AF :: Volume #14

#1310: Hey, Utopia

In the corridor outside prisoner's cage. 囚笼之外的走廊里。 Huai Shi looks down time on the phone screen, only feels an irritation. 槐诗低头看着手机屏幕上的时间,只感觉到一阵烦躁。 15 minutes had passed, inside seems to have no result probably. Even cannot hear sound of what battle, but makes one unable to bear the worry be have anything. 十五分钟的时间已经过去了,里面好像似乎还是没什么结果。即便是听不见什么争斗的声音,但却让人忍不住担心会发生什么。 After all is the blood floods. 毕竟是血水灾啊。 He is a little anxious. 他有点不安。 If her ominous does not change, anything can do. 倘若她凶性不改的话,什么都做得出来。 Huai Shi pulled the knot of sleeve cuff, in the eye flashed through together cold light-, if really did not know the good and evil, oneself can only...... before the Xian elder sister killed her gave a try can rescue comes back. 槐诗扯了扯袖口的扣子,眼中闪过一道冷光-要是真的不识好歹的话,那自己只能……在娴姐把她打死之前试试看能不能救得回来了。 Thinks of here, he cannot bear scratch the head. 想到这里,他就忍不住挠头。 Suspicion of the heart, recommendation of Fu Yi, really credible? 发自内心的怀疑,傅依的推荐,真的靠谱么? Incurable, waits for death, said goodbye.” “没救啦,等死吧,告辞。” Yesterday evening, after finishing eating the food, Huai Shi put out Guelaud file, let new promote silence Miss Fu Yi to the opinion and means time, heard the so neat reply. 昨天晚上,吃完饭之后,槐诗拿出葛洛瑞亚的档案,让新晋缄默者傅依小姐给个意见和办法的时候,听见了如此干脆利落的回复。 After Fu Yi looks at the psychological evaluating parameter of p. 1, holds the fist in the other hand on both hands, Bian Que third even/including. 傅依看完第一页的心理评估参数之后,就双手抱拳,扁鹊三连。 Wait!” “等等!” Huai Shi rushes to catch her sleeve cuff, „is so difficult? Your silence don't handle?” 槐诗赶忙拽住她的袖口,“真这么难么?你们缄默者都搞不定?” Silence is not multipurpose good?” “缄默者也不是万能的好么?” Fu Yi shot a look at his one eyes with the strange look, words that can handle also with obtaining now?” 傅依用古怪的眼神瞥了他一眼,“能搞定的话还用得到现在么?” Does not wait for Huai Shi to continue to ask, will then reverse two pages the file conveniently in the future, lost on the table: „ Said that baffles is not difficult, but is not to you easy.. 紧接着,不等槐诗继续发问,便随手把档案往后翻了两页,丢在了桌子上:“说难倒也不难,但对你来说就不容易了。。 Regardless of you promised that anything is useless. The type like her, will not listen to you to speak. 不论你许诺什么都没用。像她这样的类型,是不会听你讲话的。 Either you demolish her thoroughly, either lets bow to you who she is willing......, but this, you must be careful even frequently she can carry the thorn. 要么你彻底摧垮她,要么让她心甘情愿的向你低头……但就算是这样,你要时刻小心她会背刺。 Only if...... ” 除非……” After subtle stop, Fu Yi facial expression suddenly even more strange: Words said, you have tried PUA?” 在微妙的停顿之后,傅依的神情忽然越发的古怪:“话说,你有试过PUA么?” You worked as anything me!” “你把我当什么了!” Huai Shi is angry to pat the table: „Am I such person?” 槐诗大怒拍桌:“我是那样的人么?” That may perhaps ~ “那可就说不定咯~” Fu Yi is mystifying, both hands thoughts, cold snort/hum: I know, you get rich in Hell, have Astronomy Association to protect you, you cross very well, you do not need......” 傅依阴阳怪气起来,双手抱怀,冷哼着:“我知道,你在地狱里发了财,有天文会保护你,你过得很好,你不需……” Uncle Fu Yi, I made a mistake, I made a mistake-” 傅依叔叔,我错了,我错了-” Huai Shi raises both hands to ask for mercy, reaches one's goal instantly directly, among our good brothers the geomancy to transfer in turn, the irrelevant link abbreviates directly: Giving me selects the prompt to be good?” 槐诗举起双手告饶,直接一步到位,咱们好兄弟之间风水轮流转,无关环节直接省略:“给我点提示行不行?” „...... The prompt has given you.” “……提示已经给你了啊。” Fu Yi sympathy looks at him: „ Wanted me saying that won over such person also to have the means. Although the attitude of opposite party will be very strong, but if conducts the communication with the appropriate way and status, she will be better than to speak the estimate during also perhaps. The premise, is to make the opposite party approve is good. 傅依同情的看着他:“要我说,争取这样的人也不是没办法。虽然对方的态度会很强硬,但如果采用恰当的方式和身份进行沟通的话,她会比预想之中更好说话也说不定。前提,是让对方认可才行。 Only pitifully, Astronomy Association running dog, toot toot, PASS! ” 只可惜,天文会的走狗,嘟嘟,PASS!” Her both arms in chest front overlapping, simulates the wrong warning sound: You are not in the list that she may exchange from the start, Huai Shi, how do you make me offer advice to you?” 她的双臂在胸前交叉,模拟出错误的警报音:“你压根就不在她可交流的列表里啊,槐诗,你让我怎么给你出主意?” That what to do?” Huai Shi scratches the head. “那怎么办?”槐诗挠头。 Easy to do, person who looks for not to belong to Astronomy Association goes to say with her- premise is ability that this person has to make her settle listens quietly himself to speak, simultaneously the affinity strength and persuasive power cannot be too low, best sympathize again gently.” “好办啊,找个不属于天文会的人去跟她讲咯-前提是这个人具备让她安静听自己说话的能力,同时亲和力和说服力也不能太低,最好再温柔体贴一点。” Liu Dongli?” Huai Shi eye one bright. 柳东黎?”槐诗眼睛一亮。 Really silly, Huai Shi,” “真傻啊,槐诗,” Fu Yi is sighing, transferred the screen of oneself cell phone. 傅依叹息着,调转了自己手机的屏幕。 On before the screen is came from soon , the picture in chalcedony hall. 屏幕上是一张来自不久之前石髓馆里的照片。 After night of UNO, on the face of everyone smudged colorful, brimming with is joyful and happy. 在一夜的UNO之后,每个人的脸上都被涂抹的五颜六色,洋溢着喜悦和美好。 But that fair finger is moving slowly, has swept the picture. 而那一根白皙的手指缓缓移动着,扫过照片。 Finally, stopped in the Huai Shi side. 最后,停在了槐诗的身旁。 That is embracing his neck, person who the probably little girl laughed heartily equally joyfully. 那个揽着他的脖子,像是小女孩儿一样快乐欢笑的人。 Luo Xian. 罗娴 Why doesn't make that princess palace get down with her to chat?” “为什么不让那位公主殿下去跟她谈谈呢?” Fu Yi holds the chin, in a soft voice twittering: „Will some people be more appropriate than her?” 傅依托着下巴,轻声呢喃:“难道还有人会比她更合适吗?” ...... …… The short recollection is broken by the sound of footsteps that the corridor end transmitted. 短暂的回忆被走廊尽头传来的脚步声打断了。 So low and deep. 如此低沉。 Just like every step tramples above the foundation of prison such, spirited overbearing, even is still insufferably arrogant in the prisoner's cage. 宛如每一步都践踏在监狱的根基之上那样,昂扬霸道,即便是在囚笼中也不可一世。 The tall and strong man carries the towel, is scratching the wet hair, leisurely strolls to forward. 魁梧的男人扛着毛巾,擦着湿漉漉的头发,信步向前。 After seeing is not here visiting, then stares slightly. 看到不属于这里的拜访者之后,便微微一愣。 I remember that you are called...... Huai Shi?” “我记得你是叫做……槐诗?” The former Yingzhou father, the ghost cubic meter your excellency is shooting a look at his appearance, is only one, then as if understood anything: „Isn't your boy......, this crucial point, Legion recruits here?” 前任的瀛洲大君,鬼公方阁下瞥着他的模样,只是一眼,便仿佛明白了什么:“你小子在这里……唔,这个节骨眼,难道是军团征募么?” He looked to the Huai Shi chest front, actually could not see anything to symbolize, was even more curious: 他看向了槐诗胸前,却看不到什么标志,越发好奇: Which Legion?” “哪个军团?” Sudden meeting, the Huai Shi also stunned moment, shows a faint smile at once, replied: original sin.” 突如其来的见面,槐诗也愕然片刻,旋即微微一笑,回答道:“原罪。” This time, was one's turn the general to be shocked. 这一次,轮到将军愣住了。 Probably has not thought to be the same completely. 好像完全没想到一样。 It is not able to understand that actually outside to have anything, does not conceal own suspicion. 也无法理解外面究竟发生了什么,也并不掩饰自己的怀疑。 Finally, slowly the nod, resembling is the applause: 最后,缓缓点头,似是赞许: Builds with your Kingdom of Heaven pedigree very much.” “和你们天国谱系很搭。” But Huai Shi, looks that his feels relieved then the attire, curious asking: Your this is......” 槐诗,也看着他这一身轻便装束,好奇的问:“您这是……” Escapes from prison? 越狱啦? Looks at the calm appearance, not like. 看着气定神闲的样子,不像啊。 135 escape from prison, 246 put into prison, on Sunday makes the Americas more free. 一三五越狱,二四六收监,星期天让美洲更加自由。 The life of oceanic trench prison is really happy. 海沟监狱的生活真美好啊。 Just the movement ended.” “刚运动完。” The general is scratching the water drop on hair, not to worry or care about at all reply: Is staying in this gym no damned place, the time grew, the person discarded, must find the opportunity to jog.” 将军擦着头发上的水珠,满不在意的回答:“在这种连个健身房都没有的鬼地方呆着,时间长了,人都废掉了,总要找机会跑跑步。” Here, jogs?” “在这里,跑步?” Huai Shi felt the matter weirdly. 槐诗感觉事情邪门了起来。 Although thinks that the general hu-hu runs up and down in the prison staircase a little wants to smile, may see on the opposite party not the dry/does water mark, cannot bear have some type...... the absurd guess. 虽然想到将军呼哧呼哧的在监狱楼梯上跑上跑下就有点想笑,可看到对方身上未干的水迹,就忍不住产生某种……荒谬的猜测。 „, Right, sometimes also outside.” “啊,对的,有时候也会在外面。” The general as if said unknowingly lets words that the person has a scare, you should also try, the fighting spirit of appropriate pressure on maintaining is very effective.” 将军似乎不经意间说了让人吓一跳的话,“你也应该试试,适当的压力对维持斗志很有效。” „, forget about it.” “呃,算了。” Huai Shi had not planned that competes temporarily with the deep sea hydraulic pressure of entire Earth. 槐诗还暂时不打算跟整个地球的深海水压较劲。 Moreover looks at the appearance of opposite party, probably with going out takes a walk same...... this is not the general oddness. 而且看对方的样子,好像跟出门遛个弯一样……这就不是一般的离谱。 The general nods, has not continued this topic. 将军点头,并没有继续这个话题。 Looked at a Huai Shi stand the position, nearby strobe, he then understands clearly: „ Blood floods? Very is actually appropriate- that insane woman, will not be perhaps easy-to-use, again how tame, perhaps must put on the chewability to be good. 看了一眼槐诗站着的位置,还有旁边的闸门,他便了然:“血水灾么?倒是挺合适-那个疯女人,恐怕不会太好用,再怎么驯服,恐怕也要戴上嚼头才行。 Ha, although this point I do not suspect you, but...... ” 哈,虽然这一点我不怀疑你,不过……” His faint smile looked at Huai Shi: „Can your hand pinch the leather whip?” 他似笑非笑的看了一眼槐诗:“你的手捏得住皮鞭么?” Huai Shi shakes the head, I do not need that type of thing.” 槐诗摇头,“我不需要那种东西。” Also right.” “也对。” The general resembled understood anything: Hey, Utopia-” 将军似是明白了什么:“嘿,理想国啊-” He turns around to depart. 他转身离去。 Ka! 咔! Strobe opening. 闸门开启。 Huai Shi could not attend to the general immediately, rushed turn head to look at the past, only saw in that darkness, Luo Xian walked, smiling, was gesticulating a OK hand signal toward Huai Shi. 槐诗顿时顾不上将军了,赶忙回头看过去,只看到那一片黑暗里,罗娴走出来,微笑着,向着槐诗比划了一个OK的手势。 Handle! 搞定! But the footsteps that not far away, the general departs stop unexpectedly in same place, looked at Luo Xian, asked Huai Shi, that was your......” 而不远处,将军离去的脚步竟然停在原地,看了一眼罗娴,问槐诗,“那是你的……” Assistant.” “助理。” Without he said, Huai Shi interrupted his words. 没等他说完,槐诗就打断了他的话。 ?” The general smiles, pinches the chin, the appreciation is acclaiming: Is a good woman.” “唔?”将军笑起来,捏着下巴,欣赏赞叹:“是个好女人啊。” Then, then saw unemotional Huai Shi. 然后,便看到了面无表情的槐诗 Blocks in front of his line of sight. 拦在他的视线前面。 Do not have her idea, the general.” The prompt of Huai Shi politeness, best not think about it.” “别打她的主意,将军阁下。”槐诗礼貌的提示,“最好想都别想。” „......” “……” In the short silence, the eyebrow of general shoulders, as if understood anything, cannot help but chuckle. 短暂的沉默里,将军的眉毛挑起,似乎明白了什么,不由得轻笑一声。 Hey, Utopia......” “嘿,理想国啊……” He looked at Huai Shi finally, turns around to depart. 他最后看了一眼槐诗,转身离去。 Has waited for that fellow to step on the step of refusing to acknowledge family to vanish in the darkness, Huai Shi took back the line of sight, looks to Luo Xian behind. 一直等那个家伙踩着六亲不认的步子消失在黑暗里,槐诗才收回了视线,看向罗娴身后。 Then, silly on the spot. 然后,傻愣在原地。 Lying trough, this who?” “卧槽,这谁?” In Luo Xian behind, follows close on to walk a form. 就在罗娴身后,紧跟着走出来一个身影。 The hair's length only to ears, the bright red color looks like the flame to be the same. Lowers the head, only reveals the fair profile, wears slightly somewhat spacious jeans and T-shirt, barefoot steps on the floor. 齐耳短发,鲜红的色彩就像是火焰一样。低着头,只露出白皙的侧脸,穿着一身略微有些宽大的牛仔裤和T恤,光着脚踩在地板。 Spread the finger of gem color cuticle cream to shrink in the sleeve cuff, but always had 12 reveal outside, instead was more eye-catching. 涂了宝石色指甲油的手指想要缩进袖口里面,但总有一两根露在了外面,反而更加吸引人眼球。 After responding, again without the beforehand distress and fierceness, even does intentionally desolately, but appears some as before cute......? 在搭理完毕之后,再没有之前的狼狈和狰狞,即便是故作冷淡,但依旧显得有些……可爱? Especially the age, seeming like only 18-19 years old is probably same. 尤其是年纪,看上去大概才18-19岁一样。 Sees Huai Shi damn the same facial expression, Guelaud look becomes fierce, raised the head, routine wants the mouth to spit fragrantly. 看见槐诗见了鬼一样的神情,葛洛瑞亚的眼神就变得凶恶起来,抬起头,习惯性的就想要口吐芬芳。 But, was being pressed the shoulder by Luo Xian, front advances. 可紧接着,就被罗娴按着肩膀,推到前面来。 Self-satisfied demonstration. 得意展示。 Clang clang!” “铛铛!” Luo Xian smile: What kind of? Did the girl dress up completely to be different from before?” 罗娴微笑:“怎么样?女孩子打扮一下是不是就和以前完全不一样了?” „......” “……” Huai Shi swallowed a spit, difficult nod. 槐诗吞了口吐沫,艰难点头。 Tells the truth, truly. 有一说一,确实。 Yes?” “是吧?” Luo Xian helps her pull the sleeve cuff happily, is reorganizing the collar, finally said to her in a soft voice: Troubles you first to wait for me, how many clothes waits to meet me to accompany you to select, you look, such design how? Succinct natural......” 罗娴愉快的帮她挽着袖口,整理着衣领,最后轻声对她说:“麻烦你先等一下我,等会我去陪你挑几件衣服,你看,就这样的款式怎么样?简练大方……” Guelaud lip moved, as if must refute to be the same, may arrive finally, is only impatient nod. 葛洛瑞亚的嘴唇动了一下,仿佛要反驳一样,可到最后,只是不耐烦的点了点头。 As you like.” “随你。” She does not be excessive, begins to shatter in any case, will only waste money.” 她别过头,“反正一动手就会坏掉,只会浪费钱。” Such...... obedient? 这么……听话的吗? The Huai Shi person was silly. 槐诗人傻了。 Felt oneself and Luo Xian play version had the new disparity and difference. 感觉自己和罗娴的游戏版本出现了新的差距和分歧。 After Guelaud arrives at the distant place waiting, then cannot bear asks Luo Xian in a low voice: How Senior Sister do you achieve?” 等葛洛瑞亚走到远处等待之后,便忍不住低声问罗娴:“师姐你是怎么做到的?” Luo Xian thought that the nod: Chatted a life and ideal, is good.” 罗娴想了一下,点头:“聊了一下人生和理想,就好啦。” Real false?” Huai Shi is unbelievable. “真的假的?”槐诗难以置信。 „, Naturally finally by the love, the love is not omnipotent!” “唔,当然最后是靠爱啊,爱是无所不能的嘛!” Luo Xian does not understand that Huai Shi is why unreadable, „ before me, has really tested the qualifications document of counselor, is insufficient a talk to screw up? 罗娴不明白槐诗为何难以理解,“我之前可是真的有考过心理咨询师的资格证件的,不至于一个谈话都搞砸吧? Said...... ” 还是说……” After stopped slightly one next, her smile is mischievous: You thought that what I will make to her?” 略微的停顿了一下之后,她的笑容促狭起来:“你觉得我会对她做什么吗?” „, cough cough.” “呃,咳咳。” The Huai Shi awkward moving away line of sight, speaks the truth, was a little worried-, if she does not know good from bad to attack you, blocks you , helping you punch her together.” 槐诗尴尬的移开视线,“说实话,是有点担心-如果她不知好歹袭击你的话,是拦住你,还是帮你一起揍她一顿。” Really repugnant, Huai Shi.” “真讨厌啊,槐诗。” Luo Xian shakes the head, told him earnestly: I may not have is so easy to love another.” 罗娴摇头,认真的告诉他:“我可没有那么容易移情别恋的。” The tranquil eye pupil, is producing an inverted image his face. 平静的眼瞳,倒映着他的面孔。 Also only then his existence. 也只有他一个人的存在。 Person who wants to kill truly, I have. 真正想要杀死的人,我早就已经有了。 Huai Shi is silent, for a long time, said in a soft voice: Thank you, Xian elder sister.” 槐诗沉默,许久,轻声说:“谢谢你,娴姐。” Thanked enough?” “谢谢就够了吗?” Luo Xian winked a eye, suddenly approached a point, spits the breath as if close, asking of hope: Without other compensation?” 罗娴眨了一下眼睛,忽然凑近了一点,吐息仿佛都近在咫尺,期盼的问:“没有其他的报偿么?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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