而会配合的将自己最美好的一面留在相片上。 But under twining the trees of lamp belt/bring, he saw the girl of tonight's brightest eye. 而就在缠绕着灯带的树木之下,他看到了今晚最亮眼的女孩儿。 Solicited without enough time agreed, subconscious, pressed down the shutter. 来不及征求同意,下意识的,按下了快门。 But when detected that the girl turns head, looks like the stunned vision of time toward oneself, then raised to be ashamed and awkward spontaneously. 可当察觉到女孩儿回头,向着自己看来时候的愕然目光,便油然升起了一阵惭愧和尴尬。 While he wants to explain the time, then sees, the increasing number of people, toward the vision that oneself cast. 只是,正当他想要解释的时候,便看到,越来越多的人,向着自己投来的目光。 Shocking, vacant and puzzled. 震惊、茫然和不解。 In the silence of flash, on as if entire street everyone looked to him, making him in same place, helpless. 一瞬间的寂静里,仿佛整个街道上所有人都看向了他,令他愣在原地,手足无措。 Until finally, him discovered, everyone does not look to oneself...... 直到最后,他才发现,所有人并不是看向自己…… Rather, own behind. 而是,自己的身后。 When turning head of his delay, then sees behind that similarly silent street, above vault of heaven dim light of night. 当他呆滞的回头,便看到身后那同样寂静的街道,还有天穹之上夜色。 Moon that and even, in the dim light of night raises. 乃至,夜色中升起的月亮。 Moon! 月亮! So huge. 如此的庞大。 Was minimum than in a big way before three, no, five times, eight times! 比以前起码大三,不,五倍,八倍! Even, is only half. 甚至,只是一半而已。 From the horizon, rise slowly, as if must cover to be one of them the entire nighttime sky! 从地平线之下,缓缓的上升,仿佛要将整个夜空都要覆盖在其中! This also......” “这也……” He loses one's voice twittering: Too...... excessive?” 他失声呢喃:“太……过头了吧?” When once was quiet and clear bright moonlight such when close, everywhere star light then thorough dim. From bird's eye view of that solemn and respectful moon, brought not to realize anxiety that the huge pressure, and even...... was from the heart. 当曾经静谧而澄澈的明月如此的靠近时,漫天的星光便彻底黯淡。自那肃穆月轮的俯瞰中,带了未曾体会过的庞大压力,乃至……发自内心的不安。 In the gaze of countless person delay, the whole world seemed illuminated by the unprecedented bright moonlight. 在无数人呆滞的注视中,整个世界仿佛都被前所未有的明月所照亮了。 After two hours, the news media, broadcasting station and television news the emergence of long in coming various explanations, the meteorologist and astronomer from various places were employed are speaking with confidence to the lens, under the moist condition after rainstorm in the approach points and even all sorts of views and explanations refraction effect and cislunar track that presents day after day, how the phenomenon marvelous sight unseen in 1000 years, gave the perfect explanation to all. 一直到两个小时之后,新闻媒体、电台和电视新闻才姗姗来迟的出现了各种解释,从各处被延请来的气象学家和天文学家对着镜头侃侃而谈,在连日暴雨之后的潮湿状况下所出现的折射效应、地月轨道的接近点乃至种种说法和解释,1000年不遇的现象奇观如何如何,对所发生的一切做出了完美的解释。 Everyone sent the friend circle, showed after the opportunity white, drove or achieved what ambiguous small goal, then the so-called celestial phenomenon will throw after the brain, the human affairs was usual. 大家发完了朋友圈,借着机会表了白、开了车或者是达成了什么暧昧小目的之后,便将所谓的天象抛在了脑后,世事如常。 But after all sorts of information, from Silver Sea erects the new subconscious shield rule silence are deep the concealed merit and name , to continue to stay up late since working overtime patching to drift away the shadow and loophole in sea...... 而在种种资讯之后,自白银之海中架设完新型潜意识屏蔽规则的的缄默者们则深藏功与名,继续熬夜加班修补起游离在海中的阴影和漏洞…… But causes all these setters to preside the bureau, before then, entered during the intense efficient revolution early again. 而造成这一切的始作俑者统辖局,早在这之前,就再一次进入了激烈高效的运转之中。 Regulates the track of Moon, shields the disturbance of ocean current as well as complicated phenomenon that because the attraction triggers. 调控月球的轨道,屏蔽洋流的干扰以及因为引力所引发的千头万绪的现象。 Rarely can some people's above clear splendors by moon, sneak a peek at that to cover in the filling the air mist in vault of heaven and universe, and even, after the mist, weeping blood stars that in the inexhaustible darkness, closes up gradually. 很少能够有人透过月轮之上的清辉,窥见那一层笼罩在天穹和宇宙之中的弥漫薄雾,乃至,雾气之后,无穷尽的黑暗里,渐渐靠拢的泣血星辰。 Is away from just like the combustion common storm. 隔着宛如燃烧一般的风暴。 They are closing up slowly. 它们在慢慢靠拢。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事儿?” Awakened Huai Shi from the chalcedony hall changes the clothes without enough time, wore the pajamas to run into the Ivory Tower controlling room directly, „wasn't the reassignment of Moon so normal?” 从石髓馆里被惊醒的槐诗来不及换衣服,直接穿着睡衣冲进了象牙之塔的中控室里,“月球的调动这么不正常?” Indoor controls, has been filled with the person. 中控室内,早已经挤满了人。 Head vacant raising the head of each department, looks that on the screen enters the frontier territory line of defense of radical change. 各个部门的负责人都茫然的抬头,看着屏幕上进入剧烈变化的边境防御阵线。 The defense chain that innumerable frontier territory form in the rapid revolution, inward the contraction, after before discarding, most deep spaces, gathers the strength above Current Territories. 无数边境所形成的防御链在迅速的运转,向内收缩,舍弃了之前绝大多数的深度空间之后,将力量汇聚在现境之上。 But beside Current Territories, in the depth of being empty, then presented a huge solar flare. 而就在现境之外,原本空无一物的深度之中,则出现了一道庞大的耀斑。 Just like strange eye pupil such deep storm, is turning toward Current Territories to overlook. 宛如一只诡异的眼瞳那样的深度风暴,正向着现境俯瞰。 Storm soon stopped.” “风暴快要停了。” The Russell form appeared from the rainbow light, brings was expected the bad news: Sudden, when detecting storm exceptionally, to protect Current Territories, the decision room adjusted the track of Moon urgently, even has not started the backdrop camouflage with enough time.” 罗素的身影从虹光中出现,带来了预料之中的坏消息:“事发突然,在察觉到风暴内的异常时,为了保护现境,决策室紧急调整了月球的轨道,甚至没有来得及启动天幕伪装。” Recalls the noise disorder that piece in London almost soon soon boils and one is both flooding anxious and eye pupil of blood threads, Russell cannot bear heave a deep sigh: Now the entire governance bureau becomes a hopeless mess randomly, to deal with the Abyss pressure, perhaps other all could not attend.” 回忆起伦敦内的那一片几乎快要快要沸腾的喧嚣乱象和一双双充斥着焦躁和血丝的眼瞳,罗素就忍不住摇头叹息:“现在整个统辖局都乱成一锅粥,为了应对深渊的压力,恐怕其他的全都顾不上了。” The vice-president ponders a moment later, opens the mouth to ask: Our also how long time?” 副校长沉思片刻之后,开口问道:“我们还有多久时间?” „The words of others, one week.” “其他人的话,一周。” Russell thought that helpless letting go: But, digs out the coordination in frontier territory profound adjustments and pre-war conferences as well as various aspects, gave us to only have three days.” 罗素想了一下,无奈的摊手:“不过,抠掉边境深度调整和战前会议以及各方面的协调,给我们的只有三天了。” Saying, he looked to Huai Shi. 说着,他看向了槐诗 Three days?” Huai Shi some do not believe firmly pinched the chin: Sounds still in exploding the range of liver solution?” “三天?”槐诗有些不确信的捏了捏下巴:“听上去还在爆肝解决的范围之内?” Feels like.” “感觉好像是的。” Russell nods, speech time, pretends not to see dark pouche that own family/home vice-presidents. 罗素点头,说话的时候,假装没看到自己家副校长的黑眼圈。 That three days.” “那就三天吧。” Huai Shi patted clapping, attracted everyone's attention: „ Three days of time, laborious everyone adds a wave of class again, handles the final hand tail. 槐诗拍了拍手,吸引了所有人的视线:“三天时间,辛苦大家再加一波班,把最后的手尾搞定。 Has the issue? ” 有问题么?” The silence of flash, no one spoke. 一瞬间的沉默,没有人说话。 Also can not have the issue! 难道还能没有问题么! The issue big went well! 问题大了去了好么! Does not withdraw cash in the condition of Ivory Tower running at full capacity increases the work load again is a crazed matter, you only looked that actually in the recent school doctor place to open many blood pressure medicines and salvolatiles comes out to know everyone be at what condition. 姑且不提现在象牙之塔满负荷运转的状况里再增加工作量是一件多丧心病狂的事情,你只看最近校医处里究竟开了多少降压药和提神药出来就知道每个人处于一个什么样的状态里。 Even if most flows have walked, the material reserves still have been completed, the large-scale equipment that all material, equipment and re-equipping that equipment and Taiyang (Sun) ship but short three days, in 72 hours, must need original sin Legion need completes...... 即便是大部分流程都已经走完,物资储备也早就完成,可短短三天的时间,在72个小时里,要将原罪军团所需要的所有资料、装备、改装设备以及太阳船所需要的大型设备完成…… You look that everyone's blood pressure did speak these words again? 你看着大家的血压再把这句话重新说一遍? That three days.” “那就三天吧。” The positively charged electron woman sighed, pinched out the cigarette of corners of the mouth, lit another: Fitting out department does not have the issue.” 阳子女士叹了口气,将嘴角的烟卷掐灭掉,又点燃另一根:“整备部门没有问题。” „The commodity revolution of Tanba campus will be completed tomorrow afternoon.” After Yuan Yuan forget about it next time, reported: Logistics replenishment does not have the issue, in addition, the capacity gap of total campus we can also solve part.” “丹波校区的物资运转会在明天下午的时候完成。”原缘算了一下时间之后报告:“后勤供应没有问题,除此之外,总校区的产能缺口我们也能解决一部分。” School affairs place a little issue, but is not big, but also in solving range.” Andrea lifts the hand to indicate: I go to other campuses to reassign a manpower to come back.” “校务处有点问题,但不大,还在解决范围内。”安德莉雅抬起手表示:“我去其他校区抽调一点人手回来。” That decided.” “那就这么决定了吧。” The vice-president nods, is still unemotional: Formerly starts, 72 hours, everyone plans the work load on hand, if there is problem, reported to me when necessary.” 副校长点头,依旧面无表情:“从先开始,七十二个小时,大家规划一下自己手头的工作量,如果出现问题的话,随时向我报告。” Good, that asked everyone.” “好,那就拜托大家了。” Huai Shi nodded, had a yawn, turned around to go home to continue to sleep. 槐诗点头,打了个哈欠,转身回家继续睡觉。 Drops out falls into the busy controlling room behind again. 抛下身后再度陷入繁忙的中控室。 From the dawn also four hours, this was his final relaxation time. 距离天亮还有四个小时,这就是他最后的休息时间了。 Three days later all, only then he faces. 三天之后的一切,就只有他去面对。 Long night extending endlessly, but is so also short. 长夜漫漫,但又如此短暂。 When the light when in the chalcedony hall shines goes out, in the quiet campus all lights shine again, just like awakens such from the dream, gradually, brilliantly illuminated. 当石髓馆内亮起的灯光熄灭时,沉寂的校区内所有的灯光再度亮起,宛如从梦中惊醒那样,渐渐的,灯火通明。 From constructing adjusts in the bellow that moves within the framework, center central square appears the huge crevice, opens toward the both sides slowly. 自建筑在框架下调整移动的轰鸣声里,中央广场正中浮现庞大的裂隙,向着两侧缓缓开启。 Just completed the Taiyang (Sun) ship of urgent maintenance also to combine the hull without enough time, under lifting of huge platform, rose the ground, from the towing of train, went forward toward the fitting out region slowly. 刚刚才完成紧急维护的太阳船还来不及重新组合船体,就在庞大平台的托举之下,升上了地面,自列车的拖曳的之下,向着整备区域缓缓前进。 Under heavy/thick dustproof felt-cloth, only then the heart common thunderous sound reverberates faintly. 厚重的防尘毡布之下,只有心脏一般的雷鸣声隐隐回响。 When above the thundering vault of heaven of helicopter flies obsolete, above the land is cast the jet black shadow by the container that the hoisting gets up. 当直升机的轰鸣天穹之上飞过时,被吊装起来的集装箱就在大地之上投下了漆黑的阴影。 The furnace of casting center surges to burn, under promotion of crow people, the assembly line restarts. Under Anton Professor and Gregory's direction, huge parts from melting in the class/flow took shape, fed in the next workshop, conducted in view of the snake person and frost Giant physique adaptive. 铸造中心的熔炉涌动燃烧着,在鸦人们的推动之下,流水线重启。在安东教授和格里高利的指挥之下,一个个庞大的部件自熔流之中成型,送进了下一个车间中,针对蛇人和冰霜巨人的形体进行适配。 Makes the best use of the time, completes the final examination and test. 抓紧时间,完成最后的检验和测试。 But in another head, jet black power armor takes shape in the assembly line gradually, from emitting of mechanical arm, appears the mark of original sin Legion. 而在另一头,一具具漆黑的动力装甲在流水线上渐渐成型,自机械手臂的喷吐之下,浮现出原罪军团的标记。 From the dim light of night resounds just like sound that the dinosaur neighed. 宛如恐龙嘶鸣的声音从夜色之中响起。 In huge transformation workshop, positively charged electron woman behind, in the huge machinery creation deep sleep regains consciousness, these are grasping the assorted transformation tool just like the Giant common arm, aimed at the pale Red Dragon distantly. 就在庞大的改造车间内,阳子女士的身后,庞大的机械造物们沉睡之中苏醒,那些宛如巨人一般的手臂握着各色改造工具,遥遥对准了脸色苍白的红龙。 But the positively charged electron woman is smoking, looks at carefully the schematic diagram that in the hand Sharma was just completing, nods, closes up suddenly. 而阳子女士抽着烟,端详着手中夏尔玛刚刚完成的草图,点了点头,猛然合拢。 Ok, spent for five minutes, I see completely how to change.” “好了,花了五分钟,我已经完全明白怎么改了。” She broke off oneself finger joint, in ka-beng the resounding, cracks into a smile toward the Red Dragon of delay: Remaining having problems , can also correct the present in the process slowly, we start quickly!” 她掰了掰自己的指头骨节,在嘎嘣脆响里,向着呆滞的红龙咧嘴一笑:“剩下的出了问题,也还可以在过程中慢慢纠正现在,咱们赶快开始吧!” Wait, stop! When! Raymond, Raymond you said how words...... you did not speak...... ha......” “等等,stop!待!雷蒙德,雷蒙德你说句话啊……你怎么不说话……哼啊啊啊啊啊……” After a long night of past, the Ivory Tower lowest level, is in the original sin Legion darkness, Huai Shi saw at present the solemn and respectful array. 当漫长的一夜过去之后,象牙之塔的最底层,属于原罪军团的黑暗中,槐诗看到了眼前肃穆的阵列。 Snake people from eternal link, were awarded ‚the non- dead soldiers single knee of name to kneel down, no unruliness, is filling with the respect and excited, toward at present life span, in addition insufficient 1/10 human low head. 来自永恒之环的蛇人们,被授予‘不死者’之称的战士们单膝下跪,毫无任何的桀骜不逊,满怀着敬仰和激动的,向着眼前寿命尚且不足自己十分之一的人类低下了头颅。 Frontline elders and superiors worshipped on bended knees on the ground, both hands holds the bone crown that was bestowed by the eternal link, presented toward Huai Shi. 最前方的尊长者跪拜在地上,双手捧起了由永恒之环所赐下的骨冠,向着槐诗呈上。 Gives loyalty to you, Huai Shi your excellency!” “向您效忠,槐诗阁下!” „Is this then the royal crown heavy?” “这便是冠冕之重么?” Huai Shi is looking at carefully the bone crown in hand, wears in own head: I am very curious, what kind of condition can receive in exchange for the so generous return.” 槐诗端详着手中的骨冠,戴在自己的头上:“我很好奇,如何的条件能换取来如此慷慨的回报。” You said that was I said.” “您所说的,便是我所说。” Elders and superiors lowers the head: Full victory, the full glory, the full death in addition, strove for no other!” 尊长者低着头:“酣畅淋漓的胜利,酣畅淋漓的荣耀,还有酣畅淋漓的死亡除此之外,别无所求!” Huai Shi smiled, even in addition, won't have anything again to you?” 槐诗笑了起来,“即便除此之外,不会再有任何东西给你们?” Even so.” “即便如此。” Elders and superiors nods. 尊长者颔首。 Silent, in him behind, that both ice-cold eye pupil lifts, when they are staring at this slightly thin form, then appears has not had the frantic flame light. 寂静里,就在他身后,那一双双冰冷的眼眸抬起,当他们凝视着这个略显消瘦的身影,便浮现出未曾有过的狂热焰光。 That is ready, everyone, you have the time to enjoy the good food, the good wine, is heartily joyful.” “那就做好准备吧,各位,你们还有时间去享用美食,美酒,尽情欢庆。” Huai Shi lifts the hand, wore the bone crown in the head, smiled toward them: „ Quick, you will go to the battlefield, as my hand and foot, realizes my goal. 槐诗抬起手,将骨冠戴在了头上,向着他们微笑:“很快,你们就会踏上战场,作为我的手足,去实现我的目的。 Told your opponent 去告诉你们的对手 Which one is! ” 何者为强!” He turns around to depart. 他转身离去。 In him behind, frantic slogan just like tide. Provides the quickest revelation forecast to renew for you, the Chapter 1311 final time read free. 在他身后,狂热的呐喊声宛如潮汐。为你提供最快的天启预报更新,第1311章最后的时间免费阅读。
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