AF :: Volume #14

#1311: Request

Compensation? 报偿? Huai Shi gawked, swallowed a spit, diligently maintains calmly: As long as I can achieve.” 槐诗愣了一下,吞了口吐沫,努力的维持镇定:“但凡我能做到的。” But he has not said, then hears Luo Xian sound... 可他还没说完,便听见罗娴声音。。。 That, can ask you to lead me together?” “那么,可以请你带我一起吗?” Luo Xian looks at his eye, treads the previous step: You need the strength, right? If needs tool that may endure the use, amn't I better?” 罗娴看着他的眼睛,踏前一步:“你需要力量,对吧?如果需要可堪使用的工具的话,那我不是更好么?” „......” “……” The Huai Shi delay, for a long time, shakes the head: You know, the Xian elder sister, I have not had such......” 槐诗呆滞,许久,摇头:“你知道的,娴姐,我从未曾有过这样的……” I know.” “我知道。” Luo Xian nods, without change idea: But, if I do want to go?” 罗娴点头,没有改变想法:“可是,如果我想去呢?” „Should I also be Kingdom of Heaven pedigree?” “我应该也是天国谱系吧?” She puts out a hand, is pressing oneself chest, told him: „ The model for painting of road of Paradise, in my soul. Strict, this is also the Utopia property, not? 她伸手,按着自己的胸膛,告诉他:“乐园之路的范本,就在我的灵魂里。严格来说,这也是理想国的财产,不是吗? In any event, shouldn't keep them out? ” 不论如何,都不应该拒之门外吧?” „It is not good.” “不行。” Huai Shi shakes the head, responded decisively. 槐诗摇头,断然回应。 The corrosion of Abyss to soul is influences subtly, and is hard to isolate. 深渊灵魂的侵蚀是潜移默化的,且难以隔绝。 He is impossible to take Luo Xian the risk of condition deterioration, satisfies own desire, let alone, he does not hope Luo Xian, for go to above the battlefield. 他不可能冒着罗娴的状况恶化的风险,去满足自己的欲望,更何况,他不希望罗娴为了自己去战场之上。 Even this is her request. 即便这是她的要求。 „The Hell words, I have also gone.” 地狱的话,我也去过啊。” Luo Xian pulls open the neckband, raised hung to fall- was hanging just like the incomplete fragment of arrow in her napes of the neck. 罗娴拉开领口,提起了吊坠-宛如箭头的残缺碎片就悬挂在她的脖颈之间。 Certificate that from crashing into the Abyss three including the city returns. 从坠入深渊的三连城里归来的凭证。 That was the past destroys god Shiva to use to destroy the arrow of city of Gold, silver and black iron three non- day, even if were only left over the ashes common fragment, changed beyond all recognition under the corrosion of Abyss, but remains as before the past austere cold fierce aura. 那是昔日毁灭之神湿婆用以毁灭黄金、白银和黑铁三座非天之城的一箭,即便只剩下灰烬一般的碎片,在深渊的侵蚀之下面目全非,但依旧残留着昔日肃冷狰狞的气息。 „Do present I have what to change?” “难道现在的我有什么变化么?” She gripped the hand of Huai Shi, lets loose soul, to the investigation of Huai Shi. Faint smile, in his ear in a soft voice twittering: Said, you do need a more careful inspection?” 她握住了槐诗的手,放开灵魂,任由槐诗的探查。似笑非笑的,在他耳边轻声呢喃:“还是说,你需要更加仔细的检查?” But this time, Huai Shi has not seemed like such was blushing in those days the avoidance. 可这一次,槐诗没有像是往日那样红着脸退避。 Also does not have any concessions. 也没有任何的让步。 „The Xian elder sister, you and tool are different.” “娴姐,你和工具是不同的。” Huai Shi looks at her, shakes the head, „, the words of tool buckle, I will be at least satisfied.” 槐诗看着她,摇头,“至少,工具折损的话,我会心安理得。” That uses me.” “那就使用我吧。” Luo Xian is smiling as before, adjuration: Looking like uses the tool to be the same, probably uses her the same as use me, wasn't good?” 罗娴依旧微笑着,恳请:“就像是使用工具一样,像是使用她一样使用我,不就好了么?” „It is not good!” “一点都不好!” Huai Shi enhanced sound, broke her words, in brief, this matter has not resulted in business......” 槐诗提高了声音,打断了她的话语,“总之,这件事情没得商……” Luo Xian tilts the head, looks at him: Even this is my desire?” 罗娴歪头,看着他:“即便这是我的愿望?” The Huai Shi opens the mouth wants to say. 槐诗张口欲言。 But Luo Xian has not waited for him to speak again, but before treading, one step, spanned the final distance, grasped him gently. 罗娴没有等他再说话,只是踏前了一步,跨越了最后的距离,轻轻的抱住了他。 The Huai Shi expression vacillated flickered, difficult shaking the head: 槐诗的表情动摇了一瞬,艰难的摇头: Xian elder sister, sorry, I do not have the means to promise you.” “娴姐,抱歉,我没办法答应你。” That shoves open me, Huai Shi.” “那就将我推开吧,槐诗。” Luo Xian by his shoulder, is smelling the familiar flavor thin, said in a soft voice: Orders me, making me leave your side, I can go to the chalcedony hall, peaceful you came back, go to other places.” 罗娴靠在他的肩膀上,细嗅着熟悉的味道,轻声说:“命令我,让我离开你的身边,我可以去石髓馆里,安安静静的等你回来,去其他的地方也可以。” I can handle anything.” “我可以去做任何事情。” She said that „, if this is you wants.” 她说,“如果这是你想要的话。” Huai Shi is silent. 槐诗沉默着。 Silent sighed, closed the eye. 无声一叹,闭上了眼睛。 If I do issue the order to you?” He asked. “如果我对你下达命令呢?”他问。 I comply with.” “那我就遵从。” Luo Xian replied, just like natural, does not have the slight hesitation. 罗娴回答,宛如理所当然的一样,没有丝毫的犹豫。 „......” “……” Huai Shi several times of yawns, finally, the stiff body relaxed gradually, has to self-ridicule smiles: „ If...... if original sin Legion goes to enter the war, I need you to keep in the Taiyang (Sun) ship, Xian elder sister, regardless of outside tactical situation how, regardless had anything. 槐诗数度张口,最终,僵硬的身体渐渐放松了下来,只得自嘲的一笑:“倘若……倘若原罪军团前往参战的话,我需要你留在太阳船里,娴姐,不论外面战况如何,不论发生了什么。 Will have the medical treatment and nursing group to monitor your condition momentarily, once deteriorates...... ” 会有医护小组随时监控你的状况,一旦恶化的话……” Returns to Current Territories immediately, right?” Asking that Luo Xian understands clearly. “就立刻回归现境,对吧?”罗娴了然的问。 Right.” Huai Shi nods. “对。”槐诗点头。 She raised the head, is looking at carefully the face of Huai Shi, curious asking: „It looks like flowery, was protected by you?” 她抬起头来,端详着槐诗的面孔,好奇的问:“就像是花儿一样,被你保护起来?” „...... Not, perhaps if when the time comes, the condition if serious, I could not protect you.” “……不,如果到时候,状况严重的话,恐怕我也保护不了你了。” Huai Shi thinks, told her earnestly: If I were injured, was protected me by you.” 槐诗想了一下,认真的告诉她:“如果我受伤了的话,就由你来保护我吧。” Luo Xian smiled. 罗娴笑了起来。 Being filled with joy. 满心欢喜。 This is your order, Huai Shi?” “这是你的命令吗,槐诗?” No, is only the request.” “不,只是请求而已。” Huai Shi shakes the head, „will the Xian elder sister you reject me?” 槐诗摇头,“娴姐你会拒绝我么?” I will engrave on mind.” “我会铭记在心。” Luo Xian replied with a smile, retroceded slowly one step, raised the skirt swayed toward him slightly, bowed to salute. 罗娴笑着回答,缓缓的后退了一步,向着他微微提起裙摆,屈膝行礼。 Such gentle graceful smile, is the same just like the true princess, making Huai Shi be out of sorts slightly. 那样柔和优雅的笑容,宛如真正的公主一样,让槐诗微微失神。 May look at the Huai Shi dull appearance, her smile then even more bright, hugs his time again, filling with is joyful and happy. 可看着槐诗呆呆的样子,她的笑容便越发的明朗,再度拥抱他的时候,满怀着喜悦和愉快。 Even so, isn't willing to issue the order to me?” “即便是这样,也不愿意向我发出命令么?” The gentle surprise attack blows on the face of Huai Shi, such smile makes Huai Shi unable to move to the eye: So to be why gentle, Huai Shi?” 轻柔的突袭吹在槐诗的脸上,那样的笑容让槐诗移不开眼睛:“何必如此温柔呢,槐诗?” Perhaps had finally on the 1st, in I incurable crashing into Abyss?” “或许终有一日,我会无可救药的坠入深渊里吧?” When the Huai Shi opens the mouth, wants to refute time, then saw that her eye pupil is close. 槐诗张口,想要反驳的时候,便看到她的眼瞳已经近在咫尺。 Is hugging him, probably is afraid him to run away such. 拥抱着他,好像害怕他逃走那样。 Then makes an effort. 那么用力的。 But the touch on lip is so gentle, warm, brings is not concealing the attachment that and has not experienced the aggressiveness and acquisitive instinct, greedy wants to flood his all. 可嘴唇上的触感却如此轻柔,温暖,带着并不掩饰的眷恋和未曾体验过的侵略性和占有欲,贪婪的想要充斥他的一切。 Until his brain blank. 直到他的大脑一片空白。 Even if he suffocates in the delay, is not willing to loosen. 哪怕他在呆滞中窒息,也不愿意松开。 Feels on the lip the sudden stabbing pain slightly, seemed broken by biting generally, but is quick, the slight pain also dissolves during was enchanted by. 感觉到嘴唇上突如其来的微微刺痛,仿佛被咬破了一般,但很快,细微的痛楚也溶解在了迷醉之中。 Some traces that staying behind is only hard to distinguish. 只留下难以分辨的些许痕迹。 Finally, she retroceded finally a point, left behind idle of panting for breath to Huai Shi. 最后,她终于后退了一点,给槐诗留下了喘息的空余。 Then, smiling, is tasting the smell of blood of tip of tongue surviving, finally, in his ear in a soft voice twittering: Therefore, before that please first let me be drown to death in your toleration, Your Highness Prince.” 就这样,微笑着,回味着舌尖残存的血腥味,最后,在他的耳边轻声呢喃:“所以,在那之前,请先让我在你的纵容中溺死吧,‘王子殿下’。” Only belongs my, Your Highness Prince. 只属于我的,王子殿下。 …… …… …… …… Within a half hour, in the records depository of governance bureau, was the original sin Legion list to welcome the first renewal 半个小时之后,统辖局的档案库中,属于原罪军团的名单迎来了第一次更新 In Legion long Huai Shi behind, presented two names. 军团槐诗的后面,出现了两个名字。 Already oceanic trench prison felon as everyone expected, Green Day ten disasters blood floods. 一个是早已经在所有人预料之中的海沟监狱重犯,绿日十灾・血水灾。 And, Eastern Xia record/native place Sublimator, in the meantime, Kingdom of Heaven pedigree the road of Paradise fourth-order daughter. 以及,东夏升华者,同时,天国谱系乐园之路・四阶・海的女儿。 Luo Xian! 罗娴 Mother-” “妈耶-” In the frontier territory Dark Web gloomy palace, innumerably just like the bird common round trip letter paper and information, KP put out a hand suddenly, intercepted one, is looking at carefully the above information carefully. 边境暗网的阴暗殿堂中,无数宛如飞鸟一般来去的信笺和情报中,KP忽然伸手,截住了其中的一封,仔细端详着上面的情报。 The instinct from phenomenon spirit starts to revolve, by a spot, then has only sneaked a peek at the fuzzy outline of overall picture. 来自事象精魂的本能开始运转,只凭借一斑,便已经窥见全豹的模糊轮廓。 KP taps the head, has a big shock: KP一拍脑袋,大惊失色: „- Was stolen the family/home, the important matter is not good!” “-被人偷家了,大事不好了啊!” His form twinkle, vanishes in the palace suddenly, appears in the impractical illusory space, upward migration layer by layer, until the return reality, condense the physique, went into the central palace. 他的身影骤然一个闪烁,消失在殿堂里,紧接着出现在架空的虚幻空间里,一层又一层的向上迁移,直到回归现实,重新凝聚出形体,闯入了中央殿堂。 Then, sees the facial expression of Lily doubts. 然后,看到莉莉疑惑的神情。 „Does Mr. KP, what matter have?” “KP先生,有什么事情吗?” „......” “呃……” The expression change of KP, detected the look that ST coldly, is laughing suddenly a row of head: Ah, Lily, does not see for a long time!” KP的表情变化,察觉到ST冷冷的眼神,忽然大笑着一排脑袋:“啊呀,莉莉,好久不见!” Just liking the safe/without matter is ordinary, collects, curious asking: 恍若无事一般,凑上去,好奇的问道: What are you busy at?” “你在忙什么啊?” Work.” “工作啊。” Lily referred to entire Dark Web being built on stilts the complicated structure that phenomenon presented innumerably: Yes, reorganizes the data, adjusts the revolution logic of internal structure, these...... were sealed in the phenomenon spirit of Dark Web floor.” 莉莉指了指整个暗网无数架空事象所呈现的繁复结构:“就是,整理一下数据,调整一下内部构架的运转逻辑,还有那些……被封存在暗网底层的事象幽灵。” She stopped, is somewhat anxious: Recently they very manic appearance, does not know probably had anything. Several quite friendly spirits, refuse to exchange now, I was a little worried.” 她停顿了一下,有些不安:“最近它们好像很狂躁的样子,不知道发生了什么。原本还有几个比较友善的幽灵,现在也拒绝交流了,我有点担心。” Doesn't matter, Three Sages System, them could not run the stack area.” KP superficial waving: These things give us to come on the line, the old seniors are the quite fierce and brutal types, might frighten you.” “没关系,三贤人系统还在,它们就跑不出堆栈区。”KP轻描淡写的挥手:“那些事情交给我们来就行,老前辈们都是比较凶暴的类型,有可能会吓到你呢。” This is the Dark Web real work. 这才是暗网真正的工作。 In few several survival departments as the past Kingdom of Heaven spare server unit, during they construct one to be unreal the impractical labyrinth, is ordinary just like the prisoner's cage, the spirit when with seal Kingdom of Heaven to fall from the sky in those days the innumerable item record deposition and distortion forms. 作为昔日天国的备用服务器机组中为数不多的几个幸存部门,他们构建出一个虚幻之中的架空迷宫,宛如囚笼一般,用以封存往日天国陨落时无数事项记录沉积和畸变所形成的幽灵。 These even cannot say that has the reason monster, once goes out from the Dark Web medium-distance running, will flee in all directions in the innumerable stories and cognition, initiates not to know many pollution and disasters. 那些甚至称不上有理智的怪物,一旦从暗网中跑出去,就会流窜在无数故事和认知之中,引发不知道多少污染和灾害。 Because originally Three Sages System these broken matters, can only the running at full capacity have no time to attend to other things, Ms. Tong who Ji since some well-known does not have supported all phenomena on earth celestial sphere, is relying on the internal infinite virtual parallel world, is relaxes finally. 原本三贤人系统因为这些破事儿,只能满负荷运转无暇他顾,而自从某位知名不具的彤姬女士赞助了万象天球,凭借着内部无穷的虚拟平行世界,总算才算松了口气。 But after having the creation of Lily such record management science Lord, labyrinth thorough complete. 而有了莉莉这样的记录管理学的创作主之后,迷宫已经彻底完备。 Remaining is patient and persistent work sets at variance these to pester in the together record slowly, can return to the original condition returns to the original condition, being difficult to change...... gives to rip card to solve. 剩下的就是水磨工夫的去慢慢解构那些纠缠在一起的记录,能够恢复原状的就恢复原状,积重难返的……就交给撕卡器来解决。 It is not the major problem. 不是什么大问题。 Do not turn into the workaholic, Lily, the work must be done, the life has also wanted, this can be completely.” KP collects, pulled down sound: Recently your sentiment lived -” “不要变成工作狂啊,莉莉,工作要做,生活也要过,这样才算得上完整嘛。”KP凑过去,压低了声音:“最近你的那个感情生噗-” In KP fierce choking coughs, ST unemotional took back the elbow. 在KP剧烈的呛咳中,ST面无表情的收回了手肘。 The elbow of being repeatedly tempered strikes! 千锤百炼的肘击! Routs the wicked interests of all pleasure people. 击溃一切乐子人的恶趣味。 Then, unknowingly, reveals the pistol handle in pocket, depending on the context, can turn at any time to the KP special-purpose rocket projectile. 然后,不经意间,露出口袋里的手枪握柄,根据情况,也可以随时变成对KP专用火箭弹。 cough cough, I mean the friendship! That friendship lives, has the progress?” KP difficult squeezes a smile, I just thought, Huai Shi that boy does not see for a long time, hadn't you...... met recently?” 咳咳,我是说友情!那个友情生活啊,有没有进展?”KP艰难的挤出一个笑容,“我刚刚想起来,槐诗那小子好久不见啊,你们最近……没见面么?” ?” “唔?” Lily is vacant: We have every day are chatting.” 莉莉茫然:“我们每天都有在聊天啊。” Saying, puts out the cell phone, gives him to demonstrate picture that Huai Shi sends in: You looked, recently the office turned into this appearance, the game that he recently bought, this...... he celebrated a birthday few days ago, I deliver his string ahead of time, does not know him to like, he gave back to me to send this, you looked.” 说着,拿出手机,给他展示槐诗发来的照片:“你看,最近办公室都变成这个样子了,还有他最近买的游戏,还有这个……前些日子他过生日的时候,我提前送他的琴弦,不知道他喜不喜欢,他还给我寄了这个,你看。” Saying, her eye one bright, carries a box from the table, puts out a hat from inside. 说着,她眼睛一亮,从桌子下面端出一个箱子,从里面拿出一个帽子。 After the belt/bring comes up, above also has the small antlers of two Q versions. 带上去之后,上面还有两只Q版的小鹿角。 Full cute. 十足可爱。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” She looks to KP, the questionnaire opinion: He said that is very suitable I, I always feel somewhat weakly.” 她看向KP,征求意见:“他说很适合我,我总觉得有些幼稚。” Where words, ultra cute!” “哪里的话,超可爱!” KP applauds, acclaims: Our family/home Lily, first under heaven!” KP鼓掌,赞叹:“我们家莉莉,天下第一啊!” After praising, when has turned head, could not bear want the scratching tears quietly. 只是,夸奖完了之后,回过头时,忍不住想要悄悄的擦眼泪。 After inquiring the situation, he found an excuse to travel casually. 打听完情况之后,他就随便找个借口跑路了。 Out goes out, he squats on the stair, pulls out the electronic smoke is face upwarding the deep sigh time, actually discovered that ST also with, sat in his side, was filled with disconsolately. 走出门外,他蹲在台阶上,抽着电子烟仰天长叹的时候,却发现ST也跟出来,坐在了他的旁边,满心惆怅。 Has the smoke?” “有烟吗?” „, Tonka Ross, hasn't your taste changed?” “喏,唐卡洛斯,你口味没变吧?” KP extracts a copper pipe from the pocket, but a ST ball, the cigar cuts conveniently unexpectedly does not use, rare did not speak biting open of demeanor, pulled out two ruthlessly. KP从口袋里抽出一根铜管,而ST随手一弹,竟然连雪茄剪都不用了,罕见的不讲风度的咬开,狠抽了两口。 When looks at each other with KP, two people being unable to bear simultaneously a deep sigh. 在和KP对视的时候,两人就忍不住同时一声长叹。 Then, slight sound transmits, by KP. 然后,细微的声音传来,就在KP旁边。 Passed by DM, saw their appearances, followed to sit, followed they to exhibit the serious appearance diligently together. 路过的DM,看到他们的样子,也跟着坐了下来,努力的跟着他们一起摆出严肃的样子。 You how?” KP is vacant. “你怎么了?”KP茫然。 No, I look at you also......” DM awkward letting go of old person appearance, how? On appearance of heavyhearted rooftop? Did the floor have the matter?” “不,我看你们也……”老人模样的DM尴尬的摊手,“怎么了?忧心忡忡上天台的样子?底层出事儿了?” What let alone, had reached the limit down.” “什么都别说了,已经跌停了。” The KP stopper passes a tobacco pipe, smokes.” KP塞过去一个烟斗,“抽烟吧。” Receiving that DM is confused. DM一头雾水的接过来。 Ignition. 点燃。 In this awkward silence, the tobacco pipe, the atomizer of cigar and in electronic smoke is ascending the white fog of nicotine, blurred three different faces. 在这尴尬的沉默里,烟斗,雪茄和电子烟的雾化器里升腾着尼古丁的白雾,模糊了三张不同的面孔。 When the breeze of distant place blows, in the smog of dissemination, the KP corner of the eye then appears to be the old parents' bitter tears. 当远方的微风吹来,弥散的烟雾中,KP眼角便浮现属于老父母的辛酸泪光。 This wave, this wave of we lost the hemp. 这一波啊,这一波咱们输麻了。 Off topic 题外话 Tomorrow asks for leave to go to the hospital, therefore, today's Gengxinli first puts a lethal dose the sugar( to scatter 明天请假去医院,所以,今天的更新里先放个致死量的糖(撒
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